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My boss and the promotion

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My wife Janet and I have been married 5 years and since we are both professionals we have yet to have youngren. Janet is a petite 5', 114 lb, brunett and looks great in anything she wears, but when she dresses up she looks fantastic. Last year the holiday parties were held at a nice hotel, booked into suits the idea being we could all take and be merry without worrying about driving afterward. My boss Carlos is from Spain originaly and is a very charismatic man who seems to make friends instantly. During the evening he struck up a couple conversations with us on topics from, how lovely Janet looked tonight, to work issues. I had been vying for a promotion to a managerial position in the Engineering department and he discussed the candidates for the job with us. It became apparent that I wasnt his first choice although he didnt come out and say it bluntly, he remained charming throughout the evening but none the less I could tell I wasnt going to get the position and my wife could read the disappointment all over my face no matter how hard I tried to hide it. Carlos wandered away to mingle some more and Janet clasped my hand and whispered "oh screw him", in a moment of frustration I grumred "yea well that would probaly work". My wife looked at me with a shocked expression and stammered "I didnt mean it that way".

The party started slowing down and couples were leaving at intervals, so Janet and I headed up to our suit. My wife changed into a very pretty light blue teddy and was flirting with me in an attempt to cheer me up. I was still dressed and sulking on the couch, Janet was rubbing my shoulders when there was a knock at the door, she pulled her shorty robe on and sat back down. I secured the little metaldevice that prevents the door from opening fully and opened it to find Carlos standing there. "You know I was thinking Alex, we should discuss that position some more, this is the perfect oppurtunity for you to convince me, your the man for the job" I felt a rush of hope and led him into the room, He sat on the couch and I took the chair. When Carlos saw Janets short robe his eyes traveled over her legs and up to her face. "I am sorry to have disturbed you two, but I thought maybe you two would like a chance to effect my choice for the position". Carlos smiled brightly at me then at my wife, Janet seemed to lock eys with him for a moment. I was about to start pointing out the quality of my work on some of the key contracts I oversaw when my boss looked around the room as if searching for something, then smiled at me, "Alex maybe you should run down and get us all a fresh take before the bar closes, what do you say Janet would you like Alex to get you a nightcap"? It was an odd request, I mean a hotel this nice certainly had room service. I started to say something to that effect when Janet looked at me with a powerd smile and agreed with him, "I think maybe thats a good idea Alex". I stood and Janet walked with me to the door, I was feeling strange about the whole thing but Janet told me she loved me as if she was seeing me off on a long trip, kissed me and closed the door behind me.

The bar was packed with with people and the music was loud, it took better than 20 mins to get the bartender to ignore the women in their clubbing clothes. I finally got the takes and rode the elevator back to the room, thats when I noticed I didnt have my key card. I softly knocked on the door but no one opened it, I tried again but still it was quiet in the room. I shuffled my feet a little not really knowing what to do, I walked back up the hallway and sat on a little sofa in front of the elevators, I drank my take and then the door opened and my wifes head poked out, I got up and returned to the room, Janets hair was tangled and her forehead was sweaty, her robe was barely belted and she looked like frightened little girl, she took her take and drained it on the spot. Carlos emerged from the bathroom straightening his tie, I didnt know what to do or say, I muttered an appology for taking so long and held out his take with the now mostly melted ice cubes, Carlos looked confused then smiled and said "oh...yes. Thankyou Alex. He downed his take and smiled, your lovely wife has convinced me that you really are the man for that position". I looked at her, her face was flushed and glowing with sweat, she did indeed look more lovely than I had ever seen her.

"Alex enjoy the holidays and come see me first thing next week and we will work out the details" Carlos shook my hand in an iron grip and then gently took Janets hand and turning it up, he kissed her wrist while looking into her eyes. Janet had a soft smile on her face for a moment and I even thought I saw her lean towards him slightly, then she self consciencly adjusted her robe and tightend the belt. After Carlos left Janet hugged me and I saw she was crying, she looked at me as if stricken and said she was sorry, so sorry, over and over. I held her and stroked her back. " What just happened honey"? I asked. Janet looked at me and whispered, "I knew what he wanted, I.. I wanted to help you, so I let him". I spoke up, "Its ok honey, I would never have asked you to do something like that, in fact had I caught on earlier I would have stopped it". Suddenly I noticed the hickies on her neck, I saw how she was moving gingerly. "Did he get rough"? I asked. Janet looked at me a moment then said "no, no its not that honey, he was just so.." she stopped. "What, hes what"? Janet looked at me strangely, paused as if to find a new word and replied," passionate, he was just so passionate". I tried to insert some humor and pointed the marks on her neck, "I see that" I chuckled half heartedly. Janet looked in the mirror and turned up the collar to hide them, " I'm so sorry", she whispered yet again. When I pulled the covers back, there was not one but two very large wet spots on the bed, Janet looked sheepish at me and pulled the second sheet back over them and climbed into bed, I lay awake all night, shocked and confused by what had happened and the fact it somehow made me aroused. Janet went to relax as if exausted.

I got the promotion and a nice corner office with a window. Over the next couple weeks things went back to normal and none of us ever mentioned what happened that night. The first week after the party Janet complained of pre-menstral cramps and we did not have sex that week or the next, but after that we returned to our normal sex life. Janet was alot more animated in bed though, she made love like she was in a struggle, she was.... hmm passionate. I have to admit I had more than one fantasy about the event and never failed to cum imagining it. About 2 months after my promotion, I came home from work and found Janet freshly showered and wrapped in a towl, She seemed in a hurry to get in her PJs and avoided looking at me or getting too close. Later that evening I opened a bottle of wine and we watched a movie, Janet relaxed and we cuddled until bed time. When the movie was over we went up to bed, Janet stood for a moment looking at me biting her lip, then said. "Honey, Carlos was here this afternoon" I looked at her not quite understanding. "Here? he was here? What did he want? I mean..." I stammered. lowering her eyes, Janet whispered "it's the forth time he has come here since the party." My wife unbottoned her PJ top and let it fall to the floor, both her breasts had large sucker bites around the nipples. Janets bottoms followed them to the floor and as she crawled into bed I saw her pretty little slit was red and puffy. We kissed and held each other, I slipped between her thighs and she winced a little. "are you ok?" I asked. "Just a little sore he's alot bigger... I.. mean he is kinda big, but I'm used to him now." I slid into my wifes once tight little pussy and found it very hot and wet. The thought that my boss was screwing my wife on a regular basis and that Janet not only was letting him but commented his cock was bigger than mine sent me right over the edge way to soon and left her unsatisfied. As I was laying there feeling a little inferior, I couldnt help but ask "How big is he?". "Its not like I measured it" Janet shot back.

As I laid there I felt a rythmic motion beside me and noticed that my wife was slowly rubbing her clit, then pushing two fingers into her wet slit and moving them in a large circlular motion, her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed, Janets lips were parted in a silent moan, she looked so sexy and enthralled with what she was doing. My wifes movement became faster and she arched her back in esctasy as she was rocked with the orgasm I failed to give her. When she recovered Janet smiled at me and pulled me close, whispering that it was ok and we would work things out. "I think your turned on by the whole thing arent you?" My wife asked. "Yea I guess I am, a little" I admited. Janet smirked and told me she would be seeing Carlos on friday and she would ask him to take a picture of his cock so I could see just what he was fucking her with.

R Briars


Posts: 246
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great story


Posts: 515
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hey sillyman,

enjoyed that immensely. has she continued to fuck him regularly? how have things been since you found out you were a cuck & liked it? have you tried creampies since?
come on dude, that was just a prologue. we NEED to hear the subsequent juicy details!
by the way, love the picture of janet: she's gorgeous; anymore of her available?

keep up the good work


Posts: 34
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awesome story


Posts: 85
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Great story...Now that you seem to have gotten the promotion I think the best thing that you should do, is to take the extra money you are getting and build a nursery onto your house for when Carlos puts his baby into Janets belly.
She's hot. I'd fuck her pregnant if I had the chance...


Posts: 85
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Great story...Now that you seem to have gotten the promotion I think the best thing that you should do, is to take the extra money you are getting and build a nursery onto your house for when Carlos puts his baby into Janets belly.
She's hot. I'd fuck her pregnant if I had the chance...


Posts: 877
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Love it, please lets hear more. Have they made you serve them yet?


Posts: 83
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Things were a little strained after I found out that Carlos and Janet were still having sex, not only did I have mixed feelings about it, on the one hand I was mad that Carlos had been coming to my house to screw my once very conservative wife but I was also strangly aroused by the thought that all it took was a man with a thick heavy dick to turn my wife on to sex. Janet it seemed now that she had had the forbidden fruit was no longer satisfied with my less than average endowment. Carlos was stopping at my house a couple times a week, and Janet was accompanying him to some buisness dinners as his date.Soon when Janet did allow me to have sex she seemed uninterested and when I invariably came too soon she at first whispered "thats alright honey as long as you had fun" but it wasnt long before she would sigh and turn away from me disgusted. I started giving her oral sex as many times a week as she would allow me because I wanted to prove I could still get her off, many times I would find myself looking at her red and puffy pussy and knew I was tasting my bosses cum. Things really took a bad turn when Carlos called me into his office and imformed me that he was taking a vacation back to Spain and that Janet would be accompanying him for the week. Carlos also imformed me that the reamister for his trip was to interview a new chief engineer who would eventually be my boss.

When I got home that evening Janet was busy packing her things, she was very excited about going to Spain and I couldnt help but notice how pretty she looked as she hustled around the room looking for the appropriate clothing to pack. Janet came downstairs later and asked if I wanted to go with her to the mall, she said she just didnt have the right clothing for the warm weather. At the mall Janet picked out some pretty sun dresses and some shorts then went to the lingerie dept. and picked out all new panties and bras then selected a pink nighty. At home I noticed that Janet had packed the blue gown that was my favorite, it was the one she wore when she first met Carlos, the night he made her his woman. I asked her about the blue dress and she said that Carlos had promised to take her to an opera in his hometown and that she wanted to look her best in front of his family On Sunday morning Janet pecked me on the cheek and told me she would see me on the next sunday night.

Three days into the week Janet Emailed me and said she was having a great time and she had the day to herself while Carlos interviewed my new boss. On friday I got an Email from Carlos telling me to pick them up at the airport on sunday afternoon. When I arrived at the airport on sunday I found Carlos and Janet waiting at the pick up lane, Janet looked radiant, she was smiling and talking to a dark skinned gentleman. As I loaded up three sets of lugage into the trunk Carlos smiled and introduced me to Mahmoud Nazeem, and imformed me that I would still be in charge of the department but I would now be reporting to Mahmoud. Mahmoud was an articulate man and seemed interested in his new position. After dropping Mahmoud off at the Hilton and Carlos at his home Janet and went home, Janet was excited and told me all about the trip.
At home that night Janet entered the bedroom wearing a very sheer PJ outfit, the legs were slit up to her hips with only a silk robe belt holding them together , the shirt was a belly type with sleeves that were slit from the cuff to the shoulder. her hair was covered in a silk scarf. she twirled and primped in the mirror turning this way and that. When I attempted to hold her in my arms she kinda froze a little then relaxed and allowed me to explore her body, she sat at her make-up table and slid the pants to the floor then spread her legs and crooked her finger at me, I immediatly dove in, I was detirmined that I would show her I could get her off. As I licked her slit she sighed and arched her back, she pulled med face tight to her mound and started humping my tongue until she was rocked with an orgasm, as her body convulsed a large amount of fluid was pushed out into my mouth and I greedily sucked her until she was purring like a kitten.

Janet knelt beside me and started rubbing my rock hard cock, I looked down to see her holding it with her thumb and two fingers as she stroked it, suddenly it seemed to look very small in her hand and I imagined how many times she had probably stroked Carlos , it certainly filled her fist I was sure, the thought of her moaning under my boss with his very thick cock in her made me shoot, Janet cleaned it up with a soft cloth she had on her dresser and kissed my cheek, goodnight honey she whispered and got into bed.


Posts: 683
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Wonderful story as we enjoy the updates. Is it possible to provide any more pics of your lovely wife Janet?


Posts: 877
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Another good one. Thought she might have made you clean your mess up as you obviously do her lovers. I say lovers because I think Mahmoud has joined your boss.


Posts: 59
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Very nice job. I suspect CUCKSLUT is correct, that Janet is now spreading her legs (and her ass cheeks) for both Carlos and Mahmoud on a regular basis.
Rating: 10, 2 votes.
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My boss and the promotion
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