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A quiet night in

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billie poster


Posts: 355
The numbers on the bedside clock came into focus,3:37, Alan was lying on his back going over the evenings events.He'd had sloppy seconds before,enjoyed the feeling of another mans cum in the pussy he was screwing in fact,but last night had been so different! Before at least there had been some feeling around his head and shaft,not as much as if he was the first to fuck the woman,but still offering friction .Last night had been as they say in France "Like waving your hat out of a window" Was it four or five thrusts before he lost it and added his own contribution to Eve's flooded pussy? Even later as they made love after talking through Clyde's visit she was still loose as fuck,but the reamister for and the feeling itself had brought on a speedy climax. Now here he was trying to decide between waking the relaxing Eve and having a quick wank in the bathroom.
Steve couldn't remember the last time he'd climaxed three times in one session,when they first met he could go for ages once the initial fuck had calmed him down,but he was fouty four and twice was a blue riband night. The porn had been a help of late,while once it had been under the counter video's from a local hire shop,the advent of the web had made it far easier.He had amassed quite a collection,starting out with straight porn,lesbians, the usual suspects in fact. Then he'd come across the Please Bang My Wife site.Limewire had done the rest.
Alan's mind drifted back eighteen years to their first disastrous dablings in the swinging scene.They'd answered Bill and Avril's ad in a contact mag and after an initial meeting in a local pub had agreed to meet for sex the following weekend.They had been slightly older than Alan and Eve,experienced swingers and Avril was quite a looker so he was really looking forward to Saturday,Eve looked stunning in her new outfit concealing Alan knew the black underwear also purchased for the occasion. Avril exuded sex as they greeted them on their arrival.It was all a little stiff at first,but then the wine began to kick in and Bill got the cards out.Soon both the girls were down to their underwear and both men voted a cease fire before the exotic garments hit the floor.It was when clothing gave way to forfeits that Alan's worries started.Bill was up and throbbing long before Eve had to pay with a 10 second blow job on him.A visit to Avril's moist pussy had no effect on Alans cock.Before his 10 seconds were up Bill and Eve were locked in a sixty-nine embrace. As he tongued Avril's slit no amount of wanking,thinking about things that turned him on had any effect,he couldn't get it up! Avril tried, not making a fuss just gently sucking his pathetic non erection while Bill filled his wifes pussy with his spunk.
No amount of" its nerves,dont worry it just happens sometimes" helped dispell the devastation Alan felt as they drove home. Eve was great about it,showing great patience during the two weeks it took for him to feel like sex again.Afterwards telling him there was nothing wrong with him,proving it by sucking him hard and riding him to a climax.
Six months later on impulse he bought a girlie mag on the way home from work intending to read it in bed with Eve prior to making love. As he lay between her legs licking her pussy she read out the stories,letters and finally the contact ads in the back.
"Couple,mid 20's seek males to help hubby.She slim,blond and shaved,good O+A levels.Him 6ft slim,both n/s S West area,photo a must ours by return" Here's another one
"Wife seeks VWE males coloured most welcome hubby to join in for DP London S East"Eve read out several all on the same subject.
As they lay in each others arms afterwards Alan asked her if she fancied a threesome with another man."I'd have to fancy him"she told him"Why do you?" Alan recalled the offense of the non hard on event,trying to decide if it was worth it."I'd love it but i'm a bit worried,you know after what happened last time" he half hoped she would turn against the idea,instead she said "Maybe it was Avril,maybe if it was just you and me with another bloke it would be Ok" "Maybe,can i think about it a bit.Its just i dont want to make an arse of myself"
It took him a week to decide and an advert was placed in a well known Contact mag,the replies arriving a month later.Expecting a sackfull the three letters were a bit of a let down.Two were with photo's one without,so, keen to get started they replied to all of them enclosing a polaroid of a naked Eve in stockings and suspenders,plus their phone number.
A further fortnight and Alan was greeted by an excited Eve as he arrived home from work. "Guess who i've been talking to"she said arms around his neck. "Pass" he replied.
"One of those blokes,he's called George and he sounds lovely,some of the things he wants to do to me sound great"she gushed "He lives in Bath and would like to meet one weekday afternoon" "Slow down babe,make us a cup of tea and tell me all about it"he said puting his briefcase down before kissing her.."The dirty bugger wants to spend a while with his tongue up my ass"she giggled in his ear. "Your up for it then,if he wants to meet during the day i'll have to wangle time off work but at least the kids will be at school"
Eve phoned him the following day and Tuesday at 11:30 the following week was agreed.That evening the other two "Studs" called and after taking the calls Alan passed the phone over to his wife.To hear the one sided conversation gave him a huge erection,were she got the nerve from god only knew."Of course i doause: You filthy sod,but yes i love it actually,so does Alan ause:Not yet but thats why your coming etc etc. As soon as she had put the phone down he was asking. "Well he wanted to know if i enjoyed oral,giving and receiving,did i swallow,did i do anal,ever had DP,god thats turned me on talking dirty over the phone" "You only let me fuck your ass on my birthday"Alan pointed out.
"You'd better be nice to me then hadn't you"she said grabbing his crotch and kissing him.That night he had buggered her for about half an hour,she even came with him up her ass and a vibrator on her clit.
Tuesday arrived and at the alloted hour George arrived and give her credit Eve hid her disapointment well.35 must have been a distant memory,his beige trousers matched his cardigan all covering a pronounced paunch.As they sat in the lounge he came over as a decent enough chap,even making Eve laugh at a couple of jokes as they drank coffee
"Are we going to sit hear or are you two lads going to fuck me"Eve asked as she stood smoothing her skirt down over her stocking clad legs.Not waiting for an answer she made for the door George close behind.As they went up the stairs George had a good view of Eve's seamed nylons and firm ass wiggling in front of him. "He must think its Chrismas"Alan thought as he brought up the rear.As he pulled the curtains,both Eve and George began to strip,his wife down to her undies before George had untied his shoes.As he in turn stripped he watched Eve undo his trousers,pulling them, together with his Y fronts to his knees revealing a small uncut cock which she began to suck."Is that it "Alan thought as he watched her take his entire prick in her mouth in one gulp. Now naked Alan lay on the bed massaging his prick which was half as long again as the imported "Stud"
Leaving George to remove the rest of his clothing she knelt on the bed,mouth on Alans cock,ass waving in the air.Alan watched as George bent to lick between his wifes legs making her moan with pleasure.A few minutes of this and George positioned himself and entered her with short sharp thrusts making it difficult for her to continue her sucking.In a matter of thirty seconds she crawled over him mounting his rampant cock,George had cum already and her cunt was slick with his spunk.As she rode him she asked George to put his cock into her mouth. It looked dead as she licked and suckled on it. Dead it might have been but the sight of Eve sucking another cock and the Sloppy feeling of her pussy had him cumming in minutes.
Not wanting to stop the sex and have to talk to the poor bloke he rolled her onto her back and began to lick his wifes pussy full of spunk as it was.His second erection came quickly and with her legs around his waist he entered her once again while she tried in vain to get George hard with her hands and mouth.
After his second climax things just fizelled out.He refused a take dressed and left promising to phone next week.
After he had gone Eve told Alan "Thats the last time i do it for Help the Aged"and burst out laughing."How come you were so eager to get upstairs,if you didnt fancy him i could have got rid of him" Alan said trying to look serious."Bless,he'd come all that way and he was quite sweet really,small but sweet did you see it i nearly laughed out loud thats why i sucked him straight away,i swear to god i was that close" she held her thumb and forefinger half an inch apart.
Number two was booked for Saturday night,but at least they had a photo of Graham from Salisbury,32,7" cock loves oral. The kids round at Grannies once again Eve looked a million dollars all in black and loads of make-up. Graham look just like his photo,whether he was 7 inches they never found out as he couldn't get it up.
Eve began to despair,Alan was almost chuffed,at least he wasn't the only one with problems.Number three was arranged for Saturday week,once again Grannie having the youngren."Much as i love having them,how come all of a sudden your going out together?"she quizzed Eve as she dropped them off
She had pulled out all the stops this time new hair-do the lot. 8:00 arrived and went so did 8:30,9:00 and 10 he never turned up "Thats it,no more it isn't worth the aggro"she said getting quietly pissed on wine and true to her word she didnt mention it again.Well not for four months anyway.Thats when the tell tale brown envelope arrived from the magazine.Just one reply,a chap called Ian who apologised and would understand if they said no,but he'd picked up the Contact mag in a job lot from a junk shop and the sight of Eve's ass had blown him away,enclosed were two photo's one clothed one naked. Eve liked what she saw and suggested they give it one more try.So 9:30 Saturday morning Alan called Ian on the number given.Three rings and the phone was answered.He was an experienced swinger would love to meet at a neutral venue and take it from there if all parties were agreed.They met him in a pub,he was just what he said he was. He'd bought the mags second hand as he'd been made redundant and money was a bit tight at the moment.Within five minutes Eve's hand was on his thigh,his like wise.An invite to find somewhere quiet to park the cars was turned down as they had a young babysitter to think of,but a deep kiss and a feel up Eve's skirt promissed great things when he came to call.
Ian was twenty minutes late but unlike the other idiot had phoned to let them know.Despite the lack of funds he turned up with wine to share and a single rose for Eve.
They didnt make it up the stairs,calling for her to stop, he said he'd been dreaming about her ass and there it was in front of his eyes,could she just take a moment to let him take it in.Eve leant forward resting her hands on the stairs as Ian ran his hands over her buttocks,finally kissing it and with a pat telling her to carry on.
Once in the bedroom he suggested Eve stripped first giving "The boys a show" this she did, not very well but she was no stripper.When she was down to her underwear she lay back on the bed saying "My turn,boys" Without too much finesse they took their clothes off,glancing over at the rivals cock Alan was pleased to see it was no bigger than his and it was hard.They joined her on the bed,Ian kissing her full on the lips and Alan taking a tit in his mouth.Breaking away Ian began to lick her pussy while Alan offered her his prick to suck.True to his word Ian was experieced and had her cumming in minutes.Turning her over he mounted her doggie style allowing her to continue sucking her husbands cock,building up a steady rhythm she serviced both of them at once.It didnt take Ian long to cum "I'm an ass man and yours has been driving me mad since i saw your picture in that magazine"was his excuse,but as they swapped places Alan could see he was still half-hard as his wifes lips closed over him.
Taking his place behind her, Alan once more slipped into Sloppy Seconds.As he fucked her he began to rub a finger around her anus,then gently inserting it.Taking her mouth off of Ians cock she whispered "In the drawer"before going back to work.Taking the baby oil out of the bedside cabinet Alan once more entered her pussy from the rear,pouring oil onto her rear hole and working,one,two then three fingers into her tight anus.When she was used to his fingers her poured oil on his cock till it was slick in his hands.She removed her mouth from Ians cock to breath deeply as Alans prick stretched and entered her back passage,only resuming her sucking as fully inserted Alan paused allowing her to get used to it.Maybe a minute passed and Alan was so close he had to withdraw,lying on his back beside them.Eve left Ians cock and straddled her husband taking his cock into her hot pussy.
Turning to Ian in the sexiest voice Alan had ever heard told him to "Put it up my ass" Ian got behind her once more and as she was already open slid home with one gentle thrust."OHHHHHH" came from her lips as he began to fuck her. "Like that do you"he asked."What do you think"she groaned. Alan just lay there not moving frightened to in case he came. Despite not moving the friction of Ians cock through the thin membrane took him over the edge and he came and came. Ian wasn't far behind and Alan felt his cock pulse as he shot deep into Eve's asshole.She just colapsed onto Alans chest breathing heavily.
"God that was wonderfull"she breathed as they untangled themselves.Ian gave her a kiss "You cant imagine how much i enjoyed that,thank you"
They spent the next few minutes telling him about the previous fiasco's before Alan went to make coffee for all three,as he climbed the stairs the noises told him they were fucking again.She was on her back legs in the air as Ian banged away,coffee forgotten Alan placed his cock to her lips enjoying a long unhurried blow job as Ian alternated between her holes before once more cumming deep in her ass.This allowed Eve to concentrate on his cock and in due course he came in her mouth,the new found slut swallowing the lot.
It was gone three when Ian left having finally consumed a cup of coffee plus a bacon sandwich.
He visited twice more before revealing he was getting engaged and was dropping out of the scene,promissing that if his wife was ever inclined they'd be the first to know.
The memories of their times with Ian had often fuelled his mind when he needed a wank and tonight was no exception,Eve stirred as he left the bed heading for the bathroom and a tissue.

to be continued...........
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A quiet night in
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