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Adam's Journey

Rating: 181
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Posts: 1459
#451 · Edited by: stormydog
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Jeez cd, I had to slow it down a little bit, you were starting to look a little dehydrated. And the dark circles under your wife's eyes had me a little worried...but you're right, she was smiling!

TrF2 - You'd have to supply the cherry as well, as Kori's was lost some time ago, and I'm sure she'd expect you to supply the nuts...

Thanks guys,


I awoke the next morning completely refreshed and not even a little bit horny, notwithstanding the usual morning wood. It was early, a little after 6:30, but I was wide awake so I got up and dug around for something to slip on so that I could go start the coffee. I found a thick white terry robe in the closet, not mine, and assumed it was something Ron had arranged for or Kori had thoughtfully provided.

I slipped it on and stepped into the hall, noting the ludicrous way my cock poked out through the opening of the robe, leading the way. I left it that way, knowing that either Ron or Kori would get a laugh if they saw it. Their door was ajar, and glancing in I saw that I needn't have worried. They had made it to bed, but were both still totally out, tangled in each other and the sheets like they had fallen arelax in the throes of passion. Or immediately thereafter.

Kori had one long, tanned leg and half her sexy little ass exposed, and the room smelled of cum and horny pussy. I stroked myself a few times as I looked at her, remembering last night and wondering how they would react if I crawled in with them. Ultimately I sighed and pulled their door shut so that I wouldn't wake them, wondering where Ronnie had found the stamina for another go-round with his wife.

Rock-hard now, I wandered out to the galley and dug around until I found the coffee and filters and got the pot started dripping. Walking out on deck, I was mesmerized by the view. The surface of the lake was smooth as glass, not a ripple, and the surrounding landscape was reflected, mirror-perfect, on the water. The sun was just rising, and we were still in the shadow of the large hills and cliffs around us, but the tops and upper slopes of some of the formations were lit by the sun and they reflected off the water in brilliant shades of red, ochre, and buff in an other-worldly spectacle. It was very quiet and peaceful, and I felt a little selfish and guilty for enjoying the fact that I had it all to myself.

I took a seat on one of the deck chairs and enjoyed it, hearing only the soft sound of the coffee trickling into the pot. I debated taking a shower while the coffee brewed, and decided on a quick swim instead. Reamistering that since the air still felt quite cool the water should feel warm by comparimister, I shed my robe and dived off the low deck about three feet into the water below.

Turns out my reamistering had been less than 100% sound, and the water felt damn cold! I came up about fifteen feet from the boat, gasping with the cold. Any remaining trace of relaxiness had been blasted from my system, as had any remaining trace of my erection. Adjusting to the cold, I swam out about fifty yards from the boat and back a couple times, then swam a few laps around the boat, staying about thirty or forty feet off the rail. I swam slowly, on my back for awhile, looking up at the hills and the incredibly clear, blue sky. As I rounded the bow I saw that Kori had walked out on deck and now stood, leaning on the rail, quietly watching me. She had put on the bottom half of a very small hot-pink bikini, but no top.

I stopped, treading water and looking up at her. "Hey relaxyhead! I started the coffee."

She smiled, slow and relaxy. "I saw, it's all done. Want me to pour you a cup?"

"Nah, maybe in a minute or two. You gonna join me?"

"What, in there? How's the water?"

I lied. "Nice, it feels warm compared to the morning air."

"Uh-huh. I think I'll pass for now. Not that I don't trust you."

I laughed. "Coward! Well, you might as well pour us some coffee then, and grab me a towel, please. I'll join you instead." I swam out away from the boat a ways, then back, giving her time to pour the cups and find a towel before making my way to the small ladder just below the opening in the rail. Kori approached me as I climbed out, holding a dry towel. She stopped a few feet away.

Her eyes dropped to my crotch, and she giggled. "Looks to me like that water must have been a lot colder than you let on!"

"Ha ha, very funny! Give me the towel!"

"No, look, I mean it must be near-freezing! You're a mere shadow of your former self. Now you know just how Ronnie feels all the time - I should call him out to see this, he'd get a kick out of it!"

I was laughing too. "Kori, just give me the damn towel! Please?"

She held it out, then jerked it away as I reached for it. I lunged, grabbing her and pulling her to me, her skin soft and warm against my cold, wet body. She screamed a little at the cold, laughing, wiggling to get away, but I was able to scoop her up and carry her toward the rail. She was mostly naked, soft and warm and wriggly, and reeked of sex, and I felt myself start to respond.

She sensed what I was about to do and started begging.
"Oh Adam, please don't! Please, I'll do anything you want! Please, you can have your way with me, whatever you want, just tell me! Please don't throw me in!"

"You shouldn't tease guys about shrinkage you know!"

"I'm sorry, I take it all back! Your cock looks huge, absolutely enormous, I can't imagine how you can walk around with that thing hanging between your legs, even ice water couldn't touch it!"

We were both laughing, so much so that I could barely hold her. "Too little, too late! Besides, and no offense here K, but you smell like it's Fleet Week and you had to entertain all the sailors single-handedly! You could use a good dunking." So saying, I half-threw, half-dropped her over the rail.

Her voice cut off mid-scream as she disappeared beneath the water in a big splash, only to start up in the same place when she surfaced a few feet away. She then proceeded to call me all the names she had apparently learned from the sailors the previous evening, ending with "mean nasty mister-of-a-bitch!" before swimming around a little bit, adjusting to the water and rinsing off. She slipped out of her bikini bottom and tossed it on deck, and I hung it over a chair to dry. I met her with a towel when she finally climbed out, wrapping her up and patting her dry.

"Don't start thinking this gets you back on my good side Adam! That water is so cold - that was mean!"

Laughing, I dragged the rough terry towel across her nipples, rigid from the cold and jutting out like two bullets from the goose-bumped flesh of her full breasts. She gasped and shuddered, shying away from the intense sensation.
"Ohhh god! OK, you're forgiven! More please, that makes me feel very warm."

I continued to squeeze her breasts and tease her nipples for a few moments before moving on, drying her off, working from her hair down her neck and her back, then her stomach, her cute bottom as she bent forward to make it more accessible. Just to aid in drying, I'm sure.

She spread her legs as I dried them, working at her thighs and being sure not to miss the in-between bits. After drying between her legs I slid my fingers up between her soft lips, just to be sure I hadn't missed any spots. Strangely, I had. Despite my best efforts, she was still quite wet in one spot! Creamy, even.

"Kori, something's wrong here, I think maybe this towel is broken! The more I try to dry you here, the wetter you seem to get. What's going on?"

"Mmmmm, that's a mystery for the ages, isn't it? Maybe you should keep trying, I'm sure you can figure something out."

I laughed, sliding the towel down her leg, leaning forward as I did so to nip her gently on the butt. She squealed, then it turned into a moan. I laughed again. "Ronnie's right, you really are a horny slut! Don't you ever get enough?"

"Rarely. Last night came pretty close. Didn't it dear?"

I looked up to find Ron leaning in the doorway, coffee in hand, watching us. He looked tousled and relaxy. "Uhhh, I don't know. I think I ******. You were right Adam, she fucked me ***."

Kori laughed. "I did not! You were wide awake when you came that last time, then you just fell arelax."

"Still in you?"

"Yeah, a little."

"A little is all I could be in you. Did you cum?"

"Eventually. You slept through that."

"Oh. Sorry. But thanks for cumming quietly, anyway. Should I heat up my coffee so I can watch you two fuck, or would you rather have some breakfast first?"

I shook my head, trying to blot out that entire conversation. Kori and I looked at each other and opted for breakfast, and we all pitched in to put together a little feast of fresh fruit and juice, toast, and cereal. We cleaned up and were into a second pot of coffee, sitting and looking at the scenery when we remembered the hike to the waterfall.

Ron showed me the map, and we verified on the boat's GPS system that we were where we thought we were. It looked like a short sail around the point to the next cove, then maybe a mile back to where we could get close to shore and either swim or walk in to the trail.

Kori and I assured Ronnie that the water was nice and warm and that he should take a dip, and he foolishly believed us, leading to more shouting and cursing. When he clambered out, Kori kindly pointed out that the cold water had turned his penis into an "innie" instead of an "outie", claiming she would need to get a magnifying glass and possibly tweezers to find it.

Ron called her an evil bitch and smacked her ass, sending her to put together some sandwiches and snacks to carry for lunch and me back to raise the anchor, as he headed to the helm to get us underway.


Posts: 277
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Nice continuation but I know you. Planning for something...will see


Posts: 4050
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Very nice, Ron is developing into a wonderful cuckold and Kori is becoming a magnificent hot wife.

Great writing, and as usual very hot sex. I look forward to reading more.

I also loved the passage that began, "I dreamed about Kristi that night". It was very powerful.

Thank you for your efforts.



Posts: 492
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Love the relationship that has developed between these three. Hope to add Kristi to the mix and see how it develops from there.

Wonderful story Stormy. Can't wait for the next installment. Should be a wild boat party coming up, are you up for it? I'm conjuring up all kinds of wicked images to go along with that one.

Thank you.



Posts: 1459
#455 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks cd - sure, something has to come next!

GH - Thanks, I appreciate the comments. That passage was one of my favorites to write as well, as it goes beyond "just sex" as part of a relationship.
I think it's great that we can read and enjoy each other's tales, it's like we're swapping favors or something! Unfortunately it looks like I will only get one or two more chapters posted before other commitments will tie me up for awhile, but I will be back!


I heard and felt the motor cough to life before it settled into a low rumble and a subtle vibration felt through the soles of my feet. I called up to Ron to let him know that I had the anchor stowed, and the pitch of the engine changed as he put the boat in motion. It gradually built up speed and soon we moved out past the point of land, into the open lake and full sunshine. I watched the bay and the formations where we had spent such a memorable night as they moved away behind us, wanting to remember the spot.

I was walking through the boat, heading up to join Ronnie, when I felt the entire vessel stumble slightly, as though it hesitated momentarily. I stopped just off his shoulder.
"Did you feel that?"

He glanced at me. "Yeah, I did."

"What do you suppose it was?"

"I don't know. Maybe we hit something. I'll throttle back, you go look out front and along the sides, see if you see anything."

I did so, meeting Kori as she came out of their bedroom. "Come on, help me look around the boat, in the water. Ron thinks we may have hit something, let's see if we can spot anything."

We looked all around the hull, seeing nothing but water. As I turned to go tell Ron the results of our search, I felt another stumble, and a shudder passed through the boat.
Kori looked at me, wide-eyed. "What was that?"

"We don't know, that's what we're trying to figure out. Come on."

As we walked forward to join Ron, we felt another, smaller hesitation, then things seemed to smooth out. Ron looked over his shoulder at us as we entered. "Well?"

"Nothing we could see. Have you figured out anything?"

"I don't know. It really feels more like it's in the motor, or the transmission - somewhere in the drive system. That's not good."

Neither Ronnie or I qualify as a mechanic, so engine problems could be trouble, especially out here. I had a thought. "Hey, do you suppose we could have fouled the propeller in something?"

"That could be, I've had it happen on boats before."

Kori stood watching us, a worried expression on her face. "What do we do?"

I looked at Ron. "Ronnie, why don't you shut it down, and I'll swim under and check."

He frowned. "I don't know. If it's the motor, and I shut it down, it may not start up again. How about I just let it idle and disengage the prop?"

"Fine. But don't touch it while I'm under there!"

He gave me an evil smile. "What, you think I'm trying to ******* you just because you screwed my wife?"

I shuddered. "Don't even joke about it Ronnie, now I've got the willies!"

He laughed. "Go! I'm just kidding. We're barely moving, so this should work. Take a knife with you, just in case you have to cut something loose to free us."

I grabbed my belt knife from my room and went to the stern and jumped in. The water was crystal clear, and didn't seem as cold as the spot we were at earlier, and the prop and shaft were totally clear and clean, no sign of any debris. It would have been too easy to just be that! I swam around to the ladder and climbed out, reporting the results of my dive to Ron.

He considered that for a moment. "Well crap! I was hoping we could solve it that easily. Well, I guess we just move on and see what happens. If push comes to shove and we break down, someone will come along. Or we do have the marine radio, we could always use that."

Kori's eyes widened. "Really? You would call the Marines, just because we were having engine problems?"

Ron and I both looked at her, to see if she was serious. By all appearances she was, and when his eyes met mine we both broke down laughing. Ron put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. "Oh, sweetie, that's great! Call the Marines, I don't believe it!" And he broke out in fresh peals of laughter.

Kori looked from him to me. "What's so funny?"

I explained. "K, it's called a marine radio because it just operates in certain VHF frequencies used for boats and ships, you know, marine use, for rescue and communication and stuff. It doesn't actually call the Marines."

"Well I didn't know!" She pretended to pout. "Too bad it doesn't, I'd call them and get a couple of young, handsome Marine studs to replace you two old wrecks! That would teach you for laughing at me!"

Fortunately K has a good sense of humor and can take a little kidding, because we sure gave her some over that! For some years to come, at every hiccup minor or major, Kori would be asked if she thought we should call the Marines. I think at one point she did actually end up fucking a young and hung Marine, but that's another story.

As we got back underway, the motor continued to stutter and stumble, possibly getting worse. Ultimately we decided that we should probably forego our hike and try to make it to one of the marinas to get the problem checked out. Consulting the map and the GPS, we found that we were about 17 miles closer to Wahweap than we were to Bullfrog. Since Ron had picked up the boat at Wahweap that worked out well, so we pointed the nose downlake and set a course for Wahweap.

We couldn't maintain full speed without the problem getting worse, so Ron kept it at about three fourths, and we sat and chatted with each other as we moved southwest. Kori remembered the party we'd been invited to that evening in Smuggler's Cove, and asked if the trip to the marina would prevent our making the party.

I shrugged. "It might. Did you really have your heart set on going?"

"Well, it sounded like fun. They seemed like fun people, and it could get pretty wild. I liked the way that Steve guy filled out his swimsuit, and that one woman, Pam, the one with the great tits, sure seemed to have the hots for you."

Ron chimed in. "Yeah, I was kind of looking forward to that too. I guess it depends on how long it takes them to fix whatever's wrong. We're going to pass the opening to Smuggler's Cove here in a few minutes, so it's not too horribly far from the marina. I guess if they can't fix the boat we could always rent a motorboat for the evening and come back in that."

That seemed to cheer Kori up a good bit. She's a very sociable permister, and loves parties and crowded clubs, so she had been understandably more enthused about the party. I tend to be a little more of a loner, and I enjoy my privacy and quiet times as much or more than any party, so I was somewhat more ambivalent about it.

We just sat and talked then, as we moved along, and inevitably the subject of the previous night came up. I had been afraid it would, but it turned out they were very open and relaxed about it, and how much we had all enjoyed it. I found that I was able to relax and talk openly and frankly with them about our intimate activities, even to the level of Ron and I touching each other and what, if anything, it all meant.

I was very relieved. I had been afraid that evening would become the 500 pound gorilla in the middle of our friendship, but now I could see that would not be the case.

At one point a Ranger boat came alongside, the Park Rangers checking with us to see if everything was OK. Kori scramred for her swimsuit when we heard them approaching, after sitting around bare-ass as usual.
We told them the problem and that we were making for the marina, and they waved us on, telling us to call on channel 16 if we needed them.

Finally, a little after noon as we were debating having some lunch, we rounded a point and could see the sun glinting off the boats at the marina. We were still stumbling and stuttering along, but it looked like we'd make it after all.


Posts: 277
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Just like on real life. THe only good days of a boat ownwer is when he buys it and again when is sold. I still have not used mine this year. Tell us what happens before you have to go.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks TrF2, sorry for the gap, but you posted your message while I was entering the next installment - good timing! I appreciate your continuing responses, and I hope I'll be up for the party, if they get to it! I kind of like where their relationship is going too - but then, I'm writing it!

Yeah cd, boats do tend to be short bursts of fun surrounded by aggravation and lots of expenses! I forget who it was that described boats as "A hole in the water, surrounded by wood, into which you pour money." Even when you substitute fiberglas or aluminum for wood, it's still fairly true.


Posts: 1459
#458 · Edited by: stormydog
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As we drew closer to the marina, Ron selected a long T-shaped pier which was largely unoccupied, approaching the top of the T which crossed the end of the dock. There was not much activity around the marina at this point, I don't know if it was because it was mid-day, or because it was a Sunday rather than a Saturday, when most trips were booked to begin. There were a few people moving around farther up the dock, near the shore, and one smallish houseboat with a ski boat tied on behind which was tied to the dock we were headed to, just below the crossbar of the T.

There were a couple of young guys and one of their girlfriends moving from the dock to the boat, apparently loading up supplies and permisteral belongings in preparation for heading out. As we got closer I couldn't help but notice the girl, her long legs accented by a pair of extremely short Daisy Duke style cut-off denim shorts, and wearing a small, snug fitting tank-top with narrow strings over her shoulders, flat canvas deck shoes, and one of those ridiculous crushed up straw cowboy hats with a gaudy silver and turquoise band around it. I admired the way her cute little tush worked the denim shorts as she carried a case of beer onto their boat.

Ron brought us in very slowly, but with my attention distracted I almost waited too long to put the rubber fenders between the boat and the pier. Just in time, I got them in place and hopped across to the dock with the stern rope, looping it over the cleat and pulling us up short. I walked up toward the bow and Kori handed me the other rope so I could secure the boat while we went looking for a mechanic.

I stood, chatting with Kori as we waited for Ron to shut things down and join us. He eventually walked up next to Kori, and I saw his eyes look beyond me to where the others were loading their boat. He had obviously also noticed the cute girl, and I turned to get another look, only to find her standing right behind me.

She reached up and took off her hat, and as her long blonde curls cascaded down she softly said "Hi Adam."

My mind disconnected for a moment, and I know I stammered. "K-Kristi? What-uh, what are you doing here?"

"What a nice greeting! Well, my friends Ty and Cody were coming down, and they invited me along, but I never figured on bumping into you on this huge lake."

My mind whirled for a moment. She had claimed she couldn't come with me because of business obligations, but she had found time to show up with two other guys, figuring she could dodge me! And I had never even heard her mention Ty or Cody before, so either she had been hiding them, or she had made some new friends in the last ten or twelve days. Kristi stood looking at me, her head cocked slightly to one side, waiting for a response. She looked so beautiful it made me ache, but I was at a loss for anything to say, and I glanced back at Ron and Kori to see if they might be coming to my rescue.

Ron stood, arms folded and straight-faced, calmly watching us, but when I saw Kori's eyes crinkle slightly at the corners, and the edges of her mouth tic up, I knew that once again I'd been totally and completely had!

I turned back to Kristi. "Wait a minute here..."

She broke out laughing, sweet music to my ears, and hurled herself into my arms, almost knocking me down! I squeezed her tight enough to knock the air out of her, crushing her to me, and our mouths found each other for a long, deep, agonizingly sweet kiss. She felt so good, and so right, and I know I fetishd up a little with the pure joy and surprise of the moment. As we separated, we were both swiping tears from our eyes with our hands. I knew I had been missing her, but at that moment I think I first realized how much!

I had a million questions! "How did you get here? I thought you had a closing you had to do, what happened with that? And how did you know we'd be here?"

She laughed again and nodded at Ron and Kori. "Thank those two, they set it all up. Kori called me yesterday, while they were waiting for you up at Bullfrog, just to see how I was doing." Kori stepped across onto the dock, and she and Kristi gave each other a big hug.

Kori took over the explaining. "Yeah, and I found out that her closing had been pushed back at the last second."

Back to Kristi. "Yeah, the lender found something in the title search that they didn't like, and put the closing back two weeks while the current owner gets it cleared up, so I found myself available."

It kicked back to Kori, the two telling the tale together seamlessly, as though they's rehearsed it. "So we cooked this up, and Ronnie got one of his buddies that he's made some great deals for in the past to fly her down to Page."

Ronnie interrupted their flow. "Yeah, Joey's a great guy. He used to be a fighter pilot in 'Nam, now he flies this sweet little Gulfstream that I helped him track down - he kind of owed me a favor." He winked at Kristi. "Now he owes me another one, since I let him meet you babe!"

Kristi laughed. "Yeah, he's pretty sexy! What is he, fifty-something, but he's in great shape and has that sexy uber-male, fighter pilot swagger thing going on. He even let me fly the plane for awhile!"
Kristi seemed surprised when Ron told her that Joey was sixty.

Kori was still itching to complete her tale. "So anyhow, he flew her to Page, which is only a few miles from here, and...

Kristi again "and I caught the shuttle out to the marina, and here I am!"

I looked at Ron. "So the boat..."

He laughed. "Ah, I saw that light bulb go on! There's nothing wrong with the boat Adam, that was me screwing with the throttle and transmission, making it feel like it was missing or something. The boat is fine. Why do you think I wouldn't let you drive?"

Unbelievable! They had taken me utterly off guard, fooling me completely, and I had swallowed it hook, line, and sinker! But now Kristi was here, and I had my arm around her waist, and I didn't mind at all that they had made me look foolish. It was a very small price to pay.

I remembered something. "So how do you know Ty and Cody, the guys on the other boat?"

She laughed. "I don't, really. I was just sitting out here waiting for you guys when they showed up with all their gear and started to load up. They walked over to say hi and introduce themselves, and we started talking."

Yeah, I'll bet they did! I felt a small pang of jealousy before remembering that Kristi had been dealing with the attention of other men for years, and could handle herself just fine.

She went on. "Anyhow, I didn't have anything to do, so I started helping them load their junk, then you showed up, and here we are!" She turned and shouted over to them. "Hey Tyler, Cody, come here for a minute and say hi!"

They set down what they were carrying and wandered over, Cody, the taller of the two, wiping his hands on his pants. He smiled and stuck his hand out, and I shook it, noticing his strong grip. "Hi, I'm Cody. You must be Adam, we've heard a lot about you!"

"I am, good to meet you Cody. I hope at least a little of what you've heard was good." I liked him instantly, noticing his warm manner and open, honest smile as he greeted Kori and Ron. He introduced his friend Ty, both of them probably mid-twenties, younger than any of us. Cody looked to be in very good shape, but in a lean, athletic way. His friend Ty was shorter and more muscular, also in great shape but with more evidence of the hours spent in the gym, hitting the weights. His attitude was initially more belligerent, almost pugnacious, and I wondered what his problem might be.

He tried to crush my hand as we shook, but I was prepared and gave it right back. He winced. "You the guy?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You, man, you Adam? Her guy?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Whatta you got?"

"I don't know what you mean." His attitude was starting to piss me off a little bit, but I was trying hard not to let it spoil my joy at seeing Kristi.

"Why you so special? What's she see in you?"

I'd had enough. "Well Tyler, I'll tell you. I found out a long time ago that she gets real hot over guys that can speak in complete sentences."

He bristled, realizing I was poking him a little bit. Cody cracked up and slapped him on the back. "You had that one coming Ty! Now stop being a prick and apologize." He turned to me. "You'll have to forgive him Adam, he's just disappointed that you showed up. He was hoping you'd be a no-show and we could talk this pretty lady into joining us on our boat - like she'd want to hang around with a couple of smelly fishermen on a mere dinghy while you've got a floating castle."

Ty got a kind of sheepish look and apologized, mostly to Kristi, who was still the object of his adoring gaze. I realized it had just been a couple of stallions sparring momentarily over a long-legged mare, but that at least for now he recognized that she was mine.

They wanted to take a look at our boat, and Ron gave them the tour as I helped Kristi bring her bags aboard. I couldn't get enough of looking at her, and touching her, still not quite believing she was really there. Kori was almost beside herself with joy at how well her plan had worked out, and was visibly thrilled with how happy Kristi and I were to be together again, and she flitted around us, bubbling happily.

After they toured our boat, we walked with them over to theirs to see their ski boat, a MasterCraft Prostar packing a 350ci V-8 pumping out 400 horses. It was set up with a mid-ships pylon for skiing, and they had skis, slalom skis, and a kneeboard with them, stowed under the seats. It was very sweet, sleek and undoubtedly fast, and it belonged to Ty, although they were renting the houseboat.

We talked about meeting them during the week somewhere to go skiing, and while we tried to work that out, Kori remembered the party scheduled for that evening. "Oh, hey, there's a party tonight, a bunch of boats getting together at Smuggler's Cove! You guys should come, the lady organizing it said that single guys were always very welcome. She had her eye on Adam, I think, but he's taken now, but you guys aren't!"

That idea seemed to intrigue them, Cody joking about it and Ty eyeing Kristi speculatively. I don't think he realized that I saw him do that. They promised to try to attend, and we parted ways. We left the dock and headed back up the lake while they were still finishing up, and I took Kristi back to help her get settled into my room. Our room. It felt very good to think of it that way, and I wanted desperately to be alone with her. It turns out she wanted the same thing.


Posts: 277
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Adam surprised? How about me.... Last thing in my mind. You pulled a great one. Waite how about owr rodeo qween. What day of the week it is. What do you have in mind. Here you go again?????


Posts: 4050
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What a nice little twist.

Thank you



Posts: 492
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Genius, pure genius. You are a clever devil, aren't you? The story just took an interesting turn and got a whole lot more involved and certainly a whole lot more interesting. You'd better rest your brain, writing this houseboat party episode might cause you to overheat.

Like I said, I like the way you leave certain things how is Tiffany now going to fit into this group? Now if she brings Pops, well there you go.

Great job Stormy.



Posts: 1914
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You know the best bits are always when you know its coming and it STILL takes you by surprise when it happens. Quite brilliant. I really can't wait to see what happens next. Like me and a few others ....


Posts: 492
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Bump back to the top of the list where this story belongs.


Posts: 277
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Titsrfun2, I thought there was another chapter and my heart skipped. Nooooooooooooot yet, I can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Maybe I am adicted to this, anyone has some Narcan!!!!!!!!


Posts: 4050
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This story needs to stay up near the top for awhile


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Stormy should be back any day.....I just wander what he will have them do next????????


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Finally made it back to our favorite little site! Thanks for all the great comments folks, and the bumps - it was nice to see that the story hadn't slipped too far into oblivion while I was unavailable!
It will be fun to get back to our friends and see what they have been up to while I was away, and I hope to do so a little later today. Thanks again for all the kind words!


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I sat and watched her unpack her bag, still not quite believing she was really there. She is so beautiful and moves with such easy grace that it makes my heart ache just to look at her, and when she turned and found me watching her I smiled. She brushed her hair back, smiling at me in return.

"Gosh Adam, it's so good to see you! And to see you smiling, at that! Did we really surprise you?"

I laughed. "You could say that! I turned around to ogle the pretty girl and check out her cute ass, and when I found you standing there behind me it totally blew me away! I never expected that, not in a million years."

She looked puzzled. "What pretty girl?"

"You, baby! I was admiring your tight little tush as we came in, and your great legs, but I didn't realize from a distance that it was you - I should have, asses that nice are pretty rare."

She laughed and wiggled her butt at me. "I'm glad you still like it. So you're really glad I'm here? You're not still upset with me?"

I looked at her, serious now. "No. I've been wishing since the minute I got here that you were here with me. I've missed you so much!"

She sat on my lap, putting her arm around my neck. "That's really good to hear. I've been so afraid that my lies had screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me, but now maybe we can start over and make it work. I sure plan to anyhow." She laughed. "I guess it's a good thing you didn't find some bimbo to bring along to the lake like I told you to, huh?"

I grabbed my head. "Oh cuckolds brownie! I completely forgot! Seeing you here just blew everything else out of my head. I did Kristi, I met a woman that's planning to come and join us, but not until Wednesday. Crap, I need to make a call and tell her not to come, I guess. I hope we're not out of signal range." I dug for my cell phone.

Relieved to see that I still had a strong signal, I began to search for where I had entered Tiffany's number. Glancing up, I noticed Kristi looking intently at me, a bemused expression on her face. I held her gaze, waiting for her to speak, now feeling like a total ass for inviting Tiffany along.

Finally she smiled, shaking her head slowly. "You really did? You found some bimbo and talked her into coming along with you on a boat trip?"

I frowned. "Well, it sounds kinda bad when you put it like that."

She snorted derisively. "You think?"

"Really hon', it's not like that. First, Tiff is no bimbo, she's a very sweet and vulnerable woman. Tough though, and smart. She's definitely got some steel inside of her. Interesting lady."

"Is she beautiful? And did you say her name is Tiff?"

I wouldn't lie to her. "Tiffany actually, and uhhh, yeah, she is very attractive. Different though, not just universally gorgeous like you."

"I guess that's meant to be a compliment? Never mind, just tell me about this woman you find so fascinating."

I was antsy to call her, before I lost my signal, but I took a few minutes to tell Kristi about Tiffany, about how I had met her, and about the bumps in Tiffany's life and how she had come through it to become a strong and more confident, fascinating woman. And about how she wore some of the damage of her former life on her face, like a badge of honor, and how I felt that added character to her beauty. And about her triumphs, in the arena and in life with her business and the kids she worked with. When I finished, Kristi just looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"She sounds like quite a woman. Do you love her?"

"I barely know her."

"That's not an answer."

"No, I guess it's not. OK, I don't love her. I do admire her though, a great deal. I think we could have been great friends."

She smiled at that, I'm not sure why. "Did you fuck her?"

"No! We spent barely any time together, most of it driving down here. She met Ron and Kori, we all had a take together. I really just invited her along on a whim, I was surprised when she accepted, but she had already said she was going to take a seperate bedroom. It was just for fun."

"Uh-huh. Were you hoping to fuck her?"

Again, I wouldn't lie to her. "I figured there was a pretty good chance of it happening. Yeah, I guess I was hoping to - it was kind of your idea, you said for me to. Was that just blowing smoke on your part?"

"No, I meant it. Call her Adam, tell her I'm here and explain the situation, but ask her to still come. I'd love to meet her. Any woman that can move you enough to invite her along on a trip like this after you've only known her a couple of hours must be something pretty special. She really broke through your usual caution walls quickly!"

"Yeah, I guess she did. Are you sure about asking her to still come along?"

She patted my cheek reassuringly. "Sure, I'd really like to get to know her. I already know you have great taste in women - you picked me, after all."

I laughed. "Yeah, let's go with that thought and forget my ex-wife for the moment. I don't imagine Tiff will come though, with you here."

Kristi shrugged. "She's got to come and meet me sometime, she's got your car, right?"

"Oh yeah, good point. OK, I'll try." I hit the button to dial Tiffany's number, and it rang several times. Just as I expected it to go to voice mail, she answered. Her voice had that rich, sexy huskiness to it that I remembered. She sounded good.

"Adam, hi! I didn't expect to hear from you, what a nice surprise!"

"Hi Tiff, it's good to talk to you too. Hey listen, I had a little surprise of my own."
I explained about how Ron and Kori had surprised me with Kristi, and that she was here now, but that we all still wanted her to come along and join us for a few days. When I was finished speaking she was quiet for awhile, long enough that I thought maybe I'd lost the signal. "Tiffany, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here, I was just thinking. Wouldn't that seem too strange, having me along while you're with the woman you love? I mean, I don't want to intrude."

"No, you wouldn't be intruding. Kristi told me to ask you to still come, she wants to meet you and get to know you. We all do, we'd love to have you still."

She was quiet again, thinking. "How about if I bring a date?"

I hadn't considered that possibility. Strangely, I felt a pang of jealousy, quickly suppressed. "Sure, I guess that would be fine. Who do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know. Do you think I'll have any trouble finding a volunteer?"

I laughed. "No, you'll probably have to take all the men in town and have a lottery, or pull a name from a hat or something. I'm pretty sure you can have your choice, but you'll leave a lot of disappointed guys behind."

Now it was her turn to laugh. "You say the nicest dumb things! You know, with your bullcuckolds brownie you could probably make a living as a fertilizer spreader. OK, I'll plan on coming down, but I'll probably bring someone, if I can. If that's all right."

I assured her it was fine, although it still bothered me for some reamister, and we verified that we would meet at Bullfrog Marina on Wednesday evening. My signal was breaking up by that time, and I lost her before we could say goodbye, but I was pleased that it had seemingly worked out so smoothly.

Kristi was looking at me as I put my phone away. "That sounded like it went well."

"Yeah, she's going to come, but probably bring a guy along. It's probably for the best, but I think you'll like her. I hope so."

Kristi smiled. "Yeah, me too, since we'll be cooped up on this boat together. I'm glad she's bringing her own guy along."

I teased her. "Why, are you jealous or something?"

"No, but you guys tire out so quick and go all limp-dicked and useless - it's always better to have more men than less, if you know what I mean."

I should have known better than to try to tease her!


Posts: 277
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Great, you are back. Never thought of this turn, Tiff a date....can't waite


Posts: 492
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Hey, welcome back Stormy. You were missed.

I hope you're going where I think you're going with the story, it'll be great.

But first...................the houseboat party.



Posts: 1914
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Great to see you back Stormy. I'm sure we are all guessing the same permister for Tiff's date. I'm also sure you have a few surprises along the way. Can't wait ..


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I'll add my welcome back to the others.

Also I loved the last episode. I can't wait to see what happens next.



Posts: 38
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I'm sitting here, enjoying your story with a glass of smooth and tasy South African 2003 Merlot - no, two glasses actually. Never I enjoyed reading something more than I do now, and it is not the wine in the first place, I assure you. How do you create these miracles of words, Stormy?

I imaginated being Adam, and thought, having read the end of the last installment, how the hell can I tell Kristi about Tiffany. No way but go straight forward, and take whatever she will say. No idea that Kristi could come up with that bimbo thing, made my tummy growing knots... then how Kristi reacted and, I believe I heard my own wife, in the sequence: "Do you love her?" - "I barely know her." - "That's not an answer." And the following inquisitorial ending so logical women are only when they see their advantage in it (sorry gals, don't really mean it).

And the next tummy-knot from Tiff's "Adam, hi! I didn't expect to hear from you, what a nice surprise!" That's half a gallon of sweat by then. And the sweet things you create all women would melt to, followed by bringing poor Adam the next now cuckold knots from Tiff's date...

You are the one and only Master of emotional, erotical, comedian and - what is really amazing - with all that, most realistic stories.

I hope this one will never end.




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Hi Stormy,
I hope your trip was successful. I am back and walking with a brand new titanium and ceramic hip. I have just caught up well done keep up the good work.


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cd - Thanks, it is good to be back, but I'm still tied up a lot (figuratively speaking, alas...) and won't get to write much for awhile. I'll try though.

TrF2 - ah yes, the houseboat party. That one may make my head hurt, pretty sure I can't do groups as well as GH does, i'm not nearly as organized.

Hey peak, good to know yours and TrF2's psychic abilities are still going strong. We'll test the accuracy later, you'll have to let me know.

Thanks GH. Tit for tat I guess, your Cassandra and Francis story has been just tremendous! When I don't write, I read and enjoy.

Cliffa, what a great note! I know what you mean about hearing your wife in those words, I knew what to say there because mine would have reacted the same way. I'm really glad you're enjoying the story, and thanks for the inspiration on the Merlot, you convinced me to join you in a glass! Or two.

oliverra, so glad to hear that your surgery went well. Wow, titanium and ceramic! Remember when they used to have to carve those replacement hips out of wood? Wait, maybe I'm thinking of something else...
I've heard that the recovery and rehab from that surgery can be pretty painful and tedious, I hope all goes well with that too! Try to stay off the trampoline and any muscular looking blondes for awhile.



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Maybe you could ask GH to act as a "houseboat party sex consultant". LOL.

I'm thinking the houseboat party will be where Adam and Kristi get a chance to watch each other in action, up close and permisteral, so to speak. My fantasies are running wild just thinking about all the different possibilities. I can't wait to see how this one plays out.

It could be verrrrry interesting. After Kristi's comments about "limp dicked useless men", it might be time for Adam to break out that other little sex pill that he's been carrying around and knock the bottom out of a bunch of the women at the party. With his equipment and stamina, he could tear up some pussy, know what I mean Stormy?


Posts: 4050
#477 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Stormy's got Kori. When she's around, he doesn't need any other sex party consultants. Although I would happily volunteer to spend some time working under her.


I hope Lisa doesn't see this.


Posts: 1914
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Ignore him Stormy. I think he WANTED Lisa to see it !! Besides, I'm first in the Q !


Posts: 492
#479 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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GH, I think it's safe to say that most of us here wouldn't mind spending some time working under Kori. It's OK, I'll take whatever comes after "sloppy seconds". Maybe you and Peak could wear her out enough so that she wouldn't ******* me.


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Great comments all! Actually, a party consultant wouldn't be a bad idea, someone that could make the introductions and see that everyone was happy. Maybe Kori can help play hostess - we all know by now that she is multi-talented!
GH, you'll have to let us know if your desire for Kori earned you any discipline from Lisa. I hope so, for your sake!
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