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Smoldering hot cuckold story - TRUE

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Me and this married woman did it.

The end.
KIK voxstephen


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100% true. What's wrong, you prefer made up fantasy BS?
KIK voxstephen


Posts: 4050
#3 · Edited by: goodhusband
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At least use proper grammar. The subjective pronoun I would be appropriate here. You used the objective pronoun me.

If you are going to write short short stories try to write them properly.



Posts: 163
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"I" and this married woman did it?

"Me" don't think so.
KIK voxstephen


Posts: 25
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what does did it mean....??


Posts: 4
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It would be:
"This married woman and I did it."

6th grade must have really been tough for you mani42.
Thanks for all the great stories goodhusband.


Posts: 163
#7 · Edited by: Mani42
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KIK voxstephen


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Quoting: kappaguy
6th grade must have really been tough for you mani42.

Tough? No. Just hard on your mom. But she got used to it.
KIK voxstephen


Posts: 34
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YAWN - you are such a tosser Mani42, go play with your dick and stop looking to antagonise.


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Why are you at this web site? You seem to be a very angry permister. Do you generally go through life invading peoples lives and picking fights?

My experience, and I am an older man, tells me that indiscriminately angry people like you are generally covering up for some substantial adequacies.

Son its time that you turn the computer off, quit living in your ladys basement and put your Penthouse magazines away. Try calling up a girl and getting a date. You might not be so angry anymore.



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Quoting: goodhusband
Do you generally go through life invading peoples lives and picking fights?

No, read the thread. That was you.
KIK voxstephen


Posts: 66
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this is real funny
now you 2 make up and be friends


Posts: 163
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Quoting: legaleagle
now you 2 make up and be friends

Happy to. I was just having a bit o fun posting that in the first place. Didn't mean to upset Hemingway.
KIK voxstephen


Posts: 68
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Yes only a professional writer (such as Hemingway) could be EXPECTED to know the difference between "I' and "Me", right?
baron ochs


Posts: 89
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Yes only a professional writer (such as Hemingway) could be EXPECTED to know the difference between "I' and "Me", right?

Not so.
The simple test is to omit the second subject to determine whether 'me' or 'I 'should be used.
Taking the above example,
'Me and this marrird woman did it.'

Now omitting the second permister gives 'me did it'! This is obviously wrong.
So the permisteral pronoun 'I' must be used and then it usual to place the 'I' second.
'The married woman and I did it.'
You do not need to be a professional writer.


Posts: 163
#16 · Edited by: Mani42
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Is this seriously what people argue about? Good God.

baron, I presume you're being as flippant as I intended in the original post, which was absolutley intended to be conversational, tongue in cheek... in other words, a joke.

NYLimey, you're not nearly as forgiven. After everyone makes up, you bump to pile on.

[edit: sparing you the brunt of my sharp tongue]
KIK voxstephen
baron ochs


Posts: 89
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Sorry Mani42

I only posted this because so many people who post have very little knowledge of english grammar. I am an occasional writer myself with a number of stories posted on Literotica, and was merely trying to be helpful.

I realised your first post was flippant and I suppose I should have not then taken your later Hemmingway comment at face value.


Posts: 163
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Of course baron. We're all friends here. Like I said, I took your post with good humor. In fact, (if the system will let me) I'll delete half my remarks to ny. Not worth it.
KIK voxstephen
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Grammar is fine and all that,,,I'm pissed off cause I was expecting a "Smoldering hot cuckold story - TRUE",,,now that everybody made friends, where my fucking story? There is none!!! It's not nice to fool lady nature,,,I've a good mind to devour you with my pussy monster, but you'd be just like everybody else,,,go out with a smile on your face. I'm gonna have to try and do something about that,,,what's the point of having a pussy monster if no one's affraid of it? Hey,,,your right, I just wrote a bunch of crap and it IS longer than your story, LOL.


Posts: 163
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Grammar is fine and all that,,,I'm pissed off cause I was expecting a "Smoldering hot cuckold story - TRUE",,,

Tis the point "me" thinks. Sorry, I can be such a tease.
KIK voxstephen


Posts: 4050
#21 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Quoting: Mani42
Me and this married woman did it.

The end.
Quoting: Mani42
100% true. What's wrong, you prefer made up fantasy

I am sorry but I am not willing to let this gentleman off this easily. Those two remarks in tandem I take as clear attempt to insult the people who write fantasy here.

To me he appears to be a bully who likes to insult people and when he gets called on it he falls back on the "I was only kidding defense."

If you want a clear picture of his nature take a look at the post he left on my thread in the cuckolding wives section.

I was willing to forget everything until I read the "I was such a tease" quote.

Mani42 you have not acted like a tease you have acted like a mean spirited bully.

You state that I attacked your writing first. No Mani42 you attacked mine when you called it "fantasy BS"

The people who write stories here put alot of time and effort into creating those stories. Don't belittle our efforts and expect to go unchallenged.

If you don't like our stories, don't read them. Thats fine, just don't make fun of us.

I suggest you owe this site an apology.

Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Mani42
you prefer made up fantasy BS?

Actually,,,I don't prefer fantasy BS to the truth, but you could have elaborated a bit more in order to call it a "story". Truth be told,,,life actually does imitate art, if you read enough of the fantasy BS, eventually you attempt to act it out, if you're successful it becomes reality. I always used to want my hub to eat me after we had sex, he wanted to also, but like so many men, after he got off he lost interest. Eventually, after years of desire without fulfillment, I took the opportunity to have my hub eat me after my lover finished, but before he got his turn. Now I'm not claiming to be the inventor of eating your wifes lovers creampies,,,I'm just saying I never heard about it till I was already doing it and writing about it,,,now it's entering mainstream cucking lifestyles. So don't knock fantasy,,,the fact that you drive cars, fly in planes, and we've went to the moon all started out with a fantasy.

P.S. My stories can compete with the wildest fantasies this site has ever read,,,and they're a 100% true, and I have pix and videos to back em up, I've done the gang bang at an adult theatre lifestyle, virtually started the whole "glory hole" craze on the web, "dogging" in the park (when it was called "fucking a stranger in the park"), "Hotwife/Slutwife", "Cuckoldrix", "Interracial Motel Sex",,,"Creampie Eating", "Hub Fluffing",,,I've done it all. So when I write a story it sounds just like all that fantasy BS,,,except it's real. My hub's been fluffing my lovers for over 20 years, but it took 15 years before he'd let me capture it on film, I'm sure lots of people thought my desrciptions of him doing that were not only fantasy, but HIS fantasy and not mine,,,so for 15 years I had to hear crap about fantasy BS. Now that I have proof there's no reamister to stand by and listen to that "BS" anymore.


Posts: 673 Pictures: 9 
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at least some of us try to write english, it's not my native language, so i hope i dont get too many attacks on my spelling mishaps. That would considerably lower foreign posts...Or is it an all english thing here?
I would even like to add: if you want to write books, be a writer, if you want to check someone's spelling, be a teacher. But most of all, don't be a dick.....
stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....


Posts: 684
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1930s BBC English at well I never ..... However I guess it is preferable to the so called ebonics that even mainstream US actors and broadcasters indulge in. hehehe!!


Posts: 4
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This is"ME" got a good laugh from it.


Posts: 762
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funny this thead is, also thinks me...

thankyou 4 all your effort and time. we enjoy your stories
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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So that's what started the war,,,Yoda cucked the Emperor,,,or was it Samuel Jackmister laying down some BBC to the Emperors wife?


Posts: 1914
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Get a room you lot. This waste of space could have been a whole story if you'd put your collective mind to it. Instead its just a whimsy !!


Posts: 163
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Quoting: goodhusband
I suggest you owe this site an apology.


For being normal?
KIK voxstephen
Fred Jones


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No, just for being boring.

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