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Sarah's Game

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I have had a lot more supportive messages that I have had dismissive posts on here. And I still don't see that this is a major issue. As I've said, I'll take mine down if asked by the original author. This is an internet forum to which people can respond to others' postings.


Posts: 4050
#62 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I'm sorry, I find that response insensitive and intolerable to every writer who posts on this site.



Posts: 4050
#63 · Edited by: goodhusband
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For some reamister, I am unable to currently log in to this site under my own account. So I am posting this under my husbands account.

For the past several years I've been working very hard to try to keep my husband out of conflicts like this one.
Sadly, in this situation I have to agree with him. Martinr, you really are a shockingly obtuse human being.

Clearly you do not understand that this disagreement is fundamental to the use of this site as a vehicle to create stories. If what you are doing is left unchecked, then a precedent is established that will make it permissible for anyone to add their permisteral variations to all stories as they are being created.

Yes, we understand that the author is question has left his story undeveloped for an extended period of time. While that may make all of us unhappy, that is his prerogative. After all, he did create the story.

My husband offered an alternative. An alternative that I think was very reamisterable. Post your additions on a new thread that credits the original author. This leaves that author's thread clean and gives him or her the option to come back in the future and continue the story if he or she so chooses.

Martinr, you have chosen to reject that compromise and stand by your efforts to usurp another writer's story. Please understand that attempting to get the author's permission after the fact is irrelevant to this situation. You have already stolen another writer's story.

My husband loves to write and he is proud of his creations. I have observed the effort he puts into creating his stories. He and every other writer who posts stories on this site deserve better than what you are offering.

For this reamister, I have asked my husband to stop posting on this site. This is not a decision made lightly. Martinr, we both see your transgression as a fundamental assault on an authors freedom to create stories without the fear of interference from others.



Posts: 11
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Jesus christ calm down. There are thousands of leechers like myself on this site and here we have a guy that actually wants to contribute. I say go for it martinr. I really appreciate your work. Why not let the owner of this site decide how to solve this goodhusband?


Posts: 1459
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I hesitate to stick my nose back into the hornet's nest, but what the hell...

I have to take some of the responsibility for this kicking up in the first place, as I was the one that suggested (before the posts were lost) that martin might try to PM the original author to get approval before adding to the story any further. In retrospect, GH's idea is a far better and more elegant solution.

GH is correct that the nature of this site almost encourages this behavior in that it allows readers to interject comments, complaints, ideas, etc right in the middle of the story. This is both a blessing and a curse, as it tends to sometimes break up the story and a lot of suggestions and ideas for storylines get thrown in along the way, which some writers don't care for - permisterally, I enjoy the give-and-take, and the encouragement is often the only thing that keeps me going. But those are minor quibbles. To step in and take over a story, especially one that has been well developed over several chapters and has only recently been left to sit idle, is just wrong.

Starting a new thread with a continuation of Sarah's Game, as suggested, makes a lot of sense to me. Give it a title that lets the reader know that this is a continuation, an alternate version, and is where the story goes in the parallel universe that martin is creating - and then go for it! Martin can write, as he's proven - this shouldn't be too difficult for him. One could, I suppose, even cut and paste the original chapters of the story - with full credit given to the author and the necessary disclaimers made, of course - at the start of the new tale, and then notate where the new author's words begin. Not a perfect solution, but doable.

This would at least have the benefit of leaving the original story untouched and available for jaicee, should he choose to return and continue his tale. (He's only been gone a couple of months!!) I understand the temptation to carry on the story. If GH were to abandon Courtesan at this point, as he may now do, I would very much miss Timmy, Kelly, Kirby, and the gang - but, though tempted, I would not try to continue it. He created the characters, he gave them life, and they are his. Not only shouldn't I do it, but I couldn't; I just don't know the players as he does, their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Only he can do that.

How about a new post completely, for Sarah's Other Game. (Hey, don't look to me for a title, mine suck!) Come on martin, you can write. I'd sure read the tale on a new thread - but I don't believe I will here.


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I am not asking the martinr to not write a continuation of the story. That is not what I'm objecting to. Martinr's fault is that he did it on the other writer's thread and it would have been so easy for him to start his own thread as a continuation of the story. It shouldn't be necessary to power the original author into a position where he has to approve or deny a request to continue his story. Just credit him on a new thread and write away. That allows martinr to express himself while preserving the integrity of the original author's work.

I don't feel like I'm asking for a lot, but to a creator of stories here it is a very important distinction.



Posts: 14692
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What Storm said

"Starting a new thread with a continuation of Sarah's Game, as suggested, makes a lot of sense to me. Give it a title that lets the reader know that this is a continuation, an alternate version, and is where the story goes in the parallel universe that martin is creating"

Make sense to me too. GH suggested the same thing. We don't know why the original author stopped. Some times life interferes with our fun. That is no reamister to hijack his story the way you did. I may have to stop writing for a while, depending on what is happening with my wrist. I would be truly pissed if some one took over my story. Probably delete every segment that I created and let who ever took over hang in the wind with no beginning.

If we want to maintain the quality of content on this site, we need to respect each others effort to entertain the "unwashed masses" and not horn in on somebodies earlier efforts.

Over and out


Posts: 108
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I also agree with GH, Timmy, Stormy and the others that a new thread created by the new author is the way to go. Seems like a very simple solution.

1) Create a new thread that has a link to this one for the background story.
2) Take your new chapter and add it to that thread
3) Delete the chapter from this thread
4) Continue the story on your own thread to your heart's content

Is that really so much to ask to respect someone else's work?


Posts: 1914
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You seem a little confused here. What you have on this site is a meritocracy amongst the writers, not a democracy amongst the readers. You may or may not have people supporting your view. That is irrelevent. What you have done, and it is serious, is to piss off the best writers on the site. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that without these writers, the site would be defunct. Line up all your 'loyal' readers and eliminate them from the site and you would have no effect. It amazes me that you can't or won't see this. The writers who contribute in depth are sharing a part of their souls with us. What they create is very dear and precious to them, and it belongs to them. If you don't see this, please just accept it is true. If you don't believe it, you are the equivelent of a literary terrorist. It actually has amazed me that Big C hasn't shut you down already. You represent the biggest threat to his site in recent years. Without the writers, he has no readers and no site. Without you, well, you do the maths. Count your hits and count theirs.


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chiappeviola, priss, weslrobt, cuck4one, storm and all the readers who sent me permisteral messages and emails.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Lisa and I both have a little feisty streak. We have always been quick to take up the fight when we see a wrong. Sometimes we are too quick. After several permisteral messages with my good friend peakmb and reading all of your comments, Lisa and I have both come to the conclusion that this might be one of those times.

I want to finish “Courtesan”, Lisa wants to see me finish it and we both want everyone who has been enjoying it to be able to read the end on this site and without having to wait until the entire story is posted on another site.

I hope everyone will understand why I took the stand I did. All of the writers who post at this site work very hard on their stories and post them without any copy write protection at all.

I am very touchy about this issue. I hope the reamisters are apparent. When martinr began his extension to that jaiceeuk's story and did it on jaiceeuk's thread, I do not believe that he actually understood what he was doing or how seriously some of us would take it.

I'm sure that he was probably a bit taken aback by the reaction he received from some of us. Now we have both painted ourselves into a corner.

Lisa and I have decided to step out of the corner. I am going to walk away from this issue. It has never before been much of a problem on this site. Most readers are careful about respecting a writer's work. I hope that if nothing else, this conflict has reinpowerd that attitude.

I hope that martinr will re post his extension to jaiceeuk's story on a thread of his own and keep writing it, but that's up to him.

I have a story that I am trying to finish and I am now going to focus all of my effort on doing that.



Posts: 274
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I was one of the first to give support for martinr.
However, having read your understanding of the situation, I have come to the conclusion that you and the others who have argued that he was wrong, are right.
I agree, that if he should wish to continue, he should do it under a new thread.
However, I think that he would be ill advised to take this matter any further, as I doubt that many readers here would support his cause.
Thank you for all you have contributed to this site, it would not be the same without you!!!
I hope that this matter will not sour the good rapport that the authors and the readers enjoy on this unique site.
Good luck to all of you and you in particular, GH.



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Sarah’s Game: Part Six

Sarah had gone to bed early that night. They’d spent the evening watching TV, sitting in the lounge, Sarah full of life, laughing at some comedy panel game while Peter sat sullenly in the corner. As it finished, she uncrossed her long legs from under the white satin negligee and wrap she was wearing and rose from the sofa, heading upstairs. After a while, it became clear to James that she wasn’t intending to come back down, and he went out into the hallway. The words weren’t clear, but from upstairs he could hear Sarah murmuring, and he noticed the cordless phone missing from its cradle on the table.

He knew in the pit of his stomach that it was Peter she was talking to, even before he quietly climbed halfway up the stairs to enable him to hear more clearly. He could hear her gentle laughter, the sort a girl would coquettishly make when being complimented by a man. He wanted to hear what they were saying, and yet he didn’t. Their bedroom door was ajar, and while her face was obscured, he could see Sarah’s long legs crossed as she sat on the chair by her dressing table, the split in her expensive white silk and lace teddy revealing her slim calves and shapely thigh. He could smell her perfume from where he sat on the stairs, and despite the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, knowing that his wife was using their bedroom to make private calls to another man, he found himself becoming hard again.

He could tell by her tone that the conversation was coming to an end, but still couldn’t make out her words clearly. He caught the end of one sentence, though. It was his own name, and it was followed by laughter, as if they were clearly making a joke at his expense. But it was the final words that Sarah spoke before she *******ed the call that really made James’s heart lurch.

“I miss you. See you Friday...”


Posts: 1914
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Words fail me. I only wish that they had failed you first.


Posts: 181
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Tragic. And sad.

I beseech thee, Big C, put an end to this tragedy.


Posts: 3
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great story, hope jaiceeuk continues it.


Posts: 73
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Unfortunately due to work and life pressures I never did get around to continuing Sarah's story.

I appreciate all the positive comments however and have decided to have another bash at writing.

I have set up a blog where i will be posting some old stuff to start with and hopefully getting fresh inspiration to come up with new stories as well as continuing Sarah.

The link is: if anyone is interested.


Posts: 4156
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Hello jaiceeuk
Good to see you back. If you'd like me to delete the posts that I added to your story, please let me know and I'll do so.


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Still the best ever cuck story. Are you around jaiceeuk? Would love to read more.
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