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#1 · Edited by: cardiolyte
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done with that


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more of my wife


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wow, pls keep posting


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"Very Nice".

Kevin I
Smile; And The World Smiles Back At You. (Physics)


Posts: 51
#5 · Edited by: cardiolyte
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Done with that


Posts: 161
#6 · Edited by: lacuck
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So, from her viewpoint, your wife is cheating on you.

How sad. What a bitch.

Permisterally, I would never stay in a relationship with someone who lies and cheats on me. I'm so glad that I have a good wife and relationship that we enjoy a cuckold/swinging relationship without any cheating or dishonesty.

If you choose to stay with her because it's a turn on, that's fine. But I would at least not have youngren with her and be very careful to cover my ass financially and emotionally. I know a couple other guys in situations like yours where their wife of girlfriend cheats on them and they know it but it turns them on. I'm not judging you. I'm just saying that I hope you can step back and objectively look at what she's doing and realize that you need to cover you ass in this relationship and understand that she doesn't give a cuckolds brownie about you anymore. Even if you told her that you know and that it turns you on and that you want to watch or hear the details, you can never trust her. She's obviously dishonest with you.

Be careful, my friend.

(as a side note, you could give the other guy a little pocket tape recorder and have him put it under the bed while they fuck)


Posts: 414
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So when is this trip planned for? Is it soon?

Are you going to just ignore it and let it happen, or will you ask her a few "innocent" questions to try and get more information from her?


Posts: 51
#8 · Edited by: cardiolyte
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done with that


Posts: 161
#9 · Edited by: lacuck
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Well, sorry, it doesn't work that way.

When you post your story on a public forum that is meant for all to participate in, judgments are par for the course.

And since your wife is clearly cheating and lying to you and fucking another man and even going off on trips with him WITHOUT your permission (remember that she doesn't know that you know), that makes her not only a bitch, but a low-life, lying, bitch cunt in any book, my friend.

I was gentle with you at first but since you decided to deny that your wife is a bitch for cheating, it's about time that I let you have it with both barrels.

Furthermore if you two have youngren, ( I surely hope not) I will also add that not only is she a lying, cheating bitch, but a piss-poor lady to boot.

I have ZERO patience for people who lie and cheat on their spouse and even less of an opinion with the wimps who stay with them (a big reamister to not vote for Hillary, by the way). If your self-esteem and estimation of your own appeal is so low that you would stay with a woman who lies to you so much while running off with other men, then you shouldn't post stories on forums and then act offended when people tell you what a jackass wimp you are; get used to it.

It's not impossible (there's a couple on here who have done it) to make a cheating woman into a cuckoldress, it's RARE.


Posts: 414
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Now, now youngren, remember to play fair and respect one anothers point of view!


Posts: 51
#11 · Edited by: cardiolyte
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done with thatinion.


Posts: 4050
#12 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Ignore lacuck. He's a pompus ass who spouts off on this forum from time time.

To the best of my knowledge, he's never written anything and or done anything other than bad mouth other people's work. It's very easy to sit back in your chair and criticize the work of others without ever doing anything yourself.

I have very little time for fools like him.

I find it interesting that there are many people here who want every story to be their exact fantasy. I am even more amazed by the people who become intolerant when they read a story that doesn't reflect their exact fantasy.

If there is any web site where we should expect tolerance from our fellow members, I think it would be this one. Face it folks, lots of people think the cuckold lifestyle is pretty kinky. I think we should try to stick together.

Cardiolyte your story was fun and creative. I hope you grace us with futher adventures of your wife and her lover.


lacuck if I'm wrong about you, then write a fuckin story and impress us with your s******* and originality. I will be the first to applaud you.

Wow I didn't even read your second letter. lacuck, you're a real piece of work. Get off your soap box, it's not appropriate here. No one is getting paid for writing and you haven't done anything to earn the right to criticize anyone else.


Posts: 684
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Looks like someone has unilaterally redefined the word cuckold - did you tell the OED about your decision, [b]Lacuck[b]


Posts: 87
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Cardiolyte, in my opinion, you should keep on posting about this and ignore people who are so miserable that they look for an excuse to vent their spleen in such an adolescent manner.

It's amazing how some people think that they are the arbiter of what should and should not be posted, especially in an area for cuckold STORIES. The least they could do is label what they type as their OPINION, as I have done.

For anyone to say, "'s about time that I let you have it with both barrels", is completely arrogant and devoid of respect.

So he fancies himself a critic, huh? Here are some quotes about critics that may apply here.

"It is infinitely easier to criticize than to create."
-- John McCormick

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem;
they know how it's done,
they've seen it done every day,
but they're unable to do it themselves."
-- Brendan Behan

A critic is a legless man who teaches running.
-- Unknown

When you throw a stone at a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit. I wonder if I will hear a yelp from my posting.



Posts: 36
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Good luck Cardiolyte!
Having a guy tell me about what he has done with my wife and without her knowing about it is the biggest trun on for me, but it has only happened twice in 18 years and in my experience is very difficult to arrange.
The first time it happened was 18 years ago and the guy still talks to me on the phone and reminisces, he is 70 now and likes to remember, as do I.
You very lucky to found someone who is cooperative, good luck.


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Posts: 51
#17 · Edited by: cardiolyte
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done with that


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Jesus Christ - can ANYONE write a story anymore that isn't torn apart by self-righteous fools who are looking to insult anyone who posts something that's not in their 'what turns me on' list? Ridiculous. Get the hell over yourselves people - it's called the Cuckold STORIES Post. If I want to write a story about how I ******* everyone that decides to insult the author of a story on this thread, I can, and shouldn't have to hear people whining about it. So STFU. If you don't like the stories, then it's VERY easy - DON'T FREAKING READ THEM. Fools.

To the OP - Great story, I liked it, keep going


Posts: 83
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I agree sissy, If someone doesnt like a story theme they should just skip over it. All my stories start out with my wife being seduced in one way or another, I guess thats MY turn on. There is something erotic in a normal wife being seduced by a viril bull and learning to love his cock.


Posts: 51
#20 · Edited by: cardiolyte
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done with that


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CBT - Cock and Ball Torture.... Controling Dom wifes use it to make cuckold men more submissive. A case of blue balls will make any man want them more.......
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