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Adam's Journey

Rating: 181
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Posts: 277
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Sounds like is going to be fun. Is nice to come home after a long day at the clinic and find a continuation of the story. Just gets better.


Posts: 40
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Hi Stormy,
Nice that your back and still in literary mood. Keep them coming; I'll catch up when I get back from my little trip, Unfortunately not as nice as yours, I'm for the hospital.



Posts: 1
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This story has just gotten so hot I can't wait for the new chapters.....


Posts: 1459
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Thanks cd, glad I can give you a little respite after a hard day at work.

oliverra, I hope it's not anything serious. Please keep us apprised on how you're doing.

buddyboy, thanks for the kind words, the comments are always appreciated! I hope to post another chapter later today.


Posts: 1459
#395 · Edited by: stormydog
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Noticing that he was ogling her, I leaned behind Kori and whispered to her.
"I think you're giving them a good flash."

She didn't seem the least surprised, muttering "Yup!", and spread her feet a little farther apart. I should have known! Far be it from Kori, apparently, to deny anyone that wants to look at her body, and she was probably getting off on it, her pussy getting all drippy wet just from being looked at!

Doug seemed to realize he'd been busted, or perhaps just that he had been staring for too long, and he looked away. "Uh, well good then, we'll look forward to seeing y'all tomorrow. And it was Kori, Ron, and Adam, right?"

K answered him. "You got it! We'll plan on tomorrow, sounds like a good time!"

Doug released the rail and pushed away from our boat. "Well, Steve and I will be looking forward to seeing more of you, Kori. We'll let our wives worry about making the guys feel welcome."

Kori smiled down at him. "Thanks Doug, but there's really not much more of me for you to see!"

He had the decency to blush and give a sheepish laugh, knowing he'd been thoroughly busted. They started up the boat and turned away, but not before we all noticed that the bulge in his tight suit had taken on a decidedly more upward angle, the head of his growing cock pushing at the low waistband as if trying to escape. Kori let out a low chuckle, clearly pleased at what she had wrought.

They circled out away from our boat, then turned back in and did a fast pass right alongside us as both of the women pulled up their bikini tops and flashed us their ample boobs! Pam seemed to have an especially nice rack, her nipples dark and erect. We laughed and clapped, jeering at them, as Kori whipped open her towel and flashed them right back, and they circled farther out, one more time and came back by, one of the ladies taking over for Steve at the wheel, and this time the two guys dropped their suits and mooned us, Doug pulling his Speedo down far enough that his heavy hanging nut bag was also clearly exposed, suspended between his thighs.

Kori bent over, legs apart, and showed them her derriere, and, undoubtedly, much more. Ronnie and I scramred to moon them back, but they were quickly past us and speeding up the lake, all of us laughing and waving to each other. It looked like this could shape up to be a fun party indeed, if there were more people like this there!

We walked back to the helm, Ronnie climbing into the pilot's seat and starting the engine, and we slowly began to gather speed, getting turned so that we were again heading for the anatomical landmark he had pointed out. Kori stopped behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him on the side of his neck.
"Well, that was fun! You just never know who you're going to meet or what opportunities are going to come your way out here."

Ronnie chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Yeah, and you're such a horny slut you can never resist a chance to show off your hot little body either, can you?"

She smacked him on the shoulder, laughing. "Hey, if I hadn't started it you guys probably wouldn't have gotten to see those tits, and you've got to admit you enjoyed that, didn't you?"

I agreed that I had, Ronnie grudgingly went along, but seemed more interested in the enjoyment his wife had received from eyeballing Doug's clearly displayed package. "Sure baby, we enjoyed the nice tits, but don't pretend you didn't find a little eye candy there yourself!"

She fessed up. "Hey, I'm not denying it! That Doug looked pretty well equipped, nice hefty sack. Makes me wonder what Steve was hiding in his trunks!"

I laughed at them. "You two are unbelievable! Here you just got done with each other, both of you just got your rocks off, and you're all over these total strangers like you haven't had sex in months! Amazing!"

Ronnie looked at me. "Hey dude, just remember that what happens at Lake Powell stays at Lake Powell, OK?"

"Funny, I thought that was Vegas."

Kori hugged me from behind, once again naked, her warm breasts pressed to my back. I was pretty sure I could feel her hard nipples. "That rule applies to anyplace we vacation Adam. When I'm on vacation I have lots of free time to relax and think about sex, and when I do that I end up wanting sex. Lots and lots of sex."

Her hand moved down to dip into the waistband of my trunks, but I grabbed her arm and stopped her. I couldn't believe that she had been about to grope me right in front of her husband! I was starting to feel like maybe I was in way over my head. I felt her rub her slippery nipples across my back, remembering that she had both lotion and cum on them as she released me and stepped away.

"Well, whoever is going to drive stay here and whoever is not please come down and help me get some supper started."

Ron volunteered to stay at the helm, and the naked nymphette that vaguely resemred my friend Kori took my hand and pulled me toward the stairs. She looked back at Ron. "This will take about thirtyfive or forty minutes dear. Will we be at our stopping spot by then?"

He glanced at her. "Oh, no way! It's further than it looks, we've got a good couple of hours, easy. Just bring the plates up and we can eat up here while we go. I don't feel like using the indoor controls."

We agreed, and went down to the galley kitchen. Kori gave me some ground beef, telling me to brown it on the stove, and as I started that she began to pull salad stuff and some other things out of the refrigerator. Focused on my task, I didn't realize she had come up behind me until I felt her cold hand slither up the leg of my shorts and grab my balls! Startled, I jumped, and swore.

"Kori, fuck, your hands are cold!" I couldn't seem to get disentangled, and she began to squeeze and massage my balls.

"They're not that cold Adam, your balls are just hot. And a little sweaty, if you don't mind me saying so. Feels kinda sexy!"

Her hand moved to my rapidly thickening cock, tugging downwards along it's length, stroking me. It felt good, damn good, and I let her go on for longer than I should have.

Continuing to stir and turn the hot beef, I begged her to let go. "C'mon K, please stop! You're *******ing me here, you know that, right?"

She continued to masturbate my now hard cock. "God, you're so thick! You know I'm going to need that inside of me before this trip is over don't you?"

"K, that can't happen! Not with Ronnie, and even Kristi, we can't do that."

Her hand still wrapped around my cock, she paused. "You know that nobody, not Ronnie, not Kristi, and certainly not me, expected you to come on this trip and be some kind of monk or something. Did you take some stupid vow of celibacy, or are you just the most stubborn, prudish damn man on earth? I can tell you're not a eunuch, so get in the swing of things, would you!"

She released my throbbingly erect cock, now trying valiantly to poke out the leg opening of my shorts, and stepped away. She reached for the lettuce, and I stopped her. "Kori, wash your hands before you handle the food."

She laughed. "Jesus Adam! Why, is your cock dirty?"

"No, but you said yourself my balls were sweaty. It's just the principle of the thing, you're supposed to wash your hands when you handle food."

Still laughing, she stepped to the sink and began to lather up her hands. "You're too much Adam, just too much, but I will break you. I will have you, you can put money on that!"

Looking at her shining hair, lean, naked back and round, beautiful tush, I was pretty sure she was right.


Posts: 277
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I can't he going to fuck her or what, I know you have a twist but don't know what???????


Posts: 1914
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You're almost at full circle here Stormy. I can't wait to see what you cram in before then though. I wonder whether it is pressing on you or not ?


Posts: 492
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"Wash your hands before you handle the food".

I love it SD, you are a hoot. Thanks for this great fun story.



Posts: 4050
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You create wonderful charachters and hot scenes. I wish I could be on this vacation with Kori, Ronnie and Adam.



Posts: 4050
#400 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Tonight I think we were reading each others stories at the same time. When you're finished with your story (the fuckin title is too danged long to type) and I'm finished with Cassandra and Francis (three simple words and one of them is a conjuction) we should think about writing a story together.

All kidding aside, everytime I read a segment of your story I am in awe of your writing


PS I don't think we should get to collaborate on the outline


Posts: 1459
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Thanks cd, I'm pretty sure there will be a twist as well. Unfortunately, I don't know what it will be yet!

peak, you're right, it has been pressing on me. I have some ideas for what comes after the circle is closed, but am not sure how I'm going to close it. I'll probably do what I always do - start writing and see what the characters do next!

TrF2, glad you enjoyed that. I've been accused by friends of having a sense of humor that is (choose your adjective): outlandish, weird, dry, unusual, bizzarre, warped... you get the idea. I'm not always sure people know when I'm screwing with them!


Posts: 1459
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gh, thanks for the kind words. Sometimes when I don't feel like writing and I have a few minutes I like to just cruise the site a little to see what all is on here, great stories, photos, caps, links, whatever, but I always, always look for more of your stuff. When I find something new by goodhusband it's like Christmas morning!

I really like the idea of collaborating on a story with you, it should be a lot of fun. I've never done that before though, (this is really my first serious effort at a story) and have no idea how to go about it. I guess we'd have to learn as we went along. I expect you'd be a great mentor!



Posts: 492
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The thought of my two favorite writers collaborating on a story is overwhelming. That would be great.


Posts: 1459
#404 · Edited by: stormydog
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Kori dried her hands and began to break up the lettuce into a large bowl, adding some olives, tomato wedges, sliced peppers, and onion, then set it aside and took the browned meat from me, adding tomato sauce, tomato paste, Italian seamistering and a little extra oregano and a few secret ingredients that I had seen her use before. About that point I figured out she was making her incredibly good spaghetti sauce.

Somehow, the fact that she was cooking right in front of me, stark naked, and we were making routine small talk as she did so, was driving me completely insane with lust. To say that I wanted her would be badly understating what I was feeling, and my erection refused to die.

She covered the sauce, setting it to simmer, and grabbed up the salad, utensils, and a bottle of Italian dressing.
"Adam, grab some plates, and I think Ronnie has a couple bottles of Chianti stashed around here somewhere - bring one and come up top and we'll have our salads with Ron while the sauce cooks. It won't take me long to cook the pasta."

I grabbed plates and did a rapid search for the wine, wanting desperately and for purely selfish reamisters to follow closely behind Kori going back up the steps. My face at the level of her bare ass just seemed like a really good idea! Unfortunately, by the time I located the Chianti, glasses, and the corkscrew she was stepping onto the upper deck, so I missed that opportunity.

We pulled a couple of chairs and a small table over near the helm so that we could sit with Ron, and enjoyed the salad and the wine, although Ron made it a point to take sparingly. Kori mostly behaved herself, although with her sitting opposite me and apparently completely oblivious to her nudity, she made no effort to sit in a more modest pose and was, more often than not, fully on display. She looked soft, open,and wet, and I found it incredibly distracting, but not the least bit unappetizing. Quite the opposite.

She left at one point to go down and start the pasta boiling, and I intended to ask Ronnie just how he felt about her behavior, and to try to clarify what was expected of me. I wanted to let them know I was not OK with the way this was headed, and to ask him to get her to back off, just a little.

Before I could get my thoughts organized, Ron took a different tack. "So what about Kristi, Adam? Have you reached any decisions on that score?"

I had to regroup. "Uh, well, I don't know. I mean I've tried coming at it from a dozen different directions and I keep coming back to not being able to imagine a future without her. You know what I mean?"

"I think I do, actually. I love that girl Adam, Kori and I both do, and I know you do. And you know we love you. I kind of figured the four of us would all grow old together." He laughed self-consciously. "Pretty sappy, huh?"

I laughed. "Yeah, pretty sappy, but I appreciate it and I know what you mean. It must be the holy water. And I feel the same, you know that."

"Seriously Adam, Kori and I have hundreds of acquaintances, maybe a couple dozen good friends, but nobody else like you and Kristi. I mean, you're like the brother I never had, and she's like this perfect angel."

"Uh, Ronnie, you have a brother."

"You couldn't let that go past, could you? OK, then you're like the brother I wish I had, and she's still an angel because she would have shut up and not called me on that. But anyhow, we're like the four Musketeers, you know?"

I laughed. I could tell Ronnie really meant what he said, and that broaching this subject had been difficult for him. He is rarely sentimental, usually getting by on humor, brash bluster, and male banter, and although he and I have a great relationship and share almost everything we are not the mushy, touchy-feely types together.

"Thanks Ron, that means a lot. But Kristi isn't an angel, she's a woman, a beautiful, sexy, incredible, amazing woman, one that's not perfect, that makes mistakes. Lord knows I've made enough of them, and I'm an ass for being so uptight about it, I guess."

"Well howdy do! Wake up and smell the coffee! Took you long enough to get your head out of your ass, dude, wasn't it awfully dark in there?!"

I laughed. "Yeah, well. I guess when I get home I can only tell her that I'll try. I'm still not sure I can live with what she expects of me, but I can't let her go without trying. I'd always wonder if I did that, it would drive me nuts."

"And you've been, uh, let's see, how would Oprah say it - you've been exploring you sexuality lately a bit too, haven't you?"

I chuckled at that. "Why yes Miss Oprah, I have. It's been an adventure, that's for sure."

"Great! I hope you shot video, because I'll pay you for it if you did!"

Kori spoke up from behind us. Neither of us had heard her approach. "Video of what, dear?" She had slipped on one of Ron's old, blue chambray shirts against the cooling breeze, but had left it unbuttoned halfway down and rolled up the sleeves. Why is it that a beautiful woman can take something as mundane as a man's shirt and turn it into an incredibly sexy look, just by being totally naked underneath. Oh. Duh. Question asked and answered!

"Oh, hi honey! I was just saying, Adam has been trying to poke anything female he's come across for the last couple of weeks, and I don't think he brought us any video!"

Kori looked at me reproachfully. "Well, not anything female. Right Adam?"

"K, Ronnie exaggerates! It's just been a little, um, weird for the last few weeks, it seems like everything keeps coming back to sex, which has never happened to me like this before."

She cocked her head and looked at me. "It's the whole thing with Kristi, I'll bet. It just made you more aware, cracked your shell a little bit, and you found out that sex is just the most basic human instinct. Pretty fun, huh sweetie?"

Ronnie piped up. "Oh, honey, speaking of Kristi, when we get home Adam is going to get back together with her. Isn't that great?"

Kori threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing me. "Oh, that's fantastic! Oh, I'm so happy for you Adam, and for us, that's just the best news ever!"

I wanted to caution her, still not sure myself that it would work out, but I was sure going to try. No reamister to burst Kori's bubble just now, she could wait and see with me.


Posts: 277
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Is like a little taste of a treat that only keeps your apetite wanting more. Great!


Posts: 1459
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TrF2 & cd - Thanks for staying with it and for commenting. Now, on with the story!

Kori seemed very excited to hear that I intended to try to work through things and stay with Kristi, so much so that her enthusiasm actually surprised me.
"Adam, I'm so glad you're going to give her another chance! You know she never meant to hurt you. I can't wait, you should call her and tell her, right now!"

"K, she was very specific about not wanting to talk to me until this trip was over. She told me to take the time to sort out my feelings, so she probably wouldn't have much faith in anything I told her now, on the very first day."

Ronnie held up his phone. "Besides baby, no signal out here, remember? We're in the middle of a lake in the middle of the desert, not at the mall."

Kori looked like she was pouting at having her plan thwarted, and I had to laugh. "Oh K, you poor thing! I know how much you hate delayed gratification, but it looks like you're out of luck this time. Maybe if we get close to shore you can spot a Pony Express rider."

She stuck her tongue out at me. "Spoken by the expert on delayed gratification!" She smiled. "Still, that is great news. I'm just so happy!"

She walked away from us, to stand at the rail, her back to us, looking out over the water and the colorful cliffs rising above it. I think she was trying to get her emotions in check, and I was again amazed at how powerfully my news had affected her. Maybe I realized then just how much she loved Kristi and I.

We rode in silence for a few minutes, just the throb of the engines and the water schussing under the hull. Ron was first to break the silence, extending his arm to indicate the view Kori was looking at.
"I knew this kind of beauty and solitude would help clear your muddled up head. I think you're doing the right thing, if that means anything to you. It is incredibly beautiful here, isn't it? Even more than Lake Mead, I think."

"Thanks Ronnie, you know I do care what you think. And I agree, it's an amazing view. Especially that direction, with your wife in the foreground."

He looked at her, then smiled at me. "Yeah, I'm a pretty lucky guy, and I know it! She's a special lady, but if I didn't have her in my life, then Kristi is the woman I would have wanted to meet, so you're pretty damn lucky too!

"Yeah, I know, but it hasn't been easy lately. But we can do this, I'm sure of it. I have to be."

We both sat and looked at Kori from the rear. Or, more precisely, at Kori's rear. She had leaned forward, elbows on the railing, and was just looking off into the distance. With her bending forward, the shirttails had ridden up just enough in the back to expose the lower two or three inches of Kori's round little naked ass, and the shallow, curvy 'Y' formed where her thighs and bottom joined. As we watched, she moved her legs slightly apart, and I could see the silhouette of the narrow cleft between her legs, and I imagined walking up behind her and pressing my hard cock up into her tight heat.

I coughed to hide my thoughts. "Damn! No offense Ronnie, but you're never, ever going to look as good in that shirt as she does - you might as well tell her to keep it."

He smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. "Pretty fucking hot wife, huh? You got wood there, buddy?"

"Fuck, Ron, what kind of a question is that?" I knew he was trying to embarass me. But this was the new me, right? "Of course I've got wood, I'm not in a coma you know. Don't you?"

"Of course I do! Well, you've got a log and I've got a toothpick, but they're both wood, right?" We should both go and show her how much we've been admiring her ass."

I laughed, pulling him out of his seat. "You go show her, she's your horny wife. I'll drive again. I guess I'll be the designated driver for whenever you two want to fuck instead of take. Not sure if MADD has a policy for that one. I guess it would have to be MAFD instead."

Kori turned around just then. "Oh good Ron, you're up. You can come and help me get the dinner stuff, everything should be ready. Adam, you drive and we'll have dinner up in just a few minutes, OK?"

"Sure, no problem. And Kori, thanks."

She looked at me quizzically "For what?"

"For that stance you took at the railing. That was both lovely and inspirational, not to mention very sexy."

She smiled and winked at us, glancing down at our crotches. "I was counting on you guys to notice that. Good thing you didn't let me down."

They disappeared down the steps, and I settled in to driving the boat. I found it to be relaxingly mindless duty, and was not sure why Ron seemed to enjoy it so much. Maybe it was the freedom to let his mind wander and just relax, for a change. Whatever, it was easy out on the open lake.

They soon reappeared and we enjoyed a nice dinner together, spaghetti, tasty meat sauce, garlic bread, the remains of our salads, and several glasses of the Chianti, which Ron left mostly to Kori and me. By the time we finished and I started to help Kori clean up, the stairs had become a little difficult for both of us to navigate. I blamed the huge waves, but Ronnie claimed the lake was almost dead calm and suggested it might be the wine. He could have been right.


Posts: 277
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Was I in the boat or just heard of it. I can almost smell them, great picture.


Posts: 1459
#408 · Edited by: stormydog
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Kori had takes at least as much of the two bottles of wine as I had, and, weighing about seventy five pounds less than me, was considerably more affected by it. I had a little bit of a buzz, but she was unsteady on her feet, and almost silly giggly. I carried the fragile items down to the galley, in two trips, while she made one trip with the less breakable things.

When I returned with the second load, she was sprawled in a chair, her legs straight out in front of her, fanning her face with her hands. This position had caused her shirt to ride up, and left her fully exposed south of the equator.

She glanced at me. "Whew! I'm hot!"

"Yes you are!" I set the dishes down on the counter.

She giggled. "No stupid, I mean really hot, like burning up. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

"I already said it was you, but yeah, it's a little warm. The wine is probably adding to that, don't you think?" I slid a couple more windows open, to take advantage of the light breeze.

"Maybe. I don't know, whatever. I've got to get out of these clothes!"

I laughed. "Yeah, you're seriously overdressed, what with that shirt on and all."

She rose unsteadily to her feet, unbuttoning the last couple of buttons on her shirt and letting it fall to the floor, then raising her arms over her head in a cat-like stretch that lifted her full, round breasts and accentuated the ridges of her abdominal muscles. "Mmmm, there, that's better!"
She lost her balance just then, and started to stumble. Thinking to help catch her I tried to take a quick step in her direction, but my own reactions were none too swift. We wound up in an awkward tangle, headed for the floor. I did manage to turn so that I landed first, and she came down hard on top of me, with me in a sitting position with my back against her chair, and her sprawled crossways across my lap.

It knocked the breath out of both of us for a moment, and I had the vague thought that my back and my ass were both probably going to be sore tomorrow. I looked down into her face, and she looked up into mine, her eyes wide with surprise, before she snorted and started to laugh.

"Oh, Adam, that's a sneaky way to get me all hot and naked and in your arms! You know, if you want me all you have to do is say so. And you could be a little more gentle." She giggled.

I was a little nonplussed, at a loss for any witty comment. The best I could come up with was "You're all sweaty."
Which she was. But it's still probably not a very nice thing to say. My right hand was resting on her chest, just below her throat, my fingers and thumb spanning her breastbone and resting on her collarbones, and I could feel the light, slick sheen of perspiration on her body. Laying across me, her body warm and soft, her skin hot and slick, her face close and staring up at me, she just felt incredibly, sensually female.

She put her hand over mine and pulled it down, between her breasts, my fingers sliding in the slippery sheen of her sweat, feeling her smooth softness, her heat, and her stiff nipple brush the underside of my forearm. "I'm a lot wetter in some places than in others - would you like to feel?"

My mouth said no, I heard it clearly, but my hand continued to offer no resistance as she pulled it further down, across the velvet hardness of her stomach muscles, my palm now flat on her stomach, sliding in the slight moisture on her skin. I was fully aware of where this was going, and made no effort to stop her, and when my fingertips encountered the soft down covering her pubic mound I heard myself say "Oh, god!"

Kori closed her eyes, and agreed with me - "Yes!", and without any further urging from her, my hand slid over her mound, cupping her sex, the middle two fingers parting her lips and finding her slick, hot, and aroused.
She was right, she was definitely wetter in some places than in others.

There's something about the wonderful, aroused secretions produced by a woman's body that's different than anything else, any other liquid. I don't know what it is about it. It's not like saliva, or semen, which are slippery and slimy, nor like water, or oil. There's a special viscosity, a creaminess that's just more needy, more female, seeming to coat and suck at whatever it touches, more like warm honey, or syrup, but without the stickiness. I really can't describe it adequately, but it's amazing, incredible, and men constantly crave the feel, the taste, and the scent of it. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

Completely lost momentarily in the feel of Kori's body, this body that had been tempting me for years, I let my two fingers enter her. She arched her back, pushing herself up and further onto my fingers, grasping them in her velvet tunnel, squeezing them together. She gasped out an almost inaudible "Ohhhh, yes!" as her body gripped me.

I bent my fingers forward, pushing against the front of her tight tunnel, toward the back of her pubic bone, and she spasmed against my hand before settling back down across my lap, my fingers still slowly frigging her.

Looking up at me, her eyes dark with arousal, she asked "Are you planning to get me off this way?"

"Could I? Would that work?"

"Ohhh, it sure would! But I really need something much larger inside of me. Please Adam, I need you to fuck me!"

Her saying that, so bluntly, was like a dash of cold water for me. I sudddenly realized what I was doing, and who I was doing it to, with her husband, my best friend, just above. I slowly slid my fingers out of her, slick with her juices, and she whimpered at the loss.

"Oh god, don't stop, please don't stop!"

"K, honey, I can't! It's just not right, and we're both takes or we'd know that! Come on honey, get off me, we need to get busy on the clean-up stuff, we can't be doing this."

"Oh no Adam, come on, it's OK, I promise it is!"

"Kori, honey, no. I can't. We can't." I managed to extricate myself from under her, and rose to my knees and then my feet, holding my hands down to her to help her up. She looked up at me for a moment, then at my hands before taking them and allowing herself to be pulled to her feet. On the way up she freed one hand and cupped it to my groin, through my trunks finding me hard, fully erect.

"Why Adam? Why do you have to be this way? I can feel you, so hard. You know that you want to be inside of me as much as I want you to, so why do you keep resisting?"

She was slurring her words slightly, and I realized that in a less inebriated condition she would know exactly why, but I tried to explain. "Why do you think, honey? Because of Ronnie, and Kristi, and us for that matter! I'm not going to destroy your marriage, and my relationship with Kristi is a little tenuous as it is, and it might turn you and me from great friends into something else, something less."

She looked at me a little sadly. "Or something more Adam, did you ever think of that?"

I hadn't considered that possibility. It seemed unlikely. She continued to squeeze and tug at my hard cock, still holding my hand with her other hand, and it felt good. I closed my eyes and let her touch me for a few moments, then pulled away. I raised my hand to rub my face, and the sweet scent of her arousal on my still moist fingers almost caused my resolve to crumble. I rushed past it.

"Come on hon', let's finish up here and go join Ronnie up top."

She stopped touching, reluctantly, and we moved to the kitchen area to wash up the dishes and put things away. I started to run hot water to wash the dishes as she closed up containers and stowed the food items, throwing away empties and a little bit of leftover salad.

She smacked me on the butt as she went behind me one time. "I don't give up that easy, just so you know. I'm still pretty sure you're going to cum tonight, whether it's in me, or on me, or in your pants - I will make it happen, you'll see. Remember, I owe you one."

I smiled at her, glad to see she wasn't too mad at me. "I'm willing to forgive the debt, we can consider it paid." I immersed my hands into the hot water and began scrubbing the dinner dishes. There weren't enough to bother with the dishwasher. She put her arms around me from behind, raising my shirt to press her warm breasts against my back. It felt good, very good.

Her hands on my bare stomach, she said "Mmmm, that feels nice! And no, I always pay my debts, so I won't consider it paid until it is." Her hands slid down, dipping into my waistband, and I was about to grab her arms with my sudsy hands when she stopped on her own. I kept washing, and she kept holding me for a few more seconds. It did feel nice.

She finally stepped away and continued to clean up, occasionally bumping me as she passed behind me in the confined space. We were both seemingly a little lost in our own thoughts when she passed behind me again, when suddenly, without any warning, she grabbed the legs of my trunks and yanked them down to my ankles! It took me a second to realize what had happened, and that she had untied my drawstring while she had her fingers in my waistband a little earlier!

I tried to move, to recover, but quickly discovered that she had her foot firmly on the crotch of my trunks, pressing them to the floor, and that with my ankles so trapped I would topple like someone felling a tree if I tried to take a step. "Kori, come on! What are you doing, let me go!"

"Nope! I'm tired of being the only one naked around here, I think it's time you joined me. Give 'em up buster, step out, or I keep you trapped here."

I was keeping myself covered by pressing against the counter, the wood and formica cool against my naked abdomen and my three quarter hard cock, and I realized there was no way I could possibly bend down to recover my pants. I was stuck! I reluctantly stepped out of my trunks, and Kori scooped them up and threw them across the room, where they struck the wall and slid down behind the loveseat. Great!

Kori stood alongside of me, laughing at me hugging the counter. "Wow, nice tush Adam! Who ever knew you had such a cute ass?" She was carressing my ass as she spoke, letting her fingers explore and touch me, and it actually felt pretty good. Still, I clenched up when she began to run her fingers down my ass crack.

She laughed. "What's the matter, are you afraid I'm going to stick a finger up your ass like you did to me this afternoon? Turnabout is fair play, you know."

"I know, but don't! Besides, you don't have any lotion, like I did."

"No, but I have cooking oil." She took the bottle of oil in one hand, the other still tickling my ass crack and the back of my thighs where I had them clamped together.

"Don't, Kori!"

She laughed again, teasing. "What's the matter, afraid I'm going to *** your virgin ass? Spread your legs and I won't, I promise."

I was laughing now too, helpless, but overcome with the giggles at this ludicrous situation. "No, come on Kori, please?"

"Oooh, begging, I like that!" She bent down and nipped me, hard, on the ass! "Spread 'em!" Laughing.

"Ouch! No!" That earned me another nip. "Ow! Stop that!"

"It's that or the greasy finger of fate, your choice, unless you spread 'em." She made as if to pour oil in her hand, and I knew that if her hand, her fingers, were oily, I'd be unlikely to be able to stop her.

"OK, OK, uncle, you win, no greasy finger of fate, please!" I was laughing helplessly, out of control. She set down the bottle of oil.

"Spread 'em bub!"

I did, just a little. She slid her hand between, tickling my balls. "More, come on, spread 'em!"

"No!" Nip "Ouch!"

I spread 'em, I caved, and she took me in her hands and began to stroke my now hard cock, my swollen balls, reaching between my legs from behind. And it felt incredibly good.


Posts: 492
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I so look forward to each new chapter. Thanks Stormy.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks cd & TrF2.

I have to admit that I never imagined (or intended) that it would take over 11 months and 15 pages to come full circle, but now we seem to be there. Coincidentally, just as the story reached 50,000 hits - go figure! I know that's not a lot for the internet, especially considering it's been nearly a year, but it's sure more than I ever expected!

To all that have been reading, and especially to those that have been communicating, thanks so much for your time. So, what do you think - tie up this loose end and then stop, or continue on with the story and find out what happens with Tiffany, Sue & Rick, Pops, Scottie and especially Kristi??? Hmmmm?


Posts: 1914
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Teasing as always. Honestly Stormy, how could you ??

I'm sure I am not alone in really wanting to know how you saw the resolution with Kristi and her reaction to the adventures that Adam has had since they were last together. If they do come back together, he has to be as honest with her as he has been with all his other ladies lately. I think she should like the new Adam, but I'm sure you can find a few wrinkles along the way !


Posts: 1916
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stormydog: You have developed such a great story line that the characters are interesting even without any of the sex scenes! When you add those in it thus becomes one of the best stories i have read on here. Please please keep going! i know we all want to get to the finish line on this one with you.


Posts: 328
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WOW again I so enjoy your excellent writing and such a well developed story and characters.

Now that we are back at the lake???



Posts: 492
#414 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Stormy, do you mean stop as in stop? I can only echo the three previous comments and urge you to go on. Has it really been almost a year? That seems impossible. I can only imagine the amount of effort it must take to produce such a great story.

I have to tell you that if you stop, I'm going to hold my breath and turn blue until you continue. Your story has so many wonderful characters and is filled with all kinds of twists and turns. Several times I've caught myself thinking "wow, didn't see that coming!"

You have so many great story lines to develop. I've been looking forward to the houseboat party, Tiffany and Pops arriving at the houseboat, Kori, Ron and Pops having some kind of threeway with all the rules thrown out the window, kind of a continuance of the threeway between the mayor, her husband, and Pops. What will Adam and Tiffany do? You could also throw in some good old girl/girl action with Kristi, Kori, Sue, Tiffany, well, any of the above. The thought of Kristi and Kori playing with Sue's big titties while Adam screws her senseless should drive everyone crazy. As they say, "been there, done that". One of my all time favorite memories.

But most of all, I'm interested to see how Adam and Kristi resolve their differences and get back together. How will Adam handle becoming the "Unwitting cuck/*** bull"? Can Adam really be in the same room with Kristi while she's getting hammered by some guy? Maybe if Adam is doing a little hammering of his own at the same time it will ease the pain a little bit.

Anyway, I"ve said it before and I'll say it again. Whether you decide to stop or go on. Thank you. This is by far one of my favorite stories on this site.


Posts: 1459
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peak - Thanks, and you're right, Adam does have unresolved issues to work out, so I probably will have to press on a little longer, at least.

subchard - I sure appreciate your ongoing support, and it's especially nice to know someone enjoys the characters that pop out of my little pebble brain as much as I do! Thanks!

Meijer - Thanks again, a big part of the fun in doing this has been developing a whole new circle of people that I consider to be friends, even though we've never actually met! You, contdoc, peak, TrF2, GH, oliverra, subchard, fred and probably several others that I'm forgetting have been very kind to voice your enjoyment of the story. I do appreciate it.

TrF2 - As always, thanks for the comment, and the great ideas. It has been good to know that when I have occasionally gotten hung up on something here in the past I could look back over your comments (and peak's) and probably find something that will inspire another wild new idea. And I think you may have just given me another! You should probably consider writing a story of your own.
By the way, don't turn blue. Blue balls is one thing, an entirely blue permister would likely not be a pretty sight.

All - it looks like I may have a bit of a time pinch coming up for awhile and may have a tough time finding the time to write much. I apologize in advance, in case that happens, but I will try to keep moving forward when possible. Thanks for your patience.


Posts: 4050
#416 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Believe me I understand very well the pressures and frustrations of writing a story of the length of this one, but if you can muster the energy I think the story is well worth finishing.

Your story is outstanding and you have done a wonderful job of entertaining us for the past year. I thank you for your efforts.

I agree with the others that you have some loose ends to tie up, most notably the meeting between Kristi and Adam. I have been looking forward to that for a very long time.

When you are finally finished I suggest that you post this story at Literotica. You will get a little use, but your story will also get a lot more exposure. Since I started posting there my stories have been viewed nearly two million times (that's using roughly the same counting system that's used on this site).

It also won't get lost. This site is a wonderful place to introduce a story, but once you are finished it will get lost. "Sandra and Stevie" has been posted at Literotica for over two years now and I still regularly get emails from people who have just started reading it. Your story is too good to get lost, it needs to be preserved. The story will be very popular there.

Please keep writing.



Posts: 1459
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Now, I'm usually not one to make excuses for myself. In this regard, at least, I tend to be harder on myself than I am on others. Sure, I could blame it on the potent mix of holy water, testosterone, and adrenalin that was pumping through my system at that moment, or on the bulging, bubbling sack full of aching testicles and sperm that seemed too swollen at that moment to fit between my legs, but the fact is I knew full well that this was my best friend's wife and my own dear friend Kori, and I went forward anyway.

I knew that I had decided to do my best to reconcile with Kristi, my one true love and the light of my life, and also a close friend of Ron and Kori, and yet I didn't stop Kori from touching me. I could have, of course, I'm much bigger and stronger, but I didn't, so whatever might come after would be on my shoulders. Even half-takes and incredibly horny I think I realized and accepted that responsibility, and the damage it could cause, although I continued to feebly protest.

I closed my eyes and revelled in the feeling of Kori's slender fingers stroking me, fondling my balls in one hand as she slid her other hand up and down my hard shaft, which she kept trapped in a downward pointing position despite it's straining to point north. I looked down at her hand, not quite closing around my cock as she stroked me, watching as she concentrated her attention on the swollen, shining head of my penis, almost purple with arousal. It looked like she was rolling a large plum around in her palm, until her fingers came away shining and wet, sticky with pre-cum.

I pulled away and turned to face her, my cock, now freed from her grasp, rising to about fortyfive degrees above horizontal and spasming with arousal.

"Kori, honey, we can't go on, you..."

Before I could finish the sentence she bent forward and engulfed the head of my cock with her soft lips, suctioning and taking me deeper into her mouth. "Mmmm, nnngmmmm." She let me slip out of her mouth for a moment. " God, you're so huge! And you're leaking already, it tastes good. Are you going to cum in my mouth?" She again vacuumed me in.

"Uhhhh, oh, my god! Almost for sure if you don't quit soon. Ohh, K, you have to stop, Ronnie is right upstairs!"

I think this was the point that I mostly stopped trying to say that this was wrong, it was a bad thing, that we shouldn't be doing it, etc, and began to be more concerned, and to express more concern, that we would be caught by her husband, my friend. That represents a major change in my thought patterns, in case you don't realize it.

This is also the point at which Kori let my rock hard cock slip out of her mouth and then grabbed my saliva slickened cock in her hand, using it as a convenient handle by which to lead me into the living room area and push me back onto the small sofa.

This is also the point at which this story started, when I introduced myself to you so very long ago as the slimeball that was about to be fucking his best friend's wife. Funny how nothing has really changed in all that time. I was completely despising myself for what I was doing, but it felt so damn good I couldn't seem to stop. And it seemed like this had been coming for so long!

As I fell backwards onto the sofa Kori's head dove into my lap and she began to suck my cock in earnest, no longer toying with me, moaning and breathing heavily as she worked on me. She seemed intent on driving me to orgasm as quickly as possible, as though she needed to feel and taste my cum spurting into her willing mouth. I was so aroused I was afraid I might drown her, having experienced this same degree of arousal with Kristi on some occasions and thus knowing that I would undoubtedly ejaculate copious amounts of semen when the time came. Which time would probably be very soon.

I continued to weakly object, knowing it was futile, and I opened my eyes in time to see the tit-shaped mountain that Ronnie had used as our landmark, much larger now, outside the windows, slipping by off our starboard side. No longer ahead of us! We were obviously in his targeted bay, close to our destination, and I heard the engine slow.

"Kori, stop! You have to stop, we're slowing down. Please!"

"Ummmp-umm!" She didn't stop, continuing to suck, continuing to moan with arousal. The engine slowed further, then cut off. The only sounds now were Kori's moaning, a quiet wet sound of her sucking my cock, and the more obvious wet sound of the water sliding under the hull, slowing, slowing.

They say in an emergency one's fight or flight instinct kicks in. With no place to flee to, and nobody to fight, my instinct seemed to manifest itself as a cum or go flaccid response. Go flaccid would have been best, but with Kori's hand locked firmly around the base of my penis, that was not physiologically possible, and as I heard Ronnie begin to lower the anchor from the aft deck my cock spasmed, my balls boiled over, and I began to empty my pent up flood into Kori's warm, waiting mouth.

I looked down in horror, watching my cock buck and spasm and seeing Kori's eyes go wide and her head jerk up as the first enormous spurt slammed into the back of her throat, then blink, eyes watering, as the second hit her. She tried to swallow, a natural reaction complicated by my cock in her mouth, and a small stream of white cum ran down her chin.

By the fourth spurt she gave up and backed off to swallow, and I continued to stare as the next gush came out of me, spattering across her flushed left cheek and her lips, some going into her nostril. The next one, still strong, hit her across the opposite cheek, just below her beautiful, lust-filled brown eyes, some going into her hair on that side, pearly white semen covering her face and running down, dripping onto her breasts.

I could hear myself groaning, gasping, the sprays of cum finally starting to diminish into smaller spurts, less powerful, then into a few weak drops popping just a few inches out of me, then down to a dribble, a string hanging from the tip of my cock before Kori leaned forward and took it onto her cum-coated tongue.

She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling. "Wow! I think you really needed that! My god Adam, I'm practically swimming in it!"

She was a mess, cum in her hair, all over her face, her throat, her tits and stomach. I could see the glistenig streams making their way down, gravity drawing them down to gather in her pubic curls before trickling across her aroused sex. I looked around, desperately, trying to find a towel or something to clean her up before Ronnie showed up.

Except he was there. In the room. Standing on the bottom step, arms crossed, his face an unreadable mask. At first my brain refused to register him, still looking for a towel, but my eyes found their way back, to find him staring at me.

His voice low, menacing, he remained motionless. "What the fuck is going on here?"

"Ronnie, I'm sorry! It's my fault, I knew better, we just got carried away. Please, try to understand." My heart was either going to stop or explode, I didn't know which.

"Adam, I thought you were supposed to be my friend. I trusted you. I put my faith in you." Deadly calm.

There was no way to make this any better than it looked, my cock rapidly shrivelling in his wife's hands as my cum, still warm, coated her face and body, her own arousal evident in her flushed face, throat and chest, her swollen lips, her erect nipples. I wanted to just fall over the side and sink to the bottom of the lake. What had I done?? I felt like the piece of cuckolds brownie that I knew I was.

Kori tried to interject. "Honey, you can't blame Adam! It's mostly my fault, I threw myself at him, I practically powerd him."

His eyes flitted to her. "You be quiet, I'll get to you in a minute. I saw him spraying his cum all over you, it didn't look like anyone was powering him to do that!"
He turned back to me. "Well ladyfucker, what do you have to say for yourself?"

I hung my head. "Ronnie, Kori, I'm sorry. I have no excuse except that I'm a complete asshole. I know better, I could have stopped it, I should have, but..."

Ron interrupted me. "Do you have any idea what this has cost me?"

I was lost. "Uhh, um, what?"

"This, you dirtbag, this whole thing! You sticking your big horse cock in my wife's mouth, cumming all over her, you cost me probably sixty grand! Maybe more!"

Twilight zone time. "Uhh, I'm not following you."

"All you had to do was hold out two days! Two fucking days, you worthless piece of cuckolds brownie!"

I glanced at Kori, who had a big smile on her cum-covered face.

"I, uh, I, uh... what the hell is going on?"

Kori squeezed my limp and shrivelled cock. "I won Adam! We had a bet on you, whether I could get in your pants or not. I had to do it in the first two days after you joined us, and Ronnie bet it would be later in the trip or not at all. And since this is only the first day..."

My head was swimming. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or become very, very angry.

Ron went on. "And the bet was a brand new Porsche - if I win I get to buy myself one, if she wins I have to keep my car and we buy her the Porsche of her choice. So with you fucking her, you really fucked me! Some damn friend you turn out to be!"

I shook my head, and took a shaky breath. "So this was all a game? You two set me up, and you're not really mad about this? Jesus you guys, I'm dying here and you two are just using me to settle a bet? Goddamn!"

Kori fondled my cum drenched cock and balls. "Oh come on Adam, it felt good, didn't it? You can't possibly be upset with us after getting your rocks off like that, can you?"

Ronnie started laughing. "And I've never seen a cock shrivel up so fast in my life, from Secretariat to PeeWee Herman in thirty seconds or less! It was like the magic disappearing penis trick!" He laughed until tears ran down his face, enjoying my embarrassment and offense.
"Oh, oh, I can't breathe! Oh, that was so damn funny, you should have seen you face. 'I'm sorry Ronnie, I'm sorry Ronnie, I didn't mean to hose down your wife' oh, damn!" And he was off into new peals of laughter. I'd never seen him laugh so hard!

I shook my head and flipped him the bird, turning to Kori.

"Well K, thanks for the great blowjob, I guess. I'm glad you won the bet instead of your asshole husband. What Porsche do you think you'll get?"

"I like that little one, what is it, the Boxster?"

I smiled. "Oh no Kori, you don't want a Boxster. I can help you pick out a much, much more expensive model than that."

Ronnie suddenly stopped laughing.


Posts: 492
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SDogg, wow, that's quite a suggesting that I author a story. If I had 1/10 of the literary s*******s that you and GH have, I might consider it. You guys have such a way of putting things in writing-I've never been that gifted. I labor over emails to friends, I'd spend so much time picking apart every word I wrote, the story would never make it to print.

Glad you liked some of my suggestions for future installments. I wonder which one caught your fancy............. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Loved this last installment, brilliant. Thank you. Hope to pick this up whenever your time pinch allows.

Take care.



Posts: 50 Pictures: 1 
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Hi stormy, I can't believe this story is going on and on. One of the best I ever read!!!!
Believe me, some portions gave me a wonderful hard on others tears in my eyes.
keep it going please!!!!!!!!!!!!
When is Kristi evetually coming back? I'm waiting for her so much.
regards story


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And it just get better, please don't stop. I look forward to every chapter. Thanks
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