Posts: 492
Great job Stormy, as always, thanks and Happy Labor Day.
Posts: 1459
#512 · Edited by: stormydog
cd and Trf2, thanks for the support, I do appreciate it. I enjoy the writing, it helps me to relax, but the kind comments help make all the effort worthwhile. A fun and safe Labor Day to you as well, T. _______________________________________________________
I quickly discovered that Pam was a 'toucher', one of those people that just habitually and constantly touches - hugging, stroking, or even just resting her hands on me or leaning against me. And it wasn't just me, she did the same to anyone that came within her space, male and female alike. Fortunely she's also one of those people that's very outgoing and open, and that, combined with her attractiveness and ready laughter, seemed to put most people at ease. Her sexy figure didn't hurt matters, and the men seemed to enjoy her attention. Women seemed to take it as though it was perfectly natural.
We made small talk and did some people watching, each of them occasionally remarking on one of the other partygoers or greeting somebody that came up to us. I saw Miguel performing bartender duties and speaking to an older gentleman at the bar that I'd not yet met, and Kori talking to Doug and Steve nearby. I'd temporarily lost track of Kristi, but did spy Ron in a clinch with Sandra as they danced to something I recognized as the Eagles, and I called Britt's attention to them.
"Do you know if Miguel is the jealous type? Is he going to have a problem with Ronnie sniffing at his wife's tail all evening?"
She laughed. "Be nice! No, I don't think he's going to have a problem with it, I'm pretty sure he's already seeking his own target for the evening. He'll be looking for a couple that he can dominate a little bit, you wait and see. He gets off on playing the aggressive dom role, and if he can take a guy's wife right out from under his nose and push him around a little at the same time, humiliate him, he loves it!"
I looked at her, part disbelieving, part hoping he didn't try that on Kristi and me. I was pretty sure fists would fly in that scenario.
Pam seemed fascinated. "Really? He would do that even in a large group like this? Seems dangerous to me." Britt shook her head. "No, he's a pretty good judge of character. He has a knack for finding wimpy guys that get off on being dominated and seeing their wives get, uh, taken by another man."
Recognizing Sue's husband Rick, but also seeing myself in part of her description, I felt my gut clench. I knew the offense aspect would not be pleasurable for me; at this point I was not sure any of it would, but the idea of seeing Kristi with another man still sent a tingle through me. I quickly changed the subject. "What about you and your husband, what's your particular thing?"
She turned her icy blue eyes on me and smiled. "My husband?"
"Yeah, John - what's his kink?"
She laughed. "Well, Juan's kink is to screw any women as he can, as often as possible - and he can do it quite often, trust me, the man's nearly priapic - but he's not my husband. He's Miguel's brother, and I met him through Sandra. I work with Sandra at a law office in Chicago."
"Oh. I see." I didn't really, not at all. She was wearing a wedding set with an enormous diamond surrounded by smaller stones, a very flashy and expensive looking piece, and she had the appearance of a woman that never missed a spa visit or a workout with her beautician or permisteral trainer. The high maintenance type, in other words.
She smiled again and went on. "Now my husband, his particular kink is playing golf, and he's with his buddies in Myrtle Beach this week doing just that. I thought that rather than stay home and mind the kids while my husband is away fondling his putter and dimpled white balls, I'd come here and fondle Juan's eight iron - or eight inches of iron - and dimpled brown balls. We both have our hobbies!"
Pam let out a loud giggle, and after a moment of shock at Britt's blunt honesty I joined her, laughing at the way she had put it as well as at her refreshing openness.
I took her hand. "Well Britt, that was a surprise. And also none of my business. Sorry I made the assumption about you and Juan. Hey, by the way, is it Juan or John - he answers to both."
She laughed. "He thinks that if he goes by John he'll seem more American and will be less likely to get deported. He's overstayed his work visa, and it's probably my fault. If I'd stop fucking him he'd probably go home."
"And is he the jealous type?"
She smiled and looked me up and down. "Why? Are you planning on trying something?"
I smiled back. "You never know. I just thought that would be good information to have, that's all."
"No, he's cool with whatever I do. And I am getting pretty tired of a steady diet of Mexican, not to discount his ability to get it up ten times a night. Can you do that?"
"Uhh, ten times? Really?"
As she and Pam laughed at my discomfiture, Kori came to my rescue. As she has so many times before! "Sorry ladies, I'm going to steal this guy away for a little while. Come on Mule, let's go relieve Miguel at the bar for a little while, it's not fair to leave him stuck there all evening."
As I stood, Britt grabbed Kori's arm. "Wait, did you call him Mule? What's the story behind that?"
Kori grinned at her. "I'll let him explain it, but I will say he can be very stubborn. But that's not it."
She pulled me away, and we took over for Miguel at the bar. He wandered off with the older guy he'd been speaking to, and I saw them join a younger, very attractive woman near the bow rail of our boat before I got involved in mixing blenders full of Margaritas and Daiquiris, and the occasional rum punch or serious take. We seemed to have a couple of dedicated Scotch takeers nearby, as well as one Jack Daniels fan.
Kori and I cut up a little, playing off each other like the old friends we are, tossing bottles and zingers with equal aplomb. The laughter and buzz around us drew a small crowd to our boat and our bar, and we both enjoyed a fair amount of attention from the opposite sex. Or at least I enjoyed it until Kristi reappeared, dragging Ty and Cody, the guys from this afternoon at the dock, behind her. One in each hand.
"Look Adam, Ty and Cody made it, finally!"
"Swell. How are you guys doing tonight, can we get you a take?"
Cody smiled, warm and friendly as he'd been earlier, and even Ty greeted me warmly, his earlier animosity apparently forgotten. "Hey Adam, just a Coke for me if you've got one. Kristi wants us to take her out for a little skiing before it gets totally dark, I'll take the real stuff when we get back." Cody asked for a club soda.
They had obviously brought the beautiful MasterCraft I'd seen earlier rather than their houseboat. I knew Kristi loved to water ski, and is extremely good, and I was relieved to hear that they both had the sense not to take before they got involved in that, but the idea of her leaving with the two of them made my heart sink.
I got their takes for them. "Boy, I don't know. It's getting a little late, isn't it kind of dark for water skiing?"
Kristi looked at me, her face unreadable. "It's light enough Adam. I'm good, we're not takes, and we'll be careful. Right guys?"
They both nodded agreement. Still... "Baby, it's not that light. If you go down you'll be kind of hard to see in the water, that's a little dangerous with other boats around."
She gave me a wicked smile. "Well, if I do any going down, I'll just have to be sure I do it in the boat and not in the water then, won't I?"
Before I could come up with a response they turned and left, Ty's arm around her shoulders, and I watched as Cody's hand slid down her back until it cupped her cute ass, barely covered by her tiny suit. I knew a lot of the people around the bar witnessed it as well. My mouth felt like dust, and I struggled to swallow as the merriment around me dimmed to a distant buzz.
Posts: 1914
Good to see you again Stormy. I have the same feeling that you get when the roller coaster reaches the top of the first slope and very slowly .. starts .. to .. freewheel .. before .. the .. fall. It's called butterflies and I can almost feel Adam's myself. Great set up, knowing you, it probably will go on a bit longer too ...
Posts: 181
This is a great novel of self-discovery, Stormy. Should be mandatory reading of all new and wannabe cuckolds, swingers, and swappers. And damned erotic and literary, too. When you finally finish it (and I hope that will be a long while yet), you should post it on Literotica.com.
Posts: 1914
Call yourself a doctor, farmer. It is already there !
Posts: 40
I think he should publish it.
Posts: 492
Stormy, I think I can see where you're headed with this party, and if I'm right, it's going to be great. I'll refrain from making one of my goofy comments because I don't want peak getting upset with me. I'll just say, "thanks, Stormy, this is a great story...................andIhopeyouthrowsomegirl/girl/guy/guy/girl/guy /girlstuffintotheparty. Maybe even a little bisexual activity. LOL".
Wonderful writing, thanks again for entertaining us.
Posts: 1459
Thanks peak, and it will probably go on a little while, as you say, but not too long. I've got a lot of horny people to satisfy on those boats!
peak is correct dr farmer; I have begun posting it, in longer segments, on literotica.com under the Loving Wives section, titled Adam's Journey. If you go there to re-read any of it you may see some minor editing changes, but otherwise it should be much the same. Also, if you do that, please vote your rating of any stories you read. I'm not trying to win any contests, but there are a group of trolls at that site that routinely go out of their way to vote against and downgrade any story that has cuckold or cheating wife themes - always anonymously, of course! I have to wonder about how lonely and miserable their lives must be, to continue to read and berate material they don't like. But what do I know? Thanks for your very kind comments above, it is much appreciated. It's very good to know that some are finding enjoyment and entertainment in my story. Oliverra, that applies to you as well!
TrF2 - girl/girl, guy/guy, multiple partners - that's just disgusting! What the hell is wrong with you, man? I can't imagine where you ever got the idea that I would sink to such depths! But now that you mention it...
And speaking of that, I hope to get back to post another segment or two in the next few days. Thanks, all!
Posts: 277
I will keep checking. Your work is great. Don't let anyone tell you diferrent. I have hundred of hardons to prove it. Thanks for your time and sharing your gift. contdoc
Posts: 1459
#520 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks cd, I really appreciate your support! _____________________________________________________
After they left I was just generally irritated, the fun mood I'd been in while kidding around with Kori and the other folks around our bar completely forgotten. I felt prickly all over, and apparently it showed, because Kori took me aside. "Adam, I know this is bugging you, but you're like a horse with a burr under its saddle. They're just going skiing you know. Why don't you go watch her ski? You always enjoy that, and I can get someone else to help me bartend for awhile - then I'm going to go have a little fun too!"
I decided to take her up on her offer and gave her a quick kiss. "Thanks K, you're the best. If I'm not back in thirty minutes or so, come find me."
She promised she would, and I turned to go. From the upper deck of our boat I could see that two or three additional boats, besides Miguel's, had tied up outboard of us. As a result, very little of the open water where they could tow a skier would be visible without crossing to one of the boats on the outer perimeter, so I went down to the lower deck and crossed to Miguel and Sandra's boat, then moved on to the one beyond it.
I heard the throaty growl of the big V-8 in the ski boat and knew I was near my goal, so I went up to the top deck of the boat I was on, a nicely equipped mid-sized houseboat, beautifully decorated. It appeared that there were realtively few people on the outer ring of boats, most of them having migrated to the center ring where all the action was, but there were a few around, most just having a take and engaging in quiet conversation.
As I neared the rail I heard the growl of the engine drop to a low, burbling idle and spotted them slowly making a turn to pick up a skier from the water, about twenty yards away from me. Kristi was in the boat with Cody and Ty, Ty driving and Kristi and Cody acting as spotters. Kristi bent over and took a slalom ski from the permister in the water, and when Cody leaned over and offered a hand I watched as he pulled a compact, dark-haired, very fit looking woman up onto the boat. She looked and moved like a gymnast, with contained power and purpose.
I saw her shake the water out of her short, pixie style hair and heard them all laughing, and suddenly noticed that she had no suit on her lower half, something I hadn't seen in the fading light! She had a bright yellow flotation vest on, and was clutching a small tangle of strings and dripping fabric in one hand; it was apparent that she had lost her skimpy bikini bottom when she went down hard, and having recovered it was now trying to untangle it and get it back on.
Kristi took it from her and untangled it while she shed the life vest, and I heard Ty suggest that she just leave it off. She ignored him, and I caught a quick glimpse of a dark triangle of pubic hair as she turned and got her bikini bottom repositioned and tied over her hips.
Kristi donned the vest and slipped off the back of the boat into the water, taking a few quick strokes away before Cody floated the ski out to her. They idled slowly and expertly around her, bringing the rope close where she could grab the bar, and when she signaled that the slack was out of the rope and she was ready he hit the gas.
She rose smoothly and expertly from the water, adjusting her grip slightly as she did so, and then they were off, the powerful boat quickly gaining speed. Soon she was skimming smoothly behind, kicking up a tall rooster-tail, and she turned to pick up speed, seeming to almost draw abreast of the boat before coming back across, getting serious air time as she jumped off the boat's wake.
They went into a wide turn, a couple of hundred yards out, and Kristi took the turn inside of the boat before shooting out to pass behind it at an incredible rate of acceleration. I knew she was in her element, loving the speed and excitement, and that she would be juiced on adrenaline for the next couple of hours.
Kristi is not generally a vain permister, but one thing she does take pride in, and justifiably so, is her athleticism. She works hard to stay in shape, and she enjoys pushing her body to its limits. Perhaps in more ways than I knew! Maybe she's just a little vain about her hair too, but considering the compliments she gets, and how many guys tend to hit on her, she has always been remarkably well grounded.
As I watched her ski, admiring her smooth power and grace and the way her long, sleek muscles moved under her skin, I realized she was showing off just a little, leaning back into the pull, holding the rope one-handed, taking long, high jumps off the wake, and doing a flip off one as she came parallel to where I stood. As the roar of the boat dopplered in and then out and away again, I became aware of voices from the deck directly below me, and leaned over to look. There were three guys standing at the rail below, watching her performance and providing their own commentary.
I eavesdropped a little, unintentionally, not knowing who they were or which one was speaking, but voice #1 began with "Wow! I could watch that all night, that's some fine looking woman flesh right there!"
The second voice responded with "I'd sure like to spend a little quality time with that!"
The third voice, laughing: "Yeah Bobby, but for you quality time means about thirty seconds. At best! A woman like that probably wouldn't let you kiss her feet!"
Two of them laughed, as the one they called Bobby bristled slightly. "Hey, that's not true! But I'd even kiss her feet if she wanted me to. And after my thirty seconds I'd just bury my face between those long, long legs until she was beggin' me to stop!"
"Bobby, she'd probably do that as soon as you tried to talk to her!"
They all laughed, then voice #1 rose again: "Yeah, but look at those legs! Damn, if she locked those around your head she could probably burst it like a melon."
"But not a bad way to die, huh?" They all laughed again. Then: "I'd sure like 'em locked around my waist though. You just know that's got to be one tight pussy on that babe. She could probably squeeze you dry in no time! She's just built for sport fuckin'!"
This conversation was starting to piss me off a little, even though I knew it was just something guys did. Lots of talk, very little action. Hell, I'd had conversations much like this with other guys myself, when we would see a beautiful woman. For the first time ever, I wondered if a husband or lover of the women I'd commented on and joked about had ever overheard me, and was horrified at the thought. Before I could go further with that possibility, their conversation took a turn.
"Hey, you know, I saw her earlier with a guy on one of the big boats, her husband or boyfriend, I guess. He was tending bar, and he sure didn't look very happy when she went off with those two guys to their boat."
"Would you be?"
"I'd be a little scared to have a girlfriend or wife like her, she could get laid anytime she wanted to - do you think she'll fuck around on him tonight?"
"Probably. You saw her with those guys, there was a whole lot of touching and flirting going on. That's usually the warm-up to something more. Fuck him man, I'd sure do her if I had the chance!"
I turned and walked away, unable to listen to any more. The fact that they were discussing me and Kristi and the likelihood that she was going to cuckold me tonight was, at once, embarrassing, painful, humiliating, and strangely exciting. In my heart, the very same one that was pounding like a jackhammer at that moment, I knew they were probably right.
Posts: 277
And the tencion continues to built................ contdoc
Posts: 1459
#522 · Edited by: stormydog
I dropped down the steps onto the main deck of the boat, intent on heading back to the security of our boat and my friends, but looked out on the three guys that I had overheard as I passed the doorway. They still stood at the railing, watching Kristi, no doubt starting a pool on how long it would be before she had somebody else's cock inside of her.
Beyond them I saw Tyler turn the boat back toward the floating island of houseboats and speed directly toward the larger boats. Alarmed, I took an involuntary step or two toward the rail; there was absolutely nothing I could do, but I felt the need to do something! At the last moment he veered expertly away, and Kristi, following behind, leaned deeply into a vulgarly hard turn, absorbing the G-power with her body almost parallel to the surface of the water as the ski dug deep and she shot back the other way, avoiding a collision with the houseboat by what seemed like only a few scant feet!
The three guys had stood frozen in place as she hurtled toward them, and were still firmly rooted when the wall of water she had kicked up smashed into them, drenching them completely! A good deal of amused cussing and laughter followed, and included a few admiring comments about her nerve, athleticism, looks, guts, and sense of humor, as well as some discussion on whether or not she had specifically targeted them for that maneuver. I wondered that myself.
Chuckling to myself, enormously relieved that she was safe and had not been injured or *******ed during that insane maneuver, I slipped across to the next boat and headed back to my own. It was approaching full dark now, and I heard Ty's boat go into a low idle that could only be for stowing gear and picking up his skier, which meant that Kristi should be back soon.
Crossing through the dimly lit interior lounge area of Miguel's boat, movement off to my right caught my eye. Turning to look, I did a double-take when I realized that the motion I had seen was a womans head bobbing up and down over the naked lap of a tall, slender black man that I had seen earlier, but had not yet met. He was sprawled out on the low sofa near one corner of the small room, one foot hanging to the floor, while a small blond with a nice body - a nice naked body - knelt on the floor alongside, bending over him, her ass toward his upper body. In the receding light I could see her lips sliding up and down the long, dark shaft of his substantial erection! He had one hand up between her legs as she sucked him, and I could hear wet, squelchy noises and her low moans as he diddled her aroused pussy.
Aghast that I had barged in on them, I tried to quietly turn and leave but cracked my shin on the low coffee table that they had obviously pushed aside to clear the area near the sofa. The man's head came up from watching her blow him, and he looked directly at me!
I tried to bail out quickly. "Uh, sorry, excuse me, I didn't realize anyone was in here. I'm just trying to get back to my own boat."
He smiled. "No problem man, if we were worried about privacy we'd have used one of the bedrooms! We were kind of in a hurry and this was as far as we got."
The woman slipped his long cock out of her mouth with a soft, wet pop and looked up at me, his thick, glistening black organ still gripped in one hand. "Adam, is that you? Hi, it's me, remember? Do you want to join us?"
It dawned on me that this petite blonde was Meg, one of the four people that had originally come to our boat to invite us to this party and had wound up flashing some very cute tits at us, and the wife of Steve. It was no big surprise that I hadn't recognized her - the last time I'd seen her she had not had a fat black cock in her mouth! Before I had a chance to either respond or wonder what Steve would think of this situation, I was startled by a voice from the darkness behind me.
"Yeah Adam, join them! She'd love to do both of you at once, that would be my little slut wife's dream come true!"
I turned and saw Steve in the dark corner, sprawled naked in a soft chair, legs wide apart as he slowly stroked his erect cock. A considerably smaller and whiter erect cock than the one his wife had been so avidly enjoying! I glanced from Meg to Steve, realizing that he had been just sitting and watching his wife as she got very intimate with a much better endowed black man while he sat alone, jerking off. I felt myself hardening, aroused by the erotic scene and by the fact that Steve was doing the very thing that Kristi seemed to expect me to do. And seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it!
"Uh, Meg, Steve, I'm sorry I barged in on you. I should probably be getting back, Kristi was skiing but they've wrapped up for the night and should be heading in..." It dawned on me that I was babbling, overcompensating for my embarrassment and arousal, so I shut up. The black guy, his long cock still firmly gripped in Meg's small hand (the one with her wedding ring on it, I noticed) stuck out his hand. His dry right hand, not the wet and sticky left one, which continued to play with and torment Meg's aroused sex.
"Hey Adam, good to meet you. I'm Darrien, and feel free to join us, it's cool with me." He laughed. "Hell man, she ain't my wife, why should I mind sharing her?"
I stepped over and shook his hand, thinking as I did how bizarre this was, going through the very normal ritual of a handshake with a guy that had a naked woman sucking his big hard black cock while her husband watched from several feet away. And jerked off. The handshake seemed jarringly out of place.
Meg bent forward and sucked at his dark, heavy balls, then smiled up at me as she ran her tongue all the way up the underside of his long, curved shaft. Her lips were shiny, and seemed swollen. "No waiting Adam, I'm all ready for you. Or if you like, Darrien could fuck me and I could suck your dick for awhile, that would be fun! You guys can trade off, I'd really like that. Or you can help me suck his cock if you want, it's a really nice one. How about it?"
My cock wanted desperately to take her up on her offer - the first part, not the last part - and was letting me know by throbbing hard and almost painfully where it was cooped up in my suit. I groaned. "It's tempting Meg, extremely tempting, but I really need to go find Kristi and see how Kori is doing, I left her tending bar all alone." I was babbling again. I backed away, needing to make my escape before they lured me into their play. "Good meeting you Darrien, it looks like you have a fun evening planned here!"
He laughed again. "Awww damn, the evening is just getting started! It's a good start though!" He laughed again, thrusting his hips up as Meg took his long, thick cock deeply into her throat.
I glanced from his heavy, overloaded black ball sack and thick eight inches of dark meat to Steve's slender, pink five inches and tight, shrivelled little scrotum, and wondered what that sight did to Steve's mind, to his ego. Knowing how much smaller and less masculine he was would have been tough enough; seeing his petite, attractive wife's obvious appreciation for and enjoyment of Darrien's generous endowment must have been a crushing blow for his ego. Not bad enough to keep him from getting it up though, and he continued to slowly stroke his aroused cock as I mumred my final goodbyes and slipped out on deck and toward my own boat.
I reached down and touched my rock hard cock through my suit. I know the have contributed to my extreme hardness and the persistence of my erections, but that scene would have give a dead man a hard-on. I had no idea where the evening might go from there, but that had certainly been a rousing start! I made a mental note to try to find Meg later and ask her how that had played out. As if there was any doubt!
I almost wished I had stayed to see Darrien take Steve's wife, to see him penetrate her with his massive black cock and crush his enormous, cum laden black balls against her pale white ass while Steve looked on. I would have enjoyed seeing him fuck her, and fill her with cum, but what I was really curious about was Steve's reaction. I was pretty sure this was not their first time, but still, how would he handle something like that?
Posts: 492
Great stuff Stormy, thanks for the two episodes over the weekend. I know everyone here alway looks forward to your new episodes, I sure do.
Yeah, I wish Adam had stayed and watched/participated with Meg as well, but obviously his gut wrenching feelings for Kristi are first and foremost right now. I'm sure that there's plenty more in store for him before the evening is over. I have a feeling that it's going to be a long, hard, chemically enhanced, emotionally draining evening for our boy while he's riding that cuck rollercoaster of emotions. Hopefully both he and Kristi will get a chance to watch each other in action, maybe even as part of the same group of people.
I'm also looking forward to seeing that little minx Kori in action during the evening, I really love her character in this story.
Thanks again Stormy, for all your efforts.
Posts: 1459
#524 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks TrF2, the truth is I haven't decided on where to go for sure and am trying to set the stage with something resembling a real situation that might give me a little inspiration. We'll see. Thanks for your support, you and the others keep me going when I get a little stuck! __________________________________________________________
Crossing back to our own boat at last, I felt like a bull elk in rut. I was edgy, aroused, agitated, rankled and jealous about Kristi, and completely uncomfortable in my own skin. I needed to get laid soon. Or punch something, whichever opportunity came up first.
I decided to go back up top by the bar to wait for Kristi; maybe a good, stiff take would help. As I reached the stairs I passed a small group of people and heard a voice announce in a very pompous manner: "Sure, you can see global warming is real. I was up at Glacier National Park this summer and the glaciers were much smaller than when I was there seven years ago."
Now, normally I'm fairly non-confrontational, but this stupid statement just caught me at exactly the wrong moment. From my position on the lowest step I could see that the speaker was a slender, well-groomed, slightly balding guy, probably about 5'8" tall and in his late forties. In khaki shorts and Izod.
Before I could stop myself, I said in a loud voice "Yeah, and 11,000 years ago Wisconsin was under a glacier over a mile thick, and when I was there last August there wasn't a trace of it. Well, except in my Scotch."
His head snapped around and he quickly picked me out. "What's that supposed to mean?"
I shrugged. "Nothing. I just thought we were discussing melting ice and thought I'd throw in my two cents worth."
He sneered. "I suppose you're one of those climate change skeptics, a real flat earth type."
It was starting to look like the opportunity to punch something might just arrive first! "Oh, no, on the contrary. I absolutely believe in climate change, I've seen the geologic evidence that it's done so many times over the earth's history. I just question how much of any change has anthropomorphic origins."
He looked blank, so I filled in for him. "Man-caused."
He bristled. "I knew that! So you don't think greenhouse gases can cause climate change? That's foolish!"
I was so going to enjoy the feel of my fist meeting his face! "No, what's foolish is destroying entire industries, maybe an entire economy, based on a completely unproven theory. I think the jury is still out, and until we know we shouldn't do anything stupid."
"But all the experts agree that CO2 is causing warming."
"Sorry bub, but I can match you scientist for scientist on both sides of the fence. There are plenty of climatologists and meteorologists that think the computer models are severely flawed, and some evidence actually shows cooling. But you could be right."
"But most people think..."
I laughed "Now there you've got me! It has been a very effective propaganda campaign, and I certainly can't match up to all of your grade school-educated stars and starlets, or your rich fat-cat politicians that stand to get even richer out of the taxpayer's pocket if carbon control legislation passes. All I can do is look at the facts."
This was actually turning out to be kind of fun, and was providing a distraction from my problems. I stuck my hand out, and made it a point to crush his when it was proffered. He winced. "I'm Adam, by the way. And you are?"
He puffed up a little. "I'm Congressman Gerald Martin, Adam, and I can't believe you think it's not getting warmer - can't you feel it, see it?"
I was surprised! "Seriously, a U.S. Congressman, a member of the House?"
It turned out he was indeed, from a nearby western state. I was pretty glad I hadn't punched him - it's probably against some law, although the case could be made that any such law desperately needs to be repealed!
I went back to his question. "Seriously Gerry - can I call you Gerry?" He didn't object, so I went on. "Gerry, where I live it did seem to get hotter between about 2000 and 2005, but that didn't happen world-wide, and you're confusing weather with climate. If it happens for a year, or five years, or fifteen years, well, that's weather, and it changes constantly, in relatively short cycles. When it happens for fifty or a hundred years, or more, then you're starting to talk about climate."
He frowned. "So you really don't think we should do anything?"
I laughed. "Again, you misinterpret my meaning! We should of course take common sense measures, shoot for high-mileage cars, conserve, generate power with non-fossil fuel sources like nuclear and hydroelectric when possible..."
He cut in. "Nuclear is too dangerous, and it would be a sin to dam up any rivers just to make power!"
I slapped him on the shoulder, laughing. "Surely you catch the irony of you making that statement while you're floating around enjoying yourself on this big old lake behind - oops, you guessed it - a giant hydroelectric dam!"
He looked surprised for a moment, then laughed and shook his head ruefully. "You set me up and took me down right there! This is kind of fun Adam, come on, let's go upstairs and freshen our takes."
We climbed the steps, followed by a couple of attractive women and other members of his retinue and went to the bar, now being tended by Ronnie and Sandra. Ronnie looked at me and raised his eyebrows, silently asking how I was doing. I shrugged and smiled at him, touched by his concern. I looked for and spotted Kori, standing by the front rail, take in hand, talking to Doug and Pam. Pam saw me and waved.
By now there were probably between twenty and thirty people on our upper deck, several in the hot tub, and more on the deck below. All four of the boats around the inner square looked equally well populated; I guessed the party in the cove had attracted over two hundred people and at least twentyfive houseboats, as well as several smaller craft.
Sandra brought us takes, giving me a brilliant smile when she recognized me. I had to admit, Ronnie has good taste. She was seriously exotic, pretty and sexy, and I noticed the Congressman's eyes run hungrily over her body. I called him back to earth.
"Gerry, the problem is you guys want to have your cake and eat it too. Right now the transportation sector - all phases - is about 90% reliant on fossil fuels. And in the interest of full disclosure, I work in the oil industry, out on the fringes in the R&D sector. But the transportation issue is not going to change or go away anytime soon, there are no viable alternatives available. So we should conserve as best we can and continue to research other technologies. The truth is I don't want to dam any more rivers either."
He stopped me. "What about electric cars, or hydrogen powered, those technologies are available."
"Available yes, functional no. We just aren't quite there yet, and what they do have is ridiculously expensive and sets up all new pollution problems from the batteries involved. And even if good electric cars were available it would take ten or fifteen years for the fleet to roll over. And when - or if - we do get there, where is all the electricity to recharge these cars or generate the hydrogen fuel going to come from? Fossil fuels, coal and natural gas? That just trades one problem, one CO2 source for another. Nuclear is the only viable, available, and somewhat reamisterably priced answer for clean, dependable power. Without damming rivers." This was a pet subject of mine, so he had unwittingly played right into my hands.
He paused, frowning. He had turned out to not be such a bad guy, despite my first impressions. And that's a major concession from me when talking about a politician. "We can get our electricity from wind and solar, those are both proven technologies."
I laughed. "Yeah, proven to be extremely expensive and unreliable! Seriously Gerry, when a company steps up that can provide dependable, consistent solar or wind power, at a reamisterable price, and without any taxpayer subsidies, I'll be their biggest cheerleader. And stockholder. So far nobody is even close, and may never be. It's the nature of the beast, it's just not always sunny or windy where and when you need it, and there is no way to store the energy, or transmit it long distances effectively."
I was so engrossed in the argument that I had momentarily forgotten all about Kristi, until I saw him look over my shoulder and watched his eyes widen appreciatively. Long, cold, wet hair touched my back, soon followed by a warm, firm body that I knew so well, and her arms came around me.
She kissed my shoulder and neck. "Hi baby, did you see me skiing? It was a blast, that boat is so damn fast, and Ty is great with it. I'm pumped!"
I smiled. I had known she would be, all of her senses and nerve endings firing from the vigorous and fast paced action. I pulled her up next to me and put my arm around her shoulders, squeezing her to me. "I did babe, you looked amazing. Thought you were going to ******* yourself on that one maneuver though, that was insane."
She laughed. "It was fun! A little closer than I intended, I think I drenched a couple of guys on the boat."
I laughed. "You sure did. But they deserved it, I'll tell you later. In the meantime, I'd like to introduce you to a real U.S. Congressman, Rep. Gerald Martin. Gerry, this is my fiancee' Kristi."
They shook hands, and he held onto hers. "Please call me Gerry, Kristi, it's a pleasure to meet you.' His eyes ate her up, running over her face and body with no trace of subtlety. While this demonstrated better taste and judgment than I would have expected from a politician, it was beginning to piss me off!
She pulled her hand free. "Really, a U.S. Congressman? Currently?"
He smiled and preened a little. "Yes ma'am, second term. My constituents like me!"
Kristi smiled. "Can I get my picture taken with you?"
He looked her over again and smiled proudly. "Sure, I don't know why not." He turned to one of his posse. "Frank, do you have a camera?"
Ronnie came up with one from somewhere and they both turned to face him. Kristi stopped them. "Can I be topless in the picture?"
The look on the Congressman's face was priceless! His desire to see her topless warred with his common sense and fear of the voters. "Uh, um, well, no, I don't think that would do at all! What if that picture showed up on the internet, or in the tabloids, that would be disastrous!"
Kristi appeared to consider that. "You're right, of course. I don't know what I was thinking! If my friends and associates ever saw me this close to a politician, why, I'd be ruined!"
Everyone around us, including some of his people, laughed. Ronnie was about to fall down, tears running down his face. Gerry chuckled uncomfortably, not sure if she was pulling his leg. I knew she wasn't; she detests politicians as a class, considering them a lower life form. I was hoping she would behave herself with someone of his rank, but should have known better.
She went on. "Well, nevermind the picture then, if I can't go topless. Hey Gerry, what would you call it if we had five hundred politicians at the bottom of this lake?"
He looked at her and shrugged, frowning again. "I don't know, what?"
She gave him her prettiest smile. "A good start! Or water pollution, take your choice."
I winced inwardly and tried to pull her away, knowing she was enjoying her captive politician's discomfort far too much. She wasn't quite finished. "Adam, I expect this from him, but why would you be at a party with all these nice people and so many beautiful women and be sitting here talking politics?"
"Well, we weren't really talking politics babe, we were talking science."
She looked from him to me, and back at him. "Huh. That must have been a little like talking Shakespeare with a chimp."
Ouch! I pulled her away as Gerry laughed uncomfortably, trying to remain polite. I turned her over to Kori and Pam and walked back to apologize. "Sorry Gerry, I should have known better. She just has a thing about politics, she hates all aspects of it, it was nothing permisteral."
"It's OK Adam, it's not that unusual. She was just extremely good at it! Such a gorgeous lady, but such a sharp tongue. Very quick mind though, she must be a lot of fun."
"You have no idea! She's not that way about most things, just politics and the people that practice it."
He laughed. "Makes me wish I'd followed my early instincts and become a fireman, it's what I wanted when I was five."
I chuckled. "Well, you would be much more widely admired. And men in uniform always get her hot, so..."
He laughed and we parted, promising to stay in touch but knowing we wouldn't. He had turned out to be a pretty good guy, for a politician. I returned to our little group and Pam immediately pulled me close, leaning against me, her large left tit crushed to my arm. Doug and Kori were also touching and flirting, and I remembered that she had jerked him off earlier, so they were understandably intimate.
Kristi looked at Pam and I, noticing how close she was holding me and touching me, and smiled softly. That looked like trouble to me. "Hey Adam, I'm still wet and kind of cold, I think I'll get in the hot tub. Are you going to join me?"
"Sure, sounds good." I had noticed her erect nipples but hadn't considered that she might be cold. Duh.
Pam chimed in. "I think I'll come too, if that's OK."
Kristi replied. "Sure, the more the merrier!"
I glanced at the hot tub. There were several people already in it, but I thought the three of us could crowd in. If Kristi's take was true, it was destined to be quite merry indeed!
Posts: 1914
Stormy, you just keep this boiling away. Already I feel like the guy on the shore watching the party, listening, knowing that on the boat are some really great people, and wishing I was there.
Adam seems to generate this feeling wherever he goes, and of course you generate Adam. A real all american hero if ever there was one. I'm trying to work out in my own head who you would get to play him in the film when you sell the screenplay. I can see Brad and Angelina but I'm not sure ....
Posts: 4050
I just caught up on your story. I've been out of circulation for a while and I've also been focused on writing. I think you get into the same mindset.
I love the way your slowly building the tension about how Adam is going to handle seeing Kristi cuckold him. I can't wait to see what happens. Keep up the good work.
Posts: 277
I am glad there is so much to read lately, thanks. contdoc
Posts: 492
Ah, the good old hot tub-great place to start the evening's activities. Brings to mind a swingers club we used to frequent about 100 years ago. I have lots of really great memories about carrying on in that hot tub with all kinds of voluptuous people. Nothing quite like getting groped and not really being sure who's doing the groping. Fingers and toes in everyone's holes. Oh my.
Great job as always Stormy, thank you.
Posts: 1459
#529 · Edited by: stormydog
peak - thanks, I've found myself wishing I was on the boat as well! I appreciate the kind words, and was thinking about your comment - Brad and Angelina would be good. Appearance-wise I thought maybe Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, if they were to ever take up acting...
THanks GH, and you're right, I do tend to get a little compulsive about it. I get tense and feel like something is missing when I can't get back for several days. Good to hear from you, hope all is going well.
cd - you're welcome, it's been fun!
TrF2, you're right! What is it about the combo of warm water and scant clothing that lowers inhibitions? (Well, mind altering substances also contribute.) Loved your Wizard of Oz reference! __________________________________________________
As we crossed to the hot tub, Kristi asked me why I had said that the guys at the rail had deserved the soaking she gave them. I laughed and started to tell her, but was interrupted by some of the people in the tub telling us that the price of admission was that we had to fetch take orders for anyone that needed a refill. We laughed, but took orders from four people and decided that Kristi and I could handle it, so Pam was graciously allowed to enter the tub.
As we waited for Ron and Sandra to fix the takes, I quickly finished explaining to her about the lewd comments of the three men, and how they had been wondering just who she might wind up with tonight, taking her infidelity as a given.
She looked at me. "You're right, they deserved it! Did that really bother you?"
I shrugged. "It was just guys, talking cuckolds brownie. We pretty much all do that kind of stuff."
"Yeah, I know, but did it bother you?"
I gave her another resigned shrug. "Yeah, a little I guess. It's no big deal, can we stop talking about it?"
She laughed. "We've got you all the way up the hill, now we just need to get you over that hump." I smacked her on the ass, hard enough to make a loud pop, and she jumped. "Oww, hey!"
"Well babe, I guess me getting over humps will depend on who you plan to hump."
She laughed, rubbing her butt where I'd spanked her, and raised her eyebrows mischievously. "Does it depend on who, or on how many?"
That comment sent a brick to my belly and a tingle to my groin simultaneously, an odd sensation. Foolishly, I had never anticipated that she might consider multiple partners. Now I wondered if she was viewing this party as a giant buffet of willing males, cocks erect, just waiting for her to make her selection. Or selections. I had no clever response for her.
She laughed and tossed her hair back. It was drying rapidly in the desert air. "That look on your face was priceless! Did I shock you?"
"Umm, you did, a little. Just when I was starting to think that nothing you could say or do would shock me anymore!"
She gave me her best sexy smile, the kind of smile that invariably fills my head with impure thoughts. "I hope we never get to that stage in our lives! I've still got a few tricks in my bag." As she said that she reached below the bar and ran her hand up the leg of my trunks, finding my cock contained within the mesh pouch, no doubt right where she expected it.
It made me jump, but it was probably a good thing she did it because I'd been about to make a stupid tricks / prostitution reference in response to her comment, which, in retrospect, was a very bad idea considering some of the names I'd called her when I had caught her cheating. It was also a very bad thing she did it, because I felt myself begin to harden almost instantly. I knew by now that the have in my system would cause me to harden quickly, to maximum hardness and size, and that it would be persistent. I tried to push her hand away, but she resisted.
"Come on Kristi, stop! Please?"
She laughed. "Did I shock you again? Is this against house rules or something? Wait, I'll find out." She turned her head and called out to Ronnie "Hey, Ron, is it against the rules of your fine establishment for me to play with my fiance's big cock while we wait for our takes?"
Several people turned to look at us as Ron shook his head. I could feel myself growing red. Ronnie took right up with her. "Damn, woman, have you no sense of common decency? But no, it's not against our rules. In fact, it's encouraged!"
I muttered "Thanks so much Ronnie! Come on babe, the takes are almost ready..."
Sandra came over and looked directly into my eyes, smiling brilliantly. I noticed that her eyes were so dark that I could barely make out the pupil against her walnut-brown irises, dark, mysterious pools. Considering Kori and Sandra, I had to admit that Ron has excellent taste in women. She spoke in her soft, cultured accent, addressing Kristi but never letting her eyes waver from my own. "I believe it is against our rules to do that without showing the rest of us what it is that so fascinates you."
I took exception: "Oh no, uh-uh, we're not going down that road!"
Kristi was enjoying this, knowing how much she was embarrassing me. Of course, she could also feel how hard I was growing in her hand. "Oh come on Adam be a sport! Someone's got to be the icebreaker for this party!"
I shook my head, seriously not wanting to be there just then, as a woman's slurred voice from behind me said "Yeah Adam, come on, be a sport, show us some dick!"
I turned and looked. It was a somewhat heavyset dishwater blond, probably early forties, not unattractive but obviously very inebriated. Her husband, a paunchy, balding guy that looked older than her, was alternately glowering at her and me, as if this was my doing! I don't believe I'd met either of them; if I had, I'd forgotten.
Before I could respond to this assault another woman's voice, this time from across the bar, joined in. "Yeah, don't be a coward, whip it out! We promise not to laugh, don't we girls?" This time it was an older, slender brunette, probably close to fifty. Her husband was at her side, an amused expression on his face. I had met them; she was Elaine and he was Jack. Or perhaps it was Ellen and James. Eileen and Jerry? I knew it was something like that. Both were trim and looked fit and attractive, but were older than most of the other partiers.
Kristi looked at me. "Well? You don't want to disappoint your fan club, do you?"
"Yes, desperately! Well folks, gotta go, I've got friends dying of thirst over there!" Ron and Sandra had our takes ready and on the bar. I had ordered a Scotch, and Ron had poured me a J&B over ice, knowing it wouldn't hurt the cheaper whiskey. I grabbed my take and another in one hand, and two more, both in stem glasses, in my other hand, leaving Kristi with just her own and one other to carry. I turned and tried to escape as Ellen/Elaine started a chant of "Whip it out, whip it out!" and dishwater and two other woman joined in, but Kristi still had her hand up my pants and my penis, by now quite hard and straining at the thin nylon pouch, in her grip.
She began tugging the leg of my suit up with her free hand, trying to expose me! I twisted away, sloshing one of the takes, but could do little with my hands full. Laughing at my predicament, she succeeded in getting my trunks pulled up, leaving only the thin white nylon mesh between me and the world. With her hand clutching the thin fabric around the root of my cock, it left little to the imagination!
Close to her ear, I muttered "Kristi, please!"
"Adam, relax and show off a little! You've got no reamister to be shy, but I'll stop here, I promise."
Relax! Sure, no problem. Bright red with embarrassment, overheated, wishing I was someplace - anyplace - else, I stood and let her fondle me through the filmy mesh in front of other people, mostly strangers. I heard a couple of wolf-whistles, an embarrassed laugh, an "oh wow!" , a "Yesss!" , and a few lewd comments. Dishwater looked takesenly at her husband. "Hey, how come you don't have one of those?" The people next to them laughed, and I heard Ronnie snicker. Her husband blushed and looked furious, like he was about to explode. He grabbed her arm and tried to pull her along, but when he couldn't he stalked angrily away. I felt responsible; I never should have let it go this far, I knew it was a mistake.
Ellen - I'm almost sure it was Ellen - turned to her husband, smiling. "That's a good question dear. I thought all men were created equal." His reaction was totally different; he laughed and shook his head, patting her on the shoulder. "Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, that part's not covered by that rule. But as always, I stand ready to help you find and achieve your dreams!" They smiled at each other, sharing their secrets.
Kristi finally relented and let me go, tugging my suit down, and I fled back to the hot tub, hearing a thin smattering of applause behind me. As I ****** the takes, Pam asked "What was that all about?"
"Oh, nothing. We were just joking around. Now make room, I'm coming in!" I very much wanted to be underwater before any of them noticed my bulging trunks.
Posts: 1459
I slid into the water in the middle on one side, between Pam and a woman I had met earlier in the evening named Joan. Joan was a very pale skinned redhead. Not the strawberry type like Sue, or the flaming orange-haired type that invariably has bright blue eyes and freckles, but the very dark auburn red that seems so often to accompany deep green eyes and perfect, flawless ivory skin. As it did in this instance. Her shiny hair was cut short in a style that framed her heart-shaped face, and I had thought when I had first met her how very pretty she was, a healthy, alive, all-American girl.
I placed her at about my age, late twenties to early thirties, and her husband, Matt, dark-haired, slender, with dark eyes and a closely-trimmed mustache, at about the same age. They had been talking softly to each other when I climbed in, and he was softly stroking her throat as she laid back against him. She gave me a nod of greeting and then turned back to her husband, kissing him deeply.
The water was plenty warm, but not unbearably hot, and I sank gratefully up to my shoulders. My feet bumped somebody else's under the water, and the woman directly across from me, who had been leaning back and looking up at the emerging stars, raised her head and looked at me. It was Britt, her white-blond hair wet at the ends. She gave me a languid smile and stroked my leg with her foot, up to my knee. My eyes were drawn to the upper swell of her ample breasts, right at the water's surface. She caught my gaze and slowly winked at me. I smiled back at her, and she laid back to continue star-gazing, still stroking my leg.
Pam leaned against me, running her hand over my chest and down to my stomach, where she let it rest. I could feel her hair where the water swirled it across my arm and side. I was very aware of her touch, and of the softness of her breast where she leaned into me. If her hand travelled lower she would find me still aroused, a situation that showed no sign of abating.
Also in the tub were Miguel and the couple I had seen him with earlier. I noticed again the age disparity between her and her partner; she was young, maybe early twenties, and he was probably pushing fifty. She was neither attractive nor unattractive, the type that would disappear in a crowd and whose photo can be found in the dictionary next to the word 'unremarkable'. She even had an average figure; nice, but again unremarkable. Her husband - or what I assumed to be her husband, he could have been her man - was balding and slightly heavyset, but in a general, large-bodied way. He didn't have the middle-age gut found on so many men his age, he was just bulky.
I had noticed an odd dynamic between them earlier, and now it was even more pronounced. Her attention was focused completely on Miguel, ignoring her husband as if he didn't exist. Likewise, Miguel was focused entirely on her, as if he owned her, or at least possessed her, and was concentrating all of his being on bending her completely to his will. Her husband was there, right next to them, but it was as if he watched from afar, peering through a window, or was himself perhaps invisible. Very weird.
Pam saw me watching them and whispered in my ear. "That's Linda and Max with Miguel, and it seems Linda wants a little hot-reded Latino salsa action. Look at her arm."
I looked, and it was immediately evident that she was stroking Miguel's cock under the water! With the jets and bubbles on you couldn't see her hand, but the repetitive motion of her upper arm, visible above the water, was unmistakable. I realized that Max was also watching his wife's arm move, his eyes locked on her. She seemed to care not at all.
Kristi finally arrived with the other take, which turned out to be Joan's, and handed it to her. She handed me her own take to hold while she climbed in, and she wedged herself in between me and Joan, everyone crowding together and touching lots of skin, Joan sliding partway onto her husband's lap. There was a little room open along the other side, to our left, but nobody made any move toward it.
We sat there soaking, relaxing tired muscles, softly talking and enjoying our takes. And the slippery, sensual touch of skin to skin. The scent of marijuana smoke drifted across us, sweet and acrid, and we wondered who was enjoying a little doobie, and where. It smelled good to me, triggering a few old memories (hazy memories, but memories nonetheless). It had been a long time since I had indulged. Britt's foot was slowly exploring farther and farther up my leg, now at mid-thigh, and Linda continued to stroke Miguel, making no attempt to hide the fact; now they were kissing as well. Her husband remained a silent observer.
I was facing the right direction to see Kori and Doug break off a conversation they had been having with another couple and stroll across to join us. Kori looked good; lively, aroused, cute and sexy. Doug seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her company, and I couldn't help but notice the way his well-stuffed Speedo shifted his substantial package from side to side as he strode across the deck. He appeared at least partially aroused, and Kori's erect nipples indicated it was a mutual thing.
Pam saw them and giggled. "That's my husband, just hang your junk out there in a little nylon baggie and wait for the pretty girls to flock around like sparrows. Subtle, but it seems to have worked on your friend Kori."
Kristi laughed. "For Kori, all he had to do was say the word 'penis' and he'd have had her. Hanging it all out there like that, well, that's like a moth to a flame!"
We were all laughing as they reached us, and Kori looked from one to another of us. "What's so funny?"
I reached a wet hand up and stroked her chin. "You, sweetie! We were just commenting on how happy you looked - and why not, huh?"
She shrugged, smiling. "Oh, OK. As long a we're all happy!" She looked around the hot tub, at all of us, and a frown furrowed her brow. "Hey, I think I read in the owner's manual for this boat that the hot tub becomes clothing optional at 6:00 and naked at sundown. It's dark, and y'all are violating the rules!" With that, she quickly popped out of her top, tossing it on a lounge chair and climbing into the open space along the side, giving everyone a good look at her lovely tits, nipples hard, as she scramred over the side. She hadn't gone full naked either, but trust Kori to get the ball rolling when it comes to being bare - she just flat doesn't like wearing clothes!
Posts: 4050
Very hot! I can't wait to hear more about Linda, Max and Miguel.
Keep up the good work.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH, I've been waiting for inspiration to strike. I've had a bit of a dry spell during our wet spell. I'm hoping it's passed. _______________________________________________________
After Kori settled in place, Doug handed her their takes and swung his leg over the side, ending up sitting on the edge of the tub behind her with one leg on each side of her, his feet and lower legs in the water. She leaned her head back against his crotch, wiggling slightly to settle in against his bulging pouch. I saw his stomach muscles tighten as she pushed against his genitals.
The tub was set up with a four foot wide redwood platform at tub-height along one side. The other three sides had about an ten inch wide lip formed by the fiberglas edge of the tub, designed for easy and comfortable seating. There were steps and a rail at one corner of the tub, and a stepdown from the platform area to the deck of the boat. It was probably over*******, because with the tub sunk a foot or so into the deck, the lip was only about twenty four inches high, and fairly easy to enter or leave directly from the deck surface. Unless you were short.
Kori moved her shoulders around and groaned, enjoying the luxury of the hot water. Nobody had made any immediate move to follow her demand for nudity, despite her example, although looking around I did see several people eyeing her and than glancing at one another. Finally Pam said "What the hell!" and reached behind her back, unhooking her top and pulling it off. She tossed it toward the same lounge chair that held Kori's, but missed, and it landed on the deck with a soft, wet plop. Her large breasts swung free, soft and nicely shaped, and her pink nipples with their large areolas began to pucker noticeably before she slid back down into the water.
Miguel watched this with great interest, then pushed Linda forward and reached down and unfastened her suit. Without being asked, she raised both arms overhead and he lifted her top clear, carelessly dropping it over the edge onto the ground. Max's eyes ran over his wife's semi-nudity, and he blinked rapidly, several times, but said nothing. Miguel then made Linda stand, and he pulled her suit bottom off of her as well, revealing a trim little light brown bush and the front parting of her pink lips, the bump of her inner labia and clitoris centered between them. As he turned her back to face him, I noticed that she had a pretty cute little ass, the kind best admired in tight jeans or during doggy-style sex. Her suit had not been flattering, but she looked pretty good naked!
Something about that, the way Miguel handled Linda in front of her husband, apparently struck Britt as being funny, because she laughed out loud and shook her head before reaching up and pulling the string at her neck and the one behind her back, untying her top and removing it. She pitched it back over her head onto the redwood deck behind her, causing her large, firm breasts to move enticingly. I wondered if the spray-on tan had darkened her nipples, because they appeared a dark red, almost the color of a rich Bordeaux against her tanned skin. Her breasts looked taut, full; almost swollen, they were so firm and round, her dark nipples distended. Her move left Kristi and Joan as the only females still somewhat fully dressed.
Kristi, aware of this, stood up on the seat of the tub, facing the group, and cocked her hips to one side, posing with her hand on her jutting hip. "OK, I'm game, but I want to work a trade. I'll trade my top for the first set of men's trunks that I'm offered!"
Nobody moved for a moment, and she looked at me, raising her eyebrows. I pretended not to see her. Suddenly, surprisingly, Matt raised his hand and stood, fumbling for the drawstring on his suit. Laughing, blushing, Joan quickly grabbed him and pulled him back down, scolding him through her laughter. Kristi laughed at them and made chicken clucking noises. "What, no takers? Surely there must be at least one brave guy here!"
Pam poked me. "You do it!"
I declined. "No! Besides, she's already seen me, many times!"
She poked me again. "Yeah, but the rest of us haven't. Come on!"
Very aware that I was still hard, a situation not helped by the fact that Britt's toes had by now crept to within an inch or so of my balls, I again declined. Before anything more could be said, Miguel rose from the water and turned to face Linda, reaching down to grasp her hands and pull them up to the waistband of his suit. Understanding what was expected of her, she smiled as she unclasped the plastic buckle of the narrow nylon belt around his hips and pulled it loose, then proceeded to tug his trunks down over his hips.
His aroused cock, erect from Linda's earlier attention, sprang free. It was pointing up, thick and dark, probably between seven and eight inches long, with his dark foreskin still puckered over the end despite his arousal. His pubic hair was black and coarse, but sparse, and his testicles were clearly visible as two good-sized round orbs enclosed in his dark-skinned scrotum. Linda leaned down to help slide his trunks down over his feet, and he leaned on her shoulder with one hand to steady himself as he lifted his feet to aid her.
As she came back up she paused at his groin, leaning in to lick his balls and then suck one big testicle into her mouth. He groaned and thrust his hips forward, his cock laying against the side of her face as she tongued his balls. Letting his balls slip from her lips, she engulfed his erect cock, stretching her lips over his thick member and taking as much of him into her mouth as she could, perhaps half his length. I noticed Max staring at them, completely captivated by the scene, his mouth making shapes and motions which mimicked those of his wife, as if he was the one sucking Miguel's hard cock!
I glanced quickly around the tub; everyone was watching them, absorbed in the act and maybe wondering, like me, what Max was thinking. Kristi and Britt were smiling, as was Kori. Pam licked her lips, and I saw her touch one of her erect nipples briefly. Joan and Matt were both wide-eyed, shocked and maybe embarrassed, and I realized that this was completely outside of their realm of experience. Listen to me, like I'm the old pro! Let's face it, it was pretty new for me too. I couldn't speak for the others, a strange thing to realize when one of them is your fiancee'!
I feel confident in saying that all of us men were hard, between all the hot bodies and the sex act we were witnessing. I know I was.
Miguel then surprised everyone again, taking his wet suit from Linda and stepping across the tub to Kristi. He stepped up on the seat facing her, which put them very close together. In fact, his erect, saliva-slick cock grazed across her firm belly as he moved, and neither of them made any effort to prevent that! He smiled at her, his teeth startlingly white in the dimming light. He held out his dripping suit. "Here you are, I believe you mentioned a trade, Miss Kristi?"
It was one of the few times I've ever seen Kristi speechless, caught completely off-guard. I'm not sure if it was the suddenness of his move, or the fact that his thick, hard cock was rubbing against her stomach, but she simply reached back and fumred at her suit. As she pulled it free, I became aware of my own heartbeat pounding in my head, and that my fingernails were digging into my palms.
Bending down, he momentarily sucked each of her hard nipples. I saw her body spasm and heard her gasp of surprise and arousal, then watched with a mix of excitement and dread as she cupped his balls in her hand, squeezing and fondling momentarily before moving up to wrap her fingers around his hard shaft, my Kristi stroking his thick, dark, aggressive-looking cock in front of everybody!
My cock throbbed as I felt Britt's toes begin to lightly carress my balls and Pam's hand slide down to grip my erection through my suit. Watching Kristi slowly masturbate Miguel's thick cock, sliding the foreskin back to expose the large, blunt, shiny purple head of his cock, I barely heard Pam mutter "Oh my!"
Posts: 27
Wow. Please continue Stormy.... et
Posts: 1459
Thanks ncal, glad you're still with us! Here's a short segment to keep it going. _______________________________________________
He allowed her to stroke him for a few moments before reaching down and gently disengaging her hand. I saw a look flash across her face - disappointment, maybe confusion, I'm not sure - before he stepped back down into the footwell of the tub, bumping Britt's leg and knocking her foot away from my crotch. The water lapped over his balls, but his erect cock still jutted well above the foamy bubbles, his foreskin again covering most of the head leaving just the tip peering out.
Kristi was close to his height, but with her standing on the seat he had to look up at her. Spreading his hands to indicate his own nudity, he smiled. "Does it seem fair to you that I should be naked while you still wear part of your suit?"
Reaching out, he rested his hands on her hips, covering the two bows where her suit tied on the sides. All eyes were on them, their interaction having completely captured everyone's attention. Kristi looked slightly shaken to me, still off balance from his sudden approach, but her eyes sparkled with excitement and her nipples were extremely erect on her perfect breasts. It's hard to tell, when you're sitting in a hot tub, if you're sweating. I was pretty sure I was, though I felt cold. She grasped his hands, holding them in place over the strings of her suit, keeping him from pulling the bows out.
They looked at each other for several seconds, into each other's faces as if no one else was present, then Kristi released his hands, raising her arms out to the sides. With her quiet acquiescence, in one quick motion he yanked both bows out, untying her bikini bottom and stripping it down through her legs and off of her before tossing it aside onto the boat's deck. She was now every bit as naked as the woman he had left on the other side of the tub. Or as him, for that matter.
Thinking back about it, she was more naked than Linda, because Linda had at least the soft thatch of her pubic hair covering her mound. Kristi's smooth mound was fully on display, and Miguel looked at it, chuckling softly. He reached out and ran the back of his fingers across the soft, smooth pad of flesh covering her pubic bone, allowing his knuckles to just brush the front of her cleft. She continued to stare defiantly back at him, but I saw her body spasm just slightly as he touched her, and a slow flush climbed her neck to her face. "You are a very beautiful woman, and so sexy and brave!"
He looked at me "Adam, don't you agree that it is always a pleasure to eat from such a clean plate?" I powerd a smile and nodded, agreeing with him although I was not at all sure exactly what he was trying to say. Maybe it was the language barrier.
And just like that he stepped away, returning to Max and Linda, standing in front of her with his rampant erection close to her face. She and her husband both looked at it, then at each other, and then up at him before she lowered her face and submissively took his cock into her mouth.
Kristi sank back down into the water at my side, and I heard her softly exclaim "Damn!"
Before I could ask what she meant by that, Matt and Joan rose from their corner and moved to leave. Matt spoke. "Sorry to be party poopers folks, but this is a little out of our league, we're not really the crazy sex-party types. You all have fun though, we'll just go back to our boat." Joan also apologized. "Please don't let us spoil your fun, it's just us, we're, uh, kind of in over our heads here!"
I heard Kori laugh. "Don't worry kids, we're all in over our heads, we just plow on ahead and see what happens! We don't want to chase you off, but please don't feel obligated to do anything that makes you uncomfortable! It's supposed to be a fun party, not stress you out!"
They hesitated, but decided to depart. I think they were both quite aroused by what they had witnessed (we could all tell that Matt was) and wanted to get back to their room to take advantage of that situation.
The fact was, as the evening wore on and nudity and sex became more commonplace around the main party boats, a number of people opted out. We even saw a couple of boats pull out and leave, the occupants apparently having misunderstood, despite the warnings, what this "adult party" would become. Looking back, there were moments when I wished I had gone with them.
At that moment, however, I returned my attention to Kristi, tearing it away from Linda blowing Miguel. Kristi was watching them as well. "Did you enjoy that?"
She looked startled. "What?"
I tried again. "Did you enjoy that, that little bit between you and Miguel?"
"Um, it was weird. He's so aggressive, it caught me off guard."
"But you enjoyed it. Or at least it looked like you did."
She gave me a sly smile. "You mean did I enjoy playing with his balls and stroking his cock?" I could only nod.
"Well, it was a nice set, and he was very hard and thick, and I do love a nice supple foreskin." She paused, torturing me. "But no, he's not really my type. Too domineering, too much Latin machismo bullcuckolds brownie, I think. If I ever feel the need to be dominated, I'll just order you to do it." She laughed at her own silly contradiction. I laughed too, although I'm not sure whether it was at her joke or just simple relief. I hadn't much cared for his aggressive approach either, it was just too 'in your face', if you know what I mean.
As if to prove that our assessment of him was on target, Miguel pulled his cock out of Linda's mouth and, taking it in his hand, slapped her across the face with it several times. It appeared to be none too gentle, but she didn't object. In point of fact, she seemed to enjoy it! He then stepped to Max and put his hand on top of the man's balding head. Pulling him forward, he thrust his hips toward Max's face until the head of his dark, saliva-slick erection was at Max's lips, and we all watched in sick fascination as the older man closed his eyes and opened his mouth, allowing his wife's dominant lover to thrust his thick penis into his mouth!
Kristi looked at me as if to say "That could have been you!", but I just shook my head. No, it couldn't.
Miguel was pumping his hips now, slowly fucking his hard cock into Max's willing mouth. Linda watched, a small smile on her face as she played with her own nipples, enjoying the sight of her strong, newfound lover humiliating her weak, cuckold husband in front of a group of near-strangers! Max actually seemed to be enjoying it, and appeared to be actively sucking on Miguel's cock with considerable enthusiasm.
We were all momentarily reduced to spectators, unable to look away, and we saw Linda reach up between Miguel's legs from behind, grasping his balls and pushing him forward, more deeply into her husband's mouth. Miguel allowed this to go on for maybe a minute or two before extricating himself from the other man's lips and stepping out of the tub, his now extremely hard and thick cock rigid in front of him. He reached out for Linda, and she took his hand and stood, stepping out onto the deck beside him.
They began to walk away, but Miguel turned, looking back at Max, who sat frozen as though stunned by what he had just done. "Come along Max, I will need you to prepare your wife's sweet pussy for me before I make love to her. And we will of course need you again after, it may become quite messy. Come along now."
Max clambered awkwardly out of the tub and followed meekly behind. We all sat there silently for a moment, nobody knowing quite what to say or do after a scene like we had just witnessed!
Posts: 492
You rock Stormy. This is so much fun reading. I eagerly await each new installment. Thank you for your time and effort.
Posts: 1459
#536 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks TrF2, I value your support and your comments. The interaction helps to keep the writing fun! __________________________________________
We all watched them for a few moments, amazed by what we had seen and curious about what might happen next. I smiled as I noticed that we all glanced around at the others in the tub, as if to be sure we were not the only voyeur in the lot. Kristi grinned and raised her eyebrows at me when our eyes met, clearly enjoying the direction in which the party appeared headed.
Miguel and Linda walked to the long bench near the starboard rail, where they embraced and kissed. Max, trailing behind, just stood and watched as their two naked bodies pressed together, his wife's breasts crushed to Miguel's bare chest, her soft lower belly pressing against his swollen, straining cock. I took a quick glance over toward the bar area and noticed that we were not the only ones watching this seduction in progress. Ron and Sandra, Miguel's wife, stood behind the bar, facing the action, and Ellen and Jack sat on stools on that side of the bar, also watching. Ron had his arm over Sandra's shoulder, and as I looked it drifted down, his hand dropping out of sight behind the bar. I'm pretty sure he was fondling her ass.
Linda and Miguel finally broke their embrace, extracting their tongues from each other's throats. Miguel turned to Max and they exchanged a few words, although we could not hear them over the jets and pump on the spa. I don't know if Max asked if he could undress, or if Miguel ordered him to, but he quickly shed his baggy, wet trunks. The area formerly covered by his suit was even more pale than the rest of him, which is saying something, because he was quite pale all over, his formerly dark body hair mostly gone to gray, much like the minimal amount of hair remaining on his head. As he turned to discard his suit, he revealed a limp and dangling package at the bottom of his tree-trunk torso and between his tree-limb legs, his cock long, thin, and completely flaccid in front of his sagging scrotum.
I leaned over to Kristi, to speak privately. "If Max is enjoying any of this, he sure doesn't show it!"
She looked at me, then frowned slightly. "Hush Adam, you can't know that just because he's not hard. Maybe he's sick or injured or something and can't get it up, did you ever think of that?" I had to admit I hadn't. She went on. "If that's so, then letting his pretty little wife find a handsome, horny, hung, extremely virile younger partner is pretty sweet, don't you think? And I think it's sweet that he participates so that they can still share sex together."
I laughed. "Participates! Yeah, really sweet!" She glared at me. Apparently she had been serious. Who knew? "Uh, sorry, I thought you were kidding. I mean, if he's totally impotent, no lead in the pencil, what's in it for him?"
"Maybe he gets his satisfaction from his wife's pleasure. Some men do, you know. And if she's happy and satisfied instead of frustrated and horny, that probably makes their marriage and home life much better. Wouldn't you think? Plus, he probably just likes to watch - just 'cause he's got a limp noodle doesn't mean he's not aroused."
I shrugged, conceding the argument. She was only guessing too, but logic was on her side. Every other guy watching them was rock hard, I guarantee it - I know I was - and that Max was not probably meant he was not able. In a way I felt terrible for him, carrying the knowledge that other men could give his wife such pleasure and that he could not. In another way, I admired him, that he could be so selfless and could love her so much that he would make this sacrifice to ensure her happiness, her satisfaction. She was considerably younger than him, and he had been smart enough and generous enough to acknowledge that he could not fulfill her needs and desires. Rather than risk losing her he had made this choice. Amazing, what love will do! That is, if in fact Kristi's assessment was correct.
As we were talking, Miguel had lowered Linda onto the bench, and she laid back, parting her legs and drawing them up, opening and displaying her aroused sex. Miguel motioned to Max, who eagerly dropped to his knees between his wife's legs and buried his face in her wet pussy. We watched her back arch as she thrust herself against his lips, wanting his tongue, needing him to help slake her arousal. Miguel smiled, then stepped onto the bench and kneeled, straddling Linda's chest and thrusting his thick cock toward her mouth.
We all watched, not speaking, as he began to pump his hips, fucking her face with his hard, dark erection. We could see the muscles in his ass clench with each thrust, and his dark, heavy-laden balls swing back and forth between his legs with his movements. With Max busy orally satisfying her undoubtedly dripping wet pussy, it was a very erotic scene.
Despite being a participant in such a sexually charged act, Max's thin, pale penis continued to dangle, completely flaccid and pitiful between his legs as he knelt on the deck. His balls hung down, small and useless in his dangling sack, and I again felt pity for him. I had to admit, however, that he seemed to be enjoying himself!
At one point he raised his head for a moment, looking at Miguel's muscular, pumping ass inches from his face, and we saw him reach up and gently cup Miguels swaying ballsack in his hand, fondling the large testicles and feeling their weight, perhaps feeling his wife's saliva on the other man's erect organ. Kristi whispered harshly, loud enough for all in the tub to hear: "God! Look at him, feeling the virility, the potency, of the man that's about to have his wife! Can you imagine how excited he is, knowing that soon that thick cock will be deep inside his little wife, stretching her open, those big heavy balls he's feeling spilling out all their potent seed? God that's hot!"
I looked at her, a little shocked that she would say something like that in front of me and Kori, not to mention Pam, Britt, and Doug! I could see that she was extremely aroused by this whole thing - as we all were - but it seemed to be affecting her very deeply. Then again, I knew inside that she loved this scene and wanted it for herself, and that part of that speech had been for my benefit, letting me know what I would face, what would be expected of me. Her words had fanned my flames, unquestionably; I think they had done the same for the others as well, judging by the open-mouthed stares she got from Doug and Britt!
Doug's mouth snapped shut and he noisily cleared his throat and stood up from behind Kori, intending to lower himself into the tub. As he did, we all noticed that his long cock was testing the limits of his small nylon Speedo, stretching the tight fabric over his hard ridge and straining at the waistband, where a large wet spot had appeared. Pam looked at him and laughed. "Gosh dear, are you maybe just a little bit turned on? You're leaking all over the place!"
Kori strained her neck, turning around to look up at his groin, then reached back and felt the back of her head. "Huh! I seem to have cum in my hair! Oh well, it's not the first time, and I sure hope it won't be the last!"
We all laughed at her rejoinder, although Doug's laugh was somewhat self-conscious, and he apologized as he sank down into the water at her side. She laughed at his apology. "Oh sweetie, don't be silly! I was planning on having your cum on me at some point this evening. Perhaps not on the back of my head..."
Doug blushed and laughed, shaking his head, but Pam thought it was hilarious and went off in long peals of laughter. Why do women - wives in particular - seem to so enjoy seeing their men embarrassed by other women?
Looking back at the amorous trio, we saw Miguel swing his leg over Linda and dismount the bench, motioning Max out of the way. Max stood and moved up near his wife's head, taking her hand in his own as Miguel knelt between her legs. We were treated to the sight of her sex, glistening wet and open, fully prepared for her well endowed young lover, and could see Miguels hard, thick cock, seeming to strain and vibrate like a divining rod, rigid and shining wetly as it pointed directly at it's pink, molten target, just inches away.
Posts: 4050
We all watched, not speaking, as he began to pump his hips, fucking her face with his hard, dark erection. We could see the muscles in his ass clench with each thrust, and his dark, heavy-laden balls swing back and forth between his legs with his movements. With Max busy orally satisfying her undoubtedly dripping wet pussy, it was a very erotic scene.
That is just one of many examples. Damn Stormy, you do detail better than anyone, and I mean anyone.
Every writer who aspires to write good erotica could take a lesmister from you.
Thank you for giving us this story
Posts: 93
Very good Story Sissy Cynthia
Posts: 1459
#539 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks GH, that's a very nice compliment coming from you, for an average everyday horndog like me! It can be a little challenging to not let it get too repetitive, hope I haven't! And you're very welcome for the story, please consider it my thanks to you.
Thanks to you as well CAWJR, I appreciate you taking the time to let me know you have enjoyed it! _______________________________________
As he moved closer to her, his hip blocked our view - or at least my view - and I couldn't see him enter her. There could be no doubt about the exact moment he did, however, because her legs spread slightly wider and her feet suddenly pointed sharply downward, her toes curling under as her body tensed at the sudden ***, the sensation of his large, hard organ plunging deeply into her. He entered her fully in one long, slow thrust, his hips pushing forward as her powerd her open, and her back arched as her body responded, meeting his thrust. Even over the noise of the spa we could hear her loud, surprised "Oohhh!" as he took her, and we could see the muscles across Max's back and shoulders tighten up as he reacted to his wife's response.
The abrupt change from teasing and foreplay to deep and almost violent penetration had left all of us a little shocked, I think, and unquestionably aroused. Pam had released her grip on my cock while Kristi and I had been engaged in our discussion of Max's situation a few moments earlier, but now I felt her hand brush up my thigh and slip inside the leg of my suit, where she again wrapped her fingers around me, this time through only the thin mesh inner liner. Seconds later, Kristi's hand found it's way into my lap from the opposite side and I cringed slightly as she also gripped me, finding Pam's hand already there!
She jerked back, momentarily surprised, and both women suddenly froze in place. Kristi looked across me at Pam, and the two or three seconds they stared at each other seemed like an eternity to me. Suddenly Kristi laughed, a loud, surprised bark of laughter escaping her lips, and Pam joined her as Kristi slid her hand down to squeeze my balls, mumbling "Well well, what do you know!" and relinquishing my hard cock to Pam.
I let out the breath I'd been holding and tried to tell myself to relax, but that was a non-starter. This whole thing - multiple naked people, carelessly stumbling across Meg and her black lover being watched by her husband Steve, seeing Max and Linda dominated and used by Miguel as he and Linda cuckolded her husband in front of the group, Britt and Pam touching me in this very public place, and then Kristi, laughing - all of it, every bit, was virgin territory for me! Well, virgin may have been a poor word choice in this instance, but you know what I mean. My head was spinning and my body felt invigorated, almost electrically charged, as two beautiful women (one of them the woman I loved above anything else on earth) touched and fondled me. I took a couple of deep breaths and decided to try my best to just enjoy it and go with the flow.
I leaned back and put an arm around each woman, letting my forearms rest on their shoulders and my hands hang down where I could touch and stroke their breasts. Both women had very erect nipples, and both felt very nice, but there the similarities ended. Kristi's breasts, small and firm, rode high on her chest, the dark pink nipples jutting out proudly from their centers the size of the tip of my pinky finger. And familiar, they felt oh so wonderfully familiar.
Pam's breasts were much larger and softer, their own weight causing them to suspend somewhat lower on her chest, and their firm but supple mass filled my hand, yielding as I squeezed her, letting her wet tit slide through my hand until my thumb and index finger pinched gently onto her tiny pink nipple, hard as a pencil eraser in my fingers. Her breasts were heavy, and sensuously soft. Another difference: Kristi gasped as I pinched her nipple; Pam let out a low, soft moan.
Kristi and I had talked in the past about a three-way - both directions - but it had always been half-joking, half-fantasizing, a part of our foreplay as we worked up to one-on-one lovemaking, or in the slow, warm, amorous, intimate conversation in the period right after, teasing each other. I had never seriously considered it a possibility, and I didn't used to think she did either; now I didn't know, and anything seemed possible. A tingle ran through me as I considered that, closing my eyes and relishing the sensation of their tits in my hands, their hands on my cock.
I glanced over at Miguel and Linda, with Max alongside. He was slowly fucking her, in long, deep strokes, his back and ass pumping as he plunged into her, causing her body to buck and push against him in orgasm, meeting his deep thrusts and demanding more. Max leaned forward, kissing his wife's lips and caressing her neck and breasts with his lips and fingers, savoring her arousal, her pleasure. Despite all this his cock and balls continued to dangle pale and useless between his legs, thin and shrivelled. I decided Kristi must be correct. As usual.
Somewhat distracted, I was surprised when I felt two hands on my knees and soft lips and warm breath touch the side of my face. I turned and found myself nose to nose with Britt, who had moved across the tub to us. "Can another girl get involved in the fun, or is two your limit?"
Her breath smelled sweet and rich, of the rum and Coke she'd been takeing, and she kissed me. When we parted, I know I stuttered. "Two, um, I uh, I s-suppose, uh..." I stopped myself. "Shit! I can't even talk! Britt, I don't know if two is my limit - before tonight, one has always been my limit!"
They all three laughed at my clumsiness and loss of composure, and Kristi spoke up. "That's always been what I love most about you, the way you're so smooth and polished in strange situations." They laughed again, and I snuck a glance at Doug and Kori, trying to figure out why, with the ratio of women to men in the tub currently at 2:1, three of the ladies had descended on me. I wasn't sure I was up to pleasing three women, and if there's anything worse that having one unsatisfied and disappointed woman it would be having three. Or even two. I actually found the thought very exciting, but more than a little intimidating.
Seeing them, it was easy to discern the reamister. Doug and Kori were totally involved in each other, Kori standing with her back to us and leaning into him as he licked her breasts, looking down on his head and stroking his neck and cheeks as he suckled on her. Her cute little ass that I had admired for so many years was bare, and Doug cupped it in his hands as he focused on her tits. Somewhere along the line he had gotten her out of her bikini bottom, and I hoped they had tossed it out of the tub so it wouldn't get sucked into the filter. What a stupid-ass thought at that particular moment! I powerd it aside, returning my attention to my own situation.
I kissed Britt again looking into her ice blue eyes, then lowered my head and nuzzled at her round, full breasts, softly kissing the upper curve of each. "I do have two perfectly good lips going to waste at the moment..."
She laughed softly and raised up, bringing her breasts to my lips. They were firm, almost taut, and her dark nipples were almost unnaturally hard and rubbery. I licked and sucked softly at them, enjoying the different feel. She allowed me to do that for maybe thirty seconds or so, then raised up and looked into my eyes before glancing momentarily at the other two women.
"Just so you know in advance, that's liable to be productive if you keep doing that."
I smiled at her. "Gosh, I hope so! I find that most women seem to like that as part of foreplay, if I don't get too obsessive. And that's usually pretty productive."
She laughed, a clear and honest sound. "Cute, but that's not what I meant Adam. I'm a nursing mom, I have an eight month old at home that I spent the last several days pumping and saving for, and I haven't pumped for several hours. I'm so full I'm about to burst, and what you're doing, mmmm..."
I was very surprised, and I heard Kristi chuckle. It kind of sent a little thrill through me. I'm one of those weird guys that finds pregnant women and nursing ladys to be very exciting and erotic, their fertility and fecundity drawing me like a pilgrim to Mecca. Izzy had let me sample her milk once, when we'd had one of our brief trysts while Cody was a baby, and I'd found it deeply erotic and satisfying, perhaps the closest I'd ever felt to her as adults - other than the night when Cody had actually been conceived.
Now though, with a woman that was barely more than a stranger, in a group, with Kristi and others looking on, I had no idea how to react. I mean, I knew how I wanted to react, but didn't know what to actually do. As I sat, aroused, nervous, confused, Pam said "Ooh, may I try?" , and Kristi giggled softly.
Posts: 277
Just when I thought that could not get any sexier and now you throw in breast milk. Any thing I can want you address sooner or latter. Definetly you have a gift of writing, reminds me of Heidahart, "The Ra expedition and Kontiki". You read his writing and just like yours, rich in details to the point that seems you have lived them.
Thanks for your time and efforts contdoc