Posts: 562
#1 · Edited by: youinmywife
Just wanted to write a little about my naughty wife . My hobby is helping my wife get together with a guy (for sex) . I can't help it. It makes me so crazy hot that it is the only sex thrill that I am interested in. We have been doing it for 12 years now, on and off.
My wife Judy seems shy and a little proper to most folks. She was a virgin when we met years ago , but I soon learned she was super-sexed. She never had enough. She often would go off into the living room with a dildo when I was finished. My first clue that she wanted more was when we were married about 1 year, one night during sex she started to say over and over "I love to fuck so much , oh how I love to fuck cock. " and she glanced at me with a very dirty look. I got so stiff ad horny I couldn't stand it. Even so, It took years to go from there to active swinging.
We started going to a swing club , and that makes it very easy. After all everyone there is looking for action , and it helps alot.The first time I saw a man lay on top of my wife and fuck her , I almost fainted. She loves to fuck so much , that you can see it in her eyes. During our first 3sum , I leaned over to kiss her while Joe fucked her on the motel bed, and she sucked my tounge like it was a dick. They were both sweating like crazy. He kept on fucking her for a very long time. I had never see such a long dick before , or heard her make sounds like that. I knew then that this was what I liked , and afterwards I was as satisfied as she was , in fact I enjoy her doing others more than I like doing her myself. We only 'Score' every 2 or 3 times out. When we score . I will drive her to the motel , while she starts playing with her date in the back seat. . Later, I like to sit in a chair where I can see him going in and out . Sometimes these single guys haven't fucked in months and they pump her so hard that I hear them slap together so loud I think everyone in the motel can hear.
I will also never forget the first time a guy fucked her bareback full of come right in front of me. She had never done that before. He had been rubbing his bare cock over her clut. The wispered and then she looked right at me when he put it in to make sure I was ok with it (he was a friend from work) , they both shouted and moaned , He came and came and kept going , and I could see the sperm leak out. When he leaned up and pulled his dick out it was drooling come. she licked him up and down , and they went back to it.
Some days she is as horny as you could imagine. , but most other days she is a prude. on her hot days I am her good friend and on her prude days I am a no-good perverted pig. So I learned I talk to her about it, bring it up until she gets hot , buy her new clothes , We keep doing it time after time, maybe once every few months. The rest of the time we talk about it. Some nights when I have been takeing i break down , I beg her to cheat on me. I like to say 'PLEASE FUCK SOMEONE' . It sounds so dirty when I say it to her , I love to say nasty things to her.
I get so horny. I just think of her being penetrated over and over by some big hot guy, I like to think about how unfaithful she is. She is up to 24 guys now. Most of all its the penetration by big guys, I just want her to get fucked good, Its as if I had her sex drive. I can spend hours just thinking about how men go up her small pussy while she wiggles and twists.
Some nites she says , just make love to me , no dirty talk , But while I please her I think about the times I have seen her pick up guys. I have watched rock hard dicks go right up into her swollen wet hole, all the way in one push. WOW ! .I love it. Sad to say I am not so big , so her dates are the only ones who can fill her up right. She says its the cockhead that counts , but length is important to her from what I have seen.
I help her pick up guys ! We go to a very hot couples club on fridays ( single men allowed) , and she likes to point out the guys she thinks are interested. I try to mingle for a while , and then I mention to them later 'that wife of mine is very horny tonight , do you like her. ? of course they 'get it' right away. When I do that my heart pounds so hard I feel it in my dick. I also enjoy walking away when a guy starts to chat with her , and then comming back later with takes.
The hardon I get from this is amazing. when she is out alone I close my eyes and visualize , I get so stiff that it hurts. I like to stay rock hard all night (until about 4:00 am most times) , and I pump it just a little bit very slow while I wait, because I don't like to come alone. Of course we have a very good time when she returns. last week a two young guys doured her , and one came in her mouth and she she was still sticky when i kissed her. She also had some cum in her hair and it had ran down her neck. She 'made' me lick it which I liked. Then she asked me to listen in from downstairs while she called them up and told them how great they were and she wanted visit the apartment again. This is about as hot as we have gotten.
When I watch her pick up a guy in a bar I also get to ask her all about it later. I ask nasty questions like . Did you get very wet when you slow danced with him ? Did I see him press you onto his dick while you two danced , What did he whisper just before you first kissed him , whose idea was it to go out to the truck ? how did his cock look , how big was his cockhead , how far up did it go, was his cock tip wet when you first put it in your mouth ? .
After I come , I am a normal guy again , and I get very upset about what I have arranged. But an hour or 2 later I am a willing cuckold again. She also gets upset at me , after a wild night she will be pissed at me for letting her do it. She used to say I should not allow it, and she would never do it if I didn't talk to her like a slut and make her feel like one.
She likes to be out on her own now . When she gets ready , you cannot stop her. Just knowing she will be out looking for a man tonight and that her slippery pussy will soon grip tight around a young mans dick will make me shake inside all day.
I find this hard to explain , but her scoring is what I need. When she gets it on with a guy , I feel so DAMMED GOOD. just like I had scored. the more excited she becomes about a guy the more excited I get. I like her to get involved, to have a crush , knowing she will do anything he asks. I don't know why I like it so much , but the need to be a naughty husband is very strong. The first time I listened to her drive away I became worried , " What I have done" I said to myself. (I love her very much) , I then paced the floor all night until she returned. When she returned she made me wait until she told me what she had done. That time she made me jerk off on her ass. but would not let me in.
The next time she dated alone she came home very takes. She was not wearing her panties , and her pussy was swollen up like a huge 'mound'. Its hard to describe how 'large' it looked. Her clit was STIFF and swollen out to about 2 inch's . I licked it up and down, and she made sounds like a cat in heat. When Judy pulled my head down to her cunt lips she was so wet I assumed it was his sperm and stopped eating her . but she said no , she was clean and that was her juice. he had used a rubber but he had been very large. When I stuck it in it was so hot I was amazed, it felt like 120 deg. (f) or more. my dick slid in to the balls and it felt like a larger cunt. She said that going out alone to a bar made her very bad , her cunt oil had run down her leg when she first saw him and she went over to him first.They had fucked in his apartment for 4 hours. She said she would be doing him a lot now , and that she had a date with him for next thursday (her first married/solo date).
When she gets hot for someone special and I am not in the mood, I have to give in. Judy knows my weakness's. She becomes very aggressive. She always wins. last time she made me strip while she got dressed up , and then wispered "let me out tonight, I miss him. ". Of course she could see my bone hard dick rise up. She never lets me cum before she goes out because after I cum I am not in the mood anymore.
She has gotten into a hot affair two times. When she sets her mind on a certain guy these days , she will call him up , do his friends to please him , take him out to swing clubs , whatever it takes to keep him. She becomes a different permister , and will BEG me to 'cover for her' so she can spend a day with him. And she will tell me about it all just to hurt me a little bit , If she has a solo date planned Judy will not fuck me at all for days but will blow me every night (she says wants to be 'clean' for him) , and she will boast how she is his sex slave , but a week later , she hates him, is my wife and a prude again. Wife Share one to two
Hey, you're me, too!!!! Very similar experiences thru two wive's and 20 years. Present wife is near 50, loves the black man (and large man). It's getting a bit harder to make the perfect experience as you get older. However, we're up to #67, and she just shaved bare the other day in expectation of fucking lucky number 68, whom she doesn't know who it will be.
She works out regularly, and I've instructed her to fuck someone completely on her own, and tell me about it after the fact (hopefully with some evidence). This is 180 degrees opposite for her, as she normally wants me to make all the arrangements.
My wife also has her ups and downs regarding the lifestyle. However, you ride the waves, try not to push too hard, and enjoy the ride.