Posts: 1459
#601 · Edited by: stormydog
I continued speaking, telling Kristi about various experiences that Izzy and I had shared growing up, about the many happy hours I'd spent hanging out with her at her parent's restaurant in Chicago's Little Italy, on the famed Taylor Street. Izzy's grandparents had started it long before, and by the time she and I terrorized the place the family had been running it for almost fifty years. Her sister and one of her brothers run it still, to this day, and whenever I'm in Chicago fine Italian food and a bottle of Chianti at Esposito's is always in my plans. Even with Izzy in Houston, it's a place where, like on Cheers, everybody knows my name and I feel welcomed by family.
I explained to Kristi that I was as much a part of Izzy's ethnic Italian family as she was of my mixed white bread one, and how we had been as much brother and sister as friends as we grew up. That was one of the few places that Kristi interrupted me.
"Wait Adam, just wait a sec. If you two were like brother and sister, at what point did that taboo relationship start to seem like a good idea?"
I gave a rueful chuckle. "At the normal time, when all the hormones started to flow. We weren't really brother and sister you know, we just grew up that way. She developed way ahead of me, but we were always very open with each other and she was so fascinated with the changes she couldn't wait to show me." I laughed again. "I'd always get pretty excited about that, although at that point I don't think I had any clue why that was."
Kristi actually laughed at that, a hopeful sign, and prodded me a bit. "Adam, I'm still not always sure you know. She actually shared all the changes with you, everything she was going through?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Huh. You must have been really close, for her to share that. I found the whole thing very traumatic and embarrassing and just wanted to hide under my bed until it was over. All those changes to my body, the reding, all that - I was only eleven, and it was awful."
"It sure turned out well!"
"Don't try to flatter your way out of this. Go on."
I thought for a moment. "Well, suffice to say that when hair started to sprout in the most unusual places, considerable hilarity ensued, and then those nifty breasts, and how tender she was - we couldn't even play tackle football that whole autumn."
Kristi scoffed "Nifty breasts! Jesus!"
"The problem was, for about a year and a half, almost two years, she was more a woman and I was still a kid, and that was the one time we drifted apart. Her interests changed and we fought a lot. She started to become interested in the older boys, the ones that had grown up and changed, and she was ready to, um, what's the expression, "to put aside youngish things", and I wasn't. Not at all. It was hell, and I was devastated most of the time, especially seeing her talking to the older guys. Even kissing one, once, and ignoring me.
Kristi looked at me oddly when I said that, but I rushed on. "I was persistent and hung around even when she wanted me to go away, and eventually I hit that adolescent phase and she got to be the one amazed and amused by all the changes that my body was going through." I chuckled at a sudden memory. "Her family was Catholic, and Izzy once said if I converted from Methodist to Catholic they'd have to change the name of their church to "Our Lady of the Perpetual Boner" - and she was pretty much right, it seemed a constant problem at that point."
Kristi just shook her head.
"Anyhow, we watched each other mature, and eventually we started to touch and we experimented, we learned, we guided each other to what felt good and what felt incredible - it was all at least good - and this powerful urge just took over, it was all we could think about for a few years. We would sneak off anytime, anywhere to have time alone to touch. She'd make me cum, which was no challenge of course, but she was fascinated by it and I naturally loved it, and she taught me how to touch her and what amazing things I had the power to do to her body. Most of what I know about women I probably learned from her."
Kristi frowned. "Well, I suppose I do owe her for that. She was a good teacher."
I shrugged. "Yeah, well, we spent a lot of time at it."
"Adam, what I don't understand is if you two were so much in love, if you still are, as you say, why aren't you together? Why did you marry Lisa? Why are you with me?"
I shook my head. "She married Paul first, well before I married Lisa. I don't know, I think we knew even then that this perfect relationship we had wouldn't survive marriage. Maybe it was just instinct, but we weren't husband and wife material, not for each other. It would have wrecked us. This way was better."
"When did you know that? How?"
I'd thought long and hard about that myself, and I told her the only thing I'd ever been able to figure out. "When we started actually dating each other, I guess. You know, dances, movies, dinners, that kind of stuff. We had a great time, we enjoyed it and it seemed like we each knew what the other was thinking before they thought it, but there was no danger, no sparks, no fear of the unknown to spice things up. So we started dating other people."
Kristi looked at me pensively for a moment, then said softly "You mean she started dating other guys, don't you Adam?"
Kristi was right, of course, but... "Well yeah, she did first, but she was cute, and built, and got hit on a lot, so it was only natural. And anyhow, I dated other girls too, eventually." Even to me that had sounded very defensive.
"How long Adam? How long did she date others before you did?"
"I don't know, not long. A few months, maybe a year. I don't remember."
"Did that make you mad? Were you jealous of them?"
It had been intensely painful when it first happened, and I didn't much want to relive something I'd buried long ago, but I knew I needed to be as completely honest with Kristi as I could or my chances to save our relationship would crumble. "Yeah Kristi, I was angry and hurt, at first, and wanted to do something violent, but Izzy made me understand. She explained about why and how we needed to see others, to see if what we had was real love, and all that. And she was right. And anyhow, she still came over to my room late at night when she would get home from her dates and we'd talk half the night."
"Did you talk about her dates?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess. Sometimes."
"A lot?"
"That depends on what you consider a lot. A fair amount, I guess. Why?"
Kristi shook her head. "Nothing, I was just curious. Was she screwing these guys?"
"No. Well, not usually. Maybe if she dated the same guy for awhile, but she didn't want to be known as the class slut. I guess she slept with a few of them." I really hadn't wanted to go back through all this!
"And she'd tell you all about her date? In how much detail?"
I shrugged. "A lot of detail. Izzy was always very open, she told me everything. I didn't mind, at least I got to spend time with her. And it was kind of exciting, sharing it with her, and I could tell her what the guys were saying, and who was planning to ask her out and all that. It was like I was her spy in the enemy camp, and then later she did the same for me, with the girls."
"Stay focused Adam. Was she still fucking you too?"
I laughed. "Yeah, every chance we got. Fucking plus lots of other stuff, but we kept it very secret, nobody knew, we never told anyone, ever."
"So you knew all about her being with other guys but nobody knew about the two of you. You had to keep that secret." She paused, then went on. "What kind of stuff would she tell you?"
I laughed again. "Well first of all she said she was surprised by how small most guys cocks were."
Kristi actually laughed out loud! "No doubt! She was spoiled, I know the feeling. Guys like you are probably not a best first experience, it tends to raise a girl's expectations unrealistically." She paused, looking at me, as if debating whether to ask her next question. "Would you and her make love even then, even after she'd had some other guy that same night?"
I nodded. "Sure, we weren't about to let an opportunity go to waste. Plus, it always seemed to leave her very horny, and I guess that rubbed off on me, because we'd be all over each other before she could even finish telling me about it. It was a little weird at first, but we both seemed to like it."
"Uh huh. Well. Adam, I'm so glad you convinced me to stay and listen to your story. I'm starting to understand a few things, to see things more clearly. Please go on."
I did, happily! It sounded like she was maybe going to understand how it was with me and Izzy, and I was elated to think that she might, just might, even accept the situation! I prattled on into the night, sitting naked on the warm rock with this gloriously beautiful woman, also naked, and she watched me closely as I spoke, asking some questions, and the moon moved slowly across the sky toward the western horizon.
The night here was crystalline, not the murky darkness that passes for night in the city, and I absorbed every minute facet of Kristi's beauty as I spoke to her, amazed at the way the moonlight and shadows played with her features. She was any woman and every woman, the light playing tricks on my eyes, but all of them were breathtakingly beautiful, and I wanted to tell her that. Except I knew it would sound a little corny if I tried to say it out loud, and she'd think I was just dodging her questions, so instead I told her the rest of the tale of me and Izzy, and what had passed between us over the years.
Posts: 4050
Lisa was out for the evening. I was on my own, but I was tired and didn't feel like writing. I wanted another scotch before I went to bed and I was looking for something to read. And then you posted this magnificent little piece.
You really are an outstanding writer.
Thank you
Posts: 492
What GH said, and what I've been telling you all along. You really know how to weave a story, and your literary s*******s are superb. Thank you for this latest chapter, it's excellent.
I just went back and checked because I was curious. You started writing the houseboat party right around September 1. Amazing how much work went into just that one episode in this wonderful story.
I'm glad that Kristi and Adam are working through this. It looks like their love for one another may override everything else. Seems that Kristi is getting Adam to admit that his relationship with Izzy may have laid the foundation for his deep seated curiosity with the cuckold lifestyle.
Thanks again.
Posts: 1914
Stormy. Truly brilliant.
When you write it down, I'm sure we can all remember similarly embarassing incidents from our younghoods, but to get the emotions so right. Well, I'm sure we all squirmed with you (sorry, Adam) there.
And another of your trademark endings ..
Posts: 277
WOW, bad memories about locker rooms. The Mule is human. contdoc
Posts: 50
Stormy, I'm deeply impressed and that since weeks (or months). Looking forward for the next part, regards Story
Posts: 1459
#607 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks peak. The funny thing is, I had alluded to that incident way back in the very first installment of this story lo so many months ago. I never imagined at the time that it would be this far down the road that I would tell of it. It's another of my annoying tangents with which y'all are so familiar by now! Glad you enjoyed it.
Yeah cd, high school can be vulgar - it's a tough age. Thanks for responding!
Thanks story, I'm glad you're still with us and enjoying the story. I'm planning to post another chapter now - hope you enjoy it as well! ____________________________________________________
"Well babe, it's a funny thing. I was trying to forget the whole thing and praying it would just pass quietly, but no such luck. Before that happened, mostly my friends called me Mule, but afterward that nickname spread throughout the school. Everyone - even a lot of the girls - started calling me that. It was really embarrassing for awhile, until I started to get used to it."
Kristi nodded understandingly. "That can be a traumatic period, that age group. Kids are mean! So many changes, and then to have that happen too..."
I laughed. "Oh, don't get me wrong, it could have been much worse! You remember Chuck, the kid that got the woody when Izzy was resuscitating him? Well, he earned a new nickname too."
"Oh no! Really? I kind of hate to ask..."
"Yup. Good old Upchuck. From that point on he was Upchuck. It started out like 'Hey, I heard you got it up, Chuck', and it just stuck. All in all I'd much rather have been Mule. Izzy got a little grief too, for turning on ol' Upchuck, but mostly she was a hero. Rumors went around that her family had put out a contract on the Tank, had her whacked."
Kristi laughed. "That's insane! Surely they couldn't have been serious?"
I chuckled. "Well, semi-, I guess. In those days, if you ran a good joint on Taylor Street, had great Italian food, mob guys were pretty regular customers. They had both well-known and reputed Mafia guys come in all the time, it was kind of a point of pride in Little Italy. If those guys didn't eat at your place, it wasn't a very good place."
She stared at me. "You're actually serious!"
"Oh yeah! Her dad, Joey, had his wall of fame, you know, pictures of all the famous celebrities that had eaten there. You've seen 'em - actors, singers, jocks, politicians, all that kind of stuff, all autographed, hanging on the wall. He had a number of the well-known mob guys up there, with the celebs. Lots of jocks too, Chicago has had a lot of greats over the years." I chuckled again. "Old Joey, he used to hang all the politicians in the bathrooms, or in the hall just outside. He hated those guys, always said that was better than they deserved, but they never seemed to catch on, they just kept letting him take their pictures."
Kristi shook her head. "So do you think they really did? Have the Tank *******ed, I mean?"
"Oh, no, I'm sure they didn't! She was way beneath notice for those guys, and Izzy's family wouldn't get involved in something like that. I'm sure they just moved her to another school. It was a huge district."
"Jeez Adam, you've led an interesting life. It's a shame you never told me any of this before. But then I guess you couldn't, if you were going to keep Izzy secret, could you?"
"No, but I never intended to keep her a secret! I really didn't! I wanted to tell you, I waited for the right time, and somehow it slipped past me. It got to be too late to tell you, I didn't know how. I fucked up, Kristi. I fucked up bad, and I couldn't be more sorry. Do you think you can ever forgive me?"
She raised her head and looked at me. We stared straight into each others eyes for several seconds before she spoke. "I don't know yet Adam. It's partly the fact that you lied to me and covered this up, but it's also the way you made me feel when I screwed up! That was hard anyhow, hearing you call me those names, even though I knew I deserved it. But the fact that you could do that knowing full well what you were doing with Izzy, that's just cruel. I never thought of you as cruel before, Adam. One of the things I admired about you was that you were always so kind to everyone, so caring. Empathetic, I guess. Never cruel."
She was right, and it hurt that she was. I could feel myself obligation up, hating myself anew for the way I'd hurt her, for being such a hypocrite. "It was anger Kristi. Just pure shock and anger, and hurt. I wanted to hurt you then, at that moment, but even as I screamed at you I knew I was wrong, that I was as guilty as you were. Maybe more so. I spent a lot longer hating myself after that than I did being angry with you, if that helps any."
"Not particularly, but it's good to know you still have a conscience. I hope you lost relax."
"I did. Lots - I was a zombie for awhile."
"Well, we can talk more about that later. Finish telling me about you and Izzy, why you didn't wind up married to her. I still don't get that. Where were we...oh yeah! The part about the Mule starting to get lucky with the girls!"
I laughed, relieved to change the subject back to ancient history. "Oh yeah, that! Well, it started out innocently enough, the first few days - a week or so even - after the incident, no big deal. Nothing really changed, except I kept getting these looks from people, some I knew, some I didn't, really. It was like everyone was walking on eggshells. Then one day I'm at home, a Saturday, I'm out mowing the lawn. This girl from school walks up, Angie. I knew her from around, but we'd barely spoken before." I paused. "Boy, I'm getting thirsty. I wish one of us had brought some water along."
Kristi sighed. "Yeah, me too. I'm also getting cold. Can I sit by you again?"
Eagerly, I said "Sure!" Maybe too eagerly.
"It doesn't mean anything Adam, I'm just cold. Finish your story and we can swim back and get something to take, and maybe eat. And warm up." She snuggled against my side for warmth, and I put an arm over her shoulders and pulled her to me. She was a little cold, but it felt very good to hold her.
"Anyhow, this Angie walks up and I'm all sweaty from pushing the mower, and she looks all cool and beautiful. She was a great girl, class president, cheerleader type, very popular, always very cool and self-possessed. Very mature. I turn off the mower and she says "Hi Adam". I'm a little mystified, but I say hi. Then it kind of went something like this:"
"Looks like you're working pretty hard."
"Nah, not too bad. I told my dad I'd get this done today. So, what are you up to?"
"Oh, not much. I just wanted to say hi."
"Oh. Well, hi back."
(Giggles) "Adam, me and a couple of the girls were talking, and we just want you to know that we think what the Tank did to you was really horrible! We always hated her."
(Me, blushing furiously) "Oh, well, thanks. I appreciate it. It was pretty bad."
"I'm sure it was! I'd have just died if anyone embarrassed me like that!"
"Well, I did consider drowning myself in the pool. But Izzy saved me."
"I think she's pretty special, and so brave. She sure likes you! Um, Adam? Gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this! Um, is it uh, really as big as, you know, as everyone says?"
(Now I'm really blushing) "Uh, jeez Angie! I don't know. What are they saying?"
(Giggles again) "Big, Adam, they're saying really big. Can I see it?"
"Angie! Damn, Angie! I can't believe you said that!"
"Oh c'mon Adam! We drew straws, all my friends are curious."
"I guess you lost, huh?"
"No, I won. C'mon Adam, show me. I can't go back to my friends until I find out! They all want to know."
Kristi interrupted me. "And so you showed her?"
"Well, not right away, but she was very persistent! We went beside the house, behind some bushes, and I showed her. Then she asked if she could touch it, and one thing led to another, and there you have it!" I shook my head. "And anyhow Kristi, that's kind of how it went, variations on that theme throughout the rest of my senior year. I got a lot of handjobs, some blowjobs, got laid a little. Not as much as you might think. The name Mule was cemented in school lore." I laughed. "It may still be revered."
Krsiti cracked up. "That's so funny! And of course you played it for all it was worth, I'm sure!"
I chuckled. "Well, I was still a horny high school kid! But I don't think I played it all that well, I wasn't that smooth, but there seemed to be a lot of curiousity out there. I remember one girl, Carla, she was kind of a wild one. Smoked, drank, always riding around with guys on motorcycles. Never would even gave me the time of day before. She just walks up one day and says 'Hey Mule, you're taking me out this Friday night. Pick me up at about seven. You'll be out late.' So I picked her up. She was right, I was out late. I got well and truly laid that night! Holy cuckolds brownie, that girl liked to fuck!"
Kristi smiled. "So you were basically a man-slut."
"I guess. Izzy called me boy-toy, or boy-slut. We still had our late night get-togethers, I still had to give her a detailed report of all my dates, and she'd give me the blow-by-blow of all hers. So to speak. She pretty much dated two different guys over the course of that year - not at the same time, but both for quite awhile, kind of going steady, I guess."
"But she was still screwing you too, right?"
"Sure, we never quit doing that! I was young, I had a lot more stamina in those days."
"Humph! You still do pretty good!"
"Oh. Thanks. So we ultimately wound up going off to college in different states. That was incredibly hard, we'd never been apart for more than a week or two before. We both struggled with that, we were so lonely in the middle of thousands of other students. It was tough, I hated it. We both did."
"I'll bet. But you stayed close, your friendship, I mean."
"Yeah, we wrote, called, emailed. We would get together whenever we could, holidays, long weekends, summers. It was always like we'd never been apart, we were just us again, the moment we'd touch."
"And you kept right on having sex with each other?"
I laughed. "Whenever we could! My roommate, Michael, must have had some tough nights, even though we tried to be quiet."
"But you both kept seeing other people?"
"Sure. Her, mostly, she always had a boyfriend. I was more off and on. My nickname and legend didn't follow me there so I lost my advantage."
Kristi laughed. "You could have worn a t-shirt with 'MULE' on it. So she kept screwing you, even when she had boyfriends?"
"Of course. It just seemed natural. It was what we'd always done. It was one way we communicated, a way we stayed so closely bonded, I guess. Plus, we were both horny and we really liked each other's bodies. It was recreational."
"Adam, I'm kind of seeing a pattern here. Although I still can't believe you'd screw with your roommate right there in the room. That doesn't seem like you."
"We were young and horny, and we tried to be somewhat discreet, but where else could we go? But yeah, that probably was a little unkind. She did him once though, because we felt so guilty for making him horny all night."
Posts: 492
Letting your keyboard cool off after the houseboat party Stormy? It must still be smouldering. Excellent writing as always, I love the give and take between these two. Seems like a lot of us have those horrible locker room memories, don't we? There was always that Mule in one of our gym classes back in high school. Unfortunately, it wasn't me.
I see so many different ways you can go with this story. We still have Tiffany hanging out there, Pops, Izzy, Ron and Kori, (it's only fair that Ron gets a chance to sample some of Kristi's charms, after all, Adam and Kori went at it............). Like I said, so many different ways to go.
Thanks Stormy
Posts: 277
This is like the calm before the storm and Kristy has a bone to pick... Now who's bone will it be? contdoc
Posts: 4050
Excellent! I love the wrinkle with the roommate.
Posts: 4
It just keeps getting better.
Posts: 1459
#612 · Edited by: stormydog
TrF2, thanks. I turned a fan on my keyboard, but the smoke alarm in the hall kept going off. Thought it best to cool it down for awhile. I'll PM you later about something.
cd, that's hilarious! Great comment!
Thanks GH, and the roommate wrinkle stems from a somewhat similar actual experience! I had to add it.
qetta, thanks for the comment. Even if not better, it at least keeps getting longer! I'm pleased that you enjoy it! ____________________________________________________________
"So, to make a long story short..."
Kristi laughed. "Way too late for that, Adam. I think it's getting light out."
Unthinking, I looked to the east. "It is not, it can't be much past two o'clock, maybe two thirty."
"I was just kidding."
"Oh. Duh. Well, anyhow, we pretty much followed that pattern of holidays, summers, and long weekends until our senior year, and..."
Kristi cut in. "Wait, wait a second! You can't just drop that bomb about her screwing your roommate and then skip over it! What happened there? I mean, how did that come about?"
"You just said this whole tale was getting too long. I had to omit something!"
"OK, fine. But not that! Spill it - were you there? Did she put on a show for you?"
I laughed. "I knew you'd have to hear that part, you're just too kinky!"
"Well, fuck you and the horse you rode in on! I thought that was one of the things you loved about me."
"It is. One of the many things. It was really no big deal. We'd gone out clubbing that night, the three of us. Michael is a great guy, and he and Izzy got along well. He never really minded her staying with me for a night or two, I don't think, despite the aural erotica we put him through. I told you Michael is black, didn't I?"
"Adam how come every time you mention Michael you remind me he's black? Are you trying to establish your non-bigoted bona fides?"
"No, no, I just can never remember how much we've ever talked about him. And it is germane to this particular story."
She glanced at me. "Germane, huh?"
"What, so I like to flex my vocabulary occasionally. Use it or lose it, right? Anyhow, hopefully you'll meet him someday and then I'll remember you know all about him - he's also pretty short, not much taller than Izzy, who is five three. Michael is maybe five foot five or so. Okay, so he's dancing with Izz while I sit one out, and they're dancing close together, Izzy teasing him a little by squeezing his ass and pressing her tits against him, and he's trying to rest his head on her chest, they're both laughing and having fun, he's kind of pulling her against him. You know, rubbing up against her and all. We've had a couple of takes by this point."
"And this didn't bother you?"
"No. Izzy... well, Izzy had always dated other guys, since we reached puberty, pretty much. I struggled at the beginning, the first few times, but this was years later. She was my closest friend, my best buddy, my confidant, almost my sister, like I said, but she wasn't my girl. Not anymore. We had sex whenever we could, it seemed like, but I had no claim on her. It's a weird relationship, I know."
Kristi shook her head. "I'll say! OK, go on."
"Fine. We had a few takes, a little fun, then we go back to our apartment and go to bed. We can hear Michael across the room, breathing deep, almost snoring, so we know he's arelax, so Izzy and me start up, and I'm inside of her, moving real slow, touching her nipples, and she's muffling her little sounds in the pillow, and we stop for a second. And we hear these noises, you know the kind. It can only be Michael jerking off, the unmistakable repetitive blanket rustling and skin slapping sounds."
Kristi snorted. "Poor guy! Can you blame him, after being teased all evening?"
"No. But Izzy giggled, and the room went dead silent. You could have heard a pin drop, were anyone dropping pins at that moment."
I felt rather than saw Kristi shake her head.
"Then Izzy calls out 'Michael?' Nothing, dead silence, so she tries again. This time he waits a few seconds, then we hear this tentative 'What?', and Izz says 'Are you OK?' Bear in mind, she and I are locked together in this twin bed, me way up inside of her, and she's busy talking to my roomie. I just wanted her to be quiet and let him get back to relax, or to jerking off, or whatever! I had my goal in sight. So he says, 'Yeah, I'm fine', and I assume she'll let it drop."
Kristi looked up at me. "This all actually happened?"
"I swear, no cuckolds brownie! But that was when she just blew me away! She says 'Michael, would you like a blowjob?' If I thought it was quiet in the room before, it was a tomb now! I almost came inside her when she said that! After a few seconds we hear this fetishd little voice whisper 'Sure, if it's OK with you guys', and Izzy just slips right off me, leaving my wet hard one sticking up in the air, and goes padding across the room to his bed. The room is dim, just the light from our clocks and a little leaking in around the shade, but I see her kneel down beside his bed, and then she says 'Wow that's really hard! And big! Were we turning you on?'"
I paused for a moment, thinking back on it. Also noticing that my ass was getting pretty sore from sitting on the hard rock. "Kristi, my butt's hurting. Could we maybe lay back a little here, I could hold you and keep you warmer that way." She agreed, and I laid back on the rock, which was still giving off a little warmth. I wiggled around a little until I found a reamisterably comfortable spot, and Kristi formed herself tightly to my side, pressing in for warmth with her head on my shoulder and putting one long, sleek leg over me and across my groin. My flaccid sex against the cool, smooth skin of her inner thigh made my stomach flutter.
"Where was I? Oh yeah! So he says 'Yes, always.' and I start to see her head bob up and down over his middle, and I hear him gasp and moan. Then Izzy starts making all these wet, slurpy sounds, and moaning, all this stuff she usually doesn't do, and I figure wow, she's really getting turned on!"
Kristi stopped me. "Were you still hard?"
"Oh, god yes! Extremely! Then she says 'Michael, I've never sucked a black guy before. Can we turn on a light so I can see you?' He says OK, so she tells me to turn on a light. I think that was when it dawned on me that she was doing this for my benefit, the sounds she made, the light and all, she wanted me to see her doing this, to know what was happening. She'll swear to this day that's not true, but I know it was."
"What did you do?"
"I turned on my light, of course!"
Kristi laughed. "I should have known! You're such a horndog! Was he hung, you know, like black guys supposedly are?"
"Michael was decently endowed, I guess. Especially for his size. Remember, we'd lived together for years, it wasn't the first time I'd seen his pecker."
Kristi snickered "Even hard?"
"Morning wood, babe. When you wake up and have to pee like a race horse, it's usually hard. We'd both made that morning run many times. He was probably six inches or so flopping limp, maybe about eight or a little more hard. Looks big on a short guy. Big ol' black nuts. Izzy seemed perfectly happy with it."
Kristi laughed at my cavalier description. "I've never understood the fascination some white women have with black guys. It's just another cock, what difference does it make what color it is?"
I was kind of surprised. "I don't think you ever mentioned that you've fucked any black guys."
"I haven't. I think black cocks are kind of funny looking. You know, in the movies. There was this black stripper at a party I went to once, he was built, and pretty hung, but I thought his cock was kind of ugly. It just didn't look right." She paused, as though remembering. "He did stay hard for a couple of hours, that was impressive."
"Huh." I didn't know what to say to that. "I guess they still work the same, don't you think?"
"I suppose. Anyhow, back to your story."
"Right. Well, she starts blowing him, stroking his cock while she sucks his balls, all the stuff to put on a good show. She kneeling with her ass toward me, her pussy all puffy, and I can see that she's so wet she's almost dripping! This is really turning her on, whether it's the hard cock in her mouth or the fact that she's teasing me with this show. Michael is in heaven, he's moaning and groaning, his cock in her mouth and all wet and all. In about two minutes he's cumming, shooting his load in Izzy's mouth, and she pulls off him and jerks the rest of his jizz all over her chest, rubbing it all into her nipples and all with his dick. If I'd of touched myself I would have cum, that was so damn hot!"
Kristi writhed against me. "I can tell you liked it. You do realize that you're totally hard just from repeating that, don't you?"
"Umm. Well, partly. Your leg rubbing on me probably had something to do with it."
"Sure it did. Remember that you're just keeping me warm. I'm still plenty pissed off at you, so don't get any ideas."
"No, I know."
"If it helps any, I'm soaking wet from that story too, so don't feel bad. I do feel warmer."
I groaned. "Ohhhh god! Yeah Kristi, that's a huge help!"
She laughed. "So what happened next?"
"Well, she just kept right on sucking his cock! He's bucking and moaning like she's *******ing him, but he stays hard and she goes on sucking. She's so fucking turned on it's like she can't stop, and I can't take it anymore so I go crawling over behind her and stick it in! She's so wet I just slide right into her, and she cums instantly and almost screams, and then I'm fucking her, she's blowing Michael, and pretty soon - really soon - I'm cumming inside of her, she's cumming, he's shooting another load in her mouth. It was really awesome!"
"And then?"
"Then we collapse! I crawl back to bed, too weak to stand. She kisses Michael for a little while then crawls back in with me. She kisses me and I realize she has this overpowering cum breath. I say something about it, and so she breathes out real hard, right in my face! She says' Does it smell different than when it's yours?' It didn't, really, so I tell her that, so she says 'OK, then kiss me', so I do, and she sticks her tongue in my mouth. Kind of grossed me out a little, but I was too tired to care. She snuggles up against me, her tits are all sticky, but we fall sound arelax."
"We wake up the next morning, a little crusty in places, and go shower together. When we come out Michael is awake, and it was kind of awkward for awhile, and Izzy is a little hung over. But we go to breakfast at the IHOP, and by the time we're done, we're all fine together! It was as if it was really no different than dancing, just something fun we did on the spur of the moment. It seemed like it made her and Michael closer, they still talk to each other once in awhile."
Kristi shook her head. "So, just fun casual sex, huh?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."
"Did you wind up doing it a lot? Any replays?"
"No, never. Until the thing with Sue and Rick, I've never been with more than one permister again. Well, and this evening, of course. And Izzy swears she never has either. It was a one-time wild night, just totally impulsive. I don't think we ever regretted it, but we never repeated it either. Of course, she met her husband-to-be, Paul, just a few weeks later, and that changed everything. I think for her, since then, it's been just him. And me, of course."
I felt Kristi tense up. "Yes, and you Adam. Of course. Don't forget about you."
Posts: 492
There go those smoke alarms again. Didn't give that keyboard much time to cool off Stormy. Nice chapter, excellent job. Thanks.
Posts: 50
its a great pleasure every time  Love it, story
Posts: 38
Dear Stormy
You continue to do an extraordinary job. The developments take my breath away. It's so much fun reading.
I wonder how Adam will get punished eventually - Pops comes in my mind repeatedly when considering how things might develop. But I'm far from suggesting anything, that's just one of the miraculous things: the waiting time until your next installment is there - Fantasy. Your writings however top even that. All the time.
Cliffa Cliffa
Posts: 1459
TrF2, thanks again. I had to tell you that part to tell you the next part. Funny how stories work that way!
Thanks for the note, story. It's very good to know you are enjoying it.
Thanks cliffa, it was meant to be a fun read, I'm glad it's working for you! I don't mind the suggestions, as long as nobody takes offense if the story goes in a different direction. I'm actually amazed at how often someone suggests something I was either considering or planning to include. Guess I'm not the only one here that's creatively perverted! ________________________________________________________
I looked at her, surprised at her tone of voice. It was almost as if she was a little angry or disgusted with me for the fact that Izzy and I had had a life before her! "Hey, that's not fair! It just was that way Kristi, from younghood on we were always together, always part of each other's lives. If I had it to do over and I knew you would be in my future, would I do it differently? I could lie and say yes, but I don't know that I would, babe. Izzy and I seemed to provide something very important to each other. I think I'd be a totally different permister without her influence, maybe one you wouldn't care for at all."
She shook her head. "I'm not entirely sure I care for you all that much right now!" She hesitated. "That wasn't fair. You're right, the people in our past do shape our lives and our permisteralities, and I've never loved anyone the way I did you."
My heart plummeted. "Did? As in past tense?"
She laughed. "Oops, slip of the tongue! Actually, that's what we need to decide now, tonight. That's what we're doing, isn't it? So go on, tell me about her husband."
I found her slip of the tongue excuse to be less than reassuring! "Well, she met him right after she got back from the trip I just told you about, the one with Michael involved, and I guess he started pursuing her pretty heavily." I laughed. "She tells me on the phone there's this nerd that keeps trying to hit on her, making all these awkward bids at conversation and trying to ask her out, but he keeps getting all tongue-tied. They were apparently assigned as lab partners in some science class and had to go in during the evenings and early mornings for some ongoing experiment they were monitoring. Forced togetherness, I guess you could say."
"So she didn't particularly like him, I guess?"
I shook my head. "Oh, I think she liked him all right, but she found his awkwardness pretty amusing. I told her she was awfully cruel to let him twist in the wind like that, but she just laughed." I smiled at the recollection; Izzy had never been afraid to use her feminine charms to beguile and confuse the guys! "I tried to tell her that he must really like her, to put himself through so much offense and potential disappointment. I think that helped turn the tide in his favor!"
Kristi looked at me. "So, let me be clear on this. You talked her into giving this guy, Paul, a shot, even though you loved her."
She made it a statement rather than a question, and I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I wasn't there to be with her, and I had no way of knowing that this time it would turn into something more than a brief relationship. The next time I saw her was a couple of months later over spring break - we met at South Padre Island that year - and all she did was talk about Paul!"
"Why didn't he go with her over spring break?"
I chuckled. "If you knew Paul you wouldn't ask that. Paul is not really a party kind of guy. He's very smart, and very loving, but he can be as dull as mashed potatoes. With no gravy. He's a great guy, don't get me wrong, and an incredible man and husband, but party natural? No."
I felt Kristi shiver and press more tightly against me, which was fine with me! "So she cut you off then, huh?"
"Well, no. OK, so we did do something besides talk about Paul, but we had several rainy days and had a lot of time to *******! But they were relaxing together by then and she told me all about it, what they did and how often, all the details. She even compared our techniques and, uh, our equipment. You know how telling me sex stories always seems to lead to sex? Well, so does she! I guess I'm just easy."
Kristi smiled. "Mmm-hmmm, and perverted. But I mean that in the very best way. Were they engaged yet?"
"No, not until that summer. That's when she cut me off. Me and anyone else. She was serious, she intended to be a loyal and faithful wife, and she had come to love Paul very deeply."
"Did you find that difficult? Did that hurt you?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, it did. A lot, at first. I refused to understand it, I guess, because we'd always had our sexual interludes before, even when she was dating someone else seriously, or I was. I didn't want this to be any different, but Izzy knew it was. She didn't want to risk losing Paul."
"And you were pissed off because you lost your little playmate."
"No, that's not it at all! Well, ok, that is it a little bit, but mostly I was afraid of losing the closeness, the friendship. And her, I guess. I just couldn't imagine life after Isabel, because I'd never had life before Isabel. We were always there for each other, Kristi, always, and now she couldn't be - or wouldn't be - anymore! That hurt a lot."
Kristi said softly. "You should have married her Adam. You let your one best lifetime partner marry someone else. Of course it hurt!"
I objected. "No, that wasn't it. I told you we always knew we couldn't get married without destroying our friendship, and that's true. Even when we'd fantasize about what our married lives might be like, it was never to each other! If we ever talked about marrying each other we'd always end up laughing our butts off. It was just too ridiculous to contemplate! Besides, I think I've found my one best lifetime partner. Finally."
Kristi sounded dubious. "If you say so. I think you're still hung up on her."
"I do care about her Kristi, I love her and I won't lie to you about that anymore, but I don't think I'm hung up on her." Kristi remained silent, so I went on. "So anyhow, I attended their wedding, as "an old friend of the family", and it was great to see all of them again. Izzy was stunning, gorgeous in her gown, and so completely happy! I panicked a little, I think. It just seemed so final, and I missed her so much already!"
Kristi touched me softly on my neck. "Do you want to stop talking about this for awhile? Take a break, maybe?"
It was tempting. "No. No, let's get it over with. You need to know this history, I've already waited too long. So, I danced with her, at the reception. It was a little weird, but my God, it felt so good to hold her! I really thought at the time that it would probably be the last time, ever, and that hurt so bad! I didn't want the music to end, but it did, far too soon, and I kissed her, and congratulated her and Paul, and then I left. I couldn't stand it anymore. I got totally and completely takes that night, after I left there, and I stayed that way for the next week. I had a friend call in sick for me, but I was smashed out of my head the whole time. Last time I ever did that, by the way. Really stupid!"
"You were hurting, Adam. You were young and hurt and scared." I thought I heard her sniffle. "Your whole life was changing, that can be pretty traumatic. Getting takes dulls the edges. What happened next?"
"I was deeply depressed. Make that hungover, sick, and depressed. I moped through the next couple of weeks, then one evening my phone rings and it's Izz! I was thrilled to hear from her, but she had heard about what a putz I was being and she read me the riot act over the phone." I laughed. "She can be quite colorful when she's pissed off, let me tell you! She cusses me out for treating her wedding like a funeral, and then she proceeds to tell me that we're still friends, we can still talk anytime, we can still share our innermost thoughts; we just can't have sex! And she thanked me for my gift."
"What did you get them?"
"Them? I don't remember, some expensive appliance or something. I remember it cost a lot, but it was for Izzy's wedding so that was OK. For her though, just for her, I'd made a photo album. It was all pictures of us, over the years, from two little babies relaxing in the same crib to two little pot-bellied naked kids in the wading pool, up through the skinned knees and missing teeth, her pigtail stage and my crewcut stage, playing waiter and cook at their restaurant, our high school trips and backpacking in the Rockies, her in her cheerleader outfit, dances and parties together, college fun at Key West and South Padre Island, football games. I went through hundreds of pictures, a lifetime on film. It took me days, but it was worth it. I wrote in the front 'For my one and only Izzy: Our lives.' Corny and melodramatic, I know. She loved it!"
I felt Kristi shake her head. "Adam, you amaze me sometimes! You can be such an insensitive clod, and then other times.... What did her husband think of that?"
"Oh, I gave it to her sister to give to her, I didn't just drop it on them! Izzy didn't show it to him until some time later, when she decided she had to tell him about us. She used the album to help explain to him about how it was, what we'd always been to each other. I like to think it helped."
"I'm sure! So, when exactly did you start screwing each other again? Because obviously you did!"
I laughed. "The very first time we saw each other! Mind, that was almost two years later! We had avoided seeing each other on purpose, I think, because we both knew deep inside what would happen. We talked on the phone pretty regularly, and emailed, but I had a trip I had to make to Houston, and I invited her to dinner - we had the best of intentions, just to see each other and talk, to catch up - but it happened. We never meant for it to, and we both felt terribly guilty, but I was in my room changing for dinner when she called from the lobby, and I asked her up. Big mistake, but it would have happened sooner or later anyhow. We never made it to dinner."
Kristi laughed. "Good god, Adam! If I check the American Journal of Psychiatry will I find your little friend there, written up as a case study of the perfect cuckoldress?"
I frowned and pulled away from her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Posts: 50
What can or could I say different to my comments in the past? Nothing!! Just a wonderful phantastic story. Not the best only I ever read, the longest also  Thank you so much for it storyfan
Posts: 1459
#618 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks story, I appreciate your support. I'm not sure being the longest means anything except that I'll probably never write bumper stickers! Or haiku. Maybe I'm just making up in volume for what I lack in ability! _____________________________________________________________ As I pulled away, she turned and looked at me. "Oh come on, don't try to tell me you don't see it! You two grow up together, play doctor, mature a little and eventually start having sex - and then as soon as she can she's screwing someone else and coming back to tell you all about it! You do see that that's not a normal relationship, right?" I shook my head. "No, it wasn't like that! We just always told each other everything. I think when you spend that much time together you just talk about stuff, you know, just anything." Kristi moved further away, to where she could look at my face as we spoke. "But Adam, then you'd have sex with her after these other guys did, right?" "Yeah, sometimes. Usually, I guess." I was starting to sense where she was going with this, and I felt my defenses start to go up. "It was no big deal, we just enjoyed touching each other." "Uh-huh. She was cuckolding you, Adam. You were the number one guy in her life and she was cuckolding you. And rubbing your nose in it by powering you to hear all about it!" I smiled. "Well, she hardly powerd me! I usually demanded that she tell me all, but I do think she enjoyed it too. She liked seeing the effect it had on me, it always made me so horny - and that made her so horny!" Kristi snorted derisively. "Sure, because she had you trained! The perfect cuckoldress, like I said." "I wish you'd quit saying that. Besides, nobody's perfect. And what makes you so sure she wasn't cuckolding them, with me? Maybe her other boyfriends were the cuckolds, if we're going to toss that term around." She thought about that for a moment. "Ok, there's this. You knew all about them, but they didn't know she was fucking you, right?" I shrugged. "I guess. People knew we were close friends. Some probably assumed we were more than that. But I think she always told her boyfriend, whoever it was at any given time, that he was her one and only. Which, of course, he wasn't." Kristi frowned. "OK, maybe you have a point, since you say she pretty much had only one steady boyfriend - plus you - at any given time. She wasn't a complete tramp. But those guys didn't know they were cucks. If you were so important in her life, and you knew all about it, but the other guys didn't, that makes you the willing cuckold. I think. Maybe. It's a gray area for me." I felt I'd won my case, although being found to be a 'willing cuckold' felt a little like a hollow victory. "I do see what you're saying about after she was married though. I guess we were - are - cuckolding Paul, although I don't think we ever thought of it that way. I don't think I'm the cuckold in that relationship." Kristi quickly agreed. "Oh definitely not! You're the cuckolder, not the cuckoldee, in that set-up. That's what's so fascinating about all this, it's like she just very deftly maneuvered you from one role to the other. Very smooth, very slick." She suddenly snapped her fingers, the loud pop startling in the silence. "Wait, I have it!" Startled, I said "You have what?" "When she was relaxing with her boyfriends in high school, you were always the after-date guy, right?" "Yeah, I guess. She'd usually sneak to my room, like we did." "Lots of sloppy seconds for you, huh?" She laughed. I thought back. "Well, sometimes. Quite a bit, I guess. She'd sometimes give them blowjobs, then her breath would smell like cum and her lips would feel all hot and puffy, other times they'd pull out and cum on her belly or tits; and condoms, they did use those fairly often. But yeah, she did show up full of cum a number of times and we'd have sex. But you know how much I love that, I've been inspired to a second round with you frequently just to enjoy the feel of that!" She laughed again. "Don't I know it! But that's different, it's your own sloppy seconds. This was from other guys, and that didn't bother you?" I shook my head. "No. Not after she got me all horny telling me about it! Plus, it just feels so damn good to push into that slick, wet, silky heat, you know? It's a great feeling, nothing like it!" She smacked me on my leg with the back of her hand. "Look at you Adam! You're hard as a rock just from thinking and talking about it! If you get a massive erection like that just from thinking about getting another guys' sloppy seconds in your woman, I think you're a born cuckold." I objected. "No way! That's just from thinking about how good it feels! And anyhow, when she was in college and would spend time with me, then she was sneaking out and fooling around on her boyfriend. He was the cuckold then, I guess, by your own standards." "Oh, no doubt! These guys were totally unaware that she was screwing you right? They thought they were exclusive?" "Yup, always. Well, except for one guy she was serious about for awhile, Larry. She asked him to get something from her purse, forgetting she still had half a box of Magnum condoms in there from being with me. From what she said about him, the last thing on earth he needed was Magnum size condoms, so he naturally got a little suspicious." I laughed. "That caused a pretty quick break up, when she told him about us and why she needed Magnums, but she was kind of over him anyway, by then." "Wait, wait a second. She told you he was, um, under-endowed, even though he was her steady boyfriend at the time?" I shrugged. "Of course, she always told me everything. I thought I mentioned that." "Don't be a smart-ass!" She stood and started pacing. "Boy, she's good! What a little master of the sexual arts you found, the perfect little master cuckoldress, like I said. She played you like a drum, Adam. Can't you see it?" Defensive again, I shook my head. "No Kristi, it wasn't like that! The whole thing just sort of evolved on it's own as we grew up, Izzy isn't some kind of diabolical master planner or something!" She stopped me. "Oh, don't get me wrong Adam, I'm not criticizing! Far from it! I'm just very impressed with the way she was always able to keep two balls in the air at once. Well, technically four balls I guess, since she always had two men to serve her. You'll be glad to know that as of right now I'm not so much jealous of her as I am in awe of her!" "Kristi, come on..." "No, I mean it Adam! I want to meet this woman so that I can sit at her feet and learn from her! I mean, even after she had converted you from her cuckold to her lover, or bull, or whatever you want to call it, she was still mentally cuckolding you by telling you every little wet, juicy detail of her sex life with her boyfriends. That's just brilliant!" I wanted to tell her that she was way off base, to make her see how it had really been and still was between me and Izzy, but I was finding her pacing back and forth in front of me, seemingly unaware of her own nudity, to be extremely distracting. It also was not helping to diminish my throbbingly hard erection. "But Kristi, with Paul, when she cheated on him - when we did - it was awful! She didn't mean to do that, and I never intended to tempt her to break her vows, I swear!" That was true, it had been a very low point for Izzy and I, having to acknowledge what we'd done. It was not a proud moment. "It was more like it was just natural, we kissed, a friendly little peck, but then we just fell into each other's arms and into bed, and it happened, and then we felt like cuckolds brownie, like pond scum!" Kristi stopped and looked at me, perhaps sensing my anguish. I still carried shame and regret for that night. "And yet now this man is spending his time and treasure raising a young that you maned, Adam. Your young Adam, the guy that was fucking his wife, cuckolding him for some years before you were asked to man a young for them! You don't find that strange?" The truth was, I'd found it very strange at the time. By now I'd grown accustomed to the idea, and it seemed normal. I told her that. "Besides Kristi, it was a favor to them. Paul couldn't, he's totally sterile now, and they desperately wanted more kids. As he pointed out, he and I are about the same height and build, same eye color. We look a fair bit alike. Cody looks just like his other kids to me, although Izzy says she can see me in him." Kristi laughed, without humor. "God, Adam! Even a comment like that is her way of playing you, of reminding you what you two have together. I don't know if I can compete with that! If they'd even asked you to just donate sperm, but they didn't! They asked you to fuck her and knock her up so they could raise your young. That's just way out there, you know?" I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. I could see that she was getting worked up, that she was not understanding what my relationship to Izzy, and now to Paul, really was. "Kristi, sit with me. Please? Let me explain, I've obviously not done very well so far. You probably need to meet Paul and Izzy to really understand, but let me try." She sat beside me and I put my arm around her again, trying to keep her warm as I thought for a moment. She didn't snuggle against me as she had earlier. "Paul is her one and only, Kristi. I mean, he's really her one true love, her husband, lover, provider, man of her youngren - DNA notwithstanding - and if he told her to dump me she'd do it in a New York minute. He's just an amazing man, and he found himself an amazing woman. They're so deeply in love, even now, after some ten - almost eleven - years of marriage. It's what every couple aspires to, really, what they have." Kristi didn't say anything, just sat and stared at the ground, so I went on. "And if they asked me to step back, to stay away, I would. But somehow, after that awful night that Izzy and I had, she knew what she had to do. She went home and told him about us, all about her and I, like I'm trying to do now, with you, and somehow she made him understand! She showed him the album I'd made, went through all the pictures. She made him understand that I was not a threat to their marriage, that she had chosen him over me, that he was the man she needed and that she and I could never be anything more than the very best and closest of friends." Kristi spoke very softly. "And lovers, Adam. You are also lovers." There was that, of course. Somehow I felt that I was botching this, badly, and that if I didn't start getting it right, and soon, that maybe what Kristi and I'd had would not survive past this night.
Posts: 1914
I'm sure this back story has been kicking around in your head for a long time Stormy. It's a very good image of the human condition. I love the way you are keeping Adam's dorkiness up, even in this setting where he really ought to know better (..but then it wouldn't be dorky would it).
Of course, now we can see that Izzy and Adam are not lovers. I like the way you have weaved it to date to let us see that but not Kristi. This piece of elastic in her normal awareness needs to snap back of course but I like the tension you created. Of course, we can all see that Kristi only has to grab Adam now to claim him forever. He's aching for it but I suspect you aren't going to let us see it, just yet anyway.
There is the return to the boat and more visitors yet to see but the bit I can't wait for is the Izzy meets Kristi scene. It's starting to loom like the finish post on a marathon .. or maybe the halfway point !!
Great story Stormy, great. You and GH make this site.
Posts: 492
I totally agree with everything Peak so wonderfully expressed. I love your story and look forward to it each day. I can't wait to see where you have us headed. Thank you for all you time and efforts. You have created some enticing characters, kudos.
Posts: 4050
Very well done. I'm finding these last segments to be very painful. That's good. It's real. Working out the difficult details of a complicated relationship is often painful.
Too often the stories here are nothing more than comic books presenting ridiculous caricatures of real relationships. Often the "this is absolutely true" stories are the worst offenders.
Your story maybe the most real story on this site.
Well done and thank you
Posts: 277
WOW, he was sooo efectively cucked that had no idea, cool. Better get ready for what is cumming contdoc
Posts: 1914
Stormy, You were in danger of falling off the front page. Couldn't allow it. Hope you are OK. It seems like a while ...
Sorry to everyone else hoping too and seeing this.
Posts: 492
You got me Peak. I thought for sure that another episode had been posted. You're right though, no way should this one ever go to page 2. Thanks for bumping it.
My guess is that Stormy is taking his time to plan out how he wants this story to progress and finally end. There are several different paths that Adam and Kristi could take, I'm sure Stormy will come up with an outstanding one that will keep us guessing, not to mention well entertained.
Posts: 1459
Thanks peak, I appreciate the bump! Sorry it's been so long, just a very busy and hectic time and have been having a little trouble finding time to write. I've missed it too! Plus, I was sick a few days, which would not have been a major problem except for the accompanying miserable headache which made looking at a computer screen nearly impossible. OK, I've whined enough, I feel better now!
I liked your longer post above, and thanks for that. It is pretty on-target, I think. The relationship between Adam, Kristi, and Izzy is very much up in the air at the moment, and as TrF2 says, I have been trying to figure out where it's going to go. Still not sure, we'll see.
TrF2, thanks for checking in. You hit the nail right on the head about my trying to figure out the path of the story. I have a few ideas, and hope I can live up to your expectations!
Thanks GH, your insight often opens my own eyes to what I've written! I have been trying to be more empathetic in order to create more realistic feelings and emotions. Writing it that way is also difficult sometimes; as I'm sure you do, I get a little emotionally invested in the characters from time to time. Your comment about the realism is very much appreciated.
Right on, cd! Adam can be a bit of a bumbler sometimes, going through life blissfully unaware of the many powers affecting him. Sounds a little like me, at times! Hopefully he can weather the storm. I'll be back to post a segment in a little while, I have an errand I need to complete. Thanks all!
Posts: 1459
#626 · Edited by: stormydog
I could see that she was confused, and hurting. Part of the reamister I had procrastinated so long - other than sheer cowardice - was that I had never been able to figure out a way to explain this without hurting her, and I could never bear the thought of hurting her. Now, on top of the misery we'd both experienced after I'd caught her cheating, I was hurting her again.
I tried to pull her close, but felt her tense and pull away. "Kristi, please try to understand, it's just not that way! Izzy and I, well, we're just kind of a safe harbor for each other."
"Oh, I understand that! And you like to steer your boat into her harbor whenever you can!"
That was funny, but she didn't smile when she said it and I wasn't sure she'd intended it to be funny, so I stifled the urge to laugh. "Kristi, come on! You know what I mean, we're just there when the other one needs us, always have been. Like an island of calm in a sea of insanity."
She glanced sideways at me. "Are you overworking the nautical metaphors because we've been on a boat, or are you trying to be funny?"
I hadn't realized I was doing that. I shrugged. "Coincidence. What I'm trying to say is that me and Izzy have always had each other, always. When one of us is down and hurting the other is always there to lean on. When I got divorced and was so devastated she helped me through it. Without her and Kori and Ron it would have been far worse, so much worse! Like what I told you about when her grandlady died. We provide that for each other."
Kristi pondered that for a moment. "But if I'm the woman in your life, be it your fiancee, or wife, or whatever, shouldn't I be the one providing that for you, and you for me?"
I'd thought long and hard about that myself, and I told her the only thing I'd ever been able to figure out about why it worked so well for Izzy and me. "Theoretically babe, I think that's true. But it never works that way in real life. If someone hurts you, I will always want to hurt them back. If there are obstacles thrown in your way, I'll always want to move them. Because of the way I love you, I will always want to solve your problems. Just listening to them will never be enough. For Izzy and me it just works. We just listen and sympathize while the other one talks out their problems, it just worked out that way, as though that's what nature intended."
Kristi frowned as she thought about that. "I kind of see what you mean, I guess. When you are struggling with something, or having problems, I do tend to try to resolve things. Or at least to help you solve them. But what you're describing, isn't that something your best male friend usually provides? I mean, it kind of sounds like the way Kori and I relate to each other."
I nodded. "I know! And Ron is the closest male friend I've probably ever had, and he does that too, to some degree, but I've always had Izzy to turn to, so it's not just any port in a storm!" She glanced sharply at me, and I laughed. "OK, that one was intentional. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention. But the fact that we also have sex, that's just kind of like an off-shoot of the way we relate. It's just a way for us to share and have that closeness that we've always had."
"Humph! I think I'd rather you had a male friend as your 'port in a storm', as you so stupidly put it."
I laughed again. "But I'm not gay!"
"Precisely! You don't have to have sex with the permister that's your friend and confidant, the permister that listens to your troubles. You just do it because it's a woman, it feels good, and because you've always done it, as you keep saying. Like it's just habit, to get laid every time you're together. Maybe if you two really were just friends it would be easier, but this just feels like so much more."
"Kristi, we've tried, believe me! When she and Paul married we knew that sharing our bodies along with our thoughts and feelings was through, that we could no longer do that. But then we got together, like I told you, and boom, there it was. Apparently if we're going to see each other, we're going to fuck, we know that now, we've had to acknowledge that truism. We met at a resturant one time specifically so that there would be no opportunity for sex and wound up fucking in the parking lot, on the trunk of my rental car. It seems that if we get together, it will happen despite our best intentions."
Kristi's eyes searched my face. "I can't see you doing the deed in a parking lot. That just doesn't sound like you, not even a little."
I shrugged again. "I know, it's not me. But Izz and I learned early on to grab the moment whenever we could, and we've done it in some strange places at various times. I could tell you a few stories!"
She smiled softly. "I'd like to hear them, but some other time, OK? So it really is just sex between you? You're not really lovers?"
Oh God, how could I answer that? I chose honesty; everything else had already failed. "I do love her Kristi, I know I do. It's just different. As for the sex, no, we're not lovers. We love each other deeply, that's true, but not as lovers. We each need someone else to fulfill that role for us, and she has Paul. I hope I have you."
She looked at me, and her eyes filled with tears. "What if I asked you to leave her Adam, to never see her again? Who would you choose?"
Even though I'd known inside that she would ask me that question, I had no response ready. It was as if she'd asked me if I had to choose which arm to have removed, which I would choose. I had formed a powerful attachment to both my arms, and to both my women. I would almost rather die myself than lose either, so that's what I told her. "But if I really had to choose... Kristi, I'd choose you. Every time."
She sobbed. "But you'd hate me for it."
I pulled her to me, and she came without resistance. "No. If there's one thing I think we both know, it's that I can never hate you. No, I think you make your choices and you move on. You live with what you've chosen to do and try to be happy, and I know I can be very, very happy with you." I paused. "So is that it? Do I have to tell Izzy I can never see her again? Because I will, if that's what you want."
"No, I mean it. Do I have to cut off all contact, or can I still talk to her on the phone, and email and stuff?" My chest ached at the thought, but I knew I'd do it if Kristi needed me to. Then I remembered something. "Oh crap! Um, one thing though. They - you know, her and Paul, they want to have one more baby, they want to try one last time for a little girl to go with their three boys, and they asked if I'd help them again. I had planned to ask you first..."
She laughed through her tears. "Perfect Adam, great timing! Why does it have to be you, can I ask that?"
"I don't know. Comfort zone, I guess. They don't want to have just anyone's baby, just a reach into the proverbial DNA grab bag. They've talked it out and are both very comfortable with the idea that it's me. They trust me to never try to interfere. Plus the whole insemination process was, uh, more, uh, natural, I guess you'd say. You know, not artificial."
She elbowed me. "And a lot more fun too, right?"
"Well, yeah, it was. But I'm sure they would be fine with me just squirting in a jar and doing it the expensive way, if that's what you insist on. Whatever works for everyone involved. And now you're involved."
"I still think that was weird. I just can't believe her husband was OK with you relaxing with her to get her pregnant."
"Mmm, well, we didn't relax much, to be honest with you. Kristi, it was actually his idea that we do it that way. I was OK with the jerk off /test tube /eyedropper method, but he wouldn't hear of it."
She stared. "You're joking!"
"No, not at all! Let's see, I probably can't put it as eloquently as he did, but when I offered to fill a jar for them he said something like 'No, this is life we're talking about creating, and that should happen between two people that care about each other in peace and love and caring and not in a lab somewhere with test tubes and beakers and bright lights.' Or something like that."
A tear ran slowly down her cheek, and I caught it on my finger and tasted the saltiness of it. She slowly shook her head. "Wow! Paul really is something special, isn't he? He must love her very much."
"He does. And she him. And their kids, they're just an amazing family, something special. Any kid born into that home is a very lucky young indeed."
She shook her head. "Adam, I can't deny you - or them - that. If they need you to knock her up again, so be it. I can probably live with that. The rest of it, the ongoing relationship, that I just don't know about. Not yet. Do you think maybe I could meet them sometime?"
"Izzy has been wanting to meet you for some time now. She kept pushing me to tell you about her and I, to explain about us like she did with Paul. I'd like you to meet them, although the idea scares the cuckolds brownie out of me."
She laughed. "Why?"
I shook my head ruefully. "Because she knows way too much incriminating stuff about my life, things you don't know about yet. All kinds of crap like what a dweeb I used to be when I was a kid, what kind of stuff makes me all weepy like a girl, all kinds of cuckolds brownie! I'm not sure I need her filling you in on all that!"
She hugged me and laughed out loud, a beautiful sound to hear. The duck grumred again, apparently disagreeing with my assessment. "Oh Adam, you're still a dweeb, and I heard you sniffling when I powerd you to watch Message In A Bottle with me. You're not really very good at keeping those secrets yourself, you know."
"I suppose. By the way, now you're the one sticking to the nautical theme with your movie choice. You could have just said Bambi."
She laughed again. "You cried when Bambi's lady died?"
"Give me a break, I was just a kid when I saw it. Now I realize she wasn't real, the cartoonist just stopped drawing her. Duh!" I hesitated. "I cried when I talked to Izzy, when I was so sure I was losing you."
She suddenly looked serious, and sad. "You talk to Izzy about me?"
"Kristi, I talk to Izzy about everything. Everything! She says all I talk about is you. She was pretty sure you must be some kind of angel brought to earth, to hear me tell it."
"She probably thought I was horrible, for what I did."
I shook my head. "No, not really. She sympathized with me, but thought it was probably just a misunderstanding, something we'd failed to communicate on. She didn't believe me at first, then she told me I'd be a fool to risk losing you just over a, mmm, uh, sexual indiscretion." "She said that?"
"Yeah, sort of. She said she'd never seen me as happy, in our whole lives, as I'd been since you entered my life, and that she could see it whenever I talked about you. And she told me that I knew what I needed to do. Like I said, she didn't try to solve my problem, she just helped me see that I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life."
"Adam, I'm starting to think maybe I love Izzy too! Does this mean that you're OK with my weird sexual desires and things? You can accept me being such a wanton slut?"
"Baby, it means I'm trying. No guarantees, but Izzy reminded me that life doesn't come with those."
She was silent for a long time, but it felt good just to sit and hold her. It was beginning to get pretty cool out there on the shore, and the rock we were resting on had lost much of it's retained solar heat, but Kristi felt warm in my arms. When she spoke it was so softly that I almost didn't hear her. "Adam, I love you. I'll quit, if that's what you want. You were willing to give up your Izzy. I guess I can be faithful to just you, if you feel you need that from me."
"Kristi, I'm trying to learn to accept the real you. It probably won't always be a smooth path, if last night's blow-up with Ty is any indication."
"Then I'll quit. I'll just be boring old monogamous Kristi."
I laughed. "Well, let's not be too hasty!"
Laughing, she rose to her feet in one smooth feline motion and stood over me, very close. "You liked it! You actually liked seeing me get fucked by those big, hard cocks, didn't you?"
I held up my hands, palms out. "Whoa, girl! I'm not sure I'd say I liked it! It was weird, for sure, but very intense, very exciting. I don't know just how to describe..."
She ran her hand over her stomach and up to her breast, finding and squeezing her erect nipple. Her other hand started below her navel and dipped to her sex, her middle finger sliding into the shallow indentation at the front of her pussy, and I knew she was touching her clit. "You liked it Adam, admit it! You liked seeing those big, hard cocks slip into my wet little pussy, didn't you? I was so wet, like I am right now! I saw how big and hard you were, and that Britt and Pam don't get all the credit for that! Did you like it when I spread my legs wayyy apart and let Ty take me with that magnificent curved cock of his?"
She spread her legs as she spoke, widening her stance as she stroked herself inches from my face, reminding me of what had transpired just a few hours before. I heard the sound of her fingers in her wetness, and I could faintly scent her arousal.
I growled. "God! How do you go from angry and sad to contrite to aroused so damn fast?" I felt myself getting hard, watching and hearing her, the teasing and the sounds she made working on my mind. And on my cock.
"I'm a woman Adam. We're unpredictable, you should know that! Now tell me, you enjoyed seeing me cum on Ty's cock, and his cum dripping out of me, didn't you? Because I sure enjoyed you watching me."
"It made me very horny Kristi. You are so unbelievably beautiful when you're totally wrapped up in getting fucked, do you know that? Watching you have an orgasm is...incredible! And I could tell you were enjoying him, and his funky cock. You did love that, didn't you?"
She smiled playfully. "Well, it was really nice. He hit all the right places! I still love yours best though, it's so nice and big, and just look how willing it is!" She bumped me with her hip. "Don't get the wrong idea though, I don't love you just for your big ten inch cock. I'd probably still love you even if it was only nine and a half!"
She laughed and tried to skip away, but I grabbed her before she could move, wrapping my arms around her legs and grasping her firm, muscular buttocks in my hands. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard, flat stomach, just below her navel, then licked her navel with my tongue. She giggled and wiggled in my grasp, and I moved my attentions slowly lower, kissing and licking her stomach until the tip of my tongue found the front of her cleft and snaked between her moist lips to find the hard button of her aroused clit. She gasped, and her body spasmed in my hands.
"Oh god yes Adam, eat my pussy! I need you Adam, I really need you, now and always!"
She moved forward, pressing her aroused sex to my face and powering me to lean back. Her hands were on my head, holding my face to her as I lapped at her, and she kept powering me back until she was straddling my face. I leaned back onto my hands on the rocks behind me and served her, willingly paying homage to her aroused sex, licking at her hard clit and swollen labia and thrusting my tongue into the wet heat of her vagina. I was as hard as the rocks I was sitting on, and I could taste the semen in her pussy, still, even after her swim across the bay!
I came up for air momentarily, and told her so. "Baby, I can still taste the cum in you! God!"
She pushed herself back to my lips as she answered. "You came in me last Adam, so it's probably yours." She laughed. "Mostly! Now be quiet and focus!"
I did, swallowing a small flow of cum that I knew was not all my own, and she came, thrusting against my lips and crying out. Her sounds silenced the duck and the coyotes, and I knew if anyone was awake on the deck of the boats they could easily hear her cumming. I didn't care, and I made her cum again.
As her spasms from the second orgasm died down I pulled her down, onto my cock, and she continued the motion, lowering herself until she was fully impaled on my rigid length. I didn't notice the discomfort of the hard stone under my ass as she straddled my lap, just the heavenly heat, moisture, and grip of her pussy as she pulled me in. I gasped, almost overcome by the sensation.
She looked at me. "You're not cumming already, are you?"
I groaned. "No. Almost. And why not, you did!"
"Doesn't count, I can still go the rest of the night if you can! I want you to fuck me until you sand all the skin off your butt on the sandstone!" She laughed.
"What a lovely thought! It'll be light soon, maybe I'll call in reinpowerments!" She was slowly, seductively sliding up and down my cock, using her talented pussy muscles to squeeze and milk me.
"Suits me stud, you know that! The more, the merrier!"
I laughed. "Ohhh damn Kristi, this is so incredible, but I really can't wait to get you home in private, just the two of us, where I can have you all alone, all night."
"Mmmm, that does sound nice, Just you and m.... " she stopped moving suddenly, and speaking, and I looked at her face. Her eyes went wide, and she looked totally shocked, then her hand flew to her mouth as if in surprise and she buried her face against my shoulder! I felt her moving, shaking as though she was crying, and it scared me.
"Kristi, what? What's wrong? Are you hurt, are you OK? What's the matter?"
She raised her head and looked at me, and I was surprised to see she was laughing! "Oh Adam, oh my god, have I done it this time! I'm afraid I've really complicated your life for you sweetheart, but it's partly your own fault too, for keeping secrets!" She was off again, in gales of laughter, her body rocking and contracting on my hardness as she laughed.
I was mystified. "Kristi, what have you done? What are you talking about?"
"Why don't I wait and tell you when we're done, so I can run and hide?" She laughed again.
"Just tell me, you can't quit now!"
"Well, OK, but you're not going to believe it!"
Posts: 1914
That was a dirty trick. I was just like Adam, relaxing in the warm glow of a conflict almost resolved when .. WHAM it all blew up again ... maybe. Very good, Stormy. And welcome back.
Posts: 492
Welcome back Stormy, you were missed. Glad you're feeling better.
Here we go again, with your sneaky detours. Please don't worry about our expectations, you've already exceeded all of them with this wonderful story. No matter where this heads, I'm sure it will be entertaining for us.
Thank you.
Posts: 50
Posts: 4050
That was a very loving sex scene, and then you left us in suspense. Nice work!