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Cucked at the Campground

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Chapter 1

Becky and I have been married 18 years and I have been having cuckold fantasies for the last five or so years. I have shared these fantasies with her and she sometimes get very turned on by them during foreplay. I have made it clear to her that she has my permission to screw another guy if she finds herself is a situation that she wants to, as long as she tells me about it soon afterwards. However, she never seemed to show much interest in making my cuckold fantasies a reality. I had pretty much resigned myself to being a cuck wannabee indefinately. However, the events of this past weekend have changed that outlook.

We took our motorhome to a campground for the weekend. We arrived on Friday night and Becky said she wanted to take showers and have a campfire (we ate on the way). The showers are not in the bathrooms like they used to be when I was a kid. Instead, there are a half dozen unisex shower rooms. I was in the mood to fondle her naked body, so I suggested that we shower together. Unfortunately, she said she just wanted to get washed so she wanted her own shower.

After our showers, I asked the guy camping next to us where to buy the firewood. He said the place had closed already and I couldn't get any until Saturday. Becky was kind of pissed at me for my lack of planning, but the neighbor invited us to join them at their campfire. Becky and Karl discovered that they both had geology degrees and they had some lively conversation about the local rock outcroppings. I tried to talk to Sandy, Karl's girlfriend, but it was hard because she was a stuck up little bitch that just wanted to complain about how stupid this camping activity was. Sandy was in a terrible mood. Becky complimented Karl on how nice the fire was and teased me about the little fires I usually make.

Sandy decided to wash the dishes and Becky told me I should help her. She made some bitchy comment about not needing any help and then proceeded to put the dirtiest pan in first and got the water all greasy. I suggested she get clean water and do the relatively clean ones first. She snapped. She started hitting me and screaming something unintelligible. I pushed her away, but she tripped on something and fell into a stack of lawn chairs. When Becky and Karl came over to see what had happened, she just said "he pushed me down". Becky was furious with me. She said that was the most embarrassed she had felt since we were married. She told me to just go in the motorhome and go to bed. Becky and Karl got Sandy settled down and she went into their tent to go to relax.


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Chapter 2

I did as I was told and got ready for bed. I was feeling pretty low because it was obvious I wasn't getting any pussy tonight, and probably not all weekend. Usually, Becky is pretty horny when we are at a campground.

From the bed, I could look out the window at Becky and Karl around the campfire. After a while, Karl went in his tent and got a blanket. They put their chair close together so they could share the blanket. Becky and I often do that around the campfire. Suddenly, I realised it was still very hot for this time of day. Why would they want a blanket? There was also something odd about the way Becky was sitting in her chair. She usually sits with her knees together, but now she had them spread apart. If it were any other woman, I would suspect she was getting her twat fingered underneath that blanket.

A couple hours later, they let the fire die down and Becky came back inside. When she grabbed her night gown, I though she was getting ready for bed. Instead, she put it in her shower bag. She told me she and Karl were going to go take a shower. She was already out the door when I queried "but you just had a shower a few hours ago". The evidence was pretty clear now that this wasn't all about getting clean. Still, I found it hard to believe Becky would fool around. Part of me was aroused and part of me was worried.

I watched for them to return. When they came walking up the road, they were holding hands. As they approached the motorhome door, I expected to hear it open. However, it did not open for two or three minutes. (It seemed like about an hour to me.)

Becky crawled in bed next to me without saying a word. I reached over and rubbed her back and then gradually lowered my hand to rub her delicious bottom. As I rubbed her bottom through her nightgown, it felt different. It felt like she wasn't wearing panties. I started to pull up on the nightgown to test this theory. Becky gently took my wrist and moved my hand and said "you are not allowed to touch me there tonight".

As difficult as it was to go to relax at that point, eventually I did.


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Good start, more, please !
Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine


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Chapter 3

When I woke up in the morning, Becky was already getting dressed. I had hoped to wake up in time to watch her change so I would know for sure if she had been pantyless. She had already put on clean panties and a clean bra and was in the process of putting on a skirt and top.

After breakfast, Becky sent me to the office to get some info. It was a long walk, but I didn't mind. When I returned, Sandy told me that Becky and Karl had gone to find some rock outcropping that was supposed to be nearby. She apologized for getting me in trouble the previous night. She also said that if Karl wants to go camping, he need to find a girlfriend like Becky because there is no way she is spending another night in a tent. We waited for them for about an hour.

When they returned, Becky said she and Karl were going to go swimming if Sandy and I would like to join them. Sandy declined, but I followed Becky into the motorhome to change. As she pulled off her top, I was admiring her bare breast when it occured to me that she had been wearing a bra earlier. I asked her about it and she just said "I thought you liked it when I went braless".


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Chapter 4

After swimming, Karl and Sandy broke camp and went home.

Becky and I went inside to have lunch and she said "I guess there are some things I better tell you".

She said that she had actually watched the entire incident Friday night and could see that my actions "weren't as bad as they seemed". She sent me to bed because she wanted a chance to get to know Karl better without having me around. She said she felt somewhat guilty about sending me to bed so she could seduce a lover, but based on things I had told her previously, she thought I would be ok about it.

As a suspected, Karl was exploring her crotch under the blanket. She said it felt odd having her pussy fingered without kissing him, but she knew I could see them from our window and didn't feel comfortable kissing him in front of me. She was also worried about upsetting Sandy further. She was surprised that I could tell anything was going on under the blanket.

When they went for the shower, they stopped to make out as soon as they were out of sight. They shared a shower and she gave him a handjob while they were showering. I asked what his cock is like, but she didn't want to say. Eventually, she said "It is just fine. I am not a size queen anyway."

She said she simply forgot to take clean panties to the shower. She wasn't trying to tease me or anything. However, it was a thrill for her when I discovered that she wasn't wearing any. She let me touch her bottom though the nightgown for awhile because she really like tha way that felt. However, she wasn't ready yet to tell me what was going on so she didn't want to invite any questions.

When Karl invited her to go look at the outcropping, she decided to take of her bra before she went so it would be easier for him to feel her tits. The outcropping was actually pretty lame compared to many that each had seen. However, there were secluded places nearby to make out and fondle. After some nipple sucking, he leaned against a tree while she got on her knees and gave him a blowjob. She had forgotten what a thrill it is to give an illicit blowjob. There is something missing when you are married and you are supposed to do it.

She hasn't fucked him. Depending on where you draw the line, you may or may not consider me a cuckold.

Finally, she gave me a piece of paper with his phone number on it. She said that it is up to me whether or not to invite him to join us on future camping trips. If I do invite him, she would expect to fuck him. I told her I was still absorbing all of this and needed to see how I felt after it all sank in.

As we were driving home, she broke a long silence with this question: "When we camp with Karl, would you feel comfortable relaxing in the bed up front, or should we have Karl bring his tent for you?"


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I will have to wait to post chapter 5 until it happens. I hadn't planned to camp this weeked because we hadn't made any reservations and they are very hard to get for a holiday. However, I spoke to Karl a couple hours ago and he has a reservation someplace. By the way, he dumped Sandy.


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I'm looking forward to chapter 5


Posts: 107
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Beckysboy, You are just a short step away from being a full cuck. Ask Karl if you can join him where ever he has reservations and tell him he doesn't need to bring his tent. He can have your maritial bed and you will be happy to relax on the sofa. We are looking forward to hearing more of your camping adventures.


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It doesn't look like we will be able to arrange to camp with Karl this weekend. We have a family reunion obligation I had forgotten about.

In the meantime, I will tell you about the fantasy that Becky shared with me during foreplay last night. Her fantasy was that we went camping with Karl and I was responsible for making sure we had all the supplies we would need for the weekend. When we got to the campground, it turned out that I didn't bring any firewood. She decided that I needed to be punished for this oversight, so she spanked me and sent me to bed early. (As she was telling me this part, she reached over and smacked my butt a couple times. It didn't hurt much, but we both got excited by the sound.) After I was in bed, she and Karl got the TV out and watched porno movies. They positioned the screen so that I couldn't see it, although I could hear the audio. When she caught me leaning out of bed to watch the screen or peek at them, she had to give me another spanking.

Before that, all of her fantasies that involved spanking were about her being across my knees.


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The arrangements are set for this weekend. Becky is going to take the motorhome to the campground Friday afternoon and meet Karl there Friday evening. I am going to join them Saturday afternoon so that they have some time by themselves first.

Becky and I went to the mall last night to shop for some things she wants for the weekend. We bought her two new outfits: a sundress and a skirt and top outfit. We got her some nice lacy panties (the ones she ordinarily wears are pretty boring). She also wanted some nicer sheets for the bed, so we bought a set of satin sheets.

She has been hornier this past week than any other time in our marriage. Now that it is actually planned, she says she is getting kind of nervous about it.


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No more news...we want to know all about it!!


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I have been thinking all week about how to write up an interesting story about the weekend. The fact is that the planning and fantasizing was the really interesting part of the experience. Once it came time to actually do it, everything just sort of went according to plan. Nothing went badly, but it wasn't any big deal. Becky says the sex was ok, but not all that exciting. She has gotten used to being with a man that already knows what she likes and doesn't have to experiment as much anymore. We were both sort of dissapointed that it didn't turn out as fun as we were hoping for.

We are talking about whether or not to do it again.

There was one incident that was humilialting in an exciting way. The three of us went to the shower building together Saturday night and had to wait in line. We were talking to the people in line behind us and Becky introduced me as her husband and Karl as "a friend". When a shower opened up, Becky and Karl went in together with me still in line waiting for the next one. The couple behind us was obviously confused. Eventually, the guy said "I thought you were the husband." I said I was and they were "special friends". It was very awkward standing there. It seemed like it took hours for the next shower to open up.
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Cucked at the Campground
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