Posts: 277
Great story, love the way that our new cuck is been slowly guided in to his future. Just fantastic, keep it cumming. contdoc
Posts: 492
Excellent segment Stormy. I was hoping that Kristi would stay out of it, but I guess she has to exert her control.
Thank you
Posts: 242
I don't think I have ever commented on your story, so I thought I would take this time to do so. This a very good story and I look forward to each new segment. I know each of you talented authors don't get the reconigtion you each deserve, so I hope you understand faithful followers will always appericated your writing!!!! Thank you.
Posts: 1459
Hi Meijer, and wow what a memory you have! I'd kind of forgotten Rick in panties. I appreciate your comments and your interest, I always enjoy hearing from you.
Thanks GH, mine too! Who doesn't like a little anal invasion at that critical moment? (Be it tongue or finger, right?)
You're right cd, with Adam things have to move slowly. Maybe I got the title of this story backwards.
TrF2, I guess Kristi really is the alpha female of the group, at least physically, although Kori exercises a more subtle, more cerebral control, I think. Thanks all for the comments! _____________________________________________________________
We sat there for awhile, talking softly and sharing the famous "afterglow" of our activities. Chatting with my friends, I was mostly able to put the thoughts of Lee and Ty out of my mind. Kori had spread one of the fleecy blankets on the floor so that we could gather close to the gas log fireplace and enjoy the warmth, and we all sat on that in a small semi-circle, slowly being magictized by the dancing flames. It was a really good looking fireplace, and fire, but I still prefer the smell and sound of real logs. It didn't seem entirely right without the slightly acrid smoky smell and the occasional hiss and pop of burning wood. But that's probably just me - and besides, I had to admit that gasoline powered boats, woodpiles, and flying embers were probably not very compatible.
I was at one end, with my arm around Kristi, who leaned her head against my shoulder, left arm around my lower back and her other hand resting on my upper thigh. Kori was to Kristi's right, leaning against Ron at the other end of the arc. He had his arm around his wife, holding her close to him as he leaned his left cheek against the top of her head, slowly rubbing his face against her soft hair. She had her right hand on his upper back near his neck, and her left between his legs, slowly, almost absent-mindedly fondling his balls. Kristi and Kori's hips were inches apart.
As I took all this in, Ron raised his head and looked at me for a second, then smiled and winked before returning to the feel and scent of his wife's hair. I smiled, knowing that if he had given voice to that wink he would have said "we're the two luckiest sumbitches on earth!" And, of course, he would have been right.
Kristi burrowed into my side. "Mmmm, this feels good, so nice and warm. Look, you can tell - my nipples aren't even sticking out!"
We all laughed, but we all looked. She was right, and a rare thing it was! I squeezed her shoulders, chuckling. "We should probably find the camera and get a picture of that! That happens, what, about as often as Halley's comet passing by?"
She pinched my leg. "Don't be mean! I have very sensitive nipples - I thought you liked that."
"No, you were wrong. I love that!" I stretched out the word love, emphasizing it, and she smiled.
"Smart man, good answer. Here, move your arm for a second, I want to turn around and toast my back for awhile." She scooted away from me, turning her back to the flames and settling in with her tush alongside my knees, facing me. So that her back could feel the heat she pulled her hair forward, over her shoulders, where it hung down to her breasts. I loved that, too.
I put my hands on the floor behind me and leaned back, and when I did she raised her right leg over mine and slid her foot up to my groin, gently touching and stroking my genitals with her toes.
I groaned, and she looked at me. "Am I bothering you?"
"No, not at all. Hey Ronnie, you're the only one that hasn't put your feet on my balls today, you're welcome to come get in on this if you're feeling left out."
He chuckled, pretending to consider it. "Let's see, I can either fondle my beautiful wife or play hacky-sack with your balls. I think I'll take a rain-check on the balls, but I'll have my people call your people and we'll set something up. How's the twelfth for you?"
Kristi fell for it, frowning. "The twelfth?"
At the same time, Ronnie and I said, "Yeah, the twelfth of never!", laughing at her expression of self-disgust for walking into that one. It was more often Kori or me that wound up playing the straight man.
Actually, her toes gently prodding me was a very pleasant sensation, although I knew she had no chance of raising that dead soldier. I don't think she intended to, she just wanted to tease and touch, and I quickly realized that a part of her teasing was showing me the cum-soaked crotch of the panties she still wore.
She knew that was a favorite fantasy of mine, her coming home to me, or back to me in a public place with another man's jizz leaking out of her and soaking her panties, and I suddenly realized that she had put that thong on that evening for that exact purpose! She had realized that she might have an opportunity to fulfill that particular fantasy for me, and had done so!
She smiled at me, a sexy smile filled with the understanding that I had realized what she had done, and that she was pleased with herself for bringing my fantasy to life. I had the sudden epiphany that when she had come out from our cabin earlier in the day in her electric blue bikini bottoms, the crotch soaked with Juan's cum after she and Kori had taken him back to our cabin, she had been attempting to do the same thing!
She had made it a point to perform almost to the letter a fantasy I had shared with her months ago, and I had missed it completely! I mean, I had enjoyed it, but it hadn't dawned on me what she was doing. I felt like an ungrateful idiot that I hadn't caught what she had done until she repeated it a second time, and it must have showed on my face, because she gave a knowing smile, and nodded at me.
I dropped my head into my hands in mock shame, and she laughed. Kori looked at her. "What's funny?"
Kristi smiled, still looking at me. "Oh, nothing, I was just reminding Adam that he does have these certain fantasies about women's panties."
Kori and Ron both looked interested, and Kori spoke again. "Really? Adam, would you care to share them with your friends?"
"Uhh, not particularly." I chuckled self-consciously. "Let's just say that I have hundreds of fantasies about women's panties, but they pretty much all involve women being in them, not men. And certainly not me!"
My eyes dropped again to Kristi's wet underwear, drawn as though by a magnet. Her rubbing herself on me had smeared white streaks of cum over the dark silky material and all over her inner thighs, creating a gloriously slippery and sexy looking mess. Part of me tingled.
The rubbing on me had never been a part of my fantasies, which involved more torturous things like being together somewhere in public while knowing she'd just had sex with another, some anonymous virile male that had left his calling card inside of her. In my fantasy she always told me, whispering in my ear, then watched me suffer all evening with the knowledge that his semen was leaking from her, soaking her panties, or stockings, or pantyhose, while we went about our evening as though everything was perfectly normal - before she took me home to either face the shame of sloppy seconds, or the bigger shame of being powerd to clean her orally.
What can I say, it was a fantasy I'd shared with her, and when we played with it and she teased me it always made me incredibly horny. This was as close as we'd ever come to fulfilling it - which was not something I was ever sure I really wanted to do - and the results had been explosive, and intensely enjoyable.
Kori was waiting for more as I considered what, if anything, I was willing to share with them. I settled for simplicity. "OK you guys, one of my fantasies has always been her with wet panties soaked in cum, you know, discovering them and finding out how it happened, and like that. Satisfied?"
Ron shook his head and Kori pouted. "Sweety, you're not worth a poop at telling erotic stories! We all have our fantasies. Details, we need details!"
I laughed. "Forget it! Fill in the blanks however it makes you happy."
Kristi flicked my balls with her toes, grinning at Kori. "Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it when he's not around. It's amazingly kinky - for him!"
"Hey! You will not, I'm entitled to a little privacy. I told you that stuff in strictest confidence!"
She grinned wickedly at me. "You should have made me sign something. Besides, you like the idea so much it's making you hard again!"
I looked down. She greatly exaggerated the facts. "It is not, I'm not even semi-hard."
"Yes, you are! It's getting thicker, and not quite so droopy." She looked from my groin to Ron's, then back at me before giggling and leaning forward to whisper something to Kori. Kori did the same, looking from his crotch to mine and back, then again, before she started giggling too.
Ronnie frowned, looking at them. "I should probably know better than to ask, but what's so funny?"
Kori smiled up at him, then stretched her neck up to give him a kiss. "Kristi just asked me if I was mad because she apparently scared your dick away, but not Adam's. And she's right, look - his hangs down and drags on the floor, and you just have this tiny little pink nub sticking out above your balls!"
I cringed and blushed - for his sake, I guess.
Ron looked at Kristi. "Nice! And I thought we were buddies, you and me."
Kristi gasped. "Kori! You weren't supposed to tell him I said that! Ronnie, I'm sorry, I was only kidding!"
He laughed. "I know, and it's all right. I stopped denying reality a long time ago. Besides, if we can't be honest with each other, who can?"
Kristi continued to sputter, embarrassed about making fun of Ron's lack of size. "Ronnie, honey, it was just a joke! Besides, you had no problem making my eyes roll back in my head a little while ago - you were amazing."
He chuckled. "Kristi, baby, relax. I know what I am and what I can and can't do - I'm the guy that encouraged his wife to fuck other guys so that she could feel a little more cock inside of her occasionally, remember? So it's OK."
"But Ronnie..."
I interrupted. "Maybe we should change the subject for awhile."
Ronnie waved me to silence, still looking at her. "Kristi, really, it's OK. Be honest. If you had two guys in front of you, and they were both good guys, good looking, fun, tall, all that bullcuckolds brownie that women pretend to care about, but one had Adam's cock and one had mine, which one would you choose for an evening of sex?"
Kristi hesitated. "Well, which one has the best stamina?"
Kori laughed. "What a cop-out! I'd choose the guy with the cock down to his knees!"
Ron wouldn't be deterrred. "Kristi?"
She was still reluctant to say, but saw that she would not be let off the hook. "Well, I guess I would too - but it isn't necessary, you made me very happy!"
Ronnie laughed at her. "Kristi, really, it's OK. Stop equivocating, you're not bruising my tender feelings. And now for the twenty four thousand dollar question - why would you both choose the mule - all else being equal?"
I'd had about enough. I was very uncomfortable, mostly for Ronnie's sake, and was a little bit afraid to hear the answer, afraid he'd be hurt. "Guys, c'mon! Why don't we play cards, or talk sports or something. This isn't getting us anywhere."
He shushed me again. "Adam, you relax too, OK? All right, go ahead - and girls, be honest. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, because you won't. I just really want to hear what you have to say."
I did too, I suppose, but in another way I didn't. Still, I stayed and listened.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Techcuck. Your comment wasn't there when I started posting that last segment, but was after I had posted, so I didn't get to respond 'til now. I appreciate you reading along and leaving such a nice comment, glad you're enjoying it. I know reading long stories represents a major commitment of your time and I hope you consider it time well spent - or at least enjoyably spent! I think we all love it when a reader stops in to say thanks or offer a comment or opinion, or even just to say hi. It's always great to find out that the effort of writing is appreciated by others. Thanks again, and welcome to the group!
Posts: 4050
That was a very nice segment. It was a nice interlude after the scene where Kristi, Ron and Kori were a little rough on Adam.
Posts: 492
I can't wait. We're finally going to have a couple of real experts give us the answer to that age old question............does size really matter? Or, in the case of Ty, "forget size, how much curvature is just right to hit the G spot?"
Those girls better get some rest, Ranger Rick's on the horizon along with his butch sidekick. I guess Adam gets to watch Kristi's pussy getting torn up again, can't you at least keep him occupied while that's going on? (And I don't mean sucking Kristi's toes while she's getting hammered by the Ranger-I'd love to see the *** Bull side of Adam reappear). Our boy's getting some hard lesmisters here, wonder if he can hang in there. Hey, worst case, he could leave Kristi with Ranger Rick, ride off into the sunset and go home to Rain. Or, even better, wait for Tiffany and take her home with him to Rain and the three of them live happily ever after. Sounds good to me. Yummm. I love FMF threesomes, they're the best.
I know, I know, he's going to stick with Kristi because he loves her, I'm just messing with ya.
Great segment Stormy. thank you.
Posts: 1459
#788 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks GH, it was time to cut Adam a little slack so he could catch his breath. And they're friends, they have to talk and rest up from the sex occasionally, right?
Right Trf2, they need to get to bed pretty soon - to relax, for a change, but Ronnie needs his questions answered first. Though rest is required, for one never knows what the morrow might bring! ________________________________________________________________
Both ladies hesitated, not quite sure how to start. It was apparent that Ron needed to hear what they had to say, but also that they were conscious of his feelings. Ron took the lead. "Kristi, Kori and I have already talked a little about this kind of stuff, so why don't you go first. Why do you think you'd lean toward the more hung guy?"
Kristi frowned. "I don't know. Gravity, maybe?"
Kori giggled, but Ron just snorted and shook his head. "Funny! Not what I meant, but funny! C'mon now, open up."
Kristi paused. "I don't know Ronnie, I guess it's just natural. We use our senses to pick out the best possible mate, and a big, thick, virile cock is the first sign our sense of sight can pick out if two men are otherwise mostly evenly matched. We rely a lot on that particular sense. Visuals are important." She paused, thinking. "If you see two women and one has great big boobs and the other is smaller busted, like me, don't you automatically focus on the bigger breasts? Which would you pick in that scenario?"
Ron frowned. "I do like big tits. But you know what..."
I cut him off before he could go on. "Just so you know, if you follow your wife's lead and say you'd pick the one with tits down to her knees, I'm gonna have to disagree with you." They all laughed at that disturbing image, Kori calling me a disgusting pig first, but laughing anyhow.
Ron went on. "As I started to say, that's entirely different. Cocks are directly involved in sex, so size is relevant to the actual act. Tits are fun too, but they're a secondary characteristic - great for foreplay and stimulation and all that other good cuckolds brownie, but irrelevant to fucking, intercourse, reproduction, and so on."
Kristi objected. "But Ronnie, it's about the selection process, right? Big boobs or a big cock can help you get chosen, get your foot, or half-foot or whatever in the door, as it were, but after that the importance fades. Then you start to get to know the permister attached to those particular attributes."
Ron shook his head. "No, not true! First, big boobs are pretty obvious, they tend to be right out there, so yes, they get attention and help get you chosen, maybe. Hence the bilion dollar industry of boob jobs. But by the time a woman gets to see what a man is hiding in his pants there's usually at least some level of commitment, right? I mean, when you first meet a guy and eventually decide to have a relationship - or better, when you leave a bar with a guy, you don't know if he's packin' or not."
Kristi smiled. "I might - especially if we've been dancing."
Ron smiled. "I suppose. And you might ask for references too, but most women wouldn't. Face it, if you and me had first met in some bar, and we'd talked and hit it off, had a few takes, gotten to know each other a little, and then say I took you home, and things got all hot and heavy - and then I drop my pants, and you see this. How would you react?"
Kristi looked exasperated. "Ronnie..."
He persisted. "You'd have been disappointed, right? Admit it, it's OK! I've seen the look on women's faces when they first see. I'm not an idiot."
Kori and I were spectators, and I know I at least was an *** one. It seemed he wanted Kristi to beat him up, and she was trying desperately not to, and it seemed very uncomfortable for everyone but Ron.
Kristi finally sighed. "OK, I guess I would have been a little disappointed, yes. It's like when you're unwrapping a gift and you think it's going to be something really great - and then you find out it's socks."
She paused, looking at him. "But that's happened to me Ron, I've been with guys with bigger and smaller cocks... boy, that sounds a little slutty, but you know what I mean. Anyhow, sometimes the little guys have left me very satisfied, and sometimes not so much, and likewise for the guys with bigger cocks, so the point is moot."
"And yet you admit that you'd always tend to choose the guy that was hung over the one that wasn't." He'd made his point, and he sounded triumphant about that. Odd, considering.
Kristi saw that he'd brought it full circle. "Oh. Yeah, well, I guess you go with the odds, and a big cock is going to probably feel better, even if the guy isn't particularly talented with it." She giggled. "I can always teach him things, but I can't make him grow, there has to be some raw material! And to me there is just something about the way a big cock looks and feels. It's exciting. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"Yes, if it's the truth. I only want you to be honest." He turned to Kori. "And you sweetheart, were you disappointed the first time we got naked together? I think I know the answer, but you've never said."
"Honey, why don't we go to bed?"
I was with her. I couldn't understand why Ronnie was torturing himself, and felt that I really couldn't ever understand what his motivation was, since I'd been blesed with more rather than less in the matter under discussion. He pressed on. "Come on babe, you both promised to be honest. What did you think?"
She sighed as well, caving in as Kristi had. "Ok, I guess I was kind of disappointed, just a little. It's a letdown. But remember, the first time I saw your little guy he was hard as a roll of dimes and pointing at the ceiling, so I knew there was no way it was going to be getting any bigger!"
Ronnie grumred. "You could have said a roll of quarters."
"Honey, I'll say a roll of silver dollars if it means we can go to bed now. But the point is, an hour later I was sexually exhausted, soaked in sweat and full of cum, and the happiest, most satisfied woman on the planet! So much so that I talked you into marrying me - and I've never regretted it."
Ronnie looked at her. "So then how do we explain nando?"
I frowned. "What the hell is a nando?"
Ron laughed. "Nando is a total watershed event in our lives, a real game-changer, you might say. But Nando is a who, not a what. Babe, have you ever told Kristi about Nando?"
Kori shook her head, not smiling. "No, but it's late. Maybe some other time."
Kristi looked at her. "You can't quit there! Just give us the condensed version, you can fill in the gaps later. You've been keeping secrets from me!"
Kori sighed again. I could see she was not anxious to do this, but she had my curiosity piqued now too. "All right. It was a little less than two years after we got married..."
Ron interrupted. "It was our honeymoon. When we got married I was just starting to make some real money at my business, and we couldn't afford much of a honeymoon, I had to reinvest in the business. I really couldn't afford to leave the business for more that a day or two either, so we agreed to wait to take one. We finally took our honeymoon about twenty two months after we got married."
Kori frowned. "I thought I was telling this."
Ron kissed her. "You are, I'm just providing color commentary. Go on."
She looked at him. "Oh goody." She turned back to us. "So anyhow, we took a really nice trip, to a beautiful resort in Jamaica - all inclusive, with great food, beautiful rooms and gorgeous beaches, tropical splendor all around. It was great, we loved it, so relaxing."
Ron cut in again. "Tell them about the beaches. One of the beaches was a nude beach."
"You say for me to tell them, then blab it out. Do you want to do this?"
"Oops, sorry! No, you're doing great. Go on."
This whole thing was so quintessentially Ron and Kori that I had to laugh, and they looked at me. "You two are just so funny, going back and forth. It's like you've been married fifty years instead of what, almost eleven? But go ahead, this is fun."
Kristi agreed. "Yeah, go on. You told me about the honeymoon in Jamaica before, but not about the nude beach. The plot thickens."
Kori smiled for the first time since she started all this, looking at Ron and leaning back to kiss him again. "Yeah, he's like a little kid. His excitement is contagious. So anyhow, he starts pestering me to go to the nude beach with him, which I really didn't want to do. I was pretty innocent, I didn't know about being naked in public, and I had other reamisters - it just seemed too weird. But he kept it up, driving me crazy, so finally I agreed to go, just to shut him up - if we went early so it wouldn't be too crowded."
Ron smiled and kissed her again. They were both starting to warm to the story, and the memories. "Yeah, I knew she didn't want to go because she didn't want anyone to see that she'd married a guy with such a tiny dick."
"That's not true!"
He laughed "Sure it is! I, on the other hand, wanted everyone to see what a gorgeous lady I'd managed to snag. I wanted to show her off a little, and I still do 'cause she's so hot - more beautiful every day!"
She smiled up at him, a look of pure love, and they kissed again, long and slow. I caught Kristi's eye, and we smiled at each other, enjoying our friends happiness. She moved back beside me, and we hugged, then I looked at them. "OK, we're with you so far, but we still don't know what a Nando is."
Kori laughed. "We told you, he's a who, not a what. So anyhow, we got up early and had breakfast, then went back and changed and walked over to the nude beach side. We walked quite a ways down the beach, where there were less people. It wasn't really crowded anywhere, but we passed lots of naked people - all ages and colors and sizes, but all adults; it was a couples resort. I relaxed a little, and it didn't seem so bad after awhile."
Ron started again. "So we get to a spot, hardly anyone around, and I'm ready to strip down, but she starts to get cold feet again, just too shy."
She looked at him for a moment. "Honey, I've never told you this, but I wasn't shy. I was horny. It was making me very aroused to think about being naked in front of all those people, and that scared me a little. And, I was worried about you."
"About me? Why?"
"Because I was afraid someone might say something to hurt your feelings, or embarrass you."
"Really? Why?"
She reached back and softly stroked his neck, running her fingers up into his hair. "Well, all the way down the beach I was checking out the other men, and not one of them was as small as you. Baby, you were about to uncover the tiniest cock on the whole beach! What if someone saw it and laughed, or said something mean?"
I winced, and I felt Kristi stiffen against me. I glanced at Ron. He seemed unaffected by it. Actually, that's not true. He was becoming aroused! He was breathing more heavily, his neck was flushed red, and he was becoming very erect. Kristi noticed too, and nudged me.
Kori went on as though she hadn't noticed. "So anyhow, I let him talk me into it and we wait 'til no one is looking and get naked. I made him rub sunscreen on me so I don't burn all these newly exposed bits - by now I'm so horny I could scream - and when he's finished his little dicklet is pointing straight up, hard as a rock." She giggled, and flicked his stiff cock, bending it down and letting it pop back up. "Kind of like it is now, but harder - he was younger. So he spent a lot of time laying on his belly, waiting for that to go away. And while he's laying there, his stiff dick making a tiny little dent in the warm sand, Nando showed up for the first time."
Kristi groaned. "Finally, we're to Nando! Is this the condensed version?"
Kori laughed. "You pushed me to tell it, I tried to warn you off. If I'm telling it at all, I might as well do it right. Let's see - oh yeah, Nando. Nando is a peddler, he works the beach trying to sell stuff to tourists - crap, mostly, but a few nice handcrafted things. He's just a little guy, maybe five foot four or five, and black as pitch - with these brilliant white teeth. You know the old racist joke about only seeing eyes and teeth in a dark room? Well, that's Nando."
I laughed as Kristi interrupted. "What kind of a name is Nando?"
Ron answered. "I don't know, that's what he said his name was, so that's what we call him. Maybe it's Fernando, who knows? It's not important."
My turn. "I thought the resorts kept a pretty tight leash on that kind of stuff. Those peddlers will drive the tourists crazy, bugging the cuckolds brownie out of them - the resorts don't want that. How did he get on the beach?"
Ron shook his head. "Y'all ask the dumbest questions! My guess would be he paid someone to let him sneak in, or maybe the resort has a quota - they let a few native black guys on the beach to excite all the older white ladies that are there for a good time. Their lifeguards and pool boys, waiters, all black guys, islanders. We watched them getting hit on non-stop by white women - mostly older, and mostly with their husbands right there beside them. Now stop interrupting!"
Kori looked at him, bemused. "Look who's telling who to stop interrupting! So anyhow, he comes down the beach carrying this mountain of stuff, and he stops by us and starts this patter. Nando is always smiling, always laughing, and he talks a mile a minute, peddling his wares, making a great sales pitch. At least I think he was, I could barely understand him."
She laughed, then paused, glancing at Ron, who was still erect. I don't know why the story is arousing him, but by now it's beginning to affect me too, with anticipation, my imagination running ahead of Kori's words, and she continues: "So he starts spreading all this stuff out around us, on our towels, on the sand. He's got little wood carvings and stuff like that, necklaces made of shells, shell earrings, t-shirts, - he's got a stack of like twenty straw hats, really nice ones, that he carries in a stack on his head, and he starts spreading them all out. He puts one on my head and says how beautiful I look, and I notice he's looking at me, looking at my body, not missing a single inch of me."
She shivered, and Kristi laughed. "Made you horny, huh?"
Kori nodded. "Hornier, yes. I was already horny, remember?" She giggled. "And my poor hubby can't move, or he's going to expose his little boner to this nice black man! Ronnie didn't want him to get the wrong impression!"
We all laughed, even Ron, but he jumps in. "Yeah, right! It was my first time on a nude beach too, I don't know the erection protocol - but I know I'm not showing it to this guy! Tell them about the necklace!" He sounded - and looked - excited.
Kori smiled. "Oh yeah! Well, by now he's set down all his stuff, and this guy is just solid muscle - he's a tiny little guy, short, but he lugs what must be a hundred pounds of stuff up and down the hot sand all day, so he's in amazing shape, six pack, pecs, shoulders, legs, and he's jet black and shiny with sweat and oil. He's beautiful, like someone carved him from the blackest granite."
I said "Basalt."
Kori loked at me. "What?"
"Basalt, it's a dark stone, black sometimes. Never mind, it was just my inner geologist."
She shook her head. "So he pulls out this shell necklace, a really pretty one, and goes behind me to fasten it behind my neck. He's slow, gentle, but he's touching my neck and my hair - remember, we were still basically newlyweds - and I'm wetting myself! I think that if he looks at my pussy he's going to see it dripping. Then he comes around front and looks at the necklace, and reaches out to straighten it, and he touches my tits, just barely, and oh my god, I almost came!"
Now I'm as hard as Ronnie, and I know Kristi is also becoming aroused. I don't know if Kori is getting herself with this tale, but she's sure getting everyone else!
Posts: 38
Oh boy, after all those elucidating conversation developments - that Nando stuff is great, and so promising. My goodness, where do you get your inspirations from! Fine work as always. Untopable. Thanks a lot, and not a tiny one!
Cliffa Cliffa
Posts: 1459
#790 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks Cliffa. Inspiration comes from all around, I guess. Glad you're enjoying this particular one! ________________________________________________________________
Kristi stared at her. "He actually touched your boobs? Right out there in the open?"
Kori nodded. "Yeah, but it was completely innocent, incidental, just the backs of his fingers brushing across the upper part while he straightened out the necklace. I don't think he even knew he did it."
Ronnie snorted. "You wanna bet? She always says that. I think he knew exactly what he was doing, and the effect it was having on her. He'd probably used that move to sell stuff to rich white ladies a thousand times!"
I looked at Ron. "What did you do?"
He shrugged. "Nothing. I watched. What could I do, I was laying there on my towel, hardon pressed into the sand beneath, trying not to cum. So I watched, waiting to see what his spiel would be. Tell them what happened next - you guys are going to love this!"
She laughed self-consciously. "I'm getting to that - you just stay out of this. So anyhow, he's crouching down in front of me, fiddling with the necklace, I'm on the verge of cumming, almost wishing he'd stroke my nipples so I could. I look down, you know, so he can't see it written all over my face, and what do I see but the biggest, blackest cock and balls I've ever seen, just hanging down out of his little beach wrap thingy that he's got wrapped around his hips."
Kristi laughed excitedly. "So he's just squatting there in front of you, showing you his junk? What did you do?"
"What could I do? I was so embarrassed! Remember, this was years ago - back when I was young and innocent! I wanted to look away, or tell him to cover up or something, but I couldn't! I just stared at it."
I looked at Ronnie again. "You knew she could see all this?" He nodded. "What did you do then?"
He laughed. "I made damn sure I stayed on my belly is what I did! There's no way I'm showing my dick anywhere on the same planet as that one. I saw where she was looking, and my eyes naturally followed - I had kind of a side view, below his leg, but that monster was hanging down almost touching the sand, the head of it as big as a fucking plum outlined under his foreskin. Trust me, it was an impressive and very intimidating sight."
Kristi was looking at Kori. "But you were on a nude beach. Why should it bother you that he's naked and showing when everyone else around you is naked too?"
Kori shrugged. "I know all that now, but I wasn't thinking it then! It just took me completely by surprise. I hadn't even noticed that he was in one of those skirt/wrap things, it was all bright colors and flowers, I guess I assumed it was board shorts or something." She giggled. "It certainly wasn't!"
Kristi laughed. "So you just sat there and stared at it? I guess I would have too, at your age."
Ron chuckled again. "No, she didn't just sit there and stare at it. Tell them what you really did."
Kristi and I were staring at her as she blushed bright red and giggled again. "This is so embarrassing! I can't believe I'm telling you all this - you have to promise to never tell another soul about any of this. Promise?"
We did.
"And you can't tease me about it either! Remember, I was barely more than a kid, newlywed almost, and I was very inexperienced sexually. So no teasing either, promise?"
We didn't. I smiled at her. "No way. But tell us anyhow, you know you're dying to."
She giggled again, still blushing. "I...uh, I kinda spread my legs."
Ronnie chortled. "She did! She was sitting there with her legs clamped together, this guy squatting there in front of her, touching her tits. Then she sees this obscenely huge black cock hanging there, two feet in front of her, so she stares at it and spreads her legs apart to show him her wet little pussy!"
Kristi gasped. "You didn't! Well you horny little slut you!"
Kori was giggling and sputtering. "I know, I know! But I didn't plan to, I never even thought about it! It just happened, like my legs had a mind of their own. One second I'm being as chaste as possible when naked, the next second I'm going 'Oh yeah, well look what I've got!', and I was so hot and wet. Which I knew he could tell."
I shook my head. "Unbelievable! You really are a little hussy, aren't you?" She laughed, as did I. "How did he react to that - or did he notice?"
"Oh yeah, he noticed! He looked at me, down there, for what seemed like an eternity, and I could feel the wetnes almost trickling out of me. I knew my little clitty was poking out and saying hello, and then he looks up at me and smiles." She visibly shuddered. "I loved it! I absolutely loved having him look at my pussy, then he starts talking about the beautiful shells in the necklace, lifting it to show me how pink some of them are and rambling on about the lovely pink shapes, how they resemble a woman."
Ronnie laughed. "Yeah, he's looking at my wife's pussy, and touching her tits, but he's still trying to close the sale! I had to admire his business sense, but he didn't realize the sale was already closed - at that point he could have sold us every single thing he had. This guy is still peddling his wares, looking at Kori, and he's getting this enormous hardon!"
Kori sniffed. "I would hope so! I'm showing him my wet horny little treasure, if he didn't get wood I'd have been very insulted." She giggled. "Seriously, looking at me was definitely having an effect on him, which made me even hornier, knowing I was the cause of that. And his cock is just getting huge and thick, the tip starting to peek out from under his foreskin. That was the most beautiful cock I've ever seen, I couldn't get enough of looking at it. I wanted to reach out and touch it."
I looked at Ron, who was staring at his wife, enthralled by the way she told the story, his cock rigid as he recalled the event. "Ronnie, what did you do about this?"
He shrugged. "What could I do? He's staring at my wife's pussy, but we're at a nude beach, remember? She naked voluntarily, and she sure spread her legs without any coercion on his part." He laughed. "And so his cock is showing and getting hard - it's still a nude beach - what am I going to do, have him arrested for indecent exposure?"
Kori laughed. "Your turn! Now you tell them what you really did dear. I'm not the only one that had an embarrassing moment."
Ronnie cleared his throat. "I umm, I came. I shot my fucking load right into that towel, right there on the beach. Seeing her staring at this huge cock, unable to tear her eyes away, then she spreads her legs and shows this guy how horny he's made her, it was just too much for me. I blew my wad like a fucking twelve year old seeing his first pussy. God I was so embarrassed, even though nobody but me knew I did it. But it sure felt good!"
Kristi and Kori both laughed at him, and he chuckled, blushing. I just shook my head. "So you like your wife looking at other men's stuff, huh? You're just a perv!"
He laughed. "I've never denied that! But what I really wanted to see was her touch it - or suck it. So I guess I'm really a super perv."
Kori giggled. "And I wanted to, so bad, I just wanted to reach out and wrap my fingers around him."
Kristi breathed heavily. "So did you? I would have - and I don't even have a thing for black guys or black cocks. Usually I think black cocks are kind of ugly, but the way you tell this story, oh my!"
Kori stared at her. "I never knew that about you! I like 'em, but even you'd have loved this one. It was so pretty, so thick and black with the ridges where there were these veins on it, I just really wanted to feel it, you know? See how hard, and how hot and heavy. It looked like it would be heavy, if I lifted it. Is that weird?"
Kristi shook her head. "No. I know exactly what you mean. See Ronnie, that's the thing. This all started because we were talking about why women would usually pick the biggest cock, and this is it. Here's this little guy, but he's got this huge penis, which looks big and heavy and, you know, powerful. It's about power and arousal and excitement, that whole masculine super virile image that comes with a big, hard cock. If women go to see male strippers, they sure don't want to pay to see some tiny-dicked little guy! They want big, thick, manly cocks, and muscles, and hard butts and heavy cum-filled balls, so we can fantasize about what that would all feel like with him between our legs. That's what gets our juices flowing!"
I stared at her, then laughed. "Well! That was quite a speech. It seems you've given this a lot of thought."
She giggled. "Not really, I just know what I like. We should let Kori finish her story."
We looked at Kori, who was staring at Kristi too, as was Ron. Kristi blushed. "Look, that's maybe just me, OK, but I find that for sex, whether the regular kind or oral or whatever, pretty much any size cock - within limits - is fine. But for my fantasies, or for visual stimulation or touching and fondling, I'm always going to go with the big ones. I just like 'em bigger, OK?"
Ronnie sighed. "Thank you! I'm glad you were finally honest with me, even if it was like pulling teeth. Now, about when it's inside of you..."
Kristi laughed. "Boy, you never give up, do you? Why don't I just tie you to a chair and whip you instead?"
He faked a shiver. "Oooh! Let's save that for tomorrow though, OK? Tonight just tell me..."
She shook her head. "No. We'll save that for tomorrow too. I need to think about it. Tonight we need to let Kori finish this story so we can go to bed. It must be almost midnight."
I glanced at my watch. "Eleven twenty eight, to be exact." I held up my glass. "One last little nip for anyone while Kori wraps this up?"
Everyone passed me their glasses, and I stood and headed over to the counter where Ron had left the bottles, my half-hard cock swinging in front of me. Odd how that no longer bothered me in front of Ron and Kori.
I heard Kori begin. "Now, let's see, where was I..."
Posts: 492
Ronnie just won't give up will he? I'm guessing he already knew the answer to that old question. Now where did you come up with the name Nando anyway? Love it.
Thanks Stormy
Posts: 4050
Love these last two episodes. Ronnie seems to be coming out of the closet as a submissive. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Posts: 1459
Trf2 & Gh, thanks for the comments, you know I enjoy reading them. I guess Ronnie is finally letting his friends in on something he and Kori have known for a while, even if they never completely acknowledged it. ________________________________________________________________
As I clinked some ice into Kristi's glass and poured the Bailey's Irish Cream over it, also freshening Kori's while I was at it, she went on with her story. I hurriedly splashed an inch of brandy into the bowls of the two snifters Ron and I had been using and grabbed them all up, returning to the group.
Kori reached out and took hers absent-mindedly, not missing a beat in her narration as I distributed the others. "So anyhow, I'm sitting there staring at this beautiful black cock..." Ronnie interrupted "We both were!"
"Dear, please shut up or I'll never get through this story!"
"Like I said, I'm looking at it, wishing I had the courage to just reach out and grab it, but knowing I don't, especially with my husband right there watching me. And Nando just keeps up his chatter as though springing a giant hardon in front of total strangers is just another normal day! He was trying to sell me the earrings to go with the necklace, and he's holding them in front of me, but I wasn't seeing them at all. He's saying 'Nando thinks the pretty lady would be even prettier with the touch of the islands'- he always called himself Nando, referring to himself in the third permister. That was a little odd - but he keeps spouting that kind of bull."
Kristi laughed. "Did it work? Did you buy the stuff?"
"Eventually. But first he's going 'Nando gives the nice people a discount today, these shells were made for this lady, look how the little shell opens between the little pink edges' - and while he's saying that he's slowly running one finger up the inside of my thigh, barely touching me, real slow. He's saying 'The lady and the shell, they are the same, so delicate, so pink, so beautiful.' If I had known at that moment that Ronnie had cum just from watching I would have had that big cock in my hands - or my mouth - for sure!"
We all laughed at her admission. It was apparent that even after all the years gone by this experience still turned her on.
She went on. "But that black finger running ever so slowly up my white leg was like the fuse on a stick of dynamite, just slowly burning down, I can almost hear it sizzling as he moves soooo slowly up my leg, barely touching, and then he's there, touching me, he slid that finger just barely into my soaking wet, hot, horny litttle pussy, then dragged it up and touched my hard little pink pearl and I just exploded! I came so hard, I think I screamed."
Ronnie laughed. "You did, I've told you that! People were looking at us, wondering if she was being *******ed or something. Her butt comes up off the ground trying to thrust herself onto his finger - which she did - and she's just almost shoving her pussy in his face. If I hadn't just cum, that would have done it. It almost did anyhow."
Ron and Kori looked at each other and laughed. Ron spoke first. "That was the most erotic moment I'd had in my life up 'til then. It may still be. So she eventually settles back to earth, but he's got that long, black middle finger up inside of her, just tickling deep in her pussy, and when she can finally talk I hear this weak, shaky little voice say "Honey, why don't you pay the man?"
We all howled. It was perfect, just perfect Kori. I could almost hear her saying just that, moments after a complete stranger had given her an earth-shattering climax - and his finger still inside of her! She had told us once that she had never even had sex on a first date. I'd have to remember to ask her how this fit that permistera.
Kori was shaking her head, perhaps still not entirely believing she had let that happen. Ron continued. "So I roll over to get the tote bag we carried down to the beach, with our money and sunscreen and stuff, totally forgetting I've got my own cum smeared all over my belly and my junk, and I'm hard again - or still, maybe - and Nando starts laughing. I was embarrassed, I thought he was laughing at my tiny dick - especially compared to his, but he says 'Hey mon, Nando makes the lady happy and the man is happy too! Nando is glad you like what he has to offer! The necklace is twenty dollars, the earrings another ten, but for such nice people twenty five dollars."
Kori laughed. "And Ronnie couldn't get the money out fast enough! He's practically throwing money at the guy, trying to pay him."
Ron chuckled ruefully. "Yeah, that's the most embarrassing part."
I stared at him. "That's the most embarrassing part?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I paid the mister of a bitch full price! I never even tried to talk him down, I know better than that, for Pete's sake. We found out later that other people got almost the same necklace and earrings for about ten bucks, total, and I paid the sucker twenty five. That still pisses me off, to this day."
I laughed. "Yeah, that doesn't sound like you. But fifteen bucks for that show doesn't sound like a bad deal."
"Oh sure! I pay the guy fifteen bucks more than I need to for these little trinkets and he gets to finger my wife to a mind-blowing orgasm and wag his big black cock in her face! Fucker had balls as big as eggplants - and about the same color. And then she has to come back to reality and my little pink nubbin. He should have paid me!"
I laughed again, then sipped my brandy as Kristi prodded Kori to go on. "So what happened next?"
Kori looked up at Ron. "Honey, you exaggerate - his balls weren't that big - like eggs maybe, but not eggplants. Bigger than Adam's though."
Kristi's eyebrows went up and she reached down and cupped my sack. "Really? Bigger than these?"
Kori nodded. "Oh yes! I'm telling you girl, it's the most beautiful rack I've ever seen, just a magnificent package. It's to die for, as they say."
I kidded her. "Huh! And here I though I had the most beautiful package you'd ever seen!"
Kori shook her head. "Sorry to disappoint you sweety, but yours is second. Kind of a distant second, actually."
I shook my head, but Ron jumped her. "Hey! What's all this crap, you're supposed to think your husband's is the most beautiful cock on earth!"
Kori smiled sweetly at him. "Honey, yours is absoultely the cutest penis I've ever seen, and my absolute favorite little penis in the whole world, but Nando's is a work of art. Gorgeous!" She shivered.
Kristi piled on. "She's right Ronnie, you do have the cutest penis I've ever seen too, but beautiful just isn't the right word for it. Cute though, incredibly cute!"
I winced a little, but Ronnie seemed happy with that. He grumred "Huh! Well, that's more like it. A guy likes to be appreciated."
The girls both laughed, and Kori went on with the story. "Well, Nando, he slowly slides that long black finger out of my pussy, and I'm whimpering like a baby, and he takes the money from Ronnie, his finger almost dripping with my juices. He starts packing up his pile of stuff, tucking the money away god knows where, and next thing I know he's standing over me, straddling me, that huge cock just inches from my face. I know I could suck it, he won't object, and I want to, I really do - or even just stroke it until he sprays that bucket of white cream all over me - but I just can't get myself to do it! It just feels so horribly wrong, even though I'm dying to touch him!"
Kristi snorted. "Coward! Missed opportunity I'll bet!"
Kori smiled. "Well, no. I forgot I still had one of his straw hats on my head, and he bends over me and takes it and starts asking if I want to buy the hat too."
Ron laughed. "And what does my little minx do? Without missing a beat she says 'Nando, you come back tomorrow and find us, maybe we'll buy the hat tomorrow', and he gets this big ol' cuckolds brownie eating grin - he knows what she's asking. He puts that one back on her head and takes another hat off his stack and he drops it over my groin while I'm sitting there on the beach, covering up my little embarrassment..."
Kori butts in "and your little accident too."
"Ha-ha, funny dear, that's what I meant. Jeez! - and he says 'ey mon, this gives you the air of mystery, so when all the pretty ladies walk by they don't know if you admire them, they don't see your mighty white snake hissing at them! You try Nando's hats, and Nando will find you tomorrow. If you like them, you pay me then, OK?' so we agree, and he stands there for another second or two with his massive cock and balls in my wife's face, then he shrugs and turns and wanders down the beach, that big ol' cock sticking out!"
Kori laughed self-consciously. "He was waiting for me to touch him, I know he was. I was such a chicken - but at least I thought to invite him to find us again!"
Ron smiled. "So we're watching him disappear down the beach, both so horny we're about to die, and we see this older couple come up to him, they want a picture. The guy slips him a few bucks, and he puts down all his stuff and poses with this dumpy, naked older lady while her tubby hubby with his little white cock dangling out takes a picture, and damned if she doesn't take that big stiff black cock in her hand and hold on to it while her husband photographs them together! Do you suppose they show those shots to all their friends and relatives?"
We all laughed. Kori said "Actually, I was kicking myself for not thinking to do that! I would have loved a picture. But anyhow, we get up and walk down to the shore and into the water. I need to cool off, and Ronnie needs to rinse his little mishap off himself. I'm half expecting the water to turn to steam when it hits my pussy, but it didn't, and we splashed and touched for a few minutes and then went and packed up and headed back to our room."
Ron picked it up. "We both desperately needed to get laid, and boy did we! We fucked all day, stopping just long enough to talk about Nando and get all worked up again - and for dinner - then we fucked all night. I think I came twelve times, and when I didn't have my dick in her I had my face buried between her legs. We were both so turned on we just couldn't get enough!"
Kori giggled. "He really did! My pussy was getting sore by morning, he spent so much time on it. But I needed that, I came ...I don't know, it seemed like hundreds of times. It was incredible. That was when I first realized what a horrible exhibitionist I am!"
I laughed. "K, babe, I have to disagree. You are an excellent exhibitionist. I won't name names, but I can think of a few women that would be horrible exhibitionists!"
"You're so sweet! But really, it turns me on something fierce to have people look at me naked. I kind of had an inkling, of course, but I never knew how much until that day."
Ron nodded. "Yeah, and I never had any idea that seeing another man touch her would turn me on so bad! That was a total revelation to me, I thought I must be sick or something. But the look on her face when she was staring at that log he called a cock just completely threw me. I couldn't get over it. She loved it, I could tell, and I think that's when I first started to obsess about my baby getting to have sex with someone better endowed than me, like she was missing out on something."
"Which I wasn't."
"Honey, I know - but it's been good, hasn't it?"
Kori smiled up at him, and reached up and rubbed her hand over the side of his face and down his neck, then stretched to kiss him. "It has. Scary at first, but lots of fun eventually. I resisted doing it, but Ronnie wanted so bad for me to have the sensation of a bigger cock inside of me. I told him I had, when I was dating, before we met - and I was fine with that - but he really felt I should still enjoy more manly men sometimes. Even though my baby is the manliest man I've ever met."
Ron smiled and flexed his arms in a Charles Atlas pose. "That's me, a regular Adonis. But I love watching her with another guy, seeing a big, hard cock enter my wife, seeing and hearing how it makes her cum. I just love it, I can't help it."
Kori giggled. "And of course, that gives me the opportunity to show new people my pussy, so I'm happy too. And those bigger cocks do feel really good, I have to admit. So all in all. we're pretty happy with our lifestyle."
Kristi laughed. "Well duh, tell us something we didn't know! But what about Nando, did you ever see him again?"
They both smiled and looked at each other. Kori nodded. "Oh yes, we saw him!"
Kristi growled. "Arrr! Stop teasing and tell me what happened!"
Kori shook her head. "No, it's late. We need to get to bed. But if you're really nice to me tomorrow, maybe I'll tell you about the rest of our honeymoon tomorrow night."
Kristi objected. "Noooo!"
I spoke up. "Remember, if all goes as planned we will have an additional guest tomorrow night. Maybe two - we're picking up Tiffany and possibly a date, remember?"
Kori nodded. "Oh yes, that's right. OK, maybe over breakfast then, or while we hike up to the lake, if we're still doing that. But not tonight, I'm tired and I need to be held and cuddled."
Ron smiled, stretched, and rose to his feet. "My job. Goodnight all." He bent and kissed Kristi softly on the lips, right next to my face. "Thanks for this evening gorgeous, I loved it."
She smiled up at him. "Me too Ronnie, you were incredible. Why did we wait so long?"
He pointed at me and she laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot! Sleep good guys, try not to scream too loud when you cum, OK Kori?"
Kori flipped her the bird, over her shoulder as they disappeared down the hall, and we laughed as I helped her to her feet and we headed to our own room. There was a certain lady I wanted to hold and cuddle too. I needed to feel my woman in my arms.
Posts: 492
Good stuff Stormy. A nice diversion from all that steamy sex. I can just picture Lilly, er, Kori's encounter with the big black snake. But then again, I thought she didn't like her men really big? Can't wait to hear the rest of that story.
Posts: 1914
Absolutely first class Stormy. I did wonder whether Nando was related to the Great Waldo but maybe not.
I wondered which came first though, the image of Kori on the beach with a forbidden finger gently approaching her pussy or the technical need to show the core of her exhibitionism and Ron's masochistic tendencies. I'd like to think you had the image and thought of a way of working it in (brilliantly).
Posts: 2
Wonderful story Stormy I have just taken five days to read it and boy it was well worth it keep up the good work. looking forward to where you go from here. This is the first story i have read on this site and its superb. The people are very true to life and the interaction between them is engrossing. Love the work stormy keep it up
Posts: 277
I just love your writting and the story. I wonder if Tiffany is bringing her big black snake of a boss. The story would get some color then. Thanks for the story. contdoc
Posts: 1459
#798 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks guys. TrF2, I think Kori likes 'em pretty big, she just doesn't want them trying to jam it inside her up to her lungs! Peak, you kind of nailed it. I've had this image of Kori (more so than Kristi) with black hands exploring her creamy white, lush little body and a big black cock, her's for the taking. Then I remembered their honeymoon!
Thanks garfield! Wow, I can't believe you read the whole thing, start to present, in such a short time. It was something like 20 months in the making. Glad you've joined us, and I sure appreciate the very kind words! By the way, there are a lot of great stories on this site, some gentle and loving and others a little (or a lot) more vulgar and masochistic, depending on your tatses. If you like this tale, you'd probably also appreciate one called 'Courtesan', by goodhusband. If you go back a little in the story archive you will find more by him that are also excellent. This is really my first and only serious attempt - to date. _______________________________________________________________
I followed Kristi into our cabin, glancing back at the mess we'd left brownietered around the main lounge. "I hate going to bed with such a big mess to clean up out there."
She laughed. "I know you do, but you know what? It will still be there in the morning. Right now I can think of another mess you might want to clean up that should really take priority."
I glanced down at the wet and cum-stained thong she still wore and wrinkled my nose. She looked surprised. "Really? I figured you'd be ready to jump right on that!"
I shrugged. "I kind of want to and kind of don't. Don't is currently leading." The thought of orally attacking her creamy pussy was definitely putting the lead back in my pencil, but the knowledge that it was Ronnie's cum leaking fro her was holding me back for some reamister. I told her that.
She seemed surprised. "What, just because he's your friend? I would think that would make it easier, or better or whatever. You've done that after other guys have cum in me, like Ty and Cody."
"I know. I guess it would seem too much like sucking Ronnie's cock or something. I don't know."
She laughed. "Did you feel like you were sucking Ty's cock when you went down on me after him?"
I shuddered. "No! I guess I was just so horny I never thought about it. After everything that happened today I'm just not at that same fever pitch of horniness required for me to forget all the possible objections."
She shrugged and laughed again, turning toward the bathroom. "OK, fine. I was pretty horny after hearing Kori's little story about her and the big black python and had noticed that you were too, so..."
"Yeah, that surprised me. And yes, it turned me on, as you saw. I wondered if it was having that effect on you."
She looked up from where she was putting toothpaste on her brush. "As we all saw, and oh yes! I am plenty wet thanks to her."
I looked down dubiously at her semen-soaked panties. "How can you possibly tell if that made you any more wet, and how can you blame it on her? I think Ronnie is the one that's most responsible for dampening your drawers!"
"Don't be gross! I seem to recall that you liked those damp drawers just fine while I was rubbing them on your cock."
I gave a grunt which conceded her point as I reached around her and retrieved my own toothbrush. She poked her's in her mouth and began to brush as I prepared my own and then stood behind her, looking over her head at the two of us in the mirror as we brushed our teeth. As I admired her firm little tits in the mirror, she backed her tush against my three-quarter erect staff and rubbed herself against me. Dental health worldwide would be much improved if nine out of ten dentists recommended this a routine part of a comprehensive program of oral hygiene. Trust me on that.
I reached down with my free hand and pulled out the back strip of her thong, the one that separated her sweet cheeks, then bent my legs slightly to slide my hard cock past it, between her thighs, against her wet pussy and into the cum filled crotch of the tiny garment. It was warm, and wet, and very, very nice.
She moaned past her mothful of brush and foam. "Mmmm!" She clamped her thighs together on me and did a few slow grinds. My turn to moan. "Mmmm!"
She bent forward to spit, which also worked miracles at the opposite end of her torso, and I slid the head of my cock into her cleft, against her slick heat. She looked back over her shoulder at me, her lips still smeared with toothpaste. My imagination turned it to fresh, white semen, all over her mouth. "I see you have no aversion to taking a dip in your friend's pool. What'll it be stud, are you planning to bend me over the sink and have your way with me right here, or should we finish up brushing and go to bed?"
I groaned and took the brush from my mouth. "Can't we do both?"
She laughed. "I can. I doubt very much that you can!"
She had a valid point. Usually one for instant gratification, I bent my legs a little more and attempted to thrust up and into her, my hand in the middle of her back as I held her bent over the sink. Hey, it was her idea!
She giggled and twisted away, leaving me frustrated and with a wet weenie wagging in space. She snatched a towel, wiped the toothpaste off her mouth, and stepped away. "No, come to bed. Don't take too long or I might start without you."
I quickly finished brushing, spit and rinsed, and dried my mouth. I may have dawdled just a little, the idea of her starting without me holding out considerable appeal, and when I turned and stepped out of the bathroom the sight that greeted me stopped me in my tracks.
She had positioned herself across the bed, on her back, her feet toward me and legs apart. The tiny thong was rolled down to the bottom of her smooth mound, the waistband right at her 'Y', the very front of her cleft and the wet, fleshy hood over her hard clit just barely visible. The still very wet crotch of the satiny thing was directly in my line of sight, and she was pinching and tugging at her hard nipples with both hands, fanning her own fire.
I stood, frozen, and my cock jumped and throbbed. She looked at me, between her knees. "Well, are you going to join me or stand there and watch me finish this?" As she said that she slid her left hand down and rotated one finger slowly on the pink, wet hood that covered her hard clit, her hips moving to meet her own touch.
I crawled up the bed, reaching out to grab her used panties and snatch them away, but she slapped my hands down. "No. Use your teeth - if you can't get them off using only your teeth, no sex for you."
Groaning with desire, I leaned over her and took the front of the waistband between my front teeth, biting down on them and tugging. She smelled of sex and semen, arousal and satiation, the unmistakable scent of another man's semen blanketing her smooth sex and permeating the shiny fabric of her panties. My cock was pounding with unexpected power, surprising me with the degree of arousal after the day's activities. Kori's story, Kristi's cum filled pussy, and now her dominant, controlling attitude were being stirred into a potent mix, and it was working on me.
I tugged them as far as I could, all too aware of the wetness of the fabric and what had caused it, then released my grip and flicked my tongue across the swollen flesh of her clitoral hood, drawing a gasp from her. I smiled as I flipped her over onto her stomach and bit down on the back of the elastic waistband, tugging it further down. I nipped her - pretty hard - on each cheek of her sweet little ass, eliciting a sharp yelp of protest and leaving a tiny red mark, then ran my tongue up the groove of her ass and back down, which received a more favorable response. I tasted cum, where it had seeped onto her ass.
Judging that I'd played her game long enough, I grabbed the thong with both hands and yanked it off of her, then mounted her, my hard cock pushed tightly to the junction of her ass and thighs. She clamped her legs tightly together, flat on her belly, as I straddled her, attempting to thrust my cock into her pussy.
She wiggled and bucked under me. "You cheated! You didn't use your teeth, no pussy for you!"
"You want to bet on that?"
"You can't get it in if I don't let you!"
"I think you're wrong." As I said that I grabbed my cock in my hand and powerd it into the narrow wedge of her clamped legs and up, into her slippey pussy. If she had not been so puffy and open from all the sex she'd had that day, or not so completely lubed up and unbelievably slippery with semen and her own arousal, she would probably have been right. As it was, I thrust past her outer lips, pushed apart her inner ones, and entered her, driving myself deep in one long thrust that made her cry out and left me gasping, my balls crushed into the same crevice my cock had penetrated just seconds before.
"Ohhh GOD! Oh fuck fuck fuck! Oh you fucking brute, you bastard, give me that big cock, fuck me! Ohhhh cuckolds brownie!" She reached back and clawed at my side and hip with one hand, the other gripping the sheet in white-knuckled intensity as I plumbed her depths.
I laughed, knowing that despite her swearing and name calling she had loved being taken and dominated, if only momentarily, and I felt her body squeezing and sucking at me, meeting my thrusts. I pounded hard into her for a minute or so as she writhed and thrust her ass back against me, and she came, hard and loud, jamming herself back to get every last millimeter of my cock into her pussy as her orgasm ripped through her.
I was over her, in a completely dominant position on the bed, with her face down in a pillow, her hard little ass pressed tightly to my belly and her legs closed around my cock. She could do very little to participate beyond a subtle pumping of her ass to meet my own thrusts, which she did, and to spew a steady litany of cursing and demands for more, which she also did. And which I provided.
I could feel her pussy squeezing me, gripping me, and was intensely aware of the thick, creamy nature of her lubricating fluids, a sensation that could only be a cum filled, semen oozing pussy, the sensation of taking her body second - or later - after she had already been inseminated by earlier cocks. I loved that feeling, and she knew that.
"You love fucking my cummy pussy, don't you? Can you feel all that thick jizz all over your cock? Is it going to make you cum? Knowing somebody popped their load in me before you just makes you crazy, doesn't it baby? Go ahead, go ahead, fill me up, I want your cum, cum in me too!" She came again then, smaller, but still moaning and gasping.
I groaned. "God! Please fucking shut up, I feel like I'm in some cheap porno!"
She laughed and wiggled her ass. "Me too. Fun, ain't it!" I laughed too, and she went on. "Are you planning to cum in me?"
I grunted and thrust. "Absolutely! Gallons!"
"I said don't - I want to fall arelax with you inside of me."
I groaned. "Damn! I'm almost there! I can't go to relax without cumming at this point."
"Yes you can, don't be such a big baby. Nobody ever died of blue balls - and anyhow, you came plenty today." I didn't point out that she had climaxed several times as often as I had. "Here, help me, let's get on our sides."
We managed to maneuver onto our sides without suffering from fallout, eventually settling into a tightly spooned position, her back to my front with her in my arms and my cock still deeply embedded inside of her. She sighed. "There, that's perfect. Goodnight babe, relax tight."
I groaned. "You've got to be fucking kidding me! Sleep tight - sure! You're pretty damn tight, but I don't foresee any relaxing going on!" I began a slow, gentle thrusting motion, needing to feel her slide over me, needing relief, needing to cum.
She wiggled and objected. "No, hold still! I just want to hold that big thing inside and feel it filling me up, no more fucking. God that feels good - how could I explain that to Ronnie, since he doesn't have a pussy and can't ever know? I love the way it feels when your big, round cock head pushes me open and stretches me, and when it first slips inside, just the head, and then that long, deep thrust way up into my middle, and my little cunt stretched out around that thick base of your cock, god that's just so incredible. That's what a little dick can't do, but how do I make Ronnie understand that?"
"Maybe you shouldn't try. I don't want to talk or think about him right now."
She squeezed me inside of her as she spoke. "But he really seems to need to know."
"Then tell him exactly what you just said to me. That seemed pretty clear.
"I think he needs to know."
"Then tell him! Or don't, I don't care, just fuck me!"
"No, I'm going to relax now. You too."
"I can't do this!"
"You can, just hold still."
She laughed. "You're still fucking me, I can feel you moving."
"I can't help it!"
"You can. Hold still, go to relax."
I felt her begin to go limp in my arms, and unbelievably her breathing settled into a slower, deeper rhythm as relax overtook her, my rigid penis still throbbing inside of her wet and stretched vagina. I held still as ordered, holding her, my balls aching and ass clenched as I held myself deep inside of her. It was ***, the sweetest and most incredible *** I'd ever endured.
She was soon completely limp, her body settled into a deep relax, her breathing so deep and regular that she was almost snoring. I was sweating and suffering, my arousal pushed even higher, if anything, by the knowledge that she had fallen arelax in my arms while she savored the sensation of my hard cock deep inside of her body. I was lost, I knew I would have to take over and fuck her, fast and violent, or pull out and jerk off, and very soon. Neither would take very long, I was certain of that.
As I silently debated which course of action to follow, I became aware that her body had taken over, in her relax sensing the cock inside of her, or maybe my need. or perhaps she was dreaming of a sexual encounter. With me, or maybe another. Whatever the reamister, she was slowly and gently moving her hips, her ass pushing back and withdrawing from me, gentle and shallow and with an easy rhythm, her creamy pussy slipping and clinging and squeezing on my swollen cock, and I felt it, deep within, the sensation of the beginning rush, the urgency, the power, and then I was spurting and pumping, my cock spasming and ejaculating far inside of her hot tunnel, and it was my turn to grip the sheet in a white knuckled grasp, body tense, every nerve fiber sparking.
I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut, feeling my foot cramp as I curled my toes under with the intensity of my orgasm. I didn't want to wake her, but god! If she had done this on purpose she's a brilliant, cruel, sadistic, beautiful, cunning, sexual genius. If it was sheer luck, then all that goes double. I drained myself, my cock and balls pumping until the muscles causing it gave out and I laid there, limp, exhausted, bathed in sweat and stunned by the urgency and intensity of that orgasm. She moaned softly and wiggled back more tightly into my arms, snoring softly.
The exhaustion took over, and I felt my eyes start to close. Maybe I was blacking out, I don't know, but the last thing I remember, other than Kristi's soft hair on my face and the scent of her and of sex in the room, was the sensation of a trickle of semen escaping her around my still deeply embedded but rapidly softening cock. As it ran down between us, on my thigh and her little bottom, warm and wet, sticky and aromatic, I drifted away.
Posts: 1459
Thanks cd, your comment popped up after I entered that last addition. Yeah, we should be seeing Tiffany pretty soon, I guess. Not sure yet if - or who - she might bring.
Posts: 1914
Stormy, What a day, and after all that you end it with that. I think the image of Adam coming so slowly in a comatose Kristi like that will live with me for a long time. Talk about delayed gratification. Brilliant idea.
Posts: 492
"Hold still, go to relax". Yeah, right Kristi. Seriously?
I'm glad our boy had his "happy ending", and I agree with Peak, it was a great visualization. Nice, nice job Stormy. Talk about smoke alarms going off, your computer must be smouldering right now.
Thank you for such a great story, as I've said many times before, your writing is superb.
Posts: 4050
You have a wonderful imagination. It's one of the many reamisters that you're such a good story teller.
Posts: 1459
#803 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks guys, you know I,m alwyas glad to hear your comments and opinions. As far as falling arelax while plugged in, pretty sure it's impossible pre-climax. You just have to move that thing! ________________________________________________________________
I woke up some time later - it may have been thirty minutes or a couple of hours, I couldn't see my watch - and we had changed positions. She was now formed tightly to my back, one arm around me at my stomach. I had gone soft and slid out of her, and slept right through it. It was chilly in the room, a stiff breeze blowing in through the window, which we had left open, and we had only the sheet covering us.
I sat up slightly and felt around for the blanket, pulling it up to cover both of us once I located it. Kristi mumred a soft protest at my movements as I again settled in against her, but her hand crept down and found my flaccid penis which she grasped and held, fingers wrapped around mid-shaft as she settled back into a sound relax. I wasn't the least bit horny, but that kept me awake for a few moments until the added warmth of the blanket lulled me back to relax.
The next time I opened my eyes it was beginning to get light in our cabin and my bladder was bursting, instigating a rigid morning erection - which she still clasped tightly in one hand. I gently freed myself and slid out of bed, careful not to wake her, and padded into the bathroom. It was about ten after six, and I drank a glass of water and splashed a little in my face as I waited for my erection to fade enough to take a leak without performing any gymnastics.
Opening the valve on my bladder felt almost as good as sex, making me groan. While draining the reservoir I noticed that I had a fair amount of crusty, sticky residue remaining in that region from the previous evening's activities, and when I finished I ran some warm water and cleaned up a little with a morning sponge bath - except I used a washcloth, because nobody actually keeps a sponge for bathing.
Exiting the bathroom I stopped for a minute and just looked down at my girl, relaxing so peacefully. Her hair was spread out over the pillow, and wrapped partly around her face and neck in soft blonde waves. Her face was totally relaxed, beautiful, and it struck me how young and vulnerable she looked, a disorienting blend of sex and innocence. One arm was on top of the blanket, her shoulder and right breast exposed, and the cold in the room had puckered her glorious pink nipple. The temptation to crawl back in alongside her was tremendous, and I made the decision to go start the coffee pot - which none of us had thought to set up on the timer the night before - and return to do just that.
Padding out to the kitchen the possibility of a nice round of sloppy thirds passed through my head, which sparked a few nerve endings. I was ninety percent sure I could handle it, and almost a hundred percent sure she'd be receptive to the idea. Since I only intended to be out of bed long enough to get the coffee going, I just ran out buck naked. We had also left the windows in the lounge standing open, since chances of rain here are minimal at any time, and so it was quite cold there as well.
Shivering slightly, I got out the can of coffee and got the pot going, then decided to do a quick pick-up of our wine and take glasses that we had left wherever we finished with them, so that Kori wouldn't be saddled with cleaning up after us. One thing led to another, and before I knew it I was standing over a sink full of hot soapy water and dirty glasses, washing them out and setting them aside to dry, wondering why I had my hands in hot water when I could have had them on a hot woman. By the time Kori walked into the room I had decided I was a complete fool!
She stopped, surprised to see me there. "Well, that's a surprise! I was going to start the coffee."
I smiled at her. "Great minds, beautiful - it's almost done. Had to get up to pee, so I thought what the hell..."
She smiled relaxily. "I don't mind, I'm just surprised." She looked me up and down, and I took her in at the same time. She was wearing a long, thick, pink terry robe tied at her waist, and her hair was nicely tousled and sexy. She looked a little relaxy still, soft and cuddly and very seductive. It's amazing what a sexy woman can do for a simple terry cloth robe! Even her small yawn was attractive, girlish and gentle.
Our eyes met and she smiled relaxily at me. "Gosh Adam, if there's anything I like better than a tall, well-hung, handsome man first thing in the morning it's a tall, well-hung, handsome man that does household chores!"
I laughed. "Yeah, I know. In my single days, whenever I wanted to target women in their thirties and forties, divorcees and stuff, I'd take a pass on the expensive colognes and just slap on a little 409, or Windex or Ivory liquid or something. Worked every time!"
She laughed. "That would work for me! Makes me hot just thinking about it." She walked around the end of the counter and came up behind me, reaching out to grab my ass in both hands, squeezing my buttocks. I tensed the muscles as she dug her fingers into me. "Oooh, nice glutes mister! I do love a nice tight ass on a man."
I wiggled my butt in her hands. "Thanks, I raised it from a pup. Started out as a 4-H project."
She chuckled as she leaned the side of her face against my back, and as I enjoyed her warmth she slid her arms around me, one hand on my stomach and the other dropping to cup my balls. She giggled and felt my cock next, giggling again. "Adam, are you cold?"
"Yes, I am a little chilly, it's cold in here. Thanks for noticing! And for having the tact to not mention it."
She laughed. "Oh, poor baby! If it drops another fifteen or twenty degrees you'll be almost human." She released me and stepped back, and I wondered what she was doing until I felt her open robe wrap around my sides as far as it would reach and her warm, soft body adhere itself to my back. The smoothness of her skin and the feel of her soft breasts flattening themselves against my back was deliciously distracting, and I almost fumred a soapy glass. She felt really, really good, and it wasn't just for the warmth.
"Mmmm, that feels great K. If you promise to do that, I'll do all the dishwashing from now on."
"Here and at home?"
"Absolutely - and we'll be dirtying a lot more dishes and having our dishwashers boarded up."
She chuckled, but stayed pressed tightly to me. "Why are you doing dishes at this ungodly hour?"
"Because I knew that if I didn't, you would."
"Adam, I don't mind."
"I know, but neither do I. And if we wait for those two lazy slug-a-beds to do it we'll never get going on our hike." This was not a terribly unusual situation. Kori and me were the early risers and often one of us would wander across to the other's house for a cup of coffee while Ron and Kristi slept in a little later, especially on the weekends. On weekdays those two were often up and gone to work, and Kori and I would enjoy a little joint leisure time after they left, chatting and finishing a pot of coffee. When I was home from the job site I was off work, and unless Kori had some charity work or an exercise class or something we often spent mornings together. The biggest difference here, on the boat, was our shared nudity.
I mentioned that. "Boy K, this really changes the whole dynamic for you, doesn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
I wiggled in her arms, very aware of her breasts against my back. "This, us being naked together. It ruins all your fun of flashing me and getting me all turned on and embarrassing me because you could give me a hardon. That was one of your big joys in life, wasn't it?"
She laughed again. "Yes, that was always a lot of fun. You were so cute, blushing and trying to hide the big bulge in your pants like you were afraid it would offend me or something. At your age you should know that women like those pants bulges - especially if we caused it! Very flattering." She thought for a moment. "I will miss that, but naked Adam with naked Kori is a pretty nice consolation prize. I can live with that." She paused again. "How come you never wanted to fuck me, even though I teased you so much?"
That surprised me, and I hesitated. "Kori... K, that's not exactly right. I wanted very much to fuck you, as you so delicately put it. But Ronnie is my friend, so that couldn't possibly happen, and then Kristi came along and I had another great reamister not to. Which I needed, because there were so many reamisters to just go ahead and do it." I paused, feeling her touch me and listening to her breathe behind me. "Would you have let me?"
She didn't hesitate. "Oh sure! You bet I would've, if Ronnie said it was OK! Not after Kristi entered the picture of course; but before that? Sure! I had many a wet dream about you."
I laughed. "Thanks, I'm very flattered. Me too by the way, and my wet dreams are way messier than yours. So you would have cleared it with Ronnie first?"
"Oh, of course! I'd never cheat on him without him giving me permission first! What kind of wife would I be if I did that?"
She suddenly pulled away and slapped my butt - hard! "Don't say it Adam, don't even! Don't forget, you're naked and vulnerable - your balls are mine if I want 'em!"
I laughed. "K, that's always been true. My testicles are pretty fickle, they love a pretty lady."
She laughed. "Typical balls! So are you staying up, or going back to bed?"
I shrugged. "Well, I had intended to go back to bed. When I woke up this morning there was this gorgeous, sexy, sultry, naked creature in bed with me, and it apparently gave me a sudden urge to go do dishes."
She laughed. "Yeah, you never were the shiniest marble in the jar! So you're going back for a little morning delight?"
I thought a moment. The idea had some merit, but... "Nah, let's stay up. Why don't you and me fix a big fancy breakfast? You hungry?" I turned to face her, drying my hands.
"Famished!" She looked down at my crotch. "Eggs and sausages?"
I laughed. "Sure. Why don't you go wake up the lazy bums, and I'll get stuff out and started. Oh, and bring me back a robe or something - with you off my back I'm cold again."
She disappeared into the hall as I started to dig stuff out of the refrigerator. I stood to set the carton of eggs on the counter just as Kori popped back out of the hall. "Adam come here a minute. You need to see this."
Mystified, I followed her back down the short hall, turning the corner into the cabin she and Ronnie shared right on her heels. She stepped to one side and nodded toward the bed.
There, snuggled tightly together, were Ron and Kristi, with her tightly spooned into the curve of his stomach and thighs and his arm around her protectively. Her beautiful face was nestled down into the soft pillow, and his was nestled into her hair, his lips brushing the back of her neck. The blanket was pulled up over them, but I knew that beneath it their bodies were pressed togther from neck to toe, skin on skin, naked. They were both breathing slow and deep, sound arelax.
Posts: 1914
Stormy, this feels a little like deja vu. Having just dropped GH a similar comment but it needs saying. I think only you could have made that totally domestic interlude so interesting. I'm sure everyone else would have had Adam back in bed, or fooling around with Kori (I know - he might still, but I doubt it). I couldn't stop reading it. You have a great eye for the human condition.
Posts: 4050
What a nice segment.
Thank you
Posts: 492
#806 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
Glad you're giving your computer a little rest. Don't want it to explode. Great job as always with that last segment.
I'm guessing you already know who's in the jeep, but thanks for keeping us off balance.
Posts: 277
Is soooo gradual and slowly progresive Adams jurney to cuckholding that before he even realise he will be totaly inmersed on Kristi's delicious domination. I just love the way you describe it. More... contdoc
Posts: 242
Great work Storm! I wished I had just a fraction of your writing abilities, I have several ideas just can't write worth a darn. Please continue as you can, I think I speak for a lot of people even if they don't leave comments that your efforts are greatly appreciated!!
Posts: 1459
peak, GH, Trf2, cd, and techcuck - thanks for the nice comments and your continuing support. Knowing that y'all are enjoying the story keeps me going with it, and hearing from you always helps cheer me up if I'm having a down day. Thanks again.
Posts: 1459
Surprised, I looked at Kori, not quite sure how to take this, or how she would. "Huh! What do you suppose..."
She shrugged and smiled. "I don't know. I haven't been out of bed more than ten minutes and she wasn't there when I left!" We were both keeping our voices low out of consideration for the relaxing couple - despite the fact that I had specifically sent her back to wake them. Of course, I had expected that to require her to visit two different rooms.
Apparently we were loud enough to wake Ronnie, despite our efforts, and he slowly raised his head and peered at us relaxily. It was immediately clear that though his eyes were open, he wasn't yet fully present behind them. Slowly he focused in on us, and smiled drowsily.
The moment the situation began to dawn on him was not only apparent on his face, it was downright comical. His smile slowly faded as his mind registered the fact that his wife was standing ten feet away looking at him, yet there was something soft and warm and unmistakably female in his arms. He frowned, staring at Kori, then craned his neck to look down at Kristi. He stared for a moment before looking back at us, an expression of utter bewilderment on his face. Kori and I both burst out laughing, which woke Kristi as well.
She smiled her best sexy morning smile, the relaxy eyes and disheveled hair falling softly around her face completing the image. "Hi guys. G'morning Ronnie."
He made no effort to release her. "Mornin' Kristi. What the heck are you doing here?"
Kristi snuggled back against him, pulling his arm more tightly around herself. "Mmm, nice greeting! I woke up alone and I was cold." She looked at me accusingly. "When Adam didn't come back I decided to crawl in with you and Kori, then Kori wasn't here either - but you were!"
Ronnie just said "Oh", as if that explained everything.
Kori smiled at them. "Very opportunistic of you, girl! I got up to pee then decided to start the coffee - which Adam had already done - and then we were just talking."
Ron nodded. "Ah. That explains it. I felt you get up and heard you go into the bathroom, then dozed off. But I felt you crawl back in and snuggle up to me. Guess it wasn't you after all." He kissed Kristi's neck. "Not that I mind babe, you feel nice, all soft and warm."