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Adam's Journey

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OK Stormy, we all know that Ron & K went a little too far with their set up. A touch too high on the manipulation. I think our dear hero deserves to extract his fitting revenge on Kori in his usual way, and this time she can try to resist and give in while she thinks Ron is not watching, which he will be of course. Honours (note the spelling) even I think.

Then we need Tiff on the boat and they try to resist but well ...

Plus we have the party in the cove ...

And Izzy has to need a little something somewhere ...

And Sue must have talked to whoever is in Adam's house ..

Oh yes, Kristi ...

or maybe you have something else for us all first ..

After all, where would this story be without a bit of delayed gratification !!

..... and so boys and girls, another year started, and all was well in the land ...

Can't wait.


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GH - Thanks for the encouraging words. I sent you a PM.


Posts: 1459
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TrF2 - Thanks for the kind words. I never expected to be mentioned in the same sentence with the legendary goodhusband, unless it was something like: "That stormydog, he's certainly nowhere near the writer GH is!"
I know, bad joke, but it's late. As to what caught my eye, you're right, you'll have to wait and see!

storyfan32 - Thanks for your nice comments, it's great to hear from you. And you're absolutely right, we have gone Kristi-less for far too long! Not sure how I let that happen, but I'll have to figure something out.

cd - As always, thanks. Getting the nice responses is what keeps me going. I know, I know, that means I'm weak, insecure, and need my ego stroked, but what the hell, it's still fun to hear from you!

peak - thanks for the reminder! I can't believe I left Izzy out of my note above regarding possible future plans! Adam needs Izzy, and she him. I also really liked Rain, I'm wondering about a return for her as well.
As you can see, I'm hooked on these characters too, so I guess I'll have to go on for awhile, even if it is sporadic. Thanks for the great ideas, I think you may have set some gears grinding into motion. Some old, rusted gears...


Posts: 1459
#424 · Edited by: stormydog
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Ronnie frowned. "Hey, one thing my wife does not need is your help spending my money! And besides, those other models are way too powerful for her. I don't want her to ******* herself, and she's not the driver Kristi is, you know."

I glanced at Kori. She shrugged, agreeing with him, still making no move to clean herself up.

I looked back at Ron, still a little pissed about this whole thing. "That's no problem for you, moneybags. Just part with a few thousand extra and send her to one of those race driving schools. You know, Skip Barber or one of those, there are several really good ones. That's where Kristi learned. Me too, years ago."

Ronnie grimaced, I could tell he didn't like that idea, but Kori loved it! She bounced to her feet and crossed to him. "Oooh, yeah, that sounds like fun! Please honey? Say yes and I'll give you a big kiss!"

He looked down into her pleading eyes and cum smeared face and wrinkled his nose. "Uh, well OK, but no kissing. Maybe later. Like after you've had a chance to brush your teeth, maybe."

She laughed. "Oh, don't be such a pansy! It's just a little semen, and it was only Adam - he's like family!"

Ron shook his head. "Baby, I love you dearly, you know that, but saying he's like family only makes it worse, not better!"

Even though I was still upset with them, I had to smile at this little interplay. Kori pretended to pout. "You don't love me! You won't even kiss me - I think you're just mad because I won the bet."

Ronnie sighed and pulled out the tail of his bright Hawaiian shirt, raising it up and using it to wipe off Kori's lips, cheek, and chin, then leaned forward and kissed her gingerly. She quickly grabbed his head and stuck her tongue into his mouth, pressing her still wet, slick body against him as he struggled to escape! I laughed, feeling like maybe she had gotten him back a little bit for me, but still...

I reached behind the sofa and picked up my trunks and bunched them in my lap, covering myself. "When you two are done farting around, can we talk for a minute? Seriously, I'm having a real problem with this, I don't like how this all happened. I'm actually pretty pissed off at you guys!"

They stopped and looked at me, both seeming quite surprised by my anger. Kori spoke first. "You're actually mad at us? For that, just for playing a little trick on you?"

"That wasn't just a 'little trick' K! You had me seriously hating myself for that, for helping you cheat on Ronnie and for me letting him down when he trusted me, I felt like a real piece of cuckolds brownie! And knowing it was all a set up doesn't make it any better, because at the time we did it, I didn't know that. Damn, you guys, this was just way out there, even for you!" The more we talked, and the more my sense of relief wore off, the angrier I became. A lot of my anger was still with myself for being weak, but I directed it at them.

Ron reached for a towel and handed it to Kori before speaking. "Relax Adam, for Pete's sake, you should be happy, you just got a nice blowjob from a beautiful woman."

"Fuck you Ron! Of course she's a beautiful woman, but she's your wife! What kind of cuckolds brownie is that, you watching her blow me? I thought we were friends."

He shrugged. "It looked like you both enjoyed it. I know my wife did." He turned to her. "Did that make you horny baby?"

Kori shivered, then hugged herself. "Extremely!"

I looked from one to the other, amazed they weren't more concerned about all this. "It's just wrong, is all. It never should have happened, it changes everything."

They looked at each other for a moment, then Ron spoke to her. "Do you want to tell him, or should I?"

Kori shrugged and walked over to me, sitting next to me and putting her hand on my bare leg. It felt like an electric shock went through me, and I jerked away from her. "Adam, honey, we're swingers. Me and Ronnie belong to a little swing group back home, so we have sex with other people sometimes. Just for the fun and excitement. So it's OK, you didn't make me cheat or sully me in some way. I just feel bad that you're so upset - it was supposed to be fun for you too."

I just stared at them. "No way! That's not possible, how could I not have known about something like that after all these years?"

Ronnie shrugged. "You're gone a lot, you know."
Kori joined in. "And we don't do it often. Our little group meets once a month, at a local motel, and we don't go every month. Maybe nine or ten times a year is all."
Ronnie laughed. "Yeah, we don't want to burn ourselves out and have it become boring, after all!"

I was amazed! "Seriously, you two do this? Why?"

Ron shook his head. "Well, it started as my idea, and I had to really work to talk this one into it, but once she tried it she was hooked!"

Kori smiled. "Boy, I'll say!"

Ron chuckled. "Like a fish to water! I mean I enjoy it, and there are a couple of very sweet, sexy ladies in our group, but it's kind of gotten to the point where I get as much enjoyment out of my wife's pleasure as I do from getting laid myself! I think that happens a lot, when guys talk their wives into swinging."

I was at a loss for words. "Um, yeah, well, probably so. They have a much greater capacity for sex than us guys do. We talk like we're the sexual gods, but most any woman could screw one of us *** and still have the strength left to go shopping."

Ron laughed, then went on. "And in case you never noticed, I'm not the most well-endowed guy around. My wife and I are good together, but I figure every now and then she should get to enjoy a little something more than what I can offer, you know what I mean?"

I let the sarcasm drip. "Yeah Ron, I think I can figure it out without any diagrams. But how come you never told me any of this before? It seems like we don't have many secrets from each other."

Kori rubbed my leg. "We were never totally sure how you would take it. We didn't want to lose your friendship."

Ron laughed. "Yeah, I love you buddy, but you can be kind of a prissy bastard sometimes! You're a little prudish for such a young guy."

"Hey! I am not!"

Kori spoke up again. "No, Ronnie's right sweetie, you do tend to be a little judgmental at times."

I considered that. I guess there may have been a grain of truth to what they said.
"So why tell me now?"

Ron guffawed, and Kori smiled. "Adam, honey, it's a little hard for you to be judgmental when I have your cum all over me!"
Still laughing, Ron added "Yeah, and your cock is hanging out! I wish I had a picture of the look on your face when you were cumming on her! You couldn't decide between ecstasy and panic - it was classic!"

I could only shake my head. "Damn, you guys! I could have had a heart attack or something! I mean I guess I'm OK, I understand better now, but still..." The nagging thought in my head powerd itself to the front again.
"What about Kristi? I mean, shouldn't you have backed off this whole thing since I told you about planning to try to stay together with her?"

Kori looked at me, almost with a look of pity. "Poor Adam, you're always a little out of step, aren't you? Kristi knew all about our plan, she had no problem with it. She did bet on Ronnie's side though, she thought there was no way you would go through with it. I think they both underestimate me!"

I was stunned! "Kristi knew you were going to do this?"


"And she was OK with it?"

"Yup. She knows about our swing group too, for a few months now. She was hoping maybe she could get you to bring her sometime, but could never figure out how to broach the subject."

That shocked me. I would need some time to digest that thought. "Kori, what if I had fucked you? I wanted to, you know."

"Then I probably wouldn't still be so damn horny!" I heard Ronnie laugh as Kori went on. "What do you think would have happened Adam? Do you think I would have divorced Ron and run off with you? Or that you'd be permanently spoiled for Kristi or any other woman? Crap Adam, it's just sex! It feels good, we both hopefully get something out of it, we enjoy each other, have a little wet, sticky fun, and life goes on!"

When she put it like that...

She threw a sofa pillow on the floor and pulled me down with her. "Here, lay back. I think it's your turn again, you owe me one now, and I do have this certain horniness problem! Which is all your fault by the way."

I glanced at Ron, who stood by, arms folded, smiling. "Don't look at me pal! You're not going to spend all week making my wife all hot and horny and then send her to me to take care of! Although that doesn't sound all that bad, come to think of it. Nah, you started it, now finish the job!"

Kori arranged the small pillow under my head then swung her right leg over me, giving me a close-up look at her aroused pussy inches from my face. She slowly lowered herself until her soft curls tickled my nose and her feminine scent overwhelmed me, and as the sweet, musky flavor of her sex flooded my tongue I felt a powerful jolt of arousal ripple through my groin.


Posts: 277
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Fuck is getting so hot. Love to be a fly on that boats wall.


Posts: 492
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I thought you were going to take a little time off? I figured it would be a while before the next chapter. Damn Stormy, you're really in the zone with this writing stuff, it just keeps getting better and better. Thanks.



Posts: 40
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Dear Stormy,
That was just marvellous, I will catch up after my return from the surgeons knife. Do keep up the good work Ciao et à bientot.


Posts: 1459
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I closed my eyes and just lost myself in the feel of Kori's sex against my lips, my tongue gently parting her hot and swollen flesh. The taste, feel, scent, heat, the small sounds she was making - all washed over me and left me reeling, unable to believe that this was actually happening.

She had teased me for so long, flirting, showing off her body, inciting countless erections and any number of heated dreams, and I had wanted her, desperately, knowing all along that she was unattainable, forbidden to me. I love her, there is no doubt of that, but I had never seriously thought about it in a sexual manner, or of loving her as a lover. My enjoyment of Kori had always been a little vicarious, through Ron, my joy coming in part from knowing that he had found such a great lady with whom to share his life. To me she had always been the woman you love as an amazing friend, a confidant, someone that would listen to my troubles and not feel obligated to try to solve my problems, somebody you know you can count on. A little like Izzy in that regard, except right next door, and a little like a sister, I suppose, although I have none and thus nothing on which to base that. But now that had all changed.

If she was my sister I was breaking several taboos and probably a few laws, and was finding myself confused, enthralled, scared, and very, very aroused by it! I had my arms wrapped around her thighs, holding her to my face as though she might try to leave, although I was fairly sure there was no chance of that. She was moving her hips, slowly sliding her extremely wet, aroused pussy over my lips and chin, occasionally bumping my nose with her pubic bone, or with the hard little button of her engorged clitoris.

I opened my eyes, looking up at her smooth stomach and the underside of her breasts, proud little pink nipples jutting forward. I released my hold on her legs and ran my hands up her sides, just able to reach her tits. They felt wonderful, full and firm and every bit as good as they looked, and I tweaked her hard nipples by running my fingertips across them. I could tell by the way her hips spasmed and she pushed herself into my face that I had touched her the way she wanted.

I rolled my eyes further up and tilted my head just slightly, suddenly remembering Ron and wondering what he was doing during all this. He was there, facing Kori, above my head at the limit of my peripheral vision, watching us. He stepped closer, where I could now see him, and I realized he had his shorts down around his knees and his cock in hand, slowly stroking his rigid penis!

I had never seen him erect before, and I was somewhat surprised by his erect size. He wasn't large, maybe a little over four inches and certainly less than five, but compared to the flaccid little nubbin I had seen in various locker rooms and occasionally at poolside he had easily tripled in length, and probably more than doured in girth.

My own cock only expands from about six or seven inches flaccid to approximately ten erect, less than a fifty percent increase, although I do gain a fair amount of thickness. I have always heard that some men show and some men grow, and I guess Ronnie and I were proof of that adage. Anyhow, he always makes fun of his own sexual equipment, or claimed lack thereof, but I didn't think it was nearly as bad as he had always led me to believe.

Kori held her hands out to him. "Come here baby, I want to suck your cock!" Ron stepped forward, his feet near my head as she took him in hand and began to stroke his cock. He pulled away long enough to kick off his pants, then stepped up again, one foot on each side of my head as his wife took his rock hard erection into her mouth, engulfing him completely before slowly drawing her lips back to suck and lap at the rosy pink head of his cock.

I had a very weird angle from my front row seat, and while I continued to lick and lap at Kori's aroused sex, swirling her clit, pushing my tongue into her, enjoying the movements and sounds I was causing her to make, I also watched her suck her husband's cock right above my face.

Ronnie had his hands on his hips and was slowly pumping them back and forth, fucking his stiff little dick into his wife's willing mouth. Kori would let it slide in, all the way to the base, then suck at it as he slowly slid out, her lips making a small popping sound as he would withdraw, at which point she invariably licked her lips before he would again push deep into her mouth. I wondered absently just how many hours together they had spent with her lips wrapped around his cock.

The view I had of the underside of his wet cock and of his round, loaded nutsack was not something I can say I ever wanted or anticipated seeing, but right then I just didn't care. He was sharing his beautiful wife and my sweet friend with me, she felt and tasted amazing, I was very aroused, and while the thoughts and what-ifs and recriminations still cascaded through my brain I concentrated on going with Kori's thought: We were all enjoying this, enjoying each other, and it was all just good, wet, horny fun! So far it was working, and I was hard and erect against my stomach.

I felt a large, wet drop of liquid plop down onto my chest, right at the base of my throat, and wondered fleetingly if it was cum, if Ronnie was cumming in Kori's willing mouth. Not that I could do anything about it if he was. Looking up I could see another drop forming on Kori's chin and I realized it was just her saliva, that his cock in her mouth was causing her to drool slightly and that she had dripped on me.

I could see that her breasts were also becoming wet with her slobber, and I ran my fingers through the slickness and across her nipples. She bucked her pussy into my face and cried out as I did this, and I crushed her clit with my tongue as she rode through her first orgasm.

Ronnie said "Damn, don't make her bite my dick off!", then began talking to her.
"Do you like that baby? Do you like getting your pussy eaten while you've got my dick in your mouth? You do, don't you? It made you cum baby, I know it made you cum. I bet you can't wait to get that big cock inside you, I know you've wanted Adam's big cock for a long time and now it's right there, all hard and thick and waiting to push way deep in your horny pussy!"

I'm not sure who was more turned on by his smut talk! His dick was raging hard, like stone, as was mine, and Kori's pussy was almost gushingly wet as she came again, her orgasm rippling through her body to the sound of her deeply satisfied groans. As her second orgasm ended, Ron pulled out of her mouth and stepped behind her, over me, accidentally kicking me in the ribs as he did so. I let out an involuntary grunt, and he apologized.

"Sorry buddy, my bad! Sure don't want to hurt you while you're making my wife cum, she'd never forgive me!"

Kori leaned forward, her pubic bone against my nose and her warm stomach touching my forehead, and I found my tongue pressed to the very front of her cleft, the tip still flicking at her hard clit. Before I fully realized what was happening Ron had entered her from behind, thrusting himself fully into her sopping cunt, the base of his small but steel-hard cock and his balls pressing to my chin!

It seemed to be something they had done before, the move very practiced and expected, but it surprised me! To say that I found it disconcerting to have his cock and balls practically in my face would be an enormous understatement, but as I felt Kori's body begin to react to being fucked, to build to another orgasm, it kind of became OK. My best friend Ron and I were teaming up to give sweet Kori a great deal of very intense pleasure, and that seemed to be all that really mattered.

He fucked his wife, pumping his hard cock into her, his chubby balls hitting my chin with every thrust, and I continued to lick her erect clit, and she cried out her ecstasy as her third orgasm rocked her beautiful body. It was very, very good!


Posts: 4050
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The last two segments were very hot, but to me even more important, they were nice. You have created characters that I would very much like to meet.

Thank you



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Thanks GH, for that very nice comment!

We continued to team up on Kori for a couple of minutes, and she seemed to be very much enjoying our combined attention. At one point I felt Ronnie thrust hard into her and hold there, fully embedded inside of her, and I felt Kori's body tense and push back strong against him, as if trying to get him even deeper inside. I wondered briefly if Ron might be cumming, concerned about the possible ramifications of my own position in that event. (My fancy way of saying that I didn't much want his cum running out of her and into my face!)

I needn't have been concerned, he wasn't, and after holding himself far inside of her for a few moments he withdrew, groaning as his rigid cock sprang free of her tight grip.
"Oh, God! As good as your pussy feels baby, I know it's not me you want inside of you right now, am I right?"

"Ohhh, mmm! No offense dear, but I would kind of like to try Adam on for size, if that's OK with you."
She slid forward on my face as she said that, now free of Ron's impaling rod, and allowed herself the luxury of my tongue probing inside of her open pussy, where Ron had just been. I was aware of that fact, but Kori was in control at the moment, and I found I didn't much care anyway. She finally raised off of me with a low groan of her own.

"Uhhh, cuckolds brownie! That felt so good!" She sat on the edge of the sofa, legs spread, and reached out to me. "Here Adam, get up, let's try something different."

I took her proffered hand and pulled myself to a sitting position, wiping my other hand across my face to remove some of the secretions Kori had left on me. She saw that move and smiled. "Sorry. Guess I'm a little wet, huh?"

I smiled back at her as I rose to my feet. "You're extremely wet, and I'm not sorry in the least. A guy likes to know that his efforts are appreciated!"

"Mmmm, they sure were!" She looked from me to Ron, checking out our respective hard-ons, his glistening with her wetness and totally rigid, pointing skywards and arching back toward his belly, mine stiff but dry, except at the tip where I had leaked slightly, standing proud and erect about ten or fifteen degrees shy of vertical. She reached out and took a penis in each hand, pulling us both closer to her. "Wow, this is really the long and short of the matter!"

Ron frowned and opened his mouth to object, but just then she engulfed his wet cock, taking him into her warm and willing mouth. His objection turned into a long, luxurious groan. After sucking him for a few moments she turned her head and gave me the same treatment, taking as much of me into her mouth as she could, letting her lips slide up and down over the swollen head of my cock and about three or four inches of my hard shaft. I echoed Ronnie's groan.

She backed off and looked at us again, from one to the other, comparing. I was glad to be the larger in the comparimister, but felt a little bad for Ron, wondering what he might be thinking, and what she was truly thinking. I soon found out.

She wrapped her hand around his cock, pretty much engulfing it except where the tip of his cock peered out from her grip between her thumb and forefinger. She had her other hand under my cock, wrapped as far as she could reach around the base of my shaft, her fingers not meeting, knuckles against my heavy, sagging ball sack, the length of my cock laying up along her forearm. She giggled.

"You know honey, I think on the day they were handing out penises you must have been out somewhere making a deal or something and wound up at the end of the line! It looks like you got the last little one left in the box! Adam on the other hand, well, you must have been near the front of the line and had more to choose from!" She giggled again as she squeezed my cock.

Ron grunted. "Cute dear, real cute. If you're trying to boost my delicate ego here, I gotta tell you you're not doing too well."

I let out a small laugh at their banter; despite the strange situation and our mutual nudity they sounded just like they always did, jabbing and teasing each other.
Ron looked at me. "What the hell are you laughing at, asshole? You're in deep trouble, you just don't know it yet."

Kori continued to stroke our cocks. I frowned at Ron. "What are you talking about?"

"This insatiable wench has access to your cock now, you dummy! You may not believe this, but I used to be hung just like you. Bigger, even!
Then I met this sexy, horny woman, and she was constantly stroking it, sucking it, riding me all hours of the day and night, with no let-up, until she gradually wore it down to the pitiful remnant you see here today! And you're next!"

I was laughing at his nonsense. "Ronnie, you're so full of crap! Stick with that story though, it's a good excuse."

"No, seriously! Another year or two with her and it will be worn down almost flat. It will look like I have two navels, one with testicles, one without, of course. Some people don't believe in penile erosion, but I'm living proof it's true!"

K and I were both laughing at his clowning. I was relieved to see that Ron was apparently not too concerned about the negative comparimister, joking and clowning as he was, apparently fully secure in himself. I was evidently more insecure; it would have bothered me.

Kori started in again. "Maybe I should write a scientific paper, I'll call it
'The Causes And Effects Of The Enormous Size Disparity Of The Genitalia Of The Human Male And It's Resulting Impact On The Female Of The Species'."

Ron shook his head. "Catchy. Practically rolls off the tongue."

Kori warmed to her subject. "Yeah, I'm sure it will require loads of research. Years, probably, all tedious, hands-on research, done in the field and the lab. I bet I could enlist Kristi to be my lab assistant, my girl Friday, my Igor!"

She paused, then went on. "And Ronnie, you can be our financier and first subject. Adam is chimp number two. We'll need to recruit more of course, several dozen strong, young, potent men should give us a statistically significant sampling."

We were all laughing, any remaining tension about being in a sexual situation together totally gone. I was amazed that with all the goofing around neither Ronnie or I was having any trouble maintaining an erection. Of course, the fact that Kori was gripping and stroking our cocks as she talked was certainly assisting us in that arena.

I objected. "Hey, you leave Kristi out of your perverted plans! She doesn't need any encouragement from you!"

Kori shook her head. "No, no, I'll definitely need an assistant, and she's fully qualified for this study." She leaned back on the sofa and spread her legs apart, her pussy gaping pink and needy, glistening with arousal. She tugged my cock, pulling me toward her. "Come on Adam, get down here and fuck me while I work out all the details in my head."

I smiled down at her. "K, if I'm fucking you the only thing in your head is going to be how good it feels and how many times you're gonna cum. And wondering why you waited so long."

"Oooh, I love it! A guy that's cocky in more ways than one! Prove it tough guy, I can't wait!"

Hoping my mouth wasn't writing checks my body couldn't cash I kneeled betwen her widespread and drawn up legs and guided my cock into her soaking pussy, entering her slowly, feeling her stretch around me, hearing her gasps and moans of pleasure. I think I was able to adequately back up my boast.


Posts: 27
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Holy cuckolds brownie Stormy! Never have I returned to a story in hopes of the latest installments, like i have for this one. I have no idea what you do for a living, but if you are not an author, you are wasting your talents. Let me know when you sell the movie rights to this story. I'll be waiting in line for tickets. Please continue......


Posts: 492
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I have never waited so long for someone to get laid. Damn it Stormy, you're *******ing me here. Kori needs it badly, let's get on with it.




Posts: 277
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Only gets better and wetter, can't waite for more, thanks


Posts: 1459
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Thanks ncal, but I think at this point it would have to be a mini-series, not a movie! I do tend to ramble on a bit...but no, I'm not an author.

Hey TrF2, don't rush her! She's horny, but she's a sexual gourmand to whom the journey seems as important as the destination! (i.e., she loves the fuckin' foreplay!)

You're welcome cd, and it does seem to be trending toward a wetter place!


Posts: 1459
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She was tight, so very tight around me, and I could feel the heat and slickness of her sex. I pushed slowly into her, maybe a couple of inches, looking down into her face as I did so. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip, her left hand up beside her face, nails digging into her palm. As I gradully pushed a little harder, she gasped, wincing slightly.

Ron was leaning over us, looking down at the point where out bodies merged, at his wife's pussy opening up, stretching to accomodate my cock. He heard her gasp.

Ron touched her neck. "Baby, does that hurt? Is it too big for you?"

Her eyes opened, finding him. "No, it doesn't hurt. It just feels soooo fucking good!" Her eyes moved to my own. "Just go slow at first, OK Adam? Not too deep?"

My heart was pounding in my ears, electric shocks tingling through my groin and genitals as she squeezed me, and I wanted desperately to just get it on, but no. "Sure K, you tell me what you want, or if I'm doing something wrong. I'm sure not in any rush to get this over with!"

She gave me a beautiful smile, then closed her eyes again, concentrating on what was happening to her body, on the feeling of my cock entering her pussy. I withdrew slightly and then pushed back into her, a little deeper each time as my cock became lubricated with her juices. Looking down, watching myself penetrate her, seeing her secretions cling to my shaft and form a slight whitish build-up marking the depth of my thrusts, I felt like I was actually growing harder, thicker.

I slid all the way out until just the very tip of my cock was inside of her, knowing that Ron was watching every move and for some perverse reamister wanting him to see exactly how deeply I was going inside of his wife. I would have thought that action to be cruel, except he was standing right next to me, staring down, smiling, his small cock rigid as a piece of rebar!

He wasn't jerking off, just watching, hands at his sides, looking almost painfully aroused. I remembered that my cock had been as hard when I had watched Kristi take a stranger's cock into her body in my own bed. And that had been a rude and painful surprise, while Ron obviously fully condoned this act! I let him look at us for a moment, almost six inches of my cock smeared with the secretions of Kori's aroused pussy, a strand of her thick cream connecting us, then pushed back into her.

Ron dropped to the sofa beside her, taking her hand and kissing it, then leaning in to kiss her cheek. She kept he eyes squeezed tightly shut as he did that, opening them momentarily as his hand moved to her breast and cupped her, then pinched her hard nipple. I sensed more than saw that Kori was ready to cum, that she had a powerful orgasm building, and I increased the pace of my thrusts to match her movements.

Ron leaned close to her ear. "Does that feel good Baby? Do you like that big cock way up inside of you? Is he going to make you cum, baby? It's OK baby, cum, I want you to! Come on honey, I want to feel you cum, cum on that thick cock for me!"

Ron slid his hand down her stomach and between us, cupping her mound and using his fingers to stroke her clit, pushing her orgasm. I felt his fingers graze my hard shaft where it entered her as he frigged her clit, but neither of us paused. At that moment we both existed solely to serve Kori, entirely for her pleasure, and her movements and sounds drove us on.

"Ohhh fuck!! Oh my god, I'm cumming, oh, yes, yes, like that, ohhh fuuuck!! Uunnnng, damn, that's so fucking gooood!" She descended into a low sound somewhere between a moan and a growl, her head thrown back and white throat exposed, both hands now up near her shoulders and fists clenched, one heel drumming into the back of my thigh and my ass.

Riding the throes of her orgasm, seeing and feeling her ecstasy, I guess I got a little carried away. Her legs were pulled far up, her knees outside of my shoulders as though opening herself to me and begging me to go deeper, which I did. As I thrust hard into her she jerked back and gasped, one hand going to my stomach and pushing me away. Her eyes opened suddenly, wide with shock and surprise, staring into my own.

"K, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?"

She took a ragged breath. "No, not hurt. You just surprised me is all, I'm OK."

I paused, looking at her. She still looked a little stunned to me. "Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"

"Yes Adam, I'm fine! That felt incredibly good, amazing even, just don't get too rough, OK?"

Ron joined in. "Yeah, don't damage my wife with your freak cock, Mule! It's bad enough that you're stretching her out so much she won't even feel me any more, it'll be like sticking my cock out a window!"

At the same moment both Kori and I said "Shut up Ronnie!", then we all three laughed. I began to again slowly fuck Kori, looking down to see that she had probably seven to eight inches or so of me buried inside of her, the glistening wet part of my shaft acting as a depth gauge. As I pushed farther in she again winced and jerked away, her hand pushing back on my stomach.

I pulled back some. "I am hurting you! You want me to stop?"

"No, don't stop! You're not hurting me, it's just a little uncomfortable when you push so far in is all. You're banging on the ceiling honey, I can't take all of you!"

I don't know how it's possible to feel so bad in the midst of feeling so good, but all I had wanted to do was bring her pleasure, not hurt her!
"K, seriously, we can stop, it's OK. We can do other stuff and get the same results."

Ronnie was continuing to slowly massage her pussy, now letting his fingers separate to either side of my shaft as he rubbed up and down, letting himself feel the width of my cock and how far open it had spread his wife's vagina. I hate to say it, but the combination of his wife's hot pussy engulfing me and his fingers stroking the base of my erection felt good. Forbidden, exotic, disturbing, strangely, erotically good. Almost too good, and I felt the first small impulses of an orgasm flicker through my balls.

Part of it for me, I think, was knowing that he was feeling exactly how much cock his wife had inside of her, and knowing he could never duplicate it for her. Does that make me horrible, a weak excuse for a friend, to feel that way? I was a little disgusted with myself for feeling that way, to be honest with you, but I couldn't help it.

I pulled out of her, noticing that Ron kept his fingers tight against me all the way out, even as the swollen head of my penis bumped through his hand. He seemed to be enjoying it, appreciating what his wife had been experiencing.

Kori groaned and whimpered a little as I vacated her vagina, clearly not wanting me to quit. "Ohh, don't stop Adam! I need you to fuck me some more, just don't go quite so deep, OK?"

"Kori, I don't know.."

"I love it sweetie, your cock is so thick and it feels so good. I'm sorry I can't take all of you, I hope it's OK for you, but I want you inside of me! I need to feel you cum in me Adam. I want you to cum!"

I glanced at Ron. He held his hands out, palms up. "Hey, it's up to her! She won't get pregnant, don't worry, but if she wants you to cum in her it's OK with me!"

I looked at both of them for a second before lining my cock up with her wet, pink opening and slowly re-entering her. She gave a long, low groan that exactly coincided in length with the time it took me to penetrate her to her comfortable depth, and then began to moan and breathe more heavily as I began to fuck her, careful not to push too deep. She began to buck up to meet me, and our motions soon regulated themselves to bring her no pain and both of us great pleasure.

Ron kneeled on the sofa next to her and presented his rigid penis to her face for sucking, which she eagerly did. With me leaning over her as I was her lips and his cock were no more than a foot from my face, and I watched the close-up blowjob. At one point she released his cock and pulled my head down to her face, kissing me, our lips wet and hot, tongues probing each others mouth. She came again as I kissed her, groaning into my open mouth, biting my lip, my tongue. I almost came along with her, but somehow managed to hold off and continued to slide my rock hard cock into her tight, wet body.

She took turns sucking Ron's cock and kissing me, pulling us closer and closer together until my face was only inches from hers as she sucked him. I was aware that she was making a point of putting her tongue into my mouth, knowing I was aware that that same tongue had just been lapping at her husband's cock, soaking up the clear pre-cum that leaked heavily from his slick, swollen glans.
I was hyper-aroused, and didn't really care, pushing toward my own orgasm. She had his balls in her hand, pulling him to her face, and her other hand behind my neck, holding me there, close to her fellating lips.

Slowly, inexorably, she pulled us closer and closer, until I could feel the heat off the two of them on my lips, his wet cock sliding into her mouth just fractions of an inch from my own swollen lips. I knew what she was trying to do, trying to slowly bring my lips to Ron's cock so that she and I were both servicing him while I fucked her. She wanted to see if she could make me suck Ronnie's cock; I knew that was something Kori would do, just to see if she could get away with it, to test if she was in complete control, and so far I hadn't stopped her.


Posts: 492
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Excellent Stormy, just excellent.




Posts: 1459
#437 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks TrF2. Sex scenes can be a little tough to write at times. Here's the rest of it, hope you enjoy!


I let her continue to pull me forward, angling my head slightly to allow for Ron's body being in the way, until my lips met hers, Ron's rigid cock sliding betwen our lips, the head of his penis and a couple of inches of his erection in his wife's mouth.

I was on sexual overload, extremely aware of Kori's tight pussy clamped around me, of her heat and her scent, of my balls swinging forward enough to graze her ass with each thrust despite not being fully buried inside of her, and of the intensifying tingle, the electric sparks at the base of my cock and running through my prostate and my balls. I was ready to cum! I was also aware, however, of the hardness of Ron's narrow shaft where it rubbed across my lips, of the sensation of his soft skin covering it, like silk over steel, and wondered momentarily what it would feel like to take him into my mouth and feel him thrust the length of his cock across my tongue, to suck on him. A momentary thought, fleeting, then I pulled back, away from Kori's lips and Ron's pumping erection.

When I did, Kori pulled back as well, letting Ron's stiff cock pop out of her mouth. As if spring loaded, it sprang up, striking me on the tip of my nose hard enough to make my eyes water a little. Kori let out a small laugh at that, then looked into my eyes.
"Oh Adam, why did you stop? I was enjoying sharing with you, I wanted to see you do it!" She sounded truly disappointed.

I continued to slowly fuck her, the feeling of an imminent explosion that had been building up just moments before slowly subsiding. I wrinkled my nose at her. "It's just kinda not my thing K, not something I really want to do, you know?"

"Oh come on Adam, please? It was making me so hot! Have you ever tried it?"

I glanced up at Ron, who was silently watching us, noncommittal, still holding one of Kori's hands, still impressively erect.

"No K, I never have."

"Then how do you know you wouldn't like it?"

I looked at her and smiled, thrusting a little more deeply into her heat, making her gasp. "Some things you just know, Kori. I've never lit my ass on fire or crushed my balls in a vise either, but I know without any doubt that I wouldn't like it!"

Ron laughed, but objected. "Hey, are you comparing sucking my cock to having your balls crushed in a vise?"

"Yeah Ronnie, pretty much. No offense."

"Oh. None taken. Look, I don't care much as long as somebody sucks my cock, and I mean soon!"

That surprised me. I had figured that Ronnie was probably as weirded out by that whole thing as I was, but clearly he was not! Before I could ponder that thought any further, Kori decided that if she couldn't share us that way, she'd share us another way.

"Stop talking! I want to fuck, not talk, and I want both of my guys at once. I want you both to fuck me!" She pushed me away as she said that, wriggling slightly to pull away from where I still had her deeply impaled. When I slid free of her velvet grip I gasped and shuddered at the intensity of the feeling of the end of my cock leaving her, and I heard her gasp softly as well. She slid to her knees on the floor, pushing Ronnie into a half sitting/half reclining position on the sofa, his feet on the floor in front of him. I stood watching, my cock, slick and shiny with her secretions, thrusting out in front of me like some freak-ass rhino horn or something. I wasn't at all sure what she was going for here.

She straddled Ron, facing me, and lowered herself onto his little stiffie. He slid fully in, meeting little resistance, and Kori giggled. "Gosh honey, are you in? I can't even tell!"

"Har-har dear, real funny! It's not my fault you like to fuck farm naturals! I guess I'll have to trade you in for a younger model with a pussy that hasn't been trashed yet, 'cause I think you've wrecked this one." He looked at me. "Thanks pal! Now whenever she wears a short skirt and no undies and the wind is blowing, she'll probably make a whistling noise!"

I laughed as Kori made a disgusted sound and slapped him hard on his thigh, making a loud smack. "Don't be gross, dear!"

She rode up and down on him in short bounces, taking him fully into her pussy and then grinding down onto him. I failed to see how I could involve myself in this other than to step forward and bring my cock to her lips, so that's what I did. I held my cock at the base, rubbing it on her face, smearing her face with the combination of her own juices and the pre-cum that I knew I had been leaking inside of her, and was in fact still leaking. She just turned her head, encouraging me to rub my hard cock all over her face, so I did until she opened her mouth and took me in. The feeling was intense, and it powerd a groan from deep inside of me.

She sucked me for a few moments, continuing to grind on Ron as she did so, before letting me slide from her lips with an audible pop. "Mmmm! Good thing I have such sweet pussy, 'cause you taste like me!"

She raised up then, off of Ron, his upright cock completely slathered with the fluids of her arousal, before slowly lowering herself back onto him, reaching back between her legs to guide his cock into her. I realized she was taking his slender cock up her ass, that she had ridden him in order to get both of them well-lubricated, and that she wanted me to fuck her pussy while her husband's cock plumbed her anus!

I felt a powerful throb run through my cock. I had never been part of a DP situation before - my only other three-way coming with Rick and Sue - but it seemed this was going to be a night of firsts. I wondered idly what Kori had planned for the rest of the trip, because this night was going to be hard to top.

She leaned back, resting most of her weight on Ron's abdomen as she held her legs up and apart. I could see her pussy, open, lips swollen with lust and drenched with arousal, her small clit erect and jutting, and I could see Ron's taut ballsack at the base of her ass, his cock disappearing into her tight sphincter, his shaft perfectly curved to penetrate her from that angle.

She didn't say anything, but the way she looked at me I knew exactly what was expected, and I stepped between her upraised legs, straddling Ronnie's with my own, and reached down and guided my hard cock into her steaming cunt, pushing as deeply as I knew she could stand. It felt amazing, hot and wet, milking and sucking at my cock, and as I slowly began to fuck her she came, hard and fast, calling out both of our names.

"Oh Ronnie, oh my god that feels so fucking good! Oh fuuuckAdam, your cock's so damn thick, ohhhhdamn, that's it, fuck meeee! OH yes, I can feel you both in me, ohhhnnnngoddamn! Yes-yes-yes, that's it, I'm cuuumming!'

And she did, loud and long, her body jerking and spasming between us, her head thrown back, Ronnie gripping her tits from behind and tugging at her nipples. I could feel his cock inside of her, just a thin wall of tissue separating us as we both ravaged his wife's body. Her head was thrown back, over Ron's shoulder, and he was looking up at me, both of us shocked, I think, by the intensity of Kori's orgasm, both hoping we weren't hurting her. I knew my balls were hanging down and rubbing on his, and bumping against his hard, thrusting shaft, but there was nothing to be done about it, and it didn't matter.

I leaned forward and kissed Kori's throat, her muscles taut and stretched as she continued to be overwhelmed by the feel of two hard cocks pushing into her. I licked her throat, tasting salt, then up to her chin, and her head suddenly came forward, her lips finding mine, her mouth desperately sucking at my own.

I kissed her, and sucked at her lips and tongue even as she did the same to me, and I felt her pussy grip me, and Ron's hard cock thrust against my own inside of his wife, and when she bit my lip I tasted red and I came, deep inside of her, my body rigid, my cock thrust tight against her cervix, my semen seeking her womb as I spurted again and again, pumping my pent-up cum into her, hearing the natural noises escaping my throat and not caring.

I felt a hand go underneath me and grip the base of my shaft, the fingers squeezing, feeling the powerful pumps of the muscles powering the jets of semen out of me, and I realized it was Ron, cupping my balls, his fingers holding my cock, wanting to feel what I was doing to his Kori, to know what was pumping into his wife. Him doing that intensified the feeling further for me, making my toes curl!

Kori was gasping "Oh god, I can feel you cumming, oh god yes, that's it, cum in me, I can feel you cum in me! Yes, Adam cum in my pussy, ohhhh yesss!"

I felt like my body was rigid, paralyzed into this position, until gradually my spasms subsided, my ejaculation (although that word seems too mild to describe what had just happened) slowly ending, and I began to notice how heavy I felt, how weak and limp all my muscles had suddenly become. I could barely support myself over Kori, and I kissed her again, more gently this time, as I began to slide away. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open as she felt my cock sliding slowly out of her. I was thick and turgid still, though not quite fully hard any longer, and when my cock slid from her molten furnace it flopped down onto Ron's pumping balls and thighs, sliding across the base of his hard shaft which he continued to thrust into his wife. I laid there for a moment, too tired to move, feeling him buck and pump against my groin and thighs, my wet cock and balls moving against him, sliding in the V of his thighs as he pushed toward his own release.

I weakly sat back onto my heels and watched as a small stream of white, pearly cum leaked from her open pussy and immediately ran down onto her husband's genitals. The small stream turned to a gush as Kori clenched on Ronnie, and I watched, dazed, as what seemed like several ounces of my semen flowed across them, adding to the lubrication where Ron penetrated her body, coating his cock and balls, becoming foamy white with his thrusts and running down between his closed thighs. He had more of my cum on him now that his wife did, and he knew it!

He must not have found it all bad, because he came then, grunting and gasping as he emptied his balls into her rectum, and I watched his cock spasm with the spurts before Kori reached down and grabbed his balls, squeezing them and milking as if trying for every last drop.

As it ended, I collapsed back onto the floor, stretching out full length on my back, thoroughly exhausted. A few moments later Kori slid down beside me with a groan, her feet near my head and vice-versa, her hand coming to rest limply on my wet, flaccid, worn-out cock. It didn't matter, neither of us could move. I heard Ron sigh as he collapsed back onto the sofa, sinking in as though becoming part of the furniture. Except for a lot of heavy breathing, a few groans, and the sound of the water lapping at the boat, it was silent.

The groans ended first, the heavy breathing taking a little longer to wind down. We lay there in silence for several minutes, just the sound of the small waves hitting the hull. I was extremely drowsy, and wondered if they had both drifted off. Just as I decided they had, and was about to let myself go, I felt Kori's fingers wrap around my spent manhood, and she sat up.

I opened one eye and looked up at her. She was smiling happily. "God, that was incredible, even better than I could have ever dreamed. Now, who wants ice cream?"


Posts: 1914
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Stormy, it may be ice cream but with you its never plain vanilla. I do like this story. Just wonderful. Thanks once more.


Posts: 1459
#439 · Edited by: stormydog
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You're very welcome peak, glad you enjoy it!

I heard Ron give a tired snort, then start to chuckle. That got me laughing (although even that was an effort), which further tickled him, and soon he and I were laughing so hard we had tears running down our faces. Kori looked from him to me, perplexed. "What's so damn funny?"

I managed to gasp out "Oh, god, ice cream!", which set Ronnie and I off again. When we eventually settled down, Ronnie, holding his chest, said "Oh baby, I can't believe you just said that! No warm, tender moments for you! Shit, I'm so worn out I can't even lift a spoon. I'm thinking nap, and you're thinking ice cream!"

She looked down at me from her sitting position. "Well?"

"Uh, sure, I guess I'll have some. If you'll feed me - I don't seem to be able to raise my arms."

She flopped my limp noodle of a cock back and forth, glancing over at Ronnie's equally spent body before rising to her feet and stretching.
"Well, you two useless limp-dicked slugs can just lay there if you want, but I'm having ice cream. I need to rebuild my strength for another round, although it looks like you puny, impotent wimps won't be participating!"

Ronnie chuckled again. "Isn't my wife cute when she tries to be a nasty bitch? Forget it dear, you're just too cuddly to pull it off. Besides, I know you're just trying to prove Adam's point about women being the sexual superstars. Admit it, you're worn out too!"

Kori bent over Ron, prodding his tiny shrivelled dick with one finger. "No, I'm a little tired, and a whole lot satisfied, but I could go again right now. You're the one that's worn out - look at this pitiful little pink thing, I think I *******ed it!"

Ron suddenly lurched up and grabbed her, pulling her down across his lap and giving her ass three resounding smacks with his open hand. She squealed and squirmed, trying to get away, but he pinned her and gave her two more, more softly, then a couple of light slaps which turned into carresses, and when her squeals turned into moans I knew his fingers were touching and stroking her most bruised and tender places. When her moans changed to one long groan I knew he had entered her cum-soaked pussy with his fingers.

I could hear wet, squelchy noises as he finger-fucked her, and soon her ass arched upwards to meet his thrusting hand and she came, telling us as she did so. "Oh yes, cumming, cummmmiinnng! Ohhh cuckolds brownie!"
We would have known without her telling us.

She eventually caught her breath and said "See, I told you I was ready to go again."

Ronnie let her up. "I believed you. And you see, I'm not useless - my dick may be down for the count, but I can still get you off, you horny slut!"

I flopped back, putting my arm across my face. "Nice, the way you two talk to each other. I can't believe you've stayed married so long!"

Kori nudged me with her toe, and I moved my arm and looked up at her, taking in the view of her wet and used-looking pussy and the undersides of her breasts. She held her hands out to me, and as I took them and let her help me up she replied.
"Ha! Well, he can be a little obnoxious at times, and there is that whole tiny dick thing, but he's the only man on earth for me. I love the bum totally, and he worships the ground I walk on. Don't you dear?"

Ron held up his cum-slathered hand. "One of you toss me a towel, would you?"
I threw him a small towel, and he began to dry his hand before he answered her question. "Usually I do dear, but tonight I'll have to take a pass because you're going to be dripping cum all over the ground you walk on. Damn, how many times did that platoon of guys cum in you, anyway?"

She pivoted, heading for the kitchen. "You're just jealous! And not enough times, if you want the truth. Now, last time I ask - who wants ice cream?"

We all did, and I grabbed my trunks and trailed her out to the kitchen, noticing how red her ass was from Ronnie's slaps, the outline of his hand clearly visible. I also noticed how wet her ass and the backs of her thighs were, slick with cum, which she made no effort to wipe off.

"What can I do to help you K?" I began to straighten my trunks, thinking to put them on. She snatched them from me and threw them down the hall.

"Well first, quit acting so damn shy! After tonight I'd say we have nothing to hide from each other, wouldn't you? Grab me some bowls."

"Ummm, yeah, I guess. I was going to take my ice cream out on the foredeck and eat it, and it's a little cool out there." I handed her three bowls.

"Well you don't need your suit, go grab a blanket and I'll join you. We can look at the stars." She turned from the freezer, tub of Haagen Dazs in hand and nipples erect from the cold blast. "Brrr! The blanket will feel good!"

I stepped to my stateroom and grabbed the soft fleece blanket off the bed, wondering how cum-stains would look on a navy blue background. When I returned she had three bowls of ice cream scooped up, spoons in place, and was putting the tub away in the freezer. I carried one bowl and the blanket while Kori took the other two bowls and again preceded me, again giving me a lovely view. She handed one bowl to Ron.

"Here you go. We're going to sit out front and count the stars, want to join us?"

"Nah, I'm good." He held up his bowl. "Thanks for this." He reached over and used the remote to switch on the gas log fireplace and it whooshed into flame as we walked out on deck. Apparently he was also a little chilled. I sat on one of the lounges, making room for Kori beside me, and she snuggled tight against me, wrapping the blanket around both of us. Her skin felt chilly, and she shivered. I put my arm around her and she leaned her head back on my shoulder, putting one hand on my chest. Even in the light breeze I could smell the sex scents on us.

We enjoyed each other's company and our ice cream in silence for a few minutes, then she sighed. "It's so beautiful here, look how clear the sky is, there must be a zillion stars!"

I laughed. "I think that's about right. You may have missed a couple. K, I'm really glad you guys talked me into coming along, it's good being here, just the three of us. It's like after my divorce, but before I met Kristi, just the three amigos."

She laughed. "Yeah, except you weren't fucking me then! Did you enjoy tonight?"

I squeezed her. "You know I did, you've got the evidence of that all over you."

She gently pinched my nipple. "No, I know you enjoyed it, but did you enjoy it?"

I knew what she was getting at. "Yeah, I did. It was a little odd at first, but it was you and Ron, and I trust you two completely, so I made myself relax and go with it. It was very intense, but in a good way."

"Why wouldn't you suck Ronnie's cock?"

What a question! I finished my ice cream and set the bowl aside before answering. "Kori, that's just one of those things, you know - I just am not comfortable with that, it's too weird."

"You almost did."

"And if we were playing horseshoes, that would count."

She laughed. "Yeah, a leaner! He wouldn't mind, you know, he'd probably do you. It's because he trusts you and loves you."

I pondered that. She didn't understand about guys, her meanings were different than my own, and I didn't see the fascination. "K, I love him too, he knows that, but I don't think we love each other in quite that way. It's a guy thing." I paused. "Why would you want us to? What's the fascination for you?"

"I think it would make me very horny to see you do that. I find that whole idea very arousing. You'd like to watch me and Kristi go at it, wouldn't you?"

I felt a strong tingle in an area of my body I'd thought worn out. "Would you actually do that?"

"You answer my question first."

"Yeah, OK, of course I would. But it's different for women, you two are each so beautiful in your own right and would just be doubly so together, and all the different areas to touch, and lick, and your bodies rubbing together, maybe a little oil..."

She laughed, interrupting my thoughts. "Before you get too lost in your fantasy world, that same thing applies for me! I love your bodies, you and Ron, you're both just so sexy to me. As much as what you were actually doing to me tonight it was the idea that it was the two of you together, making love to me that did it - that may have been the best orgasms I ever had!"

She put one leg over me, and I could feel the hot wetness of her well-used sex press against my upper thigh. Her hips began to move slightly, sliding herself against my leg. Her hand slid down and found my cock, which had received all the right signals and begun to harden and thicken.

"As far as me and Kristi, I think when we get home all four of us need a night-long session together. That would give us time to have lots of fun, explore, touch and taste, maybe experiment with some new ideas... I do believe you're getting hard sweetie, you must not totally hate the idea of a cock in your mouth."

"Right, K, I'm sure you talking dirty and stroking me, and rubbing your wet pussy on me had nothing to do with it!"

She laughed and swung astride me, moving her hot, creamy pussy against my half-hard cock, her wet thighs sliding over my hips. We managed to keep the blanket over the two of us as she lay against my chest, purring, her hips moving, working to try to make me acceptably hard. "Do you think you can go again Adam? I'm good and wet, you can just s-l-i-d-e that big thing in me whenever you're ready!"

Surprising myself I was soon hard and ready, and Kori adjusted her position, lining up and sliding her wet, swollen, needy pussy over my throbbing cock, letting out a long, low "Unnnggghh!", engulfing me just as Ronnie walked out on deck carrying one of our maps.

"Hey guys, I thought maybe tomorrow we'd go over to the next bay. I was just looking and there's supposed to be a great hiking trail, and a waterfall..." He looked up from the map and saw Kori riding me. There could be no mistaking what was happening.

"Fuck! Are you in my wife again? What are you two, a couple of teenagers? You're just showing off now asshole, there's no other excuse for this!"

He yanked the blanket off of us and bent down, looking up between my legs to where Kori and I were joined. He laughed.
"Damn! He's really got you spread open babe, that's one creamy mess you've got going there. You must like that big hunk of meat in you, I knew you would!"

I gritted out "Fuck off Ronnie, shut up!" Kori seconded the motion.

"Fuck off yourself, you're screwing my wife, I can provide commentary if I want to!" He pulled a chair over. "I'm going to sit right here where I can watch the naturals mate and make our plans for tomorrow. You guys are too busy, so you get no say in the matter. Just ignore me and go on with your activities."

And he did, sitting where he could clearly see every detail of his wife drilling herself on my cock, watching the whole thing. I didn't care what he planned for tomorrow, tonight was worth it.


Posts: 492
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love this story and all the characters you've developed as a part of it. I look forward to each new installment. You are such a gifted writer. It's really fascinating the way you leave certain things hanging out there, making us wonder.

Thanks Stormy.



Posts: 4050
#441 · Edited by: goodhusband
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This story is a very creative and original exploration of sexuality. Kori is a wonderfully imaginative character. I am certain that most everyone reading this story would love to meet her.

Thank you again for your efforts



Posts: 492
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It just dawned on me which one of my several ideas you took a liking to.



Posts: 1914
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At last GH has said something that could almost make him British. What wonderful understatement. I'd like to meet her too ... perhaps take her for tea.

To be honest though, I'd like to meet most of your characters. That's just a part of what makes this a great story.
Fred Jones


Posts: 202
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having nothing more original to say, let me echo goodhusband and peakmb. The thing is, your characters are so damned realistic, I feel like I HAVE met them.



Posts: 277
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Spent the 4 th at the White House back yard. Great fire works but could not waite to make it home to catch up with the story. Just gets better every day.



Posts: 1459
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TrF2 - Well, that's one of the ideas I got from you. There is another I'm trying to figure out a place for...
I really appreciate the kind words above. I guess the characters seem realistic in some ways because I create them from bits and pieces of people I've known - or would like to know!

GH - Thanks again. I have to admit that when I started this I didn't realize how important Kori would become. She's turned out to be the glue that binds them all together, even more so than Adam. I think a woman more naturally fits that role, don't you?

peak - Great comment on GH, although I've noticed in the past that he's pretty deft with the use of understatement! Glad you're liking the characters, sure wish I could introduce you and everyone (real and imagined) to each other at one big party!

Thanks Fred, that's a pretty high compliment! Your characters always had that effect on me as well, they just seem like real folks you could meet anywhere.

cd - Glad you had a fun and safe 4th, and that you're back with us!

To all that write, thanks for taking the time to comment, and you're very welcome (for all the thank you's)! You could probably ask anyone that authors these free stories (I know GH and Fred would agree) - hearing and knowing that people are reading and enjoying them gives a lot of satisfaction and makes the effort worthwhile, so thank y'all for that!


Posts: 1459
#447 · Edited by: stormydog
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Kori continued to move on me, either not knowing or not caring that her husband was closely watching us. With the urgency and desperation of our earlier coupling gone, burnt out, we were able to relax and enjoy each other more, able to focus on the feelings, the scents and tastes, the small sounds and the subtle movements of each other's bodies.

With her on top she was in control and was able to adjust her movements to acarbonsmudgeive the depth of penetration that she found most comfortable, and most satisfying. She did so, moaning softly as she found just the right rhythm before leaning forward and brushing her lips softly across mine.

She dragged her hard nipples slowly across my carbonsmudgest, enjoying the sensation of my sparse but coarse carbonsmudgest hair against her sensitive flesh before pressing her lips firmly to mine, her tongue searching for my own. I was acutely aware of how hot and soft her lips were, swollen and wet as our saliva mixed.

The sensation of her soft lips on mine at the same time that her tight, molten pussy was sliding over the taut head and bulging veins of my erection was almost too much, and I groaned at the sensory overload.

She raised up slightly, pulling her face away from mine a couple of incarbonsmudges and giving me a slow, sexy smile. "You're not cumming already, are you?"

"Oohhh, I sure could easily enough, but no, not yet. This feels way too good to let it be over already! K, I'm hoping to stay in you all night, 'cause you're a very nice place to be."

She laughed softly. "I like the sound of that!"

Ron spoke up. "Hey, wait a minute, I don't! I don't mind sharing with you, but I'm gonna need her back pretty soon here so my little door-stopper can have some attention!" So saying, he pulled his rigid little erection down and let it spring back up, much like that door-stopper he had just alluded to. The only thing missing was the boi-oi-oing sound, which I almost provided!

I groaned again and closed my eyes, trying to shut out his distraction. "Ronnie, please shut up! I love you dearly, you know that, but right at this moment your wife matters so much more to me than you do that I can't even describe it!"

"Humph! So that's the thanks I get for letting my best bud fuck my wife!"

Kori laughed again, thrusting herself back, farther onto my cock. "Listen to him! Letting us, he says, as if he had any control over the situation! Just sit back and be a good boy and I'll see about your little problem when we're done here. Oh, and try not to think about how hot and wet and stretcarbonsmudged out my pussy will feel, OK? If you're really good, maybe I'll let you lick me."

Ronnie groaned at that, but leaned back, his small, rigid penis sticking up in the air. I took his rock hard cock to be a sign that he did not disapprove of what his wife and I were doing. Ronnie dealt with, Kori leaned forward and kissed me again, pressing her lips to mine and moaning very softly. As we kissed I felt her orgasm start to build, her lips more insistent at my mouth, her body tensing and pace quickening slightly, until it washed quietly over her, a deep groan, a hard thrust onto me, and her lips sucking at my tongue the only outward signs as she came.

As her spasms subsided she pulled her lips from mine. "God, this is good!"

Ron laughed and stepped up to kiss her, slow and deep as her orgasm waned. "Are you enjoying yourself baby?"

"Oh, I am! This is just so good I don't want it to end."

"You look like you're loving it honey, and you look so beautiful! I love watching you fuck, you always look so damn hot and sexy, my gorgeous, beautiful lady!"

Kori kissed him again, then returned to my lips, never missing a stroke as she rode my cock. Ron stood, watching us kiss rather that re-position himself where he could again watch our mating. We screwed quietly for a minute or so, kissing, swapping spit and tongue wrestling, before Ron spoke again.

"You're kissing him a lot. You don't usually kiss the other guys much." He said it quietly, and I glanced at him. He appeared to just be making a statement, an observation, and did not appear to be upset by it. It was not a question, but Kori replied.

"Well, this isn't the other guys. This is Adam." As though that explained everything. I thought it was an odd response, but Ron accepted it.

"Well, that's true, it's just different is all." He returned to where he could see our coupling, my cock entering his wife's body, and I saw him reach out and stroke Kori's ass, his fingers wandering down to touch her and I where we met, wanting to feel her body being entered by my cock. His fingers touching my wet cock was strange, and felt strange, but it was not unpleasant. I heard him mutter "Damn that looks so fucking hot!"

We changed positions after a couple more minutes, laying on our sides with me behind her, her top leg raised up and back over my hip. I guided myself into her, and we quickly discovered that in this position I could thrust away and not penetrate her deeply enough to hurt her or make her uncomfortable. We were learning things about each other, about how we matcarbonsmudged up, private, intimate things that we had never known despite our close relationship. I prayed it would just make us all closer to each other and not end up somehow driving a wedge between us.

Ron enjoyed our new position because he had a very clear view of the action. He kneeled in front of us and toucarbonsmudged his wife, using his fingers on her erect clit to help bring her to another orgasm, which she ground through, telling both of us to "Fuck me, fuck me, oh you bastards just fuuck meee!" Kori is usually not very foul-mouthed, but the fact that she occasionally cursed like a sailor when in the throes of an orgasm was just one more thing I learned about her!

He continued to play with her body while we fucked, suckling at her nipples and assisting in yet another orgasm before slowly kissing his way down her taut stomach and pushing his head between her legs, lapping at her erect clit as I continued to pump my cock into her from behind, feeling it bump his chin.

I was totally shocked when he did this, after the scene he had made earlier about not even kissing her when she had my cum on her face! Her pussy was absolutely creamy with the results of our earlier lovemaking, and our current activities had powerd more cum out of her, a white froth which covered the base of my cock and my balls and was spread over her entire pussy, but he dove right in, intent on contributing to Kori's pleasure, any squeamishness, feigned or real, set aside.

My thick cock plunging into her from behind, her ass pushing back against my groin, my hands squeezing and mauling her tits, and Ronnie's tongue flicking and probing at her erect clit and swollen labia was too much, and she began a long plunge into a powerful orgasm. Her pussy spasmed, clamping onto me and pulling me along, and I was cumming with her, spurting my boiling semen deep into her pussy as she cried out and slammed back into me, as if trying to escape Ronnie's tormenting tongue.

I came and came, as did she, bucking and swearing. I realized that Ron had at some point grasped my balls and the base of my cock in his hand, feeling me cum and using his grip to hold us to his face, continuing to *** Kori all the way through her orgasm until she begged him to stop.
I'll never be sure who gave her that amazing orgasm, him or me, but I prefer to think we did it as a team.

We came back to earth and I realized she was softly crying! Before I could ask, she said "Good tears, don't worry. It was just so much, so overwhelming, I can't help it! God!"

I slid slowly out of her, thick and mostly erect still, and I think I felt Ronnie lick me, I'm not sure. I do know that he buried his face between his wife's legs, lapping slowly and gently at his wife's used pussy, giving her a couple of small, gentle orgasms to ride through her decline and no doubt swallowing a great deal of our combined fluids, mostly mine. I never would have imagined him doing that!


Posts: 277
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Fuck, only gets hotter. WOW, sooooo erotic and delicious. I can almost smell and taste them. Thanks


Posts: 277
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Ahhhhhhhh, I can slow down to now. Love the pace of your story and wonder what you will come up with. My wife thanks you, you know why.


Posts: 492
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Different strokes for different folks. Peak wants to meet Kori and take her out for some tea, I'd like to cover her with chocolate syrup and whipped cream and eat her like an ice cream sunday.

Thank you Stormy for this wonderful story.

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