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Adam's Journey

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Kristi gave me the once-over. "So is that the order of the day, swimwear? I remember we pretty much lived in our suits on the last trip."

"Um, yeah, I guess. You know Kori though, she tends to favor as little as possible. I think naked is her preferred mode of dress."

She raised her eyebrows, looking at me. "Really? She's been running around starkers? I'm sure you must have enjoyed that!" She turned and pulled a small bikini out of her bag, a pink, blue and green number I didn't remember seeing before. Without a trace of self-consciousness she stripped out of her tight shorts and small tank top, turning to face me, holding her bikini bottoms in her hand. She looked amazing, lithe, gorgeous and beautiful. Even as she took my breath away, I noticed that she had decided to stay with the smooth look, her mound bare and smooth, her pouty pussy lips protruding slightly, slick and pink. As always, I felt my body responding to her.

I breathed out heavily. "Damn!"

She smiled. "You approve? You seemed to really like the smooth look the night we all went out with Morgan and Rain, so I thought I'd stick with it for awhile. I kind of like it, it makes me feel sexy and naughty."

"Uh, yeah, I do like it a lot! And you look sexy, too, it's sure working for me!"

She laughed at that. "Really, are you hard already, just from looking at me? That's one of the nicest compliments a man can give a woman, did you know that? The stiff dick salute! You guys get all aroused just from looking, or from a touch, then we see or feel your nice big bulge and we get all wet, and the next thing you know..."

She crossed to me where I sat on the edge of the bed and put her hands on my shoulders, her breasts close to my face. I gently kissed each of her nipples and they obliged by puckering quickly, distending and hardening. She gasped out a small "Ohhh!", then asked me to raise up so that she could pull my trunks down to my knees. When she did so, my cock sprang out, rigid and throbbing with desire, and she gripped me, using a twisting stroke as she drew her hand up and down my hard shaft.

Staring at my sex as she briefly masturbated me she smiled, then looked up into my face. "I guess you realize that I've seen a fair number of cocks, since you know about my, uh, habit."

Slightly uncomfortable with that thought, I nodded, wondering where this was going.

"Well, I can honestly say that you have the most gorgeous, big, perfect cock I've ever seen - and that's a totally unbiased opinion, not just because you're my guy, my lover. What do you think about that?"

I laughed. Whatever I had been expecting, it wasn't that! "Well, thanks, I guess. I'm glad you're able to be so totally unbiased when it comes to cocks. And I'd sure rather finish first than last in that category. Or even second, for that matter."

She leaned against me, releasing her grip on my penis and straddling my legs with her own, allowing my head to rest against her breasts, one hand playing with my hair and the back of my neck while her other rested on my back. I reveled in the feel of my face against her chest, hearing her heart beat inside and feeling the warmth of her, one hard nipple against my cheek. I cupped her ass with one hand, the other in the small of her back, holding her to me as she rubbed her chin gently on the top of my head. My erect cock was between her thighs, the tip just touching her vulva. Not looking into her face, I was able to ask her something that was kind of nagging at me.

"Kristi, why are you here?"

I felt her body stiffen slightly. "Are you disappointed that I came?"

"Oh no, not at all! In fact, I'm thrilled that you're here, but in your note, the one you wrote to me that last night we made love, after Morgan and Rain left, you were pretty definite about me taking time alone to make up my mind."

I waited for awhile, perhaps almost a minute, before she spoke. "Well, it just seemed like maybe things were going to be OK, the last couple of times we talked it just felt, I don't know, better, somehow. And then the closing got postponed, and Kori called, and it just seemed like fate, you know?"

"I'm so glad. I guess Kori told you that I want us to try again. That I can't even imagine losing you."

"Adam, I haven't talked to Kori since before you joined them - well, except for a few words just a little while ago - so no, she hasn't told me anything. Really though, you want to keep me?"

Keep her?? What a weird thing to say! I laughed, I couldn't help it. "Yes babe, I want to keep you. If you still want to keep me, that is. I know I've been pretty tough on you."

"We're both pretty guilty of that. I love you Adam - can you love me, can you accept who and what I am?"

I shook my head and looked up at her. "I know I can love you, because I do and probably always will. As for the rest of that, all I can promise is that I'll try. I have to try, because I don't want to be without you, and yeah, I think maybe I can accept it. I'm starting to see things a little differently than I used to."

As we talked I had noticed that the tip of my cock nestled up against the soft lips of her pussy had put her hips in motion, gently moving back and forth to stroke her own hard clit and moist lips against my spongy, swollen tip. My balls ached with arousal, and I could feel her heat.

She rubbed my neck as she spoke. "Do you really think you can deal with me making love to another man? That you could even watch, like I want you to?"

"I'd rather you said having sex with rather than making love to, but yeah, maybe. I won't ever know for sure until I try, will I?"

She laughed softly. "No, I suppose not. When? Can we do it soon?"

It was my turn to laugh. She seemed so eager! "Why, are you in a hurry for some reamister?"

"Yes! I'm so horny - I've been celibate for almost three weeks now, like I told you I would, even with cute, horny Scotty around, and I need to get laid, and soon! How about you? Have you been getting any?"

Uh-oh! How to tell her my sordid tale? "Uh, yeah, I've actually been pretty well taken care of, I guess you could say."

She leaned back and looked at me, waiting for more details.


Posts: 4050
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Magnificent! What a wonderful reunion. Adam is about to accept his status as a cuckold.

Thank you



Posts: 1459
#483 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH, I think you may be right!


Even though Kristi had been one of the main instigators, pushing me to "spread my wings, break down walls, try to be more adventurous," etc, I had been very worried about this moment all along. I was never completely sure she really wanted me to do some of the things I'd wound up doing, or perhaps she'd thought I wouldn't, or possibly couldn't take her up on her offer.

"Remember baby, you were the one that encouraged me to go out and, uhh, sample a little forbidden fruit, as they say. Don't get mad."

"Adam, I'm not mad. If I was mad would I be standing here naked and horny with your cock between my legs? I'm a little surprised, maybe. I figured if you did anything it would be slow and careful, like you always are, but you sound like you just dived right in! So tell me, what has happened to you other than your evening with Sue and Rick?"

"Umm, well, a couple of things. You remember Dana - you mentioned her just before I went back up to work?"

"I remember. Back to Sue and Rick for a second, you still owe me that whole story, this doesn't let you off the hook for that, you know."

I nodded. "I know, but later, OK? We really should go and make nice with K and Ronnie pretty soon, and it's also lunch time."

She giggled. "No matter what happens, you never forget about your stomach, do you? No food for you until I at least hear about Dana. She's that real cute girl I met at the picnic, isn't she? The one with the hot little figure?"

"Yeah, that's her, but she's a woman, not a girl, as she informed me in no uncertain terms."

Kristi scoffed. "Sure, what is she seventeen, eighteen maybe?"

"Lord no! She wouldn't be out there on site at that age, she's in her twenties." I didn't remind her that Dana was only twenty one. Twenties was enough information. My stomach growled loudly. "Look, let's go eat and I'll tell you all about her afterwards, OK?"

"No Adam, tell me first. Maybe I can help take your mind off of food." So saying, she reached back and guided my hard cock to her wet and willing opening and carefully lowered herself onto me, sliding slowly down my erect member until I was fully engaged in her hot velvet grip. We both groaned at the sensation, the feeling that two bodies that were meant to be together had finally reunited.

Neither of us said a word, clinging to each other as she slowly moved her hips in small, careful increments, clearly enjoying the feeling of my cock touching all the right places deep inside her body. I held very still and let her use my penis to touch herself where she needed it the most. It all felt incredible to me, and when I felt her body stiffen and her pussy tighten I knew she had brought herself to orgasm, a fact soon confirmed by her loud gasps and her fingernails digging into my shoulders. She rode through it, squeezing me, then slumped against me following her release.

"God, that felt good, I needed that so bad!"

I hugged her to me, laughing. "I could tell! If you were a man that would have been a premature ejaculation, and then I could be all disappointed and pissed off."

She chuckled at the image. "Yes dear, but if I were a man I'd be limp, useless, and ready to roll over and take a nap, and all you'd have would be a big gooey mess, so you'd have every right to be pissed off." She squeezed me hard with her pussy muscles, and I gasped. "Do I feel like I'm useless, finished, ready for a nap?"

"God no!" I grasped her ass and began to fuck her in long hard strokes, driving myself into her. It felt great, and I could feel my own orgasm bubbling inside, but she crashed into another one before I got there and her spasms broke my rhythm just enough to slow me down, not an entirely bad thing. As she came off her own wave she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me down.

"That's all, no more of that. You hold still and tell me about Dana, and I'll direct the orchestra for awhile. You're in charge of the lyrics, I'll make the music. You've apparently been getting laid, so this is my turn. Now talk."

So I told her about Dana, a little of the detail leading up, but mostly about the day we had spent together, from before dawn on the ATV's through the shower at the end of the day, and about her and Harley, and me arranging for champagne, and being asked to be best man for them. Kristi came again as I told her about masturbating Dana's hot little pussy to orgasm under the big Wyoming sky, and again, harder, when I told her about the shower scene. As she recovered from her fourth orgasm of the afternoon and as I was closing in on my own, she suddenly stood up, my cock sliding wetly out of her, and stepped away.

I objected, gasping at the sudden sense of loss. "Ohhh damn! What are you doing?"

"I'm done. I think that will hold me for awhile, thank you!"

"What do you mean, 'done', and 'thank you'? I'm not done!"

I tried to grab her, but she stepped out of reach, laughing and looking at my throbbingly hard cock, slick with her secretions. "Yes, I can plainly see that. But you've been getting lots of sex, so that will just have to wait for later. Besides, you said you were hungry!"

"Lunch can wait. Please come back here! Please?"

"No, not even if you beg, although that is kind of fun! I think we'll save you for later. Maybe at the party tonight I'll take it out and show everyone what a lucky girl I am - you could be the entertainment, I could give you a handjob while everyone watches. That should make the women horny and their husbands jealous!"

Despite that horrifying image, I felt an excited tingle go down my spine and settle in my balls. "Oh c'mon Kristi, quit teasing!" I grabbed my cock at the base and waggled it at her. "Look, still hard and ready, no waiting, horny sluts welcome!"

She laughed as she slid into her bikini bottoms. "I'm not so horny anymore, thanks to you. If I keep you aroused all afternoon you should cum like a firehose later. That will impress everyone!"

My gut clenched at that thought, but my cock throbbed and jumped, and she noticed.
"Fuck, Adam, you're getting off on the idea! Look how hard you are - you're harder than when I first slid off you! You really are expanding your horizons, aren't you?"

I can't deny that the scene she suggested was having an effect on me, but I muttered "Not that much, that's too gruesome."

Laughing at my comment as she finished tying her bikini top around her, she opened the door and stepped into the hall. "Well, I'm going to go have lunch with our friends." She gazed down at my still engorged cock. "Join us when you can fit that into your pants again - and no jerking off, that's cheating! I really do want to save your energy for tonight, although I'm not quite sure how that will play out. I'm sure an opportunity will present itself. Bye!"

She left, leaving just the two of us, me and my poor neglected hard-on, behind in the room. I looked down to find him staring up at me. "What the hell are you looking at? It wasn't my idea to stop! If you'd have been a little quicker we wouldn't be in this situation!"

I think I heard him mumble something about "damned if you do and damned if you don't, too fucking quick one time and not quick enough the next" or some such thing, then decided it might be considered crazy to have a conversation with my cock and went to clean up instead. Using cold water, I cleaned Kristi's juices off of me, enjoying her sweet musky scent and sort of proud that I had given her so much pleasure, and still incredibly amazed and thrilled that she was here. It had felt so wonderful to be in her arms and to have her in mine, and just phenomenally good to be inside her body again!

I knew I'd hear more from her about Dana, and she had yet to hear about my three-way with Ron and Kori, unless Kori was even then gloating about winning all her bets! With that scary thought I hurriedly got my suit back on, stuffing my still semi-erect cock in and tying the drawstring. As I prepared to leave the cabin a thought occurred to me and I dug around in my toilet kit until I found my small pill bottle, shaking out pills until the remaining small Cialis tablet showed up. I put the rest away and swallowed that one, then went to join my friends for lunch.


Posts: 27
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B-E-A-utiful. The story continues to grow and impress. Can't wait to see how this is all going to wrap up. Not that I am in any hurry for it to finish!


Posts: 492
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Oh no.......not the Cialis! Adam may be a cuck in the making, but I like cucks that can unleash a big dick on some poor unsuspecting pussy. Kristi may be in for more than she bargained for, who knows? I wonder how she'll handle the details of the threesome between Ron, Kori and Adam before she got there.

Bring on the houseboat party.

Thanks Stormy, excellent as always.



Posts: 1459
#486 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks ncal, it's certainly grown well beyond my initial plans and expectations, although I am enjoying it. Glad you are as well!

TrF2 - I think Adam and Kristi may both be in for more than they bargained for, but this may be one of those "teachable moments" I've heard mentioned somewhere. I hope the have, in addition to bolstering Adam's penis, can help bolster his self-confidence - can it do that?

I emerged into the main cabin to find it empty, but I heard movement on the deck above. Climbing the stairs I found Ron sitting at the helm with Kori and Kristi standing just behind him, one off each shoulder with their backs to me. I let my eyes run up and down Kristi's delicious body, noting her sleek curves and the diminutive size of her bikini and feeling a shiver of arousal run down my spine and explode in my groin. She always affects me that way; I think she always will. Again I was nearly overwhelmed with joy at having her there with me so unexpectedly. What a great surprise Ron and Kori had pulled off! I realized I owed them big for this one.

Kori, not surprisingly, was topless. On the other hand, perhaps I was mildly surprised that she was wearing even the bottom of her suit, as she had seemed determined to spend as much time naked as possible. Maybe having Kristi there changed the equation a little bit. Selfishly, I hoped not!

Hoping they weren't already telling her about the events of the previous evening while I wasn't there to explain my part, I blundered right in.
"Hey guys, is anybody besides me getting hungry yet? It's after 1:30, and my stomach is starting to think my throat's been cut!"

The girls both turned and smiled at me, Kori shaking her head and speaking first.
"Trust you to think about food when you have two gorgeous and barely dressed beauties right here for the taking! You're hopeless!"

"No, actually I'm hungry. And I've been given to understand that, like the Stones said, I can't get no satisfaction. So I thought I might as well eat. How about you Ronnie, you want some lunch?"

"You bet! Here I am, totally devoted to my duty as captain, remaining at the helm and guiding us safely through these dangerous, shark-infested waters, and neither of these wenches will even bring me a damn sammich! Or a sam dammich, whichever the case may be."

Kristi reached out and roughly tousled his hair. "What a drama queen you are! Shark infested - sure they are! Pirates too, I'll bet!"

He leered at her. "Arrghh little missy, they call me Peg-leg Pete - would you like to feel why?"

She smacked him open-handed on his shoulder, laughing. "No Peg-leg, that line may work on all the other girls but I'm wise to you! You're just wanting to get a free grope, and I'm not buying."

He grinned back at her. "Damn, girl, it's good to have you here! I've missed your laugh - we all have. One thing though. You're way over-dressed." He looked meaningfully at Kori, letting his eyes settle on her bare breasts momentarily, then back at Kristi.

She glanced around at each of us. "Huh! I guess I am the only one with anything on above the waist. OK, that works for me!" She reached back and tugged the string on her top, pulling it off and tossing it onto the bench seat behind her, smiling at me as she shrugged her shoulders and shook her smallish breasts slightly. I smiled back at her; I couldn't not smile, even if I'd tried.

Ronnie gazed appreciatively at her tits. "Mmmm, those are every bit as nice as I remembered! And don't you feel better now?"

Kristi snorted at him. "Give me a break Ronnie, your wife's tits are much bigger than mine - not that I don't appreciate the compliment."

He reached out and caught her around the waist, pulling her to him where he sat. "One thing you've to understand about men and tits, Kristi baby. When we've seen one, we want to see them all! And yours are quite lovely, trust me."

She laughed as she put an arm around his shoulder. "Thanks Ronnie, really. I hope you don't get tired of seeing them before this trip is over."

"Never!" He brought his hand up, about two or three inches off her breast and splayed open as if to fondle her, then stopped. "May I?"

Kristi looked at him for a second, then looked over at me. They all did, waiting expectantly for me to say something, but my throat had gone totally dry. This was somewhat new territory for us - Kori was always touching everyone, of course, and the various games, teasing, and pool wrestling matches brought us all into a lot of contact, but Ron openly and eagerly touching Kristi in a purely sexual manner was new. And strange.

Of course, I had spent much of the previous evening deep inside of his wife, and had spilled my seed into and onto her, suckled at her breasts, and tasted her pussy, so what could I say? Kristi was obviously all right with it and was just checking with me to be polite. I smiled and shrugged, giving them the OK, and Ron's hand closed over Kristi's left breast, cupping and gently squeezing her.

My heart jumped into my throat as I heard Kristi moan softly and put her hand over his, holding it to her. "Ooooh, that feels nice! You have nice strong hands - squeeze me a little harder!"

Now it was Ronnie's turn to groan, deep in his throat, as she pushed her tit into his hand. "Mmm, you feel so firm - it's almost like muscle or something. "Honey, you should come feel this!"

Was I confusing what he had said, or had he just invited his wife to come and feel Kristi's breasts? I stood there watching them, completely bemused as she did just that. Kori, always game for anything, sidled up to Kristi and put her hand over her other breast, squeezing and carressing, and Kristi just closed her eyes and enjoyed their attention. I noticed as they moved their hands around that her nipples had stiffened proudly, and knew she would be enjoying the sensation of having them touched.

Ronnie stopped for a moment and reached to Kori, feeling one of her softer, larger breasts, then moved back to Kristi, as if comparing. Soon Kori did the same, feeling her own breast with her fingers then squeezing Kristi's for comparimister. When Kristi did it, feeling Kori and then herself, it became too much for me, and I burst out laughing! It was almost like a Three Stooges routine or something, a bodily comparimister test, a "which is nicer, breast A or breast B?" compare-off with nobody saying anything! It just struck me as being very funny for some reamister.

Kristi looked at me, a big grin on her face. "What?"

"You guys are too much, it's like you're comparing toilet paper or buying peaches or something. It just looked funny, all of you swapping from tit to tit."

Kori smiled at me as well. "Don't knock it until you've tried it! Come on, don't be a party pooper, you know you want to."

She was right, I did, and so I did, and had to marvel at the difference when I felt them side-by-side, so to speak. Kori, larger and softer, more fleshy, but with an underlying resiliency and firmness that had been missing from Sue's big, soft, luxurious rack, Kori's nipples small, hard pink pebbles, and then Kristi, her breasts firm, almost taut, and her larger nipples jutting out stiff and rosy. I would have put Dana somewhere between these two, her breasts firm and resilient like Kristi's, but larger, fuller, more like Kori's - but then she was still several years younger than any of us - and with that I stopped making comparimisters.

I knew the Cialis hadn't taken effect yet, it was too soon, but my cock was stone hard and straining. My balls had ached with pending release when Kristi had abandoned me in our cabin; now they felt swollen and ready to burst, a dull throb which radiated out throughout my groin.

I was sure Ronnie was equally as aroused, he could scarcely avoid being so, and as Kori and I stepped away from them he pulled Kristi to him and engulfed one of her hard nipples with his lips, sucking her and gently nibbling her tender flesh. She gasped and sagged into his hands, and he dropped them to her ass, half holding her up and half fondling her tight, round tush, his fingers just touching the underside of her sweet cheeks where they curved under and between her legs.

Kori looked up at me, raising one eyebrow in a silent question. I smiled at her and softly assured her it was OK. Strangely, it was! Not that it wasn't weird, seeing my girl being fondled and knowing how aroused she was becoming, but it was Ronnie, and Kori, and it felt safe and kind of right, somehow, like we should all be together. I felt Kori rub my back, and I hugged her to me with one arm.

Releasing Kori, I stepped up to Kristi and kissed her on the side of her neck. "Does that feel good baby?"

She turned her head to look at me, her blue-green eyes smoky and smoldering with lust, the way they look when she becomes very aroused. "Oohhh god, I thought I was done being horny for awhile after you did me, but I was wrong!"

I kissed her then, deep and sweet, our tongues tangling as Ronnie suckled her hard nipples and touched the sensitive spots on her lower ass and inner thighs, and as we kissed I slid my hands down her sides until I found the string ties of her bikini bottom, which I tugged, untying and pulling the small piece of fabric off of her. I stepped away, handing the warm bottoms to Kori for some reamister, and Kristi moved her legs apart, allowing Ron's fingers access to enter her. He did, and I heard her gasp and him groan deep in his chest with arousal.

As I watched the muscles and tendons in his hand move as he worked his fingers inside of her body, Kori held up Kristi's bikini to my lips and nose, making me feel the slick moisture and breathe the sweet scent of her aroused sex. Lightning shot through my lower abdomen, and I almost came in my pants. Kristi's extreme arousal was causing my own, as it always did.

Kori stretched up and whispered in my ear. "God Adam, are you as turned on as I am?"

I assured her I was, also sotto voce, and when she reached out to feel me I pushed her hand away. "No K don't, you'll make me cum!"

She laughed softly. "I wonder if Ronnie already has. He's had the hots for Kristi for so long, this has got to be like heaven to him."

I heard sounds that I recognized as Kristi approaching orgasm, and I saw her body stiffen and her back arch as she came, pushing her pelvis down onto Ron's thrusting hand. As Kristi came I heard Kori let out a shuddering "Ohhhh!", as if she had enjoyed a vicarious orgasm herself!

Ron leaned his head against Kristi's flat, muscular stomach, letting her lean on him as her intense contractions slowly waned, his fingers still in her boiling honeypot. I heard him give a low chuckle, and as Kristi straightened up he disengaged his hand and, grabbing her hips, turned her around to face us. I noticed that his fingers on his right hand were slick and wet with my baby's fluids, and my mouth watered. He ran his fingers over her smooth, slick pubic mound, and I realized why he had laughed. He winked at Kori.

"Look babe, our friend Kristi has a nice smooth, bare little snatch. Let me amend that: A nice smooth, bare, hot, tight, wet little snatch. Come see!"

Kori crossed to them, running her fingers over Kristi's smooth flesh as well, both of them seemingly fascinated by her baby smoothness! I heard Kori ask how she had gotten it so soft and smooth, and as Kristi started to say something about wax, a sound which I had been hearing for awhile suddenly thrust itself into the forefront of my lust-fogged brain. I looked around to find another housebaot, a smaller one, less than fifty yards away!

"Boat, boat, boat! Hurry guys, they're almost here!" A mad scramble for the girls' suits or towels ensued, and Kori dashed down the stairs as she had not brought her top to the upper deck. I helped Kristi re-tie her top behind her back, but we all knew full well that if these new folks had been paying attention they had gotten an eyeful! Even more so if thay had been using binoculars! They hailed us as they drew close, and we both cut our engines as the boats drifted within eight or ten feet of each other.

A stocky, muscular Hispanic looking guy, maybe mid-twenties, stepped out to the rail, and I noticed he was still carrying binoculars! His suit was tented out fairly obviously in the front over his erection - Kristi elbowed me, so I knew she had noticed - and I wondered if he would be more embarassed knowing we could see that, or when he realized he had not put down the field glasses. Kristi still stood in front of me, so my own persistent arousal was hidden from him.


Posts: 40
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Beautifully developed Stormy, do please keep us cumming.


Posts: 492
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I should have know that you would take another one of your sneaky detours before delivering us to the houseboat party.

Well done Stormy. Thanks.



Posts: 277
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And just gets hotter. What is going to happend? The 36 hours of Cialis are ticking.


Posts: 1459
#490 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks Oliverra, I hope to!

TrF2, my mind wanders sometimes, and thus so does the story. I'm thinking maybe it's adult ADHD, if anyone has any Ritalin...

Hey cd, thanks. I hope Adam can do some damage in 36 hours!


As the two boats drifted, just few feet apart, he called over to us.

"Hi guys, that's a really nice boat!"

Ronnie answered him. "Thanks. We like it real well, but I have to admit it's a little big for the four of us. We expected to have more when we made our plans. Is there something we can do for you?"

Kori reappeared on the upper deck, both pieces of her bikini back in place, and walked over and stood at the rail between Kristi and Ron. I remained behind Kristi, close enough to press my erection into the firm valley of her ass, and I immediately felt her push back against me. This wasn't going to be any help in allowing my erection to fade, but it felt damn good!

Our new acquaintance held up his binoculars, a big grin on his face. "Oh, no, not really. We just happened to notice that it looked like you had a couple of pretty ladies on board, and you seemed like fun folks, so we thought we'd come over and say hi."

Pretty bold! He wasn't the least bit embarrassed to admit that he had been watching us through the glasses, and had no doubt observed the activities in which we'd been engaged! He went on:
"The ladies look even better up close, very very nice, but ladies, you didn't need to get all dressed up just for us!" He had just a trace of Mexico in his voice, a slight, almost put-on accent which helped to make what he said sound like he was just kind of ribbing us, and his big laugh afterwards confirmed it.

I heard Kori laugh too, and glanced at her to find her laughing, eyes locked in on this guy, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. I heard Kristi chuckle, perhaps a little self-conscious about having been observed in such an unguarded moment, but I knew that she would also be takeing in this stranger. He was quite handsome, I guess, with his olive skin, jet black hair, and dark eyes, and his ready smile displayed what looked like perfect white teeth. I knew both girls had long since noticed the bulge in his snug suit, which had shown no evidence of diminishing.

I had taken note of the fact that he had consistently used the plural 'we' and 'us', and was about to ask him about his companions when one of them put in an appearance. A girl stepped out of the cabin and walked across to join the guy. I say a girl, because that was my first impression. She was so petite and light on her feet that for a moment I took her to be about ten or eleven years old. As she got closer I noticed that her tiny body definitely had a woman's figure, one which her small bikini sharply accentuated.

Her top was hot pink, the bottoms lime green, both fluorescent colors jumping out brilliantly against her dark skin. Her curves were definitely all grown up, with lush, full breasts and a pronounced flair at her hips, which moved delightfully as she walked. She couldn't have been over 5'1" and was beautiful and exotic looking, with the same dark eyes as the guy, and the same raven black hair, except hers was thick, shimmering in the sun, and reached down to her waist. She also displayed the same warm, welcoming smile and startlingly white teeth, and her voice had a beautiful lilt to it when she spoke.

"Hola mi amigos! I see you have met my husband. I hope he has been behaving himself - he can get a little carried away around such beautiful women."

Kristi laughed. "Thanks, and yes, he's been a perfect gentleman. I'm Kristi, and this is Kori and her husband Ron, and the guy hiding behnd me is my fiance' Adam." She pulled me around, alongside of her, and I winced, knowing my arousal would be plain to see if anyone bothered to look. I saw the woman's eyes drop, momentarily, then she looked up directly into my eyes, her smile never wavering.

"I'm Sandra, and this is my husband Miguel, who always forgets to introduce himself. You did, didn't you dear?"

He smacked his head. "Ai! I did, forgive me! Wait, did you say he's married to her and you're this one's woman? Oh ho, you people are even more fun than I thought!'

Now I was sure he had observed Ron and Kristi at play, and had initially assumed they were a couple. I glanced at Kristi and found her blushing deeply. Ron seemed unaffected, but then he's a master at keeping a poker face.

Sandra slapped her husband on the arm. "Stop, you embarrass me with your bad manners!" She turned back to us. "He was watching you, through his binoculars, like a peeping Thomas. I tried to make him stop."

Miguel laughed. "Yes, she tries to make me stop because she wanted the glasses for herself. She watched you, with him, and it made her very excited, very aroused. It made both of us aroused - it was a very beautiful thing, to watch, and we should thank you.

Sandra looked completely mortified, and gave a small embarrassed laugh to cover her discomfort. With her brown skin I couldn't tell if she was blushing, but I felt sure she was.

Ron laughed along with them. "Well, I guess we asked for that, we were out in the open! I can't be too embarrassed though, I've been wanting to get my hands on this lady for a long time. I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass by just because someone might see!" He paused. "Are you folks alone on that boat? It's a little big for just two, isn't it?"

Sandra answered. "No, there is another couple with us. They enjoyed the watching you as well, but then they had to retire to their cabin to... well, you know! It was our turn to steer, and we wanted to meet you and invite you to a party tonight, at a place called Smuggler's Cove."

Kori laughed. "It seems everyone knows about that! That's where we're headed right now!"

Miguel smiled, again flashing his brilliant teeth. "Good, then we'll follow you! We don't know where it is and were going to ask directions from you if you didn't want to go."

Ron nodded. "Great, jump in behind us. I'm going to go a litle slow for awhile, because we haven't had any lunch and need to eat, but then I'll pick up the pace and we should get there in about an hour, maybe ninety minutes."

So that became the plan, and we proceeded on, with me finally feeding a sandwich to my complaining belly. The scenery was stupendously beautiful, as were Kristi and Kori, both of whom had decided to go topless again with the other boat safely behind us, and with all that vying for my attention the time passed swiftly.


Posts: 1459
#491 · Edited by: stormydog
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As we neared the point of land beyond which lay Smugglers Cove, I walked aft on the top deck and looked back at the trailing boat. I could see that a couple more people had joined Miguel and Sandra on deck, and I waved at them. As they waved back, and Miguel blew a short blast on their horn, I could see that the other man was also dark-skinned and black-haired, but the woman was blonde, almost platinum blonde, and that while her skin appeared well tanned, she was definitely Caucasian and not Hispanic.

Kori walked back and stood beside me, wondering what the tooting horn had been about. I glanced at her and noted that she stood there topless, completely unabashed as she shaded her eyes with one hand and looked back at them.

"Uh, K, aren't you forgetting something?"

She looked down at her bare breasts and smiled. "What's the point? Apparently they've already seen all there is to see." She raised both arms over her head and waved at our new friends, which earned her a considerably more enthusiastic blast on their horn! She laughed, enjoying their response to her exhibitionism, and we turned and went back up to join Ron and Kristi. All we could see from there was the canvas canopy of their boat, which had dropped to about a hundred yards behind us to avoid our wake.

Ron was still steering the boat, and Kristi was leaning with her butt against the front railing alongside the instrument binnacle, facing him. I overheard Ronnie saying something about unfinished business, and surmised that he was talking about their interrupted sex play. Whatever they had been saying, her nipples were completely erect, so I knew it was sex talk of some kind.

Kristi laughed at whatever he had said, then replied "Poor baby! Did we leave you all frustrated and horny? Hey, it's not my fault you let a boat sneak up on us!"

Ron shook his head. "Well, still, I figure you owe me one because I'm the only one that's left out now, and yes, it did leave me all frustrated and horny. I'm only human, you know!"

Kristi stepped close to him, and bent forward, sliding her hand up the leg of his suit and working it in to where she could grab his cock. I braced myself, both for the strange, foreign feeling of seeing her do that and in case she made some remark about the smallish size of his equipment. To her credit, she didn't, and when I saw her hand moving under his suit, obviously stroking him, it began to turn me on rather than turn my stomach as I had been afraid it would. I felt Kori's hand on my back, as though to brace me up or lend me her strength, and while it felt good and I appreciated it, it wasn't necessary.

Kristi giggled. "Wow, that's really a hard one! You're hard as iron Ronnie, has it been like that ever since you were playing with me?"

"Yes, of course! That may have been almost as much fun for me as it was for you babe, and it left me this little problem, but now that you're on it I feel better already!"

Kristi turned and eyed Kori and me for a moment. "Right now I'm busy, but when I'm through here I'm going to need to hear all about how Ronnie is the only one left out, as he put it. You guys have been keeping secrets from me, and that just won't do!"

I had been hoping that maybe she had missed his offhand comment, but she hadn't. I should have known she would catch that, but then she needed to be told at some point anyhow and I hadn't found a good lead-in yet, so it was just as well. Kori quickly reassured her that the two of them would go sit and have a glass of wine and she would be told all about the previous evening's "kinky activities", as she put it. Kristi, apparently satisfied, turned back to Ron.

She undid the nylon belt of his suit and, with his help, quickly tugged it down. His small cock was standing at attention, rigid and swollen with red, and Kristi took it between her thumb and two fingers, laughing softly. "Gosh, look how pretty and perfect it is, and so hard! It's nice to finally see this thing all up and ready for action Ronnie, after seeing you all shrunken up so many times!"

He shrugged, raptly looking down at her fingers stroking him. "Well, it's still pretty little, but we can't all be freaks of nature like the Mule here."

Kristi looked up at him. "Ronnie, most guys aren't hung like Adam, he just happens to be near the top of the range. Luck of the draw, genetics, whatever. The variety is what makes it so much fun, and you're like a wonderful little H.O. scale model, perfect in every way! It's so cute!"

I winced at her use of the word cute, and at her H.O. scale reference, hoping that Ronnie didn't know that H.O. was roughly 1/87th scale, and that less than 2/10 of an inch would equal one foot in true scale. If he knew he showed no sign of it, intent on what Kristi was doing to him - and on Kori and I watching them!

Kristi went on. "On the bright side, I bet no woman has ever gagged on your cock, have they?" As soon she said that she leaned forward and took him completely into her mouth, her lips closing around the base of his cock and her cheeks drawing in as she applied suction to him. He gasped at the unexpected sensation and bucked, sorry thrusting his hips upwards, but she already had all of him in her mouth so there was nothing to be gained by pushing into her face. She seized his balls in one hand and began to fondle and squeeze them, and I could hear my heart pounding over the sound of the boat's motor. I was hard, extremely so, and tense, and I felt a small trickle of nervous perspiration run down my back.

Kori put her lips to my ear. "Are you OK? Should I make them stop?"

I fetishd out "No, I'm fine. It's just so strange to stand here and watch, so...erotic, I guess. Just seeing them do that, two people I love, it's just... just... I don't know, so wrong but so right, and...damn, I have no words!"

Kori smiled and slid her hand down the front of my trunks, finding me extremely hard and leaking semen. "Well, one part of you is fully on board for this, I can sure tell that!" She giggled. "Damn, Adam, could you get any harder!"

The Cialis seemed to have taken full effect, and I felt huge and rock hard, my cock straining skyward. I also had the slight headache and stuffy sinus sensation I'd experienced with the earlier dose. Apparently the have swells certain non-penile tissues as well. I untied my suit, giving her easier access, and she began to slowly stroke me, her fingers wrapped around my hard shaft as far as they could reach, the almost purple head of my cock sliding along her arm in its own lubrication just above my waistband. An obvious wet spot soon formed on the front of my trunks where I had leaked before Kori set me free. Kristi glanced over at us, Ron's cock still in her mouth as she moved her lips over his rigid shaft. She stopped for a moment, releasing him from her vacuuming grip, and turned to us.

"Don't make him cum Kori, I told him he needs to save his energy and, um, vital fluids for tonight, in case this party gets as wild as I expect it to." She looked up at Ron. "And you be sure to warn me before you cum, so that I can be ready, OK?"

He groaned his agreement, and Kristi took him back into her warm, wet mouth. Within thirty seconds he groaned "Oh, god, I'm about to cum!", and Kristi immediately released him from her lips, taking her hand off his taut, swollen scrotum and leaning back, watching his stiff little cock buck and twitch with pre-orgasmic spasms. She had done the same thing to him that she had to me, stopping just short of allowing him to cum!

In his case I wasn't sure she had stopped in time, and we watched one small gush of white semen escape the tip of his spasming cock and began to run down his stiff shaft. Ron cried out. "Ohhh fuck, don't stop! Kristi, for god's sake!"

She just laughed, waiting momentarily for his tipping point to pass before leaning in and licking the spilled semen from his cock, taking him into her mouth momentarily to be sure she didn't miss any. He groaned and swore, looking at her, unbelieving. "You're not going to just leave me hanging, are you?"

She laughed. "You're not hanging Ronnie, you're sticking straight up!"

"You know what I mean."

"You and Adam need to save yourselves for later Ronnie, you guys have limited resources. You don't want to be embarrassed by runnning out of steam at the wrong moment if things get exciting, do you?"

He stared at her. "You know, in all this time I had no idea what an evil little bitch you are!" He laughed. "I can see that life around you is going to be different from now on, isn't it? I'm beginning to question my judgement in flying you down here!"

She laughed too, and leaned in and kissed him, full on the lips. As they held the kiss, I realized they were tongue wrestling, him tasting his own cum in her mouth. When they broke, she said "You have no idea! But trust me, you'll both thank me for this later, you'll see. I think you'll find it was well worth the trouble to have me come down."

She turned to Kori and I. "And if you'll let go of his "freak" cock, as your husband put it, I'll take charge of him and make sure he doesn't misbehave. Hey, is that boats I see ahead?"

It was. We had rounded the spur of land while we were distracted, and ahead, probably still well over a half mile off, was a small cluster of boats. As we turned slightly and headed directly for them, Ron began to talk about Sandra, on the boat behind us, remarking on how pretty and sexy she was. It had slipped my mind how strongly attracted he was to small, dark-skinned women, whether Asian, Latina, Indian - whatever, as long as they were pretty, very petite, and had long, glistening black hair he was very much into them - and Sandra was a knockout. I was fully aware of his attraction, we all were, but I had not put it together yet as it pertained to our new friends.

Kori just listened to him wax eloquent about the beautiful Sandra, smiling indulgently as he talked, knowing full well that he would likely be trying his damnedest to get into her pants. Well, OK, she didn't have on pants, but it's just an expression. I sincerely hoped that Miguel was understanding; I was neither trained nor qualified to stop a homicide.

As I pondered that thought, Kristi put her arm around me and we kissed, long and deep, tongues probing. It wasn't until we broke apart that I remembered that she had cleaned up Ronnie's spilled cum with that same tongue only moments before, and she saw the realization in my eyes. She gave me a devilish smile and raised one eyebrow, teasing me, then laid her head on my chest and hugged me, and it was all good.


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The perfect storm is just ahead.


Posts: 492
#493 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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The anticipation.............. thinking about all the possible combinations of really neat people that you can come up with for this upcoming can be overwhelming. I predict cum flying everywhere.

Better buckle up and wear your safety glasses folks, it's going to get rough out here.

Hopefully Adam will really get to test the effectiveness of that Cialis tablet and Kristi, Ron, and Kori will have an equally fun filled evening. I'm hoping for some multiple partner stuff, not all one on one coupling, but hey, you're the magician.

Excellent job Stormy, you've laid (pardon the pun) the foundation for an excellent adventure as part of this story. As always, thank you.



Posts: 1914
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Just back from holiday and struggling to catch up. I'm liking our hero's new relaxed relationship with Kristi already. Nicely done Stormy. Very real.

Tits. You can't win with your predictions. If you are right, we are all pissed because you gave the story away. If you are wrong, you are pissed. Plus our dear author might just avoid some story lines because he wants to use his own. No winners.

.. Plus, if I were Adam at this point, I'd get the best bottle of champagne, a big bucket of ice and strawberries and hole up in a cabin with Kristi while the party raged on outside ..


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Peak, you give me way too much credit. Our boy Stormy is a much better story writer than I could ever be, I just get a kick out of throwing stuff out there to have fun with it. I'm flattered that Stormy thought enough of one of my suggestions to talk about possibly including it in the story, but there's no way that I could come close to matching his writing abilities, not today, not ever. No winners or losers here, the story is a huge winner, I'm just one of the many fans.


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Perfect, cd? Not sure I can live up to that! My wife would tell you I definitely couldn't.

TrF2, thanks again for the support and high praise. For some reamister my hats don't seem to fit any more! I do so enjoy your ramblings, and hope that the scenes you create for yourself with these characters bring you additional hours of, uh, private enjoyment!
I have borrowed an idea or two (or three) of yours, I certainly don't claim to hold any exclusives on creativity, although I am perverted enough to come up with some odd, kinky, and hopefully fun stuff, I suppose!

peak, thanks for the kudos on Adam and Kristi's smoother relationship, that is very much of what I was going for. I also love your idea for the champagne, strawberries, and Kristi, but with the Cialis coursing through my veins perhaps I'd invite Kori as well...

Hope everyone enjoyed the smilies, I promise not to use them ever again!


Posts: 4050
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Very nice, I can't wait to read about the party.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH, hope I can do it justice. You've set a high standard in that regard.


Posts: 4050
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Ah the wonderful dilemma of being a cuckold. The one thing that gets you most aroused also makes you insanely jealous.

At times life can be so confusing.

Nicely done stormy



Posts: 277
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So gracefuly painful at the cuck experience.


Posts: 492
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Excellent writing Stormy, thank you.



Posts: 50 Pictures: 1 
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Hi stormy,

all I can say is: That's one of the best stories I ever read. And I can tell there were hundreds of horny tales.
Why don't you convert the whole adventure into a book and I give you a hand transferring it into German
Thank you so much for this, just phantastic!!!!!

best regards storyfan


Posts: 1459
#503 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH, and it really is that way! Sometime I'll tell the story of our very first time, my future (and present) wife and I and my best buddy at the time, although at that point she and I were not yet even engaged, but knew we were serious about each other. Talk about your conflicting emotions!

cd and TrF2, thanks for the kind words and continuing support, I do appreciate it.

storyfan32, what a nice thing to say, that's a very fine compliment, and thank you! Jeez, I don't know about converting to a book - it was a lot of work to even get it put together this way - and you'd have to do a lot more than help convert it to German since my German s*******s are non-existent!
I can at least order food and a beer and ask where the bathroom is in Spanish - basic survival s*******s. Not so in German, although I did take a year of German eons ago. Thanks again, glad you're enjoying the story.

Sorry, all, for the long delays lately between posts, it has been a crazy and troured summer! I hope to get another chapter put up tomorrow, thanks for your patience and continued interest.



Posts: 492
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Stormy, no need to apologize. You have invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into bringing us this wonderful story and we can sit and wait for the next installment. I was just hoping that you were OK, I just lost a friend unexpectedly over the weekend. It kind of makes you realize, once again, how precious life really is.

Hope you're well.



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TrF2, thanks for your concern, and I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Nothing so tragic for me, just life's normal pressures, mostly centering around income and employment at the moment. The economy continues to hammer away at a lot of folks, and I know many are worse off than me, but it does upset one's normal routines! This too shall pass.


I came back in time to hear Ron ask Doug about getting our boat to the party.
"What's the plan Doug, just tie on anywhere, or is there someplace in particular we should go to join the party?"

Doug, still clutching Kristi, nodded. "Well, actually that's why I came out. We're pretty sure we only have four of these huge boats coming, and you're the fourth. We thought we'd rope the four of you together corner-to-corner in a square around a central...sort of a lagoon, I guess. A swimming pool in the middle, I guess you'd say. Then the other smaller boats can all tie up to you four and each other as they get here, and we'll center the party around the lagoon. Is the boat behind you with you?"

Ron shrugged "Sort of. We led them here, they weren't sure where it was. They seemed like nice folks - maybe they can tie up to us when we get situated."

He frowned. "Yeah, that's fine. We've been saving the last center spot open for you, hoping you'd show up. You're a little late."

Ron nodded toward Kristi. "We had a special passenger to pick up Doug. Don't you think it was worth the delay?"

He laughed, hugging Kristi tightly to him, which caused her to lose her balance slightly. She steadied herself by putting her free hand on his stomach below his navel, the heel of her hand and little finger on the waistband of his suit, her other hand still around his waist from behind, both hands now just inches from the bulge of nylon stretched over his cock. I looked up from her hands to find her watching me, a small, enigmatic smile on her face. As Doug answered Ron, she moved the hand on his hip forward so that her fingertips just brushed the tip of his cock, and I realized she had known exactly what she was doing all along. I seemed to be having trouble breathing.

"Ron, I'd have gone a thousand miles out of my way and blown the party off entirely to pick up this lady!" He laughed, not seeming to notice that she was touching him so intimately. "I'm not questioning your judgment, we were just worried you might not be coming. That would have been a major disappointment."

I tried to speak and discovered my throat was totally dry. I coughed and swallowed and tried again. "Uh hum, excuse me, tickle in my throat! So are you going to take us in or tell us where to go, or what?"

"Well, I figured I'd have you follow me to your spot. Or I can steer you in if you're worried, either way. One thing though, if we put you in the middle like we're planning, you're stuck there for the duration - no leaving early. And don't plan on much relax tonight either!"

Kristi laughed. "I don't think we were planning on leaving early or relaxing, were we guys?"

I glanced again at her hands, I couldn't help it, and my heart felt like it stuttered when I saw that her fingers now covered the entire head of his cock, and an inch or two more besides, and that her other hand had moved down to lightly stroke his bulging balls with her fingertips. It occurred to me that her hand on his hip hadn't moved, his cock had just lengthened and thickened with her touch, growing into her hand, and his erection now threatened to protrude from his suit!

As the swollen head of his penis prodded at his waistband, seeking more space and creating a small gap as it lifted the suit from his stomach, Kristi slid her thumb inside and I realized she was now touching him, on skin, his actual penis, and not just through the nylon. She was stroking him slowly, her fingers outside his suit, her thumb inside. Stroking him, but watching me. I didn't understand how they could go on conversing as though this were perfectly normal!

Ron said "Yeah, we're fine with it. I can steer us in if you'll just show me where. Why don't you go lead us in?"

I felt Kori's hand slide down my back in a slick of sweat that I hadn't known was there, and I realized that I was so hard, and so aroused, that there was a good chance I might cum in my pants any second now! My cock, my balls, my prostate, everything tingled and ached, and at the moment it was the center of my being.

Kori stepped to Doug and Kristi and took his other hand. "Yeah, come on and guide them in and I'll ride with you on your little go-buggy! I haven't been on one of those in a year, it'll be fun."

She disentangled Kristi from Doug, pulling him away. Kristi pretended to object. "Hey! You're just going to steal him, now that I've got things started? Why can't I ride with him?"

"Because I saw him first!" Kori spoke as if that made perfect sense. "Don't be a selfish slut, girl, there will be plenty of guys for you I'm sure. Besides, I need to get my suit wet to cover up my wet spot and I think the cold water might be good for me just now."

Kristi and Ron both laughed, Kristi giving Kori the OK to go ahead as I breathed a sigh of relief that she was out of it. They went down to his Waverunner as I waved to Miguel and Sandra and friends behind us to follow us in, and Ron throttled up a fair amount to keep up with the small crotch rocket, which Doug had tooling along at what was probably near it's slowest functional speed. As they circled in front of us we could see that Kori, hugging him from behind, had tugged the front of his suit down and was stroking his substantial cock with one hand, apparently cupping his balls with the other! It jutted out plainly from between his legs, long and thick, and she was pumping it intently.

I turned to look at Kristi and saw her laugh and shake her head. I had to ask. "So, are you disappointed that's not you doing that?"

She laughed again. "No Adam, I was just teasing you is all! I mean I just met him and a few seconds later I've got my hands on his cock - do you really think that's what I'm like?"

That question had trouble written all over it! "Uh, well, no, I didn't think so, but then you did that..."

Ronnie was intently watching Kori bounce along on the small craft, occasionally getting a glimpse of her masturbating Doug's sizable erection, a big smile on his face and paying no attention to us.

Kristi came to me and kissed me, rubbing her thumb and fingers together where Doug had apparently leaked pre-cum on her. She showed Ronnie. "Hey Ron, I don't think he's going to last too long, he was already leaking like crazy when I touched him!" She turned back to me. "As for you, I think you have to pretty much give me free rein tonight, since you've been so, um, what's the word?"

Ron tossed out "Promiscuous?"

Kristi smiled. "That sounds too honorable, or too weak. I was thinking of slutty, but what's the word for a man-slut?"

I thought I'd try. "Horndog? Pussy hound?"

Kristi and Ron both laughed again, and I realized I'd been offering her derogatory names to call me. She patted my arm. "You sound like you're proud of yourself!"

I smiled. "Actually, I am, just a little. This whole thing has been a reach for me babe, but it was your idea - and I think it's a good one, it's been a lot of fun - but it's definitely not in my nature. It's a stretch."

"But you were OK with what I was doing, touching Doug?"

I thought about it. "Yeah, I guess I was. Well, no, not really - I was afraid I might cum in my pants. I think I almost did."

They both looked at me, Kristi's eyes widening. "Really? Whoa!"

Ron joined in. "Man! That would have been humiliating. I love watching Kori fuck, but I've never had that happen. I'd die of embarrassment. You must really get off on the idea of seeing this beautiful creature with other men, huh?"

I hung my head. "Maybe. I guess. I don't know, I can't explain it. I feel like I'm suffocating, but it gets me so turned on! It feels pretty sick, you know?"

Kristi touched me, then leaned in and kissed me again. "Relax and go with it baby, it's all in fun. I love you, and it makes me very hot to know that watching me turns you on so strongly. I'd have loved it if you had shot your load in your pants, if you'd have humiliated yourself that much just from seeing me play with his cock. What a nice tribute that would be. God, just the thought of that makes me very horny!" She shivered, despite the heat.

I couldn't believe she wanted to see me embarrassed that way! "Don't get your panties all wet, I'll be trying very hard not to do that."

She laughed. "Well you'd better hold on tight tonight then, I think it's going to be a bumpy ride."

As Ron guided the boat into our designated spot and many hands helped to tie us in position, and I watched Miguel and his friend tie up to the outward facing starboard side of our bow I couldn't help but feel that she was probably right. I just hoped the bumps would be more fun, as she anticipated, and not so much pain as I expected.


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Both Mikey and I love your story and your description of Doug's cock growing into Kristi's hand was so hot.

Thank you, I fully understand just how difficult it is to write a long story like this one. Your efforts are very much appreciated by both GH and me.

I think I'll make my husband read parts of your story out loud to the group this weekend. I find that sucking a guys cock while I'm listening to my husband read erotica is really quite exciting.



Posts: 277
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Thanks stormy, I can usualy antisipate tv or movie but are great on keeping it interesting.


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superb again!
I'm in love with Kristie, so don't let us wait too long till we can meet her again.

best regards and thanks


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Gosh Lisa, thanks for the nice compliment, it is very rewarding to know that you are enjoying the story. We sure all appreciate you allowing GH to entertain us in this forum. His work is inspirational to us, as I'm sure you are to him!
The idea of the two of you using my humble story in the scenario you suggest is very exciting, I hope someday you'll let me know if and/or how that panned out.

Thanks cd, I frequently don't know myself what might appear when I sit down to write, so I hope I can keep you guessing!

Storyfan, I sure appreciate the support. And not to worry, Kristi still has miles to go before she relaxs!


Miguel and Sandra crossed onto our boat, their friends trailing behind. Miguel had a six-pack of beer in each hand, as did his male friend. Sandra was empty-handed, but when you are such an attractive package yourself it's socially acceptable to arrive empty-handed. I watched Ronnie's eyes track her and was positive he felt the same way.

The other woman, the darkly tanned platinum blond I had seen earlier, followed them across with a bottle of tequila in each hand. We came together and the introductions made their way around. We were one short, with Kori still riding around somewhere with Doug, but the three of us got to meet John and Britt, although I soon noticed that she called him Juan. John was dark, with jet black hair and a slightly pock-marked face. He had the odd combination of an aggressive expression and stance and a very laid back attitude, and was quick to laugh. He was muscular, probably not quite as tall as Miguel, and gave the impression of stolid strength.

Britt was not what I had expected. I was looking for her to be a harsh looking, badly bleached blond that had spent too many unprotected hours in the sun. (Cue theme from Rawhide)

Instead, she was young and beautiful, with smooth, flawless skin and hair so naturally light blond it was almost white. She was tall, taller than John and almost Kristi's height, and had a lean athletic body much like Kristi's, except with larger boobs. Much larger. As we were introduced she looked into my eyes and I was startled to see what a pale light blue her's were, almost silver. They should have felt like a cold, icy blue, but instead were warm and curious. I soon discovered that she had the same rare s******* that Kristi has; when she speaks to you and focuses her attention on you it gives you the sense that you're the only two people in the room, and you are at that moment the most important permister in her life. It can be very disconcerting, but very much an ego boost.

She got to me last. "So, Adam, it's a pleasure to meet you. We sure appreciate you leading us to the party - none of us is very good with the GPS system."

"No problem, glad we could help. We have a fourth around here somewhere, our friend Kori, Ron's wife, is riding around somewhere with our host. You probably saw her on the WaveRunner, but you'll get to meet her later."

She smiled. "Yes, we saw her. Tell me, are all the women going to be required to give the host a handjob?"

I felt myself turning red. Why I was blushing I can't say - Kori was the one performing the public masturbation, and she wasn't my wife - but blush I did! Britt noticed and laughed, as did Kristi, who joined us just then after chatting with the two men.

"Be careful what you say around my Adam, he embarrasses easily. He's so cute, like a babe in the woods, but he's working on it. Aren't you dear?"

I stammered, embarrassing myself further. "I, uh, I'm...yeah, working on it. Damn! As for the other, I don't think it's required, Kori just tends to be a little bit of an extrovert."

Kristi giggled. "Yeah, especially when the guy she's extroverting has a big stiff cock!"

They both laughed, and I found myself joining in. Kristi then asked the question that I'd been dying for an answer to, except she phrased it much better than I would have, I'm sure.

"Britt, I have to ask. With your light beautiful hair and gorgeous ice blue eyes, how do you get so tan without turning into beef jerky?"

Britt laughed, not the least offended. "Earl Scheib did it, I can't lie."

I was startled. "The cheapo car painting guy? How does that work?"

Kristi smacked me on the ass. "No dummy, she means it's a spray on tan. You go in a booth and strip down and they paint you with this tanning stuff. It lasts for a few weeks then you have to get it re-done. Not unlike an Earl Scheib paint job, now that I think about it."

I looked her up and down. "Really? Well, it looks good. Where do I go to apply for the applicator technician job?"

They both laughed, then Britt admitted it had come out a little darker than intended. Whatever, it really made her eyes appear all the more startling. And it made me very curious about tan lines, or lack of same. I hoped maybe that question would get answered later, and felt a response to that thought in my groin. I realized that with the Cialis in my system I'd have to be very careful where I let my mind go, or I'd soon earn the nickname of "tent-boy", not a moniker I wanted to carry.

We mingled and chatted with the others for awhile, then Doug's partner Steve and another guy showed up with a big tub of ice and some beers which they left in the shade on our deck. We added our beers to it, and assemred the small bar area on the upper deck, adding Britt's two bottles of Cuervo Gold to our supply of various *****. People came and went, many of them adding bottles of various spirits to our bar until we were quite well stocked.

A couple of the other big boats set up much the same way, and people moved from one to another, chatting, takeing, mingling, checking out the opposite sex in their skimpy hot weather attire. Many wore swimsuits, from fairly conservative to very skimpy for the women, and I was surprised that several men wore Speedo style bikini suits, the basic banana hammock, which I had thought was pretty much a European thing. Most wore the baggy but fast drying nylon trunks like I did.

Kori found her way back at some point, and I heard her tell Kristi that Doug had cum all over her hands as they bounced across the waves, leaving her horny but with a promise to make it up to her later.

I met and was introduced to more people than I could hope to remember, and I sincerely hoped there would not be a quiz after the party. Someone got some music going, classic rock that we could hear floating across the water, and a few couples danced. I found myself watching Miguel mix Margaritas and watching Ron watch Sandra, and soon was sitting on a bench with Pam on one side of me and Britt on the other, a cold Margarita in hand to go with the one already in my stomach and redstream.

I tried to remember if I had ever been this close to this much female breast before, and decided I probably hadn't.


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I check every day to see if you have added a chapter. Is like waiting for the next Penthouse many years ago. You have the gift of making me feel like I am part of the action not just reading. Thanks for your time and effort, be sure we all appreciate it.
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