Posts: 4050
Good morning Mel
Although I think it's probably afternoon in the UK. Thankyou, that was a very nice thing to say.
I won't make any comments on the plot just yet. I guess we just have to see how all this unfolds.
Posts: 4050
The next morning I woke up before Ginger. I watched her relax for a few moments and then I slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom.
I showered, shaved and brushed my teeth. When I was done I left my toothbrush and hairbrush out and grabbed a clean towel.
Ginger was awake when I walked back into the bedroom.
She smiled when she saw me. "Good morning Mikey."
I smiled back. "Good morning."
I sat down on the edge of the bed.
Ginger sat up and kissed my cheek. "Are you still glad I'm here?"
I nodded. "Yes, waking up and finding you in bed next to me this morning was like having a fantasy come true."
Ginger stared at me. "Mikey that was a lovely thing to say."
I got embarrassed and stared at the floor.
Ginger started to giggle. "You are absolutely the sweetest boy I have ever met and you deserve a reward for being so sweet."
She pushed me down on the bed, slipped between my legs and picked up my little penis.
Ginger looked up at me and grinned. "This is my private toy now. I don't want to hear about any other girls getting to play with it."
I knew that Ginger was just teasing me, but I was more than willing to comply with her directive. As far as I was concerned, Ginger Taylor could own me if she wanted.
"I love my little toy. It's so easy to make it stand up."
I looked down. I had an erection.
Ginger looked up at me and smiled. "Mikey honey you are about to get your very first blow job."
I watched Ginger. She gently held my tiny erection between her index finger and her thumb. I gasped as she slipped her lips around the head of my little penis and started to suck on it. I closed my eyes. The next minute was pure bliss for me.
It didn't take Ginger long to make me cum. When it happened, she kept my cock in her mouth while I ejaculated.
When I was done she sat up, licked her lips and smiled at me. "Mikey I love the taste of your cum." She leaned forward. "It really is wonderful. You should have a little taste."
Ginger started laughing, grabbed my face and gave me a big wet cum filled kiss on the lips.
I know that I should have been horrified, but I wasn't. There was absolutely nothing that Ginger Taylor could do that would horrify me.
After she kissed me, Ginger stared at me with a big smile on her face. "Come on Mikey, do it. Lick your lips."
At that moment I would have done anything that Ginger told me to do.
I grinned at her and licked my semen off of my mouth.
Ginger giggled. "Doesn't it taste wonderful!"
The consistency was a little difficult to cope with, but It really didn't taste all that bad so I smiled and nodded.
Ginger laughed. "Mikey you're so much fun."
Suddenly she got very quiet and just stared at me. After a moment she put her arms around me and hugged me. I hugged her back. We didn't say anything. We didn't have to. At that moment, with that hug, we told each other that we cared.
Finally Ginger let go of me and sighed. "I need to use your bathroom."
I handed her the towel I'd brought out. "This is a clean towel in case you want to take a shower. I left my tooth brush and hairbrush out so you can use them if you want to."
Ginger giggled. "We must be getting very serious about each other if we’re sharing a toothbrush."
I smiled at her. "We can be toothbrush buddies."
Ginger laughed. "I like that." she kissed my cheek. "Toothbrush buddy, I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be right back."
I watched Ginger run into the bathroom. She was gorgeous.
Posts: 4050
I walked out to the kitchen. Tony was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. As I opened the refrigerator he said, "It sounded like you had fun last night," I took out four eggs and block of cheese. I set them on the kitchen counter and turned to Tony. "It was the most amazing night of my life." Tony grinned at me. "That's how it sounded." I shook my head. "I'm sorry if I made your evening difficult." He laughed. "Are you kidding me. Vicarious sex is the only kind I get." I cooked two omelets. Just as I was setting them on plates, Ginger walked into the kitchen. She was freshly showered and her blonde hair was brushed. She wasn't wearing any makeup. She was gorgeous. I stared at her. "you're the most beautiful woman in the world." Ginger turned to Tony and grinned. "If you want to get laid, pay attention to him. He knows exactly what to say to a girl." I smiled at Ginger. "I made cheese omelets. Would you like one?" Ginger nodded. "I would love one." As she sat down at the kitchen table she shook her head. "Mikey I've slept with a hundred guys. You're the first one who ever made me breakfast in the morning." I laughed. "I guess that makes me the perfect lover." Ginger stared at me. "I am starting to believe you might be the perfect boyfriend." I stared back at Ginger. After a moment I said, "I think I’d like to try to fill that role." She winked at me. "It won't be the easiest job in the world." I sighed. "No I don't think it will be, but I’d still like to apply." Ginger smiled. "Really?" She paused, "I think I'm getting very excited about Monday." When we were done with our breakfast I walked Ginger to her dormitory. When we got to the front steps she hugged me. "Mikey I had a wonderful night." I smiled at Ginger. "So did I." I sighed. "Monday seems like it's a long ways off." Ginger kissed me. "It will come very quickly." She patted my cheek. "I have to go." Ginger turned and ran into her dorm. I stood on the steps for a moment and wondered exactly what I was getting into.
Posts: 4050
#4 · Edited by: goodhusband
I was all alone Friday evening.
Tony had left about an hour earlier to go home to visit his family. It was his usual weekend routine. His parents had a dairy farm in southeastern Wisconsin. I'd gone home with him several times. It was a nice place to visit.
I couldn't go home. It wasn't a choice for me. I didn't have a family. My lady got pregnant by a man she met in a cocktail lounge. She didn't even know his last name. I guess you could say that I was a real bastard.
My lady was a good woman and a wonderful mom, but she didn't have any education. She made her living by cleaning other peoples houses.
My lady was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was sixteen. She was dead six months later. She was only forty-one.
The doctors told me that the cancer was just too far along when they found it. Everyone shook their heads and said that my mom should have been getting regular checkups. If they could have caught the cancer earlier they could have saved her.
We didn't have any money. My lady couldn't afford to go to the doctor. America, the land of the free does a very poor job of caring for the health of many of it's citizens.
The county tried to put me into a foster home. I wasn't in a very good state of mind during the period after the death of my lady. I ran away from every home they put me into.
A high school social worker finally saved me. She found an independent living group home for me. Basically I lived on my own. I got a part time job and took care of myself while I finished high school.
Posts: 4050
I made myself some spaghetti. It was my favorite food. After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and tried to study. I couldn't do it. I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about Ginger. I looked at the clock, it was just after 7:30. I doubted that her date had even picked her up yet. All kinds of question occurred to me. Did I know him? Was he taking her out to eat or to a movie before they went to his apartment, or were they just going to go to his place and fuck? I wondered how Ginger was dressed. I imagined that she looked beautiful. She was probably getting ready right now. I pictured her sitting in front of a mirror putting on her makeup. She would want to look gorgeous for her stud.
Posts: 4050
I imagined her date picking her up at her dorm. He would certainly be tall and very handsome. Ginger would most likely give him a kiss when she walked up to him.
Posts: 4050
#7 · Edited by: goodhusband
Suddenly I realized that I was getting excited. I stopped. This was all wrong. Guys weren't supposed to get turned on when they thought about their girlfriends and other men. Guys were supposed to get jealous. I was jealous, there was no doubt about that. At that moment I would have given anything to be with Ginger. But I wasn't with her. Instead she was with another man and she'd made it very clear to me that she fully intended to let that man fuck her tonight. That knowledge should have been tearing me apart; but it wasn't, it was giving me an erection. I felt like a pervert. I tried to power these thoughts out of my mind. I turned on the television. It didn't help. I kept thinking about Ginger and her date. I imagined her holding on to his arm as they walked to his car. I was certain that he'd be one of the rich frat boys, so he probably had a fancy sports car. I pictured them having dinner at a fancy restaurant. Ginger would be flirting with him and laughing at all of his jokes. These thoughts were both incredibly painful and incredibly exciting to me. I started to understand that they were related to my masochism. I got up and went to my computer. I turned it on and went straight to the web sites that dealt with female domination. I started looking at the pictures and imagining that they were Ginger and me. I found a picture of a man groveling at a woman's feet and dreamed about groveling at Ginger's feet when she came home from a date.
Posts: 4050
#8 · Edited by: goodhusband
I started following links on the web sites. Suddenly a site opened up with the word cuckold across the top. I knew what the word meant, but I’d always considered it archaic. Now it was being used in a modern context.
I opened up the site and started reading. There seemed to be several variations on the cuckold theme.
One of the themes struck a chord with me. It was the submissive cuckold whose dominant wife dated other men as a marital right and an expression of her supremacy.
These men were not allowed to play with other women. They were required to remain chaste and faithful while their dominant goddess wives played with any man they chose.
I remembered Ginger’s playful comment when she was fondling my penis this morning. “This is my private toy now. I don’t want to hear about any other girls getting to play with it.”
I took a deep breath as I wondered just how serious she might have been when she said it.
I noticed that most of these men also served their wives as slaves. This was my fantasy. As I read the stories on the site I longed to become Ginger's slave.
The time passed quickly.
I looked at the clock. It was almost 11:00. I imagined that Ginger was in her date's apartment and he was most likely fucking her at this very moment.
Suddenly there was a knock on my apartment door.
Posts: 4050
I got up and went to the door. It was late, I couldn't imagine who would be stopping by at this hour. I opened the door, but left the chain hooked. "Mikey, it's me. Can I come it?' My heart soared. It was Ginger. "Yes of course." I quickly took the chain off and opened the door. Ginger stepped in, took her jacket off and handed it to me. She was gorgeous. Her hair and makeup were perfect and she was wearing a very sexy pink dress.
Posts: 4050
#10 · Edited by: goodhusband
Ginger looked around the apartment. "Where's Tony?" "He went home for the weekend." She smiled at me. "That means we're all alone tonight doesn't it." I nodded. "Yes it does." Ginger walked over, gave me a hug and kissed me. "I missed you Mikey." I sighed. "I missed you to Ginger." She started to kiss me again, but I stopped her. "Ginger what happened to your date?" She looked at me. "You mean Dave Reynolds? Boy was he a dud. He fucked me one time and fell arelax." She patted my face. "I’m actually glad it happened. It gave me a chance to come over and see you." She stopped. "Mikey, I hope it was okay that I just dropped in. Dave's apartment is only two blocks away. I probably should have called, but I thought it would be fun to surprise you." I smiled at her. "It was very nice surprise. I'm glad you came over." "I went into his bathroom and fixed my hair and makeup before I left. I wanted you to see how pretty I looked tonight." “Ginger you look absolutely stunning tonight.” She grinned at me. "I was hoping you would think that." "Did you get any dinner?" "Oh yes, Dave took me to a fancy restaurant downtown. It was called the Goldenrod Supper Club. I had a nice steak." She grabbed my hand. "Let's go into your bedroom. I want to play with your cute little dicky." Ginger led me into my bedroom. As soon as we were inside she noticed that my computer was turned on. I was horrified. I knew exactly what I'd been looking at when she knocked on the door. Fortunately the screen saver was on. I tried to get to the computer and turn it off, but Ginger beat me to it. She tapped my mouse. "I want to see what a math wiz looks at when he's surfing the net." I watched in horror as the submissive cuckold story I’d been reading and the accompanying picture came onto the computer monitor. The picture showed a very slender man lying on his back. He was wearing a dog collar. A very attractive young woman was sitting on his face. She was holding a leash that was attached to the man's collar. The caption under the picture read. "That's right baby, lick all of my lover's cum out of my cunt." Ginger looked at the picture and read the caption. After a moment she turned and looked at me. I was totally flummoxed. I didn't know what to do. I started to mumble, "Ginger, I'm sorry. I ah..." She stopped me and smiled. "Mikey you are full of surprises. I think I would like to read this story and then I want to talk about it with you. I think that you and I might be able to create some very fun games tonight."
Posts: 438
 It's coming along great GH Mel x
Posts: 4050
#12 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thanks Mel your support is always appreciated.
This one is starting slowly, but it's beginning to gain a little momentum.
In previous stories you were one of the poeple who really stressed the idea that cuckolding and domination don't really have much meaning unless there is a bond between the two people. It takes a little time to establish that bond.
Thankyou very much for all your insights and all your support.
Posts: 4050
#13 · Edited by: goodhusband
I sat on the bed and nervously waited while Ginger read the story.
The story was about a young couple who were exploring domination and cuckolding.
After about twenty minutes she turned to me. "I think I've read enough for one night. It's time for us to talk."
She got up, walked over to me and sat down on the bed.
I stared at the floor.
She kissed my cheek. "Mikey, you don't have to worry, I'm not mad and I'm not offended."
She giggled. "But I'm very excited. Sweetheart, that was one of the hottest stories I've ever read. Do you really want me to do some of those things to you?"
I looked at Ginger and took a deep breath. The cat was out of the bag and it wasn't going to go back in. I really didn't see any point to holding back anymore. I slowly nodded and said, "Yes, very much."
We stared at each other for a moment.
Finally I said, "If you're going to do some of those things, it's pretty important to me that you want to do them."
Ginger thought about that for a moment and then she said, "That makes sense to me."
She pursed her lips. "What I'm having trouble with is that if I do some of these things to you I'm going to be hurting you." She paused. "Mikey, I really like you. I like you more than any guy I've ever met. I think I might be falling in love with you. Tonight on my date with Dave all I could think about was you."
I grinned at Ginger. "I like you to and I know I'm falling in love with you."
She stared at me. "Really?"
"Yes, really."
I picked up her hand and held it. "If I know you love me you can't possibly hurt me."
She looked at me. There was a puzzled expression on her face.
"I'll know that anything you do or say, you won't really mean and I know you would never do anything that would actually injure me."
She nodded as she thought about that. Finally she looked at me and smiled. "Okay, do you want to try it?"
"Very much."
"One thing before we start."
"What's that?"
"If I really am going to cuckold you then you have to be my boyfriend or it wouldn't make any sense."
"Do you want me to be your boyfriend?'
Ginger smiled at me. "More than anything in the whole world."
"Ginger Taylor I would love to be your boyfriend." I grinned. "I've never had a girlfriend."
Ginger kissed me. "Well you have one now."
Posts: 4050
Ginger broke off the kiss and stared at me. There was a mischievous look in her eyes. "Little Mikey, "She giggled. "That's going to be the first of many names I come up with for you. Little Mikey I have one more question for you." "What is it." She started laughing. "Why aren't you on your knees?" I took a deep breath. We were actually about to do it." I quickly got on my knees. Ginger smiled and patted my head. "That's a good little boy. You’re being very obedient. I like that." She stuck her right foot out. "Kiss my toes." I held Ginger's foot in my hands and reverently kissed her toes. She quickly jerked her foot away. "That was very nice, but you were enjoying a little too much. I think that your going to have to do a little work before you get to have that much fun." Ginger lifted her dress up and exposed her gorgeous breasts. "Little Mikey, do you like my tits. Dave Reynolds loved them. He kissed them and sucked them for quite awhile before he fucked me tonight."
Posts: 4050
#15 · Edited by: goodhusband
Ginger stared at me. "Dave did fuck me. It's true that he only fucked me one time, but he did a really good job that one time. He has a nice big cock." Ginger laughed. It was a cruel laugh. I could tell that she was enjoying this. She obviously had a little sadistic streak in her. "Dave's cock is a lot bigger that that little toy that you have." Ginger pulled her panties down. "Look at my pussy Little Mikey. Look at how the big man's cock stretched it out." She smirked at me. "I probably wouldn't even be able to feel that pathetic little worm of yours if you put it in me right now." Ginger shook her head. "I don't think I'm going to let you fuck me anymore. I don't know why I'd bother. I couldn't possibly get any pleasure from your little boys pee pee. I think from now on, my beautiful pussy is going to be reserved exclusively for my big strong fraternity studs."
Posts: 4050
Ginger took her dress off and handed it to me. "Little Mikey, go hang this up."
I started to get up.
Ginger leaned over and slapped me hard across the face. "You forgot to ask me for permission to get off your knees slave boy."
I bowed my head. "May I please be allowed to stand."
Ginger shook her head. "Little Mikey, from now on you will always address me as Mistress or Mistress Ginger." She smiled at me. "and I mean at all times and in all places. I am known by everyone at this college as the campus slut. You are now going to be known to everyone as the campus slut's little pet."
A combination of fear and excitement rippled through me. Ginger intended to humiliate me in front of the entire campus.
Ginger stared down at me. She was obviously trying to gauge my reaction to what she’d just said.
As I looked up I suddenly understood. Ginger was a rebel. She openly defied convention and public opinion. She carefully cultivated her reputation as the campus slut. Now she was asking me to join with her in her rebellion.
I thought to myself, I was already a nerd. The people who were going to care already considered me a wimp. I really had nothing to lose.
I smiled at Ginger and said, "Yes Mistress Ginger, I understand."
Ginger looked down at me and grinned. "Mikey, I love you so much."
As I looked up at Ginger there was a ball of fear in the pit of my stomach. I had just agreed to openly live as another permister's slave.
Posts: 112
As usual, another great segment. Keep up the great story GH. I look forward to each new part. 
Posts: 4050
#18 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thanks M37S
As always I appreciate your comments.
I am going to try to post a couple more segments this morning.
Sorry, I have been told I have chores to do. I try to get another segment in this afternoon.
Posts: 4050
Thankyou, those were very kind words. I appreciate them.
I have five major stories posted on the site. the first four are part of a series. Brenda and Bobby, followed by Sandra and Stevie, Roxanne and Willie and April's story.
The fifth story is called The Devil Wears High Heels it is currently not related to the other stories.
I will in the very near future be posting a sequel to The Devil Wears High Heels. It is already completely written.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment.
Posts: 4050
Ginger looked at me. There was a huge grin on her face. "Baby are you as excited as I am?" I nodded. "Yes, I think so." "Don't worry Mikey, we'll talk about all of this later." She took a deep breath. "I'd like to keep playing, is that okay with you?" I smiled. Ginger was obviously still working out the details of how to be a ruthless dominatrix. I looked up at her. "Yes Mistress Ginger, I would very much like to keep playing." Ginger raised her eyebrows. "Oh my, I think I'm going to get to like that title." She took a deep breath. "Slave boy, why don't you try asking for permission to stand again. Let's see if you can do it properly this time." "Mistress Ginger, may I please be allowed to stand so that I can hang your dress in your closet." "My closet?" "Yes Mistress Ginger. If I am in fact your slave, then everything I own must actually belong to you." Ginger started to laugh. "Mikey your imagination is even better than mine." "I think were both doing pretty good." Ginger reached down and pulled me up. She gave me a hug and giggled. "I'm sorry Mikey, I'll try to be meaner in a minute, but I like you so much that I just had to have a hug." I kissed her cheek. "A good slave would be crazy to turn down a hug from his mistress." Ginger swatted my butt. "Go hang my dress up before it gets wrinkled." I hung Ginger's dress in the closet. When I returned She was sitting on the edge of the bed. She was naked. She was twirling her panties on the end of her finger. "Slaveboy, take your clothes off." "Yes Mistress." I quickly disrobed. When I was naked Ginger flipped her panties to me. "Put these on. They seem like the proper outfit for a little sissy wimp like you." Ginger was obviously remembering some of the details from the story she just read. I quickly pulled her panties on. I was so excited that I was afraid I might ejaculate. Ginger sensed my excitement. She smiled. "I see that being a little sissy excites you. I think a permanent change in your wardrobe might be necessary. Boxer shorts are for men. Sissy wimps like you should wear panties. Tomorrow we'll go shopping and buy you a some new underwear. I think that pink and pale yellow might be good colors for you." I was so excited that I could barely talk. I just managed to stammer out the words, "Yes Mistress." Ginger sighed. "Enough talk. I think it's time for some sex. This game has gotten me excited." She lay back on the bed. "Little Mikey, look at my pussy. The big fraternity man fucked me tonight. I think it's time for you to experience the pleasure of licking my cunt after another man's fucked me." I got on my knees. Ginger smiled at me as I leaned forward to kiss her cunt. "I made Dave wear a condom tonight, so he really didn't leave a present for you. Tomorrow night I'm going to the fraternity party. When the party starts to wind down, several guys are going to bring me into one of the bedrooms and take turns fucking me. I'm going to let the last guy do me without a condom." Ginger grinned. "Little Mikey, by the time I finally get back to your apartment it will be early Sunday morning. When I get here I’m going to lie on this bed, spread my legs and serve you your very first cream pie.
Posts: 438
 Another great segment GH, love the balance you show in Ginger, she just has to express her emotion to the one she's falling in love with even in the middle of dominating him.....makes me think back 14 years when Tony and I were first starting out  .......roles and overall dynamics are established over time not instantly and your writing expresses this as usual just right...... I'll wait patiently for your next chapter, thank you GH Mel x
Posts: 4050
Thankyou Mel
You have a very good understanding of what I'm trying to do.
Posts: 4050
#23 · Edited by: goodhusband
Ginger lay back on the bed. She sighed as I leaned forward and kissed her cunt. "Little Mikey, that feels so nice." She piled up the pillows behind her head so that she could watch me pleasure her. "Mikey It's going to be so wonderful to be able to come home to your soothing tongue after a night of wonderful fucking. I could tell Ginger was getting excited, so I found her clit and started sucking it. Ginger went absolutely wild. It took me less than a minute to bring her to her first orgasm. As soon as her climax started I slipped back to my knees and waited patiently while Ginger enjoyed the pleasure that was rippling through her body.
Posts: 4050
#24 · Edited by: goodhusband
When she finally regained her composure she looked down at me. "Kiss my feet Mikey." Ginger extended her toes. I picked up both of her feet and kissed them. Ginger closed her eyes and cooed. After a moment she propped her head up on her pillows and watched me. "Mikey as soon as we got back to Dave's apartment tonight I unzipped his pants and sucked his cock." She closed her eyes for a moment. "Dave's not a very good lover, but he has a nice big cock. Big cocks are fun to suck." She giggled and looked down at me. "Does it get you excited to know that your new girlfriend loves to give blow jobs?" I looked up at Ginger. "Yes Mistress it does." "Are you excited right now?" "Yes Mistress, very much." "Would you like to cum tonight?" "Yes please Mistress." Ginger lifted her feet and pushed them into my face. "Lick the soles of my feet." I took a deep breath. Ginger was making me debase myself in front of her. This was the kind of offense that I was beginning to hunger for. Ginger gasped when she felt me licking the bottom of her feet. As I kissed and licked the bottoms of her toes Ginger looked down at me. There was a serious expression on her face. "Mikey do you promise to be a loyal slave and obey me at all times?" I glanced up at Ginger and realized that this was the beginning of an oath. I swallowed hard. "Yes Mistress Ginger, I do." "Do you promise to openly serve me wherever we go?" We were back to this question. I stared at Ginger. "Mistress is this what you want?" Ginger thought for a moment. "Yes Mikey, it is. We have just a few months left before we graduate from college. After graduation, we may be powerd to conform to the standards of behavior set by our society, but right now we can be free to be who and what we choose to be." She stared at me. "Mikey, I've already made the choice to live openly as a slut at this college. I think it would be deliciously exciting to also live as a dominant mistress with a slave. If the fantasies on that web site I saw earlier tonight really reflect your own fantasies, then this is an opportunity for you to actually live those dreams for the next few months." Ginger could see that I was seriously thinking about this." "I promise to be a benevolent mistress. As long as you obey me I swear I will always treat you with kindness and consideration." She giggled. "You know I love you Mikey. I could never do anything that would actually hurt you." I looked up at Ginger. She just told me she loved me. I was beaming with happiness. "Mistress Ginger, I promise to openly serve you wherever we go." Ginger grinned at me. "Mikey I think that the next few months are going to be very exciting."
Posts: 4050
#25 · Edited by: goodhusband
She reached down and pulled me up on the bed. "Mikey you're becoming a wonderfully obedient slave. I have a little treat for you as a reward for your good behavior." Ginger rolled over on to her stomach. "Slaveboy You have my permission to lick my asshole and masturbate." She started to giggle. 'Fucking and blow jobs are pleasures reserved for real men. A little pussy wimp slave like you has to be satisfied with getting to lick my ass while he masturbates." I was very excited. Ginger was right. This was an opportunity to actually live a sexual fantasy. Ginger sighed as I spread the cheeks of her ass. When she felt me push my tongue into her asshole, she reached back and began massaging her cunt. At the same time I started stroking my little cock.
Posts: 4050
#26 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Mikey when you cum I expect you to catch all of your semen in your fingers. If you get any on the sheets I'll have to spank you." I thought about ejaculating all of my semen on the sheets. The prospect of being spanked by Ginger was very enticing, but I decided against it. Tonight was a night for capitulation and obedience. I came first. Ginger had her second orgasm of the evening while I was ejaculating on my fingers. As soon as she regained her composure after her orgasm Ginger sat up and inspected the sheets. When she was certain that I hadn't soiled them with my semen she grabbed my hand and pushed my cummy fingers into my mouth. "Mikey, you're going to learn to love the taste of semen." As I licked my fingers clean Ginger giggled. "Little boy, Sunday morning you're going to get to taste a real man's cum. It should be a wonderful treat for you."
Posts: 106
Mr. GH. Great story! And the model you chose is perfect! A lot of thought must have gone into the selection.
Thank you.
Posts: 2106
welcome back, gh! just got a chance to catch up and this story is starting out very nicely. you know i tend to lean toward more dominant and bitchy Women, but you always have such a nice blend of loving and dominance that's really hard to resist. looking forward to more of this. it's great to see your work back on this site. priss
Posts: 438
I'm away now till Sunday GH  however Tony has strict instructions to copy and paste all you've written so far, and anything you write whilst I'm gone into a word document so I can read it in it's entirety when I get back  I may have him read it to me over the phone if I can't wait..... Mel x x
Posts: 4050
Thankyou I appreciate your taking the time to tell me your enjoying the story.
The woman is pornstar Missy Monroe. I like her to. Yes I did do quite a bit of searching before I settled on her. There is a certain raw sexuality to her that makes her very attractive.
Nice to hear from you again. I like those nasty doms to, It's just hard to write a long story about them. I end up feeling too bad.
I guess I just need to see some goodness and love in the women I create.
Don't worry, you know the story will wait, and Tony relax, Your task is about to get easier. I've been writing at a furious pace. I have to slow down a little.
To everyone.
I do have to slow down a little. My next post will come at this time Thursday. (It's now Tuesday 5:30 am cst - that's six hours earlier than Greenwich mean time)