Posts: 140
Well, today was fairly normal. We seemed to be back to our daily routine: get the kids ready for school, a kiss goodbye, a lunchtime phone call, pick up the kids, have dinner, and relax. The only thing out of the ordinary was her insistence on keeping her cell phone nearby. She usually turns it off at night. Around 8:00 she received a call and promptly left the family room. After a few minutes I followed her to the bedroom. The door was shut and I realized it was locked as I turned the knob. I could her a faint conversation and a few chuckles. I really couldn't make out what was being said. I went back downstairs figuring she'd be done in a few minutes.
The minutes dragged by and I was getting a bit nervous and anxious. She was on the phone for over an hour when I heard the bedroom door open. She came to the top of the stairs and asked me to come up. I went into the bedroom and she asked me to close and lock the door. As I did, she stripped off her pants and asked me to kneel down. She approached me and gripped my ears, powering my face toward her pussy. She was soaking wet. I licked upon her command and within two minutes she was moaning in orgasm. When she was done, she went into the master bathroom, grabbed a hand towel and threw it at me. "Clean up, you're a mess." As I wiped my face clean of her juices, she grabbed the cell phone and headed back down stairs.
I have no doubt her conversation was very sexual in nature. I just don't know who she was talking with. When I returned downstairs, she was standing there with her car keys and purse. She said, "I'll be back later, get the kids to bed. Oh, and don't wait up." I angrily asked her where the hell she was going, but shrugged her shoulders and responded with a simple, "out with a friend". She looked over her shoulder and asked me to come to walk her out to the car. When she got to her car, she handed me her rings and said, "Behave". I smirked and replied, "You're a good one to talk with all your secrets. I know you're running around on me". Her stare lasted a few seconds. She smiled and said, "This is what you wanted, isn't it." My shocked look only got worse when she told me that I should have been more careful with my computer use. I asked her what she meant. "Oh, you know, wifelovers, dark cavern, cuckoldsplace, should I mention more". She got into the car and back out of the driveway leaving me standing there with an open mouth.
She's been gone for nearly two hours. There is now way I am going to be able to relax. I tried her cell phone, but once again it went directly to her voice mailbox. I keep pacing the house mentally kicking myself for being careless with the computer. I am usually pretty good at clearing out the history folder, I must have gotten lazy one day or simply forgot.
Posts: 2
Your wife is hot. Love your story, keep it coming. Yeah Ok.
Posts: 4050
#33 · Edited by: goodhusband
Hey bottomsupinpa
Nice well written creative story. I like it.
Posts: 140
The night went on forever. I alternated between pacing the floor, watching television, and surfing the net. I fell arelax on the couch somewhere between midnight and 1:00. I was jarred from my relax when I heard the garage door open. A quick glance at my watch revealed that it was 4:30. My wife walked past me without saying a word. I followed her upstairs and into the bedroom. She turned to face me asking me what I wanted.
What I wanted was an explanation. She was coy and evasive not wanting to reveal exactly what happened. She was changing for bed in front of me. I tried to look for the obvious physical signs of lovemaking, but there were no tell-tale signs like love bites. She did not protest as I entered the bed and she promised to talk with me in the morning.
I ended up leaving the bedroom after about an hour unable to relax. I noticed her purse on the kitchen table and decided to examine its contents. The usual items were there, I also noticed an unopened condom packet. I was about to give up my search when I noticed a slip of yellow paper with the initials DK and a phone number. I jotted the number on a another piece of paper and decided I would investigate through an online reverse directory search. The discovery of the number made me feel better for some reamister. I felt I had a secret on her for a change.
My wife didn't wake up until noon. The kids kept asking for her, but I told them she was not feeling well and needed some rest. It was a beautiful day and they went out to play. I decided that she had enough beauty rest and was ready for some answers. I heard the sounds of the shower as I entered the bedroom. Her clothes were still brownietered on the floor, I spotted the black thong panties partially hidden by her skirt. I pulled them free and immediately noticed the crusty stain in the crotch. The look of it began to overwhelm me and I could not resist bringing it to my nose. The heady odor quickly invaded my nostrils. I really couldn't tell if it was a mixture of her cum and a man's, but these panties must have been soaked at some point.
She finished her shower and I approached the bathroom to ask her a few questions. She seemed calm and relaxed. I asked her if she had a good night. Her response was a simple, "fabulous". When I asked her what made it so fabulous, she just smirked and said, "wouldn't you like to know."
"Well, if you insist. I met some friend's from work for a few takes. We were having such a great time, that we decided to take the party to Mary's house. You remember her, she's the front desk receptionist. I was going to leave, but her brother showed up around 1:00. He's going to be in town for the next few weeks. Anyway, we hit it off, just talking, and the next thing you know, it's 4:00 and I decided to come home."
"That's it. Are you sure? Why are your panties so stained? Did he turn you on? Were you messing around?"
She remained calm and simply said, "He's very good looking, perhaps I was a bit turned on, but nothing happened. Why? Do you want something to happen?"
She told me that I better think long and hard before answering her. I left the room convinced that she would play around if I wanted her too. Has she already? I don't know.
Posts: 2
Your lady is are a lucky man.
Posts: 56
I hope this is just a real good fantasy story - not factual. You are in deep cuckolds brownie if it is true.
If it is true:
1st take your BALLS out of your wife's purse; you're gonna need them. She has been playing you for a LONG time, she just decided to "come out of the closet". A woman doesn't rattle off all those websites without serious study in what you've been looking at. While reading the material, the "seeds" were planted in her mind and sprouted forth while you were looking the other way.:shame:
Fantasy or not, a real scenario is being played out here. She has the first, second, and third punch delivered, You are standing with your dick in your hand wondering what the hell hit you.
Take some serious counter action, or cuckolds browniecan your marriage.
BTW-I'm happy to share "counter strike" thoughts.
Bring it On.
Posts: 386
One of the best stories I've ever read...
Posts: 140
Today started off as just another typical Monday. My wife and I were running around getting ready for work, feeding the kids, etc. I was upstairs changing when I heard the garage door open. Funny, my wife wasn't set to leave for another 30 minutes. Perhaps she needed something from the car. I peeked out the side window and saw her taking a shopping bag out to her car. When she returned, I asked her about it. "Oh, just something I picked up for one of the girls at work. Today's her birthday."
I didn't think anything of it for the rest of the morning. Once at work, I had little time to think about the events of the past few days. At lunch, I decided to call my wife's office to ask her about tonight's dinner. The receptionist said that my wife took the next two days off. My heart dropped to my guts. I quickly dialed her cell phone, but it immediately went to her voicemail. Damn, now what is she up to?
I called her parents, her brother, and even one of our neighbors. Nobody had seen her. They seemed a bit troured, but I told them not to worry, that I just needed to ask her something. I'm not sure anyone actually bought that excuse.
I decided to play it cool for the rest of the day. She was home at her usual time. I asked her about her day. Her reply was a simple, "You know, a typical Monday. Not a lot happened." Yeah, I bet. She decided to take an early shower. Once I heard the water running, I looked through her purse. Nothing out of the ordinary. I ran out to her car to see if the bag was still there. I found it in the trunk. My heart sunk when I opened it. The contents included a matching black bra and thong panty set, black stilletos, and the box of condoms that had been in her drawer. There were only two left. I was freaking out and torn in two different directions. Part of me was heartbroken and disgusted, but there was a part of me that felt excited. I brought the panties to my nose. They reeked of her flavor and were quite wet. I should have been angry, instead I felt like jerking off. What was I going to do?
I decided not to confront her. Instead, I called my boss and told him that I was taking Tuesday off. I decided to follow her and confront her in permister. I snuck back upstairs in time to see her exit the bathroom and enter our bedroom. She didn't see me at first, but I noticed the bite marks around her nipples and a big red splotch on both of her ass cheeks. My wife had been well fucked and it showed. She quick covered up and ordered me out of the room. I calmly looked at her and replied, "whatever you say."
I wonder what courage I will have tomorrow.
Posts: 140
Here are two more, I hope you are enjoying them. I have a bunch of photos from the past five years.
You need to tell her to take more than a couple of days worth of clothes. Throw her fricken suitcase at her. Tell her "If you won't play nice, it's time to pack your cuckolds brownie and move out.".
If you won't do that, at least get a GPS for your car so you can trace her moves by computer. They are available at The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! . You can even disable the vehicle on her if you wish.
In any scenario, I'd start building my divorce case against her. You've lost her; time to be proactive.
charles casale
Posts: 1
has me on the edge of my seat too, and can't wait to read more. charlie
Posts: 140
Another typical morning, but I knew it wouldn't remain that way for long. The kids were taken care of and my wife and I were heading to work, at least that what each of us were supposed to be doing. I gave her a half block start and managed to keep a decent eye on her from that distance. She is a slow, cautious driver, so I knew that I probably wouldn't lose her. She drove for about 10 minutes and pulled up to a house that I recognized. It was Mary's, I suppose her brother was in there waiting.
The house is a rancher style. I was actually glad for that since it might make sneeking around a bit easier. I saw a man greet my wife at the door with a hug and a kiss. I gave them about 15 minutes to get comfortable. I walked around the house looking for an open window or two. I could hear them talking in the kitchen, so I laid low for a bit. After a few minutes, there was silence. I proceeded around the back of the house hoping to find the bedroom window. As luck would have it, it was opened. I heard the sounds of giggling and kissing. After a few minutes of that, my wife blurted out, "Get naked and fuck me."
I should have burst into the house at that point, but instead I was turned on. I was both humiliated and ashamed at my reaction. At first, I was tempted to stick around, instead I went to the car and returned home. I knew she would be gone all day, so I had plenty of time to think. Part of me wanted to throw the bitch out on her ass, another part of me wanted to be her cuckold. It was a tough decision, but I knew what I had to do. I sent her a text stating that I knew where she was and that she should come home as soon as she got this message. To my surprise, 30 minutes later she responded with a simple, OK.
She entered the house cautiously and was immediately shocked. There I was kneeling on the floor and totally naked my head resting on the floor and my arms stretched out in front of me in a submissive position. She blurted out, "What that fuck is this about?" I told her that I knew where she was and that I was her slave cuckold and that she could do with me what she wanted. She immediately left the house. I was devastated. This was the biggest risk I had ever taken in my life and it backfired.
She called about an hour later and told me to return to my position and wait for her arrival. I heard her enter the house, she was alone. She walked up to me and ordered me to kiss her shoes. I was relieved that she had changed her mind. When she was satisfied with that little task, she ordered me up on my feet and walked me to the bedroom. She told me that she knew exactly what I wanted and proceeded to strip. She stood before me in just he panties. "Take them off of me, cuckboy." I dropped to my knees again and pulled them down her legs. They were soaked with her cum and his. She ordered me to sniff them and lick them. I was powerd to tell her what I was tasting. She laid back on the bed and pointed to her wet crotch. "Get over here and eat me out." I found myself being turned on in a way I didn't think possible. I ate her for what seemed like half an hour, she must have had at least three orgasms.
She pulled my head from between her legs, bent forward and started to lick her juices off of my face. After several minutes of passionate kissing, she stood up and started to gather her clothes. "Go jerk off and clean yourself up."
By the time I was finished, she was ready to meet the kids at the busstop. Later in the evening, I pulled her aside and asked her what she thought of all this. Her response shocked me, "I enjoyed it, but this isn't what I want." I asked her exactly what she wanted and again she surprised me. "You, whatever I did over the past several days taught me that I love you." I asked her if she could control her urge to run around, she simply said, "It's out of my system."
I don't know whether to believe her or not. I guess time will tell.
Posts: 140
#44 · Edited by: bottomsupinpa
I hope everyone enjoyed this story and the pics of my lovely wife, Kendra.
Posts: 581
Glorious! What a wife! Use her well, and - why not? - get into watching her being fucked. There is no bigger turn on....!
Posts: 140
Thanks for all the wonderful comments and PM's. I told her that I posted the story and her photos. She was pretty turned on by it, I think I have a real slut on my hands. She's wondering if she should share her email with all of you...
Great story and pics! If your wife is like mine, it's really never "out of her system". I hope you enjoy a long, satisfying, cuckold marriage.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 OMG great story i'll be jerking for a long time . I sure hope i run into you two sometime . Would there be any chance you guys are in phila ? Please keep us posted on what happens . [email protected]
Posts: 2117
She is beautiful! I think you should not end it there. Instead encourge her to cuckold you more with black guys and that you should become denied like all cucks should 
Posts: 140
My wife is getting pretty hot over the responses. Maybe it's not out of her system.
Posts: 2117
Why would it be??? YOu have to encourge her to cuckold you more  You have enjoyed it and so has she - time for you to be denied as she enjoys her lovers!
Posts: 500
Really enjoying your story and pics, and now all the better that Kendra knows! I think she has a beautiful body, and love her gorgeous pussy. Please keep us updated and thanks for posting!
Posts: 500
Hey, Kendra has sexy feet...any close-ups?
Posts: 140
Danj, do you like this one?
Posts: 140
Posts: 500
Yes, very nice! She's gorgeous!
Posts: 140
I thank you and Kendra thanks you. She told me to post a few more, so here you go.
Quoting: bottomsupinpa Danj, do you like this one?
This pic is so very erotic. It reminds me of when my wife asks me to help her put on her heels when she is heading out for a date. I practically trip over my erection as I help her with the tiny straps and buckles.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 She is so read for more i would love to fill that hole . I think this time you should be there to watch so you can see just how she gets it . 
Posts: 500
Your welcome! I'd love to see more. Oh, and let Kendra know that I jerked off for her last night!