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Adam's Journey

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Posts: 40
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Why not? I remember seeing a French Film, years ago, called "Le Pied" which was just that. The French public loved it. So think about it Stormy. It could be amazing, given your obvious talent.


Posts: 492
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We seem to be spending a lot of time talking about cock size. Come on Stormy, let's change the subject and maybe talk about some big titties. Just kidding, the story rocks. Thanks.



Posts: 4050
#723 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I have been a bit preoccupied over the past several days and this has been my first opportunity to get caught up with your story.

These last posts were outstanding.

First of all, you made Kristi even more loveable (if that was possible). She is so delightfully sweet to Ron.

Secondly you did a wonderful job of chronicling the potential stresses, pitfalls and harm that can occur when a husband tries to pressure his wife into cuckolding him.

Finally you challenged the myth that all women crave big cocks. I have been reliably informed that 6 or 7 inches is perfect. Anything larger becomes painful unless the owner is a very gentle lover. Really big cocks are fun to look at and suck but that's about it.

It has also been suggested that the man is much more important than the cock. I have been present at discussions where the old adage was paraphrased. It isn't the size of the cock that's attached to the dog, it's the size of the dog that's attached to the cock.

Of course in this case size is figurative and actually means heart or attitude. Being a bull or a stud has nothing to do with cock size. It's all about attitude.

Storm thank you for writing. You are gifted and your story continues to be a masterpiece.



Posts: 492
#724 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Quoting: goodhusband
Finally you challenged the myth that all women crave big cocks. I have been reliably informed that 6 or 7 inches is perfect. Anything larger becomes painful unless the owner is a very gentle lover. Really big cocks are fun to look at and suck but that's about it.

Funny you should mention that GH, because I've been wondering about that very thing. We all read and hear about the women taking on these huge 9 and 10 inch cocks and how much they love it, but yet when I look at videos or photos of that very thing, the look on many of the women's faces tells me that they're not feeling much pleasure, more like a lot of pain. If you pay attention to the videos, you'll notice that most of those gigantic dicks never bottom out, they only go in maybe half or a little more than half the way, so I'm guessing that the girth is what's bringing them so much pleasure? I'm thinking having a big dick pounding against your cervix might not be the most pleasurable thing in life. And as for sucking, how much fun can it be if you can only get the head and a couple of inches in your mouth? My wife says her jaw gets sore after a while with me and I'm just your normal 6" kind of guy. I would think that having one of those big dicks stuffed down your throat for any length of time would get downright uncomfortable, but have no reference point to go on.

Anyway, didn't mean to hijack Stormy's thread, just thought your comments proved very interesting.



Posts: 1459
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peak, you're right! Bigger groups do become tough to keep track of, too much going on at once. It's a 3-ring circus, for which GH has long proved a more adept ringmaster than I. You hit the nail on the head about the meticulous set-up and scene building involved. He has that ability (and devotes that kind of time and effort), I've turned out to be more of a shoot from the hip type of writer, I suppose you'd say.
As for a screenplay, sounds like fun! I do want to be involved in the casting decisions, however.

Thanks oliverra! I'd have to write under a nom de plume - like I do here - for awhile. Of course, if it was successful I could say screw that and come on out!

Hey TrF2, I like big titties! I may have even mentioned them a time or two in the story. Meanwhile, if you know somebody (strong preference that it be somebody female) with a set, have her call me...
As far as the other comment, no problem with hijacking the thread, it's an interesting topic. I too am just your average everyday 6-6.5 inch guy, and my wife tells me that in certain positions I am knocking on the ceiling. Not enough to be uncomfortable, but she notices. She claims that I'm plenty large enough, and I've chosen to try not to doubt that, but she also readily admits to a very strong visual and tactile thrill when she gets to admire or touch a larger cock. She finds it very arousing.

It took her awhile to acknowledge that verbally, but I'm not entirely stupid; her body's reaction was always pretty easy to read. Even way back before we ever talked about it, her arousal over that never failed to provoke a comparable response in me! We've seen some interracial porn lately, and that always works for her. She has speculated aloud as to whether or not black women must, on average, be larger inside, this despite the stats that the black myth is, in fact, largely a myth. But still, someone has to accomodate those big'uns once in awhile!

GH - Thanks for the kind words, and welcome back. Around where I live they'd say "It ain't the size of the dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dawg", and then spit tobacco juice. You're right though, I think the greater importance of the entirety (the whole package, not just that package) applies strongly for the majority of women. I suppose a man with a very small cock can be a very considerate and talented lover - and maybe had to work a little harder to become that - while a larger than average guy might have to be more careful and gentle with most women.

The plain ol' average guys (most of us) can just blunder ahead and hope for the best! At least that's always been my philosophy. (kidding, of course!)

I think the mental aspect is always going to be incredibly difficult, whether the husband pushes the wife or the wife suggests swapping to the husband. Most of us, maybe all, have that inate sense of insecurity somewhere within us, and this topic could readily fan even the smallest ember of insecurity into a raging blaze. It is even tougher if you truly love your partner because of the risk of loss involved. Sex is one thing, one learns to cope, but the risk of them meeting someone they prefer to you, for any reamister, will always be present. I suppose that pain is part of the thrill for the little masochist in each of us.

Discovering a partner cheating is even more shattering to both the ego and self-esteem, beyond the loss. Been there, done that, years ago - not my wife, however, she's the greatest. Fortunately for Kristi, she already knew that Adam entertained these thoughts before she screwed up, so there was a place to perhaps make a soft landing.

Sorry I got sidetracked. I had meant to post another segment, but it has gotten very late. Tomorrow, I promise!


Posts: 1459
#726 · Edited by: stormydog
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Kristi regretfully disengaged herself from Ron. "Well, I suppose we should go up above and make nice. With any luck they'll be back soon with the boat, then we can ski." She looked at each of us. "Are you guys planning on trying it out?"

I nodded. "I was hoping to, I could use a little exercise of a non-sexual nature - for a change. Not that I have any objection to the sexual kind, of course."

Ronnie chuckled. "Of course. I'm not sure if I will or not, I might. I was kind of hoping maybe they'd let me run the boat for a little while, that's more my speed, and it looks fast."

Kristi smiled at him. "I should have known! You never pass up a chance to play with powerful toys." She looked thoughtful. "Ronnie, have you ever ridden motorcycles?"

He shrugged. "Years ago. Seemed like I always had a knack for getting caught in bad weather, so I quit. Why do you ask?"

Straight faced, she said "Well, I was just thinking that if you wanted to feel something big and powerful and throbbing between your legs, that might be your best hope!"

Ron looked startled, then burst out laughing. "Oh man! It seems we've opened up a whole new avenue of possibilities for you to pick on me about! This is going to be painful - you're going to make me red, aren't you?"

Kristi just gave him her sweetest and most innocent smile, behind which lurked pure trouble for him. I laughed and stepped in. "Don't mind her Ronnie, she can be a little catty at times."

He grabbed her and pulled her into tight hug, nuzzling her neck. "I don't mind catty as long as it comes with a little pussy!"

She feigned shock and slapped him on the arm. "You are so crude! You would think maybe Kori would have taught you some manners by now, but I guess you're beyond help." She again separated herself from Ron. "Well, it sounds like they're coming back with the boat, so come on guys!"

She was right, the deep rumble of the big V-8 was definitely louder and closer, and we followed her up the stairs to the upper deck, both of us enjoying the lovely view which our obediently trailing position provided.

Sandra and Juan greeted us, which answered the question of which brother was out on the boat. We crossed the deck to the rail and watched Ty guide the boat closer to us, now pulling Britt behind on a pair of skis. He had slowed some, and it was evident that she was a more intermediate level skier, less steady than Kori and less inclined to perform any acrobatics of any kind. All the same, she looked to be thoroughly enjoying herself, and Miguel stood in the stern with with Kori and Cody, cheering her on.

She had wrapped a flotation belt around her hips rather than wear the bulkier vest, and while I was not entirely sure that met the requirements here in Utah it did make it very enjoyable to watch her, her big breasts unencumbered by anything other than her straining bikini top. As we watched she hit the wake at a bad angle and went down hard, sending up a substantial splash and leaving the tow rope skipping behind the boat.

Cody shouted to Ty, who immediately cut the engine to idle and swung the boat around, slowly returning to her. Britt waved from the surface to show she was OK, but then motioned them in, ready for a pick up.

Kristi shook her head. "Don't you know that stung a little bit! That's one advantage to the vest, much as I hate it." We watched as she handed the skis up to Cody, then took his hand and allowed herself to be helped back into the boat. The fall had dislodged her top, leaving it wrapped in a twisted knot around her neck and one shoulder, and her breasts swaying magnificently free in the sunshine. She turned and let Miguel unhook her, then slipped out of it and untwisted the mess before putting it back on, laughing the entire time about her mishap. It was clear that the guys were giving her some grief about her predicament, but she was taking it very good-naturedly, seeming not embarrassed in the least! Of course, at this point any attempt at modesty would have been a total sham.

They came slowly alongside and Cody stepped across to our lower deck, mooring line in hand. He tied them off to our rail and Ty shut down the motor as everyone came back on board the houseboat. It was decided that perhaps a bite of lunch was in order, since it was after noon, and preparations for sandwiches were quickly made. As we ate we discussed a little more skiing after lunch, with a quick consensus that by two o'clock or so everyone pretty much had to go their own way. I had enjoyed meeting these folks, good people all, and had especially enjoyed Sandra and Britt, Britt and I actually feeling like we had gotten to know and like each other in such a short time.

The girls had definitely enjoyed meeting all four of these guys - and I use the term "meeting" to encompass so much more - and I was glad we had run across them out on the lake on our way here and had more or less adopted them. We all exchanged phone numbers and addresses over lunch, promising to stay in touch but knowing it was unlikely that we would since we all lived so far apart.

After lunch Britt, Kori and Miguel began to clean up the debris, with Sandra's help. Kristi and Ron went with Ty and Cody to Ty's boat, with Juan trailing along. Before joining them I looked at Britt. "Did you have fun skiing?"

"I did, it was great! I could have done without that tumble though!"

I laughed. "Yeah, that looked a little painful. Are you going back out again?"

She smiled. "No, I'm pretty waterlogged already." She gently squeezed her left breast. "Besides, I need to pump pretty soon. I'm getting pretty full."

I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Sounds like fun! Can I watch?"

She laughed. "I thought you wanted to ski."

"I can do that anytime - how often do I get a chance like this?"

"It's not any big deal Adam, just a basic necessary function. You'd probably have more fun out on the boat, or skiing."

I put my arm around her shoulders. "Why don't we let me be the judge of that? You wouldn't mind though, if I watched you?"

She shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat - in keeping with our theme. No, I don't mind."

"Wait here while I go tell them to go without me. I'll be right back." And that's how I came to watch Britt perform her "necessary function", which for me proved to be a fascinating and somehow extremely intimate moment, despite the fact that Kori, Sandra, and Miguel were also present. And how I missed Kristi getting busted by the Park Rangers!


Posts: 492
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Boobies! Big, milk laden boobies, bursting at the seams. The very best kind.

Thanks Stormy.



Posts: 4050
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Nice segment. More and more I would like to get to know Adam, Kristi, Ron and Kori.

Thank you



Posts: 4050
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Oh foolish Adam. I do believe he is swimming in dangerous waters.

Thanks, the excellence continues



Posts: 492
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Come on GH, water filled with Big Boobies is friendly water, not dangerous. LOL

Stormy, as always, thanks.



Posts: 492
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It just continues to be my favorite story. Such interesting dialog between such nice characters. I really do enjoy it. You really should consider doing this for a living, you're a natural.

I'll be off my computer for a few days. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Miami for the Super Bowl. Cross another one off of my bucket list. A very good friend scored a ticket for me. Can't wait. Not only the game, but seeing the "Who" perform at halftime, well, it doesn't get any better.

Thanks for the wonderful story Stormy. I'll look forward to catching up.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks TrF2, you know how much I appreciate your support! Lucky you, going to the Super Bowl - sounds like a good friend to keep!! I hope you have a great trip and a fantastic time, and that you have the good sense to cheer for the Saints. Who dat playin' in de Super Bowl?
The Who, fantastic, and I heard that Carrie Underwood is doing the National Anthem, which should also be very good. She's a talent!

I hope it's a great game.
Have fun!!



Posts: 492
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Thanks Storm, this is a dream of mine come true. It should definitely be a weekend to remember. I've watched every single Super Bowl, never thought I'd get to go to one.

Yes, definitely the Saints are my favorites, my wife and I visited New Orleans the spring before Katrina hit and fell in love with the place. What a beautiful city. Our hotel was right at the corner of Canal and Burbon Streets, what a time we had. It was very painful seeing all the destruction that fell on the city and it's residents due to that hurricane.

We've been trying to get back there, but have so many other places that we would like to visit as well, there just hasn't been enough time.

The "experts" are predicting a high scoring game. Shoud be great.

'Til next time.



Posts: 1914
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Nice passage Stormy. To follow up with the American Football theme, I didn't think you would let Adam fumble the ball, so to speak.

Being British, I never quite got what that was about until last year when I was in Florida at the time of the Superbowl. Ended up with several collegues in a sports bar watching the whole game. Fantastic time, atmosphere and spectacle. Almost as good as football in fact.


Posts: 1914
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Great names Stormy. I can think of several things as well that Adam would like to do - but that would be just getting petty !


Posts: 1459
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Thanks peak, great comment! I considered using 'L. Alcock' for him, but that seemed just too obvious!

Ranger Petty rolled her eyes and muttered "Oh, brother!" I watched her. She stood looking at Kristi and Alcott, her arms crossed below her sizable breasts, a disgusted look on her face.

He glanced over at her, a quick flash of annoyance crossing his features before he turned back to Kristi. "I am going to have to cite you for failure to use proper safety procedures - in this case, not wearing your life vest."
He looked over at Ron. "You too. As the driver, you're responsible for the behavior of your pasengers, just like in a car."

Ron's eyebrows went up. "Really? If I'd have known I was responsible for her behavior, I'd have never let her get in the boat in the first place!"
Kori chuckled, and Kristi quickly stuck her tongue out at him.

Kristi moved still closer to the big Ranger, her hip touching his groin. She was clearly crowding and invading his space, but if it was making him uncomfortable he gave no sign. It was making me intensely uncomfortable, and it was beginning to make me intensely aroused! I had thought she was just trying to con her way out of a ticket, or worse charges, but now I began to think that maybe she had other ideas entirely - and, sickeningly, that thought excited me! Could she really be coming on to him, right here in front of me - and our friends?

He was only about five or six inches taller than her, but barefoot and scantily dressed she looked very small next to him. She looked up at him."Cite me? As in make me pay a fine and all? Couldn't you just give me forty lashes or something and get it over with?"

I heard J. Petty give a derisive snort.

Alcott chuckled. "In nautical terms, I suppose I could order you keel-hauled, or tie you to a yardarm or something."

Kristi smiled up at him. "I don't know what any of that means, but it sounds like fun!" She put her hand on his chest over his massive pecs, her finger touching his name badge. "What does the 'L.' stand for? Large? Lovable?" Kristi was seriously overdoing the "dumb blond bimbo" bit - I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

Neither, apparently, could Ranger Petty. "I think I'm gonna barf! C'mon Lee, let's wrap this up!"

Kristi looked over at her, her blue-green eyes flashing, then turned back to Alcott. "So it's Lee, is it? I like that name, very masculine!"

Petty snorted again. "Yeah, like in Leann Rimes, Lee Meriweather, Leigh Taylor Young - totally masculine!"

Kristi turned on her again. "What's wrong - are you jealous? Am I intruding on your turf?"

Petty looked incredulous. "What, jealous of you and him? Honey, he's not my type!"

Kristi stepped back and gave Alcott's impressive physique a once-over, her eyes lingering on the bulge at his groin which now seemed to match the other bulging portions of his anatomy. "Not your type? What about this hunk could possibly not be your type?"

He cleared his throat, blushing slightly. "Ahem. Actually, Miss Kristi, you're her type!"

We were all a little stunned by that revelation, especially Ranger Petty. "Lee! There was no need for that! Why can't you keep your big mouth shut?"

He shrugged. "You brought it up." There seemed to be a little tension between them.

Kristi recovered first. "Oh! I should have known, what with that big gun and all. Like a penis substitute."

Ranger Petty glared at her menacingly. "Actually, you're not my type either, you're too much of a fucking Amazon!" She glanced over at Kori, her eyes softening. "She's much more my type."

Now it was Kori's turn to stammer and blush - which, of course, Ron thought was hilarious! I grinned at Kori, and Ty and Cody both joined Ron in laughing at this suddenly awkward situation. Kori's hands fluttered toward her face before she recovered a little bit of her composure.

"Oh! Oh my! Gosh, thanks! That's really very flattering! I...I'm not quite sure what to say to that! You're very attractive too - and such beautiful eyes." She paused, still flustered. "If I may ask, what does the 'J.' stand for?"

"Julia. It's Julia Petty. And you are?"

"Julia, what a pretty name! I'm Kori - with a 'K' and an 'i' - Kori Bryant, and this is my husband, Ron. Of course, you already know that, you have his license!"

Julia chuckled, the added distance from Kristi and closer proximity to Kori seeming to improve her mood immensely. "Well, Kori, do you suppose you can call off your friend before she starts undressing my partner? Then I'd have to cite them both for lewd conduct in addition to the other charges - and I'd hate to have to do that."

Kori looked dubious. "I don't know. I doubt it - I've never been able to stop her before, once she gets her mind set on something." She looked at me. "Adam, do you want to try?"

Petty looked at me too. "Yeah, what about you? Doesn't this bother you?"

I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant while feeling a little sick - and a whole lot aroused - inside. "I figure she's just using her feminine wiles to try to get out of a ticket. Who am I to interfere with that?"

Ranger Julia Petty chuckled, but there was no humor in it. "Just so you know, she's got zero chance of doing that, because I'm going to write her up myself. Permisterally, I think she's got her mind set on a bigger conquest than that - and FYI, she's probably got an eighty percent chance of getting her wish answered. Just thought you should be aware of that."

My stomach lurched as she said that, and I felt slightly nauseous. My mind flashed to an image of Kristi, on her hands and knees, naked, with Ranger Lee Alcott kneeling behind her, entering her, his thick, powerful arms gripping her shoulders and pulling her to him as he thrust into her, the well-defined muscles of his stomach, ass, and thighs flexing with his thrusts, and I thought I could hear her cries of ecstasy. I swallowed the lump in my throat as electrical shocks crackled through my groin. I was painfully erect.

Returning to reality, I found Ron, Kori, and the woman Ranger staring at me oddly. I blushed and looked away, back at Kristi and Alcott just in time to see him separate himself from her self-consciously and step back. He looked at Cody and Ty. "I don't see any reamister you two need to be involved. You said it's your boat?"

Ty answered him. "Yup."

"Is it properly registered?"


"All the safety equipment work? Lights and everything?"

Ty shrugged. "As far as I know. I keep it maintained. The only problems we had today were a loose nut behind the wheel and a wardrobe malfunction."

Both Rangers laughed. "I'll have to remember that one! You guys can go, if you want to."

Cody nudged him. "Come on Ty, let's go load up and get the gear stowed away. We're just in the way here."

Ty looked like he wanted to stay, perhaps to defend Kristi, about whom he seemed to care a little too much. That was, after all, my job! He walked away with Cody, albeit ***ly.

He looked back at Kristi, then at Ron. "I'm going to issue each of you a citation for the life vest ***. It's not a big deal, something like a hundred bucks, and you don't have to appear in court."

Julia jumped in. "It's a hundred and fifty now, for the fine."

He glanced at her, then back at them. "Whatever. If you can afford this boat for just the four of you, you can afford the fine. Now, about that indecent exposure rap..."

Kristi looked at him, and I at her. I noticed for the first time that her nipples were hard and erect, jutting visibly through the tight fabric of her top, and I knew with a sick certainty that she was very aroused by him. I knew she'd be hot and wet, and that knowledge made my balls ache. She again pressed herself to him, her hip rubbing against the prominent bulge in his pants. "Be honest Lee, did you really think that the exposure was all that indecent?"

He laughed, while Ranger Petty shook her head, muttering "Jesus! Gag me with a spoon!"

They both shot her a withering look, then he grinned. "No, actually I thought it was far more than decent. But it's still not allowed. I'm going to let you off with a warning this time..."

Petty objected. "Oh, come on Lee!"

He stared her down. "Look, I'm the senior officer here. There were no other boats around, nobody to see her that wasn't a part of their group, until we showed up. So no harm, no foul, no charges. Live with it. It's not worth the court time." He turned back to Kristi. "As for you, let's be a little more careful. Wear your vest - and your suit - or next time I'm going to put you over my knee."

Kristi visibly shivered. "Oooh, I like the sound of that! When can I expect you back?"

He let out a startled laugh, slapping his leg. "I should have known better than to say that! Let me put it this way. Next time I'm going to have Ranger Petty put you over her knee. You won't find that nearly as enjoyable."

Julia Petty finally smiled. "Fuck that! If I'm putting anyone over my knee it's going to be her - or maybe him." She looked at Kori, then at me as she said that. Kori blushed, I winced, but felt a little thrill.

Thankfully, Kori distracted everyone's attention from me.
Still blushing, she looked at the compact, muscular blonde. "Julia, I probably shouldn't say this, but when you said that it made my heart start pounding. Here, feel!" She took the Ranger's hand and put it on her chest.

She left her hand where Kori had placed it for several seconds which seemed to stretch much longer, their eyes locked, each with a small smile tugging at their lips. Finally Petty slowly lowered her hand, letting it brush casually across Kori's breast, across her hard nipple. Kori gasped.

Looking down, grinning, Ranger Petty pulled out her book of citations and began to write, looking first at Ron's I.D.

Lee chatted with us as she filled out the necessary papers. "So, what do you folks have planned for this week? Are you just hanging around this area?"

I had my suspicions as to his reamister for asking, but Ron answered promptly. "No. As a matter of fact, we need to pick up some friends at Bullfrog on Wednesday evening." He frowned. "Tomorrow?"

Lee chuckled. "No, the day after. This is only Monday - you may want to cut back on your holy water intake."

We all laughed, and Ron spoke again. "Wow! It's been eventful! I thought I remembered only relaxing one night since we picked up Kristi on Sunday, but I wasn't sure. We're having a great time, and still with several days to go."

Lee smiled. "If you want to get off the boat for awhile, I'd suggest Rainbow Bridge. It's a nice little hike. Or, I could tell you how to find a really pretty little hanging lake. It's about a two mile hike up a side canyon, and not many people know about it or go there. You'd enjoy it - but watch out for rattlesnakes."

Kori nodded at me. "That's what we bring him along for. He's Mr. Outdoors, snakes and stuff don't bother him."

I shrugged. "Snakes are good people. They're on our side."

He laughed. "I wish more folks recognized that. OK, here's how you get there." He proceeded to give detailed instructions, concluding with "and it's only about half a day's sail away from Bullfrog, so you could leave by mid-day Wednesday and still meet your friends."

Ron was enthused, as was I. It sounded like a fun little adventure. Right up until Lee asked "So, do you think you might spend tomorrow night there, in the inlet below the trail?"

Kristi had her hand on his shoulder, and now she moved it, rubbing the back of his bull neck. "Probably. Why do you ask?"

He grinned. "Oh, we might check up on you - just to be sure you're safe."

As Kristi smiled at him, I noticed that her nipples were harder than ever!


Posts: 4050
#737 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Oh my! Is Kristi going to find her dominant stud? Will Kori end up playing patty cake with agent Petty while they teach Ron the meaning of the word "respect"? Stay tuned for previews of next weeks show.

Storm that was not meant as sarcasm. I loved that last segment. It was absolute artistry. You just created a classic cliff hanger. I take my hat off to you. Well done! You have a knack for bringing porn to a whole new level. I and I assume many others will be checking back.

Thank you again for giving us this story.



Posts: 1459
#738 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH. I know it's not a pure cuckold story, and that I tend to explore some other areas, but I do love the cuckold aspect of it. I can't do the dom/submissive theme as well as some others here, (notably you) so I tend to avoid it, but I think any guy that enjoys his partner with other men must be at least a little submissive! I just don't want to muck it up, so I stick to what I can do. I appreciate your notes, and especially your support.

Ranger Petty completed writing up the citations and turned to us. I thought she was going to pass the tickets and the I.D.'s back to Alcott, but she walked directly to Kristi instead and held out hers. "Here you go sweety, you've got thirty days to get this paid. Don't let it slip your pretty little mind."

The other she handed to Alcott, who passed it to Ronnie without comment and then turned back to Kristi. "Yeah, if you fail to pay on a timely basis they might send me to hunt you down."

This guy was unbelievable, the way he was hitting on her so openly! She, of course, was eating it up. She smiled coyly at him. "That doesn't sound so bad. I hope I don't accidently lose it or something. What if my dog eats it?"

He laughed as he stepped away from her and headed toward their boat. "See that he doesn't." He glanced at Petty. "I have a hunch it may be written in poimister ink."

The other Ranger just shook her head in disgust and followed him. The four of us trailed along, walking them across the deck and over to their boat like we were saying goodbye to friends or something. She jumped down into the boat and stood at the controls, waiting.

He stopped at the rail and turned to Kristi, reaching out and laying one massive hand on her bare shoulder in what looked like a very possessive gesture to me, and then he spoke. "Remember, wear your vest when you ski. I don't want to be out here searching for your body."

Kristi looked a little exasperated. "You know Lee, I'm really a very good swimmer. I can look out for myself."

He shook her slightly, gripping her shoulder and rocking her back and forth like you would a young, to get her attention. "That's not the point. First, it's the law. Second, if you go down on skis or off a Waverunner you could easily get knocked out, hit your head or something." Here he paused and let his eyes run over every inch of her body, takeing her in and missing absolutely nothing, his eyes pausing momentarily at her prominent nipples. Then he looked back at her face. "You don't look like you've got an ounce of body fat on you. If you were *** you'd sink like a damn stone - let's not take a chance on sinking something so beautiful to the bottom of the lake."

Even in issuing his warning he found a way to hit on her, so much so that even Kristi blushed, which takes some doing! And he seemed to have no qualms about doing it right in front of me! I glanced down at my chest and feet, just to make sure I wasn't completely invisible. I didn't seem to be, which mildly surprised me.

He released her shoulder then, patting her on the arm a couple of times before untying the line and jumping down into their boat. He pushed them away from us as Ranger Petty fired up the motor and immediately hit the throttle, turning them toward the open lake. He held up one hand, waving over his shoulder without looking back as we watched them shrink into the distance.

Kristi watched them go - longer than the rest of us - then turned and caught Kori's eye, pretending to fan herself with one hand. "Whew! That was very hot! I may need to start breaking the law more often."

Kori snickered. "I could tell you enjoyed that. I half expected you to push him down and mount him right here in the middle of the deck!"

Kristi smiled. "Mmmm. He strikes me as the type that prefers to do the mounting himself. But either way..."

I cut her off, muttering "As far as I'm concerned he can go mount himself!"

Kori giggled as Ronnie cut in, laughing. "Man, just because a guy's got a few muscles and comes on strong you two start wetting your panties and displaying your swollen sexual organs to him like monkeys! You should be ashamed!"

That made me laugh, easing the sting a little, but I had to get my digs in too. "Yeah, and isn't he a little old for you? What was he, like seventy five or so?"

Kristi slapped my arm playfully. "Is that a green-eyed monster I see? He couldn't have been much over fifty - if that. And he's a very well-maintained fifty, I must say. I think you're a little jealous!"

I glanced over to where Cody and Ty continued to organize their boat. They appeared to be wrapping things up. "I'm not jealous. It's just the way he came on so strong, and you seemed to be just eating it up, which only encouraged him. It just pissed me off a little is all."

Kristi nodded. "I understand. But that's not jealousy, right?"

Ron and Kori laughed, and I realized she was teasing me. "OK, so maybe I am a little jealous. I just couldn't believe how blatant he was, with me standing right there! It's like K said, if you'd have bent over, he'd have been humping you in a heartbeat!"

Kristi nodded thoughtfully. "Uh-huh. I see. And would that have been a bad thing, in your mind?"

I goggled at her for a second, then saw the corners of her mouth tic up. She got me! I laughed. "OK, OK I get the point. Still, what kind of a guy goes all pussy hound right in front of a girl's significant other? That's pretty cheesy, isn't it?"

She laughed, as Kori answered. "Oh Adam, honey, just because you and Ron are classy and have at least rudimentary manners doesn't mean all men are that way! There's a whole class of men out there that are just like our Ranger Lee. If they see something they want, they just walk up and take it. They don't give a damn who they offend, who they step on. They're very used to having things their own way - and taking it, if necessary."

I knew that of course, I'd seen it often enough in the academic and business worlds - and in the sexual realm too, as far as that goes. Just not when the possession that one of these guys wanted was mine. That made all the difference in the world. "Yeah, but still. I just thought he was kind of an asshole."

Kristi said "Yeah, maybe - but a very sexy one. I thought he was very hot." She paused. "You know, you calling him an asshole makes it a little difficult to say what I was about to say."

I looked at her. "Which was?"

She smiled. "I was going to say that he reminded me of you in a lot of ways. Like an older version of you. That's one of the things I found most attractive about him."

I frowned at her. "Oh. Well. OK, so maybe he's not a total asshole."

Ron and Kori both cracked up, and Kristi chuckled. I looked at them. "Hey, quiet down over there! Let's hear the woman out!"

Before she could expand on her point, Cody interrupted us. "Hey y'all, I guess that about wraps it up. We should probably be pushing off."

Kori turned to him. "Oh, if you must! We're sure going to miss you guys, it's been a lot of fun."

Ty joined us, wiping his hands on a paper towel. "For us too! Who ever thought that when we first hit on this poor little lonely, gorgeous, blonde babe on the dock that it would turn into this? I feel like I've found a whole new group of friends."

Kristi smiled and gave him a hug, and Ron spoke up. "Yeah, you guys turned out to be all right! And I think the ladies will be happy to second that. Plus, I did enjoy operating your boat, that's one fast SOB - even if it did cost me a hundred and fifty bucks."

Kristi looked at him. "Oh quit whining Ronnie, you can afford it."

He looked at her. "Yeah, and if you'd just learn to keep your damn clothes on we wouldn't get in so much touble!"

"That's not what you said when I took my top off!"

Ty and Cody both laughed, as did Kori and I. This was a typical discussion between Ron and Kristi, they loved pushing each other's buttons, and were quite good at it.

Cody smiled. "I can tell you guys are really good friends. We sure appreciate you letting us join in and feel like part of the family. It was very, uh, memorable." He looked at me. "Sorry you didn't ever get to ski. I kind of feel like it's the least we could have done, you know?"

I nodded. "Yeah me too, it would have been fun, but maybe some other time, OK?"

Ty agreed. "You bet - anytime! Hey, you know, we'll be around here for several more days. We'll keep an eye out for you, maybe we can hook up again later in the week. Getting you on skis will be our top priority when we meet again."

Kori sidled up to Cody and took his hand. "Well, maybe not our top priority. Ronnie and I were talking, and we'd kind of like to have your buddy all to ourselves for an evening. We thought of a few things we'd still like to explore."

Cody blushed, but seemed enthused. He bent to kiss her, then hugged her close. "Sounds good to me! We'll definitely look for you."

With that, and a quick exchange of hugs, kisses, handshakes, plus phone numbers and other contact information, they climbed into their boat and headed out, soon reaching top speed, stern down, bow up, moving quickly away until only the echoes of their big motor remained.

It had been a strange experience, exchanging friendly banter, and then hugs and handshakes with two guys that had each fucked the crap out of my woman in the last twenty four hours, each bringing her to multiple orgasms. It was an odd sensation, treating them as friends, one I didn't think I would ever become accustomed to. I hoped I wouldn't, because for now it still gave me a powerful erotic thrill!


Posts: 1914
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Nicely wrapped up Stormy. Ready for the next chapter.

I'm not sure about the submissive Adam so far. I see him more as a guy that's willing to negotiate, sometimes reluctantly or even with trepidation but one who is now willing to swap one sensation he may not fully like for another he likes more.

His journey so far has been one of trading inhibitions for pleasure, and being uncertain that such a trade is worthwhile before the event. One of the great joys of the story has been to discover that it was worth it in most cases, even if he can't get the genie back in the bottle now with some things.

I'm not sure he would get enough back the other way if he was truly submissive - but then perhaps he needs to learn that for himself.


Posts: 4050
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This is a nice way to end the party.



Posts: 1914
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Well Stormy, I watched your Saints come marching home, didn't look like it at first though. Another great advert for armoured rugby if I may say so. I wonder who Adam and Kristi were rooting for.


Posts: 1459
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Good call peak, because Adam is also not too sure about the submissive Adam. I view him as having mixed emotions about it, willing to experiment a little, but not to change his entire permisterality. At least, not yet! Pretty sure Adam and Kristi were pulling for the Saints, 'cause Kristi thinks Brees is "really cute", but Adam is usually a Denver Broncos fan

Speaking of mixed emotions, I saw a great joke in a recent email:
A husband and wife were watching a special on TV in which a psychologist was explaining the phenomenon of mixed emotions and its effects on one's psyche, and the husband objected. "That's a bunch of bull! There's nothing you could say that would make me feel happy and sad, or excited and depressed at the same time. Go ahead, try it!"
She thought for a moment. "OK. Honey, out of all your friends, you have the biggest cock."

Oh well, I liked it!

Back to your note, yes! Geaux Saints! Two great teams with classy players and coaches, but a badly needed and very emotional win for NOLA. But now I'm further confused. We have our American football. Soccer is called football in most of the world, I understand. I've been told that rugby is also sometimes called football, and on TV we have Australian rules football, and something called futbol.
Jeez! At least I know what baseball is!

Thanks GH, it may have been past due, but I had to tie up some loose ends!


Posts: 1914
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You little devil you. Is that red thong going to come back and haunt poor Adam sometime in the future then ?

Very nice passage Stormy, its always good to strip it back for a while to these 4. Now its off to find out who is going to put the Bull into Bullfrog ! I just love these names.


Posts: 27
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Fantastic! I'm still with you Stormy, waiting for the next chapter and to see where this is all going. Please continue.....


Posts: 492
#745 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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I'm baaaack................just got home from Miami. All caught up on the story, nice few chapters since I've been gone. Well done Stormy.

Super Bowl XLIV was awesome. I spent the first two quarters down on the field, standing ten feet from the Saints endzone, right up against the wall. That old saying about having friends in high places is certainly true. I had an unobstructed view of the entire field, it was incredible. Got to stay there through the half time show.

Thrilled about the Saints winning. They deserved it and I don't think anyone can deny it. It was a good game, one of the best that I can remember in recent times.

Anyway, nice wrap up of the activities on the lake. After reading Peak's comments, I kind of agree. I don't picture Adam as being very comfortable in a submissive role, but who knows. Maybe he could teach Ranger Petty about the joys of the man sausage while Kristi is getting plowed by her companion, Ranger Hardcock or whatever his name is.

Oh, by the way, there were a lot of Jeeps in Miami......................


Posts: 4050
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What a very nice episode. This story often makes me smile. I think that's a result of both your character and your s******* as a writer.

Thank you



Posts: 1459
#747 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks peak. Gotta love the idea of saving the cummed-up panties! The funny thing about the names is that many of them are real, including Bullfrog and Wahweap Marinas at Lake Powell. Pretty much all of the geographic locations and major public events (Cheyenne Frontier Days, National Western Stock Show and Rodeo, etc.) are true, actual places or things.
The character names are entirely fictional, as are most of their permisteralities and back stories, and the business establishments (Pops' Cafe, etc.).
Page, AZ, Ticaboo UT, and Hanksville UT, the site of the cafe, are real; the cafe itself and the townspeople are not, to the best of my knowledge. I probably should have started this whole thing with a disclaimer to that effect!
As far as the 'bull' in Bullfrog is concerned, we'll see!

Thanks ncalcuck, glad you're still along for the ride. Guess I'll keep on for awhile yet, since it still seems to be well-received - and I'm enjoying it!

TrF2 - Jeeps, huh? Cheap ones? (Apologies to peak, couldn't resist!).
Glad you had a good time, but find I'm suffering a serious case of penis envy; I envy yours because it got to go to the damn Super Bowl! It was great on TV (the game, not your dick), but sounds like it was incredible to be there, and the Saints won! Cross it off your list now.
And you and peak are right, I think Adam has a little more inner turmoil still ahead.

Thanks GH, that's a very kind thing for you to say, and I appreciate it. As I've said before, I wouldn't be doing this today without the inspiration provided by you and a couple of others that I've read and enjoyed. It's a small way to pay it back.


Posts: 1459
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She wriggled around, settling herself into my lap and getting the maximum amount of contact between our bodies. It felt good. I kept one arm around her, the other hand on the wheel. It didn't take a lot of my attention to drive the boat; there was one other houseboat in sight at the moment, well off our right - sorry, starboard - side near the shoreline, and two jet-skis kicking up rooster tails well ahead and moving away, their sound small like the whine of mosquitoes, and fading.

You always had to be a little alert for debris in your path to avoid damage to the hull or motor, but it was August and the spring floods were well past. Very little junk washed down Cataract Canyon and into the lake this time of year, and the lake level was dropping, so old, stranded logs and things were not being re-floated from the shoreline. As a result, I was able to keep most of my attention on Kristi. Which was perfect.

We kissed, long and sweet, and I was extremely aware of her taste and the warm, soft wetness of her mouth, and of the heat of her body in my lap, and of her soft, smooth skin. When we parted she looked into my eyes. "So you're happy?"

I nodded. "Extremely. Content, too. You know me, just being here with you is enough, and Ronnie and Kori are icing on the cake. I don't need all those other people." She was still wriggling slightly, very subtle movements of her ass against my groin. I'm not sure she was even aware of it, but I certainly was!

She kissed my neck, nuzzling me. "But you sure seemed to enjoy those other people! Admit it, you loved getting to fuck those beautiful women. I think you really have a thing for pretty blonde Britt and her big milk jugs. Be honest now!"

I smiled. "Yeah, it was fun. Strange, exciting, whatever you want to call it. And Britt's one hot lady, I can't deny that, and she's really very nice too, but I'd have been just as happy with only you. You're all the woman I ever need."

She laid her head against my shoulder. "You're sweet. You're a terrible liar, but a sweet terrible liar. Every time I looked at you your cock was hard and a different woman was attached to it in one way or another. You were having the time of your life!"

I shrugged. "I said I had fun, so I'm not trying to deny it, but you really are the one woman I want." I hesitated. "What about you? You seemed to find a number of those guys to be more than satisfactory. What did you cum, like ninety times?"

She wriggled again, shivering with pleasure at the memory. "Mmmm! Seems like it. I lost track; I should probably get one of those little clicker things to use as an orgasm counter. I had a great time!" She raised her head and looked at me. "Does that bother you?"

I nodded. "Well, we know from my temper tantrum and my unscheduled swim that parts of it did, yeah. But strangely, mostly not. You just looked so beautiful and happy, like you were in your element, and I loved seeing you that way. Plus, you kept looking at me like you were checking to see that I was all right - that helped me a lot."

She put her head back down on my shoulder again. "Well, it was important that you be happy too. I didn't want to hurt you. I'd have stopped everything immediately if I thought I was hurting you, or if you asked. I always will." She wriggled. "Are you getting hard?"

I smiled. "Of course! Seeing you naked still gets me hard every time - you know that! And with you wiggling around on my lap naked, well, I'd have to be in a coma to not get hard. I'm only human!"

She laughed, pleased with the compliment. "You're so full of crap! And I am not wiggling!"

"Try telling that to your ass, because it's definitely wiggling. Can't you control that thing?"

"Mmm, no, I think we both know I can't. So did the last day or so fulfill all of your sexual fantasies?"

That question took me by surprise! "Um, I don't know. I'm not really sure what all of my sexual fantasies are, but I don't think I could have ever dreamed up a scene like last night."

"Well, you got to have sex with two women at once - isn't that every guy's biggest fantasy?"

I laughed. "I guess it's supposed to be, but that was never a big deal for me. And if it was, it wouldn't have been in front of twenty other people, it would be just the three of us, alone, maybe snowed in in a lonely cabin in the mountains, fire crackling in the fireplace..."

She giggled. "For someone that doesn't have that fantasy, you've sure got it all planned out!"

I laughed. "Just brainstorming. I never spent a lot of time fantasizing about it."

She rubbed her head on my shoulder, her hair soft, slightly damp. "What's wrong, afraid you couldn't satisfy two women?"

I realized at once that she was teasing me. I pinched her butt, gently, and she yelped. "Babe, I think you're confused about how fantasies work. If it's my fantasy, I don't have to worry about satisfying them, now do I? In my fantasy, they have to worry about satisfying me!"

She laughed and slapped me softly on the cheek. "Chauvinist pig! I know you better than that. You'd never be satisfied if they weren't - that's a very big deal to you."

She was right, it is. I honestly think that I derive nearly as much satisfaction from my partner's orgasm as I do from my own. The feel and sound of a woman in orgasm always moves me deeply; I find it intensely exciting and erotic, and deeply satisfying somehow that I'm able to provide that much pleasure to someone. But I wasn't ready to admit that! "Well, sure, but for the purpose of my fantasy we'll put the responsibility on them. I like this fantasy better already!"

She laughed again. "You're silly! But you did have a good time, all in all?"

"I did. I think I'm fresh out of semen though, until a truck can get here and refill my tank. What about you? Did it meet any of your myriad sexual fantasies?" I was very curious about that.

She smiled at me. "You're just jealous of my rich fantasy life. And yeah, it met several of them. You watching me was the best part - I loved that, but Ty's trick cock was amazing, and Cody with his big dick and juicy loads, and Miguel and Juan, oh my god! That's a couple of really nice fat Latin cocks on those guys, and Juan can flat bring it! I had a great time, but mostly because you were here with me."

She paused, but I could tell there was something else she wanted to say. I can read her nearly as well as she can read me. I waited. She snuck her hand down between her legs and found me, wrapping her fingers around my hard cock and gripping me tightly through my shorts. "Mm, you feel nice. So big and hard!" She paused again, and again I waited her out.

She seemed a little hesitant to say anything, but finally went on. "You remember my number one fantasy though, that I told you about? I still want to do that, and soon."

"You've told me so many. Remind me." I was fairly sure I knew which one she meant, but I wanted her to say it.

She seemed embarrassed! "You know, the one with you, tied to a chair, bound hand and foot and helpless, powerd to watch some big stud just totally have his way with me right in front of you, making me do anything and everything he wanted, making me cum over and over, you watching us while he fucks me and cums inside of me." My cock gave a powerful and involuntary spasm in her hand, and she laughed. "You remember - and I can tell you still like it just as much as you did the first time I told you."

"You know how to push my buttons! Yeah, that one still works on me, I don't know why. It's weird, but I find it very intense, the idea of watching you. Maybe that's my biggest fantasy too!"

She rubbed her head against me again, snuggling close. "What would you think about doing that with Lee, if he does happen to show up again?"

I was a little stunned. "Lee? The Ranger? No. No way."

Now she seemed shocked. "What? Why not? He was very sexy and studly, I think he'd be perfect!"

"I just don't like him. I think he's a jerk - even if you do think he reminds you of an older me."

"He really does you know, in a lot of ways."

I snorted. "Sure, if I start spending half my life in a gym working out and the other half shooting steriods into my body. I'd probably have to find time to take one of those Rosetta Stone language courses so that I could learn to speak fluent asshole-ese like him too."

She laughed. "You really don't like him, do you?! I mean sure, he's got a great body, with all those muscles, but you're always in great shape too, you just don't bulk up so much. I love your body - and trust me, the ladies found you very hot!"

I'm ashamed to say her transparent flattery actually made me feel a little better. But still... "Humph! Sure - you know all those steroids probably shrunk his genitals down to nothing, don't you?"

She looked thoughtful. "No, no, I was the one rubbing my hip and leg against his crotch, and it felt to me like everything was just fine in the genitalia department. Extremely fine, in fact!" My cock again jumped in her hand, and she laughed. "Gotcha! You don't hate this idea as much as you let on!"

"He's just such a jerk is all! So damn arrogant. Why don't you think about picking someone else, if we're ever going to do this?" Truth is, I wanted desperately to do it, just not with him involved!

She sounded like she was going to get stubborn, which was usually my domain. She's also quite good at it, however. "I just think he'd be perfect. You'd enjoy it, I'm sure. At least promise to think about it. I'll do whatever you decide because we both have to be on board for anything we do from here on out, it's the only way, but just promise me you'll consider it before you say no for sure."

I sighed. "All right, I'll think about it. Don't get your hopes up or your panties damp, OK?"

She squeezed me. "Don't be mean! I sure was wet when he was touching me earlier though, really horny!" My tell-tale cock spasmed once more, and again she laughed. "Gotcha again! You're way too easy."

"I know, can't help it. But the fact that you were creaming yourself is the world's worst kept secret - your nipples were clearly announcing that fact to one and all."

She frowned. "I know! They do make it difficult for me to play hard to get when they pop out like that."

"You could wear a bra."

"Mmm, no thanks. Anyhow, I wouldn't worry too much about ol' Ranger Lee, we'll probably never see him again anyway."

I stared at her. "You're joking, right? He's got the scent of horny female in his nostrils now, he'd track you down in another state if he had to! He'll have no trouble finding you on this lake, and he'll swim to get there, if necessary. I hate to say it, but I'm sure we'll be seeing that putz again."

She shivered with arousal. "I hope so! I mean, you know, as long as it's all right with you!"


Posts: 1914
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Could you possibly be setting us all up here Stormy. I mean, you wouldn't do that would you ? No, thought not.

Great passage again. I do think you are at your most intense when it is just the two of them. Obviously its more intimate but its more than that somehow. Its the right touch too.


Posts: 492
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I hate fucking snow. Holy cuckolds brownie, it's up to my ass out there. Spent the last two days behind our snow blower, trying to clear out a path for our vehicles so that we could get to work. This really sucks. I was lucky to get home from Miami when I did, all the airports around here have been closed, no flights in or out.

Speaking of sucking (great lead in, huh?) what will Adam do if and when Ranger Rick and Kristi get their private parts together? I totally agree with Peak, you're setting us up for something special, can't wait to see how it plays out. I hope you take it kind of easy on poor Adam, he's new at this stuff.

Every time I watch "How I met your Mother" now, I look at Lilly and think of Kori, can't help it. I wonder if the girl who plays Lilly has ever done any porn, I'd love to watch it.

Stormy, you could take your penis to next year's Super Bowl, you just have to realize that it's probably going to cost you about 2 grand. I sat next to a kid on the plane ride home who went on a site called ticket$ource and bought his ticket, it cost him $1,200. There's also $tubhub. If you're thinking about it, next year is the one you want to attend. The "Palace in Dallas" is supposed to be like the Holy Grail of football stadiums. Looking further out, there will be Indy and New Orleans, don't know beyond that.

Getting back to the carnal activities, the story is so awesome, thank you.

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