Posts: 38
So beautiful and charming developments! This is to be read and read again, not to miss a single move. Again, thank you sooo much! Cliffa
Posts: 492
Ah, a little payback for Kristi, it's about time. I keep hoping for more, but I know it goes against the grain of this story. I honestly have no idea where you're heading with this off road excursion, but it's a nice, fun adverture. I'm not sure if Tom and Hannah are ready to party with our four sex addicts, but I'm sure you've got some more tricks up your sleeve for this group.
Thanks Stormy, great writing job.
Posts: 4050
Writing a long story is at times exhausting. I am certain that by now you are well aware of that fact. Writing short stories is much easier. The long story however has one huge advantage. It allows you to have your characters encounter a variety of interesting people and situations in an Odyssey like fashion.
You are doing a magnificent job of that. You keep throwing wonderful new characters at us in delightfully erotic situations. The only thing you're missing is Penelope at home unraveling her tapestry each night to keep the unscrupulous suitors at bay.
Thank you for your efforts.
Posts: 12
Stormy: WOW... I have spent the better part of the long weekend reading it.
Tremendous story and very well written. You have a real talent. I am starting to think that I live in a sheltered world. Do all people play? (Just kidding) Keep it coming
Posts: 1459
#845 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks Cliffa. I know I don't always stick to a strictly cuckold theme (or, for that matter, any theme!), but there seems to be a decent following for the story. Glad you like it!
Trf2, I'd be deeply disturbed if you knew where I was headed, since I frequently don't! But yeah, occasionally Kristi needs a small reminder that two can play this game.
Great observation GH, it does get a little tiring a times. Maybe I should have called it Adam's Odyssey at the other site instead of Journey, you think? I should have thought to use the name Penelope (or at least Penny) somewhere along the way, but I sure hope it doesn't take 10 years and the death of all of Adam/Odysseus' friends for him to get home again! (Our Kristi doesn't seem the type to keep the suitors at bay, does she?)
Thanks Northern, glad you joined us! Can't believe you read through it in a weekend. Read in the short term like that, did you notice any jarring anomalies or glaring inconsistencies in the tale? Just curious. Sure appreciate the kind words! _____________________________________________________________
Hannah stared at my slightly distended package for several more seconds, then her eyes darted to my face, meeting my own. Her eyebrows rose and arched, and she pursed her lips before her eyes dropped back to my crotch for just a moment prior to flicking guiltily to her husband's face where he sat on the rock a couple of feet to my left. She blushed and her guilty look intensified as she realized that he had been watching her expression as she checked me out, more or less caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
A small pout crossed her features. "What? I had to look - and anyhow, you did, at the ladies, so it's only fair!"
Tommy answered. "I know, I didn't say anything, OK? Jeez! Are you happy, can we go now?"
I could almost see her stubborn streak emerge as I stepped to the water's edge and into the lake. It was cool, not cold, and it felt good. Hannah sounded slightly cross when she responded to him. "No, I'm gonna swim. You can go if you want to, but I'm staying!" Her voice softened. "I sure wish you'd join us, the water feels really nice. Keep your shorts on if you want to."
He shook his head. "No, I told you, I'm just going to sit here for a little while. Maybe I'll join you in a few minutes. If you still want me to." Hannah just shook her head.
The water was above my knees now, as I moved away from the shore. Just before the dreaded first contact of the cool water to my warm genitals, Ron called out to me. "Hey Adam, before you get in, why don't you get that bottle of wine out of the pack and set it in the water to cool down a little? I'm sure it's way too warm for takeing, but the water's probably about sixty five or seventy or so, that should be good."
I turned back toward shore to fulfill Ron's request, and looked up to find Tom staring at me. Or, more precisely, at my crotch. His eyes widened and he muttered "Fuck!" before realizing I was looking directly at him. He covered his embarrassment - and mine - by scrambling to grab our pack. "I'll get it Adam, you go ahead. Is it in the main compartment?"
"Yeah, I think so. Thanks Tom, just set it there, in the shallow water. Help yourself to an apple or something, if you want. There's some snacks and stuff in there too."
He held up the bottle of merlot, looking at it. "I've never seen anyone carry wine on a trail trip before. Why did you bring wine?"
I grinned at him. "Well, so we could take a toast to you and your new bride, of course! Either that, or we're all a bunch of holy waterics, I guess."
"But you didn't know we'd be here. Or about our wedding."
I laughed. "Then it must be the latter. I was hoping you'd have the grace to let me off easy."
He grinned. "Oh. Sorry."
"Join us Tom, it'll be fun."
He paused. "Maybe, in a while. I think I will have one of your apples, if you're sure that's OK. Most all of our stuff is freeze-dried or vacuum packed. Fresh fruit, yum!"
I shrugged, not quite understanding how any guy could prefer a piece of fruit to a naked woman. "Sure, help yourself." I turned away and pushed myself forward and out, immersing myself in the clear water and swimming out toward Ron and Kori, quickly catching up to Hannah and Kristi who were doing the same. Soon we all met up in deeper water, about thirty or forty feet from the shore where Tom sat munching an apple.
I dove down and found Kori's legs, grabbing her ankles and yanking her underwater. We came up in a thrashing, sputtering bundle of limbs, with me laughing and her swearing at me good naturedly. I pulled her to me and gave her a quick kiss, covering her lips with my own mostly to stop her string of expletives. She gently kneed me in the balls, and I cussed her and pushed her away, looking up to find Hannah staring at us. Kori reassured her. "We're old friends dear, we've known each other a long time and we're all really close, so it's OK. We sure like making new friends though - why do you suppose your Tommy won't join us?"
She reddened and looked away. "Because he has an erection. He's too embarrassed. He doesn't want anyone to see it."
Kristi pushed her wet hair back out of her face and rubbed some water from her eyes to look at Hannah. She smiled. "Really, is that all?"
Hannah looked at her and nodded. "Yes, I'm sure it is. When he saw you and her both naked he got all hard, and now he won't take off his pants unless it goes away."
Kristi laughed. "Sweety I'm sorry, but that's so funny! He should realize that it's no insult to a woman to let her see that he thinks she's sexy. And what better way to show it than a big stiffie, right?"
Hannah giggled. "I guess so, huh? Tommy is so horny though, he's always hard, and he get's all embarrassed and stuff so easy about it. I told him he gets hard whenever the wind blows, and that's why they call it a stiff breeze."
I laughed, and Ronnie roared, our two ladies joining us in enjoying Hannah's sudden and completely unexpected joke. It was turning out that our innocent little midwestern girl and new bride had a delightfully naughty playful streak, a completely unanticipated revelation. I glanced over at Tom, who had paused with the half-eaten apple in hand and was staring out at us suspiciously.
Kori moved so her back was toward shore and got close to Hannah, speaking in low tones. "Honey, would you mind if Kristi and I went and got him? I think maybe with a little of our special shock therapy we can get him over his shyness. If we make him feel left out he's just going to get upset."
Hannah looked doubtful. "Oh, I don't know. You're not going to hurt him, are you?"
Kristi laughed. "We might bruise his pride a little, but we won't hurt him. It's all in fun, I promise, but you have to be OK with it. Don't get jealous if we pretend to come on to him, OK?"
Hannah giggled again, beginning to get in the spirit. "OK, sure, maybe it will be fun. But don't embarrass him too bad, OK? He's really very sweet, just a little stubborn and shy."
Both Kristi and Kori promised, and then moved away, swimming slowly toward shore where the poor, unsuspecting fool sat enjoying his apple. We moved slowly and subtly closer to see what they might do, all of us treading water and occcasionally swimming a few strokes out and back to remain afloat in the middle part of the lake. It was probably about fifteen feet deep here, give or take, but the rocks and pebbles on the bottom were plainly visible through the crystal clear water, giving the impression that it was much shallower.
As they got to where they could stand, Kristi rose to her feet first, making a big show of flinging her head back and shaking water from her hair. She addressed Tom, who sat silently looking at her, his eyes moving hungrily over her wet torso. "Come on Tommy, you need to join us, we can't leave you here by yourself! The water's not that cold, just barely cold enough to make my nipples hard, see?" He stared, and she went on. "If you're worried about shrinkage, don't. We know all about it, so we won't judge, Besides, it'll affect those guys too!"
Tom's bright red color had returned, I could see that from where we were. Kori rose and strode from the water and walked right up beside him, shimmering wet, naked and dripping. She spoke louder than she needed to, and I knew it was for our benefit. "Yeah Tommy, just show it to us now, while you're warm, and then when we see it all shrunken from the water we'll know that's not the real you!" I noticed that all the women continued to call him Tommy, despite the fact that he had earlier specified that he preferred Tom. He didn't object to them doing so.
I heard Hannah giggle softly beside me, enjoying her young husband's discomfort. Kristi and Kori had moved up and now bracketed him, one on each side, their bare pussies just a foot or so from his face where he sat on the rock. He was trying valiantly not to stare, but his eyes flicked back and forth between them, surely straining all of his optic muscles and tendons. I half pitied him, at the mercy of those two remorseless and relentless teases. I also half envied him. Even if he hadn't been hard when they first approached, I felt certain that his cock was an iron rod by now.
Posts: 12
In response to your question, there was only one spot that I felt that something was missing. I seemed to remember that Adam seemed to jump ahead in a sequence and that something appeared to be missing. (It was between segments).
I don't recall what it was about, or where it was, just that I remember going back to see what I had missed and I couldn't figure out how he got to that point. If I remember what it was about, I will let you know.
That was the only gap that I noticed (and it was a small gap). Like I said it is extremely well written.
Good work. Keep it coming.
Posts: 492
Ahhh, a Kori/Kristi double team. Poor Tom doesn't have a chance. How far will he go when presented with a pussy sandwich? Better yet, how far will his wife let him go? Maybe she's already got her hand underwater, playing with that big watersnake next to her?
Thanks Stormy, great job. For a guy who doesn't know where he's going, you're doing a great job of getting there.
Posts: 4050
Trf2 I think the question is, how far will his wife go. I'm hoping that we're seeing a young couple being introduced to the joys of cuckolding.
Thanks storm, a very nice segment. I'm eagerly anticipating the next developments.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Northern, I'd forgotten about that one! Somehow an entire segment got deleted or disappeared into cyberspace, I have no idea how. I noticed it while I was in the process of transfering this story to another site and I meant to go back and fix it, but never did. I need to do that. Thanks for the reminder, and the positive reviews!
Thanks Trf2, I'll bet we'd all like to take our chances with that double team! Can you even tread water one-handed?
Hey GH, as you know, the joys of cuckolding should be spread around and willingly shared! A cuck is by nature unselfish, don't you think? Thanks for the comments!
I hope to post another segment, probably a short one, later today. Time is becoming an issue, sorry.
Posts: 1459
Kristi stuck out her hand to him, as if to help him up. "Come on Tommy, time to join the fun!"
He shook his head. "I need to finish my apple first, Maybe after that..."
Kori touched his hair. "OK, we'll just stay with you while you do that, then you're coming with us."
Kristi took it one step further. "As a matter of fact, we'll help you." She grasped his hand, the one that held the apple, and bent over him, bringing it to her lips. She took a small bite, staring into his eyes as she did so, a naked Eve tempting Tommy, in the role of the original Adam, with the rewards of sin, the forbidden fruit. Clasping his hand and the apple it contained in both of hers she stepped in front of him, straddling his legs, and pushed the apple to his lips, leaning in so that just beyond the top of the fruit was her smooth pussy, directly in his line of sight, inches away.
We could only see her from the rear now, Tom's face hidden from view and Kristi's perfect ass on display, but we heard the crunch as he took a bite, and then the coughing as he fetishd on it. Hannah reacted with alarm, but he soon managed to control his gagging and swallow, and Kristi fed him another bite as Kori looked on, apparently stroking his neck and hair.
Hannah whispered to Ron and me "He's so embarrassed, but I bet he's loving that! He's not very experienced with women, your wives are really pushing him." She giggled. "They're funny, teasing him like that."
I didn't correct her as to our marital status, it was close enough. She went on excitedly. "Look at the tent in his pants, you can see it from here! He's so turned on! Would it be all right if we moved closer?"
Ron laughed. "Sure sweety, he's your husband - you can go right up and chase those two horny sluts away if you want to."
She looked shocked, but giggled again. "What a horrible thing to say about your wife! No, this is too funny, but let's move up where we can see better." We did, moving closer and to one side where we found shallower water and were able to stand. It was about waist deep on me and just lapped at the lower part of Hannah's breasts, an occcasional small wave breaking across her large, erect nipples.
From here we had a side-view of Kristi feeding him the last of his apple, and of Kori stroking his hair. He bit, chewed, and swallowed quickly as she more or less power-fed him, and soon only the core remained. Kristi took it from him and looked closely at it, the act of raising her hand removing the only impediment to his view of her sex as she straddled his legs. He started to raise one hand, as if to reach up and caress her pussy, but then semed to realize what he was doing and quickly lowered it.
Kristi looked down at him as she flung the core off into the bushes. "Well, you polished that off quick - you must be in a hurry for whatever comes next, huh?" None of them seemed to notice that we were much closer to them than we had been. Tommy gulped. "I..I don't know. I guess, maybe."
Kristi stepped back, and she and Kori each extended a hand. He took them, and they pulled, helping him to his feet. Kori reached for his belt. "Lose the pants Tommy, it's skinny-dip time!" He grabbed her hand, stopping her, but when she stared at him he relented, allowing her to unbuckle it and unsnap his pants. Kristi reached over and slowly slid his zipper down, allowing her fingers to play over the now very obvious bulge in his shorts. I heard him gasp, an exclamation almost instantly echoed by Hannah, next to me, as Kori tugged at his pants.
It was teasingly erotic, watching them. I felt for Tom, although I knew far worse things could happen to him. This was a pleasureable offense, possibly - hopefully - intensely so. He was uncontrollably and unavoidably erect, and embarrassed about having two strangers - beautiful strangers, but strangers nonetheless - see him in such an obvious state of physical arousal. The fact that his new bride and two other men, also strangers, were watching would only compound his embarrassment.
Kori tugged his pants down to his knees, and Hannah muttered "Those dumb white underpants! I hate tighty whities!" He was indeed wearing plain white jockey shorts, with a blue stripe around the elastic waist and a significant peak jutting out in the front, coming to a point over the tip of his rigid cock.
Kori touched that point and smiled. "Well well, what do we have here? Are you hiding a banana in your undies and eating our fruit instead?"
He was red faced, almost crimmister, and unable to speak without stammering. Kristi pulled out the waistband of his underwear and peered down inside before letting it snap back against his stomach. "Kori, that's not a banana. That's his cock, and it looks really hard! Why is your penis so hard Tommy?"
He stuttered badly. "I...I oh, g-god!" Hannah giggled alongside of me, and I glanced at her. She was staring, her eyes shining and a grin on her face, enjoying his discomfort, thus far taking it all as a big joke on her hapless hubby.
Kori feigned surprise. "Really, that's his cock? I want to see! Tommy, can I see your cock too?"
We heard him moan. I could relate, having had Kori and Kristi pick on me in the past. Individually they are a challenge; together they are overwhelming, an irresistible power. I was hard now, watching them, seeing them touch and tease, and the tip of my erect cock was just barely below the surface of the water and plainly visible. I caught Hannah trying to glance unobtrusively at both me and Ronnie, and I knew she'd seen my arousal.
She moved slightly closer to me, and I was more than a little surprised when I felt her brush the back of her hand against my erection, contact designed to seem incidental when we both knew it was not. I heard Ronnie suck in his breath and realized she must have her other hand at his crotch, touching him, checking to see if he was aroused.
Kori didn't wait for Tom's permission to check out his equipment, instead taking the initiative and sliding his jockeys down, carefully pulling the front out to free his erection. She kneeled to push his shorts and underwear past his feet, holding them as he stepped out. His cock, now free in the sunlight, was thin but rigid, curving upward in a gentle six inch arc from his small patch of brown pubic hair, his tight round ball sack suspended just below, between thin, white legs. His narrow hips and thin build made him look young, boyish, and his behavior did not dispel that impression. Kori brushed against his stiff organ with her hair and the side of her face as she rose to her feet, and he gasped and pulled back, his hips spasming away from the contact.
Kristi touched the top of his hard shaft with one finger, pushing it down slightly. "Mmm, look at this handsome fellow just standing at attention and waiting for inspection! What a pretty cock you have Tommy!"
He blushed more deeply at the lewd compliment, and gasped as she touched him, his cock bobbing and twitching with arousal. Hannah's hand touched me again, a little less tentative this time, and I felt her fingers slide over me, exploring the length of my organ before wrapping around it, gently squeezing. I heard her take a shuddering breath, and looked down at her to see her face flushed despite the cool water, her dark nipples jutting to prominent, aroused peaks. The tip of my cock broke the water in the trough of each tiny wave, and she ran her finger over the small closed slit at the end, exploring, discovering.
Kori reached beneath Tom's stiff cock and cupped his balls, squeezing and kneading them, not entirely gentle. Kristi wrapped her hand around his thin shaft and tugged him forward. "Come on Tommy, let's go swim before those two guys corrupt your little bride any more than they already have. Plus, the water might cool off this hot thing!"
He glanced quickly at us, startled, as if he had forgotten that his innocent naked bride was with two older and equally naked men. A look of confusion, concern mixed with arousal, crossed his face.
As Kristi tugged him forward by the convenient handle of his stiff cock, Hannah stared. Just as they reached the water's edge, she started to say "Uh-oh, I probably should have warned them..."
At that moment, Tommy let out a small cry and grasped Kristi's hand with both of his, and a jet of semen the length and thickness of a No.2 pencil shot from him, glistening white in the bright sunshine before spattering down onto the surface of the clear water three feet in front of them, sending out concentric rings of ripples. A second spurt was airborne before the first one splashed down, and it too soon hit and was absorbed by the lake, forming its own rings just short of the first set.
Hannah finished her sentence "...that he cums really easy when he gets too excited." She laughed. "Poor Tommy, he's so humiliated! He never could control that."
Maybe, but that didn't stop him from cumming! Kristi had been too slow to catch the first two spurts, caught off guard by the suddenness of his ejaculation, but by the third squirt she had her fingers over the tip of his cock, and she caught the remainder of his load on her hand, using her cummy fingers and slimy palm to smear his cum all over his cock and balls, continuing to masturbate his skinny cock until she had milked him dry and he stood there, pale and quivering, his body shuddering with the aftershocks of his sudden climax.
Kori looked over at us, catching Hannah's eye. She licked her lips, her intent obvious, and addressed the younger woman. "May I?"
Hannah shrugged. "I guess, but you're a little late."
Kori just smiled and dropped to her knees, guiding Tommy's cum soaked penis into her mouth with one hand. His thin body jerked uncontrollably as she sucked at him, but soon he was resting his hands on her shoulders, fucking his slowly softening member into her willing mouth, groaning, eyes closed. Ron spoke softly to Hannah. "Forgive my wife, she's a very oral permister. She loves the feel of a cock in her mouth, and she adores the taste of cum. I think your Tommy is making her very happy right now. I hope you don't mind."
She shrugged as Kristi turned away and began to cross the short distance between us and them, the deepening water moving up her body as she approached. Hannah glanced back at her husband, and at Kori, busy licking and sucking his cock and balls. "You're really hard Ronnie. Don't you mind your wife doing stuff like that? It's almost like you like it!"
Ron laughed softly and touched her arm. "I'm not one to deny my wife her pleasures. I do like to see her happy, and she looks very happy, doesn't she?"
Posts: 4050
That might just be the most erotic piece you've ever written, and that's saying a great deal. It was truly classic.
Thank you
Posts: 1459
#852 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks GH, glad you liked it! And now, onwards... ____________________________________________________________
Hannah looked at him oddly. "She does, sure, but aren't you jealous?"
Ron shook his head. "No, not really. Well, maybe a little, but that's part of the fun. Aren't you jealous?"
Hannah looked stunned, as if the idea that she might be jealous had not entered her mind. It turned out it hadn't. "I never gave that a thought! It was like they were just playing with him, teasing, embarrassing him like it was a big game. I guess it just seemed like a natural progression - and it's not their fault that he was a little quick on the trigger."
Kristi laughed as she came alongside of us, holding the hand which was covered with Tom's cum out in front of her. "A little quick! And Bill Gates is a little wealthy and Hitler had slight anger management issues too, I suppose! I have evidence that your Tommy was very quick - and very well loaded. Who'd have guessed, after the load he shot in your hand a little while ago!"
She held her hand up where Ronnie and I could inspect the damages, and taunted us a little. "See guys, that's what a young guy can do. One massive load after another, and he can probably go again in five minutes."
Ron snorted. "Sure, but he'd probably be all done again in five and a half, so what's your point?"
We all laughed, even Hannah, but she quickly rose to his defense. "He's not usually that bad, only when he's super-excited. The way you were teasing him I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner! He'll never admit it, but I'm sure he enjoyed that. He loves to have orgasms, as many a day as we can work in."
I grinned at her. "Who doesn't? Orgasms is good stuff!"
She laughed and glanced over toward her husband, where Kori had risen to her feet leaving his cock clean but wet, shrunken to its limp and skinny flaccid state. She watched Kori give him a quick peck on the lips, and heard him mutter a quiet thank you to her as they separated, Kori turning toward us as Tom backed up a step or two and just looked in our direction. When Hannah looked back to us she noticed Kristi's gaze, which was on her hand. Which was still holding my cock.
She yanked her hand away as though my penis had just scalded her, and Kristi laughed. "It's OK sweety, I was just wondering if you were going to do anything with it besides hold it."
Hannah stared ar her, not quite believing what she'd heard. "It's OK? You don't mind if I touch him?"
Kristi laughed again. "You're so cute! Here I just jerked off your husband to a major cum-blasting climax and then rubbed it all over until I wrung every drop out of him, I've got his semen all over my hand and arm, and you think I'll get upset if you touch my Adam. That's just really cute!"
She looked at Kristi. "Really, it's OK?" As she asked she tentatively touched me again, almost shyly, not wrapping her fingers around me until Kristi nodded her approval. When she did, gripping me tightly and slowly stroking me, Kristi smiled. "He's got a great cock, doesn't he?"
Hannah blushed anew, but nodded. I'm pretty sure I blushed too; I was beginning to get used to being a sex object, but I wasn't quite there yet and being talked about like a piece of meat was still embarrassing to me. Kristi went on. "It's so big, and thick. Does it feel good in your hand?"
Hannah actually giggled. "It does, really good." She glanced at me, her eyes darting across my face and then away. She continued to slowly stroke, me, which felt nice. Looking down at the water, she mumred "I really like your cock."
I gave a surprised laugh. "Thanks. I'll bet you say that to all the guys."
She smiled and seemed to relax, and Kristi decided to up the ante. Kori had joined us, and she looked on silently. "Hannah, have you ever had a cock that big in your mouth?"
Hannah shook her head. "I've never had a cock that big anywhere."
Kori prodded her. "Adam is a lot bigger than your Tommy. A lot thicker, too. That can be fun you know."
Hannah nodded, staring down at her hand as she touched me. "My last boyfriend was bigger than Tommy, but not like this - but it was fun, it felt so good inside. But he was a jerk."
Kristi chuckled. "Sadly a lot of the, uhh, talented ones are. But Adam is really nice. You can suck his cock if you want to."
I stared at her. "Hey! Don't I get a say in this?"
Kori laughed. "Would you have objected?"
"Um, no, probably not."
"Then just keep quiet, OK? We're trying very hard to lead this young lady astray and you're not helping." She paused, then laughed. "Well OK, you are helping, but not by talking, so sshhhh!"
Kristi touched Hannah's shoulder, letting her long fingers trail over her smooth skin to her neck, then under her hair at the nape of her neck, lightly stroking that sensitive area. Hannah shivered at the delicate sensuality of her touch. "Adam will fuck you if you ask him to, you could feel what that big thick cock felt like deep inside of you."
This was too much for me to remain silent! "Hey, jeez, let's not get all carried away! I'm not some trained rooster where you just put a coin in the slot and I come out and peck up all the corn!"
Hannah giggled softly. "You could, you've got a great pecker."
We all stared at her as she blushed and giggled, and we broke out laughing. She giggled along with us. "That's so awful, I don't know why I said that! It just popped into my head." She looked up at me. "It's true though. And I really would like to feel it in me, it's made me very horny."
Completely serious now, I looked at her. "Hannah, you're a new bride, Tommy's wife. That's probably an extremely bad idea. How do you think he'd react to that, what would he say?"
She released me and shrugged. "He loves to watch porn."
Kori smiled at her. "Baby girl, all guys like to watch porn. So do a lot of us ladies for that matter, but that's totally different. Adam is right, if your Tommy is the jealous or insecure type anything you might do here would be all wrong. It not only could, it would wreck your marriage. Before it even hardly got started."
She nodded. "I know, you're right. But he likes it when I tell him about my other boyfriends, the ones before him. He was a virgin when we started dating, but I had two other boyfriends - intimate ones, I mean - before him."
Kristi looked at me, recognizing the commonality of Tommy's behavior and my own. I had always become very aroused when Kristi talked about her prior sexual experiences, the more detail the better, and I could see she was remembering that.
Tommy had moved closer, as if trying to determine what we were all doing as we stood so close together, laughing one moment and talking quietly the next. Hannah went on, suddenly extremely bashful, almost whispering. "We kind of had a three-way once, with Tommy's boss. We went out to dinner and dancing with him and we all got pretty takes, and he came back to our place with us, and, well, it just sort of happened."
Kristi frowned. "Wait, explain to me how you 'kind of' have a three-way."
Hannah giggled, a good sign, and glanced over at Tom, who was now just a few feet away. Looking at her husband's face she continued, her voice stronger now, more bold. "Well, first I danced with Howard - that's Tommy's boss - at the club we went to. I could feel that he wanted me, he was hard and kept pressing up against me. When I told Tommy, he just laughed. Didn't you honey?"
We all looked at him, and he blushed and nodded. By way of explanation he offered "We drank kind of a lot. Howard kept buying us more rounds." Kori grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, trying to better include him in the group instead of leaving him on the sideline.
Hannah continued. "So anyhow, we all went back to our place. Howard asked me to ride with him so I could show him the way in case we got separated, and on the way he kept touching me. We were so takes, I don't know how we managed to not ******* someone - or ourselves - but he took out his cock on the way." She glanced at her husband. "His cock wasn't any longer than Tommy's, but it was very thick. He wanted me to suck it while he drove, but I wouldn't. We could have crashed, you know?"
Kristi laughed. "Yes, that is a concern when your new husband's boss wants you to blow him in the car. Plus, it's hard to keep your seatbelt on, and that's the law! How awkward for you."
Posts: 492
Oh, I like the way this is headed Stormy. More great interaction between some fun people. How could you not like Hannah and Tommy's youthful innocence? Will these two allow themselves to be drawn into a playful mini orgy with our four sexaholics? Maybe Hannah will get to sample Adam's big cock and some girl/girl action all at the same time. Might as well bring her all the way along, she seems adventurous enough and very easily persuaded. And poor Tommy, how many rounds does he have left anyway? Ah to be young again. I'm sure Kori and Kristi will coax a couple more out of him knowing those two.
Again, writing excellence on your part. Thanks.
Posts: 4050
These last segments are truly classic. Maybe the best you've ever written and that's saying a lot. Whatever vitamins you're taking right now, keep poppin em.
Posts: 1459
Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. I wanted Hannah and Tommy to bring an innocence to the tale that has been pretty much abandoned since Adam first slipped with Rain. I'm trying to figure out what Adam will see in the younger couple and how he will react to it.
That said, I had hoped to get one more segment posted before I have to be away for awhile. I still might, but then could be gone for potentially quite some time. I apologize if anyone is disappointed by the coming time gap, it is unavoidable, but I do intend to return to complete this Odyssey - as GH called it!
Posts: 1459
#856 · Edited by: stormydog
Hannah laughed. "My seatbelt! Safe sex, huh - that's so funny! But Tommy wasn't actually my husband yet, we were living together. We weren't even engaged." She paused momentarily, glancing at Tom as though seeking his approval to continue her story. He smiled and cocked his head to the side as if to say 'in for a penny, in for a pound', so she went on. "So anyhow, I didn't suck Howard in the car, but I touched him. His cock was so hard, and so thick, and he was leaking that slippery stuff like some guys do. It felt...nice. It made me very horny."
Kori smiled. "I'll bet! Just hearing about it is having that effect on me!"
Tom stared at her, his mouth dropping open. Apparently a woman as open and forward about her sexuality as Kori is was a whole new experience for him.
"When we got to our house he got out and walked in from the street with his cock and his balls hanging out of his zipper. You should have seen Tommy's face!" She giggled again as she recalled Tommy's reaction.
He reacted somewhat defensively. "Well, I was shocked! I mean, you and him were alone in the car, and then all the neighbors could have seen him like was weird."
Hannah shook her head. "I've told you a million times, it was really late, all the neighbors were arelax. Plus, it was dark."
Tom crossed his arms stubbornly. "You and him made enough noise to wake up the entire neighborhood, and it wasn't that dark, not with the street light and the one on the porch - I could see his junk easy!"
This had evolved into a discussion, almost an argument between them. It was pretty clear that they'd had this discussion before. Hannah smiled at Tom, almost tauntingly. "Of course you could, he had big junk!" She glanced at me, holding her hand palm up, fingers bent as though holding a softball. "His cock was sticking straight out, and he had big balls, like you." She quickly blushed, embarrassed by her own boldness, and looked down at the water.
Tom looked at me to see my reaction to his wife's statement. I just shook my head, amused by her response to her own words. He looked back at her. "You liked it!"
"I never said I didn't!"
"You wanted him to fuck you! You practically begged him to!"
"Tommy, we were all really wasted! And I was so horny, I just wanted somebody to fuck me! I didn't really know what I was doing. You could have stopped it."
That halted him in his tracks and he looked away, no ready answer for why he hadn't put a stop to the action before it went too far. Kristi looked back and forth between the two of them. "You know, we don't have to talk about this if it's going to cause trouble between the two of you, that's the last thing we want to do!"
They looked at each other, some form of silent communication passing between them, and Tom gave an almost imperceptible nod before Hannah spoke. "No, it's OK. It's always like this, even though we agreed that it was all fine and no hard feelings and stuff. It was just a lot of holy water and hormones. We got kind of carried away and maybe went too far."
Tom snickered. "We? You mean you did, you had his cock in your mouth the second the door closed!"
She blushed again. "Well...I was very turned on! You were the one that unbuttoned my blouse and then stuck his hand up my skirt!"
"But you were already soaking wet, I didn't do that."
"I already admitted I was horny, all right? It was your idea to pull my panties off."
"I wanted to touch you! I was horny too you know, not just you and him."
Ron blew out a pent-up breath. "Jesus, you're *******ing me here! What happened, already?"
Hannah looked at him and laughed. "Are we making you horny too? This story always has that effect on us too, whenever we talk about it." She paused. "Well, let's see. I was sucking on Howard's big cock, and Tommy had two fingers in me, making these wet gooey noises, and he unzipped and pulled his cock out." She glanced sidelong at him. "You were totally hard Tommy, you were loving it. Admit it!"
Now he blushed. "I was takes! But yeah, I was pretty aroused. I'd never seen anybody do stuff like that before, not live and in permister. It was...exciting."
Hannah stared at Tommy as she spoke then, not letting his eyes waver from her own as she recounted what happened next. "Tommy tried to get behind me and stick his dick in while I was sucking Howard, he kept trying to put it in me but he was too takes to aim straight." She giggled.
"But that wasn't all - you stopped me."
"Uh-huh. I wanted Howard first. I wanted to see what his thick cock would feel like when he put it in. I got on my back, and when I spread my legs open he put it in me. It felt good. Really good."
Tommy nodded, and I heard him swallow noisily. "He made you cum! You came so fast, and so hard!" It sounded very accusing, like he resented the fact that her body had responded to another's touch, that she had become so aroused that she climaxed well, and quickly.
She looked at him, exasperated. "I couldn't help it, it felt good! It was supposed to feel good, and it did. Did you expect me to just lay there like a big ol' lump?"
"No, but...well, I never made you cum like that, did I? And then you did it again, and again... you just kept cumming and begging for more."
She nodded. "Five times, it was amazing! But it was just the situation, and the takes, it all just worked out right, like all the planets aligned perfect."
Kori laughed. "You kept track! I'm sure his big thick cock helped too, huh? Sounds like fun! How about you Tommy, did you join in the festivities?"
He glanced at her. "Sort of. I was really hammered."
Kori raised her eyebrows. "Sort of?"
Hannah laughed. "He was trying to get to where I could suck his cock, but he fell off the sofa."
"It's not funny, it hurt! Well, the next day it did, not at the time." He laughed ruefully.
"When he got back up and tried to do it again, I was helping, touching and trying to get him in my mouth while Howard was fucking me. I wanted both at once so bad!" She looked at Tommy.
"But I came. Too fast, before she could hardly touch me. I was too horny and too takes."
"He came all over my face, in my hair. I got some cum in my eye - that stings!"
"I said I was sorry!"
"I know, I'm just teasing you. You know it made me cum when you did, and then that made Howard cum too..."
"Inside of you!" There was that accusatory tone again!
She nodded. "Well, yeah. I never told him not too, I forgot. Too takes, I guess. But at least I didn't get pregnant, and you came inside of me after he left, so even if I had it might have been yours."
We were all amazed, but Kori voiced it. "You weren't on birth control and you let him - both of them - cum in you? You really were takes!"
Hannah nodded, but there was a guilty look in her eyes, something that made me think that taking that unnecessary chance had not been entirely accidental on her part.
Posts: 4050
This is the best subplot of this story and that's saying alot. When this story is complete you could write another one about the adventures of Tommy and Hannah.
Posts: 492
Hope your time away is pleasure and not business. We'll be fine, anxiously awaiting your return. Be safe.
Posts: 4050
We look forward to your return
Posts: 1914
GH, You beat me to the bump but I echo your sentiment !
Posts: 492
Damn, I was hoping Stormy had posted another segment.
Posts: 71
Quoting: Titsrfun2 Damn, I was hoping Stormy had posted another segment. Same here lol
Posts: 1459
Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments and the bumps. Posting new chapters may be a bit spotty for awhile, there are some major changes happening that have me tied in knots (no, not in the fun way!), but I will try, and I will carry on the story as I have time, provided there is ongoing interest from readers. I appreciate your patience. Now, in the interest of time, onwards! ____________________________________________________________
Hannah glanced at me, and I think she realized that I had seen the guilty look on her face. She looked quickly away, her eyes darting around the group and then out over the lake. Tom didn't seem to notice, his gaze turned inward, his thoughts clearly back on the evening he had watched his sweet Hannah eagerly take another man into her body, had in fact begged for it, when he had stood by and seen the powerful effect that another's larger organ had had on his woman, making her cum over and over. He had stood by, aroused, erect, as he was again now, while his boss had fucked the woman he loved, using her, driving her to multiple orgasms before filling her with his seed and departing, leaving her wet and stretched, used, satiated, leaking his cum. And apparently Tommy was all right with that. They had subsequently married, after all.
The story she told had left all of us aroused, our bodies reacting naturally to the words and the mental images they created. My cock was erect, throbbing, Hannah's touch and her story leaving me in an intensely aroused state. I knew that both Kristi and Kori would be turned on and receptive to further play, and Ronnie's small penis was rigid so there was no doubt there!
Kori looked down and saw Tom's slender cock standing at attention, and she laughed. "Again? Already? You young guys are amazing! Here you popped your cork twice in the last hour, and look at you, ready to go again without anyone laying a finger on you!"
He blushed, but smiled, pleased with her obvious delight in his abilities. Ron chuckled. "It looks to me like that night was the gift that keeps on giving. You must have been OK with all that, huh Tom? I mean, you did still marry the girl! Plus, the memory makes you horny, not mad, so that's a good sign."
Tommy shrugged. "It happened. It was really...I don't know, erotic, I guess. We were so takes it just seemed like we were all having fun, I didn't have time to get mad, or jealous, and then he was in her..." He paused, then looked at Hannah, his eyes locking on hers. "I love her. She's the only woman in the world for me. I couldn't let one crazy takesen night spoil everything, and Howard was just as takes as us. I think he felt bad, after. That's why he left so quick." Hannah was smiling softly at him, glad of his love, maybe even grateful for his understanding.
Kristi prodded him. "And it was just a little recreational sex, right? I mean, she still wanted you."
Hannah corrected her. "I needed him. I knew I'd done something bad, I needed him to let me know he didn't hate me for it."
Ronnie laughed out loud. "And what better way to show her your love than by sticking your hard dick in her as soon as he slips his out, right? There's nothing like the feeling of sliding your cock into your woman's wet, creamy pussy right after some big-dicked stud pumps her full of his jizz, am I right?"
I laughed. Typical Ronnie. Tom looked shocked, his face blushing crimmister at Ronnie's crudeness which apparently echoed his own thoughts, causing his obvious embarrassment. Hannah also blushed, but giggled, remembering how eagerly Tommy had taken her, how the wet, fresh sloppy seconds had quickly caused his own ejaculation. Kristi also laughed, but looked at Ron, shaking her head. "Ronnie! You're always so tacky!"
Kori actually hit him on the arm, then repeated the blow a second time. "You're disgusting! Sometimes I can't believe I married you! My parents told me not to, you know."
Ron just smiled. "What, I'm a bad guy for telling the truth? Admit it, you all like the idea. After all, happiness is a wet pussy, the wetter the better. Tommy my boy, if you liked fucking that big ol' creampie you really have to try eating it someday."
It was my turn. "Jesus Ronnie, Kori is right! You really are a dirtbag! Stop picking on these poor kids, you're embarrassing them. Hell, you're embarrassing me!"
He just laughed. "He who speaks truth is always persecuted and condemned! It was ever thus!" He brought his hand dramatically to his forehead, adopting a pose of suffering. We were all laughing at him, those of us that know him, but Hannah was intrigued by his last comment to her husband.
She stared at him. "You'd do that? Really? You'd, um, go down on your wife when she was full of another man's cum?" She shivered, a mixture of disgust and arousal at the thought.
Kori answered her. "He not only would, he has. He does, I mean. He loves it, and trust me sweety, so would you. I have the very best orgasms when he does that."
Hannah shuddered, another shiver of arousal at the thought of something so kinky and taboo. She looked at Tommy, who wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "Sorry honey, I don't think so."
Kristi laughed. "It's an acquired taste. Right guys?" We both nodded, but I felt myself blush at the acknowledgment that I also partook of this particular exotic pleasure. Kristi went on. "Start with your own, Tommy, try going down for a little taste after you cum in her. You may or may not like it, but I guarantee you that she will, and that's really what it's all about, isn't it?"
Tommy stared at her, then looked slowly at Hannah and nodded. "I do want you to be happy, and I know I'm a little too fast for you sometimes. Maybe we can try it some day. We'll see."
I knew they'd be trying it, and soon. Their curiosity was piqued, and Hannah in particular struck me as sexually adventurous. The thought of her moving up and planting her dripping pussy on his face after he'd shot his load too quickly in her made my cock throb. The thought of her grinding her open, oozing sex into his face after I'd shot my load deep inside of her made it throb harder still. Strangely, I found myself wanting to take her, dominate her, fuck her into presentation and exhaustion and then make him lick her worn out pussy clean, humiliating himself in the process, knowing he'd be throbbingly erect as he swallowed my cum. I was startled by my thoughts. This was something inside of me that I really had no desire to explore.
I quickly turned away, disturbed and more than a little frightened by my own lascivious thoughts. "Come on, let's swim! We've talked long enough. Last one to that big rock over on the other side there has to kiss Ronnie's balls!"
Ronnie yelped. "Hey! Since when did that become a punishment?"
I laughed and dove under, taking several long strokes, knowing Kristi would be pushing me soon enough. When I surfaced and looked back it was to see pandemonium, the water kicked into a lather as everyone fought to escape that awful fate!
Posts: 1459
#864 · Edited by: stormydog
It was easy for me to make the statement regarding the cost of finishing last, because I knew I was a stronger swimmer than both Ron and Kori, and at least equal to Kristi. I reached the far side quickly - it wasn't that far, after all - and Kristi soon joined me, followed by Ron, then Kori and Hannah at about the same time, with Tom bringing up the rear.
By the time he arrived Ron, Kristi, and I had climbed up on the rock and taken a seat, and Hannah was in the process of doing so. Tom's stroke was fairly strong, but inefficient, more splash than forward progress. Kori remained in the water, which was quite deep here below the rock face, one hand on a jutting ledge to hold herself stationary without treading water.
Tom stopped a few feet away, swiping the water from his eyes with one hand as he looked up at us, treading water. "Oh come on, that's not fair! You were all closer, you had a head start. Besides, I never agreed to the terms of the race."
He took some jeers from the girls, and I laughed, prepared to cut him some slack. I'd only called out the penalty as a joke in the first place, but it had honestly never occurred to me that anyone other than Kori or possibly Hannah might come in last. He appeared to be not at all enthused about the idea of kissing Ronnie's balls - a feeling I'm sure Ronnie shared - but that is exactly what the girls, even Hannah, were insisting he do! In point of fact, both men seemed nearly horrified at the thought, which was funny in its own right.
Ron spoke first. "I vote we let him off the hook. Really, I'm fine with that."
Krsiti looked at him and smiled. "I'll bet you are! But you wouldn't have done the same for me if I'd come in last, would you? Or what if the bet was two of us girls doing something comparable to each other, would you have been so forgiving then?"
Ron frowned. "Well, no, probably not, but that's totally different."
Kori glanced up at him and laughed. "How is it different?"
"It just is! You know, it's OK when you do it. Sexy, even. This is different - help me out Adam, back me up here, this whole dumb thing was your idea in the first place."
"Yeah, but I finished first, so now I'm just an innocent bystander." I laughed at Ron's frustrated look. "OK, I'll side with you. Let's call off the challenge, I'll let Tom off easy."
Ron looked back at Kristi. "That's two against!"
Tom called out from the water. "Three against!"
Kristi laughed at him. "Tommy, you don't get a vote! You're the accused, not a member of the jury. I vote we make you follow through. You guys are such cowards, with your silly pride and delicate masculinity."
Kori quickly seconded Kristi's vote, and all eyes turned to Hannah. She smiled wickedly at her young husband, standing with her feet apart and hands on hips. Her largish nipples were erect and jutting out proudly, whether from the cool water, her own arousal or some combination thereof, and Tommy stared at her, no doubt noticing that fact, but awaiting his fate. "Tommy, I think you should do it! We don't want our new friends to think you're a coward or that you'd welsh on a bet, do we?"
I heard Kori laugh as Tommy objected. "Hannah, no! Besides, it wasn't really a bet. I didn't bet anyone!"
She laughed. "Poor Tommy, afraid to kiss a man's balls because he thinks it will turn him gay! Come on, you know you like it when I kiss yours, don't be such a big chicken. Maybe you'll like it!" She continued to tease and harangue him for a few moments, taking obvious joy in his awkward embarrassment, with Ronnie occasionally offering Tom his support and Kristi and Kori both backing Hannah.
About the time I was starting to regret opening this can of worms she suddenly relented, agreeing that he was not obligated to follow through. Instead, shocking all of us and rocking Tommy to his core, she decided to fulfill his obligation for him! "Well, if you won't pay up I guess I have to, since you're my husband. But now you owe me one!"
She dropped to her knees, pushing Ron's legs apart and diving between. Ron, too surprised to move, just stared as she pressed her lips to his genitals. I could see, from where I sat, that she thoroughly tongued his cock and wrinkled scrotum before taking him into her mouth and sucking his tiny, limp dick. From Tommy's angle, in the water, all he could see was his wife's ass in the air, her pussy winking at him as her head and shoulders moved suggestively between Ronnie's widespread legs!
What was to have been a kiss to Ron's nuts turned into perhaps a minute of enthusiastic fellatio, and I heard Ronnie groan appreciatively. When Hannah let his now fully erect cock slip from her lips with a small pop and turned to face her husband, licking her lips as she did so, it was to find him staring at her, aghast. "Hannah, my god! What are you doing?" His eyes travelled to Ron's small, stiff penis, glistening wetly as clear evidence of exactly what his wife had been doing.
She smiled at him sweetly. "Just paying your debt for you sweety, since you didn't want to. Are you proud of me?"
We were all watching him, curious how this would play out but aware that something was shifting between them and a little uncomfortable to be a party to it. Tom shook his head as if to clear the fog. "I can't believe you did that!"
She shrugged. "It's just a cock baby, you know I've had cocks in my mouth before, yours, Howard's, a few others. Did you hate it?"
He hesitated, and we all knew she had him. Her wicked smile returned as she goaded him. "Come here Tommy. Come to Momma and show her how much you hated seeing me do that."
He hesitated, but then began to climb from the water, and as he did so the reamister for his hesitation became clear. He was hard as stone, his cock rigidly erect despite the cool water of the lake, intensely excited and aroused by his wife's lascivious behavior. Kristi stared at his erection, then laughed. "Well, well, look at that! It seems you've found your niche Tommy, and it looks like it's not going to be as a stud! So you like that, seeing your wife servicing other men?"
He looked a little sick, a bit green, but he nodded, never taking his eyes off Hannah. His cock twitched, pulsing with arousal, and Kristi reached up and squeezed his tightly shrivelled nutsack between thumb and forefinger. His cock jumped again, and he moaned softly. Hannah, grinning, rose smoothly to her feet and met him, her lips covering his as she thrust her tongue into his mouth, knowing all the while that he would be thinking about where her tongue had most recently been.
As Kori climbed from the water, and the four of us looked on, his wife began to slowly stroke him, tormenting his swollen and eager organ as she kissed him, letting him feel the way her lips felt after so recently sucking Ron's cock. I knew he would cum soon, we all did, it was inevitable, but Hannah quit just in time. She left him gasping, his cock leaking clear pre-cum in long strands as it twitched and begged for relief.
She laughed. "Poor baby, so eager, so horny, so confused! I guess maybe you didn't hate it after all. Hold that thought, and maybe later, if you're good and behave yourself, I'll let you put that thing in me. But only if you don't cum again first - no cheating!"
Tommy actually smiled, a full smile, with no reservations. "God Hannah, you make me crazy! You're so wild sometimes, but I sure do love you!"
Kori and Kristi both smiled, touched by the innocent sweetness of his words, while Ron looked at me and rolled his eyes.
Hannah looked back at Tom. "I love you too, silly! Now who wants to climb up and dive off the rocks? I'll show you where."
Posts: 1914
Oh joy. Spring is truly here. GH is firing on all cylinders again and Adam and Kori & Co return.
Stormy. You must have thought of more than you probably need to say over the last few weeks. Do what GH is doing now. Take your time for a bit and get it out slowly. It's worth waiting for and you don't need to be tying yourself in story knots just for the sake of it.
Posts: 4050
This little substory is fabulous. The birth of a cuckold couple.
When your permisteral life settles down, please let the Odyssey continue.
Thank you for your efforts.
Posts: 492
Quoting: stormydog I will try, and I will carry on the story as I have time, provided there is ongoing interest from readers. Well, yeah, duh, there's pleaty of interest here in the land where boobies reign supreme. More importantly is you, and the story ranks a distant whatever, miles behind that. Here's hoping that whatever blip that's on your radar screen right now causing your dismay turns out to be nothing more than a minor disturbance in your life and that you will soon find the time to continue this awesome story. In the mean time, take care of yourself and don't worry for one minute about anything else. Thanks for these last couple of segments, I love this Stormy detour. TrF2
Posts: 1459
#868 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks guys, I appreciate the support. It's nothing life-threatening or anything like that, just a career change/relocation/selling a home and leaving a place we love for the unknown sort of a thing. Never a good time to do that, but I'm optimistic that it will all work out well in the long run, it just really turns your life upside down for awhile. We will of course remain in the land where boobies reign supreme, but far from where we've made such good friends and a comfortable home for many years!
Writing the story provides a great distraction for me and takes my mind off things, but there's just not a lot of chances to sit down and do it. I appreciate your patience and understanding. ____________________________________________________________
Kristi looked up at the cliff above us. "You've been diving off of that? How high?"
Hannah followed her gaze up the rock face. "I don't know, not too high. What would you say Tommy, maybe fifteen feet or so?"
He shrugged, momentarily distracted from his arousal and frustration. "Probably, maybe a little more than that. Not right here though, over there a little ways where it's undercut." His erect cock bobbed up and down as he spoke, and I had to struggle not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Kori saw my struggle and gave me a subtle grin and a quick wink.
Ronnie looked at the rocks above, then down at the water. "Well, I guess I'm up for it, and it looks like Tom is up for something."
Tom laughed self-consciously and crossed his hands in front of his groin, partially hiding his arousal. "No, I think I'll just swim and watch the rest of you." He glanced shyly at both Kristi and Kori. "You're both very, uh, watchable."
They grinned at him, surprised but appreciating the compliment, then laughed as he flushed red, embarrassed by his own boldness.
Hannah also laughed at him. "Tommy! You lech! Your little stiffie will never go away if you keep ogling these ladies." She looked back to us. "OK, let's go, just follow me."
I moved to do so, and Kori stepped out of the way. "I think I'll stay here too. I'm not too keen on jumping off of high things, plus it always stings when the water smacks into my boobies." She cupped her breasts in her hands, jiggling them as she said that, her nipples hard. Tom stared open-mouthed, his cock jumping. I half expected him to start drooling - which I would have completely understood!
As it turned out, I trailed up the narrow path behind Hannah, Kristi behind me, and Ronnie behind her at the back of the line. I was quite sure that Ron had intentionally put himself behind Kristi, in order to admire her long legs and tight little ass as she climbed, but then again, I had no complaint about my position either. Hannah's voluptuous hips and ass and narrow waist moved ahead of me, swaying magictically, and as she climbed up some of the larger rocks her pussy flashed at me from between her shapely thighs. As she would bend forward to reach the next handhold her large breasts would suspend freely from her chest, jiggling and swaying from her narrow ribcage.
I had to remind myself to keep an eye on the trail so as not to trip or fall. Climbing naked and barefoot just opens up a whole new world of potentially painful and embarrassing injuries, and all the ones I could imagine seemed likely to be decidedly unpleasant, and best avoided.
Posts: 1459
It seemed to me that we had climbed at least the fifteen feet that the young couple had estimated their diving ledge to be, and I was about to ask when Hannah turned around to face the rest of us. "OK, we're about there, just this last little ledge to get over. Here Adam, boost me up, then I'll help you." She raised one foot in the air, obviously asking for me to create a step for her, so I laced my fingers into a stirrup and bent forward so that she could step into it.
As she did so she leaned in, putting her hand on my shoulder to steady herself, and her breast brushed my face. I was surprised, but assumed it was incidental contact - until she rubbed it across my face again, her nipple hardening as it responded to my rough stubble rubbing against it. The feel and sound of her rubbery nipple sliding across my unshaven jawbone and cheek sent an electric impulse directly to my groin, and I heard her take a sharp, shuddering breath, her body also responding to the erotic sensation.
I quickly turned my head just enough to suck her fat nipple between my lips, one hard, fast suction accompanied by a quick flick of my tongue over her aroused brownish nub, and was rewarded with a softly uttered "Ohhh!" from her. I felt her start to allow her body to relax and slump into me for more, but forestalled her by raising my hands, lifting her right foot, and saying "Ok, on the count of three, ready? One, two, three - up you go!"
She pushed off of my shoulder as I lifted her and pulled herself up onto the ledge, about a five foot scramble upwards all told. As soon as she was stable she turned and squatted down, holding her hands down for me to grab so that she could help pull me up. I could see that ending disastrously, since I outweighed her by at least seventy pounds, but with her squatted down that way, knees spread apart, I could also see straight up between her shapely thighs to the soft brown curls of her pussy, lips spread apart by her position and the soft, puffy pink inner lips glistening with the slight dew of her arousal.
It was an unexpected but delightful treat, one which rendered me unable - or maybe just *** - to explain to her the flaw in her plan. As I feasted on the sight of her young, horny pussy displayed so beautifully for me, Kristi came up alongside me, saw me focused in on Hannah's tender sex, and snorted derisively. "Huh! Well, at least now I know what's causing the road block! Sweety, if you don't stop flashing your pussy at him he'll never move from that spot. Or, alternatively, show it to him for about another thirty seconds and he'll be able to pole-vault himself up this ledge!"
Ron, looking over Kristi's shoulder, let out a quick laugh, and Hannah giggled and cupped one hand over her exposed pussy. "Oops, sorry! I'm not used to being naked, I never thought about the fact that I'd be putting on a show!"
I don't think any of us believed that for a moment; I, for one, suspected that she knew exactly what she was doing, and that she was quite pleased with herself to see that it was having the intended effect on me, my cock beginning to lengthen, thickening and rising slightly from its flaccid state.
In a lame attempt to distract attention from that fact I quickly bent forward again, cupping my hands for Kristi to step into. "Come on babe, you next, then I'll boost Ronnie and you two can help him up, then the three of you can drag my big butt up there."
Kristi stepped forward and raised her foot for the boost, glancing down at my crotch as she did so. She smiled slightly and shook her head. "OK - or, we could boost you up and then you could sit at the edge and let your cock hang down and Ronnie and me could climb up it."
Ron and Hannah laughed, and I had to chuckle at the image myself. "Funny lady! I think not though, let's just do it my way, OK?"
She laughed as she stepped into my improvised stirrup, and with a boost from me and a helping hand from Hannah above, she stepped gracefully up the rock. Ron stepped up next, both girls holding out their hands for him. As he stepped into my hands he said "I'm glad we're doing it your way. I didn't much want to wrap my hands and legs around your cock to climb up!"
"Ronnie, how much you didn't want that pales in comparimister to how much I didn't. Of course, I'm not much looking forward to having your naked ass in my face while we do it this way either. C'mon, let's get this over with!"
With a quick step and a lift, he hollered "Geronimo!" and the two women grabbed his hands and he was up. My turn next, I looked for and found one narrow toe hold which allowed me to step up enough to reach Ron's proffered hand. I grabbed it, and as he braced himself I lunged upwards and caught Hannah's hand with my other one and kept my momentum going forward. I teetered precariously for just a moment, one foot slipping on the loosely grained sandstone until I felt Kristi's hands grab me, one behind my hip and the other wrapping around the convenient handle of my semi-erect cock!
Fortunately that provided just enough pull to get my weight re-balanced forward and I found myself standing among them, Ron and Hannah holding onto my hands and Kristi still tightly gripping my penis. The only damage seemed to be a small patch of skin missing from my right shin where I had managed to bang it into a protruding rock. "Whew! That sandy spot was a little treacherous! I'm glad y'all held on, there was no place for a soft landing down there."
Ron and Hannah released my hands and stepped back slightly, but Kristi continued to hold my cock. I could feel her squeezing me, almost stroking as she squeezed and released, flexing her fingers. "I'm safe, you can let go now."
She looked down. "I could." She didn't. Hannah stared at Kristi's hand on me, slowly brushing back her long brown hair as she licked her full lips. Her eyes flicked up to my face, searching mine for just a moment before falling back to watch Kristi's hand knead my now strainingly erect cock. She spoke haltingly, as though she didn't want to intrude on the moment. "Well, this is it! The point we jumped off is right over there, and the water is really deep underneath, so you can dive if you want to."
Ronnie edged carefully over to the lip and looked down over the edge. "Yikes! This is over fifteen feet, it's got to be a good twenty five, at least. Hey, come on you two, you can do that anytime. We climbed up here to jump off, not jerk off!"
Kristi laughed and released me, leaving my cock standing out proudly in front of me, rigid as a rhino's horn. She crossed to Ronnie, walking boldly up to the edge and giving him a quick nudge as if to push him off. He waved his arms and scramred back away from the lip. "Jesus Kristi, don't do that!"
She laughed and looked down. "Oh Ronnie, that's only maybe twenty feet, twenty two tops."
He shook his head. "It looks damn high to me!"
She raised her eyebrows as she glanced at him. "That's because you're a coward. Come on you big chicken, you go first, I dare ya!"
I glanced at Hannah to see how she was taking their competitive banter and found her staring at my erection. She blushed when she looked up and found me looking at her, but she smiled . I gave her a silent wink, and she colored more deeply, but returned her eyes to my aroused cock.
Ronnie looked down again. "OK, I'll go first, but I'm jumping, not diving."
Hannah tore her gaze away from me to look at Ron. "Cover your balls."
Ron looked shocked. "What?"
Hannah and Kristi both giggled as Hannah pointed at his groin. "I said, cover your balls. Tommy made the mistake of not doing that the first time, and he said it really hurt, so now he puts his hands over his stuff before he jumps off."
Ron looked down at himself. "Oh. That makes sense. Who ever thought I'd be getting testicle care tips from a woman?" He cupped one hand over his small package, then gave Hannah a wink. "Seems I can cover mine with only one hand. I'm apparently not as hung as your spouse."
Hannah giggled. "Adam will need three hands."
Kristi laughed appreciatively as Hannah again turned red. She was playful, and a little naughty, but still she seemed to always surprise herself when she opened her mouth. Ron grinned. "At least three. OK, here goes!" He let out a Tarzan yell as he jumped, cut off in mid-wail as he hit the water below. He surfaced to complete his scream, then called up for whoever was next.
Kristi stepped to the edge and looked down at him treading water below. "How was it?"
"Fun, come on down!"
I stepped forward to see just as she launched into a graceful dive, turning it vertical just in time to rip into the water about eight feet from Ron, raising almost no splash. I watched her beautiful naked form swim underwater and surface right next to him before turning back to Hannah.
She looked at my crotch and licked her lips. "It's just you and me up here now Adam."
Posts: 12
Oh, Stormy. I can see where this is going. Looking good. Keep up the good work.