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Adam's Journey

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Posts: 1459
#361 · Edited by: stormydog
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He turned back to the sink and began to wash his hands, and I realized that he needed to do so after getting himself stowed away and before returning to the kitchen. For that matter, I needed to wash mine. He was quiet for a moment, lost in thought, then he spoke.

"Did you see the signs, where you came into town?"

"Uh, no, I wasn't paying too much attention. Plus, it was still very dark out."

"Well, there's signs where you come in on the highway, both sides of town, about our rodeo queen and her wins, her trophys - turn around and look as you drive out. That's our Tiffy. She's kind of a local celebrity here. Everybody feels like she belongs to all of us, and she's such a sweet lady that she gives that back to the town."

He paused. "I threw a little money her way a few years back, and she set up a riding camp for the kids, she teaches them how to ride, and how to care for horses. The parents love her, and the kids just adore her. She's their hero. The one year she didn't win the trophy, the girl that won had trained with Tiff and was riding a horse they raised and trained together. I think she got an even bigger kick out of that than winning herself."

"Yeah, I saw the way she greeted everyone, and talked with them. She seemed to be very well-liked. That Toby guy gave her a little grief, but other that that..."

He barked a laugh. "Toby! Yeah, Toby's a little bit of a devil, but he's really very protective of Tiff. Now."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, Toby was Ian's best friend, they've been that way since they were kids, and I know he's given Tiff a lot of cuckolds brownie over the years, but once he was convinced of what Ian had been doing to her - and that wasn't easy - he fucking went crazy!"

"He was pissed at her?"

"No Adam, at Ian! He got a couple of buddies and they went hunting for him, but he had hightailed it out by then and apparently was smart enough to just keep on going. Otherwise I think he'd be buried out in the desert somewhere."

Pops moved away from the sink to dry his hands, and I stepped up to wash mine.

"That wouldn't have been all bad, in my opinion. Too bad they didn't catch him."

"Yeah. Well, Ian can never set foot here again. But anyway, now Toby feels like I do. We fucked up bad, we didn't see the signs, and we let Tiffy down. We love that girl Adam, and we owe her. We look out for her."

There was something in his voice, and without thinking I asked what had been on my mind.
"Pops, are you and Tiffany lovers?"

His dark face completely expressionless, we locked eyes. Neither of us blinked.

His voice was flat, dangerous. "Is that any of your business Adam? Would you think less of her if we were?"

I shrugged. "What, because you're black? No and no, Pops. It's just the way you talk about her, and her about you, I thought there was some kind of serious bond there. Forget I asked."

He considered that, then chuckled. "No, it's OK. I guess I'm a little over-protective sometimes. I suppose you could call us lovers, I do love her, but not like that. She just gets so lonely sometimes, or so down." He paused, and I hoped he'd go on. He did.

"Sometimes she just needs somebody, she needs to be held, and she'll just show up at my house, late at night. I'll just lay there awake all night sometimes, holding her, and she relaxs." He smiled. "She says that's the best she ever relaxs anymore."

"Other times she needs more, she needs to feel like a woman, and yes, we make love." He paused, waiting to see what I'd say. What could I possibly say?

"She's lucky to have such a good friend Pops."

"Huh, well, you know what's funny? I fuck some of the ladies around here, and I make love to several different women in this town, in various circumstances, some married, some single, but Tiffy is the only one that makes love to me. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah Pops, I think I do. Why don't you marry her?"

He snorted. "Nah, it's not like that! I'm not really a one-woman man, never will be, and right now she's not a one-man woman. We love each other, but not as husband and wife. She needs some young guy that can keep up with her, that can ride, and wrestle steers and all that cuckolds brownie."
He laughed. "She offered to take me riding once, to teach me to ride, until I reminded her that this fat nigger on a horse would be cruelty to naturals!"

I laughed at his description. "Well, maybe you could take turns - you know, the horse could carry you for awhile, then you could carry him, that might work."

He laughed and slapped me on the back again, rattling my teeth.
"You're OK Adam! Tiff usually has a pretty good sense when it comes to people, I guess her experience has taught her that at least. Now c'mon, let's get the hell out of the john, I need to get back to work."

We walked out and up the hall, me trailing him. As we passed the room where all the activity had taken place I noticed that the door was now closed tightly, but I could hear the voices of the couple within, talking softly to each other. Apparently they were still basking in the afterglow, or whatever. Pops turned and wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I had to laugh. He had a pretty sweet set-up here, and he obviously knew how to enjoy it and still not get shot by anyone's husband; he'd been here, and stayed alive, for many years.

I wondered how many times he got laid per week, and by how many different women. And/or their husbands. Hmmm. I thought maybe I'd watch for an XXXXL t-shirt that said 'Oversexed' on it to send to him.

I glanced at my watch as we walked out. Shit, it was almost 8:00 and I was supposed to be meeting Ron and Kori at about nine, roughly an hour away. No problem, except I didn't really want to leave yet. I wanted to talk to Tiffany some more, and get to know her a little better. I don't really know why I felt that way, there was no future in it, but the last four hours had gone by far too quickly for me.

Tiffany was at the register, ringing out a slender young guy in a cowboy hat, and they were laughing and kidding with each other, obviously someone she knew pretty well. There was only one other occupied table, a booth near mine with a youngish middle aged couple sitting across from each other. They smiled and exchanged a few pleasantries with Pops as he went by, more of his friends.

Hmmm. I couldn't help but wonder. The woman was fairly attractive, and I noticed her blue eyes following Pops as he walked away. She was a very pale-skinned redhead, which would make a lovely contrast.

I walked past Tiffany, at the register, holding my cell phone up over the guy's shoulder so she would know I was stepping out to make a call, and she nodded. It was getting warm outside already. Kori answered on the second ring.

"Hi K, it's me."

"Hi Adam, sorry I bothered you before. Are you at the marina?"

"You're never a bother K, and no, I'm not quite there. I'm about an hour north. Are you there?"

"Not quite, but we can see it. Probably about twenty or thirty minutes still."

"Oh. Hey, listen would you and Ronnie mind too much if I was a little late?"

"Well, no I guess not. We can always drop anchor and go fuck for awhile or something. Car problems?"

"No. Actually, I met a woman, a really fascinating woman, and we're talking."

Kori laughed. "Trust you to find a woman in the middle of the desert Adam. Did you charm her pants off with your rugged exterior and little boy innocence?"

I laughed. "Yeah, something like that. So you don't mind?"

"No, take your time. Call me when you get close, you should have a signal near the marina, we do."

"Thanks K. Tell Ronnie thanks for me."

"I'll just give him a blowjob, he won't even think of you. See you in a little while Adam."

She hung up. Good friends. I walked back inside.


Posts: 277
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Is like the TV show to be continued.... Lucky is not a week. Love your story.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks cd, maybe I should end here with a cliff-hanger episode and pick it up again next fall like all the TV shows are doing!

Nah, guess not:

I saw the cowboy from the cafe climbing into his pick-up as I turned to walk back inside. Tiff was busy serving the other couple in the restaurant their meals, so when I discovered that my mug of coffee sitting on the table was cold I walked up and went behind the counter and grabbed the pot, dumping out my cup and the dregs of Tiffany's and refilling them with the steaming liquid.
Turning to carry them back to the table, I heard Pops call out "My other waitress is a lot prettier!"

I turned and grinned at him. "You sure got that right!"

Tiffany rejoined me shortly after I returned to the table. "What took you so long? Your coffee got cold, as you've noticed."

"I ran into Pops, and we got to talking. You were right, he's a pretty interesting guy, maybe a little crazy. He sure cares about you."

"Yeah, he's the best. He lady-hens me a little bit, but he means well. I can probably use a little lady-henning sometimes."

"Yeah, we all probably could. Now where were we?"

She thought for a moment. "I think I was telling you about Pops and his legendary sexual status around town. I don't suppose there's any reamister for me to tell you any more about that now, is there?"

"Probably not. A picture is worth a thousand words or some other similar but appropriate cliche' should cover it."

"Well then, you've kind of heard my story, why don't you tell me yours?" She glanced at her watch. "Or do you have to leave to meet your friends?"

"No, that's who I was calling. I got a little reprieve. I had to tell them that I met this incredibly fascinating, beautiful woman and just couldn't tear myself away."

She smiled. "Very smooth. And they bought that?"

"It's pretty easy to sell the truth. But listen, about my story. I thought I was having a rough time and was feeling a little sorry for myself, but compared to what you've been through it would just sound like I was whining, so let's forget it, OK?"

She shrugged. "So just tell me about the good stuff. Surely there must be some good stuff going on, or you would have ordered the ham and cyanide omelette and a cup of hemlock."

I laughed. "True. I suppose I could do that." I paused for a second or two. "Tiff, have you ever been on a houseboat trip?"

I don't know where that came from, I had not had any intention of throwing that out there. I now had two choices: I could try to cover it up as a lead-in to some story I was going to tell her about houseboat hi-jinks, or I could be honest and ask her to come with me on the trip, which is what I really, desperately wanted to do.

After hearing her story and learning how cautious and hesitant she was around unfamiliar men, and why, I had decided that I wanted to ask her to accompany me, but that there was no way I could. But now I had blurted it out anyway.

She regarded me evenly. "No, I haven't. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I just, uh, I was..." As I tried to formulate an answer that sounded neither too piggish nor too lame, the couple Pops had been 'entertaining' walked out of the hall and into the restaurant. The woman, Gloria, was just ambling along, seeming almost dazed, or unfocused. She had a small, satisfied smile on her face, and I could see that her neck and upper chest were still flushed with the aftermath of her incredible arousal.
I think I could have spotted the fact that she had recently been well and thoroughly fucked, and satisfied, from at least fifty yards away, and they were considerably closer than that. I imagined I could smell the sexual musk emanating from her.

Harold had his arm around her shoulder, half guiding, half supporting her. He obviously needed to get her home for a nice warm bath and a nap. He too seemed quite pleased with the day's events thus far, and it was still very early. He guided her out the door, calling out a goodbye to Pops as he left and waving at Tiffany. I swear I could see a small dribble of semen running down the back of her thigh, below her skirt, but it was probably just my imagination.

Tiffany also watched them leave. "So apparently Pops made them very happy, she looks like she enjoyed that."

"Yeah, they both did. A lot. Pops too for that matter. So that guy's really your mayor, huh?"

Tiffany laughed. "Harold? No, he's an accountant, does people's books, and taxes, that kind of stuff. She's our mayor."

Now I had to chuckle, remembering Pops' comment about keeping the mayor on his side. It made more sense now! Sly dog, I believe that all he had to do for any political favor he needed, at least here on the local level, was slide down his zipper. Mayor Gloria was clearly enthralled by Pops' unique qualifications.

Tiffany turned her attention back to me as they departed. "So, about the houseboat question..."

"Yeah, OK, I was going to ask you to go with me. I've just really enjoyed meeting you, and wanted a little more time to get to know you better, so I thought maybe..."

She was just watching me, face still not giving away any hint of her feelings. "So you thought after talking for a couple of hours I'd want to spend a week cooped up with you and your friends on a boat?"

You know, when she put it like that it sounded like a pretty dumb thing to have asked her, but I babred on.
"Tiff, it's not like that! This boat is huge, it's got more damn bedrooms than a small hotel and there's just the three of us - well, four if you go, so you could have your own room, all kinds of space. Ron and Kori are really sweet, you'd like them, and it's a lot of fun, and very relaxing. It was just an idea."

"Well, nobody can accuse you of not being an impulsive, dive-right-in kind of guy!"

"Actually, I get accused of that all the time. Showing up with you would knock my friends' socks off."

"Is that why you asked?"

"No, I just thought it would be kind of fun to spend some time with you, to have a chance to get to know each other a little better."

She smiled gently. "I'm flattered Adam, I really am, but I can't."

"I understand. It was pretty inconsiderate to even ask, but I had to take the chance."

"No, that's not what I mean. I'd love to go, it sounds great, but I have responsibilities, I can't just take off! I have to work, for one thing, and my horses need to be taken care of. I have a riding class for the kids tomorrow. It's just complicated."

"Of course. I don't know what I was thinking. Can I at least stop in and buy you dinner next Saturday, when I'm on my way home?"

She smiled at me. "I'd like that. A lot." She paused. "Wait, how long are you going to be down there, on the lake?"

"Now through next Saturday. Ron will drop me back at Bullfrog and then take the boat back to Wahweap where they picked it up, so eleven days for them, a little less than eight for me."

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm off Friday and Saturday, and I could probably swap shifts with Molly and get Thursday off too. Is there any way I could join you Thursday morning? Or Wednesday night?"

My spirits soared, I couldn't believe my luck! Maybe I would have a chance to spend a little more time with Tiffany after all! Kristi had as much as told me to take a woman with me, and really I wasn't even thinking of this in terms of having sex with Tiffany, just getting better acquainted. OK, OK, so I'm a horrible liar, but I knew I would have to let her set the pace, and not pressure her, so I didn't want to get my hopes (or anything else) up.

If it happened, great. If not, well, hopefully still great!

"Fantastic Tiff, I'm sure we can work that out! Ron and Kori won't mind, they're super. Make it Wednesday night, OK?"

She laughed. "You're awfully eager! I can get my parents to take care of my horses. Oh cuckolds brownie, my truck needs work, I probably shouldn't drive it that far. Damn!"

I thought for a few seconds. "No problem, can you take off now for awhile? A few hours?"

"Maybe." She yelled to the back "Hey Pops, if I can get Molly to cover my lunch shift can I work her dinner shift instead?"

He walked out, wiping his hands on a towel. "Sure, no problem. What's up?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. What's up, Adam?"

I hadn't planned on an audience, but I went on. "Well, you drive down with me now, in my Jeep, and then drive it back up here and use it to drive down on Wednesday. Hell, you can even use it while I'm gone if you want, and put your truck in the shop."

She considered that. "Yeah, that would work. Thanks by the way, that's pretty nice, I'll do that. Adam, what if I get cold feet and back out?"

"Then I'll be very disappointed."

"No, I mean about your car."

"Oh. Well, you'd have to drive down on Saturday and get me. Either way I win, I get to see you again."

She laughed. "You're a smoothie, you sweet talker you!" I'll go call Molly and get my stuff, be right back!"


Posts: 277
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And where this came from? We started with this trip months ago and now a new girl?
Fred Jones


Posts: 202
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Stormy, you're too much, man. I am enjoying the hell out of this story. Where in the world did you learn to write so well? This is top quality stuff. Can't wait for the next episode.



Posts: 492
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The houseboat trip just got a whole lot more interesting. Hey, maybe Pops could show up for a couple of days and give Kori a ride on that BBC of his.

Great writing StormDogg, thanks.


Posts: 1459
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cd - Sorry man, I can't control what Adam does, I'm just the reporter of his story!

Fred - Thanks for the nice compliment. I learned it from reading, I suppose, here, there, and anywhere, including your great stories. I hope to post another segment in a little while, later today.

TrF2 - I think Kori would probably love that, but first I've got to get this sucker to the houseboat! Adam's initials are apparently A.D.D. and thus I apparently should have included Ritalin in this story!


Posts: 1459
#368 · Edited by: stormydog
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She disappeared into the back to make her call and retrieve her things, and as she did Pops walked over to my table.

"What's going on Adam?"

"I invited Tiffany to join me and my friends on a rented houseboat for a few days, and she thought it sounded like fun. She's probably going to join us for a couple days later this week."

He raised his eyebrows at me, then frowned thoughtfully. "That doesn't sound like her - she just met you a few hours ago. I'm not sure I like this much."

I could have told him it was none of his business, that she's an adult, etc, but I knew how protective he was of her, and why, so I kept it very civil. Plus, he's a really big guy, and I actually found his concern for her to be both understandable and touching.

"Look Pops, it's not like that! This boat is huge, it has multiple empty bedrooms and she can have one all to herself. I just thought maybe she'd like to get away and have some fun for a few days, and just relax. I'm meeting some friends, a married couple, she'll like them and I know we'd enjoy her company."

He mulled that over. "She could use a little R&R, she works very hard between her Dad's ranch, her horses, and the cafe. And the kids, of course. Still, I don't know about her just driving off into the desert with you."

I reached back and grabbed my wallet and pulled out my driver's license and slapped it on the table. "Here. Photocopy this, or hold onto it if you want to, and I'll get it back from you on my way home." I reached up and pulled a pen from his shirt pocket and scrawled my car's license plate and my cell phone numbers on a napkin and slid that across as well, telling him what they were.

"I'm totally harmless Pops, I wouldn't harm a hair on her head. I didn't really even mean to ask her, it just kind of popped out, but I'm pretty happy it did since she said yes. Well, sort of."

He chuckled. "I'm probably a little over-protective. She's a big girl, and you seem like a decent guy. I'm sure she'll be fine." After saying that he leaned forward and took back his pen and added my driver's license number, full name, home address, and birth date to what I had written on the napkin, and then pocketed it before sliding my license back to me. Why, yes, I certainly seemed have his complete trust!

Tiffany returned just as we completed that exchange. "All set, Molly will be here in about an hour to help you get ready for lunch, and I'll be back in this afternoon." She looked at us. "Is everything OK?"

Pops smiled at her. "Fine, Tiff. You drive careful, and give me a call when you get back. Nice to meet you Adam, and skip the bill, breakfast was on me. Don't forget to tip your waitress though!"

He gave my hand another of his bone-crushing grips as we shook, and I know I winced. "I won't Pops, and thanks for the meal, it was excellent. I'll stop in and say hi on my way back through."

"You do that. See you later!" He turned and walked toward the kitchen as Tiff and I took our leave. She was carrying a small, blue, heavyweight nylon day pack that apparently doured as her purse. When I cracked wise about her lovely bag she smiled and noted that it was "considerably more manure resistant than a regular purse." Valid and practical point.

We climbed into my Jeep, and before pulling out of the lot I asked if she wanted to drop her truck at the repair shop. She pointed out that "Mac's" was only a block from the cafe, and she would take it there when she got back. I proceeded to pull out and head south, noticing a very nice, light, new feminine scent as I did so.

I glanced over at her. "Did you put on perfume or cologne or something? That's very nice."

She blushed slightly. "Just a little. I've been serving food all morning, I didn't want to go out smelling like bacon."

"Well, whatever this is it's very sexy, but if you're trying to catch a man you really can't go wrong with bacon scent either!"

She laughed. "I'm not trying to inspire them to eat me, I'm trying to make..."

I gave her a wry sideways look just as it dawned on her what she'd said! Her hand flew to her mouth and her face bloomed crimmister as I laughed, and she turned her face to the window muttering "Oh my God!", plainly embarrassed.

Still laughing, I managed to fetish out "Oh, Tiff, that's classic! But lady, I'm afraid whether you wear Oscar Mayer or Oscar de la Renta, us guys will still be inspired to do that. And that's a good thing!"

Tiffany, now laughing along with me, said "It's actually Ralph Lauren, and Pops buys Hormel bacon." She paused. "God, I can't believe I said that! You tricked me into it!"

I had to defend my innocence! "No way! I'm not half clever enough to think of that in advance, that was entirely your own doing. It's not at all an unpleasant thought, though."

"Oh, stop, will you? You're embarrassing me! Is this what three straight days with you will be like?"

"Probably not the entire time, but hopefully a good bit of it. I love the sound of your laugh, I can't help but laugh along with you. It's nice."

We had reached the southern outskirts of town, and, remembering something, I watched for the sign on the far side of the road. Spotting the back of the small billboard I made a u-turn and pulled onto the shoulder, facing it. It had a stylized painting of a slender woman with long, flowing, dark auburn hair, on horseback, the horse's hooves kicking up small dust clouds, and the words "Home of Tiffany Ritter, Rodeo Queen, State Champion," and a series of years below it, six in all. The last couple of years and the Ritter part looked more recently painted than the rest.

Seeing what I had done, she muttered "Oh great, as if I wasn't already embarrassed enough!"

"What, I think it's great! The town is obviously very proud of you, and Pops even told me to be sure to watch for the signs. It's a nice likeness too."

She smiled through her embarrassment. "Sure! You should see the one at the north end, it's very dramatic, with the horse bucking and all. I think it's all pretty silly."

I made another u-turn and headed south again, pushing up to highway speed. "I like the signs. It's a nice tribute, you worked very hard for it, and no town can go wrong with a picture of a beautiful woman where you drive in."

She looked away, but not before I saw her frown. "Yeah, the painter did a nice job making it look better than real life, didn't he? I know I'm not beautiful like that."

Incredulous, I looked over at her. "You're joking, right? Look Tiff, I won't blow any smoke at you, I promise, and you may not be make-up model pretty, but you are most definitely beautiful. Trust me, I've been staring at you for the last several hours!

She just huffed, still looking away.

"Oh c'mon Tiffany! You have this incredible, fascinating face, beautiful eyes, gorgeous hair, lips just begging to be kissed, and this amazing, sexy body that's been putting bad thoughts in my head all morning. Again, trust me, you are very, very easy to look at."

She turned and looked at me, her hand going to her face and index finger tracing her nose. "Even with my crooked nose and my scars? Did you know that my front teeth are capped, from being broken?" Her eyes were deep, green pools.

"It doesn't show. You look gorgeous and sexy, and your nose just gives your face a certain unique strength, it's character. You're, uh, what's the word? Captivating! You're captivating, and beautiful." Inside, I hurt for her, and wanted badly to hurt her abusive husband. Badly.

She smiled softly. "You're good. You must get a lot of women, huh?"

"Uh, no, not really. I've always had to work pretty hard for that, plus I've really only had one I actually wanted for the last couple of years, and now that's kind of in limbo. You know though, just lately things have changed a little. Something like you being here, with me, would never have happened to me before. Never."

"Adam, you said you'd be very disappointed if I chose not to join you on Wednesday. Would you also be disappointed if I showed up but stayed in a seperate bedroom?"

I glanced at her, then looked back at the road. "You'd know I was lying if I said no, but it would be a whole lot better than having you not come at all."

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "You know my story now Adam, and you promised to tell me yours. Why don't you do that while we drive, I'd like to know more about you.

So I did. I stumred a little bit over where to start, but once started it flowed. It poured out of me. She was a good listener, and easy to talk to. I told her everything, pretty much what I've told you here in this story thus far, plus more about my early life, and my divorce from Lisa, and all about Kristi, but also about Izzy, things that even Kristi doesn't know!

I don't know why I was able to open up to her, or why I did so, except that she had been so open and shared her horribly painful story with me. There was nothing in my life that could compare to what she'd been through, and I felt that to be less than fully honest with her would be breaking a trust, so I told her everything I could in a torrent of words that lasted a full hour.

It was a near-monologue, interrupted only rarely by a question from Tiffany, and the miles went by quickly. I was almost hoarse by the time I pulled into the parking lot at the marina. Fortunately, I was also just about out of words to say.


Posts: 492
#369 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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You're a gifted man with words my friend, and thanks again for entertaining us with this fabulous story. I know your time investment must be huge, just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.



Posts: 4050
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Your entire story is wonderful, but this last segment is absolutely outstanding.



Posts: 277
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You write a book and I buy it. The only thing I hate is like a good candy, a little just make you want more


Posts: 1916
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This just gets better and better. Excellent writing!


Posts: 1459
#373 · Edited by: stormydog
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TrF2, GH, cd, and subchard - Thanks all for the comments, I do enjoy getting the responses! I was going to write a longer reply, but it seems you'd rather I work on the story, so...

I pulled into an open parking space and turned off the engine, and we just sat for a moment, looking at each other, before she spoke.
"Wow Adam, that's quite a story. I sure can't claim that I don't know anything about you anymore!"

I laughed, a little embarrassed about how I'd ramred on. "I'm sorry, Tiff, I really don't know why I told you all that. Sorry if I bored you half to death."

"Oh, no, it was interesting! I can't believe we're here already, that seemed quick. Where are you meeting your friends?"

I smacked my head with the heel of my hand. "Oh cuckolds brownie! I was supposed to call them when we got close, they were going to anchor out a little ways and wait for me before thay came in. I totally forgot." I grabbed my phone and quickly called Kori.

"Hi K, I'm here. I forgot to call." I paused, listening. "Uh-huh, OK, I'll walk down to the dock and watch for you. Sorry about that."

I clicked off and turned back to Tiffany. "They're going to be here in about ten or fifteen minutes. Do you have time to walk down to the dock with me? I'd love to introduce you."

"Sure, I have time." We got out and I grabbed my two bags from the back of the Jeep, then tossed her my keys.

"Here you go, treat the old girl gently. My house keys are on there too, if you have any reamister to be in Denver in the next few days, feel free to stay at my place. Of course, you'd surprise the hell out of Kristi if you showed up."

She laughed. "I don't think I'll be in Denver. I seem to only get there in January, for the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo. It's always so damn cold there then, good thing it's all indoors and heated. Except for the livestock barns. Brrrr!"

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Yeah, we always seem to get our coldest weather right at Stock Show time. So you go to that, huh? I attend almost every year, just for fun. Cheyenne Frontier Days in July, too."

"Really? I also do the Frontier Days Rodeo! Small world, maybe we've passed each other in the halls or on the grounds and never even known it."

"Nope, we haven't. There's no way in hell that I wouldn't have noticed you, and I'd have remembered you if I saw you, believe me."

She chuckled, shaking her head. "You're so full of bullcuckolds brownie. But it's nice bullcuckolds brownie, don't get me wrong. I think Kristi found herself a pretty good guy, and that she's crazy to take such a chance on screwing it all up."

"Yeah, well, I guess we'll see, won't we?" We were walking down toward the marina and docks as we talked. It was hot that day, very hot, but any sweat that formed evaporated almost instantly in the dry, desert air. As we got closer to the shore the air cooled slightly, and I could smell the moisture and feel the increase in humidity from the lake. It felt good and it perked me up slightly, despite the fact that I was now at about twenty six hours without any relax. I yawned.

Tiffany smiled. "Tired? Do you want to know what else I think?"


"I think you were having such a good time with Kristi, and you were so compatible, that you let your guard down and just expected it to be a smooth road forever. Relationships aren't like that, ever, and now that you've hit that inevitable bump in the road you don't know what to do."

I stared at her for a second. "Humph! Pretty big bump, don't you think? Major pothole even!"

She shrugged. "It's a big bump, yeah, but there are bigger ones."

Of course there are. Like getting the cuckolds brownie beat out of you by the abusive bastard you're married to. I felt a little ashamed of my petulance now, remembering what she'd been through. My girlfriend had had sex with another man. One time, that I was aware of. Nobody was even seriously injured. Big fucking deal!
Tiffany had been beaten up. Regularly. I felt like an ass, and told her so.

"Tiff, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. My problems kind of pale beside what you've gone through."

She looked at me, seemingly surprised. "I wasn't talking about me Adam, I meant you! You've been divorced, right? That must have included some pretty big bumps in the road."

I laughed. "Oh that! No, not really. To stay with your highway metaphor, that was more like a two year long washboard, constant rattling, it just got so annoying we had to turn off and go our seperate ways. I took it hard afterwards, because I felt like we failed and should have tried harder, but the truth is, it was time."

This seemed like a good moment to ask her a question that had been nagging at me. "How come you're not divorced Tiff? Or haven't gotten an annulment or whatever? I assume the Ritter name, on the sign, is your maiden name? It looked like fresh paint."

"It is, I took it back. I'll never use any part of his name." She laughed softly. "Do you want to know the real reamister I've never tried to have the marriage ended?"

"Yeah, I'm just curious."

She seemed a little embarrassed, turning away from me. I realized she was laughing. "It's because every time I have sex with another man, I know I'm cheating on him. On my husband. Every time I have a nice hard cock in me, or an orgasm with another man, he becomes more of an impotent little useless cuckold, a worthless emasculated wimp, a meaningless speck in my past, even if he doesn't know it yet. I intend to see to it that he does, some day."

"Wow! That's totally insane, but I like it! Is there anything I can do to help you with that?"

She laughed. "Boy, you never quit, do you? You're awful! Actually, I take pictures, during sex, really graphic pictures of what I like to do with other men, and how much I'm enjoying it, more than I ever did with him. I especially like when the men are larger than him, like most are, and I have a big envelope of photos that I plan to see that he gets someday. Someday soon. Would you object to having your picture taken with me, while we were screwing? I could add you to my album."

I laughed at her. "You are delightfully kinky! Who'd of thunk it? Actually, I think shooting up from between my feet is my most photogenic angle, so I'd be happy to aid your little quest. Just in the spirit of being helpful, of course, I'll make the sacrifice."

We paused at the lakeshore off to one side of the dock. I could see a large boat headed in, looking roughly the size of an aircraft carrier, and assumed it was probably Ronnie. Tiffany kicked off her shoes and sat down on a rock, dangling her feet in the water. Very pretty, delicate feet, and I could imagine holding them up, near my face, as I looked down into her deep green eyes and thrust into her, perhaps nibbling her sensitive arches or sucking on her delicate toes just a little as I brought her to orgasm. With a shadowy photographer in the background, and the occasional flash of his strobe.

Odd, I don't usually have much of a foot thing, but her feet were truly beautiful, and these thoughts were starting to turn me on a little bit. And I found myself wanting desperately to touch her, but was aware I could scare her off if I pushed too far, too fast.
"Tiff, do you like having your toes sucked?"

She looked up quickly, startled. "What?"

"You heard me." I was too embarrassed to repeat it!

She raised one foot out of the water, looking at it speculatively. "I really don't know. Should we find out?" She leaned back slightly and extended her leg to me, pointing her toes. I put one hand under her heel, the other under the back of her knee, and raised her foot to my lips. I kissed her toes, and the top of her foot, and the middle of her arch, lightly and softly.

Her foot was cool from the lake water, and a little wet still, and I ran my tongue up the underside of her foot, from heel to toes, and she twitched and moaned softly, her toes curling under. "Mmmm, that tickles! Nicely though, don't stop."

I ran my tongue over her smaller toes, then nibred them gently, which earned a soft "Ohhh!" For the first time, I noticed her nipples jutting out, hard and proud under her shirt, and her back arched slightly as I watched, thrusting them forward more prominently. I let the hand under her knee wander up the back of her thigh, closer to her nice little tush, and continued to lavish attention on her pale foot.

Her body shook with an involuntary spasm. "Mmmm, oh god Adam, stop, please stop!" She pulled her foot back from me, shivering with her intense sensations. "God, I had no idea! I am totally wet Adam, just from that!" She drew a shaky breath. "Damn! I think you were about to get me off, right here in front of God and everybody."

I laughed, and quickly touched the hard bulge in my pants. "I guess we have our answer. And I liked it too!"

She laughed then. "Well, I'll definitely want to try that some more! I think you just guaranteed that I'll be back on Wednesday. Pretty sneaky of you, starting way down there and planning to work your way up, that's a new approach."

"Damn, you're onto my plan already! Oh well. Hey, it looks like that boat is getting close. Should we walk out and meet them?"

"Of course." She picked up her shoes and, carrying them, we walked out the dock toward the approaching boat. I occasionally would let her get slightly ahead of me, so that I could enjoy the rear view. Lovely, just absolutely lovely.


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She reached back and took my hand, pulling me alongside of her. "Is that something you do with your Kristi?"

"Um, no, not a lot. I mean, there's no part of her I haven't, uh, explored at least a little bit, and I've done that, but neither of us is really much of a 'foot' permister."

"Whew! I didn't know I was until today! That was kind of fun and enlightening for me, but if you don't like it, then why...

I smiled. "Very spur of the moment thing - it was the only part of you uncovered, basically, and we were in public, after all - so I took a shot. And I didn't say I didn't like it, it's just a situational thing, not an obsession is all. You have very pretty feet."

She laughed. "If you were any more full of cuckolds brownie, your eyes would be brown!"

"Oh-ho, that's lady-like! You've got quite the mouth on you girl, you spend too much time around horses and cowboys. Gracefully accepting a compliment doesn't seem to be a part of your repertoire, does it?"

She shrugged. "I guess I don't get many, except when some guy is trying to get in my pants. The guys around here, well, they're good guys mostly, but not too articulate."

I stopped us, and looked at her. "None of my business Tiff, and feel free to tell me so, but have you been with a lot of guys since your husband left?"

She looked out over the lake, not meeting my eyes. "Not a lot. Several, I guess. It took me awhile to be interested again."

"I can understand that. But what you said, about the batch of pictures you're building, I thought maybe you were a little out of control. You know, dangerous stuff."

She looked back into my eyes, searching them. "Thanks for being concerned, that's sweet considering you barely know me. But no, it's a bunch of photos with just a few different guys. The ones I really want him to see are the ones with Pops, and the ones with his ex-best buddy. I want to rub his nose in them, 'cause those will drive him absolutely crazy!"

"You and Toby, you mean?"

She seemed surprised. "You know about Toby?"

"Pops told me a few things. I'm glad you didn't wind up hating all men."

"Oh no, men have their uses!" She laughed. "Really, most guys are pretty decent, although most of the men around here, they don't want to waste a lot of time putting the bridle on, they just want to jump straight in the saddle, if you know what I mean. They sure as hell don't do anything like what you just did!"

I laughed at her. "That's both eloquent and colorful. Very good!"

We had reached the end of the dock, and we stood, watching the big houseboat pull in. Ronnie brought it in very slowly, and one of the marina workers was there to help fend it off the dock and to see that the rubber bumpers were in place between the boat and the dock.

Kori was at the front - sorry, bow - of the boat, and she waved and smiled at me as she tossed me the mooring rope. "Hi Adam, I see you found us!"

"Hi K. Gosh, you're looking good!" She was too, already looking tanned, beautiful, and relaxed after only a few days on the lake, her very short shorts and skimpy bikini top drawing more than a few eyes her way.

I tied off the rope onto the cleat on the dock, and both Kori and I walked to the stern and repeated the procedure. I heard the engine shut down, and Ronnie walked out of the cabin and joined us. He too looked relaxed and de-stressed already, the brief time on the lake obviously working wonders for them.

I walked back forward and took Tiffany's hand, and we stepped onto the boat for the introductions. "Guys, this is my friend Tiffany, that I told you about on the phone. Tiff, these are my friends Ron and Kori. The gorgeous one is Kori."

Tiff didn't miss a beat. She stuck her hand out to Ron and said "Well hi Kori, I'm really happy to meet you!"

Ronnie immediately cracked up! "Oh man, I think I'm going to like this girl, she's obviously a lady of highly refined tastes and excellent judgement!"

Kori pretended to pout. "Humph! Well, if you want him you can have him sweety! I'm already so tired of being cooped up on this thing with only Captain Ron for company that I'm ready to kiss Adam's feet!"

I gave Kori a quick hug and a kiss. "As nice as that sounds K, I think you might have better luck kissing Tiffany's feet."

Tiffany immediately went bright red, her blush going even deeper when Kori looked her slowly up and down and said "Really? Now that sounds like something with some very interesting possibilities! Come on honey, help me fix a couple of takes for all of us while you tell me about that."

Tiff, still blushing, stammered "Oh, uh, no, I can't! I mean, I really have to be getting back."

Ron looked disappointed. "Oh, so you're not going with us then?"

I jumped in and explained the situation to them, and that if we could find our way back to Bullfrog Marina on Wednesday afternoon or evening she would likely join us then. I saw Ron and Kori exchange a look before assuring us that we could certainly do that, and while Ron seemed enthused about getting Tiffany back on board, Kori seemed a little less so. I made a mental note to ask her about that later, and to tell her a little bit about Tiff's situation and mention that she might very well take a seperate room. I think Kori was just protecting her friend Kristi's turf - me.

They prevailed upon Tiffany to stay for just one take, and the girls headed off together to prepare them, asking for preference before they wandered away. Kori looked at me. "Adam?"

"Jeez K, it's still pretty early. Do you have Bloody Mary stuff?"

"Silly boy! Do leopards have spots? Do black guys have big dicks? Does Donald Trump have the dumbest hair ever seen on a rich, old, white man? Of course I have Bloody Mary stuff!"

Tiffany smiled, more at ease upon seeing that we all teased each other, and Ronnie and I made small talk after they left. He was fascinated with Tifffany, and how and where I'd found her, and how I had managed to talk her into joining us on such short notice. I didn't feel that it was my place to reveal too much of her story to him, a story that had been told to me in confidence. If she wanted them to know more about her, she could tell them herself either now or later in the week.

I could plainly see that Ronnie had taken an instant shine to her, and she and Kori were chattering to each other like old friends by the time they returned, carrying four rather large Bloody Marys. I was starting to feel pretty sure that she would return on Wednesday, and I was very happy to think that. I could also feel myself relax, with the take, the company, and the sound of the water lapping at the boat. I was tired, and desperately needed a nap.


Posts: 1459
#375 · Edited by: stormydog
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We sat on the deck and enjoyed our takes, and I could see Tiffany growing more comfortable with Ron and Kori, and they with her. She opened up with them to some degree, and told them parts of her story, leaving out most of the details she had shared with me. They, for their part, told her about themselves and about how we had met and become close friends. They didn't talk much about Kristi, knowing that would be awkward, but when she did sneak into the conversation I could see that Tiff was absorbing every word.

We had mostly finished our takes when Tiffany glanced at her watch and remarked that she had to be leaving. Ron wouldn't hear of it until after he had given her a tour of the boat, and they wandered away, him leading her by the arm. Kori watched them disappear up the steps to the upper deck, then turned to me.

"She seems very nice Adam. And interesting, there's something about her that's very attractive, and I don't mean just her looks. Why did you invite her along?"

"Well, like you said, she's interesting. Fascinating really, and beautiful, or at least I think so. But honestly? I'm not really sure, I just kind of blurted it out, and she went along with it. I'm glad she did, I'd like to get to know her better."

Kori smiled indulgently. "Yeah, me too, but do you want to know what I think?"

I knew she'd tell me no matter what I said, so I said "Sure."

"I think you have 'white knight syndrome'. You can't resist a damsel in distress, ever."

"That's not true! And that's not it anyhow, even if it were true."

She laughed. "It is true Adam, I've seen it a hundred times. Even just recently, look at you and Rain, you and Tiffany now, and any woman that cries or is sad and you melt. You can't even find it in your heart to boot Kristi, no matter what she's done or will do, because you don't want to hurt her."

I had thought with Kristi it was because I didn't want to hurt me, but I didn't say anything. She went on.
"A lot of men have that to some degree you know, and that's great, but you have a sixth sense for finding these women."

I had to object. "That's not true, and you know it! What about Lisa, and Kristi too for that matter. Neither of them were 'damsels in distress', as you put it. For that matter, neither of them was distressed at all until after they'd met me!"

Kori broke down into gales of helpless laughter, and I realized what I had said. I had to laugh too, it was so stupid. "Wait, that didn't come out right. What I meant to say..."

"Oh, no, I think it came out perfect! You're kind of a goof, but you're a lovable goof. Oh Adam!"

She was still laughing when Ron and Tiff returned. Ron looked at her, smiling. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, just the usual honey, Adam and his foot in mouth disease, you know how he is."

"Ah, I see." He turned to Tiffany. "Adam is known as the master of the twisted cliche', mixed metaphor, and malaprop - or perhaps you've already discovered that."

She looked at them, and then at me. "No, actually he seemed a little too smooth to me. At times."

Kori laughed again. "Adam? Smooth? It's obvious you haven't known him very long!"

I made a show of looking at my watch. "Gosh Tiff, look at the time! Don't you have to be running along?"

They all laughed, but we moved to the side of the boat, and Tiffany and I stepped onto the dock. I was surprised to see my bags still sitting on the dock, where I had dropped them when I helped tie up the boat. Interested in introducing Tiff to my friends, I had forgotten all about the bags. I tossed them to Ronnie, who dropped them on deck.

Ron spoke to Tiff. "So, Tiffany, I guess we'll see you on Wednesday evening."

She looked at them. "Yeah, probably. I should be here about five thirty, or maybe six. I'll try to call you ahead of time if anything changes."

That reminded me to exchange cell phone numbers with her, and I made sure she had Kori's too, in case there was any problem. Kori and I use different vendors, and our signals vary.

They said their farewells, and I walked her up the dock. "Your friends seem really nice. Ron is very sweet."

"They are. Ronnie acts like nothing affects him, but his heart is pure gold. They're the best, just great people."

"Kori's hot for your bod' you know that right?" She was grinning at me.

I laughed. "Kori's hot for everyones bod', she can't help but flirt and play. To her that's like breathing. If you hung around another half hour she'd be after your bod' too, but it's just a game, she's harmless."

"More like dangerous, I think. You still love Kristi very much, don't you?"

Whoa! That was straight out of left field! Now how to respond to that, since I didn't have the answer?

"Tiff, I don't know what I feel for her right now. I guess I must, in some strange way. Or it may be that I just don't want to let go. I just don't know."

"You still love her, I can tell. So why invite me along, am I just a gap-filler for you?"

"No, Tiff. I wouldn't do that. I like you a lot - beyond the fact that you're beautiful and I was attracted to you the instant I laid eyes on you - and I wanted more time to get to know you."

She smiled. "Thanks Adam, I think you're being honest with me. I'll be back on Wednesday, because this looks like a lot of fun, but I think I will take a seperate bedroom. We'll see how it goes."

"Fair enough. I'll be looking forward to seeing you. Treat my Jeep gently, she's old, but by all means use it as needed."

"OK. Bye Adam." She stepped to me and kissed me then, and I realized it was the first time we'd done that, despite the fact that I had made out with her foot and left us both fairly sexually aroused. Her lips were soft and warm, her breath sweet, and the kiss lingered long enough to move beyond chaste, but not long enough to become erotic, or sexual. It left me wanting more.

I watched her walk away, again admiring the spectacle, then returned to the boat. Ron wanted to go and top off the fuel tanks before we left, and I told them I was going to try to catch a nap for a couple of hours. I asked them to wake me for lunch, but not before one o'clock, and left to choose a bedroom. Stateroom? I don't know, screw it, I was whipped.

I stripped down and fell into the bed. If I had thought that the noise of the boat starting and being maneuvered around might keep me awake, I was wrong. Pure exhaustion had me out in seconds. I knew nothing until I felt myself being gently shaken awake, and opened my eyes to find myself flat on my back, Kori straddling me.

She had on the tiniest of bikini bottoms, a thong really, and no top, and she leaned forward to put her bare breasts in my face. She moved, brushing her full breasts across my face, and I could feel her erect nipples drag across my lips. She moaned, and I felt her hips move as she pumped her hot mound against my erection, under the thin sheet.

"Wake up Adam, it's time to play!"


Posts: 492
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Oh yeah, now you're talking. It just gets better and better. It's fun trying to figure out your next chess move. Genius, pure genius.

As always, thanks S-Dogg.



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I have been watting for this trip for ever, I am sure it will be memorable.


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TrF2 - Thanks! We've come almost full circle, a much larger circle than I anticipated, but it has been fun. Maybe I should get back to where it started and then stop for awhile, in case everyone is getting tired of following along!

cd - It hasn't been forever, it's been less than a year! I've enjoyed writing it, and communicating with y'all.

This next chapter will be the last one for awhile as I once again have to take a trip that puts me out of reach of technology. I plan to be back in about a week and a half, so thanks for your patience!


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enjoy your trip, your public will be avidly waiting for the next installment.


Posts: 1459
#380 · Edited by: stormydog
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I had been sound arelax, and was very groggy. I was also quite aroused, due to the fact that I had been dreaming about and re-living the scene that I had witnessed only a few hours before at Pops' place, except that in my dream it had been Kristi that had been gasping out her orgasms with Pops' huge black cock buried inside of her, while I watched and Tiffany rode my cock.

Kori rubbing her hot, steamy crotch against my erection felt incredibly good, and I almost grabbed her and pulled her tits back to my lips so that I could suck her nipples, but I finally woke up enough to realize that this was not part of the dream, and that the woman riding me was not Tiffany but my friend Kori, my best buddy's wife!

"Kori, for god's sake get off of me! What are you doing?"

I was pushing at her, but she grabbed my hands and held them down leaning her weight forward to pin them. "I just thought this might be a nice way to wake you up." She pumped her hips again, thrusting against my bulge. "Mmm, I was right, it's a very nice way."

I managed to squirm free and pretty much threw her off of me, rolling her onto her back. Unfortunately, she wound up under me and immediately wrapped her legs around me. Fortunately however, I was now completely wrapped in the sheet, and it and her bikini bottom prevented her from getting me inside of her, but not for lack of effort as she wriggled and pumped against me.

I was totally panicked, trying desperately to free myself, but she was very tenacious and clung to me like velcro until she suddenly collapsed back onto the bed, and I was free! I jumped to my feet, keeping the sheet wrapped around my nudity as she rolled onto her side, facing away from me. I took a deep breath, ready to read Kori the riot act, when I realized she was sobbing.

I stopped myself, saying nothing. At a loss, I reached out and touched her shoulder. "Kori honey, it's OK, don't cry! You just startled me is all, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

She continued to gasp, so I sat next to her on the bed and shook her gently. "K, c'mon, talk to me! What was that all about? What's going on?"

She suddenly rolled onto her back and looked up at me, and I realized she wasn't crying, but laughing so hard she couldn't catch her breath, and tears rolled down her cheeks! "Oh Adam, oh my god you looked so funny! Your eyes were like saucers, you just totally freaked!" She collapsed into another paroxysm of laughter.

"Funny K, just real damn funny! You shouldn't wake me up out of a sound relax like that. Damn!"

Still struggling to catch her breath, she gasped "Oh man, I've heard the expression 'deer in the headlights', and now I know exactly what it means!" and she was off again, enjoying my discomfiture.

"Out woman, out of my room! Go laugh someplace else while I get dressed."

"Oh, OK, don't be a poor sport Adam! I have to go tell Ronnie this one, he'll love it! By the way, it's lunch time, so get a wiggle on."

"K, I think you've done enough wiggling for both of us, but if you'll leave, I'll dress and be right out." I looked at her. "Are you going topless, or is that just for my benefit?"

She took a deep breath and thrust her chest out, her pretty nipples still jutting forward. "I'm going topless most of the time, when no other boats are around. Is that a problem?"

"I don't know if problem is the right word. Definitely a distraction though, and it will probably affect my circulation."

She smiled. "You'll just have to get used to it, I guess."

I frowned at her. "Get used to looking at a beautiful pair of tits all day. I suppose I can manage that."

"Thanks Adam, sorry I played such a dirty trick on you." She looked at my crotch, the sheet still tented out. "That did feel good though. Um, is that ever going to go away, or do you want a little help with it, 'cause I could..."

"Out, Kori!"

"Ok, Ok. Do you want a beer with lunch?"

"Sure, I guess. I'll be out in a minute."

She left, and I closed the door, locking it this time. I dropped the sheet back on the bed and looked down at my still fairly erect cock. Traitor! I'd have to keep a tight rein on it, because if my body gets it's way I will be deep inside of my neighbor and friend, and there's likely no way back from that!

I rummaged around in one of my bags until I found a pair of baggy and colorful nylon swim trunks and pulled them on over my fading erection, tying the drawstring and topping it off with a white t-shirt with sea turtles on the front, and padded out into the hall and forward to the galley. Kori was just finishing putting food on the table, sandwich fixin's, and I was surprised at how hungry I felt.

She had gotten smoked ham, swiss cheese, spicy brown mustard, multi grain bread, cold, crisp pickles, and potato chips, and I was in heaven! The cold beer was the icing on the cake, and Ron shut off the motor and let the boat just drift as he joined us at the table. We were way out on the lake, the red, ochre, and buff sandstone cliffs and bluffs all around us, and it was starkly and spectacularly beautiful.

We kibbitzed a little as we prepared our sandwiches, the usual teasing and jabs, and then carried them to the upper deck to eat. We sat under a canvas canopy and talked as we ate. The day was hot, but the breeze was cool. Ron told me we were working our way back south on the lake, the direction from which they'd come to pick me up, because on the way north they had seen a pretty little cove where we could anchor for the night.

They asked me a number of questions about Tiff, which I answered as honestly as I could, and then, to distract them, I told them about Pops and what I had witnessed and learned about him. To say that Kori was intrigued would be an understatement. She was fascinated, and asked me questions which she wanted answered in great detail. I could tell that she was becoming very aroused by the story, and I played it up by describing the scene very graphically. Ronnie realized what I was doing, and winked at me.

"Honey, if your nipples get any harder they're going to shatter! Adam, stop turning my wife on! Baby, I didn't know you had a thing for black men and big black cocks, how come you never told me?"

She shuddered and brought her elbows together in front of her, crushing her breasts together before bringing her hands up to rub across her hard nipples. "God! I didn't know I did either until just now! You should have brought him along for us to meet instead of just thinking of yourself Adam. That's so typical, just bringing a girl for you and my husband!"

"Sorry K, I just don't have a lot of experience picking up men. I'll tell you how to find the place and you can go after him yourself."

Ronnie objected, feigning outrage. "Hey! Don't encourage my wife to go after big-dicked men! It's bad enough that she's always trying to get in your pants, and I trust you!"

Kori spoke up. "Well, I think it's very cruel of you to make me so damn horny when you have no intention of doing anything about it! You two can just clean up while I go out here and lay in the sun and fantasize about this African sex god!"

So saying, she stood and left us, walking to the rear past the hot tub and dropping a large mat on the deck. She threw a towel over it and stretched out on her back in the sun, her feet toward us and spread apart so that we were looking up her legs at her barely covered pussy. Her small suit formed a perfect camel-toe over her mound, pulled tight against her sex. Knowing she was very aroused, I also knew she'd be very wet, and my mouth watered sorry. I glanced guiltily at Ron, just in time to see him swallow, and knew we were thinking exactly the same thing!

"Come on Ronnie, let's get this cleaned up and put away and stop ogling your wife. I think she's mad at me!"

"Nah, she's just horny. She gets cranky if I leave her horny too long. Hey, I can clean up if you want to swim or anything, we should be OK just drifting for awhile."

I decided to take a quick dip to cool off, despite having just eaten. Lunch had been light, so it was no problem. The water was cool and refreshing, and I slowly swam about a hundred yards or so out from the boat and back, twice, then climbed back on board. Ronnie had finished cleaning up, and was back up top talking to Kori. She had rolled face-down, and he was sitting beside her and gently stroking her back and buttocks. She was stark naked now, legs together, her tiny bikini bottom on the mat beside her, and I wondered if maybe he hadn't manually relieved her tension. I think he had.

I stepped over Kori, intentionally letting cold lake water drip from my hair and suit onto her hot skin. She squirmed and yelped, calling me a few choice names, while Ron laughed.

"You deserve it baby, after what you did to poor Adam when he was relaxing! Hey Adam, if you're done swimming, I'll go get us started up and moving again."

I looked at him, as I shook a few more drops of water on Kori. "I'm all set for now. Do you want me to drive for awhile so you two can enjoy some time together?"

"No, that's OK. We just had a little time, and we've had each other alone for the last couple of days. Besides, I like to drive. Do me a favor though and help her get a little lotion on before she blisters."

He tossed me a bottle of sunscreen, warm from laying in the sun. I opened it as he walked back up to the helm and started the motor. As he turned the boat back to our heading, I squirted a generous dollop of the creamy, warm lotion into my palm and sat down beside Kori.

I sat there for a moment, looking at her naked form and feeling a little funny about touching her. I must have hesitated too long, because she finally said "Well? Start anywhere Adam, but don't skip any areas. I haven't put any on since this morning, and I've been in the water."

She had her right cheek resting on the backs of her hands, eyes closed, her elbows out to the side. I used my free hand to push her hair off her neck and started there, spreading the ivory cream across her neck and shoulders, then down her back, rubbing it in, adding more as needed. I made sure to get down her sides, across her ribs, and was very aware of my fingers massaging the lotion into the bulging sides of her breasts. I hesitated as I got down to her butt. I had rubbed lotion on Kori's back and shoulders for her before, many times, as she had for me, but never naked, and never below her waist.

She wiggled her butt around. "Do my tush too, I don't want a sunburned ass!"

"You can do your own tush."

"Oh c'mon Adam, stop being such a pansy!"

OK, I'd been challenged! I squirted a little lotion directly on her round little bottom. I won't tell you what that sight made me think of, but you probably already know. I began to massage it in, and became aware of the fact that she was slowly undulating her hips, arching her back and raising her ass to meet my motions, moving her legs slightly apart. She was plainly still aroused, and now, of course, so was I!

"Mmmm, that feels good! Don't miss the middle Adam, I don't want to burn my butt crack." She laughed as she raised her tight, round ass a little higher, challenging me further.

OK, I was tired of being the one that chickened out! I decided not to blink first, and squirted a litttle more lotion into the valley between her round cheeks, then started to move my fingers in it, spreading the buttery liquid. My fingertip found the tight bud of her anus, and she gasped.

"Oh god, mmmm!" She pushed up and back, trying for more pressure, and I gave her what she sought, letting my fingertip, just the tip, push into her tight sphincter. I was throbbingly hard, and I glanced over to where Ronnie sat at the helm, his line of sight to his wife mostly blocked by the hot tub. I thought about him just saying that he trusted me, but this was really about teaching Kori not to play with fire! I pushed my middle finger farther into her, to my second knuckle.

"Oh god oh god! Adam, fuuuckk!"

She was whispering, throaty and needy, and I quickly fucked my finger in and out of her creamy, slippery ass several times. Suddenly one of her hands gripped my leg, her nails digging in, as she silently orgasmed. Her anus gripped my finger, squeezing and pushing, trying to power it out with her contractions, but I jammed it further in. She grunted, pushing back on my hand, and I realized I was also grunting softly as I jammed my hand into her bottom, then she shuddered and went limp, twitching strongly as I slid my finger out of her butt and continued to massage the lotion down the backs of her legs.

She was still breathing heavily when I finished around her calves and ankles, and I had to help her roll onto her back.
"Are you going to do your own front, or do I have to do that too?"

"Oh, you might as well, since your hands are already all greasy." She smiled up at me, sexy and slow. "Besides, you're just getting the hang of it!"

I looked at her big nipples, rosy and hard, as I squirted a jet of warm liquid into my hand. Sunscreen, I mean.


Posts: 328
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Hey SD

WOW great story so many things going on!!! I have to re-read it several times to enjoy all the detail etc!


Are you trying to get as many charaters as GH does in his stories???

Great Work!!!


Posts: 1914
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I'm missing you already and you haven't gone yet. Still, if all these trips away working are giving you characters like this, maybe you should take more trips - or tell us all where to get jobs like that !

I'm sure we would all like a little bit of Kori in our lives..... another great section.


Posts: 277
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Finaly, I can waite for the next part. Hope you do well in your trip and we will be waiting


Posts: 492
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Have a safe trip SD, see you when you return.



Posts: 1459
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oliverra, TrF2, cd, and peak - thanks for the comments and good wishes. The trip went well, despite the unusual cool wet weather and some heavy storms, (actually got snowed on in the backcountry, in June, at altitude!) but it's good to be back. The time away is sometimes inspirational. We'll see!

Meijer - thanks, glad you like it and I appreciate the comments. If I get many characters in the story like GH does, it sure won't be all at one time! He's great at that, but I think I'd have trouble keeping up with everyone. I will probably stick to smaller groupings. Probably.


Posts: 277
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Glad to see you back safe and sound.


Posts: 1459
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Kneeling next to her I began to rub the lotion on her lower legs, being sure to get the tops of her feet. I know from experience how painful it is to sunburn your feet. As I worked up her legs I became aware of the fact that her hips were continuing to rock back and forth, pumping her pussy forward as if to meet the thrusts of a lover, and I realized that she was still very aroused. I don't think she was even truly aware that she was doing it.

I glanced up at her face, her eyes closed and lips slightly parted, her skin flushed. My eyes wandered down to her trim pussy, the small triangle of soft down just covering her pubic bone, the remainder of her sex smooth and soft. With her legs slightly parted I could see the rosy pink inner lips of her pussy protruding, puckered and swollen, between the pouty, tan outer lips, glistening wetly with her arousal.

I straddled her and continued to spread the sunscreen up her thighs, feeling the muscles bunch and relax as she pumped her hips. I imagined that I could smell the feminine muskiness of her aroused pussy, despite the cool lake breeze blowing across us, and I suppressed a powerful urge to bury my face in her aroused sex, so close and so available, to push my tongue inside of her and taste her heat. Maybe I wasn't just imagining her scent after all; I was painfully aroused.

I quickly climbed off of her and slapped the bottle of lotion onto the deck beside her outstretched hand. "Here! You do the rest yourself, you can reach everything that's left."

She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"Yes Kori, you came! I shouldn't have made you cum!"

"It's OK Adam, I can cum again. In fact, I'd love to!"

I stared at her. "That's not what I meant. I meant it shouldn't have happened at all."

"Then you shouldn't have put your finger up my ass. Which felt really good, by the way." She giggled.

"Damn K, you came so fast! I was just trying to tease you, to teach you a lesmister."

She pretended to pout. "Well, I was horny. Very horny, thanks to your story about huge, hard black cocks, so it's your fault. And that was a great lesmister you taught - I'm ready for my next one, in case there's anything else you think you should put up my ass."

"Forget it K, you just finish putting on the sunscreen so you don't burn. You can see where I've done, almost up to your horny little junction. I'm going up front to talk to Ronnie, where I'll be safe."

Kori laughed, then looked at my crotch. "Um, you may want to go get a beer or something and give that bulge a chance to shrink a little. It's pretty hard to miss right now."

She was right, and I followed her advice, even dawdling an extra minute or two while my erection slowly faded before grabbing two cold beers and walking up front to join Ron. As I passed Kori I reminded her to finish with the lotion job, as she had just laid back down and dozed off without doing so. She muttered "Nag!", but sat up and reached for the bottle.

I stopped next to Ron, looking out over the lake and the beautiful, rugged shorelines. "Beer there buddy, or are you the designated driver?"

He looked at the cold, brown bottle and licked his lips. "I guess I could afford just one. Open it for me, will you?"

As I twisted off the top, he looked sideways at me. "So did you get my wife all lubed up and ready for action?"

I shook my head. "I had to quit and let her finish up the rest. I got her back done pretty good though, and her legs."

"Did it make her horny? It usually makes her pretty horny when she gets her ass and legs done like that. I'm surprised she didn't make you diddle her a little."

I didn't know what to say! "Shit Ronnie, I don't know! I guess it probably made her pretty hot, yeah. You want me to take over here so you can go attend to that problem?"

He considered that. "No, no, I think it will do her good to stay horny for awhile. It builds character, don't you think?"

"I wouldn't know."

He laughed out loud. "Shit Adam, if you don't know, who does? I've never seen anyone deny themself satisfaction and stay horny as much as you do - if it works you must be packed full of character, you poor, horny sumbitch! You're sure packed full of something!"

I had to laugh along with him, even if it was at my own expense. "Lay off Ronnie, you know how your wife likes to tease me! I'm doing the best I can, I mean look at her!"

We both turned to look. She had gotten to her feet, and we watched as she squirted a long stream of the oily liquid across her shoulder, breasts and stomach, looking momentarily like the star of a bukkake scene gone wrong before beginning to rub it into her warm skin. We stared as she just massaged the lotion into her skin, unaware she had an audience, touching herself anywhere, everywhere, *** to the effect it was having on two men. Her hands moved across her breasts, nipples erect and proud, then down her soft, flat stomach and into the creases at the tops of her thighs and between her legs. I could see drops of the ivory liquid in her pubic hair, waiting to be rubbed in, and imagined that I had just pulled out of her wet pussy and sprayed my load onto her mound to create the same look.
Shit fire!

I didn't realize I'd spoken out loud until Ronnie said "I'll say cuckolds brownie fire! My wife is a pretty damn hot babe, isn't she? Hey honey, you're *******ing us up here! If there was anything to run into, I'd have probably wrecked the boat by now!"

Kori looked up and smiled, actually blushing slightly upon realizing she was being watched, but then she went into an exaggerated show of rubbing in the lotion, fondling her own tits, pinching and stretching her nipples, squeezing her breasts until her nipples looked swollen and tender, in need of kissing. She then moved on to her pussy, pushing her hand between her legs and humping against it.

I would have thought she was just putting on a show for us, but this being Kori, and knowing how horny she was, I was pretty sure she actually had fingers inside of herself and was actively rubbing her own hard clit, and could (and would) probably bring herself to orgasm while we watched!

I pushed Ronnie out of the seat at the helm. "Go! Go take your slut wife and get her rocks off before she hurts herself! For the love of god, go help that poor horny woman, chivalry demands it!"

He laughed as he walked toward his wife, who continued to frig herself, now moaning softly as she did so. He looked back at me. "Adam, just keep aiming toward that tall red rock, the one that looks like an enormous tit. There's a bay behind there where we can stop for the night."

They disappeared down the steps, but obviously didn't get far, as I soon overheard Kori approaching and then attaining one major orgasm, then a second, crying out, calling Ron names and demanding that he satisfy her, moaning, grunting, swearing, far beyond caring who heard her. She had apparently needed this release badly, and I was glad Ron could provide for her needs. Now if only I had someone to provide the same for my ludicrously stiff cock and swollen, aching balls!


Posts: 1914
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It can only be a matter of time !

Welcome back Stormy.


Posts: 492
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Glad your trip went well and welcome back.



Posts: 1459
#390 · Edited by: stormydog 
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cd, peak, and TrF2 - thanks, it's mostly good to be back, although I do enjoy the trips also. And, on with the story!

It eventually quieted down, Kori apparently either satiated or having moved to another room. Or, I suppose, she could have had her mouth otherwise occupied. I focused on the mountain that Ron had pointed out and tried not to think about them having sex nearby, and soon noticed that the rock did not appear to be getting significantly closer. The clear desert air made it difficult to judge distances, and I wasn't at all certain how big the formation actually was, which further muddled my perception.

It was peaceful, chugging along up the lake. I saw a couple of other houseboats, as well as a speedboat pulling a skier, and a couple of people on WaveRunners. Powell is a huge lake though, and all were well spread out. There was certainly no sense of crowding. I tried to focus on the scenery and the other activity and ignore the dull, tingling ache in my groin, with moderate success. This could prove to be a very long week with Kori teasing me, especially considering I wasn't at all certain I'd get laid even after Tiffany showed up. Oh well, it wouldn't be the first time I'd had to take matters into my own hands!

I had been riding along, daydreaming, for probably twenty minutes or so when Ronnie came back up to the top deck and walked up beside me. I glanced at him, then did a double-take and burst out laughing! His lips were swollen and red, his face looked like a glazed donut, and both sides of his face and the hair on both sides of his head were greasy with tanning lotion, obviously from Kori having his head firmly pinned between her thighs!

He looked at me. "What's so funny?"

"Oh come on Ronnie, gimme a break! I'm going to go way out on a limb here and guess maybe you've been doing a little muff diving?"

He grinned a little sheepishly, rubbing his hand across his face and down his chin, removing a little bit of his glaze. "Oh. Kind of obvious, huh? Well, fuck you, you're just jealous it wasn't you doing it."

He had me there, I would have gladly serviced his wife in any way she desired! "Well, it sure sounded like she enjoyed it anyway."

He puffed up a little. "Yeah, it did, didn't it? Damn I'm good! And nothing goes with the taste of horny pussy like cold beer. Want one?"

"Cold beer, or horny pussy?"

"I meant beer, asshole. At the moment there are no horny pussies on board this boat!"

I heard Kori's voice from behind me. "Whew! That's for damn sure! No matter what everyone says about my husband, the man has a very talented tongue."
She stopped next to me and leaned her still naked body against me. With me sitting at the helm and her standing alongside, my face was about even with her neck, which was still flushed with arousal. Her rosy nipples also still appeared to be quite erect, and I could smell the combination of sex and coconut oil on her body. As Ronnie walked off to fetch the beers, Kori leaned in and gave me a long deep kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I sucked on her tongue, and gave her mine in return.

She pulled back. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that. You know, considering where my mouth has just been."

"Oh Kori, yuck!" I made a big show of spitting overboard, although I had not noticed any unusual taste. Actually, she had tasted quite sweet, her lips and tongue soft and warm.

She laughed. "Don't worry Adam, he didn't cum in my mouth, I just sucked him for awhile, and licked his balls. He did cum on my tits though, if you'd like to try again."

I leaned back and looked at her beautiful full breasts, nipples proud and jutting, and saw what might have been a thin sheen of semen on her left one. I knew she was daring me, again, and I quickly leaned in and sucked her right nipple into my mouth, sucking hard and tasting only sunscreen and a little salty sweat. She gasped and leaned into me, pressing her breast to my lips.

"God! Now do this one!" She pulled away, then pushed her left tit to my face, and before I could stop to think about it I gave that stiff nipple the same treatment. There was a slightly different feel, more slippery, and a mildly musky taste, but at that particular moment I was proving a point, calling her bet, and was far too horny to care anyway! What's a little semen among friends, if one is horny enough to not give a damn!

She pulled away, shivering. "Adam, my god! You started that last session by putting your finger up my ass, and now you've made me horny all over again. Stop it, or you're going to wear poor Ronnie out!"

We both laughed as we separated, just as Ron returned with three ice cold beers. "What's going to wear me out?"

"Adam, honey. He's being bad and making me all horny and wet so that I have to keep coming to you for relief!"

Ron laughed. "Fate worse than death for me huh, having to keep my gorgeous horny wife satisfied. That doesn't seem like such a bad job. Face it though dear, you running around naked and acting all slutty, you're making yourself horny, so don't blame it on Adam!" He slapped me on the shoulder. "As a matter of fact, he's probably the one I should feel sorry for, with you being such a cock-tease."

Kori got right up in his face, her hand behind his neck, and nuzzled his lips with her own as she rubbed her erect nipples against his chest. "How do you know I'm just teasing, dear? Maybe I'll just drop to my knees right here and give Adam's big cock a little special attention while you watch. I bet he's all hard and would love a little lip service. Would I still be a cock-tease if I did that?"

He didn't answer immediately, and I seemed to have become mute. Before anyone could speak, we heard the buzz of a powerboat approaching, and it broke the moment enough that Ron stepped to the side and looked behind us. He grabbed a towel and tossed it to Kori.

"Here, it looks like they're coming right toward us. You better cover up for awhile."

She wrapped the towel around herself and tucked it above her breasts the way women do. It was very short, ending just below her cute little cootchie, and she still looked very sexy. Within moments the boat came alongside and I heard the engine throttle down. Ron signalled me to cut ours as well, so I did, then stood and walked to the railing as we drifted to a stop.

Ron and Kori stood at the railing, looking down at the smaller motorboat that had come directly to us, one of the male occupants gripping our railing to keep themselves alongside. The boat also contained two women and another man, at the wheel. All looked to be between twentyfive and thirtyfive years old, one of the women looking youngest and one of the men maybe a little older than that.

All were wearing swimwear, the women in small bikinis that showed off a couple of very nice figures, one of the guys in baggy nylon trunks, and the other, the one at the rail, in a tiny skin-tight Speedo in which he appeared to be smuggling fruit. Lemons and a large banana, to be precise. It was pretty disgusting, Kori becoming so disgusted she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from his fruit basket.

The guy holding the railing yelled up. "Hi folks, I hope we're not interrupting anything."

Ronnie answered. "No, not at all. Do you want to tie up and come aboard for a take or something?"

The same guy answered. "We'd love to, but we have a lot of ground to cover. Or a lot of water, I guess I should say. I'm Doug, that's Steve, and these are Meg and Pam, and we're going around inviting everyone to a big party tomorrow night in Smuggler's Cove. It's on your map, downlake a few miles from here."

I answered. "Hi guys, ladies. I'm Adam, this is Ron and his wife Kori." Everyone briefly exchanged hellos. "Where do you have your big party, is there a good beach there or something?"

Steve answered. "Well, there are a couple of nice pull-out spots, but we're trying to get a bunch of houseboaters together, then we lash the boats all together and make a big floating island. This is a great boat, with the hot tub and the slide and all. Get there early and we'll put you guys in the middle!"

We looked at each other and kind of came to a silent mutual agreement. Ronnie spoke up. "What the hell, sounds like fun. We'll try to be there - what time are you shooting for?"

Doug again. "Come anytime, it won't get really going until dark, but if you want to be in the middle try to be there by six."

One of the ladies, I think the one he had called Pam, spoke up. "Um, you guys don't have any kids on board do you? These parties tend to not be the best place for kids."

Kori answered. "Nope, just the three of us. Some of our friends cancelled out on us."

Pam responded. "Really, just the three of you on this big boat? Well, it's usually good to be an extra man at these things. You should enjoy it Adam, you'll be in demand." She smiled at me as I blushed.

I looked at Doug, who for some reamister I assumed was Pam's husband, and noticed that he was staring up at Kori. I quickly realized he was looking squarely at her pussy, which would be plainly visible from his angle, beneath her short towel.
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