Posts: 218
It just disappeared? What happened? We were waiting for the ending and bam! Its gone! One of if not the best stories ever!
Any insights from the mods?
Posts: 762
denied ???? weird ???, micky seems to have just vanished..... its probably some sort of magic trick, he is vry talented.
Posts: 1914
Mickey has played some tricks on us all over the past few months but this one takes the biscuit. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. All those cucks in denial. You have to see the funny side really. Well done Mickey D (but post the last part somewhere soon please).
Posts: 9
Let’s look at the history here. MickeyD has begun, to my knowledge, 3 stories and finished only one. Whether it’s because he can’t or he thinks it’s funny, we’ll never know.
Forget him.
There are other authors out there that are better and finish their stories. I’ve just finished an e-book that leaves his stories for dead!
Posts: 62
Hmm...You people seem to think that its ALL he had to do was just sit and write stories for YOU, when truth be told, he has a life of his own!! Now - if SOME of you and not ALL of you wouldnt have gotten ignorant and impatient he WOULD have posted the rest of the story but you had to run your mouth like that CUNT soldier and now there will be no ending to that story or any other from MickyD on this site!! Good on yas!!
OH and soldier?? If your such a great critic of the stories - why dont YOU fucking write one instead of running your mouth!!! Lets see what ya got!!! If not? Forget YOU!!!
Posts: 762
#6 · Edited by: joranc
oh ok.... i thought i was giving praise but if you say i am an ignorant cunt Mistress_Lynn like that ignorant cunt soldier.. there is only agreement from my better half..+ if i may add i am a worm, a dork a but head and a jerk with googaly eyes and cuckolds brownie for brains.  i slither cros the floor on by belly to seek protection under my wifes skirt. 
Posts: 62
umm did you even READ what i put joranc?? and you should know me well enough to know if i WAS calling you an ignorant cunt i would tell ya straight up now wouldnt i?? as i SAID its NOT everyone its only a small few that ruin it for EVERYONE else like yourself joranc!!!!
Posts: 762
#8 · Edited by: joranc
... always scared of a women with a wip
Posts: 218
Please all grow up. THis thread is about getting Mickey D to post again or asking him to tell us where we can find his excellent writing.
I still consider his writing to be the best cuck fiction I have read. Others may be more prolific or simpler, but Mickey's writings were excellent.
So please, hold the sniping down.
Posts: 62
MickyD is used to my snipin thanks....Im his WIFE denied!! LOLOL
and I agree he is one of the best around that is why i get annoyed when i see posting like that one from soldier dude!!
Posts: 218
If you are his wife, then please, for the benefit of all of us cucks. tell your husband to repost his work. It would be so much appreciated.
Posts: 762
Mistress_Lynn..... i beg to differ, i am an ignorant cunt, i am impatient and often do not properly prioritize my apreciation for the good things and take them for granted;negleting or slow to see the depth or the whole of the picture. i do not fully understand , but i am usualy the first to say that i havnt a clue.. i did read what you put and i could not help but twist the oportunity also,to be like a laughing heyena in the background and indireclty call solger an ignorant cunt for dissn on sting lol Micky have a cup of milo, it is marvles wat a difference it makes have some pitty on the ignorant cunts like me deniedQuoting: denied THis thread is about getting Mickey D to post again or asking him to tell us where we can find his excellent writing. bump oops sorry dont mind if i do tnx
Posts: 9
Mickey D pretending to be his wife, Mistress Lyn or whatever the fake name is? Don’t make me fucking laugh at how pathetic that is! Facts: 1. Don’t post a story until you’ve finished it! 2. There are better writers out there! Sure, you have to buy the stories but you get what you pay for. 3. And I posted after Mickey Dumbass pulled the story so I couldn’t have frightened the poor little cuck away from here! Such a sensitive artist – NOT! I am laughing fit to ******* about you poor bastards! See ya, there are better sites with better stories!
Posts: 218
Soldier - while I generally feel the best response to jerks is to ignore them, I just want to let you know, you are an asshole jerk.
If you have any sense, go be a jerk elsewhere. I bet you are really good doing it cowering in the corner. Go jerk your little soldier.
Best regards
Posts: 1914
#15 · Edited by: peakmb
Good grief, I can't believe it. MD must be really amused by now. This is worse than Lord of the Flies. Denied, just don't rise to it. Soldier, you just got ambushed at the first stop. Go back to basic training. Joranc, grovelling won't help. and Lynn, you are no Mistress, just a trouble maker. It should be clear to you all that MD has real talent, maybe someone made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Take joy from what you did read not sadness from what you didn't. Life's just too short.
Posts: 80
Damn you are all so jaded. Why do you automatically assume that Micky_ D pulled the stories? Do you really think that this guy, who can write better than anyone I have ever read on this subject, is obviously well educated, and knows a hell of a lot about the true feelings of a cuck, did all that work writing 14+ chapters just to have a private laugh by pulling them? Do any of you have brains and use them or has all the red rushed into your dicks?
Posts: 62
Hmm you all have alot to say dont you?? some good some those who have had the good comments BOTH my husband MickyD and *I* say Thank you - for those of you with the bad??
soldier - You are nothing but a lowlife DICK who has nothing better to do then go around talking about others as if you KNEW a freakin thing about em!! now i CAN assure you that i AM Lynn his WIFE and if you dont want to take MY word for it why dont you join your sorry ass into that free webchat at the top of the screen on the right and ill spell it all out for you as i can tell your not all that bright....just click on it put your nickname in and join the channel i would be MORE then HAPPY to chat with you in there if your man enough soldier BOY!!!
now if you dont like Micky's writing then thats FINE - DONT read it .....simple as that ...but to run your mouth? just another asshole spouting more crap!!! OH and just so you know?? he can post whatever the HELL he pleases and does NOT need your permission to do so!!! and as for that poor lil cuck?? that cuck is more man then you could ever DREAM to be!!! and *I* can vouch for many women would vouch for YOU ya fuckwit???
peakmb - trouble maker for sticking up for my husband?? so be it!! more then i can say for half the fucking wives on this site!!! and you dont think im a Mistress?? again thats your choice believe as you wish!!!
hammerheart - he DID pull all of his stories but they will be posted later - just not HERE!!
Posts: 3
Wow--this is amazing. Sounds like a bunch of kids who haven't had your naps yet, since Mickey pulled out.
I think Mickey mentioned earlier that he planned on setting up his own site, and everybody cheered at that.
I just hope he lets us know how to find it when he does.
Meanwhile, I enjoyed everything he's written that I've seen. "Time to take your medicine..." is the very best, and I've been reading cuck material for decades. I haven't read "Life withLoretta" least I think that's the title...I have never been able to find it.
Best of luck to Mickey and Lynn.
Posts: 3
Wow--this is amazing. Sounds like a bunch of kids who haven't had your naps yet, since Mickey pulled out.
I think Mickey mentioned earlier that he planned on setting up his own site, and everybody cheered at that.
I just hope he lets us know how to find it when he does.
Meanwhile, I enjoyed everything he's written that I've seen. "Time to take your medicine..." is the very best, and I've been reading cuck material for decades. I haven't read "Life withLoretta" least I think that's the title...I have never been able to find it.
Best of luck to Mickey and Lynn.
Posts: 7
All I know is that the stories are so good that I will go anywhere to read more of them. Please let me know where they will be! [email protected]
Posts: 7
whooops.. correct address is [email protected]no trolls please, just good writers!
Posts: 14
Fyi...His loretta story is on His author name is needledick on that site. Just go to the story section and you will find it under my life with loretta. It is divided into 6 parts. But hurry, it will probably be pulled from there too since I mentioned this. He is however, the best cuckold writer. Period. The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 1914
Thanks wimpjerry. I've been looking all over for it. As I said before, I believe that MD is a real talent and I just loved his story. It looks like your prediction may even be true - I can only find 5 parts on ultimate !!
Posts: 3
It's a shame Mickey pulled the plug just at the climax so to speak. Is it possible for someone to repost the story to date?
What about any budding authors having a punt at the last episode - could be a friendly competition with various alternative endings.
Posts: 30
Only saw this in 2014-02. If there still are people looking for Micky_D stories they may look here