Posts: 1459
We made sure we were dressed and fully zipped and all, then Bren took one more peek at our neighbor before we left. Now he was giving someone a blowjob, kneeling in front of the hole on the far side, his cock and balls visible dangling between his legs. Bren kind of wanted to watch, but it quickly became apparent that all we would see was his back, and his head bobbing up and down, so we left.
As we walked into the shop area we had to go around a couple of dvd racks to get to the door, and as we did we heard somebody say "Excuse me!" somewhat loudly, and turned to find a kind of stocky older guy approaching us. It dawned on me pretty quickly that this was the guy whose cum was still slowly leaking out of Brenda, I recognized his plaid flannel shirt. He also had on a jean jacket, and, incongruously, navy blue sweatpants and black work boots. The sweatpants didn't seem to go with the rest of his down-on-the-farm outfit, but it seems that in this arcade elastic waisted pants are the order of the day. Makes sense for ease of access, as I know, but I had not packed with this in mind. The flopping bulge in his pants as he approached made it pretty obvious that he was packing some meat, which of course we already knew. "Can I talk to you two for a minute?" Brenda realized who he was as well, and gave him a big smile. "Oh, hi. Sure, nice to meet you face to face." He laughed at this. He had to be in his 60's, at least, but seemed very robust and fit. There was no sign of any old man shuffle or unsteadiness in his walk. I was all the more impressed with his performance. "Hi, my name is Walt. I sure am glad you showed up tonight." His voice was deep and steady.
I introduced myself and Brenda, and we shook hands. Seemed kind of formal, considering. "Walt, have you been waiting for us?" It had been a good 15 to 20 minutes since he'd left his booth. "Yup, I have. I wanted to meet ya and say thanks, that was realy nice in there." Bren took his hand. "You're welcome Walt. I really enjoyed it too. Hey, we're getting ready to go get some supper, want to join us?" He looked at both of us for a second. "Yah, sure, you bet. I didn't have any dinner yet ya know, sounds good." He looked like a big Swede or something, and I was even more sure he was from Wisconsin or Minnesota, or maybe the Dakotas. I figued I'd find out over dinner. We asked if he knew what was around by way of restaurants, and he seemed to. We settled on Denny's because it was close, fast, and reamisterable, and he invited us to ride with him. I remembered passing the Denny's about a mile or so back west on Stark St. toward the freeway, and knew it would be no big deal for him to drop us back here at Paradise after we'd eaten.
We climbed up into the front seat of his big 4-door pickup, me admiring the way Brenda's thin knit pants clung to her ass and up into her cleft as she got in the middle. I could see that they were wet in the crotch, but because they were light blue it was not too obvious. She got in tight against Walt as he backed out and got that big truck out of the tight lot and turned left onto Stark. Brenda immediately reached into his lap and began squeezing and fondling him. "You really felt good in me Walt, I came several times you know."
"Yah, good, I'm glad. Sorry I came so soon but you were so tight and it had been a long time for me." I just leaned forward and looked at him. "You're kidding , right?" I mean, he had fucked her silly for 20 minutes straight. "Weren't your legs and back about to give out in that position?" He laughed again, deep in his chest. "Yah, well, my knees were pretty sore, but I didn't notice that you know, 'til after I cum. I was distracted, you could say. You're not going to get pregnant, are you girl?"
Bren's not really a girl anymore, we're in our 30's but I guess to him we seemed pretty young. She reassured him that she would not. I thought now was a great time for him to worry about it, well after he'd pumped his load in her. Bren had reached inside his pants by now and was feeling his cock. "Mmmm, I just love the way your big cock feels, so thick."
"Well girl, I don't think you will get another rise out of me tonight, I'm usually good for only one go these days, most times. Usually for longer though. Anyhow, here's the restaurant." Apparently he was not kidding about the 20 minute fuck being fast for him, the old fart. We turnd into the lot and parked.
Posts: 1459
Bren quit fondling him, and we climbed out of his truck. She slid out my side, which gave me a great opportunity to notice how her wet pants were tucked up into her crease. They were so snugly molded to her that they left almost nothing to the imagination, and she made no effort to unwedge them as we walked into the building. The place was pretty empty, only 2 tables currently occupied and 2 guys at the counter. It was pretty late for supper, between 8:30 and 9:00 I'd guess. The girl behind the counter told us to just sit anywhere, and Bren headed toward a booth by the window. It was away from the table where a young couple and 3 kind of noisy, tired kids were sitting (good choice), but we had to walk right past a booth with 2 kind of grungy looking guys, early twenties, and I watched as the guy facing us looked Brenda up and down, and watched his eyes almost bug out when they locked in on her pussy. It was really pretty comical, and he tried to get his friend's attention to turn and look but we were past them before he caught on. We went 3 booths past them before Bren picked one, and she slid in with her back to the door and motioned Walt to sit beside her. Why was I not surprised? I sat on the other side, and watched as the young guy that had ogled Brenda leaned forward and told his friend about it, motioning over toward us none too subtly with his head. The guy leaned out and looked our way, but all he could see by then was the back of Walt and Brenda's heads, and me looking back at him. He quickly looked away. Bren was against the window, with Walt to her left, and I watched as she dropped her left hand back into his lap and began to grope him. She held her arm still, probably still gripping Walt's fat cock, when the counter girl brought our menus and told us John would be our waiter and would be right there. She went back to fondling as she looked at her menu, and I heard Walt mutter "Christ, girl, you're crazy. You'll get us arrested." Bren just laughed. I gave her the heads up when John appeared and headed toward us, and she put both hands on the table. Walt blew out a loud breath of relief. We ordered, 2 Grand Slams and a French Slam. Apparently we were all hungry from the activities we'd enjoyed, and breakfast seemed to be the solution for that. As soon as John walked away, Bren was back at Walt's cock, and in a couple minutes she leaned into him and said, softly, "I thought you said you couldn't get it up again. Were you holding out on me?" It was very exciting for me to know that she was stroking his big hard cock right there under the table, and I got pretty hard too. I could just envision her thin fingers, wedding ring and all, wrapped around that long thick cock that had been so far inside of her just a little while ago. I was hard, I couldn't help it.
Walt put his mouth near her ear and said "I didn't think I would. You could give a dead man a boner, the way you do that. Mmmm, that's it, right there, damn." With her other hand Bren took his right hand and pulled it down to her crotch, and I knew she had her legs spread for him. I took a peek under the table, and yup, her feet were about 3' apart. She gasped and her body jerked, and I knew one of his thick stubby fingers had found its mark. John came back with our takes just then, and they both stopped their action but did not remove their hands. Walt's thick body pretty well filled the booth, so you could not see from above what was going on in his lap, but Bren had to lean forward to hide his big hand in her lap. She had taken off her jacket, so John was focused on her erect nipples shining through her shirt, and probably would not have noticed anyway.
They continued to play as we waited for our food, and I could tell that if he didn't stop soon he was going to bring Bren to an orgasm. Just doing it in the restaurant would have turned her on a lot, and his big cock in her hand and fat finger on her clit was going to be too much. Sure enough, she twitched and pushed her pussy against his finger, and he pressed her wet pants hard against her stiff nub and stroked her. Her right hand, on the table, was clenched into a fist, knuckles white and nails digging into her palm, and all the muscles in her arm and neck stood out. I heard the telltale gasp, and a soft uh,uh,uh,uh, followed by a trembly, whispered "Oh, fuck!", and knew she had cum on his finger.
He brought his hand up, and his finger was visibly wet, even though he had been diddling her through her pants! He sniffed it quickly, then sucked the moisture off and dried it with his napkin. Bren looked dazed, and was breathing heavily, but continued to stroke his cock. "Walter, you're really hard. Your cock feels enormous!" I think she said that too loud, the guy with his back to us leaned out and almost turned before he stopped himself. Bren decided she had better go pee and wash up before our food came, and Walt had to stand to let her out. His cock was hard and enormous, as Bren had said, and very obvious in his sweatpants. Fortunately I was the only permister in a position to see that. Fucking unfair that he should get so much cock when others of us could use a little more.
When Brenda stood I could see that her pants were worse than before, obviously wet, and her puffy pussy lips showing plainly. Naked would have been less erotic. The guy that had missed out before had a perfect shot of her this time, and made no pretense of not looking. He had a moment's hesitation deciding between pussy and nipples, but settled on pussy. After she passed they could not hide the fun they'd had. He was all smiles, and I heard a few whispered comments of "Holy cuckolds brownie! That was amazing. Fuck!" and other similar things until he looked at me and found me looking at him. He made that "busted" face, but I just smiled at him. He might as well enjoy it, he wouldn't be the first.
Posts: 1459
Reading back over it, I'm not sure why I covered the whole restaurant stop and all, but needed to keep my time-line straight. Hope it didn't bore y'all. Or make you hungry for a Grand Slam. Watching the reactions of the 2 guys at the table by us was priceless. I can just about guarantee they jerked off to those memories later. In hindsight, Bren should have invited them to come back to the video booths. They were turned on enough that they probably would have cum very quickly for her.
Posts: 1459
After we wemt back into the store, I had to go break a couple of twenties for some smaller bills for the video machine, and Bren headed back to the arcade to see if the double-gloryhole booth was available. There was a young couple buying a video and a toy, so it took a couple minutes to get change. By the time I got back to the arcade, Bren was standing by the wall where they have the "Now Playing" DVD boxes posted showing what is on the various arcade channels, so I knew the booth had not been available. She was making a pretense of loking at the titles, but I knew she couldn't care less, because she had no intention of watching the screen anyway. There was a tall thin guy pretty close to her, also pretending to look at the boxes, so I stayed back to see what would happen. He had on baggy black sweatpants and a loose-fitting silver nylon jacket with his hands stuffed in the pockets, and one of those dopey knit caps, black, and pulled down over his ears. It was not until he turned to look at her that I realized he was black. He looked her up and down, making no effort to even pretend to be sneaky about it. He must have liked what he saw, because he said "Hi, I'm Chris." For the last year or two, Brenda has had a real thing for black men. The whole huge cock myth has her very curious, and while she's only actually gotten to have sex (oral or whatever) with a total of about 5 black guys, ever, she has not found a really big black cock yet. A couple of pretty good sized ones, yes, including my old college roommate Michael, but not huge. Michael was before her fascination with black guys started, but may have helped lead up to it.
I was curious how she would handle this situation, and I knew she would want to check him out. "Well, hi Chris, I'm Brenda." She gave him her actual name, so I knew her guard was down. I couldn't hear exactly what he said next, but found out later he had asked if she was alone and if she wanted to join him in one of the booths. I did hear her say that she better not because she was with her husband, and then she turned and saw me hanging back. She motioned me over, and introduced me to Chris. He said "Hey, sorry man, I thought she was alone, I didn't mean to be hittin on your wife." I assured him it was no problem, I'd have done the same in his place. We talked for a few moments, then he asked what we were doing. Brenda told him she was waiting for the double-hole booth. He looked back and forth between Bren and me. "Really? That's pretty wild. Well, good luck, see y'all later." He went into one of the private booths, and I think Bren was disappointed that he had slipped away. We couldn't see the gloryhole booths from here by the display board, it was around a corner, so we kind of took turns, one of us staying by the board while the other walked around the corner to check. We were a little worried about seeming to be loitering, most vid stores seem to frown on that. The single hole booths on either side of our target opened up from time to time as guys came and went (no pun intended), but the double one in the middle remained occupied. We were standing together, debating about giving up and taking a single-holer, when Chris reappeared from his booth. His appearance was visibly altered, in part because he had removed his knit cap revealing a shaved head, and in part because he now had an impressively enormous bulge in the front of his baggy pants where they were tented out by his obviously hard cock. It was apparent that he had been enjoying the videos, and probably masturbating. He asked if we were still just waiting, and when we told him we were he just kind of laughed at us. "You must really want that booth, huh?" Bren had definitely noticed his endowment, and was not paying much attention to what he was saying, so I answered him. "Yeah, that'd be something new for us, we wanted to try it out."
Bren looked around to see if anyone was near us, and when she saw it was all clear she reached out and rubbed him through his pants, grabbing his hard cock. "Mmm, that's nice." He had kind of jumped when she grabbed him, and I was surprised when he took her arm and pulled her hand away. "Let me see if I can help you guys." He went over toward the gloryhole booths, with us tailing him, and, finding one of the 2 side booths vacant he went in and closed the door. His little red light indicating he was dropping money in the machine never came on, but within just 3 or 4 minutes the guy that had been hogging the middle booth, the double-gloryhole one, came out and left. We zipped in and closed and locked the door. While I dug out some money to feed the video player, Bren took a look through the holes on both sides. The side Chris had gone into was pitch dark, no video playing. The other side was more rewarding, as she found a guy stroking his hard cock, and motioned me to look. He was just slowly stroking himself, his average size cock very erect and his ballsack tight and round.
Posts: 612
Stormy, I have to tell you that I showed your stories to my wife and she absolutley loved them. I printed them out for her and she layed in bed alone and read them and masturbated. I gave her a few chapters at a time over a few days and it just lit her cunt on fire. She had me fucking her long and hard as we discussed what she read. Though I doubt she would ever go to a hole, she lived out her fantasy with your story. Thanks from both of us and keep on posting. P.S. She would love to see what Brenda looks like. Me too!
Posts: 1459
Wow! Thanks CH, I'm glad she enjoyed the story and as a result you enjoyed her! I know your wife is hot from the photos you posted, so I can picture her laying there and playing with herself, just stroking that wet pussy and hard clit, and, uh, mmm... Sorry, too hard to type one-handed, more later.
Posts: 1459
Bren bent down and stuck her arm through the hole almost to her elbow, palm up. I knew within seconds when she smiled that he had put himself in her hands. "Mmm that feels nice, big, hot and hard." I watched her arm move as she massaged his cock, the small muscles in her forearm working as she pulled him over nearer to the hole. He knew by now of course that it was a woman that had him in her grip, and he seemed very cooperative. I wanted to watch what she was doing, a fact she was fully aware of, so she stopped shy of letting him stick his cock through the hole just to tease me. "Honey, his balls feel really hard, they must be so full of cum. His sack is like holding a tennis ball or something in my hand. You should feel." "Yeah, maybe later. Back up a little, I want to watch." She wouldn't do it, and just kept fondling him with her arm in the hole. Bear in mind that the gloryholes at Paradise are about 6 or 8 inches in diameter, so I tried to lean down and look through next to her arm, but she kept bumping me away with her hip and pushing at my head with her other hand so I couldn't. I'm sure the guy she was squeezing wondered what the hell she was doing as she kept yanking on his cock, but it didn't seem to discourage him. "Stop it, no peeking. Help me get my pants off and you can play with me." With her bent over it was a little tough to get them started, but they are stretchy and I managed. Once past her butt I stripped them right off and threw them on the chair. I ran my fingers up the back of her thighs and saw her shiver. Much as I wanted to stick my fingers into her pussy to see how wet she was, I decided to tease her a litle first, so I kept playing right around the spot she most wanted me to touch, stroking my fingers up the back and the inside of her thighs, sliding a finger down the crack of her ass almost to her asshole, then back up again, just lightly grazing the outer lips of her pussy with a fingertip. She was whimpering and moving her ass around, trying to get more direct contact, but I avoided her moves and kept teasing. I knew she was getting really hot, but it was also *******ing me. I was so fucking hard by now, I'm not sure who I was torturing the worst.
I unzipped and freed my cock with my other hand, that seemed to help a little. We had completely forgotten about Chris in the other booth, but had not heard him leave. I glanced at the dark gloryhole on his side, and I'm sure I glimpsed him watching before he pulled back into the darkness.
I continued to tease Brenda for several more minutes, getting closer and closer to the target, until I let one finger suddenly flick her hard clit. Her whole body jerked hard when I did that, a sudden involuntary spasm, and she gasped. "Oh god! Oh fuck, you asshole, stop teasing me and do it!" I did, pushing my index finger and middle finger deep into her steamy pussy, which put the knuckles of my other two fingers hard against her swollen clit. She came hard and fast, her feverishly hot pussy clamping down on my fingers as she bucked backwards trying to drive them deeper, her clit mashed against my hard knuckles. She was grunting and moaning, totally unintelligible, but the guys on both sides and anyone near our door definitely knew something good had happened. I was just enjoying her pleasure, and the way her pussy was gripping and soaking my hand, my cock rigid as it waved around in the air. She let the guy she had been fondling stick his cock through the hole then, and immediately took him in, sucking his fat 5" deep into her mouth. Very aroused, she sucked him hard and fast, and I figured he couldn't possibly last long. I was right, and within 30 seconds I heard Bren go "Mmm, mmm, mmm ", and I knew he was spurting into her mouth. This seemed to go on for awhile, and her pussy tightened on my fingers with each spurt, as though she was squeezing his cum into her pussy and not taking it in her mouth. Eventually she let his cum covered cock slip from her lips, still hard and leaking a small stream of white. She looked at me, her eyes wide, then tilted her head back and, as always, closed her eyes as she swallowed his cum. "Wow! That was a huge load! I thought it would start running out before I could swallow." I knew she had loved it, and was proud of herself for making him cum so much. She bent to lick him clean, a large drop of cum suspended on the tip of his cock, which still seemed pretty hard. She got me to feel his balls, which were still very firm despite losing that load. She was right, it felt like one round ball, not a sack with two in it, and was easily tennis ball size, maybe baseball or a little bigger. Strange, but she liked it. I took his cock in my hand and stroked it a few times for her benefit, I know she likes to watch me do that, and he felt thick and rubbery as he began to lose his erection. Soon he withdrew and left. She kissed me, making me taste the cum on her tongue and lips, and we decided to lose a few more clothes.
Posts: 1459
Brenda stripped off her top, and it joined her pants on the chair. She had slipped her shoes back on after I got her pants off, because by this time of the night there were several cum splashes on the floor. She likes hot cum, straight from the source, but cold and nasty on the floor - yuck. She looked nice in just her red slip-ons, like she'd have good traction for the fucking she was hoping for. She bent down and looked into Chris' dark booth again, then up at me. "Is he still there?"
"I think so, I never heard him leave. Put your hand in and see what happens." I didn't have to tell her that twice, she immediately stuck her hand well into the neighboring booth. I was watching her face to get a sign of what was happening. I was kind of surprised someone had not rousted him out of there. I don't think he ever put any money in the machine, and usually the shops frown on having the booths tied up if you are not pumping dollars in. It's possible he had put money in and just tuned to a dead channel, but I don't think so. Bren looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, ready to give up. Just as she started to withdraw her hand, I heard her almost gasp, a soft "Ahh" of surprise. She smiled at me and raised her eyebrows. "Ohhh yes, I think I can say that Chris is definitely still in there. Chris is a very lucky man." She held up her right hand, miming what her left was feeling in the other booth. If her estimate was correct, he was apparently very thick; her fingers and thumb were over an inch apart. As I said earlier, she has had this ongoing fantasy recently about really hung black men, and that has been her favorite porn to watch for the last couple of years, especially when they are fucking white women. Which seems to be most of the time. That is about the only thing that can come on the screen in the gloryhole booth that she will actually stop to watch, everything else is just background noise and keeping the light lit so we don't get chased out.
It was looking like maybe her fantasy of a really large black cock for herself just might come true. She had blown one black guy that was maybe an inch or so longer than me , but quite thick, and that had left her wanting more. The only pretty big black cock she had actually fucked had been my college roomie at the time, Michael, one takesen night when we all wound up naked while playing Monopoly. I'm pretty sure we weren't playing by Milton-Bradley's published rules at the time, but we couldn't remember the next day how removal of clothing became involved. I knew Michael was hung, we'd roomed together for over 2 years at this point, but when a takesen Brenda saw (for the first, but not last time) his flaccid cock flopping around at a fat 6", she had to see what it was when erect. She knew my limp cock is only 3 - 4 inches, and thinner, and grows to a decently thick 7", and I think she expected him to double in size too. He didn't, but when she had stroked and sucked him to a very hard, thick, black 9"+ she didn't seem at all disappointed. I wound up fucking her, he wound up fucking her, I came inside of her, he came in her mouth, and we all felt very embarassed and remorseful the next day. Strangely, I asked Brenda to marry me two weeks later, and the rest is history. Come to think of it, so were those last couple of paragraphs. Sorry for the digression.
She continued to feel him, clearly enjoying the sensation. She looked at my stiff cock sticking out at her face level and noticed a trail of clear pre-cum running down my cock, so she licked me clean. I tend to be very much a cum leaker when ultra-aroused, like then, and she is used to seeing me do that and keeping it licked up. She loves to get me turned on in public to see if she can make me wet-spot my pants with my leakage, and she has succeeded several times because I rarely wear underwear under jeans. She asked me to put some paper towels on the floor so she could kneel at the hole and suck him, and I did, but he would not allow her to pull his cock through the hole for some reamister. Bren was genuinely disappointed when he disengaged from her hand, and then left the booth a few seconds later. I know she was very aroused by him, and the prospect of one or more forms of sex with him, but it seemed it was not to be. She looked into the booth on the other side, which had filled up while she was occupied with bbc. That guy was no substitute, a chubby white guy with a stubby 3" cock sticking out under his belly, but Bren put her fingers at the hole and was immediately rewarded with his short chubby cock, stiff and red from him rubbing it. With his belly he had to really press to the hole to get much through. If he lost 40 or 50 pounds, he'd probably gain an inch or 2 of cock. His cock was thick enough, just short. Bren started stroking him and squeezing his balls, being pretty rough with him, but he just got harder and pressed harder against the wall. I dug in her purse and pulled out the lube we'd bought and held it where she could see it. She wouldn't want it if she planned to suck him. She nodded, so I squirted a generous glob onto his cock and her hand. I took my pants the rest of the way off as I watched her masturbate him, putting them with Bren's clothes and also putting my shoes back on. She was really squeezing hard on his slippey cock as she stroked, pulling and twisting at him. Without the lube it would have to have hurt him, but he was hard as cement and showing no signs of leaving. She was mashing his balls with her palm, and I knew her fingers were touching that sensitive spot just behind his balls, and teasing his asshole. She held that hand out, asking for more lube, so I gave her some. She rubbed it on her fingers and then slid her hand back into position and shoved her long middle finger up his ass, bending it forward and massaging his undoubtedly swollen prostate. He erupted almost instantly, sending two long white streams of cum clear across our booth and hitting the far wall, then several more squirts, each dwindling in power and volume as Brenda milked his gland dry, continuing to pump him until he was just oozing and dripping the last little bit. I almost hate to admit it, but I had found that scene extremely arousing, and was leaking a river of my own.
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Brenda used her tongue to take the last big drop of white cum off the tip of his dick. She looked at me and wrinkled up her nose, apparently he didn't taste too good. Fortunately she had not let him cum in her mouth, she would have spit it out instantly. I've seen her do that before. I don't know if it's due to diet, or smoking, or what, but some guys cum apparently just tastes unpleasant to her. She likes most though.
The guy pulled out of the hole, cleaned up and left, and for the moment both neighboring booths were empty. We had noticed when we got back from dinner that, while there were a number of booth occupied, there were less guys just hanging around looking for some action. There had been less cars in the parking lot as well. I was actually OK with that, I would have left then and taken Bren back to the hotel for some 1-on-1. I had this picture of her on her back on the bed, legs up over my shoulders, and me pounding as deeply into her as I could get. That wouldn't be as deep as Walt had been, or apparently as deep as Chris would have gotten if things had worked out, but I knew I could make her cum, and I knew I had another load that I wanted to spill deep inside of her.
I asked if she was ready to go, but she said no, let's give it a few more minutes. I knew she had been enjoying the ready supply of new cocks, I believe it really strokes her ego when men are so obvious about wanting her sexually. I also knew that she was thinking there was no way to know when we would get another opportunity to do something like this. There are no places like this anywhere near where we live, and anyway, we don't do this a lot. Just occasionally when we are both horny and wanting a little adventure. She just wanted it to last a little longer, which was OK. It had been a few months since our last fling, and was likely to be at least that long before our next.
We are very careful to not "foul the nest", if you know what I mean. We only share her when we both want to, and we never do it close to home or where there is any chance of meeting someone we know. Discretion is very important to both of us. Even when we lived in the Phoenix area and joined a swing club for a while, we lived up in the NW part of town near Surprise, and we joined a club clear out SE in Mesa, about 50 miles away. The drawback to that was that Mesa has a lot of trailer parks and retirees, so we were almost always the youngest ones in the room. Near home probably would not have been much better in that regard, because Sun City was very nearby. We were both extremely popular with the older folks, the men flocked to her with their Viagra-fueled cocks waving in the air and their wives to me, and that was fun and flattering for awhile, but we only went 5 or 6 times. I was (and still am) more into watching my wife get laid, and really didn't want the distraction of having to please the other ladies. But again I digress. Meanwhile, back in Portland... The booth to the right of ours filled up again, and the screen in there lit as the guy put some money in the slot. Bren and I watched from a foot or two away from the hole as he began to grope himself, squeezing and rubbing himself through his pants as he watched the videos, flipping through the stations. I remembered to put a few more bucks in our video player to keep it running, and when I looked again he had unzipped and pulled out a longish, straight cock, mostly hard, and was actively stroking it. I would guess he was pretty close to my size, about average or slightly over, but very pale white with a bright pink head which he kept tugging his white foreskin back and forth over. It was about then that the door on the booth to the left closed with a bang, so now both were occupied. Bren watched as the pale-dicked guy masturbated, then put her fingers through the hole to see if he was interested. Duh - he had entered a gloryhole booth after all. Even though she is left handed, and as a result the guys can always see her wedding ring, they rarely hesitate to give her their cocks. This guy was no different, except that he just rubbed his cock on her fingers and let her stroke him through the hole, he did not thrust it through for a blowjob.
Brenda rubbed him for a couple of minutes, and I watched as she rolled his foreskin back and forth over his cockhead. As I've mentioned, she loves soft, stretchy foreskins. We both stayed out of the line of sight to the other hole, so that guy could watch what she was doing over on this side if he so chose. He did, I saw his nose and one eye framed in the opening when I glanced over at it. Since Brenda's mouth was not being used, I put my hard cock where she could suck it, and she did. That blocked the view between the holes, but screw it, he could watch her blow me for awhile. He did. After a few minutes of that I was good and hard and wet, but nowhere near cumming after the earlier shots. The new guy soon stuck his very erect cock through the hole. He was dark skinned, maybe Hispanic, and had a dark, thick 5" cock, very hard, veiny and with a pronounced upward curve. Very much a contrast to the pale guy, and to me, his cock was a couple inches shorter, noticeably thicker, and dark, with black pubes and a heavy ball sack. Brenda told me later it had been her fantasy to bend over and suck a guy on one side while getting fucked in her pussy by the guy on the other, while I watched and jerked off on her. In reality, the booths were just too wide for that. She would have needed to be about 7'5" instead of 5'7" to span the gap with her body. Oh well, Plan B. She turned and took new guy's thick cock in her mouth, making a low "Mmmm" of approval at his girth. She sucked him for a minute or two, getting him deep in her mouth, then gave his hairy balls a tongue bath as his hard cock lay across the side of her face, leaking a clear drop or two. I was leaking badly as well, very hot action had me totally aroused. She turned back to the other side and did something I had not seen her do before, kneeling on paper towels and pressing her chest to the wall, putting one hard-nippled tit through the hole. Within seconds she said "Ohh, he likes that. He's sucking my nipple. Mmmm, he's tugging at it with his teeth, that feels really nice." She stopped talking for a minute, mouth slightly open and eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensations.
I bent and reached under her and slipped two fingers into her very wet pussy, using a third to stroke her hard little clit. She was enjoying our attention, and it was having the desired effect on her body as she began to moan with arousal. She whispered "I think he's rubbing his cock on my nipple. If he cums on me you have to lick it off." I thought "Uh-huh, right. Probably not", but didn't reply. With me diddling her and him stroking one nipple while she pinched the other she soon had a small orgasm, and we all heard her go "Oh, Ohhh, god!" as she shuddered through it.
Posts: 1459
She stayed in position on the floor, but switched and put her other tit through the hole. I looked over at the other gloryhole and could see that we were being watched. I put my hard cock to Bren's lips, and she carefully tongued all the leaking semen off of me before taking me into her mouth. I don't know what the guy was doing to her breast at this point, but whatever it was, combined with a hard cock in her mouth, was getting her very hot. She was moaning and pulling hard at her other nipple with her right hand, her left buried between her legs. She opened her eyes and we looked at each other for several seconds. I smiled at her, and she winked back, never missing a stroke on my cock. Her sucking was feeling almost too good, so I pulled out and gave her my balls to suck, something she does very well. I once watched a guy cum a bucket just from her sucking and tonguing his balls. I pointed over to the other hole, and she released my sack long enough to turn and look. As soon as she looked at him he pulled his face back from the hole and stood, again shoving his hard fat cock through to our side.
Bren looked at me. "Suck his dick."
"C'mon, you know I don't want to do that."
She tilted her head in that way that still, even after all these years, usually melts me. "Please? You know how much that would turn me on? I promise I'll make it up to you."
Hoping to please her, and to get her off this kick, I stepped over and began to stroke his cock, slowly masturbating him. He was extremely hard, and in my hand his cock felt noticeably thicker than my own does. I could feel him swell and twitch as he thrust himself into my hand, and I took several short strokes, concentrating on the head of his cock and letting my fingers bump over the hard ridge at the rear of his glans. I heard him groan as he pressed himself tightly to the wall, his cock getting even harder and thicker. "Hon', I think he's about to cum. Do you want to take it?"
"No, I want you to. Suck him, I don't know how you can resist, look how gorgeous that cock is!" She was right, his cock was very nice, maybe only a little over 5" by now, but very thick and perfectly shaped, and so hard. I cupped his balls in my other hand just to add to her show, and was surprised at how heavy and warm they were. I squeezed them and rolled each testicle gently between my fingers. Big firm eggs. I hate to admit it, but honesty compels me to, this was making me extremely horny. Maybe it was Bren watching with such fascination, or maybe the way he felt. Probably a combination. I was horny enough that I was about to do as she asked and suck my first cock, but then, suddenly, he was cumming, big time. The first spurt surprised us, shooting out and landing on the back of Brenda's calf where she knelt on the floor. I caught the rest on my fingers, rubbing it all over his cock and balls as he continued to spurt, less now. It was dripping from him and from my fingers onto the floor, and he was a slippery cum-covered mess as he continued to thrust his cock into my hands. I had his cum coating my hands and clear up under my watch band and beyond, but right then I didn't care. If anyone had touched my cock I would have cum, and I don't care how gay that is, it was the truth at that moment. I held my right hand over to Bren to show her how much he had cum, and she grabbed it and began to lick his cum from me, getting a fair amount on her lips and face as she worked between fingers. I still held his thick cock in my other hand, gently stroking. He jerked and moaned with that immediate post-cum sensitivity. I know the feeling.
I released him and held my hand up, cum dripping still. He stayed at the hole, cock bobbing and twitching with his muscle spasms, a fat white drop at the tip. Bren said "Lick him clean, you know you want to." I bent and pretended to do so, looking at her. She was staring, practically holding her breath. I thought "What the hell!", and ran my tongue over his swollen cockhead, just taking that one drop from him. Salty, slippery, but mostly flavorless.
I heard Brenda release her breath in a rush, and knew she had enjoyed even that tiny acquiescence on my part. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped my hands, and another with which I mostly dried him, handling his thick rubbery cock and fat balls like I'd been doing it for years. Well, really I had, except they were my own. It's not that different!
He left, and I bent to kiss my wife, whose breast was still being worked over in her own gloryhole! She made sure to stick her tongue into my mouth, and to share the cum from her lips with me. She backed from the hole, her tit very wet and nipples way extended and hard. This time he stood and thrust his cock through the hole, startlingly white after my guy (that still sounds weird to say, but that's what we've referred to him as ever since - my guy), his white foreskin half-covering the head which poked out red and swollen, leaking a clear stream.
Bren instantly sucked him in, swallowing his cock into the back of her throat, then sliding him slowly out, stretching his foreskin between her lips. He seemed to have a very large or elastic foreskin, it stretched well past the tip of his erection and then just drooped there when she released it, wet and wrinkly. She began to suck him, focusing on the head and foreskin while she stroked his cock with one hand. He was a little like one of those Shar-Pei dogs, extra skin sliding around on his cock. At one point Brenda skinned him back and did a series of fast hard sucks on just the head, and that did him in, he began to cum. She took a good bit into her mouth, but then held him to spill some of his semen over her well sucked tits, his foreskin pulled over the head so that the cum just ran from the nozzle formed by his extra skin. Very different looking. He pulled out of the hole immediately when she released her grip, and was leaving by the time she stood and wiggled her boobs at me. "Lick me clean, that's your job." She was being playful I knew, daring me just to see my reaction. I leaned down and brushed one erect nipple with my tongue, getting a small drop of semen. She let out a small gasp as I did that, but then said "Coward! That's nothing compared to what you want to watch me do."
She was right, but I wasn't done. I put my left arm around her back and thrust my right hand up between her legs, two fingers into her soaking pussy and thumb against her hard clit as I pulled her to me. I buried my face in her tits, licking the semen and my saliva over her hard nipples, biting her none too gently, grinding my stubble into her soft flesh. I had his semen on my lips, my cheeks, my nose, and had licked up a fair amount. Brenda was stunned and shocked, at first pushing against me as if to get me to stop, but then relaxing and melting onto me, thrusting herself onto my fingers and cumming once, and then again. I mauled her nipples, sucking them hard into my mouth. I knew she'd have a raspberry or two tomorrow, but I didn't care. I was tired of her taunting and teasing, and was going to prove something. She was loving it, so I'm not sure who won, but she said she came "at least 5 times". We finally broke our clench, me with cum on my face and the citrus taste of him in my mouth, and her with nipples red and sore looking, my hand jammed deeply in her pussy. Somehow a third finger had gotten in, but when I tried to pull out she grabbed my arm and held me there. She kissed me deeply, licking my cheek.
I was very surprised to find that I had cum myself, all over her hip and leg where I had held her tight against me, and my semen ran down the outside of her thigh. She said she felt me cum. I didn't, and I was still very hard.
We decided it was time to leave and go do each other some more. We were going to be very tired for our early flight the next day. The pale guy's booth was still open, light from the hall flooding in, but the other had gone dark, so we knew the door was closed and we were probably being watched, but we were leaving and didn't care. We were getting our clothes, and Bren was just starting to put her top on when she hit me and pointed. A very black, very thick 8" of half-flaccid cock was hanging through the hole, head completely covered by the dark hood, just kind of drooping down the wall and looking obscenely large. I put some more money in the machine, I knew we were not leaving just yet.
Posts: 612
Stormy, thanks for continuing the story. My wife simply loves reading about your adventures and wishes she had the nerve to be as slutty as Brenda. I print out every new posting and make her read it as she fucks herself with her rubber cock. She really gets worked up reading it and rubs out 3-4 cums before I fuck her and discuss what you posted. Keep up the story!
Posts: 42
x cellent story!!!!!!!!
Posts: 1459
OK, I'm yanking your chain a little bit. I didn't really let him fuck my ass, although he did try. The scrotum and ball massage and lube, and the finger teasing my ass did send me into a powerful orgasm, but when he slid his cock through the hole and I realized what he was doing (dangerously close call) I chickened out and bailed. We did return the favor however, as Bren stroked him to a juicy cum while she fucked the guy we assumed to be Chris. When Brenda and I re-lived it later though, she told it as above and I thought it would be fun to pass along her version. She kind of likes to do and say things that make me a little more sissy than I can bring myself to be. I don't mind as long as she doesn't get too insulting, I'm not into cruel offense, just the light fun kind. Cock up the ass? Not likely. Bareback cock up the ass? Absolutely no way! We're not totally crazy.
Posts: 1459
Knowing that Brenda was very anxious to get that big cock inside of her, I tore open one of our two remaining Magnum condoms and handed it to her. She began to stretch it over his swollen cockhead, but realized she had better dry a little of her saliva off his shaft first if it was going to have any chance of staying on. Permisterally, I thought it would be plenty tight to stay on him regardless, I was more worried about it breaking. Holding the condom in one hand, she handed me my shirt and told me to dry him. As I've mentioned, she likes to challenge me to see how far I am willing to go with other men, and she gets off on watching me handle their hard cocks in preparation for her.
I obediently wrapped my shirt around his massive cock and rubbed him dry, very conscious of the weight and thickness of his member, and of his heat radiating through my shirt. It was a very strangely erotic feeling, holding his big cock in my hands, and I kind of took my time, not minding the saliva and pre-cum smears I was getting on my shirt. He was not as big around as a Coke can, I mean c'mon, get real, but he was a little larger diameter than a can of Red Bull, which I can just close my fingers around, I gapped about three quarters an inch on him. Later, when I measured the spots on Brenda's arm which I had made note of to get an idea of his length, I came up with 10 1/2". I was a little surprised, I was guessing between 11 and 12, but trust me, his 10+ was impressively huge. It makes me doubt all the porn stars that claim 13 or 14 inches, I just don't think it's possible that they are that much larger than the cock I had just held and stroked dry. Maybe it just looked bigger because it was black, or because of thickness, but Brenda was salivating at both ends as she looked at him. She proceeded to roll the condom onto him, a very tight fit stretching the latex thin. Rolled completely out (can't do that on me) it still left about 2" of his shaft bare at the base. She turned her butt to the wall and presented her wet pussy to him, reaching back between her legs to grasp his cock and rub the fat tip up and down in her hot juices before positioning his monster at her opening and slowly powering herself back onto him. She uttered a few "Ahh, ah, oh god" type sounds as he slowly stretched her opening wide over his big bulb, and a loud, sudden "Oww, fuck, ohh!" as he slipped a couple of inches into her. "Honey, are you OK? Is this hurting you?"
"A little, no, it's OK, I'll go slow. Oh god baby, his cock is so huge! Ohhh fuck!" With no more than 4" of his black pole in her pussy she shuddered through her first orgasm, drooling long strands of saliva onto the floor as she moaned and shook. I had never seen her do that before, and it was a little unnerving. I thought she might be having some kind of seizure or something, but when I again asked if she was OK she jumped me.
"I'm fine! This is incredible, but shut up and let me enjoy it or get out! Look at your limp little floppy cock, it won't work again for a week and I need this big cock in me NOW!" With that she thrust backwards hard on him, taking him 6 or 7" deep and crying out with another major orgasm. She may have been right, my cock was worn out limp, and even watching his thick black shaft stretch my wife's pussy lips wide was not getting a twitch out of me. I was turned on mentally, but totally shot physically. I backed into the corner to watch, putting another $5.00 in the video machine before it ran out. Ironically, there was a petite white girl being pounded by a huge black cock on the screen as well, so it was like stereo-vision. I let it play, but watched the live show. It was about then that the guy in the other booth decided he had watched as long as he could, and he stood and thrust his fat erect cock through the hole as well. He was roughly 7" but quite thick and tan in color, with a fat round purplish cockhead, a drop of clear cum glistening at the tip.
If the booth had been a little narrower Bren would have sucked him and been in heaven, but it was a little too wide for her to fuck and suck at once, so she took him in hand and began one of her great handjobs, squeezing and twisting her hand as she stroked, dragging her hand roughly across his ball sack at the base of each stroke. I know from experience that it is mildly painful on the balls, but incredibly sensual as, with each stroke, her fingers drag across the sensitive areas around the anus and just behind the scrotum just before she mashes your balls around. It seemed like she was squeezing another drop of clear pre-cum from him each time she milked his cock, and she would take it on her fingers and lick it off periodically.
I didn't know which to watch, but when I looked back to her pussy I was stunned to see that he was in all the way to the root, her pussy lips stretched wide around his thick shaft and his big balls pressed against her hard clit and pink pussy lips. I would never have imagined that his whole cock would fit inside of my wife. Whe he began to stroke and pump his cock in and out, I could see that the 2 or 3" of exposed cock had as much of her juice smeared on it as the condom did, and knew he was getting her tightest part squeezing on his bare, black cock. When he stopped fucking her and just stood with his cock thrust into our booth, she immediately began to fuck herself on him, and quickly had several more noisy orgasms, She was beyond caring about the noise, and when the guy in her hands began to shoot an enormous load she said, too loudly, "Oh fuck, he's cumming, look at all the cum, cum on me!" He had spurted on her cheek, lips and chin, as well as into her hair and all over her hands, and she licked it off herself, catching the drops on her face and feeding them to herself with sticky fingers.. She had rubbed a fair amount of cum onto his cock and balls, and she continued to squeeze and stroke with one hand, squeezing one last big gob of white semen from him and transferring it to her tongue. She held up her left hand, covered with cum, for me to see. "Clean the cum off my wedding ring for me."
I obediently reached for a paper towel, but she said "No, that's not what I meant. You clean it, with your tongue." I recoiled slightly, but she continued to hold her hand out, insisting, so I tentatively took it and touched my tongue to her finger. Slippery, a little slimy and salty, but little taste. I licked around her ring, sucking the cum off of it and her fingers, one by one. It wasn't awful, and when she squeezed another warm drop from his semi-flaccid but swollen cock and fed it to me, I sucked it off her finger.
During this time she had stayed pressed to the wall and let Chris just pump his big cock into her, and she reached yet another peak. She focused on him now, her eyes closed and lips parted as he rearranged her internal organs with his cock. The other guy just left his cock hanging in our booth, cum-sticky and swollen looking, letting me be jealous of his thick floppy dong just hanging there for my wife to admire. He didn't know she wasn't looking at him. She reached yet another good orgasm, and her eyes flew open and locked, unblinking, on his cock as she came. Again I was powerd to acknowledge that she lies to me when she tells me how I fill her up, or how big I feel. Soon Chris' thrusts began to become more frantic, less controlled, and we knew he was about to cum. We heard a deep "Ohhh, unh, unh, unh, oh fuck" and some other naturalistic noises, and knew he had filled the condom with his load, the thin bag the only thing keeping it from soaking my wifes pussy. She came as he did, and they just stayed that way for the longest time, him balls-deep in her pussy, both moaning softly and breathing heavily as the came back to earth. When she slid slowly off of him, she loosed a soft "Ohhh" of disappointment and loss as he slid out, feeling empty and wanting more. I looked at her pussy, stretched wide open and red, lips swollen and puffy. It had never been more beautiful to me. His enormous cock drooped , thick shaft beginning to soften as it twitched with his last few spasms. The condom contained an enormous load, filling the end and bathing half the length of his cock in a thick, hot, white pool
Brenda turned and ran her fingers lovingly over his shaft, slowly beginning to work the rubber off him. When she finally slipped it off past his cum-covered head and foreskin she handed it to me. "Hold this. Don't spill." I held it. I couldn't believe how much cum it contained, it was heavy and easily three or more of my loads, and his big cock was still completely covered with cum! Only until Bren began to lick him clean, sucking and bathing with her tongue, sucking his foreskin into her mouth and cleaning it, then peeling it back and sucking the last traces from his big cockhead until he was just wet, no trace of cum on him. She stood then, and looked down at him. "Wow. That was the best, I came so hard. Oh honey, that felt sooo good!" As he started to withdraw from the gloryhole she touched him, and he stopped. She petted him, like you would a cat, and tugged his soft foreskin down over the tip. She then lifted him up and wormed her tongue into his foreskin and, I knew, into his slit, probing for that last taste of cum. She does this, and until she puts the tip of her tongue into the tip of my cock, my slit, she's not done with me. I knew now that she was done with him.
She straightened. "Ok, let's go. We have an early flight tomorrow."
I held out the condom. "What am I supposed to do with this?" "Bring it along, you'll see. Tie a knot in it and put it in your pocket." I did, opposite the car keys so that it would not get any holes poked in it. It felt very warm as it formed against my thigh.
As we dressed, both booths emptied around us, and although one filled up we were out the door before any body parts appeared in the opening. We drove back to the hotel and tried to sneak in when nobody would notice the sex smells on us, or the cum in her hair, and had one last little dirty moment before we crashed completely and almost overslept our flight.
I hope you've enjoyed our experience as much as we did. If you're ever in Portland, be sure to check out the sex scene at the adult stores. Take your wife along, she deserves it for putting up with you. If we're in town, you can bet we'll be there. Let's see, what excuses can I come up with to go back to Portland... I wonder if we can find any good airfares.
Posts: 1459
Update, and tying up a couple of loose ends: The last litle dirty moment I mentioned: The condom full of cum that she had me tie off and put in my pocket became a toy to tease me with later on. I was very conscious of the warm, soft mass of the condom in my pocket, and had been careful not to put it in with the car keys so as to not make a hole in it. In the car on the way back to the hotel Bren asked for it, and spent the rest of the drive playing with it, marveling at how much cum was in it, and sucking on it, threatening to tear it open with her teeth and smear it on me. Bear in mind that it was a large size condom, so the almost 2" of cum filling the end was a lot! She put the whole condom in her mouth and carried it there, completely hidden, as we walked through the hotel lobby and to our room. Fortunately nobody spoke to us, she'd have had a severe speech impediment. In the room we got naked and she got me kind of semi-hard (hey, I was beat and had cum several times, what can I say) and then she stretched that cumfilled condom out along my cock to show me how much wider and longer it was than me. I could not have filled it well enough to keep it on during sex, and it certainly would not have been completely unrolled as it was on him. She rubbed it on me, squishing the mass of cum back and forth over my cock and balls, but didn't open it. We left it on the nightstand for the maid to find, me thinking that she would believe I was that large. Dumb, huh? We never even saw her, why would that matter to me or her?
The big purple dong we had bought we barely used there, briefly in the booth, but when we went to dinner with Walt we had left it in our car and didn't have it for the later part of our gloryhole visit. We took it to the room, in it's bag, and used it briefly again, but we were too tired to get into it too much. It did provide considerable joy for me and embarassment for Bren when she was picked for the random luggage search at the airport. The young guy that found it was as red-faced as she was, and their mutual suffering was extremely funny to me. I still tease Bren that showing guys she likes big ol' cocks is not a good way to make them feel secure if she's trying to pick them up. Most guys don't have one.
Speaking of that, we considered this trip extremely lucky in that she had found 1 pretty well hung guy and 2 very well hung guys in 2 evenings. That definitely beat the odds, and we both enjoyed it, although her enjoyment was direct and my own more vicarious. At the gloryhole she had found 1 really small guy, incredibly so, which was strange, and about 3 smallish guys that were only about 3" to 4". Smaller that average but at least they looked like adults. I say about 3 guys, because a couple of the ones that fall in what I call the average category, or the 5" to 7" range, were at the low end. There had been I think 8 guys that were in the average range, and a couple of them had been quite thick. She likes those a lot, especially if they are uncut. Josh had been larger than average, and Bren kept his phone number and still talks about him, and Chris (we think) was black and huge. Bren would invite him to come live with us if she could. She loved his cock.
Walt? Well, Walt was the best of all worlds, a big, thick cock that seemed to last forever, big heavy balls, very friendly, polite, and considerate, and just a real manly guy. Does he have a beautiful body? Well, no, not really since he's as old as he is, but if you add the qualifier "For a guy his age" he is remarkable in both physical condition and performance.
To my surprise, especially with gas prices shooting up, he did come to see us for a couple days on his way from Portland to Wisconsin. He said "Well, it was on my way so I figured what the hell..." Of course it was not on his way, but he had so enjoyed his time with (and in) Brenda that he made the trip. It was a little uncomfortable at first, not spontaneous like at the arcade, and knowing he had driven several hundred miles out of his way to fuck my wife was weird. He arrived late one evening, and once we had a couple of takes and all got naked and hit the hot tub things got better quickly, and we had a fun couple of days. He's promised to come back in the fall when he goes back to Oregon, and we may just take a little summer vacation to Wisconsin this year. The picture that sticks in my head from his visit is him on his back on our bed, Brenda astride him facing toward his feet, and her pussy stretched tightly around the very thick base of his cock while she holds his balls in both hands. Knowing that he was about 8 or 9" inside her and about to fill her with cum - damn, it makes me horny just thinking about it!