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Adam's Journey

Rating: 181
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Oh come on now GH. The Storm Man has been cooking up this latest twist for a while now, you know it's going to be good. We were expecting the Jeep and maybe one mystery guest, but two? Once again, another twist in the story, I've come to expect nothing less.

This next bunch of chapters is going to be exquisite, I can conjure up a ton of various combinations in my twisted little mind, I'm guessing Stormy has done the same. They're going to need a hazmat crew to go over that houseboat once our little band of perverts gets off of it. Those floors are going to be very slippery if you know what I mean.

It's clear that Adam has feelings for Tiffany. I wonder how that will play into the story. Yeah, I know it's a cuckold story, but it would be nice to see Kristi squirming just a little bit for once.

Nice job Stormy, I'm anxiously awaiting further developments.



Posts: 3
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Thanks again Stormy to cluing me into this site. Thanks also for all of your effort is creating such a wonderful story.


Posts: 1459
#933 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH and Trf2 for the comments, you know I appreciate it. As for the mystery men...

No problem justaguy, my pleasure. Glad you're enjoying both the site and the story.

Long before oxygen depletion became a factor - I probably could have gone another fifteen seconds, maybe even sixteen - I felt Kristi shudder and then felt rather than heard her moan of satisfaction, and she fell off to one side onto the bed, curling up almost into a *** position. As I took a couple of deep breaths I could still hear her moaning softly, and she hugged her knees to her chest. I touched her leg, and she jerked as if I'd hit her with a cattle prod. "Uhhh, Adam, don't!"

I laughed. "I barely touched you! Are you OK?"

"I'm so OK you can't believe, just don't touch me!" She must have realized how that sounded, because she laughed weakly. "Just for a minute, OK? My whole body feels like one big nerve ending!"

Her back was to me, and I turned on my side and gently nipped her tush. She jerked away and objected again. "Please!" I ignored her, letting my tongue roam over her hot flesh, slowly wandering down to the small crease where her thigh and bottom met. She twitched and whimpered. "You're a sadist! I never knew you were so cruel. I don't know why everyone thinks you're such a nice guy."

I laughed. "Methinks she doth protest too much! C'mon, you love it and you know it. Besides, it's your own fault, you know damn well that if your naked body is this close to me I'll have to touch it."

She rolled away from me and rose to her feet. "Just a few seconds to recover was all I asked, but no..." she paused, putting one hand on the bed to steady herself "..whoa, dizzy! Phew! There, that's better. Whatever you did to me, it was amazing. I guess I'll have to overlook your subsequent cruelty."

She paused for a moment, looking sexy, watching me, then smiled. "You have cum all over your face."

I rubbed my hand across my face. She was right. "Huh! I wonder how that happened. I must look a mess."

She bent forward and kissed me, cummy lips and all. "Actually, I was thinking that it was a good look for you. Mister, you can put your tongue in my pussy anytime." I reached for her, and she danced away. "Except for right now! I'm going to grab a quick shower. Join me?"

"Mmm. That shower stall is kind of small."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Good point! Sure, I'll join you." I rose to my feet, also experiencing a wave of dizziness, and followed her into the bathroom. The shower felt good and Kristi felt better, her wet soapy body rubbing up against me and getting me all semi-hard again. Don't laugh, it's the best I could do, despite her attention to a detailed soaping of my semi-dangly bits.

I took responsibility for thoroughly cleaning all of her best parts - hell, OK, all of her - and we emerged refreshed, newly aroused, and no longer smelling like a New Orleans bordello. I mean, you know, from stuff I've heard.

I towelled her dry. She loves it when I wash, and then dry, her hair. So do I. She returned the favor by doing my back, being sure to reach between my legs to give my balls a little extra drying and fondling. It's good to be thorough.

Minutes later, as I sat on the edge of the bed to pull on a clean pair of shorts, I looked up to find her gazing at me with a pensive expression. I returned her gaze. "What?"

She shook her head. "Oh, nothing."

I may not be the brightest bulb on the chandelier, but even I knew that 'nothing', said like that, meant something. "C'mon, you know you're going to tell me. A penny for your thoughts - no, tell you what, a nickel! A whole nickel, all to yourself."

She smiled, shaking her head, but there was something in her eyes, sadness, perhaps. "You're an idiot. Remember later that I tried to let you off easy."

I didn't like the sound of that. She gazed at me for another long moment before speaking. "Your friend Tiffany. You really care about her, don't you?"

I didn't know how to answer that, and not because I didn't want to lie or misrepresent what I felt for her. I just really hadn't examined my feelings that closely. I wasn't sure, at that moment, how I felt about Tiffany. I tried to express that. "Babe, I'm not sure what I feel about her. Shoot, I'm not sure you can really even call us friends. A few hours in a cafe, another hour or two on a long car ride, we just barely know each other."

Kristi looked skeptical. "Uh-huh. And yet she opened up and poured out her heart to you. How come when I ask you things like that you can never give me a straight answer?"

My keen senses picked up that this would not be a good time to mention that, on the car ride down to the marina, I had also poured out my heart to Tiffany. Instead, I focused on her question. "I'm giving you the only answer I have! Look, she's an interesting lady that's been through some tough times and come out the other end stronger, and whole, I think. I hope we're friends. I hope she considers me a friend. Meet her. Form your own opinions."

"But the things she told you, those aren't the kind of things you tell somebody you just met, like a stranger on the street corner."

I shrugged. "Kristi, I don't know. Maybe I'm a good listener. We kind of got off on the wrong foot, and she started to explain why she'd been so hostile, kind of to apologize, and the rest just poured out. Maybe she just finally needed to tell someone and I happened to be there." I paused. "But I will tell you this. I'm glad I was there, and that she could talk to me. If that helped her in any way it's a very small payback for what some other so-called man did to her."

Kristi just looked at me for a moment, and I watched her eyes fill and then overflow, two small streaks of tears on her face. She crossed the short distance between us and sat on my lap, burying her face in my shoulder. When she raised her head to look at me, there was pain in her eyes, and on her beautiful, tear-streaked face. "I'm glad you were there too Adam. Whatever happens next, you were in the right place. You did a good thing. Just please don't ever forget how much I love you."

She rose and crossed to the door. Stepping into the hall she glanced back, wiping her eyes. "Come on, let's go join Ronnie and that evil, corn-holing wife of his. We must be almost to the marina."

I sat there for a moment after she left, wondering about what had just happened. Surely Kristi couldn't be seriously concerned about Tiffany - or, rather, Tiffany and me - and any feelings we might have for each other! I mean, sure, I liked her, even found her fascinating and attractive, and yes, sexy, but we really did barely know each other.

And Kristi was the one that had insisted that the invite for Tiffany to join us remain open, even when I had offered to cancel it. Of course, it had been me that talked Tiff into coming when she had tried to back out after finding out about Kristi showing up. But then, she was, on her own initiative, bringing her own boy-toy. Or two. Or something. This was making my head hurt! Fucking women, I just don't get them!

But still, the world would be a pretty boring, joyless, and colorless place without them, now wouldn't it?


Posts: 4050
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The relationship between a man and a woman is so incredibly complex and you are doing such a nice job with that.




Posts: 1914
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Nicely set up Stormy. Now, why do I get the impression that you have carefully arranged the chess pieces again for another sideways move ?


Posts: 1459
#936 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH, your support is much appreciated.

Pondering her words as I pulled a clean t-shirt with a Santa Ynez winery logo imprinted on it over my head, letting that last conversation run back through my mind, I wondered if maybe it shouldn't have been me instead, reminding her how much I loved her. After all, it was her that was so looking forward to the possibility of the Ranger stopping by later. Hell, she had even thought through how to dress up and look special for him! I'd made no such elaborate plans for greeting Tiffany.

Thinking that, I pulled the t-shirt off again and replaced it with a brightly colored silk shirt, some tropical looking mash of colors that she'd bought for me when we'd first planned this trip, leaving the top couple of buttons open. I also splashed on a little cologne, a good one. It was actually one of Kristi's favorite scents on me - other than her own, which was my permisteral favorite.

I sat again for a moment, in solitude, thinking. I knew that Kristi felt that she could separate sex from love, physical attraction from emotional, and that she thought I was possibly unable to do the same. It was possible she was right about me; when I share a moment as intimate as sex with a woman, I feel a bond, an emotional connection, even if it's brief, or weak. The least had probably been with Sue, but then her husband was right there with us, so that had been too weird and disorienting, but even then I felt like we'd touched each other in ways beyond the physical.

Not counting Izzy, it had been strongest with Rain. She had definitely touched something in my heart, or my soul, or whatever. Not that she had crowded Kristi out, that was not possible, but still, she was there. Rain and I had made love. She'd always be with me after that memorable night.

Hell, I hadn't had sex with Tiff, but even something of her had already lodged inside me as well, her story moving me and sticking in my mind. Maybe Kristi had a point, about me. My worry was about her. I really didn't think she could just fuck and run. Sport fucking, she'd once called it. There was always that fear, inside of me, that she'd find a man she preferred to me, some guy that she'd feel a stronger connection with. I knew that was the fear she was feeling about me and Tiffany. Why couldn't she understand that I felt the same thing, about her?

I sighed and reached for my sandals then decided to pass, and padded barefoot down the hall and into the main lounge. Ronnie sat at the helm, with Kristi behind him rubbing his shoulders. In accordance with the extremely hot weather she had gone minimalist in her mode of dress, a short cropped top - braless, of course - and a tiny little pair of snug fitting knit shorts which formed to her butt like a second skin. I sure do like that butt, and I took a moment to admire it yet again.

Kori was in the galley, near the refrigerator, and when she saw me she opened it and held up a beer. "Need one Adam? From what I saw I suspect you need to replenish your bodily fluids." She was also in a pair of tiny shorts, but had donned a bright pink bikini top, and pulled her hair back with some kind of clip. She looked good, but then, she usually does.

I took it from her and twisted the cap off. "Yeah, that was kind of a sweaty hike." I did need the beer, but it wasn't about thirst.

She smiled at me. "Not at all what I was referring to, but yeah, that too. Are both of you sex fiends fully satiated for the time being?"

I nodded as Kristi answered her. "I am, thanks partly to you! What was that sneak attack from behind all about? I owe you for that one!" She turned and looked at me, and smiled. "Adam is definitely done for now. No matter how hard I tried in the shower I couldn't coax it up again. Not even halfway, huh honey?"

I grunted . "Huhh! Nope, you *******ed it, or at least put it into a sex-induced coma. I think a little R&R is in order, or hibernation or something, then I'll be good as new."

Ronnie looked over his shoulder at me, shaking his head, then looked Kristi up and down appreciatively. "He was in the shower with you, all naked and wet and soapy and slippery, and he couldn't get it up? Did you check for a pulse? 'Cause babe, if you couldn't get a rise out of him, he's either dead or gay - and I'm almost sure he's not gay since he's never put the moves on a guy as gorgeous as me."

Kristi laughed and hugged him. "So that's how your gaydar works huh Ronnie? If guys don't hit on you, they're straight? What do you do when they do hit on you?"

He shrugged. "I very gently break their hearts, of course. I'm not cruel, and they can't help it if I'm irresistible." She laughed again, touching and rubbing Ron's neck and shoulders, and I was glad to see that her light-hearted banter with Ron seemed to be cheering her up. Ron was good at this, seeming to have a sixth sense for when his clowning around would serve a dual purpose.

Kori looked at him, smiling, shaking her head. There was a look of loving adoration in her eyes, something I'd often seen in his when he looked at her as well. I wondered if Kristi and I would ever reach that stage in our relationship, when we were years into it like they were, where that other permister becomes almost an extension of yourself. She looked at me. "Listen to my big studly man! All women want him, all men want to be him!"

I shook my head. "No, I think his point was that some men want him as well. Unless I missed his lame point completely."

Ron glanced quickly over his shoulder at me. "Hey! No picking on me, or I won't tell you that we're within sight of the marina."

I walked up to the front of the lounge, looking through the wide glass windows. He was right, the buldings up the hill were in sight, and we could see the sun glinting off the boats at the docks. We were less than a mile out. He laughed when he saw me cross to the window. "Look at you, if I didn't know better I'd think you were nervous about seeing your pretty little cowgirl again!

I glanced at Kristi after he said that, and she was just staring back at me, expressionless. He saw the look we exchanged, and quickly realized his faux pas. He changed the subject. "We should be pulling in in just a few more minutes. Adam, if you'll help me by waving me in and manning the fenders forward, and Kristi, if you'll drop them aft. We'll meet with your friends and do the introduction thing and get everyone settled, but then we need to pick up some supplies and ice. Oh, and I want to top off the tanks before we pull out."

Kori stepped forward. "What do you want me to do?"

He looked at her and grinned. "I want you to come over here and give me a kiss, then stand next to me and look gorgeous. Then you can take the wheel for a second while I run up to the upper helm where I can see better, and you can come up and relay Adam's signals to me."

With commands given and received, we all moved to our tasks. As we drew closer to the end of the dock, I could see the slender form of what I took to be Tiffany and what looked like a small mountain on the dock alongside of her. It was soon obvious that she had talked Pops into joining her on ths trip; I couldn't imagine that she had been able to find another human being of that size on such short notice. He seemed to block out the sun, and as we drew closer, even under his broad brimmed straw hat, his dark skin became apparent. She was in blue jeans - I should have known - and a white sleeveless blouse, with a cowboy hat of her own on her head.

Pops was in a shirt almost as colorful as my own, but as there was vastly more of it he was a walking technicolor riot. His baggy khaki shorts reached below his knees, letting only the lower part of his tree-trunk calves and wide feet protrude below. Although nearly my own height, the pants made him look short and squatty, an illusion aided and abetted by his considerble width. They seemed to be alone; I didn't see the other permister that Tiff had alluded to on the phone anywhere nearby.

I stuck my head around the corner just as Ronnie rose to go to the upper helm. "That's them on the end of the dock right there."

He nodded. "Yeah, I figured. To quote Roy Scheider, 'We're gonna need a bigger boat'!"

I laughed. "That's Pops. He's a big guy. I told you that."

"You did, but with your usual penchant for understatement you said big, when you should have said huge, enormous, mountainous - jeez Adam, that guy is massive!"

I chuckled at his reaction. "He is, but don't let it fool you. He's cat-quick, and strong as an ox. Not much of what you see there is fat, despite what you may think. He's really a cool guy. A unique character. You guys will like him."

Kori looked at Ron. "Get upstairs Ronnie, we're getting close, and I can't do this! Hurry!"

He looked toward the dock. "Relax hon', we have plenty of time." Nonetheless, he darted up the steps.

She visibly relaxed when she felt Ron take over the controls. "I'm looking forward to meeting him Adam. The way you described him he sounds like an interesting man, and a good man."

"That's the sense I got in the short time I spent with them K." I leered at her. "He's also a very sexual man, or so I'm told. You and he should get along well."

She flipped me off, and I was laughing as I walked back out to drop the fenders between the boat and the dock. Ron brought us in slow and gentle, and I looked aft to see Kristi mimicking my own actions as she dropped the rubber floats between the two objects and we nudged up against them. I had signalled Ron to cut the motors, and I tossed the rope to Pops, who, muscles bulging, pulled us in tight and quickly looped it around the cleat on the dock, snugging us up.

I had been looking at Tiffany as we drew close. She looked a little guarded, her expression wary, but she looked beautiful too, her long auburn ponytail hanging below her cowboy hat and down her back. Her arms, below the sleeveless blouse, were tanned and toned, and the worn jeans looked like a part of her, perfectly form fitting and incredibly flattering to her hips and ass, not to mention her long legs. The battered boots on her feet completed the image of a woman far more at home on a horse than on a pleasure boat. It was rough and functional, not at all flashy or showy, but I found something about the look to be incredibly sexy and attractive. Maybe it was the strength and self-assurance.

I stepped across to the dock and shook hands with Pops, prepared this time for his bone-crushing grip. I gripped hard in return, and he smiled. I got the sense he was toying with me by not breaking my hand. We broke our grip and I turned to Tiffany. "Hi lady. You look great. I'm really glad you came." I stepped forward and gave her a soft hug and a quick kiss, just a peck, but enough to notice that her lips were soft, and warm. I could feel her hesitancy, and as I pulled away she looked past me, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched Kristi approach.


Posts: 242 Pictures: 4 
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Continued great work Storm!


Posts: 1914
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OK, suits on, docking completed, time for a little EVA and then we find out if it's, 'Houston, we have a problem...' or 'Tranquility Base, the Eagle has landed..' ... and we still haven't seen The Third Man yet.

You do tell a great story Stormy. I mean it, truly great. Thanks.


Posts: 492
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Sorry Stormy, been unable to catch up until now. Darn this working for a living and all that crap. Not as much free time for reading as in the old, retired days.

I love seeing Kristi squirm a little bit. There seems to be a bit of a double standard in play with her, doesn't she trust Adam the way he trusts her?

And who is this mystery man, you've got us all scratching our heads over that little twist in the story. I know you're sitting back, smirking at us. I may just go back and revisit that part of the story and see if I can come up with a clue as to our mystery man's identity before you reveal it.

I have so many different scenarios playing out in my twisted little brain, and you've always one upped me, so I'm sitting here waiting to see where this roller coaster is headed. Like I said, have the hazmat team on standby, the spunk shoud be flying on the houseboat tonight. Just hope there's no collateral damage to our friends.

I'm not going to divulge any of my twisted couplings yet, I know Peak gets upset with me when I do that, as if I could come up with anything that would outshadow what you've already put together. You and GH are the masters, no doubt about that my friend.

Cheers and Thanks,



Posts: 4050
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I love the tension you've created. I am very eager to see how this situation resolves itself.

Thanks for your efforts.



Posts: 1459
#941 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks guys, you know I love hearing from you and reading the comments. I can't tell you how much I've appreciated your support!

Hey, somewhere along the line this thing went over 100,000 hits, and I just now noticed. Must have been while I was away. That just amazes me, although since I've been at it for 2 years now I guess that is probably not all that many. Still, it's been fun - mostly because of the comments and getting to make a few new friends. Thanks again.

Pops whistled, long and low, and I glanced at him to find that he was also watching Kristi approach. As she neared, he addressed her. "Well hello gorgeous! I sure hope you're either Kristi or Kori!"

She laughed. "Thanks. I'm Kristi - and you can only be Pops. Adam has told us so much about you. Everything except a real name - surely you must have one, other than Pops."

It was his turn to laugh. "I do, but Pops will be fine. I've never been a big fan of Reginald, or Reggie, so we won't use or discuss that."

I heard Tiffany laugh, and looked at her. She was looking at him. "Reggie, huh? How come I never knew that? You've always been Pops, just Pops. Wait 'til the other girls hear about Reginald!"

He growled, in mock ferocity "Careful young lady, don't forget I'm still your boss!" She just laughed, the evidence of their easy friendship and affection for each other plain to see. Those pleasantries out of the way, the moment I'd been waiting for - and dreading - had arrived.

As Ron and Kori crossed the deck toward where we stood on the dock, Kristi and Tiffany faced each other. Tiffany stuck out her hand, an unusually masculine gesture which seemed to take Kristi off guard. "Hi, I'm Tiffany - you can call me Tiff."

Kristi took her hand, and they shook, holding onto each other's hand longer than two men typically would. "I'm Kristi - but then, you already knew that."

Tiff smiled. "True. Gosh, Adam said you were beautiful, but he needs to work on a better description. Pops is right, you're gorgeous!"

Kristi actually blushed, bright red, something she rarely does. She is fairly immune to flattery from men, although she accepts it with grace and style, but Tiffany's words seemed to surprise her. She gathered herself and responded. "Thanks. You too, but I knew you would be if Adam asked you to join him on this trip. He has a real weakness for beautiful women."

Ron walked up as she finished speaking, putting his arm around her shoulders. "That's not a weakness girl, that's just good judgement. Even if it was a weakness, it's pretty much common to all men, which makes it normal - ergo, still not a weakness." Releasing Kristi, he leaned in and gave Tiff a quick hug and kiss, welcoming her back, and turned to be introduced to Pops as Kori joined him.

Pops looked Kori up and down and whistled again. "Tiffany tempted me along on this trip with promises of beautiful, scantily clad women. It's good to find out I can still trust her! By process of elimination, you must be Kori."

She smiled and stepped to him, reaching up to give him a quick kiss. It struck me as being almost too familiar for a first meeting, but then Kori does have a way of making people feel welcome and at ease. "I am, and this is my husband Ron. Welcome to our humble little boat."

He released her and shook hands with Ron. I watched in amusement as Ronnie winced, examining his hand when he pulled it back as if expecting to find only a redy stump. He was still working his fingers and massaging his right hand with his left as he looked around. "Well let's get your stuff on board, then I need to buy some supplies and get gas - hey, I thought I heard that there were going to be three of you joining us. Are we missing somebody, or is he jammed into one of those duffel bags?"

I saw a quick scowl cross Tiffany's face as Pops laughed. "No, no, that boy has to start earning his way in the world. I sent him to buy ice - I assumed you'd need ice, everyone out here always does."

Ronnie nodded as Pops looked back toward the small store on the shore near the parking lot, shaking his head. "Here he comes now. Look at that boy, he can barely carry five bags of ice! They're only twenty pounds each."

We all looked up the dock, watching a fairly tall, slender, and very black young man struggle with the five heavy and bulky bags of ice. He was dressed in ghetto chic, his baggy pants sagged low, almost below his ass, but partly covered by a shirt that would have fit Pops easily and which hung from his slender frame, his Raiders cap turned sideways, various bits of sparkly bling glittering from his ears, eyebrow, and throat in the brilliant desert sun. As he drew closer I could see some god-awful ugly but no doubt very expensive athletic shoes on his feet.

He was scowling, and muttering, and sweating profusely. Given the late afternoon heat and his load, those things all seemed justified. He drew near us, stopping several feet away and letting the bags of ice fall to the dock as he glared at Pops. "Here's your fucking ice - and I ain't your damn slave!"

I expected Pops to respond in kind, but he just chuckled. "You mean you're not my damn slave. And watch your mouth boy, there are ladies present."

He looked at us. "Why should I give a fuck what these white 'ho bitches and crackers think. They ain't cuckolds brownie to..."

Before he could finish that thought, Pops had crossed the distance between them and grasped the young man by his shirt, bunching it below his chin and lifting him almost clear of the dock, pulling him forward until their noses were inches apart. His sudden cat-like move had surprised everyone, especially the young thug. He spoke in a low, dangerous voice.
"Shut your mouth boy, before you say something you'll regret. Your Momma sent you to me to get you out of trouble, because she knew that if you stayed in the city you were gonna die. Now normally I wouldn't give a cuckolds brownie about you, you could choose your path, but your momma is my sister, and the thought of you dying hurts her. So now I have to care too."
He paused, glancing at us, no doubt taking in the shocked look on our faces. He released his grip on the kid's shirt, letting him down onto the dock again. Showing unexpected restraint and common sense, the younger man stood in silent shock, careful not to poke the roused beast Pops had suddenly become.

Pops looked at us. "Sorry folks, my nephew is a bit of a smart ass. It will probably get him dead one day. When his lady called, I had to help, so I agreed to take him out to Utah where his home boys couldn't get him *******ed. I tried to beg off the trip, but Tiff said it would probably do both of us some good, to get to know each other."
He looked around at us. "Me and Douglas haven't been around each other much since he was little. He used to be a good boy, a real sweet kid. Now... well, at least I have a big lake to drown him in!"

I laughed, and held out my hand to the kid. "I'm Adam. Douglas is it? Do you prefer Douglas, or Doug?"

He looked at my hand as if it was a snake, then up at my face. He took my hand, giving me a limp handshake and a scowl, apparently his look for every occasion. "I prefer Trell, it's what everyone calls me."

Pops laughed. "Oh yeah, Trell! His middle name is Latrell, after the deadbeat, worthless sperm donor that he thinks was an actual man. I love my sister, but she has awful judgment when it comes to men. She pretty much raised him all alone."

Kristi and Ron introduced themselves to him, with a similar scowling response, although I did see the flicker of male lust in his eyes as he looked over Kristi's slender form and well-defined tits. Kori stepped forward and took his arm, introducing herself before speaking softly to him. "Come on Trell, I'll help you with the ice, we can go put it up before it all melts here on the dock and wastes all your hard work. I'll take two, if you'll get the other three. You're much bigger and stronger than me."

He looked her over, a look of interest and desire replacing his trademark scowl, and quickly grabbed four bags of ice, two in each hand. "If you can get just one, I'll bring these four." His macho display was both juvenile and transparent, and Kori hid a small smile by looking down. Her own manipulation of him had been every bit as transparent, but he'd taken it hook, line, and sinker.

She smiled warmly at him then, and led him away, the formerly angry young gangsta now an obedient helper. We watched them go, disappearing inside to put the ice in various coolers and freezers. Pops shook his head. "Damn, Ronnie, your wife is some kind of miracle worker, getting that pain in the ass boy to help her like that."

Ron nodded. "She has a way with troured kids, and wild naturals too. There's just something about her. How old is your nephew, anyhow?"

Pops thought for a moment. "Eighteen... no, wait, nineteen. He would have turned nineteen last month, if I'm figuring right. Old enough to know better and too old to be acting like such a punk."

Tiff spoke up, the first words she'd said since meeting Kristi. "Yeah, he's been a pain in the ass since he showed up yesterday. I can fully understand why his lady thought someone might ******* him." She laughed. "He's a horny little bastard, but he has no idea how to talk to women to get himself anywhere. Pitiful!"

Kristi looked at her. "Really? What did he do?" I was glad to see them talking to each other, especially since it wasn't about me. Pops, Ronnie, and I started to load their bags on board from where they were lined up on the dock as the two women talked, not participating, although we could easily hear what they were saying.

Tiffany answered her. "Well, you know how easy it is to tell when a guy wants to get in your pants." Kristi laughed and nodded, agreeing with her. She went on. "Well, he comes on with all this bogus macho bullcuckolds brownie, like he expects women to just fall at his feet. I'm more used to guys that really are macho studs but that come on like shy little boys around women."

Kristi looked at her. "Like your cowboy friends?"

"Exactly! Trell doesn't know the true meaning of macho, but he's all about acting big, talking a lot of crap, the complete other end of the spectrum."

Kristi nodded. "I could see that. Where does my Adam fall on your scale of macho versus bullcuckolds brownie?"

I caught the possessive, I'm sure everyone did. I cringed inwardly, and I heard Pops chuckle, deep in his chest. Right next to me as we carried the bags aboard, he muttered "You're in trouble mister! Run, now, while you have the chance!"

I heard Ronnie laugh at that. I just shook my head and glanced at Tiffany, who was looking at me. She smiled, answering. "Right in the middle, I guess. He's definitely smoother and more glib than the cowboys, but he seems to be more authentic, more real than the true bullcuckolds brownieters. Not that he can't spread a little himself. He's easy to talk to. But then, I guess you already know that."

Kristi looked at me speculatively as I looked back at her, then gave me a brilliant smile before turning back to Tiff. "I do, but tell me about the night you first met him, when he stopped at your restaurant. Come on, grab your bag and we'll go get you into your cabin so you can change out of those hot jeans and into something cool while we talk and get to know each other better."

She paused, looking back and forth between Pops and Tiffany. "Will you two be in the same cabin?"

They both laughed, and Pops spoke. "Lord no girl, the way I snore I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! I sure wouldn't put Tiff through it, she'd get very cranky from loss of relax. Hey, I can relax out here on deck if there are not enough cabins, no problem. I love the night sky."

Tiffany smiled. "He's not exaggerating, we're talking Richter scale snoring. When we get together, it's sure not for relaxing! Pops, I told you that Adam said there was plenty of space for all of us."

Kristi quickly assured tham that that was indeed the case, planning to put Tiff on the main deck, across the hall from us, and Pops and Trell in the two remaining cabins on the deck below. Ronnie and Kori had the larger master cabin; all the rest were pretty comparable. She took the big bag and let Tiff bring her smaller one, and they left, still chatting. The last exchange I heard was Kristi saying "Now you have to tell me about you and Adam first meeting, AND what happens when you and Pops get together to not relax!", to which Tiff responded "I'd rather hear about how you and Adam first met." Then they rounded the corner into the main lounge and out of earshot.

I looked after them, wondering, shaking my head. I guess I groaned. Pops laughed and slapped me on the back, realigning my spine. "I thought you were a pretty smart guy, but getting the two of them together, trapped on this boat, you're clearly out of your fucking mind!"

Ron just laughed. Being a true friend, he thought the whole thing was hilarious. For my part, I was pretty sure Pops had nailed it.


Posts: 1914
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I think he has too .. This is getting to be quite the exotic martini. Put together, about to be stirred, if not shaken, and served with 5 bags of ice ...


Posts: 38
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Awemistere, Stormy. I wonder if we'll witness this young Trell get to fuck our beloved ones Kristi, Kori and Tiff? And Pops of course? - I mean him fucking the ladies too, not his nephew of course... Already bullcuckolds brownie in my brains obviously, just from looking forward to the next developments. Great how Kristi and Tiff get along, so far I mean, you never know...


Posts: 4050
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Your Odyssey takes a new turn and I am loving every minute of it.




Posts: 163 Pictures: 6 
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Storm, thanks for the additions to the plot. I hope we get to see young Trell doing a bit of growin' up with some "boat discipline," and sweet Kori & Kristi are about to 'feel the thunder.' Great writing; I missed reading lately...


Posts: 492
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Welcome back Stormy, you were missed. Your original note made it sound like you would be away for an extended visit and I was anticipating not having a new segment to read for quite a while. Glad that wasn't the case.

I love the latest developments, really looking to see how things progress with this mix of people. Nice to see Kristi squirming a little bit.

Looks like Kristi, Kori and Tiffany are going to have lots of stiff throbbing cocks to play with. Will Tiffany sit back and let the other two hog all the action, or will she jump in there and get her own pearl necklace? Wonder what feelings that will evoke in our boy Adam. Like I said, get the hazmat suits ready, there's going to be spunk flying everywhere. That stuff's slippery, hope no one gets injured. Eye protection is recommended.



Posts: 277
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This sounds so good. The ingridients are there, lets see how you make them explode!!!!!!


Posts: 51
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Jep, I agree with the others.
Great story.



Posts: 1459
#949 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks peak, I think that's a pretty good description. Maybe a dirty martini might be a little more appropriate.

Cliffa, you had me worried with that whole Trell/Pops thing... Good to know I'm stirring impure thoughts in your head!

Thanks GH, it does twist and turn! I don't seem to be able to stop myself. Plus, it's fun trading stories with you!

You're very welcome Herz, glad you're enjoying it. Pretty sure by this time that Trell is hoping for a little fun as well!

Appreciate it Trf2, it turned out I wasn't gone as long as I expected, but another trip out starts in a few days, and will likely be longer. I'm sort of trouble-shooting/filling in over an area of about a 300 mile radius and don't always have computer access, so it may be spotty for now. Hey, at least I'm working and doing pretty well, so that puts me ahead of about 10% of the population so I shouldn't bitch, right? Sure would be good to get settled and put my home life back together though. Soon, maybe.

As far as the shenanigans on the boat, it won't meet OSHA standards, but we will put up a couple of those "Caution, slippery floors" signs.

CD, I suspect there may be explosions of more than one variety ahead. Thanks for the support.

Thanks Southerby, I appreciate you taking time to post a comment!

When we finished getting the other bags transferred from the dock to the deck of the boat Ronnie paused, looking around. "Well, I guess my wife can show you around while Adam and me make a trip up to the store. We need to re-stock our food supplies and a few other things, then get gas, and then it's anchors aweigh!"

Pops grunted. "Ummhh! I almost forgot! I brought some stuff, food and all. Y'all were so good to invite us along on this nice boat, I didn't want to be a complete deadbeat and leech on you. Let me grab Douglas and we'll go get the boxes and cooler from the car." He turned toward the main cabin and yelled "Douglas! Get on out here!"

Kori stepped out, still followed obediently by Trell, who glared at his uncle. Kori was wiping her hands on a small towel, and she looked at Pops. "What's going on? He was just helping me while we chatted a little bit, getting to know each other."

"Yeah Uncle Reggie, we was just talkin. Ain't no harm in that."

Pops shook his massive head, his whole upper body swaying with the movement. "Boy, you be careful about getting to know another man's wife, especially when we're their guests."

That immediately struck me as one of those 'do as I say, not as I do' kind of moments, a hypocritical statement coming from Pops, given what I knew about him. He must have seen the raised eyebrow look I gave him, because he turned to me with a guilty grin. "Prob'ly best if you just don't say nuthin' right now."

I held up both hands, palms toward him. "Hey, far be it from me to intrude on a family matter! But if I were to say anything, I'd say that considering the source, it's probably great advice. I mean, who'd know better than you about the dangers of other men's wives, and..."

He cut me off, laughing. "Shut the hell up, my man. Shit, I should have known better." He dropped into a street patois, again impressing me with his chameleon-like mimicry s*******s. "Shit, don't no nigga get no mutha fuckin respect 'round here! You dis me mister, you buyin a pile o' cuckolds brownie you don't want nuttin to do wit!"

I laughed. "Get used to it Pops, you can't get away with saying anything stupid around this group. Trust me, you will get called out on it. Come on, me and Ronnie will help you two get the stuff from the car."

Kori stood on deck and watched us leave as we headed up the dock toward shore, then up the short incline to the parking lot. Trell trailed behind us, not saying anything as we walked and talked. I don't know if it was just the age, the street-induced macho permistera, or perhaps fear of or dislike for Pops, but he made no effort to join in. The funny thing was, I thought I had seen something in his face when he looked at his uncle; I just wasn't sure yet if it was fear, loathing, respect, or just an overwhelming desire to gain his approval. I thought maybe the latter two, but had not seen enough to be certain.

With Trell mute and me mostly lost in thought, Ron talked with Pops as we walked to the vehicles. I heard Ron reassure Pops that Trell could do no harm hanging around Kori, that she could handle herself just fine, and that, in any event, if he was going to be on the boat he would most likely have to barricade himself in his room to keep Kori away from him. I chuckled and nodded, knowing that to be true. Whether she decided to lady-hen him, or seduce him - or some twisted combination of the two - I knew that Kori had already set her sights on the young man. Knowing Kori, the five minutes she had spent alone with him had probably moistened her panties with thoughts of the possibilities ahead.

My old Jeep was parked alongside Tiffany's battered truck, both sizzling in the hot sun. I was amazed again at how much hotter it became just steps away from the lakeshore. There were three good sized boxes of supplies and a large, old, dented metal cooler sweltering in the back of my Jeep, and we pulled them out and poked around a little. It turned out that Pops had raided the larders at his restaurant, and we had what appeared to be enought to feed a party several times the size of our own, indefinitely. Then I considered the likely size of Pops' prodigous appetite, and that of a healthy nineteen year old male, and realized we'd need every bit of this.

In the cooler were fresh eggs, bacon, packages of steaks and chops. wrapped in white paper, chicken, fresh vegetables, a veritable cornucopia of goodies. The boxes too were jammed with food, bread, fruit, and the like. It appeared that our planned stop at the small store would be unnecessary. The sound of bottles clanking together in the box I pulled out grabbed Ronnie's attention, and he came over and peered in. It contained a variety of wine and spirits, items best gotten out of the intense heat as soon as possible, but Ron's eyes immediately lit on a distinctive dark green bottle in the midst of the others.

He pulled it out and looked at it, and his eyes widened as his mouth dropped open. "A 1974 Provenance Ardbeg twenty four year old single malt? Pops, I apologize for misjudging you! Here I thought you were just an average, ordinary guy, when you are, in fact, an ebony god! I've always wanted to try this - how did you get your hands on it?"

Pops laughed, then frowned at him. "What, you think a brotha can't have the right contacts for the finer things? It just happens that I entertained a couple from the bonnie Isle of Islay a few years back, showed them around, shared a little, uh, quality time with the fair lassie, and they occasionally send me a little something as a token of appreciation. I've been saving this for a special occasion. You like scotch?"

I laughed. "You've found his weakness, his Achilles heel. You hold out that promise and you can get anything you want from Ronnie. And I do mean anything!"

Trell looked at us and shook his head, frowning. He grabbed up a box and headed back down the hill, his spine stiff, shoulders hunched forward. We closed up the car and followed, Ron and I each with a box and Pops taking up the big and ponderously heavy cooler as if it weighed nothing.

When we got back to the boat, Kori led us into the galley, where we dropped our loads. Boxes, I mean. Pops started to make sounds about taking over all the cooking chores - since he is a pro in the kitchen - but Kori wouldn't hear of it, insisting this not become a busman's holiday for him. As we turned to go back outside, they settled on a shared responsibility, agreeing to work together. That promised to be interesting, the giant Pops and relatively tiny Kori working around each other in that confined space!

The fact that Kristi and Tiff had not yet reappeared from her cabin gnawed at me; they had barely met, and had almost nothing in common. What could they possibly be doing? When I voiced my concern, Ronnie just laughed. "They have you in common, you big dummy. What do you suppose they're talking about?"

Trell, standing silently near us, laughed out loud when Ronnie said that, and we looked at him. He shrugged. "Sorry. He's right though. You have to be fuckin' nuts to ask your new girlfriend to come meet your future wife. For three solid days. Did I get that right?"

We were both silent for a moment, amazed that so many words in a row, strung together into a coherent thought and spoken clearly with no ghetto thrown in, had issued from his mouth. I shook myself. "Well, she's not really my girlfriend, but yeah, otherwise that's pretty much it. And fuckin' nuts seems to be the consensus."

Trell shook his head. "They sure are three beautiful ladies though." He glanced at us. "Pops will be going crazy, he loves the ladies."

Ignoring the meat of his statement, I queried him on his use of his uncle's name. "You call him Pops? I thought you called him Uncle Reggie."

He laughed conspiratorially, the three of us guys trading secrets and talking about the eternal topic: women. "I just call him that to piss him off, because he calls me Douglas. He'll break first and start calling me Trell, you'll see." His mind shifted. "Ron, your wife is sure sweet. You watch her around my uncle."

Ron looked at him. "She's one of a kind Trell, glad you like her. I sure do. But she can take care of herself. Besides, I think you're more her type."

That left Trell momentarily speechless and, I think, blushing. He's very dark, and despite considerable contact with African-Americans through my college roommate, sports, and life in general, I couldn't really tell.

Ron went on, glossing over the moment. "Hey, you guys untie us and I'll pull us over to the fuel pumps to top us off, then we can get out of here."
We did as requested, and he did, and twenty minutes later we pulled away from the dock and headed out to open water.

Kristi and Tiff had finally reappeared, chatting like the best of friends, although there seemed to be a serious game of one-upmanship going on; when either of them told a story or related a prior experience, the other seemed determined to top it. It looked like it stood a good possibility of turning into one of those 'first liar doesn't have a chance' scenarios. Ron tried to intervene by distracting them, calling out from where he sat at the helm.

"Wow Tiffany, what did you do with the dusty cowgirl that came on board just a little while ago, and who is this sexy broad that took her place?"

Permisterally, I thought she'd looked really good in the tight jeans, but he had a point. She was wearing what I was almost sure was one of Kristi's tops, a tight fitting, horizontally striped orange and white knit number that would have showed off her ample breasts even had it been a dark solid. The light color and stripes accentuated and defined her curves, the stripes bending and swooping over large, perfectly shaped breasts that had heretofore been hidden under loose fitting western shirts and baggy tops. If it was in fact Kristi's top, it was now being asked to work harder than it ever had needed to to contain Kristi's perfect but smaller rack. The stripes also drew attention to the large nubs of her nipples, jutting out as long and thick as the last joint of my pinky finger. My mouth immediately performed a Pavlov's response, and I swallowed noisily.

Tiffany's ribs tapered sharply inward under her breasts, to a narrow waist and flat stomach left exposed by the tight, short top, before the flare of her hips curved back out to where an equally tight pair of white shorts hugged her hipbones. The shorts were either her own or Kori's; anything designed for Kristi's narrow hips and tight little ass would not have made it past Tiffany's more pronounced curves without complete system failure and loss of integrity.

I decided they were probably Kori's, because I could not envision Tiffany buying herself anything that fit so tightly that it formed and defined her full, firm ass, or which left her with such a pronounced and eye-catching cameltoe where her thighs met. Neither of those items looked like something Tiffany would choose for herself, but she did look gloriously sexy and wanton in them; the long, flowing shimmer of auburn hair around her face, neck and shoulders, where they had loosened and combed out her ponytail, completed the look.

Every male on board stopped and stared, and Tiffany blushed as Pops recovered first and just said "Whoooeee, and holy crap! I mean, wow!" Knowing that he'd known her for years, and had seen her naked, on many occasions - had, in fact, been inside of her - the fact that he was so stunned spoke volumes about her new look. Trell and I each let out a long, low whistle at the same time, and we glanced at each other and laughed. Ron was speechless, a rare occasion, and his eyes just kept wandering her curves, takeing her in.

Kristi smiled. "So you guys approve?" We all nodded, a bunch of mute bobbly-head dolls. She laughed. "See, I told you! Just show off those amazing curves of yours, let your hair do its thing, just that tiny touch of makeup I put on you, and viola! You knocked their socks off girl - you need to stop hiding your light under all that dust and denim."

Whatever Kristi had done, I hadn't even noticed the makeup until she mentioned it. It was subtle, great eyelashes and just a slight darkening to make her eyes stand out, a pale lip gloss, some sort of shading that de-emphasized the slight offset in her nose, maybe by showing off her cheekbones, and the small scar on her chin had completely disappeared. Somehow she had done it without stealing the glorious character of Tiffany's unique face, but had just perfected and refined her. It was a face that belonged on the cover of Vogue, or Cosmo, and I said so.

"Wow! The cowgirl goes Madimister Avenue! Stunning! I got a hunch them boys in Hanksville ain't never seen nuthin' like you. Them boys are gonna swallow their chew!"

She laughed, the tension broken, but she was clearly pleased by my reaction. For some reamister, I sensed that my opinion meant more to her than that of the others. "Adam, they don't talk like that! You're doing Arkansas, not Utah."

Laughing, I replied. "What can I say, I'm not as talented as Pops. But seriously, wow! You looked great before, and you look incredible now."

Kristi smiled at me. "So I did good, huh?"

"You did great. I had no idea this was what you planned."

Kristi smiled again, favoring both Tiff and I with her thousand watt look. "I didn't, but her clothes were all too, um, conservative. And too extensive. Less is more, in this heat." She pretended to pout. "Of course, that top will never fit me again! If I put it on it will have two big stretched out pouches where boobs belong, and I can't do justice to that!"
Tiff blushed again as Kristi went on. "She has incredible tits, doesn't she babe?"

Taken off guard, I stammered. Even not taken off guard, how would I answer that? "I, uh, um, yeah, they, uh, yeah, amazing." I pointed at them, moving my finger back and forth. "I never saw those before Tiff, are they new?"

Both girls went off in peals of laughter. I breathed a sigh of relief. Once again, being an inept and inarticulate bumbler had saved me. Turning away, trying to escape, I stopped in my tracks. So did everyone else. We were all staring at Kori, who stood on the deck in front of us, her top in hand, her perky and perfectly formed breasts bare.

She looked at us, taking in Pops' stunned stare, Tiffany's apparent shock, and Trell's wide eyed but lustful look. "What? We're away from the dock, nobody is around. I've already been dressed too long. We do this, on this boat. You know, if you want to." She picked up the bottle of sunscreen. "Trell, will you please do my back so I don't burn? And remember everyone: What happens at Lake Powell stays at Lake Powell."


Posts: 181
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Wow! Nothing else I can say.


Posts: 492
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Oh boy, here we go. Leave it to Kori to get the ball rolling as soon as the boat leaves the dock. Poor Trell has no idea what's in store for him, the kid's going to learn a lot in a short period of time with those three women around.

I had to laugh, your job sounds a lot like Adam's job, is that just a coincidence?

Here's hoping that your home life situation improves quickly and you can get back to normal.



Posts: 4050
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This could be the cruise of the century. I can't wait.



Posts: 1914
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I admire your sense of occasion. Home life tough but the show goes on. Thanks. This still looks like the ingredients to another of your perfect sexual storms, and I'm starting to see where Trell fits in, so to speak ...


Posts: 1459
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Thanks dr, good to hear from you again, glad you're hanging in there.

Trf2, it probably is mostly coincidence, since i wasn't in this situation when the story began. I appreciate the kind wishes, I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Now, I need to get Trell in some trouble...

Thanks GH, I'm hoping the cruise turns out well also. Can't forget that big Ranger out there somewhere...

Peak, writing this and reading GH, plus a few others from time to time, provides a great distraction from the other hassles. It's like therapy.
As I recall, Kori is not overly large inside, or tolerant of very big cocks, so I hope Trell fits in!

Trell stood rooted in place just a moment too long, looking at Kori. Just as her words registered with him and he began to move toward her, Pops swooped in ahead of him. "I'll be happy to do the honors girl, you don't want to overheat that poor boy in his first hour on the boat." He paused for a moment, looking back at Trell. "Douglas, you need to get out of those hot banger clothes and get in something cool before you die, boy! That is just not right, you lookin' like a thug on a boat. This ain't no thug boat! And pull up your damn pants."

Trell glared at him. "What, and wear something that makes me look a fool like that cuckolds brownie you're wearing, Uncle Reginald?" He emphasized the name, as Pops had his, each knowing the other hated it, and I watched Pops as his back stiffened and his huge hands balled into fists. Both of these men seemed to be fine with all of us at this point, but the tension between them was palpable, and very uncomfortable for the rest of us.

My eyes met Tiffany's for a moment, and she gave a small shake of her head. I began to understand why she had been so hesitant and apologetic about having these two along. I winked at her, hoping to assure her things would be fine, while hoping I was right.

Kristi was wrapped up in their exchange as well, and to her credit, even though I knew she was somewhat put off by Trell's attitude, she stepped in and tried to defuse the situation. "Come on Trell. Your uncle is being a butt, but he's right. Ronnie and Adam always dress cool, like in swimsuits or shorts, so you won't look out of place. Besides, I bet you have better legs than either of those guys!"

He turned to her, and she smiled, lighting up, focusing her energy on him, and I watched some of the anger leave his body. He shrugged it off and reached for his bags. Kristi took the smaller one from him. "I'll show you your cabin. You do have some cool clothes along, right? I mean, everything is not like this..." She paused, not sure what to say without putting her foot in it. He didn't seem to notice.

"I got a swimsuit. Not like theirs. Do you swim in this?" He looked over the rail at the dark water passing beneath us, clearly skeptical.

Kristi laughed. "Sure! Not while we're moving, but it feels great on these hot days, when we're stopped somewhere."

He looked again at the lake. "It looks deep."

I laughed. "It is. Maybe a couple hundred feet here, but over five hundred at the deepest spot."

His eyes widened. "I can't swim in no five hundred feet of water! I could drown!"

Pops laughed, which caused Trell's hackles to rise again, but I took a serious tone with him. "Are you a good swimmer?"

"I can swim a little."

"Can you swim in eight feet of water?"

He frowned. "Yeah, pretty good. But that's only eight feet, not hundreds!"

I shrugged. "No difference, they're both over your head. Once you're past six feet or so, it's really just all in your mind." He looked very doubtful, which I could understand. I remembered, the first time snorkeling over a coral reef, when I had swum past the outer edge of the reef and looked down to see the ocean-face of the reef disappearing into blackness below, my stomach plummeting with it. It's an odd and unsettling situation, even though you know, in your mind, that you can stay at the surface.

I understood his trepidation. "Don't worry, where we anchor it will be shallower. We may even find a beach, or some sloping rocks or something. We're not going to make you swim here." I smiled, trying to ease his mind.

I could see he still harbored doubts as Kristi led him away, but at least the face-off between him and Pops had been avoided. Pops shook his head as Trell disappeared with Kristi into the salon, and then down the hall. The steps down to the other cabins were just beyond our own, and I knew she would help him get situated. The thought of them alone together in his cabin flitted around my mind, but as Kristi had never shown any fascination with black men - had, in fact, expressed a lack of interest - it didn't weigh on me. The fact that she had taken over as hostess, looking out first for Tiffany, and now for Trell, actually struck me as more strange.

Pops sighed as he stepped to Kori's side. "That boy can flat get to me! I don't know why I let him push my buttons like that."
He absent-mindedly took the lotion from Kori and squirted a generous dollop into the palm of his hand. Using his other hand to push her hair out of the way, he began to rub it on her bare back. His huge bulk, towering over her, and his dark and enormous hand on the flawless pale skin of her back made a stark contrast, but a strangely exotic and erotic combination.

I stepped to the door into the salon, winking at Tiff as I passed her. She followed me, and I stopped in the door, half in, half out, and spoke to Ron where he sat at the helm. "Are you watching your little vixen of a wife?"


Silly question on my part, apparently. Time for another. "Enjoying it?"

His eyes flicked to me, and he frowned, then returned his gaze to Kori. "Are you kidding? Look at her!"

I did. We both did, Tiff and me. Kori had raised both hands above her head, using them to grasp and lift her own hair out of the way so that Pops could use both hands, and he was. Trell forgotten, he was warming to the task at hand. His two huge hands on her back covered her from the tops of her shoulders to below her shoulder blades, and as he ran them down in streaks of creamy white lotion his thick fingers slid over the sides of her ribcage, almost touching the outer curve of her full breasts. At her waist he paused, the heels of his hands on the upper curve of her hips, his thumbs touching over her spine, his fingers wrapping her sides to the edges of her taut stomach. It looked like he could pick her up, as if she were a young, and do whatever he wanted to her. He probably could.

Turning her head, she looked over her shoulder at him and spoke. I could hear what she said, but knew that Ronnie couldn't. Tiff heard her as well, and shook her head. "This may be a new record for him. And, lest you have any doubt, that's saying something!"

I laughed. "That's just because he never met Kori before. And, lest you have any doubt, it's probably not a new record for her."

Tiffany laughed, that clear, bell-like laugh of hers, and Ron stared at us. "What? What's funny? What did she say?"

Tiff and I looked at each other, and I inclined my head toward Ron, the 'you tell him' maneuver, so she did. She looked at him pityingly. "She said for him to hurry up and finish her back so he could do her front."

Ron nodded. "Oh. Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm just surprised that she still has the bottom of her suit on - oh, wait, I spoke too soon!"

We looked back. Sure enough, she hooked the sides of her suit with her thumbs and quickly wriggled out of it, catching it with one toe and expertly kicking it up onto one of the lounge chairs. A foot further and it would have been through the rail and into the lake, never to be seen again, unless perhaps it had wrapped around the propeller. She turned slightly as she did that, and now faced more toward us, at an angle. She faced Ronnie's position almost directly, which I knew was not by accident.

She stood naked now, in front of Pops, looking small and vulnerable against his dark bulk. The contrast of their sizes , and their colors, his dark, hulking masculinity over her pale, nubile and almost fragile looking femininity, was almost shocking, and her rigidly erect and jutting pink nipples told us all we needed to know about her. As he completed rubbing the lotion into her back he raised his head and looked intently through the glass, into Ronnie's face. Ron shrugged and gave him a small smile.

Taking that as the permission that it was, he wrapped his big mitts around her hips and pulled her back against him, his hands then moving in front to completely cover her stomach as he pressed her to him, then up to engulf and slady her breasts. Kori's mouth opened slightly to gasp in a breath at the same time her eyes closed, and her head went back against his chest. He crushed her tits in his hands, squeezing and kneading them, and we heard her low moan.

Her arms dropped to her sides, inside of his, and went back, behind her, to find him. Her hands found the outside of his thighs, and stopped for a moment before her left one came around the front of his leg and grasped his cock through his pants. Or, I should say, I assume it was his cock. The way her hand wrapped the khaki fabric around his shaft it looked more like she was holding a baseball bat or some such thing through his pants, her fingers not even near to reaching around the girth of his penis. Touching her body and being touched himself had hardened him fully, and Kori now had in her hand that same massive cock I remembered seeing in action at his cafe. Her eyes opened, a look of shock and surprise on her face, and she and Ron stared at each other for a moment, but she did not release her grip on that massive organ. She smiled at Ron, enjoying his reaction, enjoying the feel of the big, hard cock in her hand.

Ron, with a better angle than us to see what his wife held in her hand, breathed out the word "Fuck!"

Tiffany looked at him. "Yeah Ron, he's huge, big as one of my stallions. The man is truly, epically hung. He can be very gentle, but I hope your wife likes 'em big! You know, if in fact you're going to let her do this."

Ron just looked at her for a moment, then back out at Kori and Pops. He made no response to her statement, I suppose since it had not really been a question. I answered instead. "No, she doesn't. Not really. I mean, she likes the idea, and it turns her on tremendously, but she's not really built to take one..."

I trailed off as I caught her staring at me, an amused look on her face. She smiled. "Gosh Adam, you seem to know an awful lot about your best friend's wife. Now I wonder, how would you have come by all that information? Was it just something you discussed over takes, or maybe just a guess...?"

She was enjoying teasing me. It was good to see her relaxed and playful, and it didn't hurt that she looked so damn good. Even better when she smiled. I smiled back at her. "What can I say, we're just really good friends. I mean, really, really good friends. Right Ronnie?"

He glanced at us, loath to take his eyes off his wife. "Tiff, Adam is hung like a horse too. In fact, his nickname is Mule, he probably didn't tell you that. He's too big for Kori, it makes her uncomfortable, and yes, we do know each other that way. Pops looks even bigger, so I don't know what will happen. Now will you two shut up and stop interrupting?"

He turned back to watching Kori and Pops. He still had one of her breasts mashed in his huge hand, but his other had slid down to the juncture of her thighs, his broad palm completely covering her mound, his fingers between her legs - which she had obligingly spread apart to allow him access - and her hips moved rhythmically, telling us that at least one of his thick fingers was inside of her. The thought crossed my mind that his fingers were each not only longer than Ronnie's cock, but thicker, and I knew that Ron must have realized that as well. She was eagerly squeezing and stroking his cock, as best she could through his pants.

To my surprise, Tiffany was not done. She crossed to Ron, resting her hands lightly on his shoulders. "So Ronnie, are you hung too? Is this some kind of giant cock cruise, where you tempt a few unsuspecting women aboard and then take turns ravaging them with your enormous manhood? Manhoods? Menhood? Oh hell, your huge cocks?"

I winced, but Ron just glanced up at her momentarily before returning his attention to his wife. He spoke without looking at her again. "No. No, as a matter of fact, I have a small one. Actually, a tiny little dick, really more of a dicklet. That's one of the reamisters that I get so much enjoyment out of seeing the pleasure my Kori gets when she's with someone better endowed. Which is almost anyone."

Tiffany blushed, then looked at me, a horrified look on her face, wishing she could retract her teasing words. "Ronnie, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..."
Ron cut her off. "Tiff, it's all right. I know who and what I am, and I make up for it in other ways. I compensate. Take Adam for instance; he may be hung, but I'm smarter, richer, and wa-a-a-a-y-y better looking. Plus I'm just so damn lovable!"

She glanced at me, and I shrugged and smiled. "What can I say, I can't argue with him when he's right."

Ron went on. "I don't suppose there's much chance, but I can always hope that Trell has a micro penis so that I'm not the smallest on the boat. That would be nice, for a change."

Hearing voices behind us, we turned. The first thing we saw was Trell and Kristi emerging from the hall. The second was the small, enigmatic smile on Kristi's face, teasing, yet announcing that she knew something we did not. The third thing we noticed was that Ronnie's wish was not to be granted, not this trip. Trell's suit, the one that he had brought along that was "not like ours", was a red and white striped Speedo, red with a broad diagonal stripe of white across the front (and, I discovered later, the rear), and the pouch in front was well stuffed. Scarcely the little nubbin Ron had hoped for, the package-displaying suit showed off a chunky, bulging lower part, attesting to a hefty set of balls, and a long, cylindrical ridge which crossed from the white into the red stripe, jutting out in an obscene bulge before curving off toward his left hip.

The boy was plainly hung. Kristi winked at me. Fireworks went off in my groin, and my stomach performed a complete 360 back flip. Tiffany just shook her head, smiled, and patted Ronnie gently on the shoulder.


Posts: 3
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Wasting no time I see. I was sure the fireworks wouldn't begin for at least a few more segments. Thanks again for such a well written story.



Posts: 492
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Our little Kori is kind of putting herself between a rock and a hard place, err....cock, so to speak, isn't she? We already know that her pussy, as wonderful and talented as it is, isn't able to handle width, girth or length, so why is she going down this road? Doesn't she know that Pop's dick is kind of like a Ferrarri? You can't just start it up and leave it idling in the garage, you've got to get that thing out there and run the hell out of it or it will get all mucked up and never work properly again. I don't think Pops is going to be happy with a hand job or even a blow job, he wants a warm moist place to park that big black snake of his. Hey, maybe Ranger Rick will find Pops attractive, who knows?

Once again, you're letting my wicked imagination run rampant. I know there are a few more twists and turns coming, I just can't wait to get started.

Thanks Stormy, awesome job.


Posts: 4050
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I love the way you keep remixing your characters to come up with new situations that they have to muddle their way through.

You are a master story teller.

Thanks for your efforts.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks justaguy, I'm still not sure this will be fireworks. Maybe just sparklers and bottle rockets. I appreciate the kind words!

You're a wildman Trf2, you do come up with some crazy scenarios! Not sure what will happen just yet, but I'm pretty sure that Pops and the Ranger will not find true happiness together and ride off to Brokeback Mountain.

Thanks GH, you know how much I value your opinion. By the way, muddle is my middle name. Or would that be middle is my....oh, never mind!

Going to be gone for awhile now, not sure how long. It's such a nuisance when one's real life messes up one's virtual life!


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Posts: 1459
#960 · Edited by: stormydog 
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MUGGLE, peak? Isn't that a Harry Potter thing? He is definitely not going to be making an appearance in this story!

Ronnie just shook his head, muttering "Damn!" under his breath. He returned his gaze to his wife, as did I after briefly catching Kristi's eye, noticing her wink that said she had something she wanted to tell me. To my surprise, Kori now stood alone on the deck in front of us, a slightly dazed and confused look on her face, a look that was as much forlorn as anything. Pops had abandoned her, apparently very suddenly, and he now sat on one of the lounge chairs on the deck, a towel bunched in his lap to hide his bulging erection.

It took me a moment to realize that he had not wanted Trell to catch him fooling around with Kori! The fact that he had no qualms about us seeing him at play seemed completely at odds with his behavior around his nephew, and I began to slowly understand that he was trying to set a positive example for the younger man, that despite their apparent animosity toward each other he still felt that he needed to try to be a positive influence in his nephew's life. This cruise promised to be a very trying time for him at this rate, and I resolved to find a way to tell him that Trell already knew that his uncle was a legendary cocksman and pussy hound.

As for poor Kori, she stood there looking over at Pops, wondering what the hell had just happened. I glanced at Trell, whose eyes had locked onto Kori, running over her body, taking in every little bit of her naked flesh. For anyone that knew her - and maybe even for anyone that didn't - her arousal was very evident, her face and neck flushed, her lips puffy and wet, and her nipples erect, rosy, jutting out and begging for attention. At her crotch her small patch of hair failed to hide the bulging hood of pink flesh that struggled to cover her rigid clit as it protruded from between her puffy and damp looking outer lips. She looked like a woman ready to be fucked, indeed, a woman that had been expecting to be, and now suddenly found herself deserted.

Her eyes found Ronnie, and then me, and I could see the question in them, but then she saw Trell and I think she began to understand what had just happened. She glanced again at Pops, then back to Trell, and her eyes dropped to his groin, fixating on the significant and probably growing bulge in his tight suit.

Her face lit in a delighted smile, and she crossed to him and took his arm.
"Trell, you are just beautiful! Come out in the sun so we can get a good look at you." She pulled him out through the door of the lounge and onto the deck as he held the shirt he was carrying in front of him, no doubt trying to hide the very natural reaction that seeing a naked and horny Kori had caused. She'd have none of that, taking it from him and tossing it aside onto a chair, as he immediately dropped his hands, clasping them in front of him in a vain attempt to accomplish the same thing.

Kori was right though, he was beautiful. He looked like something a great sculptor might have carved out of a block of black granite, something that had taken months or years to carve, smooth, polish, and perfect. He was slender and sleek, his brown skin flawless as it stretched over lean, perfectly defined muscles, his shoulders broad enough to allow for a pronounced taper to his narrow waist, a perfect, hard-looking six-pack of muscles defining his abdomen. The muscles of his arms and legs were long and sleek, endurance muscle rather than power muscle, yet they bulged in all the right places to capture the eyes of all three of the women on the boat, and his high, round butt wrapped in the tight red and white suit looked like it was designed for thrusting. For hours. Which I'm very sure they all noticed.

If Pops was a Bull Mastiff in his build and demeanor, then Trell was more of a Greyhound, or perhaps a Doberman, all wound up spring and ready for launch, built for speed and endurance. While he had had eyes only for the naked Kori, all three ladies were busy takeing in his young, sleek body. I felt Kristi's arm slip around my waist as she came to my side, while Tiffany still stood by Ronnie, her hands resting lightly on his shoulders. Kristi leaned close to my ear. "Pretty impressive, huh?"

I nodded. "He looks like something Michelangelo might have carved, in his prime."

Kristi laughed. "Maybe, except old Mike never would have given him a cock like that! All of his male nudes had tiny little peckers. I never understood that."

I shrugged. "He used a lot of white marble, so he always carved white guys."

Kristi laughed, and Ronnie let out a snort of laughter as well while Tiff smiled and shook her head. "This is going to be a fun couple of days. You guys are all plainly nuts. How did you manage to seem so normal when you came into the cafe?"

I laughed. "I am, Tiff. Totally normal, very quiet and reserved, shy, even. But when I get around this lady, and Ronnie and his crazy wife, they bring out the worst in me. I'd have to say they are a very bad influence."

Kristi nodded. "Yeah, that's it. He's a regular choirboy when he's not around us." She smacked my butt. "Come on, let's go get some beers and sit on the deck so I can admire our young friend."

We took take orders, everyone settling for a beer of one type or another, and as we delivered them I paused with Kori and Trell for a moment, just long enough to see Kori reach out and trace the prominent bulge of his hard cock through his suit, one finger running up the ridge of his cock from his balls to the tip. He gasped and pulled away, the whites of his eyes showing all the way around as he looked at me. "Don't! Damn! Your husband is right over there - are you crazy?"

Kori chuckled. "It's OK Trell, I wouldn't do anything to get you in trouble. Ronnie doesn't mind when I find somebody I want to play with."

He stared at me, and I nodded. "She's telling the truth. And you can blame your uncle for getting her all hot and horny, he's the one that sicced her on you, even if it was unintentional." I held out the beers. "Here K, take your beer. At least that will keep one of your hands occupied for awhile."

Trell took his - yes, I know he's under age, but we're out on a private boat, so who's gonna tell - and Kori took hers. She regarded it for a moment. "Well, it's round and thick and brown, but it's not what I wanted to hold in my hand!"

Trell let out a surprised snicker, and I laughed. "Jeez K, you are such a slut! Put you out on the water and all of your inhibitions just fall away, don't they, like dropping a stone in the lake, it just disappears. Watch yourself around this one Trell, when she's in this mood there's no stopping her."

I crossed to Kristi, who, after delivering the bottles she'd carried, had stopped near the rail and now stood there alone. "Hey. You want to start a pool on how long it is before Kori has Trell inside of her? We can go mouth or pussy to keep it simple."

She looked at me. "He is pretty, isn't he? Almost makes me wish I had a thing for black guys - although Pops is awfully sexy. I knew Kori would like Trell a lot. He's cute though, when I asked him if he needed me to come in and help him change into his suit he got so flustered and embarrassed he could hardly talk." She laughed. "Then when he came out I asked him if he was smuggling a banana and it embarrassed him all over again. Pretty funny. Kori's gonna eat him alive."

"Probably. Lucky him, huh?" I looked at her. "Are you OK? you just seem kind of, I don't know, off or something."

She didn't say anything, and for several seconds her glorious eyes just held mine, looking for something. Finally, she spoke. "Yeah, I'm fine, I guess. I just keep thinking about you. Hon', if Lee does show up tonight, are you sure you'll be all right if things get, you know, wild? I mean, if you don't want to go through with it, we won't."

I'd known that of course, inside, but this was the first time she'd said so. I knew how much she wanted to play out her fantasy, so it meant a lot to me that she'd offer to set it aside. "Thanks, I appreciate that, but I guess maybe we should try. I mean, it excites me and scares me at the same time. You know how I am."

She smiled. "I do. You're kinky but chicken..."

I interrupted. "Which is better than being kinky with chickens."

She laughed. "Idiot. No, I mean, if it starts going bad for you, if you get upset, shouldn't we have a code word or something in case you want me to stop?"

I shrugged. "How about if I just say 'stop'?"

She shook her head. "You're not very good at this, are you? When it comes to secret code words, that one is pretty lame. Do you still use 1-2-3-4 for your computer password?"

I nodded, and she laughed again. "OK, we'll do it your way. At least you won't have to try to remember some obscure code word in a moment of duress. Stop. That's weak Adam, really weak. Do you really think he'll come?"

I nodded. "I told you, he wouldn't miss it for the world. Not to have a shot at you. Relax, he'll be here."

Pops chose that moment, his erection apparently faded enough to not show, to rise from the lounge chair and cross to us. Now it just looked like there was a ferret moving around in his pants instead of like he was stealing a baseball bat. He dropped his huge arm over Kristi's shoulders, and despite nearly sagging under the weight she smiled and looked up at him, leaning into his body. "Hi Pops. Have you recovered from Kori a***ing you?"

He laughed and pulled her against him. "That's the kind of use a man could grow to love! Is your friend always so blatantly sexual?"

I answered first. "No, not always. Most of the time, though."

He laughed again. "My kind of woman, and, more importantly, with my kind of husband. Would you believe, some people think I'm like that too, oversexed, like Kori?"

Kristi and I both laughed. "No, that's hard to believe. Where would they get that idea?"

He shrugged his big shoulders, feigning confusion. "I don't know. Hey, who wants something to eat?"

I didn't, not really, but could see that he did and so agreed that a snack would be a good idea. We called Kori and Trell over and asked them, getting an enthusiastic response from Trell, lukewarm from Kori. All she wanted to eat was Trell, I think, but we all traipsed inside and Kori broke off from Trell and followed Pops into the galley to rustle up some kind of snack or appetizer. At least now Ronnie and Tiff could be included in the conversation, since we were all together again, although they seemed to have been perfectly happy together inside, just talking to each other. I knew Ron had as big a soft spot for Tiffany and her story as I did, and she seemed to genuinely like him, which is very easy to do. He's that kind of guy. Still, I was glad they'd hit it off so well.

And so we moved across the lake, to where Ranger Lee had directed us, knowing full well that he had done so in order to show up there himself, to find us, to come and take my Kristi, to make love to her, to enjoy her amazing body and make her make sounds that only I should cause her to make. My palms were sweaty, and there was a tingle of anticipation and excitement in my belly, way down low, but I had no appetite for food. None at all.
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