Jonathan Blake
Posts: 30
OK guys, sorry it's been a while since the last update, but until last night my Goddess, Mistress J, had not permitted me to post one. In fact, I asked her last week if I could post one, and she kind of laughed and said "let the cucks wait. They're used to it." Seriously. Meanwhile, she has been spending some time on the site, and has even corresponded with at least one other Cuckoldress on the site! She won't tell me what she talked about, but she did say she got some good ideas from her. Great.
So anyway, yesterday she orders me to post an update on here. I was at a basketball game, got home super late, and just didn't have a chance to post one last night. Was planning to do it first thing this morning. But. I opened my email this morning to find out that she is PISSED that I disobeyed her. Very pissed. She told me that was my first strike and gave me five options to make it up to her, ranging from being locked in my chastity device for three days (we have a CB-3000, I was going to update you all on that too), or having her fuck two other guys before we can fuck again, etc. The option I think I'm going to chose (I have until this afternoon to make my selection) involves me acting as her "cuck secretary" this week, making (and paying for) a bunch of beauty appointments, picking up her dry cleaning, getting her flowers, etc.
She also said that if I get two more strikes she is going to start looking for a new cuck, and she told me to mention in this posting that she's going to begin accepting applications. I hate that so much. I suspect she'll follow up with her own posting.
So, the update in terms of my own descent to status of a cuckold. I should clarify upfront, because I've never posted this, that she actually did relax with another guy after we started seeing each other. We had seen each other only a couple of times, but I was really into her. We had a date one night, and I totally missed my flight back home due to my business meeting going long. The next available commercial flight would have gotten in after midnight, so I would have missed our date. I couldn't bear the thought, so I arranged for a private jet charter to take me home. That night at dinner, Mistress J told me that she had seen an old friend of hers that afternoon. Later that evening, in bed, she told me that they had gotten together for lunch and ended up at a nice hotel for a couple of hours...and she mentioned that he was well endowed and had fucked her brains out that afternoon. So while I was desperately trying to get back home to keep our date, she was fucking the afternoon away with a hot alpha male. We had done a little bit of fantasizing about cuckold scenarios before this, so I didn't totally believe her at first, but I've subsequently found out it's true. My Goddess is so naughty and sexy, isn't she.
Anyway, she slept with R (the guy from that afternoon) once more since we've been together, but that's been it. That was over three months ago. And now we're a lot more serious, so I think when she does relax with someone else it really will make me a cuckold now.
OK, the update with Dr. X. I was already getting increasingly uneasy about Mistress J's relationship with him. Finally, about a week and a half ago, she tried to set up a date with him with me coming along, so I could be there to watch when they first made love, the thought of which was driving me crazy. But he refused, and he told her that she should dump me and be with him. So, after a long talk, I asked her (actually. begged her would be more accurate) not to see him anymore...and she agreed! I was incredibly happy when she did agree to that...I guess I am very into her, huh. Anyway, she thinks it's a sign of weakness that I didn't want her to keep seeing him, what do you guys think? I love the idea of watching her with another guy, or even hearing about it after the fact, but I stopped liking the idea of Dr. X after he showed his cards. I don't necessarily want her to have only one night stands with anonymous guys, but I think for me to enjoy it it's gotta be in a situation where the guy isn't really pursuing her with the goal of making her his on a long term basis. Does that make sense? Mistress J has said that my first cuckold experience might be with a guy, M, that she previously dated. He is amazingly well endowed, apparently, and is an incredible lover, but they are not very compatible out of bed, so I kind of like that idea more, although I'm still nervous about it...
Anyway, I've got much more to tell, but no time to tell it. Sorry, again, for the rambling nature of the post, and I hope you all are enjoying hearing about the true feelings and exploits of someone going down the road to cuckoldry... Feedback is appreciated, and please encourage Mistress J to post her side...
Anyway, this is all real, and this is crazy hot. Wild stuff.
Jonathan Blake
Posts: 30
OK guys - Mistress has instructed me to post another update...I am psyched because she has offered me a chance to make up for my disobedience tonight. I'm going over to her place, and I will assume a submissive position, naked, on my hands and knees. I have been instructed that under no circumstances am I to make eye contact with her unless specifically instructed to do so. I will spend the evening worshipping her incredibly sexy body, probably starting by sucking on her toes (which she absolutely loves) and then working my way up. Did I mention she adores having her anus worshipped? I am certain I will be spending at least half an hour, and probably a lot longer than that, with my tongue gently licking her there, while my fingers flick and stroke her clit.
If I work hard tonight, I hope to work my way back into my Mistresses' good graces by tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.
If you guys want a post from J, please encourage her to do so.
Posts: 3
Hello Cucks-
I suppose you would like to hear about Jonathan's night of punishment. I am happy to oblige. Hopefully this will provide a warning to the other cucks as to what happens when you disobey your mistresses.
After Jonathan disobeyed me I strongly considered replacing him immediately with a new more worthy cuck. After much begging and pleading on his part, I decided instead to give him a choice as to his punishment. It delighted me to give him five terrible options from which he was powerd to choose. He dared not complain about any of my punishment options.
He chose to fly into to see me a day earlier than expected (which required much frustrating rescheduling of his work and permisteral life commitments) to "worship" his Goddess as she "pleased." I think he assumed that rescheduling his plans and worshiping my perfect curvy body would be sufficient punishment. He was wrong.
You see, Jonathan had to learn that disobeying the Goddess is not ever allowed for any reamister, no matter how trivial he may think the disobedience is or how great of a reamister he thinks he might have to disobey. He is now aware that disobeying me is NOT an option. EVER.
The night of Jonathan's punishment, I dressed in my Goddess attire. I made sure to wear a specific outfit that Jonathan will now associate with punishment. From now on I will only have to slip into this outfit and he will know what is coming without me having to speak a word. I wore black fishnets (he loves stockings) and black patent open toe stilettos with a short black Kimono and black hot pants. Of course the stockings were attached to a garter belt and a hot black bra contained my gorgeous 32DDD breasts. I looked and smelled amazing. But Jonathan was not allowed to see me until I gave him permission.
As Jonathan was on his way to me, I text him to remind him that he would be on all fours, eyes downcast when in my presence. Upon arrival, he stepped into my Goddess lair and I handed him a pair of lacey girly panties. Without a word he immediately undressed, put on his panties and dropped to all fours. His eyes remained downcast as instructed. I left him alone downstairs on all fours as I settled onto my Goddess throne upstairs (from which I could see him). I left him there for a long period of time, exposed, uncertain, humiliated and alone, while I watched him from my throne.
Finally I gave Jonathan permission to come upstairs and into my Goddess room. I allowed him to walk up the stairs but when he reached the top of the stairs he was powerd to crawl on hands and knees down a long open hallway until he reached my feet. From this vantage point he could only see my shoes and my stockings, which he was not allowed to touch. We then discussed his disobedience.
During this discussion, I explained to Jonathan that his behavior made me strongly question his devotion to his Goddess and gave him two minutes to convince me otherwise and to apologize. He did so. And then I told him that he must reaffirm his devotion and prove himself a worthy cuck. I gave him a choice as to whether he would do this. He begged me to allow him to reaffirm his devotion and to prove himself to me. So I handed him a small wooden box which I keep in my Goddess lair by my throne. He had no idea what was inside.
He opened the box and struggled not to raise his eyes to look at me with surprise. Inside the box was his CB3000. I usually use the CB3000 for playtime and I always prepare him to be caged and cage him myself. This time I explained that he would cage himself in front of me and then provide the key to his cock cage to me. Did I mention that I had not allowed him to masturbate or release for over a week prior to this? His balls were so engorged that he could barely get the ring around them. And his tiny penis was so hard from the offense that I had already inflicted upon him that he had trouble getting it into the cage. I watched him struggle and laughed at him. This made him harder. Finally, he finished caging himself and turned over the key to his Goddess.
I then made him stroke my stockings, massage my feet and legs, etc. all while not being able to look up. I also sent him to get me takes, etc. on hands and knees just for my amusement. I loved hearing the ice clink in the glasses as he have a full glass along the carpet. The next day his knees were redy and scabbed from this treatment.
Finally I allowed him to look at me. It was obvious that he could barely contain himself. I refused to allow him to touch me. Instead I untied my short kimono and began to rub my breasts in front of him. I teased him mercilessly. I continued to make him pay.
After much teasing and punishment, Jonathan seemed to be relieved when I told him to prepare the bedroom for his Goddess and accompany her into the bedroom. He thought I would remove the cage and fuck his brains out to renew our connection. He was so excited.
In the bedroom, I had him tuck me into bed where I began to play with my pussy.
Then I abruptly dismissed him from the Goddess lair and sent him to a hotel in his panties alone in his cage to think about his disobedience and how it would never ever happen again. The look on his face was priceless.
Can you imagine how rejected, how ashamed and how humiliated he must have felt? Being powerd to fly in to see his Goddess and then being sent alone to a hotel away from her? He begged to simply lay with me in bed and touch me but I refused. He had to learn.
So he spent the night alone in his cage in a strange hotel room after flying miles to see me. And I spent a fabulous evening with my toys. After having tons of orgasms, I fell into a deep contented relax. I felt very pleased with my treatment of my little cuck (and with my ability to bring myself to orgasm better than he ever could).
I suspect that Jonathan will think twice before disobeying me again.
Mistress J