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Ok heres the deal. I am going to write a few short stories here , or better put relate the facts as I know them. Over the years I have come into contact with a cuckold or two or been told of cuckolding type events from friends. I will try and recall the events just as they were or were told to me. These are not fiction tales at all. After I run through my mental list of stories I will try and tell my own connection with cuckolding. That is if there is enough interest .

The first story that comes to mind really turned me on hearing it. I worked with a guy several years back that was younger than me and was always out partying. He had a large group of friends and always had nice, interesting or wild stories to relate. His best friend at the time had a little slut he would visit from time to time. This girl was not supposed to be a beauty queen by any means but she was very curvey and had an insatible need for sex and giving blow jobs. Infact she was known for giving bj's just for fun, to basically anyone who asked for it. It was her hobby I think she said. Well this girl had a boyfriend of her own but as you all can guess, my friend's friend could have her any and everytime he wanted. I guess he fit the roll of her bull nicely. Well this particular tale took place at a party she was holding at her home one evening. My friend and has gang were all at this party and his best friend (we'll call him John for this story) was there also. At some point John took the slut in the back room and got his nightly bj from her. Supposedly right after they got out of the room where she had blown him to completion, the girl's boyfriend arrived. A little time passed and the gang was all sitting around takeing and basically have a good time. The girl and her boyfriend started making out on the couch right infront of John and his friend's. She was busy sucking face with her boyfriend when John interupted the action by telling the boyfriend "Hey man, why don't you just skip the middle man and come on over here and suck my dick!"

The whole crowd erupted with laughter at the poor guy's expense. I did feel sorry for the guy upon hearing this. However, thanks to my little kink, I also got extremely turned on. What a way to find out you are sucking face with a girl who just blew another guy and she swallowed his cum. Oh well, apparently the guy chose to act dumb about it and pretend he didn't know or believe the allegations. Probably made it easier for him. To finish up this tale I also heard of her sucking whole rooms of guys off before. She would have parties where only guys had been invited and she would suck any of them who asked or got in line. Unfortunately I was never lucky enough to meet her myself. Maybe I would have played dumb too, and asked her out

More stories like this to come soon if you want. I'll try and keep them short and to the point. If anyone has any questions about the events or people you can ask and I'll try and remember the facts.


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That's was a pretty good short story. Wouldn't mind a few more details but that was good.


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After the fact.
I met my wife during my last year in college and married her right after graduation. She was a very straight and allmost innocently naive girl, or so I thought. I felt so lucky that she made love with me just after having dated just two times before. If any body was naive, was it me. She had told me she was a virgin, but broke her haimen during sports in school...
Any way it was about 8 month after we got married and she was out shopping, when I had to look for some papers, when I ran across a book which turned out to be a diary of my wife.
I started reading some things and was hooked. She was quite the opposite of what I had thought of her. One of the very first things I had read was a entry just the day before we got married. It told about her fucking all nite with my best man. I got realy angry and at the very same tiome I read was I getting hard as can be.
I read back and finally saw what a whore my wife was in school, and at work, where from what I could tell she has fucked every male employee and was in situation with some of thwe women there too. I saw what a active sexlife she had. In fact in school was she called the class whore.
I could not help it, but the short lived anger turned into pure turn on. I could not beleave it myself.
Any way when she got home, did she imediately see her diary, which I had left on the table. She turned white and stottered...let me explain...
I interrupted her by grabbing her, kissing her and ended up in bed where we had to time the very best fuck ever.
She said had I known how this turns you on, would I have told you much sooner. She allso said I am so sorry, but I allways had trouble saying no to a beautiful cock. I mumred I hope it is still so...
It can be, she said , if you want me to.
I ofcourse did. But one rule I said.. Which is was her question... Never ever are you to do it behind my back I allways want to know. I promise was her only reply.
We now had some of the most exciting gang bangs for her, some were with mixed groups while others were only BBC. She and I love this lifestyle and the longer we do this the more I love her.
I am just one of these men who love their wifes to be the sluttiest of sluts and the biggest whores ever.
I have learned to love cleaning her and even so I am not gay and would never suck a man off, do I love her cream pies. We too have never gotten into the offense state. We love each other and yes... we do respect each other. We have some of the best sex after she had been filled up with some guys cum.
Would love to hear some of your comments.
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