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my first story

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here is a fantasy story I wrote. It's a life story of a cuck. I have only written the preface and the first chapter. What do you guys think?

Preface: growing up

I was the smelly kid in elementary. I farted at the most embarrassing of times. I had warts on my hands, and my lady made me were these patches on them that made it crystal clear of my imperfections. Of course the kids mocked me for it. Calling me "wart-boy" which doesn't seem all that clever, but for a 3rd grader can be devastating. I only had two friends. One we felt sorry for me, and later moved away. And the other my best friend, Troy. He got along with the other kids better then me, but wasn't one of the "popular kids". He told me later that at first he only hanged out with me because of my video games.

Needless to say, I didn't get all the girls. In junior high, I got my first "girlfriend". I met her at the local roller rink. I was shy. I don't exactly recall how it happened, but we ended up couple skating, and then later that night agreeing to "date" and exchanged numbers. That night I slept at Troy's. We called up my new girlfriend. I never talked much on the phone, so our conversation was short and awkward. I let Troy talk to her. He seemed more experienced at it. The talked for hours. The next day she called me and said her lady didn't want her dating. So more first "relationship" ended within 24 hours. Later I found out she dumped me for Troy. I don't blame her, but I was pissed at Troy for a while. I didn't really have friends though, so eventually I forgave him. We are still best friends today.

My second relationship came later with my first kiss. It was Troy's cousin. I didn't find her all that attractive, but she was cute. I couldn't see myself with her so I ended it after a week. Then in my senior year of high school I dated an asian girl, who still today I would say is one of the most attractive women on the planet. She was beautifully and she knew it. I had no idea why she was with me. She was going to modeling school. I always wanted to hold her hand whenever I saw her. I called her everyday. Sometimes twice. I would have done anything for her. This is were my trend of being obsessive with my lady started. We shared a locker. I let her use mine because it was closer to her classes. One day after school, my locker was wide open and all of her stuff was gone. This is how she told me it was over. I knew that that day she was having lunch with a guy. That I later found out to be her boyfriend, who she has been seeing for a few weeks before we broke up. She never once let me kiss her. Only hold her hand. I saw them later at a football game, making out, with one of his hands up her shirt. I wondered if they have been doing that while we were still together.

Chapter 1: freshman year

I went to college a virgin. Troy and I both went to separate colleges, so I was starting anew with no friends. This was a positive thing though, because it powerd me to go out and meet people. I made a lot of friends in my first few weeks at college. I even joined a fraternity. It did wonders to my confidence. I had lots of friends, and people knew me. Even though I had a good start, I was still single, lonely and a virgin. That is untill our big costume party. I was takes and met this girl dressed up as a cat. Her name was Pheebe. Well, she had those cat ears, and wearing black lingerie. She was gorgeous. She asked me to get her a take. I asked whats in it for me. She said a dance and a kiss. We were inseparable for the rest of the night. I took her back home, and just laid with her on my futon.

Even though I was still a virgin, I was the happiest man alive. After a few dates, I had my first sexual experience. I didn't put it in her yet, but I got to taste her pussy. I heard that it stinks and tastes terrible from my friends, but I loved the smell, and the taste. It was a s******* I soon became quite good at. After a few weeks of pleasuring her with my tounge, I finally had the nerve to try and put it in her. She was on the pill, and said I didn't need to use a condom. I lasted about 3 seconds. I was so embarrassed. As soon as I tried to put it in, I was cumming. Then I pulled back. She tould me it was ok, and pulled back to her, letting me cum inside of her. Eventually, I got better, lasting up to 5 minutes one time. I always wanted to fuck, but she didn't seem as interested in it as I was. It seemed like to get her off, we had to use different tricks, like setting the mood with candles and using blindfolds, and using her vibrator. Of course my tung worked to. But I went for weeks without having sex. And then it stopped altogether. I was getting to clingy again. She wanted to stay with me though, because all of her other boyfriends in the past were assholes. So we went for a few months with not even kissing, but I still adored her. I bought her presents and flowers. She would randomly get angry at me for the littlest things.

This continued for some time. She wanted me to brake up with her (but didn't tell me until later) so she started acting like a bitch all the time to me. Criticizing everything I did. She even made fun of how I only had sex with her while she had several lovers before me. Onetime I asked her if she thought my dick was small. She said, "well, it's not big." She was destroying my ego, though I couldn't leave her, because I though she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and because I though I could never find anyone else.

I took her with me to my hometown to visit my family. She had been before, but this time Troy was in town. Me, Pheebe, Troy, and some of my other friends went to our only club in town. I wanted to dance with her, and she said that she would dance only in a group, and as long as I didn't get up on her. We went on the dance floor, and I tried to get close to her, then she walked away. I went after her. We all just ended up in the karaoke room. I didn't notice, but Troy and her had snuck away back to the dance floor. She refused to dance with me, but didn't mind at all dancing with my best friend. Later I found out from him, that she had grouped his penis while they were dancing.

Back at my college, the next week, we went to a party. Pheebe kept flirting with all the guys, especially the black ones.. Things between us was pretty bad. I got plastered. We were at another fraternities party. But I knew the universal rule of taking off your shoes before passing out, and no one will fuck with you. As it was told to me later, I was ****** on a couch in one of the rooms off away from the party. Pheebe and some of her black friends found me. The wanted to sharpy me, but saw I had taken off my sandals. Pheebe, wanting to have some fun, told them to just put them back on me and then its fair game. They wrote fagot on my forehead. That gave them a few laughs. But Pheebe wanted more.

She told them to tea-bag me. She pulled out her camera on her cell phone and took pictures as they took turns putting their balls on my face. I started to twitch a little, and they got scared I would wake up. Then I just opened my mouth a little and started drooling. This gave them a chuckle. Then one of the guys decided to put his balls in my mouth. Pheebe loved the site of this. Then she got the idea that one of them should cum on my face. Tom, one of the black guys, said he would do it if she would suck him off. She agreed as she grabbed his limp cock and started stroking it, with the head rubbing against my lips. This got him hard. At this point more people filtered in from the party to see what was going on. Several people had some good laughs at my expense. Pheebe then licked his erect penis from his balls up to his head. Then she swirled her tong around the head, and took it deep into her throat, slowly. She was enjoying it. It was such a relief for her to have such a big cock. It was about twice my size at 9 inches. She also loved his dark skin. She started to stroke his rod as she sucked on his balls. The one time she gave me a blow job, it was my favorite part. She wasn't as into it with me as she was into this one.

She didn't even care there was at least 20 people watching her giving head. Tom said he was about to cum. She pointed his cock point blank at my face and stroked away. He shot off a huge load, some landing on my eyes, and some in my mouth. She then licked his head clean, and giggled. I was completely oblivious of this for two months. Lots of people took pictures, and one girl even had some of it recorded. I didn't find out until one of my fraternity brothers found it on a video sharing website. I got made fun of for a long time. I felt like I was back in elementary with no friends.

Pheebe broke up with me a few days after that party, and I remained single for about a year. My reputation seemed to precede me on campus. Whenever I would meet new people, they would ask if I was that guy on that video. I was humiliated.

to be continued...
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