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I think Brenda is really going to like it here...

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The move had ben as big a pain in the ass as these things usually are, and the fact that we had over 1400 miles to drive 2 cars in 2 days to get in ahead of the moving van didn't help. The all Hispanic crew that had loaded us out in Phoenix had taken almost all day to do it, but two of them were the drivers and we knew that with trading off they would make good time.
Brenda is not a good long-distance driver, she gets too tired, and as a result was exhausted each of the two nights when we reached our hotels. The second night, finally in Birmingham, we pulled in after 10:00 and immediately crashed. We had to meet the moving van at our new home at 8:00 the next morning.
Our new place is great, on about 3 acres out in the country, surrounded by woods on 3 sides and overlooking a lake off the back deck. The deck was one of the features we liked the most, over 1000 square feet, with a grill, a hot tub, a covered area behind the house, and a great view over the lake. French doors opened onto the deck from the living room and from our master bedroom, with a regular door into the back entry and kitchen. The woods down both sides made it very secluded, and the only other homes visible were across the lake. This was a big change from our ordinary jammed in tract home in Phoenix, but you get more for your dollar here.
I had to be in the office by 10:00 (the reamister for the move had been a promotion, with more responsibilities), but I wanted to meet the movers and help Bren get started. We left all of our stuff at the hotel, and drove one car out to the house, arriving before 8:00. The movers, of course, were late, and I was pissed and pacing when they finally showed up at 9:15. The two Hispanic drivers, both Tucmister based, apologized profusely for being late, but they had had trouble finding us until the hooked up with the two local helpers by cell phone.
Those two had stopped for some coffees and breakfast, and as we stood in the drive talking to Eddie and Jesse, a classic '68 Camaro rumred into the long drive. It rolled to a stop, and two powerful looking young black men climbed out. The driver was a stocky 6 footer that looked shorter because of his broad body. I would guess he was in his late twenties to early thirties, and looked like he could just pick up the truck and pour out our furniture. He introduced himself as Juwan, and shook hands all around.
The other young man was introduced as Ray, and I noticed immediately that Brenda could not take her eyes off of him. He was my height, 6'2", but wider across the shoulders and tapering down in a V to a narrow waist, above thick muscular thighs and a powerful looking ass. I had to admit he was handsome, and a fine specimen of the male of the species. He looked like he should be a professional athlete. He was wearing a skin tight white t-shirt (of course - if I were built like him, so would I) under bib overall style work pants in dark green. I guessed that Ray was probably about 25, and found out later I was right on the button. His skin was a deep rich chocolate brown.
We made small talk for a few minutes, and I noticed that Brenda had managed to get right next to Ray, and had her hand on his muscular arm as she smiled up at him. That didn't take long.

I had to leave for work, with some trepidation, but Eddie, the oldest of the group, assured me they would get to work, joking that Brenda would kick their asses if they were too slow. They set into it, as I headed out.
My imagination was running wild, and I was becoming aroused, but fearful and jealous.

Brenda loves sex, and we have a fairly adventurous love life. We have attended a couple of swing clubs, and Brenda has screwed other men with me watching on a few occasions. At first this was for both of us, enjoying other partners, but we quickly discovered that I got more enjoyment out of watching her get fucked, and out of her mild put-downs of my sexual equipment and abilities, than I did out of fucking other women. She also gets very turned on by me watching, and by seeing my obvious arousal at her pleasure.
The other men, on the other hand really seem to enjoy her toned athletic body, despite the fact that her breasts are not huge. They are nice sized, I think, high and firm, and her dark pink nipples stand out nicely on her milky skin. She is a beautiful woman, with her green eyes and dark brown hair, and her mostly shaved pussy is very tight and seemingly always wet. I love her dearly, and I know she feels the same about me.

That is the reamister we can do this, but it is also the reamister we don't do it too much. We don't want it to become an obsession which destroys our relationship, and after 12 years of marriage we are as close as ever. This has just added another dimension.
Sorry about that digression, I have to leave for awhile but will try to stop back later to continue.


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After I got to my desk I was more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, and could not focus on my work. At lunch time I called Brenda on her cell (we wouldn't have phone service connected for another week) from my car. When she answered I could hear loud music playing in the background, and could tell she was out of breath.
I asked her what was going on, and she said that Juwan had gone home sick, apparently severely hung over, but that he had driven her to the hotel to pick up her car, and that she and Ray had run out in her car to bring back lunch and were just finishing up eating. They had placed some chairs on the deck and fired up the boom box, which someone helpfully turned down so she could hear me.

I asked why she was out of breath, and she replied that one of her favorite mistergs to dance to, Oh Black Betty, had come on and she had started dancing to it. It had seemed appropriate, since Black Betty was from Alabam' in the misterg, and we are now in Alabam' ourselves.
I knew better than to think that she had danced alone for long, and jealously said "With Ray, I suppose". She laughed and said yes, after a minute of just watching, he had danced with her while the two drivers clapped and cheered.
I could tell she was moving away from them as the music faded, so I knew she wanted to say something without being overheard.
She said "Honey? Are you upset with me?" I said "no, not really, I just want to be there." She said "Ray is really amazing, incredibly strong, and really a beautiful man, I get pretty turned on just being around him." I knew that already, and said nothing.
She said " When we were dancing I was doing that pelvis bump thing with him, and I'm not positive, but it felt like he was extremely well endowed. I'm really wet just thinking about it. Does that turn you on?" It did of course, my cock was straining at it full 6 and a half hard inches. I remained silent.
Bren said "If it's OK with you, I'm going to try to find out this afternoon for sure. If he's that big, I want to see it. I really want to touch it. Is that OK?" It wasn't, but for some reamister, I guess because I love her and want her to be happy I said fine, go ahead. Maybe it's because I knew I couldn't stop her anyhow.
I knew I would be as useless at my job in the afternoon as I had been in the morning, but waited for my erection to subside and trudged back to my office. I kept thinking about her, and closed my door and called her again at about 2:30.
"Hi, its me. What's going on?"
"Oh, not too much. Jesse and Eddie are bringing the last of the stuff in from the truck, and Ray and I are trying to organize and place stuff. We sure could have used that damn useless Juwan."
"So, how goes your other quest?"
"Hold on a sec, let me go in the bedroom. OK. I was right, he's really huge honey. He's quite a bit larger just hanging limp than you are when you're totally hard."
"He showed it to you?!?" I was stunned.
"No, he let me reach down the front of his bibs and feel him. Did you know he wasn't wearing any underwear? It felt really wonderful in my hand, very thick and heavy. I had to stretch and bend in to reach down to the end of it, it seemed to be halfway down his thigh. He still has his foreskin, I like that, I wish you had one. It feels so soft and silky."

All I could do was make a strangled sound, my cock was rock hard, and my heart was pounding. I would not be able to leave my desk for some time, I could tell.
"His balls were all sweaty and heavy, hanging down his leg. You know how I can suck both of your balls into my mouth at once? I would be lucky to get one of his in my mouth, they felt like large eggs. Large. sweaty, black, cum filled eggs. Are you horny yet?"
I gasped "Please stop".
"Just one last thing. I was so wet that my panties were soaked and uncomfortable, so I took them off. Ray has them in his pocket. You remember the kinda short cool skirt I was wearing when you left? Sure hope I don't have to climb a ladder, or get up on a chair, or even bend over too much. Wouldn't want Ray to see how wet and puffy my pussy is. I'm so horny. I'll tell you about the rest of the afternoon when you get home. Better hurry!"
I was dying from both offense and arousal. I knew this afternoon would seem endless.


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Almost 400 hits and no replies? Does anyone care to hear wher this goes next, did I make it too long and boring, or is everyone just really shy?


Posts: 181
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Are you joking? Of course, finish the story. I hope it's all true.


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Thank goodness! I thought maybe the Rapture had occurred and I was the only one left. (Justifiably so, I suppose.) Good to know there's someone out there.


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I was right, the afternoon just dragged on and on. I was stuck somewhere between aroussal and misery, and didn't really know what to think. It's not like it was the first time that she intended to screw another man, but always before I'd at least felt like I had a part in the decision, if not the act.
Maybe it was because she'd never fucked a black man before, although the first "other man" that had shared a sexual liamister with us had been black, my college roommate for 2 years, Michael. That had been before we were married of course, and we'd all 3 gotten a little high, and she just sucked him to completion while I screwed her from behind. He'd been a little bigger than me, maybe 8" and thick, but not huge. They had always hit it off very well, and Michael is a great guy, but I don't think she ever screwed him. I do know she enjoyed that experience, although we were all a little embarassed about it in the sobriety of the next day.

Other than that, I know she has seen some black guys exposed at the clubs, and she once sucked off another black guy at a porn theater, but he was just average hung and anyhow I was with her at the time.

To my knowledge, this would be the first time she would have a "hands on" with a guy that sounded like he lived up to the legends.
As I got into my car I called her again. I couldn't wait for the 35 to 40 minutes it would take me to drive home.
"Hi, me again. I'm heading home."
"Oh, hi."
"Are the movers about done?"
"Yeah, they finished up shortly after you called and picked up their stuff and left, oh, probably about 2 hours ago. "
"So, you're all alone?"
"Uh, nooo, Ray's still here."
"Great. Why?"
"He volunteered to stay and help me organize some stuff, and we were going to start reassembling some things that needed it, and maybe push a few things around."
"Yeah, I'll just bet he did."
"C'mon honey, don't be like that. I'm really busy, and I have to go. I'll tell you all about it when you get home. I promise. I also promise you'll be turned on. Bye"
Then she was gone, and I was seething. Hard, but seething. I had noticed she said she was busy, not that she was working, so I had a pretty good idea what she was busy with.

The rest of the drive home was uneventful, as I rubbed my throbbing cock through my pants off and on. As I got to our drive I had to wait for Juwan's Camaro to pull out. He was driving, and Ray on the passenger side. They both stuck out their arms and waved, and I waved back. I could see that they were laughing about something.
I couldn't pull into the garage, too much stuff, so I stopped alonside Brenda's car in the drive. Brenda opened the entry door as I walked into the garage, and I said "I thought you said Juwan left." (Nice warm opening, I know. I'm always so tactful) "Oh, he did, he just came back to pick up Ray, since he took the car when he left earlier. Otherwise you were going to have to drive him back into town. Or he could have spent the night..." I just looked at her.
That was when I noticed that she was not wearing the skirt and blouse that she had started the day in. She had on a light summer robe that is designed to look like a man's dress shirt, except longer, in light chambray blue. She looks really hot in this, and generally has on nothing underneath. Her nipples showed nicely.
I also noticed as I looked more closely that her upper chest, neck and cheeks were flushed, and her lips were swollen, red, and shiny, all of which I well knew were signs of her arousal. As I got closer I could smell her musk. She kissed me, and her lips were so soft and warm, but her breath was different. Not bad, just different.
She said "Come on in, I'll get you a glass of wine, and you can tell me about your day. Then, if you're good, I'll tell you about mine."

I said "My day sucked, let's hear about yours." Brenda replied "You might describe mine using that same word." Quite the wit, she. I thought my balls were going to explode.
She noticed my predicament and ran her hand across my crotch, squeezing my hard cock. I said "Careful, I think it's going to blow!", but she said 'No, not until it's way inside of me, I won't let you. Besides, you need to hear about my day first. Lets get you out of these confining clothes." With that she proceeded to undress me.
"Wow, I don't think I've seen you this hard since we were in our teens. That looks almost painful."
"It is, almost. It feels like I could cum any second."
"Don't you dare", as she takes me into her mouth.
"Oh my god, stop, please" My whole body was wracked by shudders, and sweat ran down my back.
She showed some mercy and backed off. "Do you want to see something?"
I was not sure, but said "sure, I guess." She slowly unbuttoned her robe and opened it. Her body was beautiful and her nipples fully hard. As I admired them, I noticed that her breasts, stomach, and chest were shiny, at first I thought with sweat. Then I noticed the obvious streams where the cum had run down her chest and dripped from her nipples, and saw the white pearly drops caught up in her sparse pubic patch.
"You jerked him off and let him cum all over your tits?"
"No, I sucked him off, and he came in my mouth, What you see is the part that was too much for me to swallow, and it gushed out around his cock." I squeezed the base of my cock hard to keep from cumming. "My god!"
I ran my middle finger through a large drop of his cum, then slid it down and stroked her hard clit with my cum-slippery finger. Her clit was huge, hard and hot. I rolled the same finger in a small pool of semen that had collected at the crease of her thigh and abdomen, and inserted it into her pussy. She was loose and hot and very, very wet.
She said "Come on, lay back on the mattress (which was still laying on the floor, not much assembly had taken place) and I'll stroke your cock while I tell you about my day. But remember, you can't cum 'til I say.

I fell back on the mattress, and she grabbed a chair cushion for my head. We had no idea where our pilows and linens were yet, somewhere in these hundreds of boxes.
I spread my legs, my cock pointing somewhere between my chin and the ceiling. Brenda sat between my legs, hooking her knees over my thighs so that she was spread wide open. I could look past her hands on my cock and balls and admire her wet red swollen pussy. As I watched a trickle of white semen roll down between her parted vulva, this is what she said:


Posts: 56
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Awesome story! lol You can't leave us hanging like this!


Posts: 56
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Great Story! she said???????


Posts: 181
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You're a natural story teller. You are playing us like a fine fiddle! More! More!


Posts: 151
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this is fantastic


Posts: 12
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I love the story.... it's hard to type though, with one hand 'busy'


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"Are you really sure you want to hear about this?" I must have looked at her like she was insane. "You've got to be joking, you can't stop now. Besides, you're my wife, I have a right to know what you did."
"Oh, I see. Tough guy, you think you can take it. Well, we'll see. I call a game of Mercy."
Oh crap. "No way Bren! You can't do that now, not tonight. I'm already way too turned on to do that!" She just smiled that devil smile of hers and said
"Yup, my turn, you called the last one. I get to call one when I choose, and besides, it's been a long time since I did you."
She was right; Mercy, you see, is a game we play occasionally, something she had read about somewhere, that had turned out to be amazing. We play it rarely, partly because it is so intense, and partly because anything done too often becomes stale. It goes like this.
The permister that calls the game has to perform any sex acts they choose on the other partner, using fingers, tongue, lips, feathers, toys, vibrators, or ones own genitals--anything, be creative. The object is to get the other to a state of extreme arousal, the crest of the wave if you will, without letting the wave break.

That's right, you have to hold them at the brink of orgasm, that feeling you get just before you ejaculate (for us guys) where every fiber of your being is screaming, and all nerve endings are focused on your groin and on fire. The comparable feeling for women, where you are screaming for release, where you just have to cum, but are not allowed to. I can't explain, obviously, exactly what that feels like for the ladies.
Whoever can last the longest in this state without begging for mercy is the winner. Right now, Brenda holds the crown at 1 hour and 3 minutes. My best is a paltry 47 minutes, but I'll catch her. Probably not tonight.

If you screw up and misread the partners "tells" and make them cum before they call mercy, you forfeit. If they grab your hands (or your head, hair, ears, whatever) and power your touch, or touch themselves, they forfeit.
You need to be in a long-term relationship, and a sexually open one, to do this. You need to know all the partners hot spots, their weaknesses, all their buttons, and their "tells", the signs that they are about to reach orgasm. The sounds they make, the motions, the facial expressions, what their body does. Brenda spreads her toes just before she cums. I curl mine under. That type of stuff.
Then, when they're so close, you change your touch. Move slower, touch more lightly, change your position. Move you tongue from her clit to her inner thigh, or a nipple, or stick it into her pussy. Let the white crest come off the wave before it breaks, then push it back up again. Almost, almost, noooo!, it takes some practice. We have both gotten quite good at it.

This game is somewhat sado-masochistic, and is a form of ***, but it is exquisite ***. And when you finally cry Mercy!, and are allowed to cum, OH MY GOD!! The intensity is overwhelming, all-powerful. I have cum volumes of semen at the end of a long game that I could never have imagined would pour out of me, and felt melted, completely boneless.

Brenda blacked out briefly once (that was a little scary), and had tears running down her face on a couple of other occasions afer shuddering, mind-blowing orgasms. I was afraid I'd hurt her, but she said no, they were happy tears. Great, one more thing I don't understand about women.

Sorry, that took a little longer than I expected, and has absolutely nothing to do with cuckolding per se, but you had to understand the game to know what my loving wife planned to do to me this night. I was in deep trouble.


Posts: 181
#13 · Edited by: drfarmer
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Quoting: stormydog
exquisite ***

So that's the game we're playing. Mercy! And you're winning.

Oy! I love it.


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"OK, you're already totally hard, and very aroused, so we'll start now. Well you remember that I told you on the phone that he let me reach in and play with his cock instead of letting me look at it? I asked to see, but he said no, that I couldn't, maybe later, and just about when I could feel him start to get hard, you know, get thicker and firm in my hand, he pulled away."
Remember, the whole time she is tellling me this she is stroking my hard cock, very slowly, her touch very light. To make my suffering worse, I am looking at her beautiful face, her eyes smoky and sultry with arousal, her lips swollen and moist from the blow job so recently performed on Ray. I recall the soft warmth of her lips when she kissed me moments ago, the earthy smell of her breath. I can still see the sheen of his semen on her body, on her breasts, her nipples still hard, and where I had so lightly massaged it into her pussy.
"Anyhow, we went back to work, we had to try to get some stuff done, because he called Juwan and told him to come pick him up at 5:30, so we only had a couple of hours left once the van left. I thought we were done kind of fooling around, but I had noticed a change in the way his pants fit. He had a long, thick ridge hanging down his right thigh that hadn't been there before. It looked like maybe I had woken up the monster." She laughed a little as she said this, but I could feel her excitement in the way she gripped me. "As passed him in the hall I gave him a bump with my hip, and he just grabbed me. It surprised me so much I tried to pull away, but he was so strong."
" He pulled me back against him, my shoulders against his chest, and pushed his hands up under my shirt. Honey, he just crushed my breasts, his hands were so powerful, pinching my nipples hard. It hurt, pretty bad really, but just then I wanted him to hurt me. He seemed to know. I got so wet honey. It felt like I was on fire, and I could feel his big cock, pressed up against my ass, he was just rubbing it on me. I didn't realize at first that I was doing it, but I was rubbing my ass up and down against his cock."
I could have predicted she would do that, when she is aroused her hips work completely sorry. She could not have kept them still if she had tried. I had never pinched her nipples so hard as to hurt her, I just wouldn't. I didn't know she would like it, become so aroused.
At this point she leaned forward and took me into her warm mouth, the mouth that had so recently been on such a large black cock. Just long enough to tease, to get me wet and slippery, but still almost too long.

"He ran his right hand down my stomach, and down my thigh to where he could pull up my skirt. I opened my legs so that he could touch me, I needed him to touch me. He so lightly touched my clit, but I couldn't keep from crying out. Then he put his long finger way up inside me. He was kissing my neck and licking my ear, and the side of my jaw, and he was telling me how hot, how beautiful I am, and how wet and tight.
Honey, I think I was on sensory overload with his tongue, his fingers, his cock against my back, his breath and his voice in my ear. But mostly it was just the overall sense of him, his hard muscles in his arms, his chest and stomach, even his legs where they pressed against mine.
When he pulled his finger out of me at last, shiny and wet with my own juices, and brought it up to my lips, I sucked on it like I wanted to suck on him."
This was starting to really get to me, that powerful tingle way deep in my abdomen, radiating out from that point right behind my balls. She knows this, and touches right there, just lightly, with one fingertip, dragging her long fingernail all the way around my scrotum and up to the base of my cock. God!
"Hon', you won't believe what Ray did next. He just picked me up, like I weighed nothing, and he carried me through our bedroom and into the bathroom. He set me on the edge of the vanity counter, between the 2 sinks, and dropped to his knees. He sucked hard, briefly, on each of my nipples, then slowly licked and kissed his way down to my pussy. I think I was begging him to fuck me, I don't know.
Just as his tongue touched my clit he stopped, and moved down to my right knee, licking and kissing his way up the inside of my thigh 'til he got back to where I so needed him, then damn him he did it again with my left thigh. I was grabbing his head and trying to pull him to my pussy, but he was far too strong, I couldn't hurry him along at all.
I'm getting a clear mental picture of this big powerful man, his skin so dark against Brenda's pale ivory, with his head and muscular shoulders between my wifes legs, and her begging to be fucked. I'm starting to hur, and it has not even been 10 minutes.


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"Finally honey, he finally put his tongue and lips where I needed them. He licked all the way up and down my pussy, I could feel his tongue enter me, then he sucked on my clit and I came hard. He just buried his face against me, and I could feel his lips and tongue moving against my pussy. I was just so turned on! I came again, I think I almost drowned him, but he just kept licking, I guess swallowing all of my juices. I came a third time, one of those long slow rolling ones that I like so much, you know."

I did know, I had been able to bring her to that type of orgasm a few times in our years of marriage. He did it on the day he met her. That should have hurt me, but knowing how much my beautiful wife must have enjoyed it just made me more aroused. I'm one weird SOB.

"Are you alright baby? You have your eyes closed. Do you want me to stop telling you, or stop playing?" I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Lord no, you can't stop now. I was just picturing you, you know, cumming on his face. You are so beautiful, do you know that?"
She just smiled and went on, stroking my cock with her left hand, softly squeezing my balls with her right. "Well then honey, he just stepped back and looked at me, I watched his eyes run all over my body. He had a major bulge in his pants now, it was seriously big, and I was amazed. Also maybe a little bit scared. As big and strong as he is, I couldn't stop him from fucking me, even if I had changed my mind. Of course I hadn't. I wanted him bad. I thought he would fuck me then, I was sitting there all wet and open and ready for him, but no.
He said he needed to take a shower first! He's standing there, obviously hard, I'm wet and waiting, and he wants to shower. I said no, but he said "C'mon Brenda, I'm all sweaty and smelly, I've been moving furniture all day. You don't want me like this."
"But I did, I wanted him right now . He smelled manly to me, sexy. I wanted to suck him, to lick his balls, I wanted him deep inside me. I mentioned that all we had was a bottle of liquid hand soap and a roll of paper towels, from my car,
He said " Fine, you go search for a towel, I'll use that soap, now you get. You can bring the towel in when you find one, but otherwise stay out. I won't be long."
I can see, in my mind, Brenda wandering around the house, reading box labels, stark naked, while he starts the water and gets into the shower. I know what she will do, she will join him, fuck him in the shower, warm water streaming off them, his black skin and her white skin glistening wet and him buried inside of her. I almost cum, but she stops her hands just in time. Groan. I'm also wrong about her.
"All I could find was one of those little kitchen towels, you know, a dish towel, so I took it into the bathroom. I could see his body through the steam and the frosted glass shower door. Honey, he looked so sexy, just enough blurred to tease and torment, but he was sideways to me, and I could see his huge cock, Honey, he is so big. It stuck out a little from his groin, but he was mostly soft again, just hanging down mostly, but it still looked so big through the glass, a big brown amazing cock, and I wanted it. I was touching myself, pinching one nipple and stroking my clit. He rinsed the soap off his face, and saw me. He said "Hey, no cheating", but then he pressed himself, full body length against the glass, and I could see all the muscles, so defined, and his thick cock hanging down so far, so very thick, pressed against the glass. I think he was totally soft then, but honey he is so much bigger than you, even when you're really hard he's bigger soft. It doesn't seem very fair.
It's not that I don't like yours, I do, but his is just so much. Well, anyhow, he just did that for a few seconds, then he made me get out. I laid on the mattress, about where you are laying now, and just played with myself for a few minutes until I heard the water shut off."
I'm suffering, about to call Mercy. She knows that the put downs, the negative comparimisters to other men sexually, are a hot button for me as long as they are not vicious. She squeezes the base of my cock hard, I think she could tell I was about to cum and didn't think I would call Mercy in time. She is very competitive. She straddles me, I think she is going to fuck me, but no. She just lets my hard cock lay up my belly and rubs her wet slit on me, crushing her clit against my shaft, bringing herself to a small orgasm, and almost me too. I can feel the wet lips of her pussy kissing my shaft, and my balls
" After I heard the water turn off I waited until I heard the shower door close and then snuck back in to the bathroom, very quietly. It was hot and steamy, but Ray had his back to the door and was drying his hair and head with that little towel, he didn't hear me. Oh honey, he is so beautiful. He looks like a great sculptor carved him out of black granite, the muscles in his arms and shoulders, in his back, all moving so smoothly as he dried his hair. His ass is incredible, big hard masses of muscle, and his legs so long and sleek, well formed and muscular. I don't know why he is moving furniture, he looks like a professional athlete, or model.
With his legs braced apart I could see his huge balls, and his cock hanging down. I was shaking I was so excited. I thought I might cum just standing there, and the juices were flowing again. The only flaw on him was a large whitish waxy scar, across his right shoulder. I stepped up and put my hand on his scar, and he jumped, and turned, and took me in his arms.
His body was hot, and still wet, and felt so good against my skin. I felt my nipples rub across his chest, and his cock hanging, pressed against my stomach.
Now it was my turn. I dropped to my knees, and lifted his big cock to my lips. I rubbed his soft silky foreskin back and forth across my lips, savoring the sensation, the so-soft skin. I touched my tongue to it, to him, then slowly licked the length of his shaft. I felt him start to harden, and took the head of his cock in my mouth. I used my tongue to tease his foreskin, I slid my tongue under it, and probed his slit."
Oh my god, I knew I could not hold out much longer. She had stretched the story to 23 minutes so far, but with the image of her lips, the ones that she chose this minute to press to mine, wrapped around his enormous black shaft, my wifes face and lips being penetrated by this man... I thought I couldn't do it. She stuck her tongue into my mouth, then said "Hold on, I'm not done yet"


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"Honey, I could feel him in my hand, in my mouth, you know, getting hard and so thick. I wanted to suck him so bad, all the way in my mouth and throat, like I do to you, but he was just too big. His cock was too thick to go in my throat, but I sucked as much as I could into my mouth.
Baby, I had both hands and my mouth on him and still was not holding his whole length, and my fingers wouldn't even come close to closing all the way around his like I can around yours. Look, on you they even overlap a little. I was so turned on holding his big cock, sucking on him. Do you like my story?"
I did, of course. There was a steady stream of pre-cum leaking out of me by now, and she rubbed the slipperiness over the end of my rock hard cock. She was right, her fingers do reach all the way around my cock, even at its hardest like now, and overlap her thumb by almost half a inch.
I could imagine how she'd felt squeezing his thick cock, and feeling the weight of it in her hands. I know she was very aroused, and probably felt a little bit cheated. I begged her to continue.

"Ray had his hands on his hips, and was just slowly thrusting his big cock into my mouth. He was groaning, and kept telling me that I was 'fine', and hot. He asked me to lick his balls. I held his cock up with on hand and bent and began licking his ball sack. He was warm, and they were hanging way down, and I sucked one of his balls into my mouth and started running my tongue over it.
Honey, he liked that! He was groaning, and he started stroking his cock, so I just put my hands on his legs and kept sucking his balls, first one, then the other. I was right, there was no way I could get both in my mouth at once like I do with yours. Why are his so much bigger than yours?"
I could only only mumble something bright like "He's lucky" or some stupid thing. I mean really, how do you answer a question like that. What do I say - "because he's more man than I am?". While that may be true, I wouldn't say it. She was at the point where she was barely touching me, then stopping, touching and stopping. I knew I was about done. A small spurt of white semen had escaped just moments before, joining the clear liquid already flowing, but she stopped before the wave could break. If she told me Ray came, I was certainly going to as well.
" Well, anyhow, he was really hard and huge by now, and his beautiful cock had the foreskin rolled partway back, the purple head of it sticking out. He was leaking cum, like you are now, so I licked it off of him. He tastes so good.
I stood up, kind of dizzy, but he held on to me. Then I stood back and looked at him, so beautiful, so big and powerful. Someone else might look like a freak with that big cock, but on him it was so perfect."
I had to ask. "How big was it, really. It couldn't really have been that big. You're just exaggerating to make me crazy."

"I didn't measure him honey, don't be stupid, but it was really big. How big? Well, you see the way yours is when I grip your balls like this and the base of it is right at my wrist? See how it reaches up my arm not even half way to my elbow? Well, his reached past my elbow, and was thick like my arm there above my wrist. And it just looked and felt so, I don't know, amazing, so hot."
"OK, OK, then what?"
"Well then he picked me up, like I was a little young, and he set me back on the edge of the bathroom counter. Then he pulled my legs up and put my heels on the edge of the counter. I knew he was finally going to fuck me, and I was so ready. I wasn't even afraid of his size anymore, I just needed him in me. He stepped between my legs and put his big cock on my stomach.
That looked so cool, his big black cock on my white stomach, and so big. I think he wanted me to see how far he would be in me. I was soaking wet, and on fire. He pushed the big head of his cock up against my opening, and I had my head back and eyes closed, begging him to take me."

I could clearly see this picture, both of them glistening wet with perspiration and lust, his muscular black body standing between my wife's spread legs. Her head back, long hair making small curls in the fog on the mirror as it stuck to it, her flawless neck and chest flushed with arousal, and nipples thrusting out. The muscles in his thighs ass, and back flexed as he prepares to thrust into her, enormous cock poised at her opening, the tip just parting her lips.
I ache, every muscle in my body in spasms to keep from cumming It's been 34 minutes. "Oh god, tell me!"

" He said 'Have you ever been fucked by a black man before, a big black man?' I said no, never. Then he said 'You need to open your eyes then, you need to watch this. Watch your body love my big dick. Watch, look.'
I opened my eyes and looked down at him, at us."


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To drfarmer: Yes, it is mostly true, I may spice it up a little, and conversations are as best as I can remember them. We really did move, and she did fuck our black movers. I do leave out the clumsy bits, where hair gets pulled or someone gets conked in the nose with a knee, to keep it interesting.
Interestingly, guys come on to her and think they are seducing her, but she is always the one doing the selecting.
To the others that have been so kind as to respond, thanks for the kind words, and I hope you are enjoying the story. I will return when I can.


Posts: 1459
#18 · Edited by: stormydog
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Posts: 114
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Like the stories.


Posts: 114
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keep them coming. please


Posts: 581
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Fantastic story! If it's real, you are on top of the world (and of course wouldn't give a cuckolds brownie if the rupture had occured If it's a story then you are an artist. Any way it goes, thank you for sharing her wuth us


Posts: 181
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You can't leave us hanging here forever. What's the rest of the story?


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drfarmer--Sorry I've been gone so long, it's been kind of crazy and I've been on the road a lot in my work. I will try to return and continue the story in the next couple of days, if anyone is still interested. I may have to start a new post after finishing this particular day's story, Bren had the next day with the two guys assembling and unpacking some of our stuff, and then they came back on the weekend to fish in the lake a little, and cook out on the deck.
My dream was fulfiled when we all enjoyed the hot tub on Saturday night. I got to watch and (eventually) participate!

Thank you N for bugging Bren to get me to finish the story and for swapping emails with us!


Posts: 181
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Can't wait.


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I continued to lick her pussy and suck on her clit. I ws totally into it, and by her moans and the way she bucked her hips into my face, I could tell she was too.
I had cum a big load into her, and was swallowing a good bit of my own cum, and possibly some of Ray's for all I knew at that point. It was not the first time that I had done that, but I'm just not normally loving to do it. This time I really did.
She had 2 good strong orgasms as I cleaned her pussy, and then flopped down beside me, both of us utterly exhausted. I used my t-shirt to clean my face up a little, and then passed it to her so she could dry her wet pussy and thighs some.
Here we were, laying on the bare mattress, no idea where our pillows, sheets, and towels are. We were so tired that we debated just relaxing there instead of going back to the hotel, but I had to be at work in the morning so I would need a shower and fresh clothes, and the house was a wreck.
We dressed as best we could and dragged ourselves out to my car, leaving hers. She was too tired to drive the several miles back into town. As we went to get in the car, Bren told me to pull my pants down first. I told her she must be crazy, but she said she just wanted to hold my cock and nap with her head in my lap. That sounded do-able, so I complied.
As I pulled out of the drive she said "It's really amazing how much bigger his cock is than yours. I bet just hanging limp he's about 8" or so, and thick, but look how dinky yours shrinks up, and it probably still a little puffy from all the rough handling tonight. It's cute though."
Ladies, cute is not a word men want used to describe their equipment, in case you're wondering. I knew she meant well, so I let it pass. Besides, her telling me how arousing she finds other mens cocks usually turns me on, and it did tonight although the arousal was all mental. My cock was worn out.
She continued to fondle my cock and balls, which felt amazing. I looked down at her as I drove and said "You know you still have to tell me the rest of the story, how he came all over you and in your mouth. You had semen breath, I guess, when I got home and you kissed me. I guessed that was why your breath smelled different."
She stopped playing and looked up at me. "Did you like that? Did it make you hard?" I had to admit that it did, that the thought of my beautiful wife with a big black cock spurting cum into her mouth turned me on enormously. "Could you taste his cum when I kissed you?"
"Yes, I guess, I don't know. You tasted different, but good, and I knew how horny you were earlier when we talked on the phone. I'm only surprised he didn't cum inside of you, I know you love a load of cum inside."
She explained that he had been afraid to , that he knew I was almost home and would know they had been fucking. She had tried to tell him that I was cool with it (sort of true), but he hadn't believed her. He didn't know that she had greeted me at the door with cum all over her lips and on her breath, and dripping from her breasts.

By now we were at the hotel, she hadn't napped at all, but our discussion had woken us both up a little. I was, to my surprise, about half hard. I tucked and zipped, and we trudged through the lobby, no doubt looking and smelling like we'd just come from a Roman orgy.
After we got in our room and cleaned up a little, we lay togehter naked on the bed, and I asked for the rest of the story. She snuggled into my arms, and snaked one hand down to squeeze my balls, while I gently played with her right breast, stroking her hard nipple.
"Well, there is not much more to tell. Where did I leave off?" I reminded her that I had exploded when she told me that he was buried inside of her, fucking her when she answered my phone call.
"Oh yeah, that did make you squirt big time" she laughed.
"Well, you're going to love this. He was fucking me on the edge of the sink, I was watching his big black cock go into me, all shiny with my pussy juice. It looked amazing, and felt even better. He made me cum so good. I could get addicted to a cock lile that. Anyway, when the phone rang it was out in the bedroom on a box, and he just put his hands under my butt and picked me up, with his cock still in me, and carried me out there to get it. I had my hands behind his neck, holding on, and I could feel that hard pole moving around inside me as he walked. I came hard, and had to wait a second to answer so I could get my breath."

"So when you answered me you were just riding his cock, he was standing and holding you up by your ass and you were fully impaled, and you had just cum." "Yup, it was great. I really wished you were there to watch." "Yeah, me too. Damn."
Amazingly, I was hard as a rock again in her hand, just picturing that scene. She smiled and said "you know your dick may not be real big, but it's a horny little thing. I like that."
"Anyhow, after we hung up he put me on the mattress and fucked me hard and fast, he knew you were coming home and wanted to be out, of the house I mean, before you got here. It felt so good, I don't know how many times I came. It felt like I couldn't stop. I begged him to cum in me, to fill me up, but he said that since I didn't have time or soap and towel you would find out."
"When he got close to cumming he pulled out and let me suck him. His cock was so big in my mouth, and tasted like me, and then he just started spurting into my throat. I tried to swallow, but there was too much and I had to let some run out. I swallowed a lot, but you saw how much I had on me. It was great!" I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm, she had really enjoyed this experience, and I was really happy for her.
I recognize that I can't fulfill her sexual needs, that once in a while, not all the time, she needs something wild. Somebody big, several men at once, some very kinky experience. She's always controlled these urges most of the time, giving in only occasionally, but I could tell she had really enjoyed her big black cock experience. Besides, it makes me extremely horny to hear the stories, or better still to watch her. She says she is hornier when she knows I'm watching as well. Weird, huh?

"So Juwan just got back in time to pick up Ray before I got here then?"
"Well, no, actually as Ray was just getting done cumming on me I caught Juwan out of the corner of my eye, just leaning in the doorway and playing with a big bulge in his pants. I don't know how long he watched us, but he was obviously hard. And big. He said he wanted a blow job too, but I told him no work, no play."
"He came over and grabbed my head and told me I looked beautiful with jizz all over me, then he kissed me hard, right in Ray's cum on my face, and licked my chin. That gave me shivers."
"What do you mean shivers?"
"Well, it was kind of arousing that he would do that, just uncontrolled lust I guess, but he's kind of scary he's so broad and strong, and so black. He pulled his cock out and tried to put it in my mouth, but I wouldn't let him, and Ray made him stop."
"Was he hung like a horse too?"
"Well, not as big as Ray, but it was very thick and very black, and had this thick scary looking purplish head. And a very black, very big set of balls. I mean every thing about him just seems so, I don't know, aggressive, I guess.
"Was he longer than me?" Why do I punish myself by asking stupid questions?
"Yes, he was longer than you honey, and lots thicker. Both these guys are big, strong he-man types, and equipped to show it. You shouldn't try to compare to them. Besides, you earn lots more money than they do." Not much consolation in the wife pleasing department, but I knew what she was getting at. We all have our strong and weak areas. My weakest is letting guys fuck my wife, but I love it.
"Well, at least they're gone. Are you going to finish what you started or leave me hard and horny?" I assumed she'd suck me off, but she said no, and I wasn't to do myself either, I'd just have to stay hard. I figured I'd get no relax, but I was wrong. I crashed totally.
I probably would not have slept so well if I had known she hired them both to come back tomorrow to help unpack and assemble stuff. My company had paid for the move, and that included things like hooking up washer and dryer, water to refrigerator, assembling bed frames, etc, but she had promised to pay each of them another $150 each if they came and did more work on Friday. I didn't find this out until Friday morning as I was getting ready for work, and I was kind of pissed. I knew what would happen, I knew they would be fucking my wife, getting paid with my money to do it, and I'd be dying at work. Damn it, it is probably good I didn't find out 'til morning. It would be a torturous day at work with my imagination going crazy, but no way out of that now.


Posts: 64
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Thank you dj, nice to (finally) read more!



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Hi Nicolas. Yes, you might say that after your email Bren "prevailed upon me" to get back to the story. The nice thing is that now that we let her in on the fact that I was posting this experience A) It makes her horny, which is good for me, and B) she helps me remember some of the details, which is good for y'all!


Posts: 49
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excellent writing man thanks
edmonton cuck couple


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I hope you'll have more to post soon....


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Great story! Can' wait to read more!!
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