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Adam's Journey

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Posts: 1459
#751 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks peak, I'll readily admit that I'm more comfortable doing smaller groups - not that orgies can't be fun too!

TrF2, 2 grand? Jeez, how much would it be if I leave the penis home? Seriously, cost has always been the obstacle. It comes down to going to the game, or watching it on TV and taking a nice vacation or something instead. So far the vacations have won out.
Who was it that first compared Kori to Lilly? Was that you? For some reamister I was thinking that was either contdoc or Meijer. Pretty good comparimister, whoever it was! I think in this next section (or maybe the one after) you'll be able to watch Lilly - oops, I mean Kori - get kinky again. Enjoy!
Sorry about all the snow - pretty glad I live in a milder climate now. I don't much miss the snow, although we've been cold and very rainy. If I want snow I'll go to it, that way I can leave when I'm tired of it!
Thanks again for your comments and support!

We sat like that for awhile, just idly chatting like couples do, catching up on some of the things we'd missed while we had been apart. She continued to stroke and massage my dangly bits while we talked, eventually slipping her hand up my shorts and getting a little skin-on-skin contact. After all the activity of the last day or so, I was nowhere near being on a hair-trigger, although she was having no problem keeping me fully erect. It felt good, damn good, and I relaxed and enjoyed it.

Between making minor corrections to our course I placed the hand I was using to steer with over her smooth mound, cupping her heat and letting my middle finger gently part her lips so that I could feel her slick pussy. The warm, wet evidence of her arousal and the bud of her hard clit against the underside of my finger contributed greatly to keeping me hard.

Neither of us was working toward getting the other off, or toward reaching a climax ourselves. We were just touching, sharing the closeness and intimacy, enjoying the sounds, scents, and feel of the other being there and the beauty all around us. It was incredibly, intensely satisfying, and somehow soothing. It was just one of those moments that will remain with me forever.

I sensed that Kristi was starting to drift when her exploring hand began to slow and falter in its stroking and touching, sometimes not moving at all, and I could feel her body begin to relax and go limp in my lap. I looked down at her face and could see that her eyes were not focusing, and that she was battling to keep her eyelids open. Even her nipples had relaxed, which just doesn't happen when we're touching like this!

I bent and softly kissed her. "Tired, babe?"

She nestled more tightly against me. "Mmm-hmm, extremely. Aren't you?"

"I'm pretty beat, yeah. Ronnie should be up to take over pretty soon. Go ahead and fall arelax if you want to, I've got you."

As if she'd just been waiting for my approval, her breathing slowed and deepened and within a minute or so she was sound arelax. Her arm went limp, her hand slipping from my cock and dropping from my shorts. It didn't take too long for the red to drain so that I too was limp, despite the fact that I was still touching her sex - and holding this naked beauty on my lap! Apparently I really was tired!

I held her like that, enjoying the feel of her in my lap and the fact that she trusted me to watch over her and not let her fall. It was probably another eight or ten minutes before Ron showed up, but it passed quickly despite my utter exhaustion.

He spoke from behind me as he approached "Hey dude, you ready for a break?" As he got closer he saw that Kristi was arelax, and his voice quickly dropped to a whisper. "Oops, sorry! I didn't realize...boy, she's really out, isn't she? What did you do to her?"

"Nothing, we were just talking."

"I understand! Listening to you usually has that same effect on me."

I smiled, shaking my head, and flipped him the bird with a middle finger glistening wet with Kristi's arousal. He laughed softly, looking down at her long, lean naked body, totally relaxed in relax. "Damn she's sexy! I could look at that all day!"

I nodded gently. "Yeah, me too. Funny thing is, I don't think she is at all self-conscious about us looking, about being naked in front of all of us."

He wiggled his eyebrows mischieviously. "Good thing, because I have no intention of being at all self-conscious about looking at her either! OK, how are we going to do this? Do you want me to help you carry her down the steps?"

"No, god no. We'd probably ******* ourselves - and her. I'll have to wake her up." I gently shook her. "Kristi? C'mon babe, wake up. Ronnie's here to take over. Let's go down and catch a few z's where we can be more comfortable, OK?"

She wriggled and groaned in protest. "Mmm, I'm already comfortable! Go away!"

I laughed. "Tough for me to go away when you're in my lap! C'mon, let's go."

She stretched and slowly opened her eyes. Spotting Ron she gave him a languid, relaxy smile. "Hi stud! You gonna drive now?"

He laughed. "I love it when a naked woman wakes up, looks at me, and calls me stud - I can tell she's not fully awake yet! Yes, I'll play skipper for awhile so you guys can rest - but you have to promise to rest, no more marathon sex sessions."

Kristi yawned and rose smoothly to her feet, giving him a kiss. "I promise. Besides, I'm saving myself for you. That is, if our date for later is still on..."

He glanced at me, and I shrugged, smiling at him. He turned back to her. "Absolutely! I was hoping you hadn't forgotten - I've got it all figured out, expensive champagne, roses, a private dinner with a live string quartet playing in the background, Chateaubriand, a fine Cognac for after...I plan to sweep you off your feet!"

She giggled and gave him one of her full-body hugs. "Wow, I'm impressed! You really didn't have to go to all that trouble though, because for you I'm what you might call a 'sure thing'."

"Whew! I'm glad to hear that because that was all bullcuckolds brownie. I got nuthin!"

She smiled and pushed him away. "Cheapskate! Just send your chauffeur for me at about nine, I'll be ready." She slipped her arm around my waist and we turned toward the stairs. "Come, my love, let's retire to the sitting room."

Ronnie bid us farewell, settling in behind the wheel after extracting a promise that we would try to get some rest, and we slowly descended the steps into the main lounge of the boat. It was late afternoon by now, the sun getting lower in the southwestern sky almost directly behind us, so the lounge at the front of the living quarters was not particularly well lit, instead shadowy and restful.

Kori was relaxing on one of the overstuffed loveseats, apparently where she had been curled up with Ron before he snuck out to relieve me. She too had shed her wet bathing suit, and had slipped back into her terry robe. The way she was sprawled one breast was exposed, her rosy pink nipple drawing my eye, and at the junction of her closed thighs her trim brown bush was visible. Kristi caught me admiring our relaxing friend and smiled, shaking her head. I picked up a light fleece blanket from the nearby chair and spread it gently over her, to Kristi's nod of approval.

I crossed to the other loveseat and sat down, motioning Kristi over to me. She crossed the short distance between us and leaned into me, her breasts near my face. She whispered "Take your clothes off."

I looked up at her. "What?"

"Strip! I want to feel you, skin on skin, I want you to hold me."

"You know if we do that we're probably not going to get much rest, right?"

"Shhh! Yes we will, we're both too tired to start anything."

I was skeptical. "If you say so. OK, we can try." I pulled my shirt off, then stood and dropped my trunks, leaving them on the floor. Now we were both in Adam and Eve mode, something I was able to do without even a name change. I sat back down, reclining slightly and motioning for her to join me. She grabbed the other fleece throw and curled herself in against my chest, stomach, and thighs, spooning herself to my shape and spreading the light throw blanket over us. I managed to get the small pillow situated under my head, against the arm of the loveseat, and she nestled her head into the crook of my arm and chest. I have to admit that her idea seemed to be working out splendidly - she felt completely wonderful against me, warm and sexy.

Of course, what I knew would happen was also happening, my cock hardening and swelling against her warm, wriggling backside, pressing into her.

"Mmm, Adam, stop poking me!"

"If you'd stop wiggling around, I might!"

"I'm only wiggling because you keep poking me."

"Well, I'm only poking you because you keep wiggling. I told you this would happen."

She giggled. "Here, I have an idea." She raised her upper leg, her right one, and reached back between, grabbing my now-rigid erection and pulling it down and between her legs. Giving in, I attempted to thrust up into her, thinking that was what she wanted. She pushed me down, hissing "No!", then got my cock settled where she wanted it and lowered her leg back into place, trapping my erection between the top of her thighs.

Great! Now, with my cock pinned between her legs, her warm moist pussy pressed against the top of my aching shaft and her warm thighs squeezing me from the sides, she was ready to take a nap! I felt sure this would be very restful - especially the way she kept moving her hips, rubbing her slick and puffy pussy lips on my cock. She was *******ing me!

"If you don't quit I'm just going to stick it in. Consider yourself warned!"

"I'm not doing anything!"

"You are, you're humping yourself against my cock! It's ***, how am I supposed to relax?"

"Huh! I guess I was. Sorry, I didn't realize."

I squeezed her breast. "Sure you didn't!"

"No, really! I'll stop, I promise."

She did, too, for awhile. But then she slid her hand down her stomach to her crotch, finding the tip of my cock where it projected out an inch or two from between her legs, touching and fondling. She giggled. "That's a surprise! I seem to have grown a penis!"

I groaned. "You're just not gonna quit, are you?"

"Not yet. Hey mister, wanna see my dick? It's not very long, but it's pretty thick, and very hard!"

I laughed. "You're insane. Go to relax."


Posts: 4050
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What a delightfully erotic pair of segments.

Thank you



Posts: 1459
#753 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH

She wasn't quite ready to stop tormenting me yet, I could tell. She continued to fondle me, squeezing and touching the head of my cock. "I think I'm going to enjoy having a penis, this way I can play with it whenever I feel like it!" We were still whispering and speaking sotto voce to avoid waking up Kori, who seemed to be deeply arelax.

I groaned. "Yeah, that's always been my philosophy. I've whiled away many a fun-filled hour that way."

She giggled. "You're awful!" She paused as she felt the end of my cock with her fingers. "You know, I've been with a couple guys whose dicks weren't as big as what I've got sticking out here."

That thought sent the butterflies flitting through my stomach and groin! It always did when she would talk about her previous sexual encounters, something I had always encouraged her to do, in detail - and of course, she knew that! "Thanks dear, that warm and fuzzy thought should really help me rest easy. The thought of how many guys you've been with is always very comforting to me."

"Oh come on! Neither of us were virgins when we met you know!"

I hugged her close , squeezing her against me to take the sting out of my last statement. "I know. I was kidding. And I know I've asked you to tell me about them. But I still think I was a lot closer to virginal than you were."

She elbowed me in the ribs. "That's because I'm a lot sexier than you."

"Granted. You win - can I relax now?"

"But I'm not that tired anymore!"

I sighed. "That's because you had that little nap up above! I, however, did not."

"That's true. Sorry, I'll be quiet." She was quiet then, settling in against me, but she kept touching my cock, lightly stroking, teasing.


"Sorry. I could make you cum. You always relax good after that."

I shuddered. "Jesus! Why are you torturing me?!"

"You're already leaking like crazy! It's getting all slippery and nice, sooo close, almost ready, it would feel so good to you, just let go and spurt, all over my fingers..."

I gasped, again shuddering against her. "I'm begging you! Please stop!"

She did, abruptly taking her hand away from me seconds before I'd have cum and snuggling back, pumping her hips a couple of times for good measure as she did so and nearly getting me off. She left my cock straining and aching for release. "OK then, have it your way! Sleep good, and no sneaky jerking off or wet dreams or anything, you hear?"

"Ohhh, lordy! Sshhh! Quiet now." I shuddered again, I couldn't help it. So damn close!

I laid there, suffering, doubting my decision to power her to stop, and she fell arelax. She goddamn fell arelax, in a matter of just a minute or two, my throbbing cock still trapped between her pussy and thighs, my balls, feeling as big as cantaloupes where they pressed to the backs of her legs, she went to relax! Her body relaxed, her breathing slowed and deepened, she melted into me, and just went to relax. Un-fucking-believable!

I moved slightly, humping my erection within its tight confines, knowing that if I backed just a little and thrust upwards I could probably enter her - she was very wet and aroused, and I was slippery with pre-cum. I've done it before, in her relax, and she's always woken up instantly, cooperative and ready for action. Of course, if I just pumped it a few more times right where it was, that would also work. Then not only would Kristi look like she had a cock, she'd have a spurting cock, ejaculating all over the place - that might be fun!

In the end I did neither, I tried to relax, to ignore the tension, and soon the deep throb of the motor and its gentle vibrations running through the entire boat, the sounds of the water lapping against the hull, and the warmth of her snuggled against me began to make me very drowsy. My erection gradually faded as I listened to her slow, regular breathing, noticing absently how my own seemed to be regulating itself to hers, and then I was gone, out, deep in a state of total and complete unawareness, no dreams, no anything.

It was a relax of utter exhaustion, but also of contentedness, without a doubt the best relax I'd had since the afternoon I'd walked in on Kristi and her lover. I don't know if that demon was permanently banished or not, but for that moment it was, and I held her, and slept. Despite my aching balls and the dull throb at the base of my cock, it was a "God's in his heaven and all's right with the world" moment for me. I felt happier than I had in a long while, and I blacked out.

Sometime later - I had no idea how long - I began to claw my way up out of that dark abyss I'd tumred into, slowly and vaguely becoming aware of an intensely pleasurable sensation in the same area that had been suffering so badly when I'd ******. I thought at first it was a dream, and I just enjoyed it, but I gradually became aware that I was awake. I could feel Kristi still relaxing in my arms, I could hear the water and the motor again - and something was definitely doing amazing, incredible things to my cock!

I levered my eyes open, finding the lounge even dimmer than before, the purplish light of dusk outside the windows. I raised my head slightly and looked down to find Kori lavishing oral attention on me, her soft lips wrapped around the head of my cock where it stuck out from between Kristi's legs! It was warm and wet and intense, and I groaned in pleasure before I could stop myself.

Her eyes flitted up to meet mine, her face crinkling in as much of a smile as she could manage with the head of my cock in her mouth, and she winked at me, never breaking suction.

I took a deep breath, knowing I wouldn't be able to stand this for very long after Kristi's teasing! Kori closed her eyes and continued to suck me, not seeming to care that her face was buried in Kristi's crotch as she did so. I was in ecstasy, thoroughly enjoying having Kristi in my arms, my erection trapped against the wet heat of her sex while Kori blew me. It was extremely sensual and erotic to me, and I wanted Kristi to share it.

I nudged her, gently kissing her ear and neck, pretty much all I could reach. "Kristi! Hey baby, wake up! You're missing your first blowjob - on the receiving end, I mean. C'mon babe, you're going to want to enjoy this."

"Wha..? Mmmm, I'm so relaxy!"

"I know, I know, but look!" I pumped my hips a couple of times, sliding my hard shaft against her wet vulva, and she glanced down. Her eyes opened wide, and she leaned forward slightly to see better.

"Oh my god!" She giggled "Oh Kori honey, that's so hot! I always wondered what a blowjob looked like from the guy's point of view! Now I know why they like to watch us so much, that's so fucking hot!"

Kori gave Kristi the same wink and partial smile she'd given me, and I felt her swirl her tongue under my glans, lapping at the very tip as she sucked on me. I groaned. "Oh my god!!"

Kristi was getting more into it as she became more alert. "That's it, suck my thick cock baby, you know you want it! Suck it bitch, take it!"

I half-laughed, half-moaned at her bad porn film-style narration, but knew I couldn't last much longer no matter how badly I wanted this incredible sensation to go on. I was almost there, and Kristi felt my body tense up. It wasn't helping my endurance at all that she was actively humping herself against my shaft where it was pressed tightly to her pussy.

Kristi knew I was beyond my breaking point, she could feel my body tensing, pushing. She went on with Kori: "Take it bitch, I'm gonna cum in your mouth, you want my cum in your mouth, I know you do... swallow it you horny slut!"

And then I did, crying out with the intensity of it. I spurted hard and fast into Kori's sweet, sucking mouth, all the pent-up frustration and pressure that Kristi had left me with emptying itself into Kori's waiting mouth and throat. She tried to take it all, she really did, but by the third or fourth spurt her mouth overflowed, white cum bubbling out around my cock and running down her chin onto Kristi's legs and smooth pussy.

Kori backed off and swallowed quickly, taking a long jet of semen across her throat and chest before she could get her lips back around me, but with her mouth now emptied of my first voluminous spurts she was able to ride out the last, diminishing spurts and trickles that escaped me. I collapsed weakly back onto the loveseat, drained, spent, knowing that Kristi had gotten off by watching as she rubbed her aroused clit against me.

I was gasping, trying to catch my breath, and Kristi too was breathing heavily, Kori's generous sexuality having quickly and suddenly satisfied both of us! Kori continued to suck gently on me, swirling that last hot mouthful of slippery cum around the head of my slowly fading erection for thirty seconds or so before backing off. She looked up at Kristi, hesitating, then stood and quickly pressed her lips to Kristi's, spitting the last mouthful of white cum mixed with saliva into her mouth!

Kristi, too surprised to do otherwise, took it, and swallowed. She coughed and sputtered. "Hey! That's not fair, I wasn't ready!"

Kori shook a finger at her, laughing. "That's what you get for calling me a bitch and a horny slut! Here I try to give you a nice memory of your first blowjob, and you call me names!"

Kristi smiled. "Well, you are a horny slut, but you can suck my cock anytime!"

I chimed in weakly from behind her. "Mine too!"

Kori laughed. "You guys inspired me! I woke up and watched you relaxing for awhile - thanks for the blanket, by the way - and then I see Adam's cock getting all hard and sticking out between your legs. What a pretty sight!" She looked at me. "I don't know what you were dreaming, but it must have been good because you just stiffened right up, hard as a rock!"

I shrugged. "I wasn't - or I don't remember. I was just totally out. Sleep erection, I guess."

They both giggled, and Kori went on. "Well, whoever she was, she was hot, judging by your reaction. Watching Kristi spring such a nice boner made me horny - it looks even thicker betwen her legs - so I came on over to check it out. And the rest, as they say, is history!"

She looked down at the trail of cum across her throat and tits. "Who's going to clean this off for me?"

Kristi answered her. "Adam will - he did it!"

Kori bent over Kristi and kissed me. "Ok, get busy."

"If you insist. You have cum breath, by the way."

She snickered. "There's a surprise! So will you in a minute, and it's all your fault."

She let me lick the cum from her chin before moving up, presenting me with her long, white throat, and then her breasts. I probably spent more time licking the traces of semen from her breasts than necessary, but I wanted to be thorough. I could tell by the way Kristi writhed against me that she was enjoying watching this, in extreme close-up.

When Kori straightened up, Kristi made her own demand.
"Now me. Somebody dribred cum all over my legs and pussy, so get busy."

I didn't need to be asked twice, eager to attend to her, wanting very much to bury my face in her aroused sex. I was limp, spent, done for the foreseeable future, but I still loved touching Kristi and Kori. I slid out from behind her and kneeled alongside, moving down to her legs, using my tongue to lick the thin trail of cum from her thighs. Kori reached under me, squeezing and kneading my drained balls as I licked Kristi's hot flesh, and I groaned.

As I moved my lips to Kristi's smooth mound and wet sex, I heard Kori leave and ascend the steps. Burying my face between her long legs, letting my tongue remove the last traces of spilled semen before focusing on pleasuring her, I was only vaguely aware of the quiet, of the fact that the motor had been shut down.

I paid homage to her sex, to her s******* at torturing me, to the intensity of the incredible climax her teasing and torment had brought me - with Kori's help, of course - and to her sexual mastery of me. I licked and nibred at her clit until she came. I pushed my tongue into her, feeling her contractions, tasting her sexual secretions as she came again, and then I probed the tiny rosebud of her ass with the tip of my tongue until she was writhing and begging, sliding up to devour her pussy until she came again.

When she pushed at me, begging me to stop, I raised my head and looked at her flushed face, into her smoky, sexy, sensual eyes, hooded with lust. I was surprised to find Kori and Ron standing there, watching us, Kori naked and visibly aroused, Ronnie with his pants (my pants) around his ankles, penis stiff and pointing upwards as Kori slowly stroked him.

He shook his head. "Jeez, if you drive the boat you get left out of all the fun! I thought Kristi was supposed to be all mine tonight, and then I find you wearing her out!"

Kristi pushed me back and came to her feet in one liquid motion, crossing to Ron. "I am yours, and I'm a long way from worn out! He was just getting me warmed up for you, while we waited, like a good fiance should." She kissed him, long and with tongue. "I hope you're well rested, because I need some very special attention."

Ron grinned and put his arms around her. "Your wish is my command. Your breath smells like cum, by the way."

Kristi giggled. "I know. It's her fault, she was sucking my cock."

He frowned and glanced quickly at Kori, and then at me, shaking his head. "I don't think I even want to know."


Posts: 1914
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Posts: 492
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Phew! That was extremely hot Stormy. Don't stop now. How I'd love to be on that houseboat. That's one hot foursome.

I'll take credit for the Kori/Lilly comment by the way. Couldn't help it, it just seemed like a perfect fit.

Two feet of snow on the ground right now and another four to eight inches on tap for Monday night. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! Come on Spring.

Thanks Stormy, excellent job.



Posts: 4050
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You have a wicked imagination. I take my hat off to you.



Posts: 1459
#757 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. As you know, it's always great to hear from anyone that's reading along. Your responses make the writing much more enjoyable for me!
TrF2, about that snow - better you than me!! (sorry) It's actually snowing here right now, but we have the comfort of knowing we'll rarely get more than a dusting.

He looked at the three of us, clearly trying to puzzle out Kristi's last statement, and Kori laughed and put her arms around his neck. "You're right, you don't want to know. You missed it though, Adam let me suck his cock again."

Ron shook his head. "Oh, so he 'let you' do that, did he? Did it require a lot of arm twisting?" He gave me a quick faux-angry glare. ""When is it going to be my turn to be the center of attention?"

Both girls laughed, Kristi taking his chin in her hand and rubbing noses with him. "Poor baby! We didn't mean to make you feel left out, but someone had to stand watch and keep us safe while our minds - and bodies - were otherwise occupied! What do you say Kori, is it your darling husband's turn to be pampered?"

Kori smiled and kissed him. "Mmmm, absolutely! He's earned it, don't you think?" She looked at me. "Adam, you just go away for awhile. Me and your lady are going to show a lonely sailor a good time."

"Go away? We're on a boat, remember?"

Kristi turned to me. "So what, just make yourself scarce for awhile."

"Can't I just uh, spectate?" I wasn't the least bit horny, but still, I do love to watch!

Kori shook her head. "No, it will be more fun for you if you just have to imagine what your buddy is doing to your girl! Wait, I know - why don't you start fixing dinner?"

Ronnie snorted. "Him? Cook dinner? Do you have a death wish?"

Kori giggled. "Oh Ron, he's not that bad! Besides, I was just planning on burgers on the grill; he's pretty good at caveman cooking."

I nodded. "Oh, yeah, I can do that, no problem! Anything in particular you want with those burgers?"

Kristi smiled teasingly. "Surprise us - it's your job for the evening. But as long as you're serving us, why don't you bring us some wine while we play? Be thoughtful though, like a good boy, and try not to disturb us."

I was very surprised by both her tone and her request. She was smiling, but I knew she really expected me to play this part - and she knew I wouldn't mind doing so for my friends. My surprise must have shown on my face though, because Kristi laughed. Kori and Ron just smiled, watching, waiting to see what she'd do next.

Kristi tilted her head to one side raising one eyebrow. "Well?" She returned to nuzzling Ronnie's neck.

"Yes ma'am, right away!" I zipped out and lit the grill so that it could heat up, then came back through, looking over my shoulder as I headed toward the galley just in time to see each woman take one of Ronnie's hands and lead him to the loveseat where Kori had been relaxing. His shuffling gait, shorts around his ankles, made me smile. That choice of loveseats put his back toward me, in the kitchen, when he lowered himself down. Kori sat to his left, Kristi to his right, and they all began to touch and kiss.

I tore my gaze away and went to the cabinet where Ronnie had stashed the red wines, almost always my first choice. I was pleasantly surprised to find two bottles of a great 2006 Duckhorn Merlot, a Napa Valley wine that Ron tried to keep in stock solely because he knew Kristi loved it.

He had served it once when they had us over for dinner, early in our relationship, and she had raved about it. In what was to be the first of many times that he was to cause her to blush he had replied "Yes, it's beautiful, smooth and supple with a great finish - like you."

I smiled at the memory, one of the thousands of little snippets like that which build up over the years of a long, close friendship. Considering he hadn't known ahead of time that Kristi would be joining us on this trip, it was serendipitous that he had brought that particular wine, so I figured it was meant for this evening. I uncorked a bottle and chased down four wine glasses, lining them up on the counter and going down the line until the bottle was empty. One glass held just a bit less than the others, so I left that one for me and picked up the other three, turning to carry them in to the others.

Seeing Kori and Ron still kissing and no sign of Kristi I stutter-stepped, knowing where she would be, and when I drew close to them my suspicions were confirmed. Her blonde head was in Ronnie's lap, moving slowly up and down as she lovingly sucked his cock! I paused, watching, still holding the three glasses of wine.

Kori looked up and saw me standing there. Clearly on board for Kristi's treatment of me for the evening, she nodded toward the low side table, indicating where I should leave the glasses. "Set them down boy, don't dawdle. What took you so long?"

I laughed at Kori's attempt to be domineering as I set the glasses down next to them, and Kristi raised her head from Ron's lap and looked at me. His cock was rigid, wet and erect, and Kristi's lips were wet and slightly puffy from sucking on him. She glared at me. "Do you think Miss Kori said something funny?"

With some effort I powerd the smile from my lips. "No ma'am! I just laughed because it's so good to see people enjoying themselves like this."

I saw the corners of her mouth quirk up as she struggled to remain stern. "I don't believe anyone said you could watch us! Go away now before your ugly, nasty bits begin to swell and become aroused, it will do you no good, and nobody wants to see that." Go on now!"

I glanced at Ron, who winked insolently at me before spreading his arms across the back of the loveseat and leaning his head back, closing his eyes. He slid down, spreading his legs wide, and as I turned away Kristi dropped between them, licking his balls, his hard cock wet against the side of her face. As Kori slid down to engulf his cock with her lips Ron motioned for me to hand him a glass of wine, which I did.

He leaned back again, slowly sipping his wine while Kristi sucked his testicles and Kori's lips and tongue lavished attention on his hard cock. He looked over at me "Ahh, this is the life! Clearly something which people of your station can only aspire to."

I flipped him off, then heard his chuckle as I walked away, shaking my head. I turned back. "And anyhow, it's 'to which people of your station can only aspire' - you ended with a preposition." Now it was his turn to flip me off, and he did.

From the kitchen I could see only the back of Ron's head and his shoulders, but I could hear the soft moans and the occasional wet, sucking sounds as the women worked him over. There could be no mistaking the fact that he was thoroughly enjoying this - who wouldn't? I went to the refrigerator and dug out the hamburger meat that Kori had defrosted earlier and dumped it into a bowl, adding seamistered salt, pepper, and a generous dollop of Country Bob's grilling sauce, mixing it all together by hand and forming it into thick hamburgers.

I put them on a plate and carried it through toward the foredeck where the propane grill was located, slowing to glance at them as I passed. Kristi continued to lap and suck at his heavy balls, seeming to enjoy the feel of them in her mouth as much as Ronnie was. I knew that she derives a great deal of pleasure from performing oral sex, and that she did, in fact, like to suck on my balls - she'd told me so! I had no doubt she was enjoying herself completely, and as Kori focused her attention on just the head of his cock, sucking and gliding, I heard Ron groan in pleasure, and saw him shudder. He looked at me and mouthed "Oh my god!", pumping his hips up to meet their touch. I felt a small pang of jealousy - not so much that Kristi was mouthing his balls, but rather because he was the one getting the attention rather that me! Perhaps that qualifies as envy rather than jealousy.

Remembering my wine, I set the plate down for a moment and returned for my glass, seeing my pants on the floor on the way back and thinking that perhaps, with being out on deck, in particular around open flame and spattering grease, pants might be a good idea. I bent to retrieve them just as Kristi raised her head. She turned and looked at me and I could see the arousal on her face, the look of desire, in addition to her wet, swollen lips. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting my pants. I have to be outside for awhile."

"You don't need pants, it's dark. I like you better like this."

"Do you really want me around your food - and open flames - with no pants on?"

I waited while she considered that, and Ron jumped in.
"You want him cooking burgers Kristi, not bratwurst. Those hot grease splatters can be wicked - let him have his pants!" Figures Ron would think as I had, guys have to consider these things!

She nodded. "OK, if you must. But not those." She tugged at the shorts Ron had around his ankles, the ones he'd borrowed from me earlier, managing to free them. "I have a better idea."

I shook my head. "I have pants! I don't need to wear the ones he's been wearing - especially while they're still warm. Eeewww!"

They all laughed, but Kristi wasn't nearly finished. She reached into the pocket and came out with the red, cum-stained thong that Ronnie had tucked away during our clean-up. Apparently I was not the only one that had witnessed him do that.

She stared into my eyes, her face giving away nothing, and held out the skimpy panties. "If you feel you must wear something to cover yourself you can have these."


Posts: 4050
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There is nothing like a little kink to spice up a barbecue. Nice work. This story is a classic.



Posts: 28
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We can anly say; thank you, thank you.....thank you.

some of the Kristi's explanations or logic behind her behaviour from the earlier conversations were:

She went on. "Maybe a relationship needs that big shock, that test to see if it's strong enough to survive. Ron and Kori had theirs, now we've had ours, and I think just maybe we can make it! I hope so. But you do like seeing me getting laid by other guys, don't you Adam? I mean, now that you've tried it."

Kristi studied me closely. "I'm still not sure about you with other women. I understand about Izzy - or I'm starting to - but you seem to have really taken to the role of stud, poking other guy's wives right in front of them! If you're going to do that - and notice that I said if - well, I just need more time to consider how that might work. Like I said, that's not my fantasy, so while yours might come true, that's just not it for me. I need to think."

"Well, it was important that you be happy too. I didn't want to hurt you. I'd have stopped everything immediately if I thought I was hurting you, or if you asked. I always will."

The question is: Do you think she is honest with herself by saying that she could have stopped everything immadiately......... She may stop to try it later again and again,...

If Kori said that to Ron I would believe her but I am not sure with Kristi. She may stıop but later on try to make Adam accapt what ever it was like she is planning something with Lee. She nows that Adam is not happy with the idea but still pushing for it. Why? For both of them or for mainly her satisfaction .....

Anyway, I thank you again for this great story


Posts: 492
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Oh no, not the red thong! Looks like Kristi is testing the waters with Adam, trying to see what his limits will be. Me thinks the ride could get a little bumpy here.

Thanks Stormy, awesome job.



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GH, KORUCU, and TrF2, thanks for the comments, it's much appreciated.

KORUCU, to answer your question I'm not sure if Kristi could stop or not. Like most habits or addictions, stopping would be a matter of motivation and self-control. She knows what she likes - but she also knows what she loves, and that's Adam. She knows about his fantasies and the strange but powerful thrill he receives from the idea of being cuckolded; they've played with it as a fantasy for some time. If it turns out that he likes the reality as much as the fantasy, maybe they can both find fulfillment. If not...well, she might have to try to quit. Is there a patch for that, like Nicoderm? Perhaps Dickoderm?

He has discovered that the idea of her being with certain men, or certain types of men, causes him more angst than others. I'm not sure how they will deal with that.


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I looked at her. "You're not serious!"

She smiled wickedly. "Ah, but I am!" She balled up the tiny thong and threw it at me, and I snatched it in self-defense before it could hit me in the face.

"I am not wearing panties - and if I was it certainly wouldn't be pre-owned ones! These are a bit stiff in places, if you catch my drift."

Kristi sniffed. "Oh so now, for the first time ever, you're squeamish about someone else's cum touching you! It's all dry, it won't hurt you - just put 'em on!"

I shook my head. "No way. Not gonna happen."

Kori very helpfully chimed in. "Oh come on Adam, don't be a party pooper! Try it, you might like it!"

Ronnie laughed. "Yeah dude, try it! Even if you don't enjoy it, I'm pretty sure I will!" He laughed again. "Besides, don't you ever have one of those days when you just want to feel pretty?"

That made me laugh. "Fuck you Ron! Apparently you want to feel pretty, since you're the one that salvaged these, so be my guest." I threw the panties at him, and he immediately fired them back to me.

Kristi was watching all this, laughing at my embarrassment. "It looks like you're out-voted. Time to pull up your big boy panties and get busy cooking dinner for us."

I looked at the three of them, all watching me, all enjoying ganging up on me. I shook my head. "Look, let's assume for a minute that I was willing to wear these, just to amuse you - and that's a huge leap - there's just no way these things would fit me! Look how tiny they are."
I held them up. They were small. They also had an enormous cum stain on them, pretty much the entire crotch crusty with a whitish film.

Kristi nodded. "They're a little small, but they'll stretch. Besides, they don't have to fit you perfectly; if you decide you like them we can always go shopping for some in your size when we get home!"

Ron and Kori both laughed. I looked at her. "Good one, dear! Ten thousand comedians out of work and you're trying to be funny!"

She shook her head. "No, seriously! I'm sure that cute young thing you were admiring in the lingerie department at Macy's would be happy to help you find your size."

She giggled. I winced. The lingerie salesgirl at Macy's was extremely cute, and young. I had been chatting her up while Kristi tried on some things, but I didn't know she knew that! I decided to have a little fun of my own. "Aren't you afraid I'll start hitting on her if I go back there? She was very cute, and I think she liked me."

Kristi just smiled sweetly. "And I'm sure she will be especially impressed and want to get to know you better after she helps you pick out your panties."

Ouch! I should have known better. I sensed it was time to move on. "OK, enough fun and games, I better get these burgers grilled before we all starve."

Kristi looked past her glass at me, then sipped her wine. She turned to Ronnie. "This is that Merlot I love, isn't it? You're such a sweetie - and you didn't even know I'd be here." She turned back to me. "You should be sweet and thoughtful like Ron and do things to please me - like wearing your thong."

He smiled smugly and started chanting "Panties, panties, panties!", Kori soon joining in, then Kristi. I hung my head. "You're not going to quit until you break me, are you?"

Kristi laughed. "Nope!"

I sighed. "OK, fine." I straightened out the balled up thong and spent a moment figuring out which way was up, then stepped into it. I hoped seriously that the thin cord that formed the hips and back would break, but no such luck. It proved both stretchy and durable - and intensely uncomfortable as the butt floss portion drew tight. I cringed as the crusty triangle of satin lycra touched me, then tried to figure out how I could possibly remain in the tiny wedge of fabric. Pushed up, my cock extended over the top of the front panel. Pushed down, it took up space my balls desperately needed - and the whole thing threatened to cut off circulation to vital areas of my anatomy. And now, with all the fondling and with them watching me, I was getting hard. That was less than helpful!

I spoke in a high, squeaky, castrated kind of voice. "There! Are you happy, can I take them off now?"

They were all laughing their asses off. Fortunately, I'm somewhat used to being the butt of their jokes, an honor which is always passing from one to another of the four of us. Nobody escapes occasional offense in our little group, but this may have been the worst yet.

Kristi shook her head. "No, I think you should keep them on while you cook. Maybe after dinner you can remove them, after you've taken a thorough test drive."

Kori spoke up. "Besides, it looks like you kind of like this - you're getting a hard-on!" She giggled.

I attempted to deny the undeniable. "I am not, it's just the constriction of these damn things!"

Kristi stared. "No, you are! You're getting a hard-on 'cause you love your sexy little satin thong!"

My cock was straining against the cum stained front panel of the thong, and sticking up well above it. The cord in back felt like it was trying to bisect my asshole. "Arrrghh!" I snatched up the plate of burgers and fled for the door and the safety of solitude, all of them laughing at my discomfiture as I ran away. I paused at the door. "I get hard when a group of people like you perverts stares at my crotch! Ask Kristi to tell you my high school swim class story sometime." I heard them laugh louder as I went out. I had to shake my head and grin - If Kristi wanted to play games tonight, she had gotten off to a good start. Embarrassing, but pretty funny, actually. I really didn't object to making my friends laugh, and often used self-deprecating humor to do so, and this wasn't all that different.

I moved the burgers from the plate to the hot grill, closing the lid over the sizzle just as Kristi touched me from behind, surprising me. "Hey, are you all right? I didn't mean to make you get upset."

I laughed. "No, I'm fine, no problem. You're certainly in rare form tonight!"

She smiled. "Oh, good. I was afraid you were really upset - I know how much that episode in high school bothered you, I didn't mean to traumatize you. I was just playing. So you don't mind?"

I kissed her. "No, I knew it was all in fun." I shifted, trying to move the string out of my ass and get it to quit pinching my balls. "These damn things are sure uncomfortable though, I don't know how the hell you wear them."

She giggled. "Well, they're not really designed for the male anatomy. Plus, I buy my size. You'll like them much better once you have your own."

"I know someone that's about to get her perfect little ass spanked."

She wriggled and shivered, reaching out to wrap her fingers around the head of my cock where it protruded above the tiny thong. "Oooh, do you promise?"

I laughed. "Actually, that was supposed to be a threat. Come on, I need to get the barbecue tools and the seamistered salt."

I took her arm and we walked back inside, chatting. Kori and Ron looked at us, their worried expressions relaxing when they saw we were smiling. Kori glanced down at my sole garment and giggled. "It looks like you're suffering from fallout there, cutie."

I bent and looked. Sure enough, one testicle had popped out each side of the narrow crotch band of the thong and was dangling, the useless thing now bisecting my scrotum as it continued its attempt to cut me in two. No wonder it was pinching! "Huh! It looks like this thing is trying to come between Butch and Sundance!"

Kori let out a squeal of laughter. "You actually named your balls? How come we never knew that?"

I acted puzzled. "Of course I named them. Doesn't everyone? How else are you going to get their attention, or introduce them to people? I guess you were just never properly introduced. Butch, Sundance, meet Kori - careful though, she's a kisser!"

Kori was laughing until tears ran, Ron laughing at her more than at me.

Kristi shook her head, making a disgusted sound. "Kori, please don't encourage him! Let's see, he's used Bert and Ernie, Abbott and Costello, Batman and Robin - he's such a perv!"

Ron shook his head. "Considering your mode of dress, maybe Thelma and Louise would be more appropriate."

I laughed. "Particularly so, since I plan to jump off a cliff if word of this ever leaks out! Can I please take these off and burn them now?"

Kristi reached down and fondled my uniquely individualized testicles, one at a time, obviously. "No. After dinner - maybe. Now you have an idea what us poor ladies go through to be sexy for you guys. And you know what? You are pretty sexy in these, I kind of like it."

I very much liked having my balls fondled, so I didn't object, but I wondered if her definition of sexy included the word ludicrous. "OK, fine. Those burgers will only take a few more minutes, so I don't think you'll have time to finish your little threesome. I better get back out there. Someone set the table, please."

Kristi patted my bare butt. "That's OK, we'll finish our playtime after we eat. In the meanwhile, we'll just play a little while you serve us. Oh, and setting the table is part of your job."

So saying, she crossed to the loveseat where Ron and Kori still sat and stepped up onto the seat, putting one foot on each side of Ronnie and stepping forward, positioning her smooth mound at his lips. His hands came up to clutch her firm little bottom and he pulled her to him, burying his face in her pussy. She arched her back, pushing her horny cunt to his willing mouth and I heard her moan as she enjoyed what he was doing to her.

Kori had her face inches away, watching as her husband's tongue explored Kristi's perpetually aroused sex, her left hand stroking Ron's smallish but extremely stiff cock. I wasn't so sure he'd last 'til the burgers were done after all, with Kori masturbating him and his obvious arousal! Looking down at my throbbing and protruding cock, I wasn't so sure I would either.


Posts: 1914
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Stormy, ever since you secreted those red panties away I had thought of ways you might bring them back. Never in my wildest dreams would I have come up with that one. Truly original.

I just hope the big water cop doesn't turn up before they finish their meal .. As if.


Posts: 492
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Damn that was funny Stormy. Maybe the ride won't be as bumpy as I originally thought for Adam. He's a much better sport than I had figured. Of course Ranger Rick might push a few of Adam's buttons if they all get together, but then again, if Adam is pushing Ranger Petty's buttons, it might keep him preoccupied, who knows. Great writing, thanks.



Posts: 1459
#765 · Edited by: stormydog
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peak & TrF2, thanks. It just goes to prove what we already knew - cum-soaked panties can be fun!

My feet dragging because I didn't want to miss a second of this, I finally made it back out to the grill. I quickly flipped the burgers, seamistering them lightly, and zipped back inside, ostensibly to set the table. Kristi and Ron were very involved in each other, his face still pressed to her sex. She had placed one foot up on the back of the loveseat to give him better access, and had one hand on his head, holding him to her as she pumped her hips against his tongue. Her other hand was pinching and pulling at her left nipple, her eyes were closed, and she was biting her lower lip. It was apparent that she was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing to her, and from the sounds she made I knew that he could easily bring her to orgasm if he chose to.

Kori was still watching, her face close to Kristi's belly, a small smile on her lips as she watched her husband's performance. With one hand she continued to stroke his hard penis, the other under the back of Kristi's raised leg, inches from her aroused pussy. She glanced quickly at me and winked as I crossed near them, then went back to watching. I noticed that Kori was aroused like me, her nipples hard and erect, her neck flushed red.

I grabbed plates and silverware and began to set the table, trying my best to be quiet and unobtrusive. From the table I was looking at the back of Ron's head, Kristi's hand still tangled in his hair where she pressed him to her. She was pulling hard at her nipple now, her other one erect and rosy, and when I made a loud clank with one plate she opened her eyes and looked at me, still biting hard on her lower lip.

We stared into each others eyes, but I'm not sure she saw me. She had that faraway look, and as I watched her lips parted and she gasped for breath, her chest heaving as she panted. Suddenly she grimaced and her eyes closed, her chin dropping to her chest as she gasped out "Oh god yess!", and she came, hard and gloriously, bucking against Ronnie as she thrust herself into his face. He rode her, his hand against her clenched bottom holding her to him as he continued to tongue her hard clit through her orgasm.

She worked it to the max, letting his probing tongue take her away as all of her muscles tensed and flexed, her pumping hips demanding that he continue to serve her. It seemed to go on and on, until suddenly she collapsed, sinking down onto his lap as though she'd melted, her arms around his neck, her face buried against his shoulder and chest. She continued to pant, I could see her ribs heaving as she tried to catch her breath, and her body shudddered with aftershocks.

Ronnie gently brushed her hair back and spoke softly to her. "Hey, are you OK?"
Her head moved slightly, an affirmative nod, and he chuckled as he softly stroked her hair, tangling his fingers in her blonde waves as he cooed softly into her ear. She raised her head and looked into his face for a moment, their eyes searching each others, a stunned look on her face. Kristi breathed in a ragged breath, almost a sob, and said "My god!" before once again burying her face against his body, snuggling into him, hugging his neck. Kori laughed softly and leaned forward, kissing Kristi gently on the cheek before giving Ron a long kiss on his lips, tasting Kristi's arousal, their tongues touching.

Kori rose then and crossed to me, stretching up to kiss me, her lips soft and moist, before touching my hard cock where it jutted out over the ridiculous thong. She waved a hand in front of my eyes. "Yo, Adam, are you in there?"

I blinked and looked at her, realizing I'd been frozen in place, still holding the rest of the plates as I'd watched them. I shook my head. "Damn!"

She laughed. "I'll say! I see that worked for you too - it sure left me horny as hell! Ronnie is very accomplished in that fine art, but I'm really not sure who enjoyed it the most."

I looked at her, and at the same moment we both said "Kristi!" We both laughed, and Kristi, hearing her name and our laughter, raised her head and glanced at us momentarily before sinking back into Ron's embrace, not yet ready to re-enter our world. Kori helped me finish the table, handing me several slices of cheese to take out and melt over the burgers while she got out the condiments and the salad.

As I passed Ron and Kristi, still locked quietly in their embrace, I wondered if she had taken him into her as she sank into his lap. I found that I very much wanted to know if he was inside of her, almost that I had to know! From closer I could see that she had not, not in that position, but that she probably had his cock pressed to the outside of her left thigh and buttock.

I realized that since he had not reached orgasm there would probably be a second act, but now it would have to wait until after dinner.


Posts: 1914
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Well, with hors d’oeuvres served like that, I think their boat is probably the best burger joint in the state. A truly USA classic gastronomic feast.


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peak, unfortunately it never seems to appear on the appetizer menu. I feel sure it would be a huge hit!

Kori decided that we should all make an effort to act civilized, starting by covering our varying degrees of nudity before eating dinner. I snagged my shorts, intending to lose the thong in exchange for the pants. Kristi raised her head and looked at me, still a little vacant, but when she saw me begin the attempt to dislodge the tight contraption from my body, she shook her head no, motioning for me to pull the thing back up!

I shook my head no in return, but Kori saw and nudged me. "Oh come on, play along! It's been a lot of fun, and it won't ******* you."

I grumred "It might!", but complied and pulled my shorts on over the tiny thong. Kristi smiled at me, then rose shakily from Ronnie's lap, shaking her hair back more or less into place and taking a deep breath. "Whew! That was an unexpected pleasure! Where in the world did you learn to give head like that?"

Ronnie grinned, enjoying the compliment. "From a woman we know - she tutored me in the finer points, and Kori graciously helps me with the practice." Kori laughed, Ronnie went on. "Did you really enjoy it?"

Kristi laughed, bending down to hug him again. "Oh my god Ronnie, all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm not sure how I can ever repay you, but I plan to try!"

She and Kori disappeared down the hall to get something to wear. Their wet swimsuits hanging outside over the boat rail were probably dry by now, but none of us had any further plans to swim that evening. I went out and removed the burgers, putting them on a plate and turning up the grill so that it could burn clean. Ronnie was climbing back into my loaner trunks when I returned, then he pulled his shirt on and tossed me mine. "Here. I don't want to have to look at your semi-naked body while I'm trying to eat."

I laughed and slipped the shirt over my shoulders. We had eaten many times around their pool, half dressed or less, so I knew he was just screwing with me. We looked at each other silently for a moment, a brief and unusual moment of awkwardness between us. He spoke first.
"All that got a little out of hand, and very suddenly! I guess maybe I owe you an apology. Are you going to be OK with this kind of stuff?"

I thought for a second or two, not really sure just what I felt about it. It did seem a little late to be asking. I wasn't upset with him, or Kristi, so I told him that. "Ronnie, it's OK, really. I mean it's weird, seeing her get off like that with anyone else, but I'm glad it was you, you know? I... I trust you Ron, I guess I know you won't try to take her away from me like some other guy might, and that really makes it all OK. It's you and Kori, you know? That let's me relax and enjoy her beauty and the pleasure she's getting from it - and boy howdy, she was definitely getting some pleasure out of it!"

He laughed. "I love it when you break out one of your rube expressions! I did make her pretty happy though, didn't I? Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that?"

I nodded. "Yeah Ron, you met her just about two years ago, so I'm going to hazard a guess that you've wanted to do that for about two years. And yes, I guarantee that she will think it was worth the wait - although she may be a little bummed about all the lost time."

He laughed. "True, I did start fantasizing the minute I laid eyes on her. Lucky for you I already had such a gorgeous wife!"

I nodded, pretending to be serious. "You know, lately that has been pretty lucky for me - you know, that you have such a gorgeous, horny wife!"

He frowned. "Hey! I didn't say horny! You keep your big mitts - and other body parts - off my wife!"

I nodded. "We'll see. But seriously, I'm glad you and Kristi are finally getting a chance to really know each other on this trip. It seems like me and Kori have been very close for a long time - emotionally speaking - and of course you and me, and I know Kori and Kristi share everything. It just always felt like maybe you and Kristi never had a chance to build that kind of bond."

He shrugged as we heard the girls talking, coming back into the lounge area. "She and I have never had a chance to spend as much time alone together as the rest of you. There was always work, or somebody else around. You know I love her though, and plus, she's your lady. I'd die for any of you guys."

It was a simple statement, a throwaway line almost, but I could sense that he truly meant it. It was typical Ron, something only those closest to him ever saw after all the crudeness and bluster were set aside. I was at a loss for words, so I went the usual route before the moment got too mushy. "Thanks Ronnie, me too. And actually, since you got me trapped into this fucking thong, your death may be closer than you know!"

He laughed. "Oh yeah! How's that working out for you?"

"It bites, is how it's working out, you prick! I'll see that they get you in panties before this is all over!"

Kristi and Kori stopped as they approached us, wondering if he and I were arguing. Kori had gone her favorite route, a simple long-sleeved men's shirt, Ron's blue chambray again, apparently with nothing underneath. I loved that look on her, it made her look small and vulnerable, and for some perverse reamister entirely feminine. Kori actually pulls off the totally feminine thing pretty easily, but her in a man's shirt - and nothing else - really works for me.

Kristi had settled on a short, tight, midriff baring pink t-shirt, nipples protruding proudly, and a cranberry colored thong of her own, brief, but not as much as the one they had me wearing! Hers had a narrow fabric and elastic waistband instead of a string, and a similar tiny strip down the rear instead of the torturous butt floss. Plus, nothing about the way hers fit her looked at all ridiculous!

Ronnie whistled. "Wow! There's some women's panties I wouldn't mind getting into!"

Kori and Kristi both laughed. Kristi did a quick pirouette for him. "I'll loan them to you - they should fit."

"Uh, not at all what I meant."

Kristi giggled. "Oh come on! Adam likes his, don't you dear?"

"Uh, no, not particularly. Do they make these in a boxer style?" I wiggled my butt, not entirely faking discomfort. The string up my ass was making me crazy, like an extended nuclear wedgie, and the narrow crotch was doing weird cuckolds brownie to my balls. Plus, with my erection gone my cock had slipped out the side of the triangular front piece and was dangling uncomfortably, the pouch binding on me. They all thought that was intensely funny; me, considerably less so.

As we sat down to eat I wondered how it could be that we had been so much enjoying looking at Kori and Kristi naked for quite some time, but now, in fairly basic attire, they looked even sexier. How the hell do women do that? It's just not right, but it's a fact, and they both looked cute as could be and hotter than hell!

The burgers were good, all of us hungry after a busy and eventful day. We had polished off our glasses of Merlot, and Ronnie decided that a Cabernet he'd brought would be good with the burgers, so he found and opened a bottle of the 2005 Geyser Peak. It wasn't an expensive wine by any means, but a very good one we'd run across. He and I had split a case, and we knew from experience that it would be good with the burgers, big and bold enough to hold it's own with the grilled meat and seamisterings.

We had a nice dinner, relaxing and laughing with the people closest to us, the wine mellowing things. Kristi seemed especially happy, very easy going and fulfilled, and every time she caught my eye I got a warm smile. She was this way often after particularly satisfying sex - when she didn't fall arelax immediately - and I knew that she had especially enjoyed her interlude with Ron. Oddly, I found I was not too awfully jealous that he had given her so much enjoyment. A little bit, maybe.

When Kori and Kristi turned the conversation to good ol' Ranger Lee, however, I began to get a little rankled, like I had a burr under my saddle, just digging at me. A great analogy for that damn thong, now that I think about it.

It seems that they had both completely enjoyed his body - they went on at length, in some detail, about its finer points - and the fact that he was older, or more experienced, as Kori put it, and a take charge kind of guy seemed to really heat up their libidos. They fed off each other, each of them expanding on her fantasies about him, not seeming to care how their graphic descriptions were being received by Ronnie and me.


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A great sequence. The internal dismisterance and conflict that occurs for everyone in those situations is an element that most cuckold stories never grasp.

Nice work!



Posts: 492
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Just thinking how nice it would be to be in a real life situation like this with four people who loved and trusted each other so unconditionally. Great story. Thanks Stormy.


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Thanks to both of you for the kind words. It would probably have been so much easier on poor Adam if he could have transitioned to the cuckold/hotwife/swinger lifestyle gradually, with Ron and Kori first, rather than starting with such a vulgar shock. But where's the fun and suspense in that??

I looked at Ron as the women went on and on about the big Ranger, and he shook his head and rolled his eyes. I decided that we'd let them ramble on long enough. "You both know damn well that it's mostly just the uniform - despite the short pants. You women are always a sucker for a guy in a position of authority, especially when he wears a uniform and badge."

Kori giggled. "Maybe you're right. I'd suck him, I know that!"

Kristi joined in. "Me too! I guess that proves your point, we are suckers."

I shook my head. "That wasn't exactly my point. Cute though, very humorous. I meant you ladies always fall for the power thing, the whole gun/badge/uniform/authority deal. It gets your panties all wet."

Kristi frowned. "Kind of gross dear, although you may be right about the gun. I did get a bit damp when I rubbed up against him and that gun he's packing in his pants."

"I meant the one on his belt, babe. Now who's being gross?"

She blinked at me, acting surprised. "He had one on his belt too? I didn't notice that - was it a big cannon like the one I felt?"

"Damn, Kristi..."

Kori cut me off, giggling again. "I'm not a wanton slut like you, so I didn't get to actually touch him, but judging by that bulge he sprouted when you started rubbing up against him I'd say he was pretty heavily armed."

Ronnie's ears perked up. "Did I just hear my wanton slut claim not to be a wanton slut? Please tell me this doesn't mean you're planning to turn over a new leaf! I'd have to return that 'Wanton Slut' t-shirt I bought you for your birthday."

Kristi laughed. "Yeah, her calling me a slut is sort of a pot - kettle thing, isn't it? Maybe Adam has a point about guys like our Ranger Alcott, he just brings out the natural in us girls. It's purely a physical thing, but I'd jump his bones in a heartbeat!"

Kori agreed. "Me too! We can take turns, we'll both give him a nice slow blowjob, the you can ride his cock while I ride his face, then we'll trade off..."
Kristi smoothly picked it up "oh yes, then we can get on our knees, side by side and he can go back and forth between us, the human jackhammer..."
back to Kori - "but we need to flip a coin for which one of us gets his first juicy load and where..." then Kristi again "oooh, I can just feel that big thick cock inside me, spraying and twitching..."

I was shaking my head, and finally Ron reached the breaking point. "Fucking women, we're right here!! Me and Adam, your apparently insignificant others, are right here - we can hear you! For cripes sake!"

They both broke down in gales of laughter, grabbing each other's arms and clinging for support. When they could speak again, Kori looked at Ron. "Oh boy! Sorry dear, but that was too good to resist! You caved faster than I thought you would. I'd have bet on Adam to explode first, but you pussied out."

Kristi joined her. "You poor babies, did we injure your delicate masculine egos?" She chuckled. "That was just way too easy! You guys are way too gullible, you know that?"

I looked at them. "Unbelievable! So you two set up that whole thing? I'd expect that of Kristi, but K, I always thought better of you!"

Kristi grabbed the back of my neck. "Hey, watch it mister! And no, it wasn't a set-up, just spur of the moment. It doesn't require a lot of set-up to get you guys."

I had no way to argue that last point, not at that precise moment, so I didn't try. "Maybe you'll both be disappointed. Kristi doesn't seem to think we'll ever see him again."

Kristi looked at me. "You assured me that we would - did you change your opinion?"

"No, I still think he'll find you. Wherever I try to hide you, I have a hunch he'll show up. Fucker!" Kori giggled, and I looked at her. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you. If he brings along his cohort, the lovely Ranger Butch, I think you'll be otherwise occupied. What do you think Ronnie, is your wife a natural bottom or top, because I got the sense that Mistress Julia is definitely a top. She did mention delivering a spanking, as I recall."

Kori made a soft moaning sound, and visibly shivered. Ron laughed. "Was that a shiver of trepidation, or arousal?"

Kori smiled. "A little of both, I think. I believe she mentioned spanking you too, Adam, so be careful what you ask for."

I'd conveniently forgotten that! "Believe I'll have to pass. You go ahead though, it's all right."

Kristi had grown impatient with the conversation, and she took Ron's hand and pulled him to his feet. "Come on, let's go back in there where we can be more comfortable. We have a little unfinished business, you and I. You too Kori, if you want. Adam has to clean up first."

I objected. "Hey! I did the cooking, I shouldn't have to do the clean-up too. That's not how we usually work it."

Kristi sniffed. "That's because we don't usually have a panty wearing slave. You'd better get busy or you'll miss all the good parts."

I stood and stared at her, my hands on my hips, but she just gave me her best radiant smile. "Having fun yet? Oh, and by the way, out of those shorts, it's time to get back into your role. Panties only!"

I shook my head as I grudgingly obeyed her and removed my shorts. "You know the part I'm going to enjoy? The part where I redden that cute little behind of yours, that's the role I'll enjoy."

She laughed. "Me too, but that's a totally different game. Don't mess things up. Now be quick, chop-chop!" She led Ron back into the living area of the lounge, to the loveseat across the room that faced the galley where I was to clean up. I knew she'd chosen that one intentionally, so that I could see. Ron lowered himself onto the seat, leaning back into the deep cushion at the rear, and Kristi folded one leg under herself and sat sideways, facing hm.

Kori glanced down at my crotch before joining them, and laughed. "It looks like that little thong is trying to divide and conquer. Is that as uncomfortable as it looks?"

I looked down. I had a nut dangling out each side of the skinny crotch band - miraculously the left one on the left side and the right on the right - and my flaccid cock hung five or six inches out the left side as well, twisted upside down and about half-strangled. "No, it's actually considerably more uncomfortable than it looks. You probably didn't think that was possible."

She laughed. "Well, hurry up with your chores and come join us. I promise I'll fix that for you." She wandered away, taking a seat on Ron's oposite side. For the moment they were all just sitting and talking, Ronnie clearly enjoying having these beautiful women on each side of him. Who wouldn't? As I watched, Kristi reached out and snaked one hand up the leg opening of his shorts, creeping up until she found what she was looking for and then starting a slow, less than subtle stroking motion. While I stood here, in that horrible thong, she was slowly jerking off my best friend. The pang of jealousy and the jolt of arousal hit simultaneously, and I powerd myself to turn away and begin cleaning up.

I hurried, putting things away in the cabinet and refrigerator, and quickly threw the dishes in the dishwasher. When I glanced in again, Ron and Kristi were kissing, and Kori sat very close, watching them, a look of intense arousal on her face. As I stared Kori reached out and touched Kristi's hard nipple, through the tight shirt, stroking and lightly pinching it, and I saw Kristi quiver.

I had saved our wine glasses, and I refilled them now. We were going through a good bit of our wine supply tonight, but Ron had brought plenty. And we still had beer and lots of other adult beverages, so we were in no imminent danger of a dry spell. It just seemed like tonight a nice buzz might do us all a world of good.

I had some hope that getting a little takes might help me to understand this sickness I had, this desire to see Kristi engage in sex with other men, the need to watch her in the throes of passion. The fact that I even expected that probably spoke to the fact that I might have had enough to take already. If nothing else, maybe more holy water would dull the hurt, dilute the guilt and self-loathing that always accompanied the pleasure and excitement. That seemed much more likely. Maybe I could postpone the unpleasant parts of being cuckolded to accompany tomorrow's hangover.

I looked at them from just a few feet away as I set their wine glasses in front of them. They were totally involved in each other, ignoring me on purpose or otherwise, and I realized that the fact she was with Ronnie instead of someone else did ease the sting considerably. Like I'd told him, I was really pretty much OK with that aspect, I trusted him. That didn't help the guilt I felt for enjoying it however; no matter how I approached it, I just couldn't seem to reconcile that, or rationalize it away.

I looked down. She had him unzipped now, his hard cock in her hand as she squeezed and stroked it. He wasn't large - actually pretty small, but Kristi seemed to be completely enjoying stroking and touching him, letting her fingers explore his stiff penis and swollen balls. Kori was openly fondling Kristi's breasts now, her tight shirt pushed up to bare her tits. Her nipples were extremely erect as Kori touched her, and she paused in her masturbation of Ron long enough to pull her shirt over her head. She threw it to the floor, then raised up enough to strip off her thong, which she laid carefully on the arm of the loveseat before repositioning herself, straddling Ronnie's hips.

I slowly lowered myself onto the other loveseat, so that I could see the action, needing desperately to see the moment they first joined. The fucking thong pulled at me, my cock now nearly as hard as his, tied in string but straining to reach my left hipbone.

She lowered herself until the tip of his cock just touched her pussy, moving her hips to rub herself against his rigid cockhead, not allowing him to enter her. She looked at Kori. "I'm about to fuck your husband."

Kori nodded. "Yes."

Kristi smiled at her. "Pull his pants off for me, OK?"

Kori nodded again "Yes." She kneeled and tugged Ron's shorts down to his ankles, then helped him lift his feet out of them. Ron tried to penetrate Kristi as he raised up to let Kori access his pants, but she laughed and dodged, in complete control. I knew then that she had intentionally waited for me to be there.

She lowered herself again, to where she was just touching him, stroking his straining erection with her soft, wet pussy lips, teasing, torturing. I could see that the head of his cock was becoming wet with her juices, and knew she was intensely aroused.

Suddenly Ron leaned from in front of her and looked at me. "Adam?"

That was all, one word, my name, but he was asking me so much! We looked at each other for a moment, and from somewhere a voice - not my voice, though it seemed to come from my throat - said softly "You can't stop now."

And Kristi lowered herself onto him, taking him all the way, deeply into her aroused pussy, her ass sliding down to press against his big balls. I heard her moan, and him groan, and fireworks went off in my constricted balls. I almost came then, almost, but then Kori crossed to me and touched me. "Adam, can I sit with you while we watch our lovers love each other? Aren't they beautiful?"


Posts: 492
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You're in the zone with your writing Stormy. That was an extremely erotic segment. I loved Kristi ordering Kori to take off Ron's pants. Don't know what it was, but I found that very hot.

Very well done my friend.



Posts: 4050
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Again you show you us that you are the master of the sex scene.




Posts: 46
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I just finished page 4 and this is the best story I have read it is hot hot hot.


Posts: 1459
#774 · Edited by: stormydog
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TrF2 & GH, thanks for the comments. I value your support very highly.

neohbi, welcome to the story, and thanks for the very kind words. You have some serious reading to do to catch up! Pace yourself, and take plenty of liquids. I hope you enjoy the ride.
P.S. If you haven't read it yet, I'd like to recommend Courtesan, at this site. It's a great story.

Beautiful? I guess I'd have to say that Kristi certainly was, her long, soft hair moving with her, swaying as she slowly rode up and down on Ron's stiff cock, the ridges of muscle in her supple back moving beneath her smooth bare skin as she ground herself down onto him, her firm ass meeting his balls and pressing on his thighs each time she descended.

I couldn't really see much of Ronnie, his legs of course, muscles working as he strained up to meet her thrusts, and his swollen ballsack, but not much else. Occasionally a glimpse of his wet cock as it slid out of her pussy, or just as he thrust back in, but of necessity she was taking short strokes, so his cock didn't show much. As I watched his hands came around her hips and grabbed her ass, squeezing into the flesh and muscle of her perfect bottom as he grasped her, using his grip to drive her more aggressively onto his rock hard erection. I couldn't look away.

As Kori lowered herself beside me I agreed with her. "They are. Very beautiful." I was extremely conscious of the warmth of her body as she leaned into me, and I put my arm around her. She still wore Ron's shirt, but as she curled into me it rode up so that her bare hip was against my own, and I could feel her soft, smooth skin. She smelled great, feminine and slightly musky, and when her hand found where my hard cock poked out of the thong and her fingers began to lightly touch me I groaned.

She raised her eyes to mine, smiling, whispering. "Feel good?"

"Oh yes, feels great."

"Are you OK with all this? Are you enjoying watching them?"

"Can't you tell?"

She giggled. "Oh. Of course, silly me!"

Kristi glanced over her shoulder at us when Kori giggled, her eyes flicking briefly to where Kori's fingers lightly stroked my aching flesh. Her lips turned up into a small smile, a momentary thing before she turned back to focus her attention on Ron. Knowing we were watching her, and that we had a clear view of where she and Ron were joined, she raised up off of him, letting his thin, stiff cock slip out of her and leaving it sticking up rigidly above his swollen balls. I heard him gasp as his cock twitched in the air, slick and gleaming with her wet arousal, a small trickle of her fluids slowly sliding dowm his balls.

She leaned forward, showing Kori and I her open, dripping cunt, lips swollen and flushed, engorged with red, and her small clit jutting out, hard with arousal. She pumped her hips, rubbing her sensitive clit against the equally sensitive tip of his cock, her motions becoming more rapid and frantic as her arousal heightened before suddenly thrusting herself back onto him, taking his entire cock in one deep, abrupt thrust and crying out with her orgasm. All of her muscles tensed up as she ground herself against his pubic bone, cumming, crushing her erect clit against him and grinding her pussy onto his cock.

Ron gripped her ass and thrust hard against her, into her, and I grabbed Kori's hand where she was now vigorously pumping my cock, stopping her motion and squeezing hard to abort the launch that was mere seconds away! I fear I would have showered both of us with a massive load had I not stopped her just in time, and as it was I had to take a deep, calming breath and do a couple of math equations to quell the urge.

I looked at Kori. "That was close! Sorry I had to stop you, but if I would have cum when they did I would have fucking drowned us!" We were still whispering, trying to be considerate of the nearby lovers.

She smiled at me. ""Ronnie didn't cum. You're too in tune with Kristi's orgasms if you can cum from six feet away just because she did! But it would have been fun anyhow, you know."

I was still too stuck on the idea that Ron hadn't cum to consider the rest of her statement, but it appeared she was correct. As Kristi leaned forward and collapsed with her breasts and throat to his face, he resumed slowly pumping his hips, thrusting his still-rigid little cock into her wet heat. I don't know how he managed it, because what she did to him would have had me spraying like a firehose. It almost did anyway, even though she had never touched me!

Kristi slowly sat up on Ron's lap, holding him inside of her as she stilled, looking down at him. "God Ronnie, that felt so good! Thank you for that, it was incredible." She took a deep breath as she reached over and picked up her wine glass from the table, still sitting on his hard cock. She took a long draught from it, then held it to his lips as he finished it, for some reamister an act that I found both intimate and arousing. I couldn't remember her ever holding a take to my lips while I was deep inside of her.

As Kori slowly began to stroke me again, her fingers wrapped as far as they could reach around my hard shaft, Kristi reached out and set the empty glass on the table and looked down at Ron. "So, Ronald, what do you want to do now?"

I heard Ron laugh. "What do I want to do now? I want to fuck some more Kristine, that's what I want to do now!"

Kristi laughed. "Good! I was hoping you'd say that!"

I'm not sure if her flipped her over, or if she grabbed him and pulled him along, but they rolled over sideways toward the other end of the loveseat, ending up with Ron superior, between her widespread legs, with Kristi on her back looking up at him. His cock slipped out of her in the process, but she quickly reached down and guided him back into her pussy, thrusting her hips up to take every last millimeter. Except for the cooperative effort to get his cock back inside of her as quckly as possible it almost looked like they were wrestling!

Ron grabbed her legs and pushed them up and apart, getting his shoulders under them so that she was spread-eagled, ass up, his stiff cock as deeply into her as possible and his chunky balls bouncing against her puckered little asshole with each thrust. He began to vigorously pound himself into her as she bucked and cried out beneath him, her fingers scrabbling at his hips and back before digging into the muscles of his ass and pulling herself tight to him, meeting his thrusts.

Kori smiled proudly. "That's my stud, my mighty stallion! My baby's got his mojo working now, look at him go!"

I was. "Fuck! I guess so! How long can he do that?"

She grinned again. "Usually quite awhile - with Kristi, who knows? He's been fantasizing about her for awhile now, he could pop anytime." I heard Kristi gasp out a second orgasm as Kori looked at me. "Adam, stand up, let's get you out of that stupid thong before you lose red supply to all your best parts."

I rose, groaning. "Thank you! Get me out of this fucking thing and I'll kiss your feet."

She laughed, slipping her fingers under the string waistband of the thong where it was cutting into my hips. "Ok, you can start with my feet and we'll see how it goes." She rolled the thong down my hips, tugging downward from there.

The ass string wrapped momentarily around my scrotum as she did so, yanking at my testicles with her tugs. "Hey, careful!"

She giggled. "Oops, sorry!" Did I hurt Butch and Sundance?"

I laughed. "No, they're tough hombres."

"Oh, too bad! I was going to kiss 'em and make it better."

"Oh. Well, it did kind of hurt. Quite a bit, actually. Especially Sundance."

She shook her head. "You're so smooth!" She dropped the stretched out, cum-stained thong on the edge of the loveseat where she sat. "Which one is Sundance?"

I slipped my fingers behind my right teste, raising it to her lips. "This one."

She licked it, a soft "Mmmmm!" escaping her lips, then sucked my entire right ball into her mouth, sucking hard and prodding it with her tongue. I groaned and leaned back, giving her full acces to my balls. It felt incredibly good, and my cock throbbed. I looked down at her face, past where her hand was pumping up and down my swollen cock, her gripping fingers failing to meet by half an inch or more as she squeezed my erection.

She looked beautiful, her eyes softly closed and a flush of arousal on her face, lips fastened tightly over one testicle, the other against her chin and a light sheen of perspiration shining on her forehead and cheeks, hair slightly matted to the sweat at her temples. I told her so. "God K, you look so beautiful with my balls in your mouth!"

Her eyes flicked open, looking up at me as she pulled her lips back, letting her teeth slide over the delicate skin of my scrotum, biting down lightly on my testicle. "Ouch! Hey, that was meant as a compliment!" She bit slightly harder. "Ow! Fuck! OK, I'll just shut up now."

She nodded silently, her nod tugging at my nut as she closed her eyes again and went back to sucking at me. No more biting. I kept my comments to an occasional appreciative moan after that. I looked over at Kristi and Ron, watching her feet flail in the air as he plowed her, seeing her toes spread, then curl as she approached orgasm. I heard her go "Unh, unnhh UNNNHHH, UNNGGH OH FUCK! Oh god, fuck me, fuuckk meee!" and her toes curled tight, her back and her feet arching as she came hard, and I knew her pussy would be clamping on his cock, squeezing tight on him.

With that ringing in my ears, and swirling in my brain I closed my eyes and concentrated on not cumming as Kori switched her loving attention from Sundance to Butch. As she gave him equal time, I became aware of the wet, flesh-slapping sounds that Ron and Kristi were making, the noise of their fucking more or less overpowering the gasping and naturalistic grunts of their rutting. And rutting they were now, not so much making love as just flat out fucking the cuckolds brownie out of each other, his balls slapping wetly into her ass with each thrust, her grunts of pleasure as he slammed into her matching his grunts of effort. It had become an athletic event, both of them competing to out-fuck the other! I should have known - those two can't do anything without it becoming a competition!

As I stared at this spectacle Kori let my second nut slip from her lips, squeezing it just to the edge of pain between her teeth as she did so, exquisite pain. She looked up at me, licking her lips, smiling. "Big fucking balls Adam, that made me so horny! God I love the feel of a set of big fat balls in my mouth!" She slipped her wet lips over the head of my cock, taking two long slow dips down my shaft as she took it to her throat, as deep as she could without gagging, letting her tongue wrap and dart around me.

Too soon, after she'd barely gotten it good and wet, she let me slip from her lips. "There, that should hold you! My turn now - you can start with my feet, like you promised."

She pushed me back onto the loveseat, my head propped against the arm, and positioned herself the opposite way, her head to the other arm. She raised one foot and twirled it at the ankle before rubbing it up my stomach and chest as she straightened her shapely leg, slaying her toes against my chin before slowly bringing them to my lips. I grasped her foot, under the heel with one hand and across the top of her instep with the other, and nibred gently at her toes. She giggled.

I ran the tip of my tongue under her toes, in the hollow between the ball of her foot and the toes, then trailed it down her foot, ball to arch to heel, and back up again, her foot twitching as I touched her sensitive arch. I licked the ball of her foot and then paused, looking at her. "You licked my balls, the least I can do is lick yours."

She giggled. "Stupid, but it does feel good! Do my toes!"
As I began to suck on her toes she brought her other foot up, knee bent, and slid it up my thigh until it met my groin, her foot grinding into my balls, her toes touching the thick base of my hard cock. I groaned, and sucked on her toes. She moaned, and rubbed her foot into my balls. We seemed to have discovered something about each other.

As I became more aggressive with her foot, biting at her toes and licking her sensitive arch, she became more aggressive with her other foot, grinding it into my balls, sliding it roughly up my hard shaft and pressing it tightly to my belly. When she slid back down she ground her heel into my scrotum, crushing my balls to my body. It hurt, a deep ache, and I almost came.

I gasped and pulled away, and she yanked her foot back. "Did I hurt you?"

"Yes, a little. Do it again!"

"Adam! Are you sure?"

Before I could answer I heard Kristi cry out again, another orgasm, and she slapped at Ron, digging her nails into him and pulling his hair. "OH goddamn! Ohhh fuck, oh fuck you!" and then suddenly he was groaning too, grinding out "Cumming, oh fuck, I'm cumming!", and Kori and I both stopped to watch them climax together.

Ron jammed hard into Kristi, driving himself until his balls were crushed to her ass, his scrotum stretched back to contain them as he held himself in her and came, the muscles of his ass flexing with each spurt, and the inch or so of his cock visible behind his balls spasming and pumping as the blasts of semen shot through his penis. Her heels beat at his shoulders, and I could see her pussy contracting and spasming, clutching at him, milking the cum from his body, demanding every drop he had.

Kori's foot spasmed with her arousal at watching them, crushing itself into my balls, and I groaned and dug my nails into my palms to keep from crying out, and from cumming.

After spurting his cum into Kristi for what seemed like a very long time, Ron collapsed on top of her, letting her legs drop, her feet going to the floor, both of them gasping for air, slick with sweat and other fluids. Kori looked at me. "Wow! Think they enjoyed that?"

"I think so. We'll ask them - in a little while." I heard Kristi snicker weakly, having heard us. Still trying to catch her breath, she made no effort to answer.

Kori gently rotated her toes against my balls, her other foot still near my face. "Did I hurt you again?"

I nodded. "But in a good way. It's right on that line, but fuck it feels good right now for some reamister!" I bit her toes again, gently, and she gasped, pulling her foot away.

"Enough! I can't get any hornier, and I can't cum from that."
She pushed herself back slightly, partly sitting up, and put one foot against each side of my cock. "I could give you a foot job!"

"Yes, you could. You are."

She was rubbing me between her feet, letting her heels grind into my balls with each downstroke. She giggled. "Hey, your dick is longer than my feet - I guess that makes you over a foot long! I thought you said you were only ten inches!"

I laughed and tickled her foot, causing her to jerk it back. "You have small feet, and no, I don't think I ever told you I was 'only' ten inches."

She actually blushed. "Oh, that's right! Kristi told me. We were comparing notes - you know how us women are." She obviously had no clue how much men dread that whole idea, women sharing secrets about them.

I suddenly grabbed both of her ankles and pulled her to me, almost causing her to fall off the small sofa. She gasped and grabbed at me in surprise, and I got her wrists and pulled her up to a sitting position, and then over me, ultimately getting her positioned with her pussy near my face. I buried my mouth in her steaming cunt, lapping at her hard clit, pushing my tongue far into her dripping wet opening, and she cried out, grabbing my hair with both hands as she drove herself against my face, against my probing tongue, ground her clit to my lips and teeth, and came, wet, hot, and hard, right in my face. She had not been lying about being horny.


Posts: 492
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All right there Stormy. Ron and Kristi just fucked the hell out of each other, Kori got hers, you need to take care of my boy Adam. I think turnabout is only fair play. Time for Kristi to have to sit back and watch her man laying some pipe.

Just kidding, really enjoyed that segment. Very intense.




Posts: 4050
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I agree with Trf2. That was a great segment. I am very curious to see what happens next between Adam and Kristi.



Posts: 46
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I made it to page 10 I haven't read anything as hot as what you have written. I enjoyed Sue with her big clit. I was fucking a girl who was pregnant that had a clit that was almost as big as my thumb Half as long but it was like sucking a small cock. I kept looking at her stomach just to make sure was pregnant.


Posts: 1459
#778 · Edited by: stormydog
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TrF2 & GH, it does seem like Adam and Kristi need to interact again soon, in one way or another. I'm hoping they will. In fact, I'm almost sure they will!
Thanks, as always, for the comments.

Thanks neohbi, I loved your comment about checking her stomach, very funny! Yes, I'm a big fan of that little organ myself. I love it when it decides to come out and play!

Kori gradually wound down a little, her urgent thrusts slowing and her thigh muscles relaxing their grip on my head. She continued to move herself against my mouth, more gently, slowly pumping her hips back and forth to allow me access to her entire pussy. I pushed my tongue into her, then let it slip back to lightly caress that sensitive spot just between her openings, teasing her, near her tight little anus before again thrusting as far into her vagina as I could. She held very still for a moment, allowing me to do that, enjoying the sensation of my tongue exploring inside of her, before moving so that my tongue slid slowly forward, parting her swollen wet lips until it encountered her hard clit.

She gasped and shuddered, that rigid little nub still hypersensitive following her orgasm, too soon, Kori not yet able to stand for it to be touched. She lifted herself from my face and collapsed limply beside me, wedging herself between me and the back of the loveseat. She felt soft and warm stretched out against me and she lay still for a moment, trying to catch her breath. When she finally did so she reached up to kiss me, her lips and tongue lingering on mine, tasting the results of her own arousal. She shivered. "God! Cumming tastes almost as good as it feels! Thank you, I really needed that."

I hugged her to me. "K, you are more than welcome, believe me! It was entirely my pleasure."

She giggled. "No, not entirely, I assure you." She nestled more tightly against me, enjoying that post-coital closeness. Of course, only one of us was post-anything, but it did feel good to hold her, and I enjoyed the fact that I had been able to give her such pleasure. I glanced over at Kristi and Ronnie on the loveseat opposite us. They had slid down to the very edge of the cushion, Ron kneeling on the floor, still between her legs but obviously no longer inside of her. As I looked he moved aside, flopping over onto his back alongside of her, pretty much mirroring her position, sprawled and spread-eagled, both temporarily exhausted.

I watched as a small trickle of cum escaped her pussy, running down her ass until it met the cushion, then drippping wetly down the front of the loveseat, darkening the fabric with wet streaks. I remember thinking I was glad that the boat was a rental, even though I knew one of us - probably Kori - would make an effort to clean up our messes. Ronnies limp cock had shrunk back to an unimpressive one inch nub, but a wet and very satisfied looking one inch nub! He also seemed to have a good bit of cum spread over his balls, and I remembered Kristi's earlier surprised but admiring comment about the volume of his output.

Kori sighed contentedly next to me, her hand dropping to my throbbing cock. She gripped me, giggling softly. "Poor Adam, everyone gets their jollies except you! I don't suppose it would be fair to let that situation stand, would it?"

I nuzzled her ear, tensing the muscles in my groin so that my cock swelled in her hand. "No, I don't suppose we should even consider letting that situation continue. I seem to remember somebody teasing me with just the slightest beginnings of a blowjob..."

She squeezed me. "What, so that you can crack wise about how cute I look with your cock in my mouth? Just forget that, mister!"

"Jeez K, you try to give a girl a nice compliment and what does she do but get all bent out of shape about it! I said you looked beautiful!"

She snorted. "Sure, with your balls in my face!"


"Don't you dare say it! I do love the feel of this big hunk of meat in my hand though, very sexy." She started stroking me, long, slow strokes, her hand sliding up over the slick head of my cock, stretching my skin up to give me a momentary foreskin with each stroke. "How about just a nice, slow handjob for everyone to watch?"

I groaned. "Pretty sure that would work wonderfully. Could get a little messy."

Kristi looked at us, her tired eyes following the movement of Kori's hand on me, not saying anything.

Kori giggled. "Well we sure don't want messy! I have an idea." She reached up and grabbed the dreaded thong from where she'd dropped it on the arm of the loveseat and wrapped it around me, the small triangle of cum-stained fabric covering the head of my penis. She got all the miscellaneous strings wrapped around my shaft, pulling one down around my balls and twisting it several times until it tightened into a small noose around the top of my scrotum. With that done, every time she pulled the rest of the damn thing up and down my cock it tugged at my balls, tightening up and lifting them, a strange but not entirely unpleasant sensation.

She stroked me this way, with the silky fabric and strings of the thong against my sensitive flesh, in my opinion a much more effective use for it than me wearing it. In fact, this was very possibly the second-best use anyone had ever come up with for a tiny thong! It felt good, and my cock swelled to extreme rigidity, my balls aching for release, and I groaned at the sensation as I watched a dime-sized wet spot appear through the already stained fabric.

Kristi saw that too and smiled, reaching out for her own thong panties and raising her feet to slide them on. She lifted her ass and pulled them into place, and for the next couple of minutes I watched a wet spot blossom and grow in the crotch of her panties, much as the one over the tip of my cock did with Kori's continued stroking. Eventually she reached down and touched herself gently with her fingertips, feeling the slickness of Ron's cum oozing slowly out of her and through her stained thong, the cranberry/magenta color of the fabric changing to a dark burgundy shade as it became wet. When she pushed the fabric against her wet sex I could see the whitish, cloudy seminal fluid seeping through the thin knit.

She raised her fingers and looked at them, wet with semen, then sniffed at it before touching her fingers to her tongue, sampling the mix she and Ron had created. She rolled toward him and kissed him firmly on the lips, cupping her hand over his worn out sex and squeezing it as she did so, then rose easily to her feet, leaving Ron alone, exhausted.

She crossed to us, stopping right next to us and watching for a few moments as Kori continued to masturbate me with the satiny thong. She touched the tip of my cock, on the wet spot, with one finger. "You're leaking."

I groaned. "Mmmm. By sheer coincidence, so are you."

She laughed. "No doubt - more like gushing than leaking!" Kori giggled and Kristi smiled at her before going on. "Does that feel good?"

I gasped. "Incredibly so, yes."

"So you admit that you like the feel of women's underwear on your body."

I chuckled. "Like this, yes. But don't get any ideas."

"Too late. I already have an idea, if it's OK for me to join you two."

She left it as a question, and Kori quickly agreed that it would be fine. I nodded. "By all means. Now I'm curious."

She touched herself again, between her legs, then held her wet fingertips to my lips so that I could taste her. I licked her fingers, and she smiled. "Well, I thought that since you seemed to enjoy having cum-stained panties rubbed on you, maybe you'd like fresh ones even better."
She straddled me in one smooth move, nestling her knee and calf between Kori and I as I moved out slightly to make room. She lowered herself onto me, the semen-wet crotch of her panties pushing down onto my cock, trapping it between my stomach and her thrusting pelvis. Ever so slowly she started sliding the wet silk of her panties against my heated flesh, moving her hips to hump herself against the underside of my swollen shaft, the leaking cum quickly lubing us.

I gasped. "Oh my god!"

Kristi smiled, the sparkle and heat returning to her tired eyes. "So you like my idea?"

"Oh my god!"

She chuckled as she thrust against me. "I'll take that as a yes. I'll bet you never thought panties could feel so good on you, huh?"

I groaned again. "I've seen the light! Ohhh fuck - OK, I believe!"

They both laughed, and Ronnie raised his head and looked on groggily, taking in the situation. Kori slid one hand behind and under Kristi and gripped my balls, tugging gently at the entangling cord. With her other she pulled the fabric of the thong away from my cock, letting her fingers stroke and touch the cum-slick head of my penis as Kristi ground herself against my shaft. I could feel the wetness, Ron's cum combined with Kristi's own juices covering my cock and oozing underneath, between it and my stomach. It was slippery and erotic, Kristi's heat and her wet pussy pumping against me, only the thin, slippery, cum-soaked knit of her tiny thong preventing me from entering her.

I reached up and squeezed her tits, letting my fingers move to her hard nipples, gently pinching and tugging at them before cupping her small tits while my thumbs continued to tease her, flicking and dragging across the rigid tips.

Now she moaned. "Ohh, mmmm! God, I didn't intend for me to cum!"

I smiled. "Are you going to?"

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Probably, if you keep that up." Suddenly her eyes flew open and she gritted her teeth. "Oh god, Kori, ohhh!"

It startled me. "What? What's wrong?"

She spasmed against me, grinding down on my cock. "Kori just shoved her finger up my ass is what! Oh Kori, fuck you! Oh damn!"

I looked at Kori, who was grinning wickedly at Kristi. I saw her arm flex as she pushed more deeply into Kristi, eliciting another gasp. "It's my middle one too - the longest one. Feel!" And she thrust again, Kristi jumping forward and crying out. Kori giggled evilly and went on. "That's the problem with these little skinny thongs, sometimes you leave yourself dangerously uncovered - anything can happen!"

The feel of Kristi thrusting her wet pussy against me through the soppping panties, her groans and the sensation of her hard nipples in my fingers, and the knowledge that Kori had her finger far up my lady's tight bunghole was suddenly too much for me, and I felt myself pass the tipping point, the spasms starting deep and strong inside of me. "Ohhh, fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm cumming!"

As the first long jet of cum shot out over my stomach and chest I heard Kristi cry out "Fuck, me too!", and her body slammed against me, cresting her own wave and driving mine on. The second spurt spattered across my left nipple and over my shoulder onto the upholstery, but I was beyond caring, I just needed it out of me. Kristi rubbed her fingers through the hot, fresh semen on my chest and slathered it onto her own nipples, making them slick and wet in my fingers, and I pinched them harder as she came, then she was doing the same to mine, pinching them almost painfully and smearing them with my own cum.

I pumped myself dry in six or seven long spurts, my cock pumping several more times in dry heaves after emptying my supply of cum. Kristi's orgasm slowly drifted to a halt shortly after my own, and she collpased onto my chest, our skin sliding wetly together, our stomachs and chests now thoroughly lubricated with sperm.

We laid there gasping for air for a minute or so before Kristi raised her head and said "Kori, you can take your finger out of my ass now."

Kori laughed. Are you sure? You seemed to enjoy it."

"Now, please!"

I felt Kori wiggle her hand. "I can't, it's stuck! You don't seem to want to let it go."

Kristi gasped, but giggled. "Kori, god! Please quit, take it out!"

Kori laughed at Kristi's begging. "Oh, OK, if you insist. But I'll keep it available, in case you change your mind!"

Kristi whimpered and thrust sorry against me as Kori gently removed her finger from Kristi's inner sanctum, recoiling from the sensation of it slipping out of her.

Kori slid down alongside me again, the three of us in one satisfied, cum soaked bundle of exhausted flesh and bone, arms and legs entangled. Kori giggled and licked my neck. "Damn Adam, you shot cum clear up onto your own neck and chin!" She licked me again. "I guess you really needed that, huh?"

I rubbed my hand across the underside of my chin. She was right! I had not even been aware of it until she pointed it out. "I guess I did. With you two on me I'm surprised I didn't shoot it clear across the room! That was incredible, amazing. Thank you both."

Kristi mumred "I knew you liked women's panties." Then she raised her head and looked at Kori, inches away. "Why did you *** me, you evil wench?"

Kori giggled and shrugged, as best she could in a supine position. "It just seemed like fun at the time!"

Kristi shook her head. "If you had to bugger someone you could have done it to him - his ass was right there too!"

Kori laughed again as she softly stroked the side of Kristi's breast. "Yeah, but yours is a lot prettier. And you know you loved it, so stop bitching."

Unable to argue with either of those points, Kristi let it drop - for the moment. She snuggled against me, gloriously wet and sticky. "Mmmm, that was very nice. Nap time now."

I think the three of us could have very easily settled in for a long nap, jammed together in a cum-soaked heap, but Ron rolled to his feet. "Nope, no, everybody up, no naps! It's almost bedtime! How about I kick on the fireplace and get a couple of towels and you guys can clean up and dry off a little bit while I get us a wee bedtime takey-poo?"

Kristi groaned. "Ronnie, go away! Didn't I wear you out enough?"

He laughed and slapped her bare, upraised ass with a resounding smack. She jumped, and swore at him, and I watched as his slap turned into a caress, then a soft, roaming exploration, his fingers slipping under the back of her thong and into her wetness.

I could hear the wet sounds of his fingers touching her, and she moaned. "Mmmm, please no more!"

He laughed softly. "Never thought I'd hear this woman say that! Have you been entertaining the football team again, 'cause I know I didn't do all that. It must be at least a quart of spunk - and lots already ran out!"

Kristi giggled and wiggled her ass. "Nope, all you stud! Now stop bragging and get us those takes - and get your fingers out of me! I want a Bailey's, on the rocks."

He pulled his hand away, wet and slippery, laughing. "I know how you like your takes babe, it's me, remember?"

Kori ordered a Bailey's as well, and I asked for a brandy, thinking warm and relaxy sounded best. He tossed us some towels and found the remote and clicked on the propane fireplace, then crossed to the bar.

We cleaned up and then sat near the fire, in various stages of dress but mostly not, enjoying our takes and each other. I had put a little soft jazz on the stereo, playing quietly in the background. It was a relaxed and comfortable moment, all of us beyond satiated and at ease in the company of those closest to us, the beauty of the place and the luxurious comforts of the fancy boat Ronnie had arranged for all adding to our sense of well-being.

For an extremely sexually charged situation, I'd found I had been much less uptight than I could have ever imagined, and had enjoyed myself far more that I could possibly have expected. I realized that was because it was Ron and Kori, and a level of trust and affection existed that didn't with anyone else, but still - maybe if I could go with the flow, like Kristi wanted me to, I could learn to be happy in this kind of lifestyle.

Then I remembered Ty, and worse, Ranger Lee, and the feeling dissipated somewhat. Fortunately, Ronnie's fine brandy took the edges off that very nicely, for the moment.


Posts: 328
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Hey Storm:

Great Job!! Interesting re introduction of the panty theme. I rememebr it from the begining of the story, Where Adam had is first time as a bull with his neighbor. The hubby wore panites. I nice highly erotic return to earlier in the story

Looking forward to whatt is going to happen when the Ranger Shows up!!!



Posts: 4050
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Another great scene. I loved the part where Kori slipped her finger into Kristi's ass and kept it there until Kristi told her to take it out. They're obviously a couple of pervs, my favorite kind of people.


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