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Adam's Journey

Rating: 181
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Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water..............the party continues. Great joby Stormy. Not sure why, but I liked the part when Kristi dismissed Juan, that was an unexpected little twist that you threw in there.

Man, I am ready for some warm weather, hope summer gets here soon.


Posts: 1914
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This boat ride is turning into a roller coaster. I do like the idea of control though. The fine tuning of mutual desires generating great sex not uncalled for dominance. Great.


Posts: 1459
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You're more than welcome GH, and glad to have you back!

TrF2 - That was a first-time experience for Kristi, I think she wanted to focus solely on what she was doing, and having someone screwing her was just too much interference.
Gosh, when you start talking about the weather, I worry that the story must be starting to drag a little! You're right though, too much cold. Even where I live all the lakes and ponds are totally frozen over - haven't seen that in the last 10 years! Saw a very forlorn looking Great Blue Heron standing on the ice in the middle of a pond, sure hope for his sake it warms up soon.

Thanks peak, I think Kristi exerts a more mild dominance or control, mostly through her subtle feminine wiles, but that they both get aroused by the sexual activities around them - and being able to share the experiences just makes it that much better for both of them.
I took the roller coaster up that hill so that I coud take it into the following valley...

Britt's eyes flicked around the gathered group of horny men, coming to rest when they met my own. Apparently I had been the only one actually looking at her face. I saw something in her eyes then; excitement certainly, and arousal, but also a flicker of something else. To me it looked like fear, or maybe trepidation or apprehension would be a better word, but whatever it was I didn't like seeing it and I suddenly felt guilty, a little ashamed of all five of us. It began to feel wrong, and I had to step away, but how could I do so gracefully?

A smile seemed like a good place to start, so I smiled at her. "I hope you weren't dreaming of getting gang-banged by five guys there, pretty lady, because despite the visible evidence to the contrary I'm actually kind of pooped out. I should probably take a raincheck."

She looked at me for a second or two before returning my smile, and I thought I could see the understanding and maybe even relief on her face. Ronnie caught it too, and quickly realized what I was doing. He's good that way, very intuitive. He ran with it. "And much as I hate to pass up a chance to while away a wonderful hour or so with those gorgeous boobs of yours, I should probably play the loving husband for awhile and check on my slutty wife." He laughed as he said it, to ease the sting, but even if Kori had heard him I don't think she would have taken offense. She's been known to use the same adjective to describe herself at times.

To my surprise, Ty also begged off, giving Britt a valid excuse for his doing so. "I'd have never made it anyhow, I think I've used up my quota of fucking for this morning - at least - maybe for the next week! I'm already losing it - sorry!"

He was, too, his usual upward curving erection being drawn slowly back to earth by the inexorable power of gravity. Couldn't blame gravity for the accompanying reduction in length and girth, that's just part of the equation - you know, E=mc2, or Erection=meat x circulation, squared. Pretty sure that's right, if I remember my high school physics.

Anyhow, now I began to worry that Britt might be insulted that so many of us had declined the unstated offer, afraid she might feel like we didn't find her attractive, which was most definitely not the case! I needn't have been concerned. She looked at Juan and Miguel, the only two that were still waiting. "Well, so now I'm stuck with just a couple of horny Mexicans!" They all three laughed, apparently this was a running joke of some kind in their little group. She continued. "I guess it's true what they say, Mexicans will take the jobs that Americans aren't willing to do. Fortunately for me, these Mexicans come equipped with the tools for the job!"

I started to object about the 'jobs Americans won't do' comment, but Miguel beat me to it, professing his citizenship standing. "Hey, I'm an American now, have been for years! And Juan will be legal too, one of these days, so watch what you say or I'll put you over my knee!"

Britt giggled. "Oooh, that could be fun! Well come on, I need a little of your south of the border attention." She turned to me momentarily. "Adam, before we part ways today, let's be sure to exchange phone numbers. Just so you know, that raincheck you took has no expiration date - and I'll be expecting you to cash it in."

I laughed. "Good to know - I'll keep it in a safe place!"

I watched as she took each of them by the hand and led them away, down the stairs and into the forward lounge area of our boat, both of them with their nearly identical erections wagging impressively in front of them. If Juan had been in any danger of going limp - which seemed unlikely - clearly the brief plunge into Kristi's tight heat had rejuvenated him, and Miguel had been left out of the fun for awhile, and had certainly enjoyed seeing his wife get pounded by myself and Ty. The evidence of that was considerably more plain than the nose on his face!

Britt had been a lot of fun, quick-witted and playful, and her hot body, cute face, unusual near-white hair and, of course, her big milk-filled breasts all added up to a very desirable package. A desirable package with a considerable appetite for sex, as it had turned out!

As I watched them disappear a very familiar voice spoke my name. "Adam?"

I turned to find Kristi looking at me, sprawled, legs akimbo, alongside the lounge where Sandra, the object of Kristi's most recent desires, had fallen back into a deep relax. Cody and Kori were snuggling and kissing, kind of over her shoulder as he was behind and on top of her, his quickly softening penis still inside of her. I saw Ron absorbing the fact that they were still coupled, Cody's long cock still well inside of Ron's wife.

I knew by the way Kristi had spoken my name that she wanted me to come to her, that she wanted to speak to me, so I crossed the few feet between us. She held her hands up to me. "Help me up?"

So I held out my hands and she took them, rising to her feet in one smooth, effortless feline motion and flowing into my arms, her body melting into mine like a warm liquid. She raised her mouth to mine and kissed me, her lips hot and puffy, her face wet from nose to chin and nearly cheekbone to cheekbone with the sweet residue of her Sapphic lovemaking. She tasted of Kristi's lips, and of Sandra's pussy, and of my own cum, and a little bit of suntan lotion, the only disagreeable and jarring note in her flavor, and the scent of sex filled my nostrils. Her tongue, which had so completely satisfied the dark, exotic woman, found it's way into my mouth, and I sucked at it, knowing she had been thrusting it into Sandra's wet vagina just shortly before.

We held each other that way for what seemed like a long time and I could feel the tension of extreme arousal thrumming through her body. By giving me her mouth she was sharing the flavor of her experience with me, and I was quickly becoming as excited by it as she clearly was. I felt her begin to grind her pubic mound against my erection.

A soft, disappointed "Ohhh!" from Kori made us break and look at her, just in time to see Cody's limp snake slip from her, followed by a gush of thin, whitish-clear fluid, the considerable load he had pumped into her now running out almost like water. His semen had already begun to leak from her, around his shaft even while he had still been in place, and had been dripping slowly from the V at the front of her labia and from the hood of her clit, forming several wet spots on the deck below her stomach. Now the new flood joined the flow, and we could hear it hit the deck in a series of wet splats.

Ronnie frowned. "Wow, that's quite a load there, my young friend!"

Cody was rising to his feet, and he glanced at Ronnie, then back at the fluid gushing from Kori, his semen. "Sorry. Guess I was pretty turned on, but that's because your wife is so damn sexy!"

Ron laughed. "Don't apologize - she enjoyed it, that's all that matters." He looked down at her. "You did enjoy that, didn't you dear?"

Kori groaned. "Mmm-hmmm! Oh my god!"

Ronnie thrust his Bloody Mary, half full, into Cody's hand. "Thanks mister, you were great. Now relax and have a take, on me. Meanwhile, I need to see to my wife!" So saying, he went to his knees behind Kori and thrust his face between her wet cheeks, lapping at her pussy. She cried out and dropped her shoulders and chest to the deck, thrusting her ass higher to give him better access. Ronnie groaned as he took advantage, lapping and sucking at her creamy pussy until the juices dripped from his chin as well.

Cody grimaced slightly and shook his head, sipping at Ron's take before considerately bending and retrieving the thick towel and covering up the relaxing Sandra. He returned to watching Ron devour his creampie.

I felt Kristi shiver with arousal. "God, that's so hot! I need you Adam, will you make love to me?"

I laughed and squeezed her to me. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Then she surprised me. "Not here though. Let's go down to our room, OK? I want it to be just you and me. I need you to love me Adam, really love me and make love to me, not just fuck me. Will you do that?"

I looked at her. There was arousal in her smoky eyes, and need, and love. That she loved me I had no doubt, and she needed to know how much I loved her back. And I did, so much, and I do, so I took her down to our room and showed her just how much, just her and me, alone together. And I'm not going to tell you any more about it than that. This one was private, just for Kristi and me.


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Then she surprised me. "Not here though. Let's go down to our room, OK? I want it to be just you and me. I need you to love me Adam, really love me and make love to me, not just fuck me. Will you do that?"

I looked at her. There was arousal in her smoky eyes, and need, and love. That she loved me I had no doubt, and she needed to know how much I loved her back. And I did, so much, and I do, so I took her down to our room and showed her just how much, just her and me, alone together. And I'm not going to tell you any more about it than that. This one was private, just for Kristi and me.

That's a really nice passage. So many of the stories here get confused about the fact that for cuckolding to be truly meaningful, there has to be love between the hot wife and her husband otherwise it's just a wife leaving her husband for another guy.

E=mc2, or Erection=meat x circulation, squared - Eunice Green was my high school physics teacher, she also taught women's phy ed. I am quite certain that was not part of either her physics or phy ed curriculum.

Very nicely done.



Posts: 1914
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I just can't add to GH's comments. Spot on and what I was thinking too. So I'll just say that ..


Posts: 492
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What Peak and GH said..............


Posts: 181
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"Bump up" time.

It's been four days. We're dying here. Gasp.

I'm torn between savoring this delicious story and tearing through it. Only good writing can do that to a reader.


Posts: 38
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This is real dope. Once you get addicted, you really can't leave it alone. The browser refreshes worldwide since your last update count by the hundreds, for sure. No, I'm not pressing...


Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH (and peak and TrF2, by association). Yeah, Kristi is unquestionably a horny and nearly insatiable lady, it seems, and I know she can be a little selfish at times, but the bottom line is that she loves Adam. None of the other things that she enjoys in her life would be quite as meaningful or as much fun without him to go back to, and through it all she is always cognizant of that fact, and of his love for her. But a girl needs a little reinpowerment from time to time...

As far as the physics equation, I may be mis-remembering it slightly, although in high school it was certainly true!

Thanks dr, I do plan to get the next segment posted later today. I've been a little busy, plus a little bit stuck. Writer's block. I think I'm ready though. You know, you can always go back and re-read parts if you like - I won't even charge you any extra for that!

Subtle, Cliffa! But seriously, being asked for more is a very sincere form of flattery so I don't mind at all. You might be causing me to get a litle bit of a swelled head though. Pretty sure my lovely bride will be happy to bring me back to earth. Look for more later! Thanks.


Posts: 181
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Speaking of physics, there has been a whole lot of reciprocal powering motions that lead to even more resulting coupled nonlinear harmonic motions of various pairs of topological projections on the participating torsos of both genders in this story. And that's only the physical motions.

Then there's the action-at-a-distance penumbra of responses that induce even more reciprocal motions. It's an orgy of positive feedback whose ultimate crescendo has not yet peaked, although there has been a continuing parade of increasingly larger amplitudes of preliminary singularities so far.

I just hope the fabric of space-time does not breakdown from all this activity before the story ends.


Posts: 28
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I was having some trouble really grasping this thread. Thanks for filling in the blanks because now it finally makes sense.


Posts: 1914
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Just don't forget the Butterfly Effect. Always a *******er those butterflies.


Posts: 1459
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dr - Precisely! Now I know what that Dr. before your name is all about. (Also, I thought 'Precisely' was a better answer than 'Huh?')

We had both drifted into an exhausted but fully satisfied dream when we had finished, and I awoke first. Kisti still lay in the exact position she'd been in when we had both found nirvana; flat on her stomach, arms stretched above her head, bottom still slightly raised as it had been to meet my thrusts. I had toppled off to our right when finished and lay facing her, looking at her beautiful face, so peaceful in relax.

Her long blond mass of curls and waves lay in a jumble around her head, partly obscuring her face, and she looked so incredibly gorgeous and vulnerable - stunningly sexy, yet defenseless and virginal, a study in contradiction. I was especially curious about how she could look so virginal, considering all that had transpired. I softly and lightly kissed the smooth skin of her shoulder, careful not to wake her but wanting to feel the warmth of her body, then just watched her for a few minutes, listening to her breathing, admiring her, knowing just how lucky I was to have her.

I gently brushed back one long strand of hair from her face and she slowly opened her eyes, meeting my gaze, holding me transfixed with the tenderness I could see there. We just looked at each other for several seconds, and I watched a small, sexy smile appear in her eyes and then spread across her lips.
"Thank you Adam, I needed that."

I returned the smile. "I should be the one thanking you. I'm pretty sure I needed that even more than you did."

She stretched, long and cat-like. "Mmmmm, I don't know about that. You only came once. I, on the other hand..."

I laughed. "That's just physiology. Trust me, the earth moved, fireworks exploded, waves crashed on the beach - all that stuff."

Now it was her turn to laugh. "I should hope so! I was giving you all I had to offer." I knew that was true. She looked at me for a moment before continuing. "You know, even with all the guys on this boat, and all the men in my past, they all pale by comparimister. You're the best, ever."

That was incredibly sweet to hear, and my heart swelled for a moment. I kind of figured maybe she was just trying to repair any damage her activities may have done to my ego, or to my "fragile male psyche", as she sometimes called it, but I decided to bury that thought and accept the compliment at face value. It was much easier on my vanity that way.

"Thanks. You bring out the best in me. When I'm with you I always seem to be especially inspired. I'm not this way with anyone else, honest!"

She laughed again, rolling to her side to better see me, reaching out and touching my chest. "I didn't hear any complaints from the peanut gallery. I'm pretty sure either Britt or Sandra would be happy to take you home, they seemed quite pleased."

I objected. "Me? What about you? I think pretty much every guy on this boat - well, maybe except for Ronnie - would be happy to hit me over the head and pitch my body in the lake if it meant they could keep you. Now that I think about it, I could probably add at least Sandra to the list. She seemed to find your attentions quite satisfactory!"

Kristi rolled on over onto her back, laughing. "God, that was fun! I know I always enjoy having you - or anyone - go down on me, but I never knew what you got out of it. Now I do!"

I looked at her. I had a pretty good idea what she was talking about, because I knew exactly what I got out of it, but I asked. I wanted to hear her explain it. "What do you mean?"

"When she came Adam, oh my god! I mean, when you cum in my mouth I love it, I love the feel of a guy's cock as he cums, but with her it was her whole body! You must know what I mean - for that moment in time I was her whole world, the center of her universe, and she needed me. Her whole body orgasmed, and I could feel every little bit of it! I could even taste it!" She paused. "When she came it made me cum. Did you know that?"

I smiled at her, amazed by her enthusiasm for performing cunnilingus, a bit afraid that maybe we'd awakened a relaxing giant. "Yeah, I was pretty sure you had. I kind of know the signs."

She smiled slowly. "Yes, I suppose you would. Anyhow, it was really fun."

We both paused, remembering, considering. She spoke first. "Adam, are we OK with this?"

"What, with you going down on a woman? Yeah, I was pretty OK with it - I was rock hard! I wouldn't even mind seeing her return the favor, that would be fun."

She shook her head. "No, I mean with all of it. Were you all right with seeing me with the other guys? Was that terribly difficult for you?"

I wasn't sure how to answer, for the simple reamister that I still wasn't entirely sure how I felt about it. I stalled for time. "I don't know. Kind of, I guess. Hey, why did you push Juan away when he tried to do you while you were doing Sandra?"

She looked at me. "Is that who that was?"

I was amazed! Someone had had his cock inside of her, and she didn't even know who it had been! "You didn't know that?"

She giggled. "Well, I knew it wasn't Ronnie - way too thick - and it wasn't a bendy like Ty, and I knew it wasn't you."

"How did you know it wasn't me?"

"Adam, you've had your cock inside of me so much I know exactly what you feel like. I think I could always tell if it was you, even if I was blindfolded. Plus, I was tasting what you had left in Sandra just a little while before and I was pretty sure you wouldn't have been that hard again so soon."

"I was, watching you. So why didn't you let him fuck you?"

"Adam, first off, I didn't know who it was! I'm not really into anonymous fucking, I'd like to at least know who it is, or be asked if I want to, or if it's OK. He was being rude. Plus, I wanted to focus on what I was doing, and a cock in me would have only been a distraction. I didn't need it to enjoy myself."

"Oh. Well, that makes sense, I guess." I had actually been surprised when she passed up the chance for a thick cock inside of her. "Anyhow, I can't really answer your question. Kristi, I'm just not sure what I feel, it's all kind of jumred. I mean it excites me - you know that, the evidence would be pretty tough to hide - but it still makes me ache, right here." I touched my chest. "And it makes my palms sweat."

She smiled and rolled over partly onto me, her arm across my chest and her face inches from my own. Her breasts were soft and warm where they touched me, and I could feel her heart beating against my ribs. "I know, Adam. I feel the same. It was never part of our fantasy, of our games, for me to watch you with another woman, but you know what?"

I waited, assuming that was rhetorical.

"I like it. It hurts, it scares me - I'm always afraid you might find out you like them better than me - but it's incredibly exciting. Seeing what you do to them, and how they react, it's almost like I'm watching you doing it all to me. It hurts, but the funny thing is, it hurts so good. You know what I mean?"

I thought about what she was saying. I knew exactly what she meant, but was surprised to hear her state almost exactly what I was feeling. I heard the deep rumble of the big V-8 in Ty's ski boat as it was started up, but was focused on Kristi.

"Kristi, baby - we could stop. We don't have to do this ever again, if it hurts you."

She looked at me. "Is that what you want?"

I wasn't sure of the answer to that question either. I felt a little sick, not knowing why I couldn't just scream at her "YES! That's what I want! I never want you to be with another man again! Please baby me, only me!", but I sat silently looking at her. That's what I thought I wanted, what I should want. But still, it had been like a have in my system, the excitement and arousal of seeing her, of watching her, and I craved more.

I opened my mouth to answer just as someone banged on our door. "Hey, lovebirds!" It was Ronnie. "Hey, give it a rest and come join us for awhile, Ty and Cody are going to get the boat out so we can do a little skiing. Y'all can do this anytime!"

Kristi and I looked at each other for a moment, a little lost. There was more here to be said, more emotions to explore, more to learn about each other even now, after two years together. She smiled at me, a wistful smile full of love, and understanding, and the need for the same from me. I shook my head ruefully and smiled back at her.

"Come on in Ronnie, it's OK."


Posts: 4050
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Well done, now comes the real question. Where do they go from here.

It's interesting to me that everyone at this site seems to crave "real" stories. but most of the so called "real" stories posted at this site are generally very superficial and one dimensional. They rarely confront the real issues that arise in a cuckold hot wife relationship.

You're doing that. I applaud you.



Posts: 40
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GH, I concur.

Stormy, it seems to me that you have so many avenues still to explore, I do implore you to keep going.


Posts: 1914
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Another great update Stormy, an interchange that could only take place between true friends. Now, if only the boat could move on to where the jeep is ... , maybe we could get to the wedding !! Just joking, I love the way this story moves sideways as much as forwards. You always get where we now all want to go, but there are so many distractions along the way. Like a great holiday tour.


Posts: 492
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Stormy, you have a way of making even the non sexual episodes fun to read. Seems like both Adam and Kristi are learning to deal with the inner conflict that comes from watching your mate become intimate with another permister.

At least I wasn't the first one to mention the jeep this time.

I am loving this story, thank you.



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That was a very nice post. I enjoyed it.

Thank you



Posts: 1459
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peak, TrF2, and GH - Thanks for commenting. As Gh has noted, it's always nice to get a little positive affirmation. I really do write this for fun, but you guys go a long way in helping to make it fun! It would be great to sit down together for a beer (or the adult beverage of your choice) sometime, along with a few of the other loyal posters. That could turn out to be a fun party!

I had another little side junket planned, but when I thought it over it really didn't add a whole lot to the trajectory of the story, so I've about decided to just skip it and race ahead. If you can call my pace "racing". Anyhow, thanks again.

I dug around in a dresser drawer and didn't find what I was looking for, so I pulled my bag from the closet and finally located the pair of khaki-green lightweight, fast-drying nylon trunks. I'd brought them to wear as shorts more than for swimming, but with the knowledge that they would dry quickly if I got wet for any reamister - good trail shorts. They did not have the built-in mesh liner like my other trunks, which meant either I had to be a little careful about exposure due to excess dangle-age, or wear underwear. Plus, when wet they were very clingy and revealing, which is why I rarely wore them as swimwear. They were a little snug around the waist on me, but as a result should fit Ronnie a little better.

I turned to toss them to him, only to find him and Kristi still nuzzling each other. "Hey! I offered you my trunks, not my woman! Let's break it up now, shall we?"

I balled up the pants and fired them at him, and he caught them in one hand, laughing. "If it's an either/or situation, you can keep the damn trunks! I was kind of hoping for both - just as a loan, you understand. I'll let you have the trunks back."

Kristi cut in. "Now now boys, no need to bicker! I think I'm woman enough for both of you!"

I don't know what that simple little statement did to Ronnie, but it sent a strange and potent tingle all the way through my body! I knew she was just kidding around, but the obvious truth of her words had a powerful effect on me, sending a torrent of thoughts and images through my head along with the realization that she was, indeed, more than enough woman for any one man. I wanted to tell her about the unusual effect her words had had on me, but couldn't - not with Ronnie right there.

He stood and unfastened his cum-soaked cargo shorts - for some reamister I had thought he would cross the hall to his own room to change - and let them fall to the floor. I wasn't surprised that he was not wearing underwear, nor was Kristi, I don't think, but I was surprised to see that his small cock was totally rigid, pointing stiffly upwards at an eighty degree angle to his stomach! Kristi didn't seem surprised by this and it suddenly dawned on me that of course she wouldn't - she had just been grinding against him while on his lap, so she already knew!

I suppose I should have been expecting it too; he was neither gay nor comatose, the only conditions that could possibly have prevented his physical arousal with her rubbing herself on him. Kristi giggled at his condition and reached out, taking his cock between her thumb and two fingers and slowly stroking his short shaft. "Gosh, did I do that? I'm so honored that you show your appreciation so nicely!"

Ron groaned. "Unnghh, god, if you don't stop that I might show you a little more appreciation than you want to see! As a matter of fact, there's going to be appreciation all over the place!"

Kristi and I both laughed, but I noticed that he made no attempt to actually stop her. She leaned in close to him, speeding up her stroking and now running her fingers over the rosy pink head of his diminutive cock, whcih quickly became slick with his pre-cum. "Does your stiff little cock need to cum Ronnie? It's OK, you can if you want to, I love the feel of a stiff little dick going off in my hands! It's my third favorite place to feel it, actually."

Ronnie groaned in pleasure again, then looked over at me guiltily, as if he'd forgotten I was there. "Are you all right with this? Cause we can sure stop, if you're not."

I watched a shudder pass through him and wondered if he really could stop at this point. I had my doubts. I shrugged. "I'm just an innocent, non-voting spectator Ronnie. I think we both know after yesterday that Kristi is pretty much gonna do what she's gonna do - and right now that's you!"

He moaned softly in arousal, and I realized that I was making a half-harded attempt to join the mood in the room, my cock slowly thickening and lengthening as my red tried valiantly to refill the tired thing. I knew I wouldn't get totally hard; I was done, tired, even aching slightly deep in my prostate from all the activity, but my cock didn't seem to be fully aware of that.

Kristi stroked and squeezed Ronnie's wood, still using only three fingers due to his size. She had her face close to his groin now, looking closely at his package. "I can't believe how hard you are! This little guy is hard as stone Ronnie, it feels so cool!"

He gasped and closed his eyes. "Yeah, I'm hard all right! Ohhh, fuck, Kristi!" He shuddered again. "It's not gonna get any bigger than that though, that's all there is, sorry!"

She slowed her stroking and looked up at him. "Sorry? What's that supposed to mean? I mean really Ronnie, I already told you how perfect your cock is. Are you just fishing for compliments?"

He had opened his eyes and was looking at her. "Come on Kristi, look, I'm not going to try to fool myself into thinking that any woman would prefer my cock over, say, his" he nodded toward me "but Kori says she likes it, and at my age I'm pretty used to not being the biggest guy in the locker room. Still, let's just say that I'm glad that whole 'no pants zone' thing that you ladies started earlier died a quiet death and never went any farther."

I was shocked to hear him say that! I mean, I hadn't wanted to do it either, for different reamisters, and I'd known for years that he was considerably smaller that the average guy, but he had always seemed impervious to that, just self-assured and successful Ronnie, occasionally joking about it, a self-deprecating humor that to me had always said he didn't care that he was small. Now I began to realize, for the first time, that his self deprecating style perhaps hid his more deep-seated insecurity.

Kristi looked up at him. "Really? That would have bothered you, walking around pantsless today?"

"Well yeah, of course! Duh Kristi, all these guys are bigger than me - some of them much bigger." He glanced at me again, his gaze dropping to my semi-erection. It made me feel a little guilty. "Even Ty, who was about average size, I guess, is bigger than me. Why would I want to walk around naked in front of a bunch of beautiful women in that situation?"

Kristi frowned. "But your cock is so perfect Ronnie, I already told you that, such a perfect shape and proportion, this beautiful little head on it, so, so hard, and you've got a set of balls on you that rival any of them." She cupped his swollen nutsack, squeezing his balls. "I do want to feel these slapping against my ass someday." She looked at me, her gaze calm and level. "Someday soon."

I swallowed. It sounded loud to me. I think maybe everyone heard it.

Ronnie touched her hair, ever so gently. "I think my big balls just make my cock look smaller." He chuckled - there was that sense of humor again. "Listen, I appreciate what you're trying to do Kristi, really I do, but you probably wouldn't even feel me in you after what you're used to."

She giggled. "Well not right now, of course! I'm stretched out like a five dollar whore and full of cum, so you're right. But let me get cleaned up and rest a few hours and I'll show you a thing or two!"

Ronnie laughed softly. "Yeah, I bet you would! Hey, maybe it would be better if we just got dressed and went up and joined the group, OK?"

Kristi shook her head. "No Ronnie, not OK. Let me show you something I can do with you that I can't do with Adam, all right?"

He didn't answer, so she went ahead. She leaned forward and engulfed him with her mouth, all of him, her lips wrapping snugly around the very base of his penis, her cheeks going hollow as she sucked at him. Then she stuck her tongue out below his cock and licked the front of his scrotum while he remained fully within her mouth, the flat of her tongue moving along the underside of his cock as the tip stroked his sensitive balls. She was right - she'd never done that to me!

Her eyes were closed, and I watched a flush of pleasure suffuse her neck and face as her nipples hardened to rosy nubs, standing out proudly from her areolas. She was getting off on this! Ronnie shuddered and groaned, his hips moving of their own volition as he fucked her mouth. He glanced at me, and I shook my head and muttered "Insatiable - no stopping her now!"

There wouldn't have been time to stop her, even if I'd tried, as Ron suddenly gsped that he was cumming! Kristi held him in her mouth, fully involved, as wave after wave of spasms washed over him and he ejaculated violently into her mouth and throat, groaning and cursing. "Ohhhh, fuck! Shit! Oh my god that feels good!"

I had seen the tell-tale jerk of her body as his first spurt hit the back of her throat, then I just watched her continue to suck at him, continue to receive his load, one hand squeezing and kneading his balls while the other was between her own legs working vigorously at her sopping pussy.

Her orgasm rocked through her about the same time he stopped spurting, I think, and her body spasmed as she held him in her mouth, slowly sucking his spent cock, feeling it begin to become soft while both of them floated gently back to earth, each enjoying the closeness and normal after-sex sensations of the other, that post-orgasmic sharing of self that can be so sweet.

Slowly, very slowly, she let his cock slip from her lips, and he gasped as it fell free. She looked up at him, holding his entire pool of fresh, hot semen in her mouth, their eyes locking together as he watched her swallow his white cum in one long gulp. She gasped slightly after she swallowed. "Good lord, Ronnie! As long as we're talking about size, let me assure you that nobody has ever, in my life, pumped a bigger load than that in my mouth! That was very impressive!"

He grinned. "I had a lot of inspiration! Damn that felt good - you're really good at that. Almost as good as Kori."

Kristi giggled. "You're just saying that because she's your wife!"

Ron smiled down at her. "Am I? I guess we'll never know, will we?"

I cleared my throat and they both looked at me, Kristi's gaze falling to my now three-quarter staff staff. "Forget it bub, you've had enough for now!"

"No, that's not what I was thinking. I was thinking maybe we could hold a suck-off, you against Kori. That would be fun!"

Ronnie looked enthused about the idea, but Kristi snorted. "You think so, huh? Well, just forget it! I'm not going to compete with my best friend. Now you two, competing to please us, now that has infinite possibilities. Kori and I will have to talk about that. Right now you can start by kissing me."

I felt a small thrill go through me, and Ronnie looked no less enthusiastic about that idea! Apparently he's pretty easy. I kissed her, and her breath smelled of another man again, of fresh semen, and she pushed her tongue into my mouth.


Posts: 1914
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Loved it Stormy. You always leave us wanting more.


Posts: 492
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I'm glad you got Ronnie and Kristi together, that was overdue. Great job Stormy, loved it. When Kristi said about his balls banging against her ass, and then the comment about doing something that she and Adam couldn't do, I was thinking that she was looking for some back door activity, but as you always do, you threw a curve instead of the fastball. Well written as always.



Posts: 1459
#712 · Edited by: stormydog
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peak and TrF2, thanks. It's always good to hear from you!

We broke our kiss, my mouth once again tasting of Kristi and sex - I could get used to this! - and she took my hands and let me pull her to her feet. She kissed me again, just a quick brush of her lips on mine this time, then reached over and grabbed a towel from where she'd left it on the back of the chair.

"I'm kind of a mess, so I'm gonna grab a quick shower. You guys go ahead and I'll join you in a few minutes."

I raised an eyebrow at her, grabbing the end of her towel. "Need someone to wash your back?"

She laughed. "I think we both know it wouldn't end at my back! No, you go ahead, we can't stay down here fucking all day while we have guests. That would be very rude. Go on now!"

She yanked the towel from my hand and disappeared into the tiny bathroom, and as Ronnie groaned and bent over for his clothes I heard the shower being turned on. He took the trunks I'd thrown to him - or rather, at him - and climbed into them while I did the same with another pair, fastening the small nylon belt on his borrowed shorts while I slid into one of my bright Hawaiian shirts, leaving it hanging open. It was getting hot now, as we neared mid-day.

We looked at each other for several seconds before we left our cabin, not speaking, then he shook his head and stepped into the hall. "Come on, you heard the lady. We must see to our guests." He laughed as he said it, and I wondered if he was playing along already with Kristi's idea of us competing to serve the women. I'd never really thought of Ronnie as being submissive, not even at play or as fantasy, but this didn't feel all that different to me than Sue ordering Rick around. I was pretty sure I'd struggle in that role; I'm just too stubborn, so if we did indeed play any such game he seemed a shoo-in to win it. On the other hand, he is extremely competitive, so of course he'd play to win!

We stopped in the galley area, nobody else visible on this deck. Ty's boat went by, at some distance, towing a skier that we recognized as Kori more from her style behind the boat than from appearance. The rooster tail of water, wet hair, distance, and flotation vest would otherwise have hidden her identity. It looked like Cody was driving, with Ty spotting, and Britt - her white hair in the wind unmistakable even at this distance - standing alongside Ty while watching Kori. There was someone sitting up front with Cody, logic and the black hair dictating that it was either Juan or Miguel, but we couldn't tell which. That meant that only Sandra and the other, either Juan or Miguel, remained on the houseboat with the three of us, and we could hear them moving about on the deck overhead.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge while Ron reached into a cabinet and retrieved a glass, into which he poured a couple of fingers of J&B. I took a long pull from the water bottle, the icy liquid leaving a trail of cold all the way down my throat and into my stomach. As I lowered the bottle, Ronnie took it from my hand and poured a splash into his glass, swirling it with one hand as he handed the bottle back.

I looked at him, surprised. "You, adding water to your Scotch? Is the devil building snowmen?"

He shrugged. "Hey, it's barely noon. I'm not a professional lush, you know. As a matter of fact, I'm being very careful to maintain my amateur status. You will note that I used the cheap stuff, however."

I laughed. I always enjoyed being with Ron. I had from the first, even as our friendship developed. It was an easy camaraderie, a strong feeling of sharing, trust, and comfort to be together, and yes, even of love, although of course we never spoke of that. We were enough alike that we could sense what the other felt and thought, but enough different that we filled some void or gap in the other's life, and I don't think either of us could have said anything to hurt the other's feelings even if we tried. Even the most barbed of insults - which flew often - were thrown in fun.

Now, though, I knew I was about to tread on untested ground. "Ronnie, can I ask you something?"

"Could I stop you if I tried?"

"Probably not."

"OK then, go ahead."

I hesitated, then plunged. "What you said awhile go, about being maybe a little, uh, under-endowed - does that really bother you?"

He chuckled. "Under-endowed! I suppose that also makes me differently-ared. I love these buzzwords. Yeah Adam, I suppose it does, a little. I mean, what guy wouldn't like to have a dick that was a few inches bigger, right?" He paused, then suddenly looked at me. "Well, present company excepted, I guess. Why do you ask?"

It made me a little uncomfortable that he had mentioned the difference between us, but then I'd probably made him uncomfortable by asking in the first place. We were laying all of our cards down face up on this, apparently.
"I don't know Ronnie, it just never seemed to bother you. You always seemed so well-adjusted and so confident, I just never thought that you were at all self-conscious about it."

"But you had noticed mini-me before, am I right?"

I laughed. Again, his self-deprecating style. "Well, yeah. We have spent a little time in locker rooms, and Kori has made it a point to pants you in my presence - our presence - in the past. I've seen you naked - not that I'm proud of that fact."

He laughed, then shrugged. "That's the thing Adam. Everybody notices. Look, I'm not losing any relax over it. To quote that great philosopher and sage, Popeye, 'I yam what I yam!', but I'm enough smaller than average that everyone notices. In the locker room, here on the boat, at a nude beach, at the swing clubs we sometimes go to - everyone notices. Now, usually nobody says anything, but I see the looks."

In a sense I knew what he was talking about. I'd never been to a swing club or nude beach, but I had always been stared at too, for just the opposite reamister. It was still an uncomfortable feeling. And in my case people didn't seem to feel the same restraint about commenting. It's like the way people will see a thin permister and say 'You're so lucky to be so skinny', or call you stretch, or whatever, but around heavy people very rarely will anyone say 'You're really fat, you know that?' or call them names. Not to their face at least, although people can be extremely cruel when they think they're not being overheard.

I nodded. "Yeah Ronnie, I always got stared at too."

He looked at me for a few moments. "Sure, but for you it was in either awe or envy. For me it's in pity, or maybe scorn. It's different."

"You're right, it is. But when I was younger I was very self-conscious about it. I found it very embarrassing."

"And now you don't?"

I shrugged. "Oh no, I still do sometimes, but I'm getting more used to it. A lot in the last twelve hours or so, in fact. But it grew like that when I was about thirteen. I was about four foot ten - it was disproportionate, very awkward."

He stared at me for several seconds. "When you were thirteen you had that thing? Fuck! Did you trip over it a lot?"

I laughed. "Yeah, all the time. I had to ask girls to help me carry it around because I was much too small and frail to drag it everywhere. You're such an ass!"

He laughed, then became sober. "See, that's it Adam. You found it very embarrassing. I found it very humiliating. There's a big difference."

He had a point. "You know Ron, everyone says that men obsess too much over the size of their cocks."

"Yeah, and that's real easy to say for guys that are average or larger, like you. Look, I'm not obsessing, it's something I can't change. No fucking way on that stupid surgery, and all those bogus pills and crap are just that - crap. So I accept me, as I am, and go on with my life, but I can't help but think about it and dream a little bit occasionally. Just once I'd like to know what it's like to be you, and watch a woman's face the first time she sees it. Or how she reacts when I enter her with my big monster. Just once, it would be nce to know."

I didn't know what to say to that, and the silence stretched. Finally, "Kori seems fine with it. I mean with you."

He smiled, and a look of pure happiness crossed his face. "Yup. Thank God for Kori! Trust me Adam, despite the way she and I kid around sometimes, I get down on my knees every day and thank the Lord for Kori. I'm fairly rich in money and possessions, I guess, and have lots of other blessings, but she's the only one that matters. I love that woman with all my heart and soul. She's the best."

"Hell Ronnie, that part I already knew! She's the only reamister I even like hanging around with you. Her being there makes seeing you almost bearable."
He laughed, and I hesitated before continuing. There was something I had to know.

"Ron, why do you risk it? Why fool around with other people when you're so totally satisfied with Kori?" This question nagged at me, terribly, except I could exchange the names Ron and Kori and instead insert Adam and Kristi.

He thought for awhile, as if debating how to answer, or maybe answering the question for himself for the first time. "Well, that's where an obsesion really does come into play. You know what I said about wanting to see the expression on a woman's face as my big cock entered her?"

I nodded, and he continued. "I wanted to see that expression on Kori's face, Adam. I knew she was stuck with my Wee Willie, and she had never complained, never belittled me in any way, but I always felt like maybe she'd like something more. No, more like she deserved something more, something that would let her experience sex the way it should be between a real man and a woman."

That bothered me. Hurt, even. I'd always thought of Ron as a real man. "Ronnie..."

"No Adam, listen, it's OK. I started to badger her, to ask her if she wouldn't like to feel a real cock inside of her, to try to fantasize what it would be like."

He paused, and the ski boat and skier flashed by outside the window, much closer now. It was still Kori, and she had swung wide and accelerated back behind the boat and towards the wake, rising gracefully into the air as she jumped the wake, seeming to float for an impossibly long time and distance before settling gently, with little splash, back onto the lake's surface. I had once called her the Birdwoman while we were out skiing, for her seeming ability to use the ski as a wing to keep her airborne longer than was physically possible.

I know the aerodynamic properties of the ski provide minimal, if any, lift, but Kori seemed to milk it for every little bit. She was light on the water, almost skipping across the surface, and skied with a delicate finesse very different than Kristi's feline strength or my own bullheaded straight-ahead power. Kori floated, Kristi flowed, and I blundered and plowed. Ronnie mostly drove the boat, although he was quite a good skier, his form more compact and energy efficient then mine but still strong.

We watched her until she went out of sight behind the houseboat, then looked back at each other. "She's the greatest, Ronnie."

"Yeah, she is. At any rate, when I started to really bug her about relaxing with other guys, about her being deprived because she didn't get to enjoy a real life-size cock, she got very angry. And she cried. She thought I didn't love her, that I couldn't possibly really love her if I wanted her to do something like that. It was tough, maybe the roughest patch in our marriage."

"I can imagine."

"I suppose so. Well, anyhow, we talked. We've always been able to be very open with each other, thank goodness, and slowly she started to understand what it was that I was feeling."

I nodded. "She would, Ronnie. I always thought she was some kind of an empath or something. I think sometimes she reads my mind."

Ronnie laughed, nodding. "Sometimes to read your mind she only has to read your pants! She has loved teasing and tempting you, that's been one of her most fun games. She really loves you, you know, and Kristi as well. She suffered bad when you two were breaking up."

I sighed. "We all did. It was so stupid! So where were we?"

"Where she started to understand. She even became a little intrigued by the idea, and she eventually agreed that maybe we should try it - but only as a couple. She thought maybe if we just swapped with another couple, just as an experiment, it would be all right. So we asked around and did a little exploring on the internet, and you know what?" I waited.
"It wasn't that tough! You'd be amazed at how much of this stuff is going on out there. A couple contacted us and we exchanged email and phone calls for awhile. We had put our pictures out there, and I think they must have found Kori very attractive."

I nodded. "She is. You're not a bad looking guy either."

He pretended to preen. "Gosh Adam, I didn't know you found me so beautiful!"

I snorted. "Fuck you, I didn't say that!"

"Fuck me? Don't you think you should at least buy me dinner first? You really need to work on your approach..."

"Just shut up and go on."

He looked puzzled. "A difficult feat at best! How am I supposed to.."

"You know what I mean." I shook my head. He can be very aggravating - I have no idea what Kori sees in him!

He chuckled. "So finally we met them. They were very nice, attractive, about our age. We hit it off pretty well, and agreed to swap. It wasn't their first time, but we were virgins. This was all before you moved in next door, by the way. We'd only been married a few years, maybe about five."


He laughed out loud. "And it was kind of a disaster! Kori was extremely nervous, I was embarrassed that another woman was going to see how little I had to offer, I'm sure she - Gail was her name - was disappointed to discover that too, although she tried to hide her disappointment, and the guy, Dwight, shot a load all over himself as soon as Kori touched him! It seems he found Kori extremely exciting. He was a whole lot premature. At least that's one problem I've never really had!"

I had, on several occasions. I felt sorry for Dwight.

He shook his head, remembering, still chuckling to himself as he went on:
"It got better. We relaxed, cleaned up, and started over. He was pretty well hung - not as big as you, but bigger than average - and Kori enjoyed it completely once she allowed herself to. I showed her, Gail I mean, a few special tricks that my tongue knows, and everybody wound up pretty happy. Enough so that we did it a few more times."

Kristi chose that exact moment to walk into the room, her hair still wet from her shower. She was in an all-white bikini, not the briefest one she has by any means, but one that can be counted on to stay on her body when she's skiing. To me it always looked like she was wearing underwear, a bra and panties, in public. I liked it.

"Hi guys. What are you talking about?"

I kissed her, and she leaned against me. She felt very good. "Ronnie is telling me about how he and Kori got started with swinging." That was not at all what the conversation had started out as, of course; just where we were now. I couldn't very well tell her that Ron was explaining his feelings about having a small cock, now could I?


Posts: 1914
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(serious) Lovely bit of dialog there Stormy. I think only a few weeks ago Adam couldn't have had that conversation with Ron, in spite of how long they had known each other before. Shows how well you have let us know these characters. Very well written. Thanks.

(not at all serious) What do the sound a small chick makes, the opposite of expensive, and how a girl might describe a first date that asked her to pay for the meal have in common with the name of an architypal US vehicle pronounced in a mexican accent ?


Posts: 1459
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Thanks peak. Ron and Adam probably talked about a lot of stuff before, like guys do when they're close. But you're right, this would have been one of those off-limits areas previously I believe.

OK then, I'm getting as far as cheep, cheap, and Jeep but then I'm stumped. I give. What do they have in common??


Posts: 40
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Its getting deep, and I like it.

Peak, I thought chicks went Cheep, Cheep


Posts: 492
#716 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Quoting: stormydog
I laughed at their clowning, even as Ron pushed her away. "Get off me! You've probably got this nasty goo smeared all over my pants by now!" Kristi swung herself off of him, laughing. He looked down, surveying the damages. "Damn, how many guys busted a nut in you today?

I was curious myself, so I did some backtracking.

In order, it was Ty, Cody, Adam, Adam again on the rocks, Juan and Adam once more for the trifecta.

Not counting, of course, all the blow jobs, pussy eating and cum swallowing in between.

Now that's the stuff, you go girl. If only there was a video available.

Thanks Stormy, where do we go from here? Like all the others, I sure hope you will continue with this excellent story.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks oliverra, I'm glad the non-sex and dialog bits don't bore you too badly. Sometimes they need a break - nobody has the stamina to just screw all the time. Well, except Juan, apparently...and of course Kristi - and Kori also, now that I think about it! Forget I said that. Maybe sometimes I just need a break, or think you do!
Glad you noticed that peak has yet to provide the answer to the riddle - be sure to keep bugging him.

TrF2, you're right! I guess that Kristi is quite the horny lady. Some of those were the previous evening, of course, but they were all within a 24 hour period. She has had a long dip in the lake, a shower, (and now another) and a couple of attentive and devoted tongue baths since then of course, so she's not quite the cum-soaked slut you make her out to be. Not that she doesn't enjoy being a cum-soaked slut, just not to the degree you portray!


Posts: 1459
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Ron smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair back from her face. It was such a simple gesture, but to me it spoke of the new closeness and intimacy that we now shared with Ron and Kori. "That's not exactly true babe. I was actually telling him more about why we started than how."

She laughed. "Oh, you mean because you have a small dick and felt guilty about that, and got it in your head that Kori needed more?" She looked at me. "Is that what he told you?"

I'm not sure who looked more shocked and surprised, me or Ronnie. I realized how foolish he looked with his mouth hanging open, and quickly closed my own. "Um, yeah, well, he was just starting to explain that. the hell did you know that?"

She laughed again. "Kori told me all about that quite awhile ago. Surely you guys are old enough to realize that women talk to each other about sex too, and compare notes on their partners and experiences. It's not just you guys that do that, you know."

In my limited experience I'd found that women were frequently more likely to do that than men, and were often much more detailed and graphic in the process. I suppose I was less surprised that Kori had spoken to Kristi about it than I was that Kristi had never said a word to me! "You knew all this and you never mentioned it? You could have let me in on the secret too, you know."

She shook her head. "It was told to me in confidence, and I wouldn't betray Kori's trust in me. Kind of like how they didn't tell me about Izzy and betray your trust, right?" She had a point. She glared at him. "But now that we all know...Ronnie, how could you have been such a dufus?"

He still looked startled, but at least he'd closed his mouth. "What? I mean...what?"

I laughed, but Kristi tied into him. "How could you have been so dumb as to think that the size of your cock was so important to her? Do you have any idea how close she came to leaving you? Do you?"

"Well, she was a little upset at first..."

Kristi shook her head. "You dumb putz! She was devastated! I mean, she told me about this several years after it happened, and she was still amazed that your marriage had survived. She really thought you didn't love her, and wondered how, if you did, you could possibly push her to have sex with other men."

Ronnie tried to defend himself, frowning. "But she likes it! Once she tried it she found out that it was exciting and arousing and a lot of fun!"

Kristi snorted. "That was sheer dumb luck Ronnie! Like they say, the Lord watches out for fools and little youngren, and you're both. If you had started out any other way than swinging with that one other nice, gentle couple it would have all blown up in your face!"

Ron looked thoughtful. "That was her idea. As a matter of fact, it was the only way she would agree to even experiment a little. She said otherwise it would feel too much like cheating." He hadn't told me about the cheating part. That made sense.

Kristi nodded. "She has good instincts. She knew you would both have to start slowly, if at all. Good thing for you!"

I was a spectator, just following the back-and-forth between them. They both seemed to have a much greater depth of knowledge of the situation, not surprising since I'd only first heard anything about it minutes before. Occasionally I recognize when it's a good time to stay silent, and this seemed to be one of those times.

Ron was still in denial. "But she does like it. I mean she really gets off on the whole thing now, just talking about her getting laid by some stud always turns her on, so I wasn't wrong, was I?"

Kristi smiled. "Ronnie, we all get turned on by that! But yes, you were wrong. She loves you Ron, everything about you, your looks, your intelligence, your drive to succeed, your generosity and loving nature, your brown eyes and big feet and the way you look in a nice suit and your smile - and yes, even your cute little cock! A big dick was not high on her list of priorities." Here she stopped and looked at me. "Mine either, by the way - but I'm not complaining, you understand!" She smiled at me.

Ronnie blushed slightly at Kristi's words, but still seemed *** to completely accept what she was saying. I could have told him he had no chance of winning this battle, but no, he plunged ahead. "But she does like it, right? Did she say she likes the fooling around with other guys - you know, more hung guys?"

Kristi shrugged. "Yeah, I won't lie to you. She does like it, now, she loves it. But she likes it as much for you as for herself, I think."

Ronnie frowned again. "What do you mean?"

She stared at him for a moment, as if debating whether or not to proceed.
Apparently she couldn't stop herself. "For you it's less about swinging and more about Kori getting laid, isn't it Ron? Be honest, wouldn't you be just as happy watching her take some nice chubby and getting off even if you didn't get any yourself?"

Now Ronnie blushed deeply and looked down at the floor. When he spoke his voice was soft and low, and he sounded ashamed. "It's true. The thought of her fucking other guys has always gotten me horny, and seeing her do it is a total thrill for me. She's just so damn beautiful, you know? And seeing her so happy and enjoying such great orgasms and all is very exciting and satisfying for me. I couldn't care less if I get laid - except by her, after. I don't know why. It's all very embarrassing."

Kristi hugged him, smiling, and kissed him softly, right on the lips. "Don't be embarrassed Ronnie, we're your friends and we love you just as you are. Besides, Adam likes the same thing, don't you dear?"

Now it was my turn to blush, and I felt the heat of the rushing red. I should have left the two of them alone to talk, maybe then I wouldn't have gotten dragged into the conversation. Or, at a minimum, I would have been blissfully unaware I was being discussed. Now I was required to answer!
"Yeah, I guess I do. Of course, I thought I only liked it as a fantasy."

Kristi looked guilty, and a little hurt. "I know, sweetie. I mis-read you a little, and I will always be sorry for that. I screwed up bad, but it's not like you're squeaky clean either, is it?" I shrugged and gave her my best apologetic look. She was right, we had both fucked someone else and as a result had both fucked up big. What a useful verb!

She went on. "Maybe a relationship needs that big shock, that test to see if it's strong enough to survive. Ron and Kori had theirs, now we've had ours, and I think just maybe we can make it! I hope so. But you do like seeing me getting laid by other guys, don't you Adam? I mean, now that you've tried it."

Before I had to answer, Ron jumped in. "Now see, I don't get that! I mean, the way the Mule is hung, why would you want to fuck anyone else? Ninety nine percent of other guys must be a disappointment after him, am I right?"

Kristi looked at him, then at me, and sighed. "It's you guys that get all hung up on penis size! It's not us, we don't care that much about that, we care more about the man it's hanging off of than the organ itself, but you guys are so hung up on how you're hung that you can't get past it! Why is it that some men seem to define themselves by the size of their dicks?"

I finally spoke up. "Hey, that's not true! Not always, anyhow. And you said yourself that you liked the fact that I'm, uh, on the larger side, so you do care about that!"

"Adam, I said we didn't care that much about it, not that it didn't matter at all! I mean, sure, with everything else being equal it's kind of a nice bonus if your man is hung like a horse, but everything else is never equal. Let's face it, sometimes the guys with the smaller package are the nicest, sweetest, kindest, best looking men and the guys with big dicks are just big pricks themselves. Maybe more often than not, actually, although you seem to have avoided that particular ego trap."

I muttered "Well, I've always had so much else to be humble about. Ask anyone." They both laughed. "And I'm not sure I buy the premise. Any guy can be decent or be an asshole, cock size has little or nothing to do with it."

"Adam, that's what I said! I wasn't trying to bias it against the big men, I'm not picking on you!" Kristi went on. "Anyhow Ronnie, while some women are no doubt size queens, most of us are not. You enjoy seeing Kori getting laid, preferably by a guy with a bigger cock. That's your thing and you accept that. Adam seems to like the idea of me with other men too, for different reamisters I suppose, but we're still exploring that - and also where that leaves him in the equation. Aren't we dear?"

I nodded. "It seems that we are. It's been different, that's for sure! It's weird, because it can be so gut-wrenchingly tense, but exciting, and fun and all. A month ago I couldn't have imagined it!"

Kristi studied me closely. "I'm still not sure about you with other women. I understand about Izzy - or I'm starting to - but you seem to have really taken to the role of stud, poking other guy's wives right in front of them! If you're going to do that - and notice that I said if - well, I just need more time to consider how that might work. Like I said, that's not my fantasy, so while yours might come true, that's just not it for me. I need to think."

Ron said "Back to Kori for a second, you don't think she really gets off on getting some bigger cock once in awhile?"

Kristi giggled. "Oh no, of course she does! She loves it, and she loves that it excites you so much. She just doesn't need it! And she's especially not so crazy about the really big ones she's been with. She says there is too much of a good thing."

Ron looked thoughtful. "I suppose that's true. She's really not all that big inside and it does make her uncomfortable if the guy is very long."

I nodded. "That's true." As soon as I said it I knew I shouldn't have, I should have let it go by, but it just popped out! Both of their heads snapped around to stare at me, Kristi frowning while Ron looked a little stunned to consider why I knew that.

He watched me as he spoke. "Yeah, I guess you would know, wouldn't you? Boy, that's a strange thought, that my best friend knows the exact feel of the inside of my wife's pussy - and I mean every bit of it - and that he's too large for her! That will take some getting used to, it's a whole new paradigm."

I was embarrassed that I'd said that out loud, and I wanted to distract Kristi from venturing any deeper at that moment. "Pair-a-dime? Is that the same as four nickels?" It was weak, but it was all I had.

Ron shook his head. "That was pitiful. You seem to have trouble with anyone demonstrating any s******* with their vocabulary. You know, not everyone has mastered the troglodytic art of communicating only with grunts and mono-syllabic words like you."

I laughed. "Sorry. I was just trying to cover up my embarrassment at pointing out that I had full carnal knowledge of your wife. It seemed a little awkward."

Kristi wrapped her arms around Ronnie and moved her body against him in her most sensual way. "Maybe it will be less awkward for you once Ron and I share the same experience." She kissed him, then licked his lips slowly as she drew back, letting me see her tongue exploring his lips, his tongue lightly touching hers. "What do you think Ronnie, should we do that soon? Like tonight, maybe?"

Ron's hand slid down to cup her ass, his fingers moving under her round little bottom and between her legs. "Absolutely! If I can wait that long! It's only fair, after all, and I think it will drive Kori insane with lust and jealousy. The good kind, I mean. I'll be counting the minutes!"

She moved her hips, humping herself against his exploring fingers."Me too!"

So would I. I have to admit, so would I.


Posts: 1914
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ok, ok, I'm sorry now I even started it . The answer is of course that they all sound the same in a spanish accent (jeep). I'll try not to do it again. Honest. It was a cheap joke anyway. Damn.


Posts: 1914
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Stormy, to get back to our merry band. It is noticable how much more intimate and tight the story gets when the bit players drop out for a while. Real conversations and intimacy in depth (no pun etc..). Very difficult to think of as real when a bigger group is involved (look at the problems GH had with his big groups, their intimate moments required real craft and acres of set up), and of course near on impossible when the group involves drop in, near strangers who just turn up on a boat. They do add colour though.

You still have a great ear for dialog Stormy, I'm sure you could write a good screenplay someday. Not sure if the world is ready for its first massive porno, romcom blockbuster though.
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