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Adam's Journey

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peak, TrF2, story, and GH - Thanks for all the nice comments and kind words, now and previously. I very much appreciate all of it. And now, as story so subtly requested, I'll cut this short and move on:

I looked at her. "Well?"

She giggled. "First you have to promise that you won't be upset. And remember, I didn't know anything about Izzy until now - and that's no one's fault but yours!"

What could I say? "OK, fair enough. Proceed."

"Adam, are you sure you want to talk when we should be making love?"

She squeezed me inside of her as she said that, and I let out an involuntary groan. "Ohhh, damn!"

"See? You should really focus on what you're doing. You know what happens when you try to walk and chew gum."

"Kristi, I'm not moving a muscle until you tell me what's going on." I tried to sit very still, but couldn't help responding to her gentle rocking.

"So you want me to stop doing this." She squeezed me again, and I gasped. "And this." She rocked her hips forward and pushed down onto me. I lowered my head and shuddered in pleasure. "You're sure you want me to just talk, huh?"

It took an incredible power of will, but I said yes.

She sighed theatrically. "Well, OK then. As long as you're sure you're not going to lose that hard-on if I stop moving."

"I think as long as you're within a hundred yards of me, staying hard will be no problem!"

She laughed. "You say the nicest things! OK, first, remember you asked me to stay at the house and take care of Ralph."

"I know."

"While I was there one evening your phone rang, and I answered it. Turned out it was a young woman, looking for you. It seems she'd been trying your cell phone and couldn't reach you - probably because you were off in the hinterlands of Wyoming, where civilization has yet to arrive."

My curiosity was *******ing me, and she knew it. Which, of course, was why she was extending the tale with her little comments. "Yeah, fine! Go on."

She stared into my eyes and bit her lower lip in concentration as she used her incredibly well-trained muscles to squeeze and milk at my cock. I shuddered again, and groaned. "Oohhhh, fuck!"

"Let me tell this my way. It's the least you can do!" I nodded helplessly.
"OK then. Well, anyway, when she couldn't reach you she got very resourceful and tracked down your home phone number - which she didn't have - by calling Ronnie's assistant. He, of course, has all of our numbers on his speed dial."

She was dragging this out on purpose. I looked over her shoulder at the sky, and was sure I saw a slight pinkish glow on the horizon. It did seem to finally be getting light. She went on.

"The young lady was very disappointed to discover you weren't home, and couldn't be reached, but as it turned out we had a very nice conversation. It seems you have quite an admirer out there - did you know that?"

"Kristi, I have no idea what you're..."

"Rain, Adam! You do remember Rain, the little tiger that wore you out and tore you up? Jeez, you're kind of slow sometimes! Of course, that was almost two weeks ago, and red flow to your brain is a little impeded at the moment, I suppose!" She squeezed me again, to emphasize her meaning. It was a valid point.

"Rain? Really, she called?" For some reamister I found the fact that she had called me very pleasing, especially knowing she had gone to the trouble to track down my home number, which I'd never given her. "What did she want? How's she doing?"

"Duh, she wanted you, obviously! And she's not doing too well. We talked for over two hours."

"You talked to Rain for two hours? What's wrong with her? Anything we can help with?"

"Yeah, we kind of hit it off. She's actually pretty sweet, and we do have something in common. We both think most men can be real assholes sometimes!"


"Oh, not you Adam, at least not this time! Her husband dumped her, kicked her out - can you believe that?"

Remembering Morgan, I could believe it. She had told me that she was sure he was ready to divorce her and trade down to a younger woman - again - but I'd hoped they would be able to patch things up after the strange and difficult evening they spent with us. It had looked like they would, and when I'd last spoken to her she had been happy and optimistic about it. It appeared he had reverted to form, as Kristi had predicted he would. He was vain, egotistical, and self-centered, and the leopard didn't change its spots.

"Oh, I hate to hear that! How was she doing?" Poor sweet Rain, that jerk had no idea what he was losing!

"She was struggling Adam. Hurt and scared, more than a little confused. She thought things were working out, but I knew he was an ass. He just couldn't handle that she had cheated on him with you, despite the fact that he spent the evening trying to get into my pants. Or at least near my pants, before he came on himself."

"As I recall it, you didn't have pants on. Of any variety."

"True. So it's just an expression. But she's in pretty tough shape, and wanted to talk to you."

I hated that I'd missed her call when she was hurting! "Well, when we get in cell phone range again I should probably call her and see how she's doing." I looked at her to find her studying me. "If that's OK with you, I mean."

She laughed. "Yeah, that's fine. You could do that. But call her at our house. Or you could just wait and surprise her when we get home."

It took me a second or two to understand what she'd just said. "At our house? She's at our house?"

"She needed a place to stay Adam, and friends around her. You remember what it was like right after you separated from your wife. I know I should have checked with you first, but I invited her to come and stay with us for awhile. It seemed like the right thing to do. I left a key with Scottie for her, and told him about her coming. I hope you're not upset."

I'm not sure what I was, but I wasn't upset. "No, no, not at all! Surprised, maybe, but not upset. That was very generous of you. You know, with you and I trying to work out a few things, the problems we've been having, that was a very bold move, and very, uhhh, caring, I guess. Very, very nice. You always amaze me!"

She leaned her head on my shoulder as she spoke. "Well, that was part of the reamister I did it Adam. I wasn't sure we would make it, you know, that you would want me to stay, and I knew you liked her a lot. There was no reamister for you to be so hurt and lonely just because I'd screwed up, and I thought if she was there with you... well, maybe it would help make up for what I did." She rocked gently on me as she said that, and I felt this incredible intimacy, this closeness, that we could talk so easily and openly while she held me deeply inside of her body. The thought that she had invited Rain to come and be with me out of her love and caring and worry for me was just an overpowering gift, and I felt her warmth and love like never before. I felt all fetishd up.

"Kristi, baby, you're an incredible woman!" My voice sounded husky to me. "That may be the most loving and generous thing I've ever heard of! I just can't believe you did that, for me or for her. You are really something special, in case I've never mentioned it."

She chuckled. "I am, aren't I? Of course, that was before I knew about Izzy. I was all worried that you would be lonely if we broke up, but you had another woman on the side already! I should have known!"

"Ummm, it's really not like that."

She laughed. "Sure it is! And now you're stuck with me - you do want to be stuck with me, right?"

I hugged her close and felt her hug me, inside and out. "Absolutely! I want to be stuck with you for at least the next hundred years or so. Then we'll see."

She laughed again. It feels very good to be inside of her when she laughs. "And you've got Izzy, who wants your baby. As do I, by the way. And now Rain will be with us. If you think I had your life in turmoil before, just think of the hell you're going to go through with two women in your home, and three in your life! See what I mean about having gone and done it now?"

I was thinking how likely it was that Kori would add a few more rocks to the road ahead. "Well, I'm sure Rain won't stay long. Just until she gets on her feet."

Kristi giggled again. "Actually, she wants to go back to school, and is considering the University of Colorado or D.U. Apparently their pre-nup requires Morgan to pay for her to finish her degree, and I told her she could probably live there while she goes to school. For two more years. After all, you're gone most of the time."

"Oh. Well. I do remember her saying that Morgan had to pay for that. She should probably go to the University of Denver, in that case. It's way more expensive. What am I supposed to do with you and her both around for the next two years - won't that be, uh, awkward?"

Kristi smiled. "Oh, I'm sure she'll find a boyfriend, she's very beautiful."

I felt a pang of jealousy. Very odd.

Kristi started moving on me, slowly fucking me. "Or, Adam, I suppose I could keep her entertained. She is a very good kisser. You do remember that kiss, right?"

I certainly did! That incredibly erotic kiss, and the way they had touched!

"Would you like that Adam? Would you like to see me make love to her? I wonder if I could get her as aroused as you did, the way she tore you up with her nails. Do you think I could make her cum like that?"

I felt sure of it! I also felt sure that the mental image Kristi was stirring up would have me jetting inside of her very soon. I groaned and thrust into her. "God, Kristi!"

She laughed, but I could hear the arousal, the approach of her own orgasm, in her voice. "Or maybe she could do me, would you like that better? I bet she'd be very good at it. Just the way she touched me made me very wet, and she only touched my face. I think she'd be a very good lover for me, don't you Adam?"

The mental image of the petite, demure, sexy little Rain and my tall sleek, muscular Kristi entwined, loving, touching, satisfying each other had me on the verge, and I was breathing heavily. Kristi cut me no slack.

"And with you gone so much, she could move into our bed while you're away. I think she wanted me Adam, and I've always wanted to experiment a little. I did find her very attractive and sexy. Would it be hard for you, so many miles away, thinking about me softly touching her, and sucking her little pink nipples, and slowly tasting her wet little pussy and putting my tongue inside of her? Do you think I could make her cum? At least you'd know I wasn't with another man."

That did it, that image of Kristi's beautiful face between Rain's legs, making her cum, and I exploded inside of her, grabbing her hips and thrusting into her! She clutched my neck in a death grip and rode it, her words pushing her to her own orgasm simultaneous with mine, and we held each other through all the convulsions and natural noises of a shattering orgasm as I filled her with my seed for the second time that night. Or, rather, the first time that morning, as it was now becoming quite light.

We hadn't noticed that.


Posts: 492
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You did have some time to do some planning, didn't you? Excellent twist, I'd forgotten about Rain. You have enough interesting story lines hanging out there to keep this thing going for a long, long time Stormy. Whatever you decide to do, thanks. I really like the way that Adam and Kristi have patched things up, good job. I was hoping that they would stay together.

Wondering how you're going to get those two back on the boat? I guess they're going to have to swim back out there. I'm assuming that the boats are all still tied together. Does Cialis override shrinkage?

Thanks again.



Posts: 4050
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Well done Stormy

Nothing like adding a little more chaos to a story and Rain certainly has the potential to add chaos.

You do realize that if you keep adding characters you could still be writing this story when you are a very old man and we all hope that's exactly what will happen.



Posts: 1914
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I don't think I can add to the above two comments. I think they summed it all up quite nicely, so I'll just say Thanks. Again. Wonderful. Plus, I always did like Rain, I'm glad she's back.


Posts: 1459
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TrF2, GH, and peak, thanks again for the comments. I know, I know, the storylines! I just can't seem to help myself. Perhaps, as you said, it will be good to have something to keep me busy in my dotage, although keeping it interesting with all of our heros chasing each other around in walkers and wheelchairs may be tough to pull off.
Kind of did want to see Rain again though...

We clung helplessly to each other as the waves of pleasure from our mutual climax slowly receded, her arms around my neck and legs around my waist, my arms around her, both of us panting like we'd just run a marathon. She melted against me, the way she does, and I'd have been perfectly satisfied to have the moment last forever.

When she caught her breath she laughed softly and murmurred into my chest "Adam, sometimes you're just too easy. All I have to do is feed you the right brain porn and you're mine! Was that as good for you as it sounded and felt like?"

I groaned, and heard a slight quaver in my voice as I spoke. "Oh my god! I think you're *******ing me, but I'm not complaining. And anyhow, I think you got yourself with that little image you painted - it seems you came pretty good too!"

"Mmmm-hmmm! But having you inside of me may have helped just a little. So do I infer from this that you're not terribly upset about Rain coming to, uh, stay with us for awhile?"

"So you were actually serious about that - you weren't just messing with my head?"

She shook her head aginst my shoulder. "Oh no, I was serious! I had intended for you to just come home and be surprised, before I knew I would be joining you here, but it's better this way. I can't believe that with the party, and then the whole Izzy thing, I almost forgot all about her! At least now you and I have a better idea where we stand, and I'm not so afraid that Rain will take my place."

"Kristi, I don't understand. If you were afraid of that, why in the world would you have invited her in the first place?"

She leaned back so that she could look me in the eye. "I wasn't so much afraid of you dropping me for her." She paused, considering. "It was more a case of worrying about you deciding that you couldn't stand for us to stay together on the terms I'd laid out, and then using her to fill the gap so you wouldn't even miss me. I know you really like her."
She moved slightly, and I felt my rapidly softening penis move inside of her, slipping out a little. "Adam, the idea that you might not even miss me hurt so much!"

"And yet you asked her to come and stay. Amazing! Kristi, you need to know that I agonized over whether we should stay together or move on, for days, and every time it came down to being without you in my future... Well, I just couldn't stand it! I mean, it was completely unimaginable! I appreciate what you thought you were doing, with Rain, it's incredibly selfless and generous, and she's a very fascinating lady. But she's not you. That gap could never be filled." I hugged her tightly.
"Do you remember how I told you once, early on, that I felt like I'd been waiting my whole life for you?"

"Of course I remember!"

"Well, that wasn't just bullcuckolds brownie to get in your pants. By then I pretty much knew that you were as horny as I was - maybe more so." She slapped my arm. "I absolutely meant every word, and I know that lightning won't strike twice for me. If I'd have walked away I would have missed you forever. You know I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, so it pains me to say this, but Kristi, you complete me."

She buried her face against my chest, and I heard her sniffle before she spoke. "I know. I could tell when we met that you were a work in progress."

I laughed, surprised by her teasing at that tender moment, and she laughed too. "Sorry, just kidding! So you don't think having Rain there, at the house, will be a problem?"

"Not for me!" I knew immediately that I'd answered too quickly.

She laughed again. "Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you? I think you're kind of looking forward to having your own little harem. How do you know we won't chain you up and make you serve us, it is two to one, after all."

Either way, the thought sent a little tingle down my spine directly to my tired groin. "She's little. The two of you together barely weigh what I do, I think I can take you."

"I'll draft Kori to help, then we could get you hogtied."

"You put that combination together and I'll gladly let you tie me up! Of course, you're going to have to tie Ronnie to the chair right next to me, because no way is he gonna want to miss that!"

She laughed, and I slipped out of her, my cock flopping wetly onto the cool rock under me. She gasped. "Ohh! I hate it when you fall out of me, I wish I could just keep you there forever!"

I felt the cum run from her and down my cock to the rock below. I was surprised that I'd had much left to pump into her. "Sorry babe, can't keep it up indefinitely. All good things must end! Speaking of which, it's morning, we should probably think about getting back out to the boat before everyone is up."

"In a little while, not right now. OK? I'm not ready yet, I want just us a little longer."

I agreed. "OK, sure. I'm fine with just us. Kristi, about Izzy..."

"I'm not sure about that Adam. I need some time to think about it, like you had. I think I sort of understand, but it's all very hard to wrap my head around right now."

"No, that's fine, I understand. What I was going to say was how very sorry I am that I didn't level with you up front. It was stupid, it got away from me, and it turned into lies and deceit. It was there, it was a fact, and I should have told you. Instead I made it into something ugly and sordid. Which it's not."

She thought for a moment. "I hate that you felt you needed to lie to me, but I don't think the whole thing is ugly. Just the lies. The rest of it is what shaped you, and I love you, so it can't be all bad. I would like to meet them sometime, Izzy and Paul, I mean."

"I know they'd love to meet you too. Izzy at least. You'd like them, I think."

"I think so too. It would be fascinating to see a little half-you running around."

I laughed. "I think he looks like Paul. He just knows me as a friend of his parents, although they do plan to explain it all to him when he's a little older. I have no illusions about who his man really is, and it's sure not the guy that was there for a few minutes one night!"

"A few minutes! I hope you did better than that!"

"Actually, I did. We spent the whole night. I was understating for effect. Anyhow, do you want me to give her up for now, until you decide? I'd have to explain, but Izzy would understand. At least in the short term."

She cocked her head and looked at me. "Adam, if I asked you to do that it would make me one of those women that finds her perfect man and says 'You're perfect, I love you, now change.' I can't do that. You should stay in touch with her, just don't hide it!"

"Agreed!" I was extremely relieved. I'd have cut things off with Izzy, for Kristi, but it would have been very painful.

She went on. "As far as another sperm donation, straight from the horse's - or mule's - whatever, I guess that's OK too. It would be unfair to deny that, and Paul has a point about the lab procedure. I'd hate to have to go through that myself! Just don't enjoy it too much, OK?"

"I'll try."

She laughed. "Sure!" She shook her head. "You're such a butt! Hey, look, one of the boats is leaving!"

She was right, one of the smaller houseboats fired up its motor and began to pull away. As it got clear of the raft of boats we could see that it had a motorboat tied on behind, and I realized it was our hosts, Doug, Pam, Steve, and Meg, and the other couple that was traveling with them.

"Hey, you're right. That's Doug's boat, you know, him and Pam and all. Kori will be so disappointed that Doug is gone! They're the ones that set this up, you know. It's a big lake, apparently they have other people to corrupt."

Kristi laughed. "Admit it, you enjoyed it! You went from prude to man of steel, like you had a perpetual hard-on. Obviously you were enjoying yourself."

"Yes, well, about that, and in the interest of full disclosure..." I told her about the Cialis that Sue had given me, and it's effect on enhancing my abilities. But yes, it had still been me, and I had enjoyed it, which I also told her.

She seemed intrigued. "Cialis. Isn't that the one that's supposed to last thirty six hours or so?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"And when did you take it?"

"Mmm, let's see. About fourteen hours ago, I suppose."

"Well well!" She reached between us and began fondling my cock, tugging at me. "Should we test their claims?"

I shuddered at her touch, my tired flesh tingling. "Kristi, it's a wonder have, not a magic elixir. Let's go have some breakfast, maybe then..."


Posts: 1459
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It was late. Meant to mention and forgot, Happy Thanksgiving to all! Alternatively, if you're not in the U.S. of A., happy belated Oktoberfest. Or early winter solstice, or whatever.
I hope you all have a great one!


Posts: 492
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Back at ya Stormy. Thanks for the latest chapter. Now go eat some bird.



Posts: 50 Pictures: 1 
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this is not a story like the other thousands and thousands (I didn't read them all though )

Stormydog is a real writer!!!! superb!!! (you have a Fan in Germany)

regards storyfan


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That was resolved very nicely



Posts: 1459
#640 · Edited by: stormydog
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TrF2 and GH, thanks for your comments.

Story, I'm glad that you enjoy the tale and I appreciate your very kind words. It's a big kick for me to know that various people around the world are reading along and enjoying this!
I'm not yet completely jaded by the ease with which we can communicate world wide over the internet, I find it amazing still. I've heard from folks in England, Germany, France, Italy, India, Canada, the U.S. (of course, lots of kinky folks here!) and possibly a couple places I'm forgetting. I love it! Thanks for taking time to add a note.

She laughed as she rose from my lap. "You, passing up sex for food, I never thought I'd see the day! Of course, you have had more than your fair share of the former in the last several hours."

She had risen with cat-like grace to the exact position which had started all this, her taut stomach and the V of her sex just inches from my face. I looked up at her to see if she had done so intentionally, to tease, only to discover that she was gazing up at the bluff to our east. The sun was just beginning to peek over the top of the rock, lighting her from mid-thigh up with a rosy golden glow, and she had this incredibly sexy post-coital look, aroused yet satiated, well used, but also well loved, her blond curls a glowing corona around her glorious face. As had previously happened to me dozens of times over the past couple years, I was struck totally speechless by her beauty, and could only stare as she raised her hands over her head in a long, luxurious stretch.

Seemingly totally unaware of the effect she was having on me, she stood gazing around at the incredible colors the rising sun had drawn from the surrounding rock formations. I have no doubt that the efffect was spectacular, but I couldn't seem to tear my gaze from her to take it in. She was so close that even in the light breeze I could catch her scent, feminine, sexual, the result of our recent lovemaking. I felt the buttterflies in my stomach, and my mouth watered sorry as I leaned forward just enough to gently kiss her smooth mound.

As if just realizing that I was still there with her, she dropped one hand to my head, the other to my left shoulder. "Mmmm! That's nice, but I thought you were the one that wanted to go get some breakfast."

"Mmm, yeah, I do, but I never specified what was on the menu." I kissed her again, slightly lower.

She laughed. "And I thought I was the one that was supposed to be insatiable! I really think I'm done for now, so you're probably wasting your time."

I watched a small pearl of milky semen slide from her outer lip and down the inside of her smooth thigh, leaving a shiny wet trail behind. "Babe, I consider it time well spent." I pushed my tongue into the front of her cleft, finding her seemingly perpetually aroused clit withdrawn, resting, retracted beneath its fleshy hood. I flicked at her gently with the tip of my tongue.

"Adam, I really don't think you're going to...Ohhh, god!" I felt her shudder suddenly, her surprise exclamation gasped out on a shaky breath. She pushed at my shoulders with her hands. "Please stop, I'm done, I can't...ohhh fuck, oh damn you! Stop that!"

Her body was running ahead of her, making lies of her protestations, and her legs parted slightly as she thrust herself against my lips. I felt her clit harden and protrude, slightly startled by how quickly it happened but not pausing to marvel about it. Focusing on her clit as I was, there was only the slightest taste of our lovemaking, but her sexual scent was strong and it drove me on. She was mine now, moaning and pushing herself to me, demanding satisfaction, and I cupped her firm ass in my hands and gave her what she demanded, using my tongue on her most tender flesh to drive her to a shuddering climax, one that left her weak and gasping.

She stepped back when finished, and I let her go, more than a little amazed myself by the suddenness and intensity of her orgasm. She was stunned and breathless, and she bent forward, putting her hands on her knees and breathing heavily. I saw her shiver with a sudden aftershock before she spoke. "My god Adam, are you trying to prove something or what?"

"Uhh, maybe, but only that I can't resist you, even if I wanted to. Which I don't."

She laughed softly. "Perfect! But if I'm willing to stipulate that I realize you can't resist me, do you think you can stop proving it for awhile? A couple of hours, maybe? I think you're *******ing me!" She laughed again.

I smiled up at her. "But not a bad way to go, right?" I rose to my feet, groaning, the sudden aches in my ass, back, and legs reminding me how long I'd been sitting on the hard stone surface. Part of the time with her on top of me! I rubbed my back. "Funny, nothing seemed to hurt when we were having sex, and now everything does!"

She giggled. "That's because you're so old! I think that's called the endorphin effect. Too bad that's not avialable in pill form too, huh?"

"That's for sure, I could use it!" I ran my hands down over my butt, rubbing out the kinks and brushing off a little loose sand. But it hurt! "Ouch! Oh damn, it seems you got your wish, I did sand the skin off my ass on the rock! Damn, that's really sore!"

Kristi looked at me. "Turn around, let me see you!"

I did, and she laughed uproariously! "Oh Adam, your poor bottom! You have two perfect red circles rubbed raw, one over each cheekbone! That looks very painful, I feel just awful for you!"

"Yes, I can tell by the way you're laughing that you must truly ache for me!"

That set her off again, racked by giggles. "No, it's awful! It just looks so funny, and after us kidding about it too!"

"Humph! Thanks! I guess I know where not to come for sympathy! I bet Kori will feel sorry for me. Maybe she has some lotion or something she can rub on it that might help."

Kristi was still chuckling. "Oh Adam, don't be such a big baby! Even if you do have nice rosy red cheeks!" She set herself laughing again with that.

"Thanks! You wouldn't find it so funny if it was your butt."

She turned and thrust her perfect ass out at me, rubbing one hand over her sensuously curved bottom. "Would you find anything funny in potentially damaging this flawless little ass?"

"Mmmm, no. That would be a crime. Disaster, you might say. Get it, dis-assed-her?"

"That's a terrible joke Adam. I got it, but don't want it. Any joke you have to explain..."

"Sorry. But you make a very valid point about that perfect little tush, let's just say I took one for the team. Well, should we swim for it?"

She looked out at the boats. "Give me a couple more minutes. I'm still a little shaky from that last workout you just put me through, I'm not sure I could make it that far."

I stepped to her and put my arm around her, both of us standing stark naked on the shoreline in the rising sun. It was quite cool out, and I felt the coolness of her skin against me as she put her arm around my waist. She shivered. "I'm not much looking forward to getting into that cold water!"

"Actually, with the air this cool, the water should feel pretty warm. But I know what you mean. And I really need a nap much more than a swim!"

We heard a loud thump and rattle, as if somebody had dropped something heavy on one of the boat decks, the sound traveling clearly across the water the way it does. We could also hear voices of people conversing, not well enough to make out what was being said, and what sounded like a radio news broadcast in the background. There was the sound of a big splash, also from the direction of the boats, and we could see movement as our friends and new acquaintances began to wake and move around. I saw someone on the upper deck of the rear boat, Miguel's boat, look in our direction. I was sure it was Britt, by the way the sun gleamed off her white-blonde hair, and she raised one hand to shade her eyes.

We heard a motor cough to life and soon a brightly colored Waverunner shot out from behind the raft of larger craft, headed out toward the open lake before it turned in a wide arc and circled to the left of the boats, heading back in toward shore. Initially headed to a point roughly a hundred feet to our left, the rider must have spotted us on shore, and he corrected course, steering a line directly toward us. The distance quickly closed, and we could see that it was Cody riding the PWC, and that he was intentionally heading for us.

He was maintaining a high rate of speed, headed directly at the shore, until he turned parallel at the last possible second and cut his motor, pushing his bow wave up almost to our feet. He stopped, bouncing slowly on his own waves just a couple of feet offshore. "Hey! Are you guys all right? Everyone's been a little worried about you."

Kristi smiled. "Yeah, we're fine!" She squeezed me tightly. "Aren't we, Adam?"

"Sure, we're good. A little hungry, a little cold, a whole lot naked, but otherwise fine." Cody had on big, baggy, brightly colored swim trunks, and for the first time in several hours I felt totally naked, and more than a little embarrassed about it. Kristi seemed completely unfazed and stood facing him openly. I don't know if she was aware of the way his eyes devoured her body, but I was. Not that I could blame him!

Cody smiled. "Well, you look great! This is such a perfect setting that I feel like I'm a gate-crasher at the Garden of Eden or something! Your friend Kori thought you might be ready for a little breakfast and asked me to come check." He looked at me. "She said it would be very out of character for you in particular to skip breakfast!" He laughed.

I grumred. "Yeah, well, she's right of course. It is that time of day! How come she didn't send Ronnie?"

Cody chuckled again. Anyone in this good of a mood this early in the morning was definitely a pain in my ass! "He's still relaxing, almost everyone is. Kori was up and had the coffee going, and I'm always an early riser, so we shared a cup, and talked. Interesting lady - she sure loves you guys!" He paused, his gaze going back and forth between us as he floated nearby. "Just a couple of others were awake, I think everyone wore themselves out last night. Boy, that party was one for the record books!" He looked at Kristi meaningfully as he said this, and smiled. She smiled back, and I recalled with a tingle of excitement and a stab of pain that they had shared their bodies just hours before, that he had spent himself deep inside of her as I had watched, mesmerized.

I spoke to break their attention, and their eye-flirting. "Yeah, that was quite a party! Guess I kind of screwed it up, huh?"

It worked, he looked back at me. "No, not really. Besides, it was mostly Ty's fault for shooting his mouth off. But the action didn't end when you left, there were still a few good rounds left in some people." He paused. "We should probably get back, me firing up the motor on this thing should have more folks waking up."

Kristi spoke up. "Can we hitch a ride?"

Cody nodded. "Sure, that's why I'm here! I can take one of you out and come back for the other. Who's first?"

I pushed her forward. "You go. I think I'll go ahead and swim out, I can always use the exercise." Truth was, I just didn't see how me climbing onto the Waverunner naked, with Cody, could be anything but extremely uncomfortable.

Kristi sensed this, and laughed. "Oh for pete's sake Adam, I can send your trunks back with him if that's what you're worried about!"

Cody laughed too. "Oh yeah, for sure! She can ride naked with me anytime, but you not so much! I don't require shirt and shoes, but I do demand pants!"

I laughed too, embarrassed that I had been so transparent. "No, no, you go on ahead, I really will swim, I don't mind. I'll join you in a few minutes - grab a cup of coffee for me, OK?"

Kristi shrugged as she stepped away from me and into the water. "Sure, OK. Hey, it really does feel warm!" She looked at Cody. "Can I drive that thing?"

He looked at her, one eyebrow raised. "Have you driven one before?"

I laughed. "Oh yes! She can drive anything, and she loves to go fast. Don't let her scare you!"

He smiled as he slid backwards on the long seat. "It's all yours Captain, you have the helm."

She turned to me. "Would you like it better if I came back and picked you up?"

I felt my stubborn button click on. "I said I'd swim - don't worry about it!"

She shrugged. "OK, if you say so." She swung one long, sleek leg over the seat and settled herself where he'd been sitting, pushing her ass back into his crotch very obviously and intentionally. He put his hands first on her shoulders, then self-consciously moved them to her hips. She laughed and took his hands in her own, moving his left one to her left breast and his right to her crotch. He looked startled and glanced warily at me. I could only shrug and shake my head, very much caught off guard myself, and I saw him squeeze her breast. He smiled, and I watched his right wrist bend and dip as he groped between her legs.

He raised his right hand and looked at it, his fingers coated in creamy semen. He rubbed his thumb and fingers together. "Well, I guess we know how you two have been passsing the time! Very nice!" He placed his hand back where he'd had it, and I saw Kristi bite her lower lip and close her eyes as he pushed his fingers into her. "All right Captain, I've got a good grip, anchors aweigh - or whatever, let's go!"

Kristi started the motor and goosed it a little just to make noise, then did a fast looping circle right in front of me before pausing again. She looked at me, smiling, and called out "Don't be surprised if you beat us there, I might have to ride around for awhile until I figure out what this big hard bump against my lower back is! It feels like a mechanical problem, but I can probably fix it!" She laughed and shot away, and I watched as they bypassed the boats and headed for the open water of the lake, following the path which Doug, Pam, and friends had taken shortly before.

I suppose I should have taken her up on her offer to come back for me. Too late now! I stepped into the water and dove forward to start my swim. It really did feel pretty nice, and I was suddenly famished. And very, very tired.


Posts: 1914
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Very nicely polished off Stormy. I bet that water gives him some grief on his sore bits, but that's your fault for making him so stubborn ! You must do a lot of writing in RL my friend, this is just too consistently good for you not to - and if you don't, you should.


Posts: 1459
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I've always found swimming, much like walking or hiking, to be very conducive to thinking through tough problems and to clearing my head, and I fell into that mode as I swam. The fact that Kristi had so eagerly jumped on the Waverunner and started fooling around with Cody had left me somewhat flummoxed, or perhaps bemused is a better description. It had been unexpected, especially after she had claimed that she was more than completely sexually satisfied. I guess something about Cody must have re-inspired her.

The other alternatives were that she had done it just because she knew it would make me crazy - and she was succeeding admirably, if indeed that was her goal - or else she was testing me, trying to be sure that I wouldn't fly off the handle again. Oh well, I expected that I would find the answer to that question in the next hour or two.

The sting of the water flowing across the abraded skin on my ass distracted me for a moment, and I wondered how long I would have to deal with a bruised butt. I could foresee that I would be a little uncomfortable for a few days, but it had been worth it!

I felt as much as heard the rumble of a boat engine, and I stopped, less that halfway to the boats, treading water as I watched one of the big centrally positioned houseboats, similar to ours, back slowly away from the group and then turn and head out toward the lake. Apparently people were waking up and the party was slowly breaking up. I wondered idly if anyone I knew or had met was on that boat.

I resumed swimming, thinking about how Kristi leaving as she had, with Cody, was still affecting me. I wasn't mad, or even hurt, exactly, but it bothered me nonetheless. The way she had so quickly turned his innocent attempt to hold on to her as they rode into a sexual act had been surprising, and I couldn't help but speculate on where they might be and what they might be doing at that moment. Given her nudity, her looks, and her at times raw sexuality, I should probably have expected a simple boat ride to turn into something more - Cody was only human! I couldn't imagine that they would have sex while bouncing across the surface on the machine, but I guess anything is possible if you try hard enough.

A tingle of excitement rippled through me as I realized that she would probably tell me all about it. If I asked her to. Or begged her. I wondered how long it would be before I would stop feeling that bitter little taste of self-loathing every time I found myself getting excited about the idea of Kristi making love to another man. Or if maybe I never would.

I realized suddenly how incredibly self-involved my thoughts seemed! I thought instead about Kristi, and how she must have felt over the previous few hours, what kind of pain and confusion my admission about Izzy must have caused her! She had been hurt and angry, there could be no doubt about that, but she had rolled with the punch extremely well and had dealt with it in a much more mature and adult manner than I had dealt with her infidelity.

As I neared the boats, I realized that she had never said she was all right with the type of relationship that Izzy's and mine had evolved into after a lifetime of knowing and loving each other. She had said merely that she wouldn't ask me to completely give it up, for now, and had generously agreed to let me provide the DNA that Izzy and Paul had requested, in the manner desired. I'm not sure I could have been that generous if the shoe were on the other foot. I hope I could have been man enough to do so, for something that meant as much to Kristi as Izzy did to me.

I came up to the side of Miguel's boat and could have climbed out there, but that would have left me in the position of strutting across the decks naked to get to my own cabin and find some clothes, not a prospect I wanted to face - especially given the likely negative effects of the cool water and cooler air! Hey, every guy is entitled to a little male pride and the accompanying insecurities!

Instead I swam alongside that boat until I came to ours, and worked my way around to the far side and the ladder. As I began to climb out, a hand was thrust down in front of me, reaching to help me on deck. I took it, glancing up to see who my benefactor was. To my surprise, it was Ty, and almost before I could straighten up he began speaking.
"Hey Adam, welcome back! I guess I owe you an apology. Or at least everyone - and I do mean everyone - around here tells me I do!"

I laughed and shook the water out of my hair. "Ah, so my clever ruse to make you look like the bad guy worked out perfectly, huh?"

He had on shorts and a yellow t-shirt, and he tossed me a towel, laughing. "Better than you could possibly have known! It's a shame you missed it, your friends Ron and Kori had me pinned down, tied up, and ready for castration!"

"Oh, ouch, I am sorry I missed that! Seriously though, I probably owe you an apology too. I tend to overreact sometimes." I finished drying and tied the towel around my waist.

He nodded. "Yeah, maybe just a little. And I tend to shoot off my mouth without thinking."

I agreed. "Yeah, maybe just a little."

We both laughed, and shook hands. He looked at me. "Bygones, OK? You look like you could use a little coffee after that swim, then maybe me and Cody can get you out behind the boat for awhile. Are you as good a skier as your lady is?"

"Well, I can blunder about and jump and go fast, but she makes it look a whole lot prettier and more graceful. I'd enjoy that though, assuming Cody gets back soon."

He looked puzzled. "What do you mean? He's here, they got back a little while before you did. He said you wanted to swim out, or he'd have gone back for you."

I laughed. "Well, that answers one question! She's tough on me, let me tell you! She led me to believe that she and Cody were off for a little early morning fun and games. They must have just circled beyond the boats and come back in."

He chuckled. "Man, she is going to age you fast! You know what though - and don't take this the wrong way - I'm betting she's worth every bit of it."

"She is, no question. But I'm thinking maybe I need to turn her over my knee and paddle that little bottom of hers for a***ing my good nature."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oooh! I'll give you a dollar if I can watch! Two if I can help!"

"Nah, then she'd enjoy it too much!"

We were both laughing when Kori walked up, carrying a steaming mug of coffee, which she handed to me before stretching up to give me a kiss. She was warm, her smile was warmer, and her lips were very soft. "Hi sweetie, glad you decided to rejoin us. What's so funny?"

She had on a thick, baby blue terry robe, and looked a little relaxy and tousled. I thought how sexy she looked as I hugged her with my free arm. "Oh, you know K, your friend Kristi just acting up and being mean again."

Kori pretended to pout. "Why is it that she's my friend when she behaves badly and the love of your life when she's being good? That doesn't seem very fair to me!"

I laughed and began to take a sip from my mug, then stopped, frowning."K, you of all people should know I take my coffee black with just a little sugar. I never put cream in it!"

She smiled impishly. "Oh, I know that! I thought maybe just this once you'd like to make an exception, since Britt provided that permisterally, just for us."

"What? Oh. Oh!" I sipped it. "Delicious! I can't remember when I've ever had a better cup of coffee!"

She and Ty both laughed, and Kori took my arm to lead me across the deck. "You're incorrigible! Throw in a little breast milk and you'll try anything."

"K, it's really not the milk itself that makes it so good - it's those cute little containers it's served in!"

She shook her head. "Except in Britt's case, those containers are not so little! Are you ready for some breakfast? I've got bacon, eggs, toast, some fresh strawberries and melon. Or corn flakes, if you want to be boring and healthy. You could have more milk on your cereal."

I laughed. "Tempting as that is, I'm ready for a real breakfast. All that fresh air has me half starved."

Kori nodded. "All that fresh air and vigorous activity, you mean! Sex, swimming, fighting, more sex, more swimming - of course you're hungry!"

Ty led us into the cabin as I objected. "Hey, there was really no fighting! Just some extremely earnest discussion. But speaking of sex, where is Kristi!"

Someone laughed, off to my right, and I glanced over to find Ron and Cody sitting on one of the sofas. Both were dressed similarly to Ty, in shorts and short sleeves for the cool morning. Ron spoke up. "I like that phrase, 'extremely earnest discussion'! I may have to use that sometime. As for your sex object, she's in the shower; Cody tells me she probably needed one."

I concurred. "Yeah, probably. My fault." I glanced at Cody.

He held up his hands. "Just so you know, I'm an innocent dupe. That whole scam was her idea, I was just along for the ride. Literally and figuratively speaking, that is."

"I figured. Don't feel bad, she can pull that stuff on the best of us."

He nodded ruefully. "Yeah, she's a handful!"

I smiled. "Two handfuls, from what I saw."

He had the decency to blush. "Um, yeah, well, also her idea, you know."

I laughed at his discomfiture. "I know, no hard feelings - well, except the one she mentioned, of course."

He blushed even more deeply, and everyone laughed.

"Hey, what's everyone laughing about?"

All heads turned as Kristi entered the room. She had on a tiny blue bikini bottom with a neutral colored crocheted shawl/cover-up tied across her hips - and nothing else! I was in just my towel, but she was now the least dressed one in the room. Her eyes were bright, her long golden tresses hung down around her shoulders and breasts, still dark and wet from the jet ski ride and the shower, and her nipples were proud and erect. She glowed, she sparkled, and I think even Kori must have wanted her at that moment.


Posts: 71
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Very good Stormy.


Posts: 492
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Awesome, just awesome Stormy. I'm sitting here, trying to figure out where you're going with this and to be honest.......I don't have a clue. That's one of the things I like about your writing, you keep mixing it up and keeping us off guard, just like Kristi is doing with Adam. That little bit with Cody was brilliant on her part.

Tiffany should be showing up soon...........will she come alone? Another whole batch of possibilities. I'm guessing you've already planned that part of the story out by now.

Hmmm. Kristi, Kori, Tiffany, Rain, Sue...........Adam's a pretty lucky guy in my book. I want to move to his street and just watch.

Nice job.


Posts: 4050
#645 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I'm sitting in a motel in northern New Mexico with my dogs after spending two hard days driving. Today was spent crossing Oklahoma, the Texas panhandle and a big chunk of New Mexico on I40.

What a pleasant surprise to get into the motel, turn on my computer and find these last two posts. They were wonderful.

Thank you very much


PS If anyone out there has a fascination with the American west, I40 from western Oklahoma to New Mexico is classic cowboy country.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks peak. It's odd that your comment wasn't there when I started to enter the next segment, then after I posted it was - and that you should predict the water giving Adam a little grief, probably about as I was typing it! I don't write in RL, except some business letters, proposals, occasional default notices, and this. I used to do a little technical writing some years ago.
Another friend from here asked recently if I thought I could write at a literary level if the sexual focus dried up. Honestly, I'm not sure. My answer was that I write this for fun, and if I had to face the pressure and hassles of producing on demand the fun would probably disappear quickly. I do appreciate the sentiment though.

Triptix, thanks for checking in again! I'm so glad you are still enjoying it.

TrF2 - crap man, that's bad news! I was really hoping you'd know where the hell I was going with this, so you could tell me! It is odd how the women seem to flock to a bumbler like Adam. I think they must want to take care of him so he doesn't hurt himself. Mothering instinct, you know.

GH, glad you're getting away on your trip, hope the golf and weather gods both smile on you. That is great cowboy country, I love it out there. I've found the people to be amazingly open and kind, and extremely honest and easy to deal with in a business sense.
It's not always the prettiest of scenery (understatement, again used for effect), but I do love the big open spaces. It does get prettier in New Mexico.
I've had the pleasure of eating at the Big Texan Steak House in Amarillo, although I didn't get that obscene 72 oz (or whatever it is) gut buster slab of meat! The food was very good, and the giant cowboy out front is unmistakeable. You no doubt saw it if you went thru on I-40.
Thanks for your comments, glad I could bring you a little pleasure on your trip. What kind of dogs do you have?


Posts: 1914
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OK Stormy, I admit it, I peak(ed) over your shoulder just as you wrote it. Either that or I just got lucky seeing the joke as you did. I think in fact you could actually become an honourary Brit with your sense of humour and penchant for understatement. Of course you would have to show a liking for gentle rain and a natural desire for discussing the weather before you could actually apply ... Another lovely post S. Thanks.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks peak, that's a nice compliment. Most people think my sense of humor is just weird...oh wait, I see your point! And I do like Monty Python, Benny Hill, Coupling (series on BBC), and a few others.

Come to think of it, I do like a gentle rain and have a propensity to talk about the weather. Afraid I'd lose the honorary Brit title for constantly misspelling such things as 'honor' and 'humor', however.


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Kori spoke up first. "We're laughing at you, sweetheart. Well, not really at you, but at the way you apparently worked these guys. You got both of them with one try, very nice!"

Kristi laughed. "You know how it is Kori - it's really not that difficult!" She crossed to me and gave me a kiss, then rested her hand possessively on my shoulder. I liked that. She smiled at me. "Lover, was that a dirty trick?"

I grumred a bit. "Well, you had me going a little bit, but I probably had it coming. Let's just say you owed me that one."

Still smiling, she shook her head. "That one, and so much more! The look on your face was priceless though, when we took off. Wish I'd had a camera!"

Kori seemed to have a pretty good instinct for what Kristi had done, and of course Cody and I were involved, and I'd told Ty. Ron looked a little puzzled, but not enough so to distract him from staring at Kristi as she moved around. I noticed that Ty also watched her quite closely, with that same lost look of puppy love that had been on his face the previous day whenever he'd looked at her. I think he had a serious case of lust at first sight - surely it couldn't be love in so short a time!

Kori ruffled her hair with one hand as she looked Kristi up and down. "Gosh, now I really feel dumpy and frumpy. It's not fair that you can spend all night on the beach, with no relax, and still look so good! I'm pretty sure I hate you!"

I chuckled and reached out and pulled Kori to me, giving her a hug. "Well, I think you look sexy, K. Besides, you know she doesn't need relax when she can have sex instead. She's like a vampire, except red is not the bodily fluid she needs."

Kristi laughed, then did a feeble and feminine Bela Lugosi. "Vy yes, I vant to take your cum!"

Ty raised his hand. "Oooh, me first!"

Cody and Ron were also quick to volunteer. It seemed that everyone was feeling very noble this morning. The girls both laughed at their eagerness, then Kori took Kristi's arm and pulled her away. "Come on, you can help me get breakfast going, I'm sure everyone is hungry after last night - you and Adam especially, after being out all night. And burning a few extra calories this morning." As they walked toward the galley I heard Kori ask Kristi if the scene on the beach had been as much fun as it had looked like, and realized for the first time that we had been watched as we made love. It's odd, but the only thing I felt about that was glad that I had not known at the time!

Ron looked at me. "So, did you two manage to work out the things that have been bugging you? You seem better together than you've been for awhile now."

I looked at him, then glanced at Cody and Ty and shrugged. "I guess, mostly anyhow. There's still some things, I mean, you know." I didn't mind talking to Ronnie about it, and would have been completely honest with him, but I was not comfortable opening up about it in front of Cody and Ty. Ty especially, since I figured he wanted Kristi enough to possibly exploit any weakness.

Before he could ask anything else, if indeed he might have, Sandra and Miguel crossed onto our deck and came inside where we were. She smiled warmly at all of us before crossing to Ron and giving him a long, deep kiss. It seemed she had enjoyed his attentions as much as he had enjoyed her, and they had formed a bond. She was in a short satin robe, dark burgundy with ivory lace trim, and her dark, sleek legs were bare beneath. I wondered if she had anything on beneath, and figured as short as the robe was I'd probably know soon. Miguel wore the de rigueur shorts and t-shirt. Kori called out to them, asking if they wanted breakfast, and they replied affirmatively.

Miguel spoke first, looking out at Kristi as he did. "Si! That would be very nice! You should probably plan on my lazy brother and Britt joining us as well, I heard them moving around as we left."

Sandra laughed as she crossed to join the girls. "Moving around, he says! They were fucking in the shower, my love, not moving around!" Kristi and Kori both giggled at that. "I think sometimes my Miguel is a little envious of his brother. Juan is always like this" - here she held her hand out with her thumb pointing rigidly upwards, and there could be no mistaking her meaning - "and Miguel would like to be, I think. But you have a wife, my love, and I do not want you to be like your brother, a hard man. Not always!"

I smiled at her lilting English, the soft voice and oddly structured sentences combining with her dusky beauty to make her very exotic, very compelling. Her gentle, loving humor as she chided her husband was also attractive.

She looked at what Kristi and Kori had pulled out for breakfast and asked a couple of questions, then sent Miguel back to their boat for a few things. As he left, I slipped off to our cabin to get some clothes so I could stop parading around in a towel. I put on a pair of baggy, brightly colored trunks and a loud and no doubt clashing Hawaiian shirt. Breakfast seemed like a good time to make a fashion statement. Before doing so, I also took time to take a quick bath with washcloth, soap, and warm water, and washed my bristly face. Deodorant and a quick comb through the hair completed my ablutions, and by the time I rejoined the group they had huevos rancheros well under way.

It seems that Sandra's ideas for the eggs had been a little more adventurous than the girls', and the smell of a spicy chile and warm tortillas had my mouth watering. Britt and Juan had joined us, and she gave me a very warm but enigmatic smile before holding her hand up to shade her eyes. "Good Lord Adam, it looks like a paint store threw up on your clothes! Please tell me you had to dress in the dark!"

They all had a laugh at my expense, but I had expected no less. I had anticipated the grief would come from Ronnie, however. I grinned at her. "Hey Britt, Juan! How are you two this morning? I thought since we had a sort of a Mexican fiesta theme going on I would dress accordingly. Best I could do on short notice."

Juan smiled. "Bueno senor, very nice!"

I crossed to Britt, intending to give her a hug, but she quickly stepped into my arms and raised her head for a kiss. I glanced at Kristi as I complied, and found her watching me, an unreadable look on her face. Britt's lips were soft and warm, and her body felt very good against me, her large, milk-swollen breasts firm against my chest. It felt odd to kiss her so sensuously and passionately, partly because Kristi and everyone else was watching, but also because I knew that she and Juan had recently - very recently - had sex. These were strange new friendships and relationships opening up here, and I felt like I needed a guidebook.

I broke free of her grasp, self conscious about being watched but not really ready to let her go, and reached for my coffee mug. "Well, I need a warm-up. Anyone else?"

Ty handed me his mug, and Britt asked for a cup as well. I looked slyly at her. "Hey, thanks for your contribution to the coffee this morning. Very delicious!"

She just sort of shrugged, not the least embarrassed. "It was just going to go to waste otherwise. Glad I could help, and that you enjoyed it."

I moved toward the coffee pot. "It was good. Not as good as fresh, straight-from-the-source, of course."

This time she did blush, the red visible even through her dark tan. "Well, I haven't pumped yet today. Although I did lose a little in the shower. I'm sure we can set you up with some nice and fresh for your coffee, if you want."

Now I was the one that blushed, knowing that she was referring to her leakage in the shower due to her arousal during sex with Juan, and because of her unexpected offer to sweeten my coffee. And probably anyone else that wanted it. This was going to be an interesting morning with our new friends, and I felt myself begin to harden. Again. I was afraid I might start to get a reputation like Juan, the famous Mr. Everhard.


Posts: 277
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Again, hot as hell and hard to belive I was not there. Love the details. Is Adam ever going to see his Jeep again? Thanks for your time and exellent erotic story telling.


Posts: 1914
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Well, nobody's perfect.


Posts: 492
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Well, it looks as if Stormy's keyboard has cooled off and our adventurous party goers are ready for round two. I wonder which luscious people will pair up this time, or will it be an all out orgy after breakfast? I lost track of who's cum and how many times, it must be nice to be young. I kind of remember those days as a distant memory. Maybe we'll see Adam and Kristi on one of the future Cialis commercials.

Britt and her milk laden jugs is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I love her sense of adventure with those big puppies, but then again, that should come as no surprise from me.

I'm assuming Adam's jeep is soon to arrive, I've lost track of what day it is. The question is, who will be in it, and will they stay?

Thanks Stormy, love it.



Posts: 1459
#653 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks cd. I know the details stretch the story and may make it drag a little in places, but I do feel I need to add them to keep it feeling right. I think Adam is less concerned with seeing his Jeep than he is with seeing the lady he expects to be in it!

Ha! Thanks peak - sarcasm, I get it!

TrF2, thanks for the comment, if not for reminding me of all the loose ends I still need to tie up! It seems that Britt, the nursing mommy, is a popular theme. Do you suppose that's because we never completely grew up, or just a fascination with the many abilities and attributes women have that we don't share?
Oh, and you're very welcome!

I took a clean mug from the cabinet for Britt and lined all three up on the counter, pouring coffee into them and almost emptying the pot. I crossed to Ronnie and poured the remainder into his cup so that I could start a fresh batch, then returned to the galley area. Reaching into the cabinet for the filters and coffee, I smiled at Britt. "So, were you serious about freshening the cream for my coffee?"

She raised her eyebrows and gave me a teasing smile. "Sure, why not? I don't seem to be needed to help with the cooking, so we'll just make that my little contribution."

She had on a long, oversized men's chambray shirt, in traditional blue, over a very small white bikini which was struggling to contain her milk-filled breasts. She unbuttoned the shirt and tugged loose the string that tied her top behind her back, shrugging her breasts free of the small triangles of white fabric, not the least self-conscious. I think nursing women tend to become a little immune to people looking at their tits. Her nipples were distended, dark and erect, and the skin of her breasts looked taut and stretched, uncomfortably so. I couldn't help but note that Ty, Cody, and Ron had all risen and crossed to the counter to watch, *** to miss this event! Miguel, Juan, and Sandra, apparently accustomed to Britt's milk by now, just went about their business or watched from further back, and Kori kept her focus primarily on her cooking, with Sandra's help.

Kristi, however, crossed to Britt and looked closely at her swollen tits, then, curious, reached out to touch one, stopping inches away. "May I?"

Britt smiled at her. "Sure. Have you ever nursed a baby? Oops, silly question! Look at those gorgeous boobs of yours, of course you haven't! Not yet, anyway."

Kristi smiled as she ran her fingers over the side of Britt's left breast. "No, not yet. Someday though. Maybe soon!" She looked at me, then at Ty as she said that. I don't know what that look at Ty meant, but it made my stomach flutter. She pressed harder on Britt, surprised at how firm and taut her breast felt. "Wow, that feels like it should be painful. Is it?"

Britt laughed. "No, not painful. It feels full, I guess you'd say, or heavy, but it doesn't hurt. It might if I let it go on much longer."

Kristi was letting her fingers explore Britts breasts as we watched. It was innocent curiosity, yet intensely erotic to me, and I was pretty sure as I glanced around at the rapt stares from Ron, Ty, and Cody that I wasn't the only one that was achingly hard! Even Juan and Miguel had wandered over to watch the interaction between the two women.

Kristi formed her hands over Britt's breasts, squeezing them gently with her thumbs and all four fingers of each hand. "That's amazing! I never imagined it would feel so firm and full. Are your boobs always this big?" I remembered her fascination with Britt's large breasts, and her insecurity about her own smaller ones as we had talked the previous evening. She seemed intent on finding out all she could about the topic.

Britt laughed, a full throated sound, full of humor. "Oh god no! They're at least half again as big as they usually are, and heavy! You'll see. It's kind of fun though, watching guys talk to my chest and trip over their own feet trying not to stare! Look at these guys, for example!" She snapped her fingers twice in front of us. "Hey, wake up guys, you're drooling!"

Cody swiped at his chin and blushed, and we all laughed. Kristi continued to touch Britt, letting her fingers slide down until they closed on Britt's hard nipples, rolling them gently between her fingertips.

I looked at Kristi and realized immediately that now she was just playing. Britt caught her breath and bit her lip, her eyes opening wide. "Oooh! That's going to make my milk let down!"

Kristi frowned. "What does that mean?"

Britt giggled. "You really are an innocent, aren't you? It's like a rush, making me ready to give milk. I can feel it. It happens when I'm touched just right, or when my baby cries - when any baby cries, for that matter - or for me, whenever I get aroused. I leak pretty easily, I guess. It can get a little embarrassing when my blouse gets wet in public places just because someone's baby starts crying."

Kristi tugged on Britt's dark nipples, gently stretching them out, as we all stared, spellbound! Britt shivered, then closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. "Yeah, that's gonna do it! Mmmmm!"

Kristi smiled a satisfied smile, looking at her fingertips, which were now wet with the beginning of Britt's milky secretions. "It looks like I've succeeded! I was really surprised last night how thin and watery it looks, I was expecting it to be thicker, I guess, or whiter." She licked her finger. "Sweet though, and rich tasting."

Britt was closely watching Kristi's face as she did this, as if she'd been waiting for her reaction. "If you want a better taste, you could suck on them."

They stared into each other's eyes for several seconds, then, without speaking, Kristi bent and sucked one of Britt's erect and now wet nipples into her mouth! Ronnie and Britt groaned at the same time, and I was sure that everyone else felt the same. I watched Britt's face, thinking how aroused and erotic she looked, and she reached down and softly pushed Kristi's hair back so that she could better watch my fiancee suckle at her breast. "Harder sweetie, you need to suck pretty hard to get - oooh, yes, like that! That's better!"
Britt moaned softly, and looked around at all of us, smiling. "I don't understand why it feels so sexual and erotic when anyone other than my baby does this! Weird!"

Kristi's own nipples were hard and jutting, and Ty, standing next to her, let his fingers trail down her back and across her ass. She moved to accommodate him, spreading her legs slightly apart, and his hand dipped behind and under her. I knew when he slid her bikini bottom aside and entered her, because she moaned low in her throat and her body tensed momentarily as his fingers explored her pussy.

Ty looked at all of us. "Incredible! She's totally hot and wet! I thought she was just teasing Britt and the rest of us, but she got herself too! Adam your girl is what you call a complete hottie!"

I smiled slowly, still not entirely sure how to respond to this type of group sexuality. "I know. And if I ever forget it, she reminds me pretty quick!" I watched her face as she sucked on Britt, the muscles in her throat working as she swallowed the milk she had drawn into her mouth, her neck and face flushed with arousal. Britt too seemed caught up, watching Kristi intently. She gently stroked the side of Kristi's face with the backs of her fingers, as she might have done with her own baby, a soft and extremely intimate gesture.

I glanced up to find that Kori had joined us, and was closely watching the interaction between the two women. She caught my glance and smiled, making an "Ooooh!" shape with her lips and patting her chest just below her throat, and I knew she found the scene very erotic. I smiled back at her before she spoke. "I really hate to be a party pooper and break this up, but everything is going to burn if we don't eat soon! You should have told us if you weren't ready to eat yet!" She looked at Kristi, then touched her shoulder. "Come on sweetie, break it up! Time for some breakfast - or in your case, some more breakfast!"

Kristi raised her head, licking her lips before smiling up at Britt self-consciously. "Thanks for letting me try that, it was very good, and sweet." She licked her lips again, then took a small, suspended drop of milk from Britt's nipple with the tip of her tongue. "I've always been curious what it would be like, you know, for me. I didn't expect to be on the recieving end though!"

Britt looked at her, reaching out to brush her hair back one more time. "You're very welcome! It felt very good, and you helped me out by taking some, I feel a little better. You made me totally horny though, I am so turned on right now!"

Kristi laughed as she reached back and gently pushed Ty's exploring hand away from her, adjusting her bikini. "Me too, as Ty was so classy to announce to everyone! Maybe we can pick up where we left off after we finish breakfast."

Britt laughed. "Yeah, maybe I'll suck on your tits! Or something."

I watched Ty look at his wet and glistening fingers before lifting them to his face for a quick sniff, needing the sample the scent of Kristi's arousal. It bothered me that he was so enamored of her, but I'd have done the same, so I understood why he'd needed that.

Britt asked if anyone still wanted their coffee creamed, and I pushed my cup to her, knowing that it had cooled slightly but that the milk she'd add would be warm. She leaned forward over my cup, squeezing and kneading her breast with her hand before squeezing her nipple and expressing thin, fine jets of milk into my coffee. It wasn't a quick process, but she soon looked up at me. "Say when!"

I chuckled. "I don't think I could stop you if I had to, I'm enjoying this too much!"

She laughed and decided for me, raising up and pushing my mug back to me. "Enough for you! Anyone else?"

Kristi giggled and asked for some, and Ronnie said "Not right now, but keep those babies available, I'll probably try some in my next cup!"

Kori slapped his shoulder as she delivered the plate of eggs. "Keep those babies available! What a thing to say! You, my dear, are so tacky." Everyone had a good laugh at the exchange, and at the easy but unintended vulgarity that seemed to spring so easily from Ron.

Kristi watched intently as Britt added a little of her milk to the coffee, then we all gathered around the table, which we had pushed near the breakfast bar to provide enough space. It was plain from the front of Cody's suit that he had an enormous erection going on, and my own was not much less obvious, despite the bright pattern. Juan was in a robe much like Kori's, except white, and longer, and the front was tented out over his stiff cock. I saw Ty reach down to adjust himself, and knew he too was suffering.

Everyone began serving themselves from the plates of crisp hash browns, hot soft flour tortillas, steaming eggs, and thick and spicy green chile. I sprinkled the shredded colby-jack-cheddar cheese combo liberally over my plate, covering the hot chile before grabbing a few slices of the non-traditional but delicious smelling smoked bacon. What can I say, I'm a born carnivore!

We all found seats at either the table or the raised stools at the bar and dug in. There was little conversation as everyone concentrated on eating, seemingly famished from the sexual energies spent the previous night. And, for some of us, this morning! I thought briefly about the imbalance here, six men to only the four women, due to the fact that Cody and Ty had arrived accompanied only by each other. At first that bothered me, especially knowing that both of them had begun by bonding with Kristi as she had waited for us on the dock, but being honest with myself I had to admit that the ratio was probably about right.

Actually, given the amazing capacity for sex that all four of these women had demonstrated, we could probably use a couple more men! If only Ty and Kristi hadn't seemed to have such a strong mutual attraction, this might have been easier for me. I trusted Kristi a lot more since we'd talked, I really did, but those two together bothered me. I couldn't help it, I'd seen the earth shaking orgasms he'd given her, and I was jealous of that. I didn't want to be, I tried not to be, but there it was.

As we ate and satisfied our immediate hunger, everyone started to slow down and talk more. Soon we were all chatting, topics of sports, weather, current events, family - and yes, sex - going around the table in what seemed like three or four simultaneous conversations. It was easy and relaxed, a big group of mutual friends just talking and enjoying the warmth of each other's company.

Juan's faltering English left him out just a little, but everyone seemed to make an effort to include him, and Miguel and Sandra translated a little when necessary. It was odd that Sandra spoke English so fluently, but obviously not as her first language, while Miguel spoke easy and flawless English, no trace of an accent, but also spoke fluent Spanish, and his brother was most limited in his English.

Britt seemed to communicate easily with Juan, although much of their communication was non-verbal, shared by looks and touch. They seemed to really enjoy each other, despite her easy sexual dalliance with me and others. Ronnie spoke a smattering of Spanish, more than me, and Cody was fairly fluent. Kristi and Kori had their own way of communicating with Juan, and I felt confident it would work with any hetero male, regardless of language barriers. Kori and Juan seemed to be really hitting it off, which was good since her friend Doug had left early.

As we ate and talked, I couldn't help but be struck by how close we all seemed. Considering that we had met all these people just the previous day - Ronnie, Kori, Kristi and I, I mean - we all seemed very comfortable and at ease, none of that early awkwardness you see so often in budding friendships. I wondered if it was the open sharing of sex and intimacy, the fact that we had all dropped our guard and enjoyed each others partners and each other's bodies, if maybe that was the key.

There was no doubt that we knew each other far better and more, ahem, intimately than is typical for people that had met less than twenty four hours before! Whatever the reamister, it was a very pleasant feeling to know that we were surrounded by friends, and that a mutual trust, consideration, and intimacy had formed this bond. This despite the fact that two of these men (besides me) had shared sex with my fiancee, and had in fact spilled their seed deep inside of her, and in the same mouth she used to kiss me! It was an odd sensation, to spend time and be so friendly with them, knowing that.

Except for my own misgivings about Ty and Kristi, there didn't seem to be any jealousy or hard feelings for any of the activities various couples had engaged in, and even my own concerns were mostly just a general sense of unease or discomfort. Admittedly, the woman that had received my attention was attached only to Juan, and that in the most casual way, but Sandra and Ronnie had gone at it hot and heavy, which Miguel didn't seem to mind, and of course Cody and Kristi - for some reamister, Cody did not cause me the concern that Ty did - and Ronnie had watched Kori get fucked almost *** by Doug. Yet he seemed happy for her, and as loving and warm toward her as ever! I was still trying to wrap my head around it all!

Now Kristi and Britt sat on either side of Juan, laughing and giggling like two old younghood friends. Obviously Kristi's intimate moment with Britt had brought them together, and had crushed whatever resistance or resentment Kristi might have felt - if any - for the busty blonde after she had witnessed Britt and I together the previous night.

Juan had leaned back and put his arms out, one around each woman's shoulders, and I suddenly realized they each had a hand under the table, in his lap, and that the constant repetitive motions of the muscles in Kristi's arm were caused by the fact that she was stroking his large, dark, and constantly erect cock beneath the table! Looking, now, the fact that she was masturbating him was unmistakable, and I wondered how long I'd missed it. I'm pretty sure that Britt was helping by fondling his balls.

Kristi caught me watching, and gave me a little half-smile and a wink, then suggestively licked her lips. It seemed she had forgotten, for the moment, about sucking Britt's tits, and had set her sights on different game.


Posts: 492
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Turn off the smoke detectors, I can see that the keyboard is about to heat up again big time. Can't wait to see who's doing what to whom........ Loved the Kristi/Britt encounter, very sensual in your usual genius way. Great job as always Stormy.



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Thanks TrF2, I appreciate your support.

Kori, being Kori, stood up and began to clear the dishes from the table. Sandra stood to help her, the same two that had done most of the prep work and cooking now doing the clean-up as well! That struck me as being a little unfair, as Britt and Kristi continued to play as they had earlier, now adding Juan to their game. Of course, there was no reamister that me or any of the other guys couldn't help out either, except that Kori would have chased us out while she was cooking, and that now we were all just being lazy and sexist.

I stood and began to stack dishes to carry out to the sink, and Ty rose to help. Kori had walked over behind Kristi, Britt, and Juan, and realized for the first time what was going on there. "Well for cryin' out loud, what are you three up to? Don't you ever get enough?"

Kristi looked up at her, laughing. "Well, it seems Juan doesn't, and you know I don't, and I also know you don't, so stop acting so surprised!"

Kori shook her head. "I'm not surprised, just upset that I got left out! If everyone starts having too much fun without me I get very jealous. Now let me in here!" She pushed the table aside with her hip, revealing for all to see that Kristi did indeed have her hand wrapped around the base of Juan's erect penis, slowly stroking him as Britt fondled his heavy ball sack, cupping it in her hand as she squeezed and toyed with him. Every time Kristi slid her hand upwards she would slide Juan's dark foreskin over the head of his cock, then draw it back again on the downward stroke, revealing the swollen purplish glans, taut and shiny with his arousal.

He seemed very relaxed, calmly accepting the women's attention, and he hadn't blinked when Kori moved the table and revealed him for all to see. His dark shaft was veiny and thick, Kristi's slim fingers barely reaching around him, and looked extremely hard. I remembered how his heavy balls had looked swinging between his legs as he'd fucked Linda, sharing her with his brother in front of her impotent husband Max the previous day, and they looked no less impressive in Britt's hands. He exhibited a cocky arrogance, seeming to take the two women serving him as his due, and when Kori dropped to her knees and took his cock into her mouth, he responded only by taking the arm from around Britt's shoulders and placing his hand on top of Kori's head, resting it there as her head began to bob up and down on his cock.

I glanced at Ronnie to see how he was taking this. He sat watching, a bemused smile on his face, seemingly pleased that his wife was enjoying herself. As for me, I was excited and aroused by Kristi's actions, but had a queasy, nervous feeling in my stomach and a tightness in my chest to go along with the raging erection and fireworks going off in my groin. I envied his calm enjoyment and lack of anxiety.

Britt, noting Kori's enthusiasm, backed away from the others. "Here, you two go ahead. I'm being selfish, I can have him to myself later, and it's rude for me to not help with cleaning up, after all!"

Kristi looked at Britt momentarily as she moved back, disappointed, I think, that she was not going to get to get to spend any more time playing with her. She was with Kori though, the two of them extremely close for many months now, and that seemed to soothe her hurt feelings. She stretched up and kissed Juan, then kneeled beside Kori as they took turns sucking his cock and balls.

Everyone was watching them, and I think Kori and Kristi were fully aware of that and were intentionally putting on a show. I glanced again at Ron, to see if he was finding this as intensely exciting as I was, these two girls that he and I knew and loved so well teaming up on the acknowledged stud of the group. He caught my glance and smiled and winked at me before giving a low whistle. He was clearly enjoying it.

I moved over closer to him, which put me further behind the girls, and from this angle could see that Kori's robe had ridden up as she bent over Juan's lap, exposing her bare bottom and the moist treasure of her aroused pussy between her legs! As I watched, I thought I was imagining that I could see her becoming more aroused, until Ronnie mentioned it, nudging my arm. "Look! Look at her, you can see her getting wetter and more turned on the longer she has that hard cock in her mouth! She's such a horny little slut, I love it!"

Kristi, too, was becoming aroused by their exhibition, but she was still in her bikini bottom so it was less obvious. I knew the signs, though - the erect nipples, obviously, the red flush on her neck and chest, the red, swollen lips as she sucked his thick cock, the smokiness that seemed to always enter her eyes when aroused. She was loving it, and I knew she'd be wet and ready, which made my mouth water.

Kristi turned herself slightly and looked at me, Juan's cock deep in her mouth, her lips stretched around the midpoint of his hard organ. Her eyes locked on mine, she slowly slid him out of and back into her mouth, leaving wet streaks of saliva on his dark shaft. I tore my gaze away and looked around to see if anyone was watching me, suddenly self conscious about so freely and obviously enjoying my woman with another man.

Nobody seemed to care how I felt, all eyes locked on the free sex show right in front of us, and I was relieved by that. Of course, nobody was cleaning up either, all other activities having ground to a halt as soon as Kori had moved the table aside! Britt had stopped beside Ty when she had moved away from the action, and now had his cock in hand, stroking his hard, curved erection, his shorts in a pile around his feet. I don't know if she accomplished that, or if he had started without her, but he seemed perfectly happy to let her continue!

Cody was standing by himself, clutching himself through his shorts, erect, aroused, and just kind of holding on and waiting for an opportunity to present itself. Sandra was sitting up on one of the higher stools at the breakfast bar of to my left and slightly behind, Miguel behind her with one hand on her shoulder, the other down inside the front of her robe cupping her breast. Her legs were slightly apart, and my eyes were drawn to that, a tingle going through me as I discovered that she was in fact naked under her robe, her neatly trimmed little pussy on display for my enjoyment!

She caught me looking and smiled, moving her legs farther apart to give me an opportunity for a better look, which I took. She has a very pretty little pussy, neatly framed by her closely trimmed black hair, and she looked wet, aroused, her pink flesh flushed with excitement and the fleshy little hood just barely covering what I was sure was a very hard and tasty little clit! My heart was pounding with arousal, the hammering pulse echoed in certain other parts of my body where enhanced redflow was present. It occurred to me that the Cialis had probably been a complete waste; the things I'd witnessed and participated in during the last fifteen or so hours since I'd taken it would be enough to arouse a dead man!

Semi-reluctantly turning back to Kristi and Kori, I soon realized that they had Juan on the edge, nearly ready to cum, pushed to the limit by their s*******ed tag-team oral attention! Kori relinquished him to Kristi, who took his pulsing, rigid cock into her mouth just in time for him to groan and shoot the first jet of warm semen into her throat, his cock pulsing and pumping in orgasmic spasms. Kristi closed her eyes and moaned, enjoying the feel of his cock flexing and pumping it's creamy load into her mouth. Timing the exchange perfectly, they switched him seamlessly back to Kori, not missing a drop, and he continued to pump his load into her warm and willing mouth!

I watched Kristi, my heart pounding, as she kept her eyes closed, rolling his thick, creamy cum across her tongue and tasting it, feeling the texture and the warmth before swallowing it all in one gulp. When she opened her eyes she was staring straight into mine, and I could see that she was incredibly, totally aroused, caught in the moment and wanting more! Juan had apparently finished cumming, and Kori raised her head, nearly mimicking Kristi's actions before swallowing the portion of his load that she had taken. It was intensely erotic for them, and for everyone watching, and we were mesmerized, unable to look away from the two extremely aroused women and the momentarily satisfied but still erect man!

Then I heard Britt exclaim. "Oh my!" and start laughing, and turned in time to see Ty, overexcited by what he'd witnessed, ejaculating wildly all over the place! She continued to stroke his rock hard cock as he came, his white cum spraying up onto her breasts and arm, covering her hands, spattering onto the floor and the edge of the table as his body spasmed sorry in the throes of his orgasm! Britt thought it was hilarious, and Sandra and Ronnie joined in the laughter.

It took Cody a few seconds to realize what had happened to his friend, but when he did he laughed louder than anyone. "Oh man, look at him go! Did you enjoy that, Ty?"

Ty finally groaned, letting out the breath he'd been holding, and gasped for air. "Ohhh, fuck! Oh my god, that just hit me so suddenly!" He looked at Britt and began to apologize. "That's embarrassing, I'm sorry I did that! It just happened so fast!"

She laughed. "I'll say! It was fun though, and carrying that load, it looks like you needed it! I'm surprised your balls weren't as big as my boobs, with all that in 'em!

He looked around, chagrined. "Wow! Sorry everyone, I'll clean up after myself!"

Britt said "Let me!", and bent to lick him clean, drawing a gasp from him as she took his still-hard cock in her mouth.

I looked back at Juan and our girls just in time to see them stand. Juan and Kori had both shed their robes and were completely naked, his big cock still very much at attention and ready for action. Kristi wore only her bikini bottom, and looked overdressed. They each wrapped a hand around his hard cock, and led him from the room, Kristi leading them down the hall and turning into our room!

I looked at Britt. "How the hell does he do that?"

She looked up at me, Ty's cock poised at her lips. "I don't know, but he'll fuck then both, if they want him to, and still be ready to go again. He's amazing, kind of wears me out. I'm glad they're helping out!"

I looked at her, stunned! "Yeah, me too. I couldn't be more thrilled!"

She just laughed, and slid Ty's cock back into her mouth.


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Stormy. My comment was a boat reference. Its the last line in "Some like it Hot" when Jack Lemmon (dressed as a woman) is using every flimsy excuse not to get married to the boat owner as they drive off into the sunset. He finally rips off his wig and says, "but I'm a woman" to which the boat owner gives his line, "Well, nobody's perfect." Sorry for being obtuse.

Just loved the dialog on the boat by the way. It all seems so sure, so well in the characters as we (you) know them. Good art always seems so effortless, but it must have been difficult to get the balance so right. Appreciate it.


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and again:
another superb posting Stormy. I'm wondering where you find all those ideas. The characters are so real!!! incredible.

And when is Tiffany joining the crowd?

Looking forward to the next "Lesmister"


Posts: 27
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This story is so friggin hot. The only way for this to get any hotter, would to be there in permister. Beautifully crafted Stormy. I can't wait for the next chapter.....


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Looks like Kori and Kristi will get to evaluate that age old "length vs. width" debate. If I remember correctly, Kori said that Ron was too little and Adam was too big, what will she do with Juan's supersized love muscle? If I know our girl, she'll figure out a way to make things fit, and if she doesn't, Kristi will be there to pick up the slack.

If I'm doing my math correctly, Britt and Sandra now have five horny guys to take care of, that should prove interesting. There could be fluids leaking all over that houseboat. Hope everyone has a life preserver.

Thanks for the awesome story, Stormy.



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peak - You're right, I totally missed the reference, but then it's been awhile since I've seen the movie. Great movie though, with terrific actors, and the reference was spot on, if a little obscure. Thanks for the clarification, and the words of support!

Thanks story. The characters kind of built themselves, and the ideas spring from them. I know that's weird, but it's all I can figure out. And, not to fear, Tiff will be along, I suspect!

ncal, I'm very glad you're finding the story to be so hot. I'd hate to think I was the only one that liked this stuff! Next time I'll be sure to invite you along on the trip. I appreciate your ongoing support!

TrF2 - I think Kristi and Kori, together, could probably wear out any male on the planet. Maybe.
As far as Britt and Sandra, yeah, they're probably disappointed to only have 5 guys left to satisfy them! Thanks for your comments, I always enjoy them.
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