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I was an english major once upon a time and wanted to contribute something to the forum after it's given me endless hours of entertainment and excitement.

This is a first attempt, sadly not even edited, but I want to know if there's an interest for what I write before I go full blown. This is the first part of a story I've already planned out in my head. It would eventually lead to extreme perversion, but this is the beginning and setting.

It IS fiction, the characters are all real, the names and situations are not.

If anyone is interested in me continuing the saga post some replies or email me and let me know. Also, if you want to see something in the later segments give me suggestions. I'd be happy to work them in.


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Dave and his wife had been together for about ten years, more than twice as long as Aya and I. The plans to stay at their house for the weekend came from the conversation Dave and I had after he announced he and Diane were having a baby. He noted under his breath that "I guess going at it all this time like we have we were bound to slip up". I told him that for a while now Aya and I had slowed down and that I wished our sex lives had stayed so lively. "With that girl? I'd be all over that day and night" he proclaimed. The problem wasn't my lack of interest but hers. I told him in confidence how I was the only guy she'd ever been with and after a few years she only seemed to get turned on much anymore when we'd watch some porn with a guy slinging a cock that was about the size of her arm. Even then she'd usually seem less interested in my own dick in comparimister and want me to eat her out while she watched. I told him that I suspected that she was beginning to think that every guy was hung like in porn and my dick was just tiny. He asked, and I admitted to him that I was a little light in that area, I had decent girth but was only about four inches. I didn't think anything when Dave volunteered to help me respark things with Aya.

He said that Aya and I should come up to his house for the weekend and stay with him and Diane for a few nights. He said if he saw how we interacted that he could give me pointers on the low on how to get her interested again. It would be our little secret. I thought he was only trying to help. He was an old friend and some time ago my boss in an old job. It would be easy to get Aya to come because by now she knew Dave and Diane well enough and we had visited their big secluded house before as a retreat from our place in the city.

When we pulled up to the house and greeted each other I grew confident that this weekend I would learn a lot. Aya and Diane stood in contrast. Diane was nearly six feet tall and already looked the part of a soccer mom. She was about 10 to 15 years older than Aya at 22. I knew Dave's age, he was 41 but acted much younger. His wife had about about B cup tits if I had to guess and a bit of a belly although the pregnancy wasn't showing yet, and wide hips with an ass to match. Her hair was shoulder length and blonde. I wouldn't say Diane couldn't be sexy in her own way behind closed doors, but she had nothing on Aya. Aya wasn't your average asian. She was small, barely over five feet, but the stereotype ended there. She's filipina and chinese and came out with light tan skin and beautiful almond eyes. She has c cups and an ass like I'd never seen on an asian girl but she's still thin in the waist. Her looks are what got me hooked on her before I learned she was so sweet and innocent. Seeing her and Diane stand side by side it was easy to see why Dave couldn't understand why our sex life would faulter. If things between him and Diane were still so lively after so many years there's no reamister Aya and I couldn't keep things hot. I was sure that over the next few days things would change and Dave seemed enthused about helping.

The first night we stayed up late just catching up and takeing. Diane, being early in her pregnancy, went to bed shortly after dark, unable to take and not feeling well. When we finally all decided to go to bed Dave showed us our room and such. It was straight across from his own bedroom where Diane was snoring on the bed. Aya was going to the bathroom to get ready for bed and I went to the kitchen to down a glass of water and avoid a hangover. When I returned to the room I found Aya in the bed waving me over. She was excited about something. "Look!" she whispered, pointing through the doorway. The house was now dark but I made out in the other room Dave's figure. It was hard to miss, he was a couple inches over six feet tall with wide shoulders. He was standing next to the bed and quietly trying to rouse his wife. He was standing nude and rubbing his cock in one hand while slowly trying to rock Diane awake with the other. She was not having it and he gave up quickly. He then slowly walked towards the door still slowly jerking off his now erect member. In the dark he didn't seem any thicker than myself, but he had about 2 solid inches on me. He stood at the door for a moment holding his cock and slowly closed the door looking straight at us. This set Aya off. "Oh my God! Did he see us? He must have thought we were arelax right? Did you see his cock?! He had it out right there! He's pretty big huh? For a second I thought he was gonna fuck Diane with the door open, I guess its good she didn't want to wake up huh? Wow".... I just replied with some "Yeah-yeahs" and tried to act as if it was no big deal so Aya would calm and go to relax. I was stunned as well, although unlike my fiance, I kept my comments and questions to myself. Dave had never done anything like that before and I didn't understand how he could be so careless. Diane was always very proper and I'm sure she would be upset and embarrassed at Dave's candid actions.

The next morning Aya and I rose to the smell of breakfast. Upon entering the kitchen we saw that Diane had prepared just about everything. She said it was her way of apologizing for leaving. We were both surprised and asked where she was off to. Apparantly she was going to visit her lady a few hours away. She said if she had known we were coming to stay for the weekend she would have rescheduled but didn't want to let her lady down. Aya was fine to let it pass and move on to breakfast after thanking Diane. I was surprised at this development considering Dave and I had planned the visit for weeks. I told Aya it was a last minute deal though and I assumed Dave did the same with his wife.

Aya, Dave, and I spent the day traveling around. We went to a winery, a museum, a wonderful restaurant. We decided to come back home and relax. It was still early but we were all exhausted. Aya asked Dave if it was alright for her to just get into her comfortable night clothes instead of staying presentable. It was only about 6pm at this point and barely dark outside. He agreed to do the same, as did I, after I retrieved a case of wine from the car.

After setting it down on the kitchen counter and pulling a couple bottles to cool I went straight to our room. Once I was standing between the two opposing doorways I found Aya walking towards the other end of the room out of view and barely a glimpse of Dave in his room. He was almost directly facing the doorway pulling up a pair of pajama pants. I didn't know what the fuck to think. I assumed Aya must have caught another glimpse of Dave and out of embarrassment moved to the back of the bedroom and out of sight. And Dave... What the fuck was he doing? Did he really think showing my fiance his cock would revive our sex life or something? That didn't seem likely. Instead of going into my own room I approached him in his, closing the door behind me. "Whats with this cuckolds brownie man? Is your pregnant wife going to be happy about you trying to show your cock to another woman?" I asked stern but quietly. "No, no, no" he replied, "I'm just doing it to see how she reacts, did she get on you last night? Did she try to fuck you?". I guess it could be geuine. I told him no, and not to do it anymore because I don't see how its helping anything. He apologized, saying he didn't mean to piss me off and that he was sure it would make her think of sex and go after me. In our own room I found Aya in a nightgown. I was surprised that she had brought it, she normally wore sweats around the house and to relax. I instead found her in a crisp white nightgown that reached just about to her knees. It was no frills and simple. I was afraid that it would be somewhat lucid in the light but I couldn't see a panty line or anything and I could see she was wearing a tight white tank top underneath. "Did he do it again?" I asked her, "Do what?" she nonchalantly replied. As I said before, Aya was always innocent, even after I've been corrupting her for years she still was a sweetheart. I was the first man she was ever with, she was never a partier, never into trouble, and never a liar. "Nothing..." I began to change out of my clothes. Right when I took off my boxers Aya opened the door. Dave was in his room and saw me standing nude. She left the door open and kept walking. She must have not seen him in the dark room, but I was sure he saw me. Flacid my dick was barely more than a small head. He smirked and I knew why. I tried not to act embarrassed and just dressed normally.

When I went into the living room I found Aya and Dave sitting next to each other on the couch. She was leaning over onto his lap a bit and he was showing her photos in an old album. He sat with the album resting on his knees tilting up in his lap and gave some vague descriptions of random pictures. I was surprised that Aya seemed intently interested because she never seemed to care much for that kind of thing. After about 30 minutes I got bored hovering around the fireplace and poking at the logs and swirling the wine in my glass and I went to sit on the other side of Dave. Aya immediately straightened up and leaned towards the armrest no longer leaning in on Dave. Dave himself seemed to be hiding something. He quickly sat the album flat on his lap and pulled it close to his waist. Aya went to refill her glass and we followed. Dave slipped the album under the coffee table and I realized what he was hiding. His pants were thin gray cotton and the outline of his cock was easily visible, especially as it bounced slightly as he walked. He wasn't erect but even so his cock was about as long as mine is fully hard. It hung gently to the left of his scrotum. It was easy to make out more than enough detail through his pants. He definately wasn't wearing any underwear. I could only imagine Aya leaning over it and eyeing every detail of its outline in his lap. The weekend was no longer what it began as. I noticed Dave and Aya talking more than they ever had and not noticing how little I was speaking. Something was going on and I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't make a fool out of myself yelling and screaming, especially because nothing had happened, they would both say I was losing my mind. I decided to just keep an eye on them and after the weekend was over I would make sure they were never around each other again. That way I could avoid an incident or looking the fool. I now saw Dave as less of a friend and more of a nuisance that I had to keep watch on. I decided to sit back and take enough wine to look relaxed in spite of my quiet anger at them both.

By the end of the night Aya was sitting next to me on the couch opposite Dave, her legs crossed loosely in front of her and the edge of her nightgown spanned from knee to knee. I was convinced she was aware and sat that way to give Dave a clear view of her white cotton panties. His eyes constantly wandering down is what confirmed the suspicion. As innocent as she was, Aya and I experimented with exhibitionism before and I'm sure it was her full intent to give a peak. Dave said he was beat and wanted to get some rest. It was only about 11 though and as Aya happily agreed I realized how not-tired they both seemed. We went to our rooms again and I started to watch Aya closely. She noticed and, as if nothing was out of the ordinary, asked me why I was staring. She pulled the nightgown off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Her c cup tits and hard nipples stood out on her small frame and weren't hard to see through the old wife-beater tank top. I stood up immediately and closed the door. Of course Dave happened to be standing at his dresser conveniantly in front of his bedroom doorway. She then put her nightgown back on, she came and sat on the bed with me and kissed me a little bit. She said I looked like I needed rest and she would help me get to relax. She slipped her hand into the waist of my pants and was rubbing my balls in her hand and once I was hard she started squeezing my cock while she kissed me. After a couple minutes of that she slid my pants down and started to suck my dick. Without a moment she was bobbing away, heavily rubbing her tongue under the length of my cock. She knew it was the sure fire way to make me blow. She could take me entirely and the tip of my dick just barely pushed on the back of her throat. She normally complained about going even that deep, but not now. She wanted it to be fast. She went steady and at a decent pace, from the tip of my dick down until her nose pressed flat against me. She never stopped for a breath. When she felt me coming she pulled off and started jerking me off. She normally swallowed at least. I had my own cum all over my pants and shirt. She wiped her hand on the leg of my pants and said "good job baby" and kissed my cheek. She immediately got up and went to do her nightly rituals, rubbing lotion on her arms and legs, brushing her hair, etc.. Never before was I left so much with the feeling that she was simply putting me off. She blew me like it was some menial task like brushing her teeth. Her comment, her demeanor, everything told me that she wasn't even interested in my cock, she didn't even try to have sex, or even ask me to return the favor. She moved right on without being even a little bit interested or aroused. I pretended none of these thoughts had run through my head. I curled up in the blankets and pretended to try to relax. "Shut out the light when you're done alright"?

At least a couple of hours had passed and for most of it Aya was in bed with me. I dosed off a couple of times but for the most part was still faking relax. I was beginning to drift off again as I felt her body slowly start to slip out from between the covers. She opened the door and slipped into the hallway, never closing the door all the way knowing what a light relaxer I am and the the small clack of the doorknob might be enough to wake me. I waited a moment so she wouldn't hear me moving in the room and I slipped towards the door myself. I leaned against the wall and I could see the bathroom light shining out at the far end of the long hallway. Aya was now only wearing plain white nightgown. She removed her panties and undershirt when she was lotioning her body before bed. She was just standing there, looking into the bathroom with a smile. It only took me a moment to realize why. Dave was taking a piss. I could hear his heavy stream pouring into the toilet. She walked into the bathroom and I could hear his stream stop. It was much louder than the whispering I could now hear between them. I opened the door a tiny bit more, trying to get a bit closer to make out what they were saying. I took one step out of the doorway and the floor creaked. I pulled the door back to its original position and ran back to the bed and sat on the edge. Aya came in immediately. "Whats the matter honey?" I just told her I had a dream, just needed to clear my head a moment before going back to relax. I'm an insomniac and its not out of the ordinary for me to wake during the night. She said she was having trouble relaxing herself and wanted to take a shower before coming back.

Of course after she was gone a few minutes I returned to the hallway. The light showing from the bathroom would wane and flicker and I knew she was in there. I didn't know where Dave was though. I creeped closer. This time I carefully applied my weight slowly so I wouldn't make a sound. When I got close enough to see inside the bathroom I could see Dave's feet protruding in front of the doorway. He was leaning against the sink on the side of the doorway closest to me. He was facing away and wouldn't see me I was sure. Aya had just turned on the water in the shower and was standing in front of it while looking at herself in the mirror, running her fingers through her hair, fixing her eyebrows, and other minor primping. They were talking but I couldn't make out a word. This time I couldn't hear them because of the running shower. Aya then put her knee on the edge of the tub, her other foot placed a bit away with her legs spread, and bent over the bathtub to feel the water. She was giving Dave a full view of her pussy. It was obvious now that she was doing it on purpose. We had been together for nearly five years and I knew when she was presenting herself. Her little asshole was just visible in her full ass. That only happened when she bent her back in and pushed her ass out. She wanted him to see what she had to offer. She turned off the water after what seemed like an hour. "Nice and warm in there" she said, loud enough for me to make out but she was trying to stay quiet. She faced him and I had to back away. She was almost looking in my direction. "He might come in, he knows I'm showering" she said as she shewed him out, "go-go". I leaned for one last look and saw my fiance standing nude. Her shaved pussy lips squeezed between her thighs, her full c cup tits sitting up perky like they always do. I bolted. Dave saw me at least closing the door, if not running through it first. I waited for him to come through the door. I was ready to scream, to take a swing at him, to let him have it in every way. He never came through the door. I didn't have what it took to go out and confront him after I was almost sure he saw me running away.

I was going to leave the bed again a couple minutes after I heard the shower water stop but Aya appeared in the room before I could. She was nude, holding her nightgown in her hand. She came over to the bed and leaned over. I was again laying in bed. I kept my eyes closed but I knew she was checking on me. She put her nightgown back on and slipped out of the room again. It was about 330am now. I sat in bed and thought. I knew Dave would tell her I was out and they wouldn't do anything because they would know they'd be caught. I figured she would be back any moment. As I waited... I realized she wasn't coming right back. It was about 3:45am now. Again I slipped into the long hallway. The bathroom light was off so I kept walking. The hallway lead up to the kitchen. Just off to the right were the counters and the island. As my eyes adjusted to the night a little more I could hear Aya. She was quietly pouting and almost grunting under her breath. I could see her leaning over the counter. Her big 22 year old tits were resting on the edge of the counter. Her head would drop down then quickly raise back. I reached the end of the hallway now and I could see her bent at the waist, ass back, and feet planted far apart on the floor. Her nightgown was bunched around her waist and snagged on one of her thumbs as she held it up for Dave to fuck her. That asshole was fucking my fiance. Both her hands were planted on the edge of the kitchen counter. Dave was in his boxers and an undershirt. He would hold her by her hair and pull her head back now and then but mostly kept his hands on her ass. Just as I'd done a million times before, he was holding ass in both hands, squeezing her cheeks tight with his thumbs at each side of her asshole so he could get a clear view of it and his cock sliding into her little pussy. I'd never felt my dick was so small because Aya had such a tiny pussy. Even around my four inches she seemed to be filled. It was different seeing Dave do it though. Not just because it wasn't me. He was fucking her slow, but going as deep as he could. He'd back out until it seemed like he could barely be in her anymore, then would steadily move into her, not hitting into her roughly, but even when after his hips were pushed up against her ass he steadily pushed a little bit further, lifting my little fiance onto her tippy toes. He would immediatly back out slow and steady, never jerking or being rough without losing stride. Dave had to crouch a little though. He had a foot of height over her. His hands were bigger than mine and her normally full bouncy ass seemed small being squeezed in his hands. He easily could reach forward and slip his hand under her arm and squeeze her tits or tweak her nippl


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He had a foot of height over her. His hands were bigger than mine and her normally full bouncy ass seemed small being squeezed in his hands. He easily could reach forward and slip his hand under her arm and squeeze her tits or tweak her nipples. I'm only about 5'6'' and it was always a bit of a stretch for me. Aya's groans and grunts seemed to turn more into pouting and almost a soft crying sound I'd never heard her make while we fucked. Every one of Dave's thrusts seemed to bring a slightly longer and higher pitched cry that she obviously was trying to contain but couldn't.

I was ready to make my move, although not sure what to say, when I noticed Dave wasn't sliding in long strokes anymore. He was staying buried to the hilt inside my sweet girlfriend's pussy, making short hard thrusts. Aya was being pushed off balance and seemingly her entire weight was being lifted by his hips and cock. I knew he was coming and I froze. I didn't know what to do. I should have acted the moment I heard Aya's voice getting higher. I always praised her on how her pussy squeezed so tight when she came. I often told her it was my motivation for fucking her to orgasm. Unfortunately I could never stop myself from coming once she did while I fucked her. Apparantly Dave wasn't prepared either. Dave was now leaning down and kissing the back of her neck after brushing her long silky black hair aside. He was still squeezing her tits in his hands, holding her up. She no longer had to hold onto the counter to brace herself and her hands both slid down between her legs. She still had her ass pushed out for Dave and he was still thrusting every now and again. Aya, now senstive from her orgasm, would let out a load moan each time. I started out into the kitchen. I could see that my girlfriend was not only rubbing her pussy but letting Dave's cock run through her hand as it went into her. I clicked on the light...


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I had to walk around a small partition to enter the kitchen. I was greeted by Aya slipping the straps of her nightgown over her shoulders, abruptly facing me, and Dave, calmly putting his still semi-hard cock back into his boxers. His cock was a bit over six inches, more than two inches bigger than my own. Now in the light I could tell that it was a hair thicker as well. Now that I had a good look I realized how different it was from my own. His shaft was light (although his skin was a couple shades darker than my own) and the head was a deep dark pink. He had to be uncircumsized because the foreskin covered the ridge at the base of the head of his cock. It was glistening and covered in creamy cum, no doubt enhanced from still fucking my own girlfriend even after he came inside her. There was no condom in sight. He had just impregnated his own wife and Aya didn't even make him use a rubber. His boxers were blue cotton and now clung to his cock with obvious dark wet spots. He calmly turned to the sink and started to get a glass of water. My, once sweet and innocent, fiance, was panicked however. "I'm gonna take that shower now, don't stay up baby". She stammered as she blurted her horrible excuse. She blew past me. As I watched her walk away I could see wet streams down the inside of her thighs down to her feet. There was even some thick cum still slowly moving down the inside of her right thigh. She must have suddenly become aware of it and started to walk with her legs tightly together. It only made it worse as it smeared and spread between her legs. I couldn't miss it in the light. On the floor where she was getting fucked there was a small but thick and white puddle surrounded by drops.

I waited for Dave to finally turn and face me again. "So you're going to help me and Aya start fucking more huh? Going to help me get things back on track with her? I turned and walked to the bedroom. I didn't want to get myself arrested or something, well, not unless when morning came and after I had slept on it I still thought it was worth it. Dave was bigger and stronger than me but I was always a fighter. I resisted fighting him only because I feared losing my temper and getting myself into serious trouble. Once I reached our guest bedroom I sat on the floor and leaned back against the bed with my fingers interlocked over my head. I heard the shower start, then Dave push the door to my room open. As I raised my head he walked straight up and stood directly before me....


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Sorry about the segments, new to posting long text. It wouldn't accept the format the text file was in. Anyway, hope someone enjoys. Post replies and tell me if its worth continuing, what you think, and where you want it to go.


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I can guess what ole Dave did next.


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Looks promising SH. Give it a title though, doesn't it deserve one. So what happens next ? I think we should know !!


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Hot story. Please continue... soon.
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