Posts: 277
I was almost cumming and just reading about it, hot. contdoc
Posts: 1459
Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments and am glad to know you are enjoying it. Trf2, I had to stop somewhere! I hope to get back tomorrow to possibly post another chapter. Was planning to tonight, but it seemed to get late early.
Posts: 492
That's just not fair, here I'm thinking you posted another segment. Damn.
Posts: 1459
Sorry Trf2, just wanted y'all to know that I hadn't forgotten about you. ___________________________________________________________
I was close, very close, and Hannah's lips and the warm wetness of her mouth could drive me over the edge very quickly. I didn't want to embarrass myself by popping my cork the moment she touched me, but I knew I couldn't hold out very long following Kristi's teasing. I still wasn't fully at ease with allowing this to happen - there was still the whole newlywed/honeymoon thing, after all - but I was intensely horny, and seemed to be the only one with any such qualms.
I looked down at Hannah as she sucked me, noting the look of pure bliss on her face, eyes closed, cheeks flushed, totally involved in what she was doing. She pushed me close, but may have felt me tense up, because she changed back to Ronnie just in time, keeping one hand wrapped around the base of my cock as she sucked him while fondling his balls with her other hand. He groaned and pumped his hips, thrusting his stubby little cock into her waiting mouth. He was clearly enjoying her oral attention.
As was Tommy, who had to be reminded several times by Kori to keep taking pictures. He seemed to just want to watch his wife while she performed, and I was astounded to see that his cock was trying valiantly to rise to the occasion, probably seventy percent hard already despite his very recent ejaculation. Ah, the wonders of youth!
Hannah let Ronnie's cock slip from her lips with an audible pop, then smiled up at me as she slid her red and puffy lips over the fat head of my cock, her eyes closing again as I entered her mouth. This time I was almost sure I would cum, and had rationalized my way to allowing myself to do so, wondering how badly I would drown her since I was so incredibly aroused! She sucked me, her hand alternately pumping the lower part of my cock or squeezing my balls, and I felt the buildup begin, the beginning of the rush. I closed my eyes and lost myself to it, tilting my head back and thrusting into her willing mouth.
The urge seemed unstoppable, the point of no return perhaps a split second away, when suddenly she released me completely, totally stopped touching me! I groaned as I opened my eyes, my lust-fogged brain just barely able to wonder what had gone wrong, only to see Kristi standing there, right in front of me, staring into my face as she held Hannah back with one hand on her shoulder. My tormentor had a very small, very amused smile on her lips, and a teasing sparkle in her eye.
A sound escaped me that was half frustrated groan and half rueful laugh, knowing she had me. "Ohhh fuck, you've got to be kidding me!"
Kristi laughed. "You weren't just about to cum were you?"
"You know I was. Damn, woman, what's wrong with you?"
She laughed again, enjoying my frustration. "So you were actually going to cum right in her mouth, this new bride, right in front of her husband, on their honeymoon! Whatever happened to all that gallantry you displayed earlier, all your resolve?"
I shrugged, still very aware of my pulse pounding in my rock-hard cock. "Apparently I was able to overcome my good intentions. And besides, I wasn't all that set on cumming in Hannah's mouth. I was pretty much past the point of being picky, just as long as I got to cum somewhere."
Kristi smiled. "You will. But not here and not now, OK?"
"Oh c'mon! Are you trying to ******* me or what? Besides, I think Hannah wants me to."
She looked up at us, her eyes going back and forth between us as she continued to fondle Ron. She gave an affirmative nod.
Kristi smiled down at her, then looked back at me. "I promise to make it worth your while if you'll wait. Please, for me?"
Kristi promising a sexual encounter worth all my pain and suffering was not something to be taken lightly, and I didn't. Still, Hannah's warm and willing lips were right there, inches away...
Kristi gave me her best sexy smile, and I crumred like a cracker in a blender. "OK, we'll do it your way. But you gotta know that if you had been a split second later we wouldn't be having this conversation, we'd be toweling off Hannah instead. I was so close!"
Hannah giggled. "I know, I was tasting you You were leaking. A lot! So I don't get to make you cum?"
I shrugged again. "I guess not, but not because I didn't want to. That really felt good - hey Tommy, your wife gives great head!"
I'm not sure why I did that, but his response was even more strange. He actually said "Thanks!" He then blushed and muttered "I mean, uh, I know!" We all laughed, Hannah perhaps the loudest.
Kori crossed the short distance between her and Ron, taking his arm. "Why don't you quit too? We really have to get going, don't we?"
Ron looked at her and winked. "Do you promise to make it worth my while too?"
Kori arched her eyebrows, giving Ronnie 'that look', and a dangerous smile. "Don't I always?"
Ronnie grimaced. "Oooh! Only a fool would fail to recognize the quicksand ahead in this conversation, and my momma didn't raise no fools! Yes dear, every moment spent in carnal splendor with you is burned into my memory as the most magnificent moments of my life, perhaps my entire reamister for being. I don't know what I was thinking, please forgive the mental lapses of a poor, weak-minded man."
We all laughed at them, as Kori smiled tolerantly. "That's more like it! For a moment there I thought you were getting uppity."
Hannah rose to her feet between us. "So I don't get to make anyone cum? That's no fun!"
Kori smiled at her. "You made Tommy cum." Hannah looked at her, puzzled, and Kori went on. "He came when you did sweetie, hearing your orgasm triggered his. I'd say you two are really in tune with each other if he can enjoy your orgasms vicariously so much that he shoots his load just because you're getting off, wouldn't you?"
The two of them looked at each other and smiled. It was sweet enough that I was pretty glad that I wasn't diabetic. Seriously, it was kind of touching. Hannah nodded. "I never thought of it that way, that's pretty cool! But sucking your cocks just now made me really horny, I'm totally wet, so I think Tommy has a little more work to do."
Tommy grinned shyly at her, glancing at the rest of us before he spoke. "That's not work honey, that's my pleasure."
Kristi spoke up. "Well, if any of you failed to recognize that as our cue to leave, I'll make it more plain: Let's go folks, these two lovebirds want their privacy!"
We all proceeded to put on a little clothing, making ourselves trail-ready, and to pack up the rest of our stuff. At the last second we remembered that we still needed to exchange our addresses and contact information, so we did that, using the pad and pen that Tom had fetched earlier. They were pondering the feasibility of routing their return trip home through Denver to stop and see us, so we took a few moments to discuss that and look at dates.
Posts: 1914
There you go again !!
You do realise Stormy, the pressure you are putting yourself under is about the same as in Adam's balls at the moment. Kori's special moment needs to be extra special now !!
I would say I can't wait but clearly as I'm not writing it, I'm going to have to. Me and a cast of thousands no doubt ..
Posts: 1459
Thanks peak. Surely she has something good planned. I'll try to move it along! _____________________________________________________________
It turned out that if they took the ferry across - with their car - from Hall's Crossing marina on the south shore where they had left it, to Bullfrog marina, on the northern shore of the lake, their planned departure date and travel time would bring them through Denver the day before I had to leave to get back up to my jobsite in Wyoming. That was two days after I would get home. I had originally been planning to go straight back up to Wyoming from Lake Powell, but now, with Kristi having shown up, it gave me an excellent excuse to take the extra time and cover the additional miles back to Denver, thus using up the remainder of my vacation time to spend additional time with her and take her back home.
We made tentative plans for them to do that, assuring them that they would be welcome to stay with us before completing their remaining five hundred mile journey home to Nebraska the following day. Kristi at that point reminded me of something that had momentarily slipped my mind, speaking to Hannah and Tom.
"If you do come by you'll get a chance to meet one of Adam's many sexual conquests, who's also going to be staying with us for awhile."
Rain. I had actually forgotten about our other guest, although she had been on my mind a lot. I have to chalk it up to diminished red supply to the brain as a result of a near-constant supply of additional red to my cock recently. Still, describing her as a sexual conquest of mine, and especially as one of many seemed a little harsh, not to mention misleading.
I couldn't let it pass. I shook my head, laughing. "Oh come on, don't make it more than it was. We had a one night fling when circumstances thrust us together. And besides, I think maybe I was her sexual conquest, not the other way around. Rain may be tiny, but she's an natural when she's aroused!"
Kristi laughed. "True, and Adam had the scratches and bite marks to prove it! He looked like he fell into the tiger's cage."
Ron and Kori, familiar with the story, just laughed along with us. The younger couple just stared, Tom with his mouth hanging open. Hannah finally spoke, looking at Kristi. "'re OK with this? You let him invite her to stay at your home, knowing about this? And Rain...that's her name?"
Kristi smiled. "Yes, Rain, and actually I invited her. Adam didn't know anything about it until two days ago. She's sweet, and beautiful, and a great kisser! And it's kind of my fault they were even together, really. Me and Rain's husband were sort of out on a date."
Ron had been writing in their little notebook while he listened, and now he laughed. "And while they try to process that information and to figure out what 'sort of out on a date' with Kristi means, and how you know she's a great kisser, here's our contact information. I gave you cell phones, emails, and street addresses for all of us, and drew you a little map. If you find one you find the other, we're neighbors."
Tom reached out and took the book back from him, still mostly staring at me and Kristi, but it was Hannah, as usual, that voiced their thoughts. "So you guys are, um, swingers? Like, wife swappers and stuff?"
Kori and Kristi both laughed, and Kori spoke first. "No honey, that's me and Ronnie, although he mostly just likes to watch. It sort of went that way for Adam and Kristi that night, but that's just coincidence, they were helping us entertain. It's actually Kristi that likes to date other men and play the field a little bit."
Kristi interrupted her. "Although lately it seems to be Adam that's getting most of the action, as soon as he dangles his bait."
Tom barked a short laugh, visualising what dangling bait she was referring to, then looked at her. "Kristi, surely men must come after you too! You're so beautiful!"
Hannah looked at him coolly. "Tommy, do you find Kristi beautiful?" He nodded, she continued. "And sexy?"
I began to fear for him, but he saw the trap at the last possible moment, and recovered well. "All three of you are beautiful and sexy honey! Why do you think I've had this non-stop hardon for the last two hours! Jeesh, it's like *** looking at so many gorgeous, sexy women and not getting to touch!"
Kori laughed. "Thanks Tommy, but who said you couldn't touch? But not now stud, we have to get going. Stop and see us and we'll discuss that whole 'touching' thing - if Hannah will let you."
She smiled evilly at her young husband. "I don't know, we'll see. I kind of liked him not touching, he's so much fun to tease - and he gets so frustrated - and so aroused!"
Tom shook his head, but he was smiling. With hugs all around we took our leave from them, Ron pocketing the paper with their contact info written on it. They waved at us as we walked away, before Hannah took a seat on the rocks and pulled Tom down with her. I glanced back once, just in time to see her throw her head back as Tommy buried his face between her widespread legs, and then they were masked by the bushes and the incline. Apparently Hannah had been too horny to make it back to their tent - or even to wait until we were fully out of sight. I knew exactly what she was feeling!
The temperature seemed to climb fifteen degrees as soon as we left the lake, and soon we were all sweating even though we were going downhill and the exertion was minimal. The sweat wicked away quickly in the dry desert air, but still I noticed that some of us had our clothes stuck to our skin. We had left the last of our apples with them, since we had more on the boat and they had so enjoyed the fresh, non-freeze dried food, and we soon drained our water bottles, but by then we were nearly back to the final, flat and lush green part of the trail, almost back to the lakeshore.
As we descended the last little tricky part of the trail, carefully negotiating the loose rocks and steep grade, we heard voices below and ahead of us. We stepped into the green tunnel of the creek bed just in time to spot three guys about fifteen yards ahead of us, heading up the trail.
We closed the distance between us and exchanged greetings, and as I watched their eyes play appreciatively over the bodies of the girls, especially Kristi with her sweat-soaked top displaying her breasts, nipples jutting, something about these guys started nagging at me. When the shorter, more slightly built member of the trio introduced himself as Bobby, the little light bulb in my head blazed to life. These were the same three guys that had been standing at the railing, watching Kristi perform on water skis and making lewd comments about what they'd like to do to her!
One of the others, who had introduced himself as Bruce, asked if we had been to the hanging lake, and if it was worth the climb. Ron started to reply, but I cut him off mid-word. "Yeah, we were there. What a waste of a perfectly good morning, not to mention the trail from hell!"
Ron stared at me, puzzled, and I saw Kori give me a sharp glance, but they waited to see what I was up to, not saying anything. I had the complete attention of the three men. Bruce frowned. "Really? We were hoping just for a fun little hike to a pretty spot. You don't think it's worth doing?"
"Nah, I wouldn't, if I had it to do over. The lake is all screwed up, some kind of algae bloom or something, with dead fish floating everywhere. The water level is low and dirty, and it reeks like old sweat socks."
Ron, still unsure of what I was doing, decided to play along. "Plus, the trail is steep and rocky, and hotter than hell from here on up. And I swear it's farther than the map said. Maybe it just seemed that way because of all the rattlesnakes."
Bobby blanched. "Snakes? You saw snakes?"
Kori jumped in. "Not too many, maybe a dozen is all."
He stared at her. "A...a dozen? Twelve rattlesnakes? Guys, I don't know, maybe we should go back to the boat and think of something else to do, what do you say?"
Kristi was still confused about what I was doing, but our ploy and the men's reaction to our words was tickling her funny bone, and I saw the corners of her mouth tic up in a suppressed smile. I hoped she wouldn't laugh out loud and give me away, and she didn't.
They looked at me, and I nodded to them. "Oh well guys, I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to do, but you won't be seeing my sorry butt on this fucking trail again anytime soon." That part, at least, was true. I had no plans to return to Lake Powell anytime soon.
We left them standing on the trail discussing their next move. As we moved away, Bruce called after us. "Hey, I think we're kind of parked behind you, if that big boat is yours, but you should be able to get around us OK."
Ron confirmed that that was indeed our boat, and thanked them for the heads-up. Bruce went on. "Were you expecting company?"
We all turned and looked back at them. Ron answered. "No, why?"
"Well, there was a guy there, he showed up in a big speedboat, one of those really fast, really expensive things, and he tied up to your boat and went on board."
I frowned. "What was he doing, could you tell?"
Bobby answered. "No, not really. He was only there about maybe ten minutes at most, then he left. It didn't look like he took anything. Older guy, but big, tough looking. Muscular, kind of body builder type, with short gray hair. He left about half an hour ago."
I glanced at Kristi. We both knew who it was. Ranger Lee had come by looking for her, and she had missed him. Her disappointment was palpable.
We thanked them and went on down the trail to the lakeshore. Ronnie looked at Kristi. "Your ranger, I suppose."
"Yeah, I guess. Too bad we missed him." She didn't try to hide her disappointment."
Ron continued. "Well, at least we know it wasn't somebody just ripping us off, so that's good." He looked at me. "And what the hell was that all about, your tale of the lake back there?"
Kori added "Yeah, that was mean! They were just looking for a little fun."
I laughed. "They'll think of something. Besides, I didn't tell them not to go, I just offered advice. Consider it my wedding present to Hannah and Tom, the gift of privacy with no trio of buffoons around to spoil their Eden. Besides, I owed those guys one."
Kristi frowned at me. "What do you mean, you owed them? We just met them."
I grinned at her. "So you didn't recognize them? Even after exerting so hard and straining all your muscles and panting and getting them all wet, you don't recognize them?"
She was clearly puzzled, thinking back to her night of sexual debauchery and getting no hits. "Adam, what the hell are you talking about?"
I laughed. "Remember me telling you about the three guys standing at the railing of the boat the other night, watching you ski and making all kinds of nasty, very detailed comments about exactly what they'd like to do to you? Sexually speaking, I mean? The guys you soaked with a wall of water and that really stupidly dangerous maneuver?"
She glanced back up the trail. "Oh! That was them?" She laughed. "Now I don't feel so bad about tricking them."
Ron chuckled. "My man! I never knew you had such a mean streak, but you're right, you did owe them one. Remind me never to cross you - although I do intend to continue to make lewd comments about you, Kristi babe!"
I smiled at him. "Careful, Ronnie. As you just saw, payback is a bitch."
Posts: 1914
Stormy, that must be one of the satisfying things about owning the story. All those things that you wish you had said but the time goes ... you can say (and do) here. Must be satisfying in itself.
Nice bridge too.
Posts: 1459
Too true peak, it's the "Dang, you know what I should have said?" syndrome. Sometimes the snappy retort is there, sometimes not. As always, thanks for your comment and your support, you know how much I appreciate it. _____________________________________________________________
We passed the two kayaks stashed beneath the bushes and reached the lake shore. Just to our left was a small rubber inflatable boat that the three guys had apparently used to come ashore, pulled well up from the waterline and tied to a rock. I started to make some comment about why they hadn't just swam to shore as we had, but Kristi walked wordlessly into the water until it reached her knees and dove forward, stroking smoothly toward our boat. Ron looked at me. "What did you do to piss her off?"
I just looked at him and shook my head, but Kori responded. "Nothing honey, Adam didn't do anything. She's just disappointed about missing the ranger. I think she had pretty big plans involving him. Am I on the right track Adam?"
"Yeah, I think you're right. She'll get over it" I paused to watch her pull herself up onto the boat and disappear into the cabin. "Well folks, shall we swim?"
We all entered the water, which felt cool and wonderful after the hot trail, and quickly covered the short distance to our boat. As we climbed onto the deck, Kristi reappeared carrying four bottles of ice cold beer by their necks, already opened, and proceeded to distribute them. I looked up at her. "You OK?"
She shrugged, but smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed a beer." She set her bottle on the rail long enough to strip off her wet top, throwing it over the lower rung of the railing to dry and following it with her snug shorts, then, gloriously naked, picked up her bottle and took a long draught. "Ahhh, there, all better. Nude, good friends, beautiful surroundings, warm sun, and cold beer. Everything a girl could want, right?"
Ron looked at her appreciatively. "Throw in beautiful naked ladies and it's everything a boy could want too."
Kori laughed and quickly stripped off her own wet garments, minimal as they were, hanging them next to Kristi's. "Lucky for you, you used the plural form, so I'm happy to oblige."
I let my eyes wander over their bodies, enjoying every detail, and let out a low whistle. "Man, I will never get tired of seeing that! Right here on our boat, two of the seven wonders of the modern world."
Ronnie laughed. "Four, if you're a boob man like me!"
Kristi smiled and gave me a hug, forming her body to mine like she does. She felt so good, and somehow the short swim had left her smelling fresh and clean, and undeniably female. I breathed her in and felt my heartbeat kick up a notch as I let my hands drop to her firm bottom, covering one cheek with each hand and pulling her tightly to me.
She groaned, a soft "Mmmm" sound, just as I glanced up over her shoulder and discovered we had an audience of three on the shoreline, no doubt enjoying Kristi and Kori almost as much as me and Ronnie were! I nuzzled her neck and spoke softly into her ear. "Your fan club is back."
She pulled back and looked at me. "What?" "Your fans, the Three Musketeers, they're back. And, I suspect, enjoying every second of this."
She looked over her shoulder and giggled. "The Three Stooges, you mean. Hey Kori, let's have a little fun!" She turned and stepped to the rail, leaning against it with tummy, at hip level on her. Kori walked up beside her as Kristi called out to them. "Hi guys! Did you decide to pass on the hike after all?"
I think the girls' complete ease and total lack of any inhibitions about their nudity threw the three guys for a moment. They were probably expecting to get busted for watching, and instead the girls had walked to the railing and given them a full frontal. Bruce stammered, but spoke first. "Uh, yeah, we uh, we kind of, uh decided to maybe just fish a little, or maybe swim, or just, um, hike the shoreline."
Kori held up her beer. "We decided to drown our sorrows. It would sure be nice if you guys could join us for awhile."
They looked at each other like they couldn't quite believe their good fortune, but before they could reply - or jump in the lake and start swimming to our boat - Kristi burst their bubble. "Yeah, too bad we have to get going right away, we have some friends we're picking up at Bullfrog in a little while."
You could almost hear their excitement dissipate, almost literally their bubble bursting. Kristi went on. "Maybe next time, OK? But in the meantime, here's something to remember us by!" She stepped behind Kori, putting her arms around Ron's shorter wife and running her hands up Kori's smooth stomach until she cupped her full breasts, squeezing and lifting them, letting her thumb and forefinger close over Kori's now erect nipples. Kori reached back with one arm and wrapped her hand around the back of Kristi's neck, lifting and displaying her own breasts proudly as she turned her head and pulled Kristi's face down to hers. And they kissed each other, long and deep, as Kristi continued to fondle Kori's tits.
I will never be sure what effect it had on the three men, but I know two others upon whom it had a profound effect! I glanced at Ron, and he looked at me. "Damn! If they're just goofing around, that was pretty convincing!" He rubbed himself, his little stiffy obvious under his wet suit.
The best I could manage was "No cuckolds brownie!" I groaned. "My body can't take much more of this." I was hard again as well, my libido on a hair trigger as it was. Normally I would not have reacted so strongly to that scene, but this was Kristi and Kori, two women I knew intimately - inside and out, you might say - and for me that made it intensely erotic.
The two women laughed as they seperated, but I noticed that Kori's upper chest and neck were now flushed with arousal, and Kristi's nipples were rigidly erect, hard and puckered. Of course, that could have been from fondling and cuddling Kori, or from having the three men so obviously looking at her body. Her tell-tale nipples, the fastest nipples in the west, give her away upon even the slightest degree of arousal.
Kristi called out to them again. "Did you enjoy that?" The question earned her a wolf whistle and a round of applause from the three. She and Kori both laughed, as did Ronnie and me. At least the guys were appreciative, and the show maybe helped to make up for the mean trick I'd played on them. They'd be talking about this long after a hike to the lake would have been forgotten.
Ronnie spoke up. "As much fun as that was - and it was, believe me - we need to go. Bye guys, enjoy the rest of your trip. Be safe." We all called out farewells to them and got busy preparing to depart.
He told me to pull the anchor, then headed to the lower helm to get us under way. I felt the motor rumble to life just as I got the anchor on deck, and Ron had no trouble maneuvering us past their smaller houseboat and into open water. He opened up the throttle and I felt the boat surge forward as it picked up speed. I had to wonder about three guys, all no doubt horny after the display they'd just witnessed, alone together on the smaller boat with no female companionship. Oh well, their problem!
As I walked back forward on the lower deck, Ron stuck his head out the cabin door. "Hey you guys, come here for a minute, all of you!"
We quickly assemred in the forward lounge/main cabin area, near the helm where Ron had resumed his seat. He held out a piece of paper. "We were right, it was Ranger Lee that was here. Read this."
Kori took it and read aloud. "Hi guys. Sorry I missed you, but I hope you enjoyed your hike to the lake. I would have waited, but I had no way of knowing if you'd just left, or were almost back. I was looking forward to getting to know you folks better. Especially that gorgeous naked lady skier!" Kori stopped reading and looked at Kristi and me.
I snorted. "What a jerk!"
Kristi looked at me. "I thought it was a nice compliment."
"He just wants in your pants."
"I'm not wearing any."
Ron laughed. "She has a point!"
Kori shook her head and read on. "If you're still picking up your friends at Bullfrog tonight, I'd suggest you stay the night at the spot I marked on your map. It's maybe ninety minutes away from the marina, across the lake, but it's one of the prettiest little inlets on the entire lake, huge colorful cliffs all the way around it. The sunsets and sunrises alone are worth the trip. I also left you the GPS coordinates. I stole a beer as payment - thanks for that. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I sincerely hope we meet again. Very, very sincerely. Take care." and he signed it Lee Alcott"
She looked around at all of us again. "That was nice of him to tell us another nice spot. Who'd have guessed he was a romantic about the sunsets and sunrises, huh?"
Kristi spoke softly. "Yeah, who'd have guessed?" She turned and left, going down the hall and back to our cabin. I heard the door close.
We stood there for a few seconds, looking after her, then Ron and Kori both looked at me. I looked back at them. "What?"
Kori spoke for them. "Aren't you going after her?"
"What? Why?"
"Oh come on Adam, she's disappointed, she's hurt. She's probably feeling a little rejected."
I frowned. "What am I supposed to do, sympathize with her because some guy didn't show up to fuck the living daylights out of her? That doesn't sound like the right job description for her fiance, does it?"
Kori pushed me. "Just go, be with her. Hold her and tell her how much you love her and how beautiful she is."
"K, she already knows all that. She's bummed because she wanted to get laid by him. How do I fix that? Why would I fix that if I could?"
Ron looked at me. "You know of course that by him telling us where to stay tonight, he's probably planning on showing up there himself hoping to still find her."
The truth of his statement was so obvious that I was shocked I hadn't seen it. I gaped at him. He nodded. "So Mule, you need to decide before you talk to her, are we staying at the spot he recommended, or not?"
How was I supposed to make that decision?
Posts: 12
Stormy: Another great installment.
Of course they have to stay at the Inlet the Ranger mentioned. We can't have Kristi grumpy........Unless the cafe girl brings someone Kristi is interested in. I wonder who that would be????
Posts: 4050
Thank you, this continues to be an excellent story. I appreciate both your effort and your creativity.
Posts: 492
The jeep is finally loaded and on the way. I wonder who the passengers might be? Could there be a big black snake riding in the jeep? Hmmm, I see another interesting house boat party on the not so distant horizon. I seriously doubt that Tiffany has any clue what might be in store for her. I wonder if Kristi can handle another woman having serious feelings for her man. She can deal with Kori because Kori's not a threat, what happens if Tiffany decides she really cares for Adam? It might be fun to see the pendulum swing the other way for once and have Kristi become the jealous one, remember Karma can be a bitch. Kristi, Tiffany, Rain, damn, our Adam is a lucky man. Imagine all four of them living together, wow.
Excellent job Stormy. You threw this last segment out before I could even thank you for the previous one. Superb job for sure. Thanks.
Posts: 277
WOW, seems like an eternity since Adam just got to the marina. Now......a gallon of man juice latter he is about to get the jeep back. contdoc
Posts: 12
GH / Stormy: Please don't ever think that just because we don't always answer that it means that we have lost interest.
I permisterally am not one to post often, and rarely post just to say "nothing". I will on occasion post to bump a story, but have found it hard to keep repeating "good story" even though that is what I am thinking.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH. Be well.
Northern, I appreciate your comments and I understand about not coming back after every installment to comment. Not a problem, and I don't expect that. I am glad to see that you're wondering about who is coming with Tiffany. Trf2 and contdoc at times seem more worried about the Jeep that what they call auto-eroticism? (just kidding guys!)
Seriously Trf2, I loved your musings and conjecture. You never fail to give me ideas and get the creative juices flowing.
cd, have you been keeping track? Has it really been a whole gallon?
Posts: 1914
It is not true that the chicken crossed the road because it thought there was something going CHEEP on the other side. Or CHEAP.
.. but if Tiffany was there, that may have had something to do with it.
Posts: 1459
#916 · Edited by: stormydog
I stared at Ron for another moment or two, then glanced at Kori, who was closely watching me. I knew Ron was probably right, but had no clue how to react. "So what do you think I should do?"
Ron chuckled. "No way, buddy. I know what I'd do, but you're not me and I refuse to lead you to a decision you might regret. In either direction."
I looked at Kori, who shook her head. "Uh-uh, no chance. I'm usually pretty free with advice and opinions" - now there was an understatement if ever there was one - "but this time you're on your own. But go talk to Kristi. Then follow your instincts. I trust in you to make the right decision Adam, you do almost fifty percent of the time."
I laughed, the tension broken. "Thanks K, I knew I could count on you for a ringing endorsement. Ok, I'll go talk to her. I guess we don't need a decision about tonight's mooring for awhile yet, do we? Ron, about how long until we reach the marina?"
He looked at the GPS screen for a moment, then at his watch. "Hour and a half to two hours. Kind of depends on the wind, we have a pretty stout headwind right now and it's slowing us down a little. You have plenty of time to both work out this problem and still prepare Kristi to meet yet another in your endless string of women- now git!"
I wandered down the hall, my mind churning. In worrying about the big ranger that was hot for my woman I had really forgotten about the meeting of Kristi and Tiffany. Of course, Kristi had encouraged me to get Tiff to show up, even when I'd offered to try to cancel that meeting, so it was all going to be fine, right? Right??
At our door I stopped for a moment to settle my thoughts, then knocked softly on the door before slowly opening it. Kristi was sitting on the end of the bed, still stark naked, and glanced up at me for only a moment before returning her attention to the items she had spread out across the bed. I followed her gaze.
On the bed was a very elegant, very expensive, and very short red cocktail dress, a pair of extremely fine, thin, taupe thigh high hose with a three inch band of ivory lace at the top, tall red heels which perfectly matched the dress, and very tiny, wispy red panties, within half an inch of being a thong. Also, a fetishr of large, perfectly matched ivory pearls that I had given her the day after she had agreed to become my wife. It had been very expensive, but I had been celebrating and wanted her to know how much her answer had meant to me. In her hand she was rolling around the two solitary pearl earrings that matched the necklace.
Neither of us said anything for several seconds, but before long my curiosity got the better of me. "What are you doing?"
When she looked up at me, I could see the sadness in her eyes. "Oh, just thinking. I'm confused Adam."
I nodded. "Me too, about so many things. Right now I'm confused about why you would bring along clothes like that on a houseboat trip. This is hardly an elegant set of surroundings. Beautiful dress by the way. New?"
She nodded and smiled. "I know. I freaked when they said someone had been on our boat, all I could think was what if my pearls got stolen."
"Mmm. I'm pretty glad I didn't know they were here. Baby, why are they here?" I waved my hand over the things on the bed. "Why is all of this here?"
"Oh Adam, I had a plan. Do you remember the hotel in Beaver Creek?"
"Sure, where I asked you to marry me. It was the Ritz-Carlton, Ronnie lined up that week for us through a friend of his."
"Uh-huh, and the restaurant we ate at after I said yes?"
"Um..." I felt like this was a test. I should know this. "Wasn't it the Grouse something or other?"
She laughed. "Very good! It was the Grouse Mountain Grill. It was amazing, the best food and service ever. Or maybe my head was just in the clouds because the man I love most in all the world had just asked me to marry him."
"Funny, the best thing I can remember tasting that whole week was you."
She shook her head. "Can't you stop being a pervert for just a minute or two?"
I smiled. "Is that any way to talk to the man you love most in all the world? Anyway, tall order, but I'll try. What was your plan?"
"If this whole trip went well, and you and I sort of..." She hesitated. "I don't know, sort of re-discovered each other, I guess, I was planning to book us a night there on the way home, and take you out for dinner at the same restaurant. I brought this stuff so I would look nice for you, and you'd be proud to be seen with me. I thought maybe we could set the date then, while we're there. If you still want to marry me, that is."
I felt my eyes well up with tears, and blinked them back. She always looked great to me, and I was always proud to be with her. I knew I was playing way above my station whenever I was with Kristi, and when she wanted to look hot, she sizzled. Heads turned. For some reamister, when her insecurity momentarily showed, it always hurt me. The thought that she could think for a moment that I might not want to marry her was worse still.
Her plan, however, made sense; we would go right through the Vail-Beaver Creek area on the way home. I had bought the pearls in Vail, sneaking away while she took a nap, exhausted from a long night of making love. I sat beside her and put my arms around her.
"Kristi. Oh baby, I never stopped wanting to marry you, not for a second. Even when I was so angry, or so hurt, what hurt the most was the thought that we might be over. That was *******ing me. You are my life, and yes, I still very much want to marry you. I love your plan, let's set the date right there at the same spot I proposed. I know exactly where we were."
She looked up at me and smiled sadly. "I hope you still feel that way after what I'm about to tell you."
I felt my heart sink. What could she possibly tell me that could change my mind?
She looked at me for a moment, as if struggling with herself about whether to continue or not. Finally, she sighed. "I made a promise to myself - and to you - not to lie to you ever again. Adam, when I thought Lee was coming, wanting to make love to me, I decided that I would dress in all these clothes for him, to impress him. I know it's selfish, but I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he saw me at my very best."
I was surprised she'd thought of that, of dressing to impress him, but also puzzled about why she was so concerned about this. "Yeah, so? You weren't planning on having him tear them off of you, were you? You could have still worn them at Beaver Creek. What's the problem?"
She looked down at the floor and shook her head. "Men! You just don't get it. I bought this dress for you Adam, these stockings, these panties, even the shoes, just for you. Why did I decide to wear them for him when I bought them to impress you? I only brought them along because you were here." She looked at me, and I could see the anguish in her eyes. "What is it I need from other men that I would do that to you? I'm confused, Adam. I want him, I think about him, and I was very disappointed when I found out we'd missed him. But I love you. All I want is one night of fun with him, with you watching. Afterwards I wouldn't care if I never saw him again. What kind of horrible permister am I, why would I risk everything for that?"
I held her to me, wishing I had the answers to her questions. I didn't. What I did know was that she was not a horrible permister, and that I had made up my mind to accept her, to love her, and to do my best to understand her needs and desires. If she was less than perfect - less than normal, whatever that is - I had discovered that there was something within me that was very excited and aroused by her illicit desires, her need for sexual excitement and adventure with other men. I'm not a big believer in fate, or karma, or the inevitability of events, but something had thrust us together, and our needs and desires seemed to mesh far too well for it to be mere coincidence.
I nuzzled my nose into her hair, breathing in Kristi's unique scent, locking it again into my memory. "I don't know babe, I don't have answers for you. What I can say is that I don't think you would have been risking everything, and somewhere inside I think you knew that. You know me too well, you know how incredibly excited and aroused I get when the subject comes around to you making love to other men." I paused and looked at her, and she raised her head and looked back at me, the deep blue-green pools of her eyes drawing me in, drowning me in my love for this woman.
I shook my head to clear it. "Of course, it doesn't help that he's such an asshole. Couldn't you have picked some other guy for this little lesmister in shame and offense for me?"
She laughed, and it rang free and clear, no note of her anguish. "I guess it doesn't matter, since we'll never see him again. Besides, I don't think he's an asshole. You only saw him in his official capacity. The note he left us didn't sound like some asshole wrote it."
My thought was yeah, his official capacity - in which he found plenty of time to hit on my woman, right in front of me, with no attempt at subtlety. I was pretty sure he was an asshole. What I said out loud was "Yeah, you're probably right. I'm sure he's an OK guy or you wouldn't have been so attracted to him. I guess we'll probably find out tonight."
Startled, she stared at me. "What? What do you mean?"
"Ronnie thinks he left us that note, and the suggestion on where to stay, because he plans to show up there tonight, for you."
I saw a light go on in her eyes, a spark of excitement and hope. It hurt, a little. "Do you really think so?"
I shrugged. "I would. If I had seen you, and touched you, and had your scent in my nostrils, and you had come on to me the way you did to him, I would crawl to the ends of the earth for a chance to have you. Even if it was only for one night."
She kissed me, and I tasted her. I wanted to always taste her, to always smell her, and touch her, and know she was mine. She slowly broke the kiss. "You're too good for me, you know that, right?"
I shook my head. "Everyone else thinks you're too good for me."
She smiled. "If Lee shows up, will you be able to handle it?"
I shrugged again. "I guess we'll find out."
"I won't wear the dress Adam, I promise. I'll save that for you. For you and me, at Beaver Creek. I have some nice tight shorts and a skimpy top that will impress him."
I don't know why I said what I said next. I'll chalk it up to love. Love, and foolish pride. "No, wear the dress. And the hose, and the shoes, and pearls, your best perfume, those tiny panties - all of it. I want you to."
She looked at me carefully, studying my face. "Are you sure?"
I ran my hand slowly down her face to her throat, feeling her pulse beating softly under my fingertips. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. I want to see the look in his eyes when he sees you at your very best."
Posts: 77
WOW...! The last bit was awesome!
Posts: 38
I'm completely in line with what Northern32 said. Every day, provided I'm at home and have got the time necessary to enjoy properly, I'm checking if there is anything new on The Story. I'm simply running out of superlatives, so I'm rather holding back for most of the time.
Now the thing has turned really awesome. Adam's about to accept the woman he is so deeply on love with, having fun with the "asshole". In the dress which means so much to her. Just for her pleasure. And for his pleasure too I guess. And for ours! Cliffa
Posts: 4050
Thank you
Posts: 1914
Stormy, Your little side jaunts on this story are really very good. They alone suggest that you have what it takes to write professionally. But .. the sections that deal with Adam and Kristi are just Brilliant. I'm sure Adam loves her, I know I do but it is clear that you love her more.
I suspect that your real life doesn't have all the best ingredients at the moment, and I can't help you with it (would that I could, advice is free) but it just could be that this little jewel is more polished as a result. Your bolt hole from reality is better because of it probably, Adam takes less for granted because he can see the abyss if he doesn't.
Truly great section. Thanks
Posts: 4050
I've said it before and this last segment just reinpowers the belief. No one is your equal when it comes to writing sex scenes. You are the master,
Well done and thank you
Posts: 1914
Wonderful Stormy. I'm sure most of us are like me at this point.
I want it to be me at the door ..
Posts: 492
It's the JEEP at the door!!!!!!!!!!
Not sure how they got it on the houseboat, but what an excellent way to bring Tiffany on board.
Great segment there Stormy, I agree with GH, you're the master of dripping wet sex scenes.
Posts: 277
Fuck is sooo hot, and how she is molding him in to a real cuck. Thanks contdoc
Posts: 1459
GH, peak, Trf2 and contdoc, thanks for the comments. peak, being at the door would be good, but being beneath Kristi would be better, I'm sure!
When GH tells me that I've written a good sex scene, it really means a lot, considering.
The Jeep at the door, huh Trf2? You may just be crazier than I am!
cd, I'm not sure she's molding him, but then she did just make him soft and pliable... _____________________________________________________________
More than a little surprised by Kristi's open invite, I was unable to object before the door opened and Kori stepped into the room. When she saw us on the bed, Kristi still astride me, she laughed. "You know, when you're in the middle of an intimate moment it's OK to tell me to come back later, or just say you're occupied. You didn't have to invite me in."
Kristi smiled at her. "It's OK, we're not in the middle of anything. In fact, we're done. Well, he's done. I could have gone on for a while longer, there are a couple of good orgasms stacked up in there, just waiting for release. But you know how it is." Kori laughed and agreed with her.
I was worn out, limp, totally relaxed following a tremendous orgasm, so I just put my arm over my eyes and tried to ignore them. I felt Kori's cool fingers touch my cheek. "Are you done Adam? You look done." I could only groan. She went on. "Was it worth the wait? Did this little cock tease make it everything she promised?"
I tried to answer, managing an affirmative groan and a small nod of my head to answer her. She laughed. "I'll take that as a yes. You look like a happy and well-satisfied man."
She stepped around the bed and surprised me when she reached out and touched my balls, fondling and gently squeezing them. My cock, by now mostly flaccid, was still inside of Kristi, but much of the semen I'd released inside of her had run out around my incredible shrinking penis as she moved on me.
Kori rubbed the slippery fluids over my balls and the base of my cock. "Good grief, how many times did you cum in her?"
I silently held up my other hand, fingers spread, and Kori reacted in shock. "Five? You came in her five times just in the last half hour?"
Kristi laughed. "Sure he did! K, you have to remember that Adam is a legend in his own mind. In his dreams he could do that - in real life he just came once." When she laughed it tightened her Kegels and abdominal muscles, powering me out of her, and my limp, wet cock slithered free and flopped into Kori's hands, accompanied by a small gout of cum.
Kori took me in her hand, stroking me. "Mmmm, I just love the way a man's cock feels after he's just cum, all soft and bendy but still so nice and thick." I felt rather than saw her shiver. "Oooh, you guys are making me all horny, that's just not fair!"
I removed my arm from across my eyes and looked at her. Still naked, her erect nipples and the goosebumps on her skin were evidence that she was speaking the truth. "K, you know you were the one that came in here, we didn't drag you in. And if being horny could ******* you, I'd have died hours ago. By the way, that feels really good, what you're doing down there. Don't stop."
She didn't, sitting on the bed where she had easier access without bending over. I felt both of her hands on me, touching, fondling, sliding and gliding in the slippery coating of semen and Kristi's fluids. Kristi suddenly stiffened and let out a small yelp, reaching behind her to slap Kori's hands away. "No Kori, don't!" She looked down at me and giggled, going suddenly Cockney. "That nasty perverted little witch is trying to stick her fingers up me bum! Kori! Kori, ohhh god, stop that! Mmmm, ooohh, forget I said that. Oh god that's starting to feel really good!"
I heard Kristi take a very shaky breath, almost a gasp, as Kori's cum-slick fingers invaded her virgin backside. Kori laughed softly. "Amazing how quickly you changed your tune! Feels pretty good, doesn't it girl?"
Kristi didn't agree verbally, but she clearly agreed. "Ohhh god, you're going to make me cum! I shouldn't cum just from your finger up my ass!"
Kori corrected her. "Fingers sweetie, that's two you feel. See?" She must have spread them apart, or thrust in deeper, because Kristi gasped and then groaned, thrusting back on her. Feeling left out, I slid my hand between Kristi and myself, where our groins were locked together, and allowed my fingertips to find her clit. She cried out and came, the combination of Kori's fingers thrusting into her ass and mine diddling her clit drawing out one of those remaining orgasms she had spoken about.
She collapsed forward on me when her spasms died down, breathing heavily, and whimpered when Kori slowly slid her fingers out of her butt. "Ohh boy, that felt really good! I needed that, thanks Kori."
Kori laughed, wiping her cum slathered hand on the sheet. "My pleasure, you know I'm always here for you guys. Of course, now I'm really, really horny!"
I looked at her. "Kori, did you come in here just to butt-fuck Kristi and make yourself horny, or is there some subtle, sinister, ulterior motive for us having the pleasure of your company?"
She looked surprised, and confused for a moment. "What? Oh. Oh! Yes, I almost forgot! We must have come into cell phone range, a missed call popped up on my phone. From your friend Tiffany."
Posts: 1914
All that - just to deliver a phone message. I'm trying to decide whether the use of such literary illusion should be regarded a Jeep shot. Or is that alliteration ?
Posts: 4050
A wonderful sex scene followed by a good old fashioned cliff hanger.
Nice work!
Posts: 1459
Sorry, had to stop and run an errand! ___________________________________________________________
I raised my head. "From Tiffany? Did she leave a message?"
Kori nodded. "She did, she just said 'Kori, please have Adam call me when you get this, something has come up. We need to talk.' Didn't you have a call on your phone?"
"I don't know, I never looked. It's right there, on the dresser."
She stepped to the dresser and picked up my phone, messing with it for a few seconds before giving me a disgusted look. "Dead battery there stud, this thing is even more useless than that thing." She nodded toward my useless, limp, worn out but very happy cock. "You need to plug it in once in a while."
I smiled. "I just had it plugged in. Didn't I babe?"
Kristi shook her head. "I think she means your phone."
"Oh, that! Yeah, I meant to plug it in before we left on our hike. Musta got distracted and forgot. Can we call her back on your phone?"
Kori dropped on the bed beside me, holding out her phone. "Done! It's ringing." She held it to my ear, where it rang two more times before I heard Tiffany's voice on the line.
"Hi Kori, thanks for calling back."
"No Tiff, it's me. I'm just on her phone because mine died. So what's up?"
Kristi giggled and whispered "Certainly not you!"
I gently slapped her thigh and shushed her. Tiffany went on. "Oh, hi Adam. That was a surprise, Kori's name popped up from my phone book, I wasn't expecting your voice. You sound good though, very relaxed."
I laughed. "If you only knew! So what's going on? You said in your message that there was a problem."
When she spoke again she sounded disgusted, or maybe a little bit angry. "Yeah, there's a problem. That's not what I said, but that's a pretty good way to put it."
"Are you not coming? We're all looking forward to having you here, please don't tell me you're not coming!" I realized that maybe I was being a little too eager, a little too close to displaying my disappointment about the possibility of her cancelling out, when I saw Kristi give me a look, a sardonic grin, but something else, something I couldn't read behind her eyes. How do you go about telling one woman that you're interested in her and care for her when another, the one you love, is sitting on you, watching your face and listening to every word? If there's a way to do that, I had clearly failed to find it.
She shook her head, frowning slightly, then swung her right leg up and over me, reversed herself, and straddled me facing my feet. She scooted backwards until her round tush and her gloriously wet, used, open pussy were inches from my face, then leaned forward. A small trickle of cum leaked from her and dripped into the hollow at the base of my throat. How was I supposed to be able to concentrate on talking to Tiffany with that beautiful spectacle in my face?
I felt my mouth start to water as Tiffany answered me, and the trickle of cum ran slowly down my neck. "No Adam, we're still coming. In fact, we're already here, at the marina. But there's three of us instead of two, like I'd planned."
"Um, three? I'd have been fine with just one, I was resigned to two, but three? What did you do?"
She laughed. "You're such a clown! Seriously, it was an unavoidable situation, a last second change. Listen, the guys are coming back, so I can't talk, but first, is there even room for three more?"
"Room? Oh hell yeah, there's room, there is still one unused stateroom on this deck, two more below, the sofas in the forward lounge make into beds, you can relax under the stars on deck. I think the literature said this thing could relax up to seventeen, so if you only brought the basketball team we're OK. If you brought the football team it might start to get a little crowded."
She laughed again. "Nope, not that many. But listen, I'll explain when we see you, and if any of you don't like the situation, just say so. Don't worry about offending anyone, we're the ones dropping the bomb on your trip, so if you or any of your friends are uncomfortable with it, we'll just go. We drove down in two cars, your Jeep and my truck, just in case."
Kristi reached back and ran her fingers slowly up her open pussy, spreading her lips and then stopping to push them slightly inside of herself before bringing them back, bumping my chin before finding my lips and pushing her cum-covered fingers into my mouth. Kori was laughing as I struggled to speak around them, turning my head. "Mmmph, gullmph, no Tiff, I'm sure it will be fine. We'll see you at the dock, OK?"
She asked how far out we were, and I looked at Kori as Kristi continued to tease me, touching herself and smearing our cum onto my face as I twisted and turned to avoid her. "K, do you know how long until we get there?"
She nodded. "Ron said a little over an hour, and that was about fifteen minutes ago, so a little less than an hour, I guess."
I passed that information on to Tiffany, and she said they would go to the bar and have a take, and would see us at the dock. We said goodbye and hung up, leaving many unanswered questions.
I gave them a quick rundown of what she'd said. Kori seemed interested, Kristi just moved back further, pushing her pussy almost to my lips. Kori mentioned something I hadn't yet considered. "She said the guys were coming back? As in, like, she brought along two guys? That sounds promising!"
Kristi twisted and looked at her. "You're such a slut!"
Kori laughed. "No, I'm a very horny slut, remember? But then I'm not the one powering my sloppy pussy into a man's face either. I'm going to go tell Ronnie what she said. You two try to behave and act like grown-ups, OK? Get cleaned up and come join us."
She slipped out of the room, taking her phone with her. Kristi pushed back towrd me, powering my head down onto the bed. "You heard what the lady said, that we should get cleaned up. I think you should start right here." She pushed her pussy onto my face, and I reached up and wrapped my arms over her hips, pulling her back into my face until my nose was buried in her ass and my tongue was pushed as deeply into her vagina as I could get it.
I heard her moan, and felt her shudder, and I swallowed us, our love juices, and probed for more. I licked her, and used her, and she ground herself into my face, begging for more of the same. I knew I'd have to come up for air soon, but in the meantime I wanted to taste and feel her arousal, swallow her essence, enjoy her and give her pleasure. There would be plenty of time to think about breathing when I started to see flashes of light and hear the drumbeats of my pounding heart inside of my head.
Posts: 1459
#929 · Edited by: stormydog
Hey guys, no fair commenting while I'm writing the second half! Peak, if it's an illusion, it's an effectively elusive illusion. As for me, I'm probably too illiterate to alliterate, so I'll just write about sordid, slippery, sexy stuff. And a Jeep shot?? Ouch! I thought you Brits were above all that.
GH, I had to finish the call, we couldn't leave everyone hanging. Well, not about that anyway. You know how it is.
Posts: 4050
I do know how it is, but you still left us hanging. Who are the mystery men?"