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Adam's Journey

Rating: 181
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Posts: 1914
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Well I guess invoking Potter kept the magic going. Again. Great to see you back Stormy. Hope the early return is better news for you for a change.

I must say I seem to share your premonition of the Ranger man. No good can come of it I fear, and I would like to see just what Kori makes of her finger licking good snack too. I just wonder who will keep our fair Tiffany warm at night too. You have stirred the pot well again Stormy. A master chef as ever.


Posts: 492
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Welcome back, once again Stormy. I'm certainly interested to see how this thing with the ranger plays out, I'm hoping it doesn't turn out badly. It makes me uncomfortable to say the least, but I'm sure you've got it all worked out. Hey, worst case, Adam has Rain sitting back at the house, patiently awaiting his return. And Tiffany, and Kori, and the neighbors, and the dog, oh, wait, that's a different story.

Hope things settle down for you a little bit here in the future.



Posts: 4050
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her arousal was very evident, her face and neck flushed, her lips puffy and wet, and her nipples erect, rosy, jutting out and begging for attention. At her crotch her small patch of hair failed to hide the bulging hood of pink flesh that struggled to cover her rigid clit as it protruded from between her puffy and damp looking outer lips. She looked like a woman ready to be fucked.

And that passage is a classic example of why you are a master of erotic writing. I continue to be in awe.

Thank you for your efforts.



Posts: 4050
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This story needs to stay on the first page.


Posts: 492
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Let's get you back up to the top along with GH. This should trick everyone into thinking that you've posted another segment. Soon I hope.



Posts: 181
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Bump up time.


Posts: 1459
#967 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks guys, for all of the nice comments and of course for the bump-ups. I was gone much longer than expected, and when I returned still didn't have access right away. I sure appreciate everyone's patience and support. Now, where was I...

We all mixed and intermingled, drifting from conversation to conversation as we made our way across the lake and northeast along the southeast shore. Pops and Kori combined to produce some incredibly tasty little snacks involving something Pops called olive chutney - which he had made himself - spread on small, crispy bread squares that had been brushed with a garlic infused olive oil and broiled to a golden brown. Thinking of him as more of a cafe-style short order cook, I was surprised by the beautiful presentation and delicate blending of flavors and textures of his creation.

I hadn't thought I was very hungry, but they proved me wrong, and when I commented on how much I was enjoying their creation he and Kori just smiled and exchanged a look. Pops raised his eyebrows as he looked at me. "This young lady is multi-talented, as it turns out. Beautiful, smart, sexy - and knows her way around the kitchen. A woman after my own heart!"

Kori grinned as she put her arm around his waist and leaned into him. "Thanks, but would it surprise you to learn that your heart is not necessarily what I'm after?" Pops guffawed and squeezed her to him, surely crushing the breath right out of her. Kori had slid into a pale yellow t-shirt, one which was just an inch or two too short to fully cover her female bits, and when Pops pulled her close it rode up a little more. Seemingly out of my control, my eyes dropped to the narrow landing strip of soft curls on her mound, and to the pink, jutting hood over her swollen clit which was plainly visible just below. I felt the pull of her sexuality, and when I swallowed it seemed loud, in my head.

I quickly looked up to see if she had noticed my distraction, only to find her watching me, a small, sexy smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes. She winked at me, letting me know I'd been busted, and I could only laugh and shake my head. Kori will always be Kori, whether caring and gentle, soft and ladying, or shooting sparks of sexuality and desire. There was no deception or pretense in her, no trace of phoniness or affectation. She is what she appears, always and forever, and I love her for that.

Pops released her, and she wandered off to join the conversation involving her husband and Tiffany, her round and lush little bottom winking attractively and unabashedly back at us below the hem of the short t-shirt. We both watched her departure - we were helpless not to - and then looked at each other, and grinned.

Pops said "Damn!" in that way that only black people seem to be able to say it, but I knew exactly what he meant. Deprived of Kori's mind-sapping sexual aura, we were able to speak intelligently, and I asked him about the food, about how he'd learned to do food so well.

He just smiled and clapped me on the shoulder. I tried not to stagger. "It's a passion for me Adam, one of many. I learned here and there, from some sharing and giving people far more s*******ed than me. I love to eat, and I love to see people enjoy eating. Did you really enjoy that?"

I nodded. "Absolutely! Those were delicious, good even with my beer but probably even better with a nice Chianti or something."

He smiled and looked thoughtful. "A nice Sangiovese would probably do better with the rich flavors of the garlic and olives. I just happen to have a very good one - should we test my theory?"

We did, and he was correct. The flavors were perfect together, an orgasm in my mouth, and we shared our discovery with the others as we made our way up-lake. The appetizer moved smoothly into dinner prep, another Italian-esque creation that he and Kori collaborated on, moving smoothly and playfully around each other in the small kitchen, touching, laughing, discussing the food and keeping each other in a heightened state of arousal throughout.

Trell expressed an interest in piloting the boat, and Ronnie grudgingly gave up the drivers seat, standing at the younger man's shoulder to give guidance and training, subtly protecting his investment. The boat was, after all, signed out in Ron's name. It struck me as more than a little strange that he was less willing to yield control of the boat than he was to share his wife, but then I knew that was how they lived, that the decision to allow her to relax with other men was as much hers at this point as it was his.

We found Ranger Lee's cove just at sunset, the cliffs around it blazing gloriously in golds, reds and oranges up high and descending into purple and indigo shadows lower down, close to the water, which was reflecting the blazing sky. Although I didn't want to, I had to admit that he had sent us to a place of incredible beauty and grandeur, a place he could have just kept to himself. A small trade, maybe, for his desire for Kristi? It's a trade I wouldn't have made, despite the spectacular sunset, except that it was what she wanted too, so I tried to just enjoy it and ignore the sharp jab of jealousy and the enticing tingle of arousal that pulled me in opposite directions every time I thought about what might lie ahead.

We anchored and ate a wonderful dinner, the sauces delicate oils, herbs, and spices, garlic scenting the air, salad followed by pasta and chicken, cut into small bits and saturated with their flavorful sauce. No marinara, no puttanesca, no alfredo, it was all herbs and olive oil, light and delicate, a work of art. The compliments and the wine flowed freely, and a warm glow suffused our little group, a sense of well-being, a group of friends enjoying each other and a fine meal together. Even the animosity and tension between Pops and Trell seemed to fade, and Trell was truly appreciative, perhaps stunned, by his uncle's abilities with food. It was a side of Pops that neither he nor any of us were aware of, with the possible exception of Tiff. She probably knew a lot about any number of his passions and abilities.

I helped clean up after dinner, as did the others that had not taken part in the preparation, and it took little time with many hands at work. We sat on the upper deck then and looked at the night sky, talking, enjoying the slowly cooling night air. Kori seemed entirely unconcerned with the fact that the eyes of all four men aboard were drawn frequently and inexorably to her naked sex, although, knowing her, I knew that she was being slowly pushed to a fevered state of arousal by the knowledge that we were looking at her. The seemingly innocent parting of her thighs was absolutely intentional, a purposeful tease. I knew that; I wondered if the others did.

Around ogling Kori, I had been watching a slowly gathering thunderstorm, a dark smudge in the sky far to our south that was showing the frequent and persistent flashes of lightning characteristic of a desert storm full of electricity.

The food and wine had made me drowsy, and rather than continue to drift foggily in and out of the conversation I rose and walked to the rail to watch the storm. I estimated that it was at least forty miles south of us, and was moving slowly to the northeast. In the clear air of the desert night the lightning was plainly visible and awe-inspiring, and even the thunder could be heard, faint and echoing throught the cliffs and canyons. It was too far, and the lightning too frequent, to tie a particular rumble of thunder to a specific flash of lightning, but it was a great show, and I watched.

I felt a soft touch in the small of my back and then a hand ran up my spine to mid-back and down again, and Kristi leaned her head against my shoulder. "You and your storms. I'll never understand why you like these violent thunderstorms so much. They scare me."

I smiled at her and put my arm protectively around her shoulders. "No need to fear this one. It's moving northeast, but it will be way east of us before it gets this far north. It is beautiful though, don't you think?"

She shrugged. "I suppose. Beautiful, but scary. All that noise."

I laughed. "It's not the noise that will get you, it's the lightning. When you see the flash and hear the noise at about the same instant, that's when you know you're in trouble." Words of permisteral wisdom, gained a few years earlier when I'd been trapped above timberline at over 13,000 feet by a sudden squall. Totally exposed, no place to hide, all the hairs on my body standing out with the electrical charge in the air around me and the surrounding rocks seeming to give off sparks, I'd hunkered down next to a large boulder, keeping only the rubber soles of my boots in contact with the earth as the world exploded around me.

Flashes of lightning so close that I could hear the sizzle of electricity and the clap of thunder collide and taste the ozone in the air, I'd tremred, terrified but awe-struck, half expecting to die but thinking that might just be OK. It would be a good way to go, and a good place. The thunder had been so close and so intense that it seemed to hammer my ribcage, driving the breath from my body, and I was enveloped by clouds and pelted by sleet in mid-July.

It had passed quickly, just a small storm, a minor demonstration of the power of nature, but in my mind it seemed to go on forever. It's there still, I think, and my love of storms might just be a reflection of the power and exhiliration I'd felt after surviving that one. It had been blind dumb luck that I had, my stupidity at allowing myself to get caught in that situation should have *******ed me - it would have been right - but I'd lived, and I'd felt more alive than ever before in my life. I'd liked storms when I was younger. From that day on I'd loved them, and Kristi knew that.

She stood with me, watching the storm, and we held each other. In our own world, the others ignored, forgotten, we held each other, and I felt her love and knew she felt mine. It was just us, her and me, the way it was meant to be. As the storm moved, the thunder became louder, less echo-filled, and seemed to become deeper somehow. We could feel the vibration now, and see the sheets of rain hanging below the clouds whenever the lightning back-lit them.

I felt and heard a long low rumble of thunder, and it seemed to go on and on, stretching impossibly long, actually becoming louder rather than tapering off. Suddenly I knew, and when Kristi looked up at me, a puzzled expression on her perfect face, I smiled gently at her. "It's a boat motor babe. A big one, powerful. It's time. Your Ranger is coming for you."


Posts: 38
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Welcome back, Stormy. I hope everything's going on well with your business and all.

Truly enjoyed the journey through to gourmet land and thunderstorm cove. Now I'm hot for the next developments... Great writing again, my compliments.


Posts: 492
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So good to see you're back Stormy, you were definitely missed.

You know, your brilliance shows, even in your descriptive explanation of something as mundane as a thunderstorm, or in describing a cove at sunset. I could picture it perfectly in my mind. You are so expressive, your words just seem to flow so easily.

I hope that Ranger Rick hits a rock with his big fucking boat and sinks and gets eaten by a shark or the Loch Ness Monster.

Welcome back Stormy



Posts: 28
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Wellcome back. I also wish that Ranger proves he is an ass hole like Adam said.


Posts: 277
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The lake storm is nothing with all the energy at the boat. Well cum back.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the welcomes back and the kind words. It's good to be back and writing again, I hope it goes on for awhile. Things are still a bit fluid.
You know Trf2, if the ranger gets *******ed it would blow a big hole in my story. Not sure I can let that happen! The lightning thing, exposed at high altitude? Terrifying, truly, but awe-inspiring, and what an adrenaline flood afterward! Dumb to get caught, but lucky to be here to write another day.


Posts: 1459
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Kristi continued to look at me, her eyes widening. "Really? Do you think that's what that is?"

I nodded. "Yeah, pretty sure. It sure isn't thunder, that I know."

She continued to regard me, her expression softening to concern. "What are we going to do?"

I laughed, I couldn't help it. Her question just struck me as so incongruous considering her anticipation of this very moment. I kissed her. "I love you, you know that? Here you are, all hot and horny looking forward to this night, and now that it's here you're the one that's acting nervous." I kissed her again. "I don't know babe, what are we going to do?"

"Well... I mean, are you OK with it? You can say no right now, and I'll go along..."

"Kristi, my love, why don't we just kind of go forward and see what happens. Maybe he just smelled the food and isn't even interested in you any more."

She gave me a skeptical look, and I laughed again. "I know, fat chance of that, but I can dream, can't I?"

She looked frustrated. "Adam, please! How about just a straight answer for a change? Why can't you be serious?"

I let my smile fade. "Oh, I'm dead serious. I just don't know what I feel. I mean, I don't want him anywhere near you, but at the same time the thought of you being hot for his body turns me on, and the idea of seeing you make love, getting to watch you, and how beautiful you are..." I trailed off, not sure how to finish that sentence, a little fetishd up.

She touched my face, softly, and stretched up to give me a gentle kiss. "Oh Adam! It's not making love, OK? I only do that with you, because to make love there has to be love. I just wanna get laid."

I laughed again. She'd caught me off guard with that one. "I'll try to remember that. Hey, it sounds like he's almost here. Weren't you planning on dressing for the occasion?"

She looked startled. "Oh! Oh yeah, I'll run and do that. Are you sure you're OK?"

I shrugged. "We'll see. I get horny, thinking about it."

She smiled. "That's a good sign, huh? Also my favorite state for you to be in. Get him a beer or something, I'll be back in a little while." She turned for the stairs, heading down to our room to change, but paused at the top and looked back at me. "And Adam? Play nice, OK?"

I nodded and winked at her, and she disappeared down the steps. I crossed to the far rail, and Kori rose and joined me. Trell and Pops, Ron and Tiffany, all were sprawled out on the lounges and benches on the upper deck, the conversation slowing and fading in and out as the late hour and the wine and food began to take their toll. There had been some desultory conversation about using the hot tub, but nobody had generated the energy to rise and folllow up on the suggestion.

We looked at the boat, throttling down at about a hundred yards away and approaching more slowly, the deep throb of the powerful engine dropping to a throaty rumble. It was definitely the Ranger, his tall and broad-shouldered form unmistakable at the wheel. He waved, and Kori waved back before following me to the stairs and down to the main deck.

I walked to where he would soon pull alongside, and took the rope when he tossed it to me, tying it to the rail. He cut the engine and turned to us.
"Hi guys. Adam, isn't it?"

I nodded. "It is. Ranger Rick..uh, I mean Lee, isn't it?" I don't know why I did that. I'd told Kristi I'd play nice, and this was an inauspicious beginning. Fortunately, he just laughed. "I answer to almost anything. Especially if I'm offered a cold beer. And Kori - I do remember you! What can I say Adam, the ladies always stick in my mind better than the dudes. Don't you find that to be the case?"

I agreed. What the hell, I still though he was a jerk, but even a jerk can make a valid point once in a while. He stooped and grabbed a couple of six-packs of beer and a bottle of wine - at least he hadn't come empty handed - and stepped aboard our boat. His eyes ran hungrily over Kori, pausing and widening as he noticed her southern exposure.

She smiled at him, noticing his look. "You're not going to bust me for indecent exposure, are you?"

He shook his head. "Ma'am, anyone that thinks that's not decent is a fool, and my momma didn't raise no fools!"

Kori giggled. "Thanks, but if you ever call me ma'am again you're going over the rail." Diminutive Kori, threatening this hulk with being tossed overboard. An amusing thought. "Now come on Lee, come up above and meet our friends. Bring the beer, we can re-stock the cooler up there."

She led the way up the steps and he quickly got the much-coveted spot directly behind her. Watching her sweet little naked ass ascending stairs is one of life's simple pleasures, and I'm sure he fully enjoyed it. He did seem to be more relaxed this evening, I had to admit. Less aggressive, less officious. Maybe being off-duty really did change his attitude. So far he had not seemed quite so asshole-ish, but the night was young.

We stepped onto the upper deck, and the first permister to notice us was Tiffany. She did a classic double-take and then rose smoothly to her feet, staring at us. When she spoke there was something, maybe a dry irony, or even a challenge, in her voice. "Well-well. Hello Lee, I didn't expect to see you here."

He stopped dead in his tracks. "Tiffany? Tiff, is that you? Wow, you look like a million bucks! That's really a different look for you but it's spectacular. You look amazing!"

When he looked at Tiff, and spoke to her, his expression softened and something crept into his voice. Something soft, and caring, and gentle, even. I discovered that maybe my estimation of him, in that moment, needed to be revised. There was something here, I didn't know what, but suddenly he didn't seem like quite such an asshole.


Posts: 1914
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Brilliant Stormy. Welcome back by the way - for however long. I don't think anyone saw that one coming (pun intended). Can't wait to see where you take this one now .. Again ..


Posts: 492
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What Peak said. Brilliant. I should know better than to doubt your intentions when it comes to my man Adam. I'm sitting here waiting on the fastball and you, once again, throw a slider. I'm just going to sit here and shut up and see how this all transpires. The Ranger/Tiff thing came out of the blue and totally blindsided me, as I'm sure it did others. I'm trying to figure out the couplings for the yet to be announced second houseboat orgy and I thought I had a handle on it, but I couldn't quite get some of the pairings figured out. Now I'm more confused than ever. Your little notepad is going to get a workout on this one Stormy.

Loved the Ranger Rick comment in that last segment, made me feel like I contributed something, seemingly miniscule, but at least something to the story line.

Hope things settle down for you in the real world Stromy.




Posts: 4050
#976 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Welcome back, you were missed.

I loved this last passage. The allegory with the building storm is outstanding.



Posts: 163 Pictures: 6 
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Hey Storm, to overstate the obvious, we're really glad to have you back! GH hit the nail on the head (pun intended) the storm is brewing and it's got us all electified. Glad to be reading your classic again.
Rick R


Posts: 8
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I started reading your story a couple of months ago, and was able to read straight through.....but it hasn't reached the end yet..... Waiting for new installments is agonizingly painful!!!! Great story man, this should be made into a movie!!!!


Posts: 38
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once again I'm simply speechless. This is the most erotic and arousing thing I ever read.

Sure thing by the way that this all should be made into a movie as Rick suggested. Only I fear it might be hard to find actors who would succeed in coming close enough to the fine characters you have brought into their divine beings (and who would be both willing and able in fact to act the Acts) - at least in the US. If you decide to find a producer, try to do it in Europe, France or Italy maybe at best. You'll be getting the Oscar for the screenplay script for sure!


Posts: 1914
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You are bringing this one to the boil nicely Stormy. Already it's as if you were never away.


Posts: 5
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Lurked for too long. You're a great story teller. I've been waiting for Kristi to appear all dressed up. Can't wait to read what happens next. Thanks for taking the time. I write some erotica you might enjoy over at under the name jrgraham.


Posts: 277
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By know they seem like family, perverted ones that can't waite to hear from....great


Posts: 4050
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Loved this last segment, particularly the scene where Kristi hands Adam her panties. Nicely done.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks all, I sure appreciate the comments and enjoy hearing from you. Cliffa, aren't those screenplay Oscars the boring ones everyone has to sit through while they wait for the ones they are actually interested in? Since those guys are wordsmiths, you can count on their speeches being too long, and this story proves I'd probably be guilty of that as well.

Welcome polefitness, to the land of the non-lurker! Did that myself for a long time, so I understand, and appreciate the comment. I'll definitely check out your stories.

cd - sounds like my kind of family!

GH, Kristi is as big a tease as Kelly I think. Those two together would be dangerous!

I was dumbstruck! The pang of hurt and jealousy warred with the flood of arousal that coursed through me with the knowledge that her sweet little pussy was not only wet and ready but completely uncovered beneath her short skirt doing things - mostly good things - to my body. She was watching my face, waiting to see how I'd react, and when I remained silent she smiled, knowing she'd completely surprised me. "You can touch if you don't believe me, nobody can see behind the bar."

I believed her, but I touched anyway. Only a fool would turn down that offer! When I first ran my fingers up her inner thigh her feet moved apart of their own accord, and when my fingertips found her sex she was proven truthful. She was wet and slick, but she had failed to mention that she was also hot and that her clit was hard, erect, and when I wet a finger in her secretions and lightly flicked her hard little nubbin she gasped and spoke in a strained whisper. "God! Stop Adam, this time it's not for you!"

That hurt a little, and she must have seen the pain flash on my face as I drew my hand back. "Oh Adam, I'm sorry! That was a stupid thing to say. It's always for you, but this time it's for your viewing pleasure only. You already knew that, remember?"

"No, I know. I mean, yeah, I knew that, but you just felt so sexy." I paused. "Maybe I was just getting you ready for him, did you ever think of that?" I wasn't, the thought hadn't occurred to me until that very second, but I thought I'd plant the seed.

It must have been the right thing to say, because I was rewarded with her thousand watt smile. "Oooh, I like the sound of that, but if I was any more ready I'd have to go over there and unzip him and mount him right here in front of everyone."

I laughed, knowing she was just working me. "Dare ya!"

She smiled, raising one eyebrow. "Careful what you wish for, stud!"

She took her take from my hand and turned her back on me and walked away. For one agonizing moment I though she was going to do it, but she didn't. What she did do was sit right next to him where he had taken a spot on the long bench seat, her hip and thigh tight against his, her head almost resting on his shoulder, and her hand coming to rest on his bare leg, below his shorts.

The contrast in their size was remarkable despite the fact that he was not a lot taller than her. She was lean and lithe, her movements graceful, almost sinuous at times, while he was thick with muscle, powerful, his limbs knotted with corded muscle. He had worn a short sleeved green/khaki shirt, the kind with button flaps over the pockets and narrow epaulet straps on the shoulders, like some sort of safari garb. He had left the top three buttons open, and the upper portion of his tanned and chiseled pecs showed. The sleeves were stretched tight around his upper arms.

His tan cargo shorts were also snug, taut around his tree-trunk thighs. With guys like him, the kind of guys with the massive weightroom-built legs, it is inaccurate to refer to what they have between their legs strictly because their is no space whatsoever between their legs. Instead, their package is thrust forward, riding on the front of their lower abdomens and their thick leg muscles, and his was no exception. His junk bulged out impressively, obscenely, filling and straining the front of his shorts and causing the zipper and flap to curve out over him. I hoped maybe he had just stuffed a couple of pairs of socks in there or something. OK, maybe three or four pairs. I guessed he hadn't.

Despite the fact that their bodies were touching almost from shoulder to calf, Kristi sat with her legs chastely crossed at the knee. Well, as chastely as anything she could do in that dress. She wasn't flashing anyone, but the lace at the top of her stockings was showing. Glancing around to see how anyone else was reacting to this situation, I spotted Pops and Ronnie chatting, Trell takesenly staring at Kristi's legs while Kori touched and chattered to him, and Tiff watching me. I smiled at her, and she smiled back, apparently relieved that a jealous boyfriend battle did not seem imminent. Then she yawned, twice.

Lee, apparently taking Kristi's hand on his leg as a signal, reached out and rested his hand on hers as well. Nothing outrageous, it was just above her knee, but it struck me as a very intimate gesture.

We sat like that for a while, maybe an hour, the conversation ebbing and flowing, one or another of us occasaionally getting up to refresh takes or deliver snacks. The night seemed to deepen, a billion or so stars putting in an appearance in the inky sky. We slowly wound down, the mood becoming more quiet and comfortable, Kristi and Ranger Lee seeming to almost melt into each other as time and holy water lowered any remaining inhibitions either had.

I had been watching them the whole time, while trying to seem not to, looking away at the night sky, or watching Kori slowly seduce Trell, touching, stroking, whispering intimately close to his ear. I couldn't help but notice that as the evening wore on, his hand had slowly inched its way up Kristi's thigh and now was just inches below the band of ivory lace. His fingertips softly stroked the inside of her thigh, his tanned and wind burned hand slightly darker than her taupe stockings.

His touch seemed casual, almost absent-minded, but I knew it wasn't. It was entirely intentional, and intimate. More than intimate, it seemed possessive, proprietary, as though he was merely preparing to take what was his. As for Kristi, her inner thighs are one of her most sensitive erogenous zones, and I knew his stroking must have had her on the brink of a sexual implosion. If she had been wet before, I knew her pussy would be a steaming honeypot by now and my mouth watered at the thought, joining my hard cock and aching balls in a state of extreme arousal.

As I watched, she took a shuddering breath and uncrossed her long legs, opening them, just the slightest parting, but it was an invitation, and he noticed. And accepted, his fingers sliding up onto the stretch lace band topping her stocking, his pinky finger moving to the smooth and sensitive skin just above the lace and mere inches from her overheated pussy. She shuddered, and her legs opened a little more as her own hand moved to the overstuffed pouch that was the front of his shorts, touching, exploring.

Self-conscious about being cuckolded right there in front of everyone, I looked around to see how the others were reacting to the scene. Ron wasn't, because he was watching Kori, who had pulled down the front of Trell's suit and lifted out his cock and balls and was delightedly stroking him. His ball sack was dark and his testicles fat and heavy looking, pushed up and out by the waistband of his suit. His erect cock was big, not huge, maybe eight inches or a little less, with Kori's fingers just barely closing around his girth.

Trell's head bobred loosely, takesenly, as he stared at Kori's small white hand fisted around his hard black cock, slowly masturbating him. The three of them had forgotten that the three of us existed. As for Tiffany, she was sound arelax. Her head had lolled forward so that her chin was almost on her chest, and her body had the loose, relaxed look of deep dream.

Pops had been alternating between watching his nephew and Ron and Kori, and watching Kristi and Lee push each other to a state of extreme arousal, but now he followed my gaze to Tiff, and he smiled, then yawned huge and stretched his arms overhead. "Oh mercy kids, it looks like y'all have a fun evening planned, but I think I'm going to put this poor girl to bed and then turn in myself. We had the overnight shift last night, me and Tiff, so we've been going for about twenty six hours now."

He stood and bent over, scooping Tiffany up into his arms as though she weighed no more than a small young. She stirred, and groaned softly, then burrowed her face into his thick shoulder and neck and went right on relaxing. The way he held her, one arm behind her knees and the other around her back, bent her at the hips and showed us her shapely bottom - and her lovely, puffy cameltoe. I felt a little dirty, ogling her and having impure thoughts while she slept, but that didn't stop me.

He moved toward the stairs, carrying her easily. "You kids be good, and have fun. If you can figure out a way to do both. Otherwise just have fun." We chuckled, and he laughed at his own joke. Tiff didn't even stir, her relax one of pure exhaustion. "Breakfast is at six, so you snooze, you lose."

That got Ronnie's attention. "Pops! Make it eight, please, have a heart! We're on vacation, remember?"

Pops laughed again. "Eight it is, you lazy bastards. Goodnight all, and Tiffany seconds that." We bid them goodnight, and he disappeared effortlessly down the stairs with her clutched safely in his arms.

I returned my attention to my fiancee and her would-be lover, and saw her open her legs a little more, inviting his touch, welcoming it, begging for it. Her hips were pumping slightly, subtly, her body taking over, controlled only by her arousal and desire. Her hand had closed around a thick cylindrical ridge in his shorts and she was squeezing and stroking him, taking him along with her, fanning the flames, matching his need to hers. That his fingers had found her sex there could be no doubt, and he was touching, stroking, teasing, inserting, feeling her intense arousal, her wetness and heat, and knowing he was the cause of her need, the current object of her desire.

Just when I thought they would rip each other's clothes off and go at it right there, Trell made a sound that was half groan, half gasp, and we all looked at him just in time to see Kori's stroking overwhelm him, and a long jet of white semen shot from the tip of his hard cock and make a white streak against his dark skin, all the way from his navel to his chin! Kori jumped and said "Ooopsy!", and dived down to take him in her mouth, sucking and stroking while he jerked and twitched, continuing to ejaculate into her wet and willing mouth. She rode it, eyes closed, savoring the sensation of his thick, young, black cock cumming in her mouth, spurting and spasming.

Ronnie had unzipped, and his little pink penis stood out stiff and proud as he slowly stroked himself, his eyes locked on Kori's face, and, by association, Trell's cock. When the orgasmic spasms finally eased, Kori slipped his cock from her lips and sat up, closing her eyes again as she gulped down her mouthful of cum. Her lips were rosy and semen-smeared, and there was a dribble of pearly white down her chin, but Ronnie bent and kissed her deeply, with feeling and with love, and their tongues danced and tangled, tasting, sharing.

As they separated and Kori leaned in to lick the cum from Trell's muscular stomach and chest, Kristi laughed softly and rose to her feet. "Well, as if I needed anything else to turn me on, that was inspirational. Now I think it's time for me to take Lee downstairs and help him slip into something more comfortable."

He looked up at her, bemused. "Something more comfortable? Like what, for example?"

Her smile was a sultry challenge. "Like me."

He laughed at her challenge and shook his head as he rose to his feet, and they crossed to the stairs together. Once there, she turned and looked at me, her smile small, soft, and private, meant for me. "Come along Adam, I don't want you to miss anything."


Posts: 1914
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I think Adam is not the only one who doesn't want to miss anything. Very well done Stormy. I did like the Trell firework to get everything started. Nice touch by Kori that.


Posts: 277
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If there was any dought Adam is cucked....can't waite to see what she does. Please don't take long to write the next....pleaseeee.
Rick R


Posts: 8
#987 · Edited by: Rick R
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Oh my!!!!! My biggest fear is that Adam gets hurt....I feel like he's a good friend!


Posts: 492
#988 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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And here I was thinking that it was going to be another big boat party. Looks like everyone is splitting up into small groups, very interesting approach Stormy. Sounds like Trell's cock might just be the perfect size for Kori, let's see how many cavities Dr. Trell can drill in our poor little Kori. Will Ron participate or just observe? This deal between Ranger Rick and Kristi keeps taking me outside my comfort zone, but Adam has already watched Kristi in action and knows what it does to him, however, this one might be a little harder to take. Like I said, I'm just sitting here, waiting to see where you go with it. Let the games begin. We still have Pops and Tiffany sitting on the bench, ready to play once they get their second wind. Then it might get real interesting. Maybe Adam can twist Kristi's jealous buttons just a little bit with Tiffany. Turnabout is fair play afterall.

Thanks Stormy, glad to hear that things have settled down a little bit for you anyway. Hope they continue to get better and better.



Posts: 4050
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That was a great segment of cuckold writing.

For a cuckold, especially a new cuckold, watching another man slowly seduce your wife is an excruciatingly exciting experience. You captured it very well.

The addition of Ron, an experienced and confirmed cuckold watching his wife with young Trell completed the scene.

Excellent work, thank you for writing.



Posts: 492
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Well deserved bump back to the top. Hope you're OK Stormy, we miss you.

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