billie poster
Posts: 355
Sue had done it before of course,but the coming week spent at her sisters house filled her with dread.The countryside speeding past her window a mere unoticed backdrop to her thoughts,thoughts that kept returning to her younghood spent happily in the Dales,of her parents dispensing love and wisdom in equal measure,but mostly thoughts of her sister whose laughter and humour were gone forever.No more weekly phone calls,no more wonderfull weekends in her company, all ended by the stark message that there had been an accident.
Sophia had died before she had reached her bedside.The young Constable had been very sympathetic in answering her questions,no other vehicle involved,heavy rain,aquaplaning,tree etc etc.
And now three weeks later Sue was once again heading South,this time to sort out Sophie's affairs just as she had done three years before when their man had passed away,her mind a jumble of estate agent's,charity shops,banks,cars and all the time her sisters face was never far away.
Sue hired a car at the station for the 20 minute drive to "Moss Glen",20 minute because Sue couldn't face passing the spot where Sophie's life had ended just three weeks ago.
"Moss Glen" looked cold as Sue swung into the long gravel drive that took her up to the Victorian pile that Sophia had called home for the last twenty years.It had been to big for her, even more so since the death of her husband some twelve years previously.What did she need six bedrooms for anyway,the two acres of garden Sue could understand with her sisters green fingers,but the house was far too much for just one permister.
Letting herself in and picking up the mountain of post behind the door,Sue headed for the kitchen and a much needed cup of tea,ignoring the urge for a stiff Whiskey and sitting at the table sorted through the mail. By the time she had sorted out and binned the rubbish,what use did a dead permister have for a loan/credit card for christ sake!!,the kettle was boiling.The rest could wait until tomorrow she thought as she toured the house opening windows to let the air in.
First things first,several calls later and appointments had been made with the bank,estate agents,charity shop to confirm they would take anything of value she didnt want and last but not least with the village garage who would send someone round to value Roberts,Sophie's late husband's ancient Jaguar parked in the garage with a view to selling it on commission.
Climbing the stairs Sue dumped her case on the singe bed in one of the vast rear bedrooms,deciding against her sisters bed as this would have been too much.Turning on the water heater as she made her way along the landing towards Sophie's room,pushing the door open and powering herself inside telling herself to be strong,but the tears still came as she sat on the bed clutching the silk dressing gown to her chest.
Deciding to leave this room until the morning Sue tried next door another large bedroom,double bed,bedroom furniture all of which were mentally consigned to the charity shop,as were the contents of the other bedrooms,all fitted with good solid furniture that someone could find a use for.The loft was accessed easily by means of a pull down ladder and well lit by three bulbs suspended from the ceiling.Boxes full of chrismas decorations,trunk after trunk of Sophie's old clothes,Sue didnt think her sister had ever thrown anything away,all would find a new home especially the stuff from the sixties which were probably worth a bomb now,not that Sue was interested in the money.
Being the only surviving relative,Sue new the proceeds from the house sale plus her generouse divorce settlement meant she was a wealthy woman,not that it made the hurt any less.
Having satisfied herself that clearing upstairs wasn't going to be too bad,she started to assess the ground floor,all the rooms being tastefully furnished ,one of the rooms even boasting a baby grand piano,Sophia had always been the musical one.
Just the cellar to check and Sue could enjoy a long soak in a hot bath.The cellar door was situated in the utility room,Sue switched on the lights and decended the stairs,more boxes of clothes,a few sticks of furniture and on the wall a tall metal cabinet with a large padlock and no sign of any keys."I'll find them in the morning" Sue thought to herself as she went back upstairs.
The bathroom was both large and luxurious boasting an original rolltop bath of amazing proportions,Sue felt lost in the steaming depths as thoughts of her sister came flooding into her mind.Aided by the chilled wine no sad memories this time but happy times were going through her mind making her smile and sometimes an involentary laugh as some devilment the two of them had enjoyed in their youth.
As she dried herself in front of the full length mirror Sue couldn't help but think she wasn't in bad shape for a woman fast approaching her fiftieth birthday,still an easy size 12,boobs not yet giving in to gravity,flat stomach,firm thighs,the women in her family were all petite,even so Sue worked hard to keep herself in trim with regular swimming and membership of a local gym which she used at least twice a week.
Sue's first job in the morning had been a visit to the Bank and a session with a young chap who though he was the manager didn't look old enough to shave.He was charming however and when she learned that she was �53,000 richer than she was this morning Sue felt he looked wonderfull."There's the shares to consider of course but i feel you should speak to our advisors on those,unfortunately he's not in today,but if want to liquidate all your late sisters holdings,at todays prices there worth around �350- �400,000".
Sue couldnt remember the drive back to "Moss Glen" half a million pounds and she still had to sell the house.Sitting in the kitchen nursing a coffee Sue's mind was racing trying to get her head round the fact that she was now,even after death duties,a millionairess.
Feeling on a high after her visit to the bank she felt up to going through her sisters bedroom,once she was through the door Sue took a deep breath and opened one of the wardrobes revealing rows of her late sisters dresses,another contained skirts ,jackets and blouses,yet another was fitted out with shelves holding a good fifty pairs of shoes and boots.The bedside drawers were underwear,scarvesand in the knicker draw of all things a Rampant Rabbit.After the initial shock of finding the toy,Sue smiled to herself thinking of the number of times her twin had picked the same clothing as herself and now hear was the selfsame vibrator that Sue got so much pleasure from."Not for the charity shop"Sue thought to herself with a chuckle.Further investigation of the drawer revealed a set of keys+spare batteries for the Rabbit.
The locked cabinet in the cellar had been on Sue's mind since she came across it and armed with the new found keys went to investigate.There were three keys in the bunch,the second fitting the padlock.Pulling open the door Sue found shelves full of unmarked video's,she went through all of them but found nothing to say what they were.Picking a couple at random she went upstairs to the lounge where the tv and video player were to be found.Before she pushed a tape in the machine Sue fixed herself a stiff take reamistering that if they were of her sister she would need something to get her through it.
Settling herself onto the sofa she pressed play and the tv showed static for a few seconds,"Blank tapes"she thought to herself then the screen came to life."Private Practice" the opening credits announced and then followed excerts of the coming film."My god its porn"Sue said out loud,She sat there open mouthed as ten second scenes flashed onto the screen.
She was woken from the shock by the doorbell from the hallway,switching the vcr off Sue went to answer the door."Good afternoon,Ray Thomas,Slades estate agents"a young man maybe 25-30 announced as she opened the door"Are you ok?"he asked seeing Sue's blushing face."Yes i'm fine thank you,just been moving stuff about,come in"
He took maybe 45 minutes measuring up the rooms,Sue was gratefull the videos had plain boxes as they were lying on the floor next to the tv and Ray picked them up and placed them on the mantlepiece."Family videos"Sue blurted out her face even brighter than when she answered the door.
With a promise of figures in the morning he was gone and re-filling her glass,Sue pushed play and settled back.The film opened with a close-up of a sign outside an impressive house,"Manor House Private Clinic" The front door opened revealing a reception area with an attractive woman manning the phones.The camera panned past her and focused on a white door which swung open into a doctors examination room,all white tiles and stainless steel.The centre of the room was taken up with an examination table strapped to which was a magnificent negro male.Before Sue could take this in the camera zoomed into real close-up taking in his faceand slowly transversing his body which had been oiled by the look of it.As it reaced his feet it pulled back showing all of him before once more zooming onto his penis which stood fully errect,so close that she could see it was throbbing,large veins pulsing along the shaft which was topped off with a bulbouse plum coloured head.Zooming slowly back Sue noticed a silver cock ring at the base of his magnificent cock.
Leaving the negro the camera focussed on the door which was opened by woman of about 50 dressed in the stiff white uniform of a nurse in the 1950's,beautifully made up with bright red lipstick,long lashes and glasses.Without a word being spoken and not using her hands she began to lick the negro's cock coating it with saliva before taking the head into her mouth.A gasp escaped from the blacks throat as she began to work her mouth on him only taking him out to reveal a string of saliva from her lips to the head of his penis.
As she watched the erotic blow job take place on the screen Sue found her fingers inside her thighs stroking her moistening pussy.As the blow job continued the sound of the door opening again was heard but the camera never left the bobbing head.Clip,clip of heels across the tiled floor and the table began to shake as someone mounted it,the camera still focused nurses mouth as she continued to suck his cock,then the camera panned back until it was behind his head,which was by now covered in sweat,until two calves could be seen one each side of his head,clad in sheer nylons.The camera,still behind his head zoomed into a close-up of his mouth angling up so as the newcomer began to squat over his face the hanging lips slowly came into focus.She stopped short of sitting on him so he had to lift his head so his thick tongue could make contact with her sex,as before it was her turn to moan as tongue and lips came into contact.In the distance,out of focus the sucking continued.The negro was really sweating now, what with the effort of holding his head up in order to maintain the contact with the hanging lips and the sucking he was receiving.
Sues fingers were by now inside her knickers working her clit as she watched the screen.After what seemed ages the squatting woman raised herself,only to turn round facing the camera before lowering herself once again onto the waiting mouth,really close-up now you could see the pores on her shaven sex it was the close.She began to tremble as her climax approached and with a loud sigh she lowered herself fully onto his face as she came.Climax over the camera began to traverse the table once again to watch the blowjob come to its inevitable end.As the camera passed the squating womans thighs Sue grabbed the remote pressing pause,rewind in one movement.She wasn't sure then she went cold,though they were twins they hadn't been identicle,Sophia had had a port wine birthmark on her left thigh and there it was in full technicolour on the screen!!!!!!!!!!
billie poster
Posts: 355
If there's enough interest i'll write another chapter if i can come up with some ideas:
billie poster
Posts: 355
Sue was in shock,Sophia was her twin,she thought she new everything about her,they spoke every week,shared any problems,scandal.Christ!!! Sue told her everything when her marriage went tits up,even Ians low sex drive had been discussed at length with Sophia telling her that there was more to marriage than sex yet here she was starring in a porn movie.God knowsSue thought,she was no prude.She'd had lovers after Ian,not many true,but her plastic friend had given her plenty of relief when she needed it with no strings,no heartache,no baggage.
She was just starring at her sisters face a mask of pure lust as the doorbell rang again.Panicking Sue switched off the tv,pulling up her slacks as she went down the hallway to the frontdoor.
"Afternoon my dear,i'm from Chertsey Motors you called about a Jaguar you want to sell" He was in his forties,just a hint of salt and pepper in his hair,dressed in a pair of blue overalls.Sue took the garage keys from the rack and they made their way to the garage the mechanic making conversation all the way there.As she swung the doors open he gave a low whistle. "You dont see many of these about anymore,they suffered from the dreaded tin worm, most have gone to the scrapyard,but this one looks brand new" "It was my late brother in laws, he died years ago and i think my sister couldn't bear to part with it,it was his pride and joy" "Got the keys then? Lets have a look under the bonnet see what w'eve got" "Sorry,my minds in a bit of a state,my sister has just died and i'm sorting out her affairs,i'll go and get the keys"
Sue went back to the house preying the keys were hanging with all the others on the rack,they were.Fetching the keys had given Sue time to compose herself and she managed a weak smile as he took them and opened the car."Good Lord its only done 7,000 miles,lets have the bonnet open" Under the bonnet,apart from the dust it looked like a new car."Bloody fantastic!!. Excuse my French,but this will fetch a fair bit are you sure you want to sell it?" "I hoped you could sell it for me on commision"Sue explained,"I've got no need for it and i'm sure you'll find it a good home." "Tell you what i'll do i'll take it back to my place on a trailer, i'll not touch it but phone the owners club and see if any of their members want to buy it.I won't do anything to it because some of these old car buffs prefer to do all the work themselves.That sound ok to you?." "Whatever you say,i just want rid of it.As soon as i've sorted my sisters affairs out i'm off back to Yorkshire" Sue said as she closed the garage doors and locking them.
As they walked round to the front of the house where his LandRover was parked he mentioned returning in the morning with the trailer."My names John by the way,John Chertsey" he said hand outstretched."Sue Taylor-Hammond"she said as she shook the profered hand,not covered in oil and grime she noticed but a working hand judging by its rough feel."I was sorry to hear about your sister, i didn't know her but we were nodding aquaintances,she filled up at my place and i fixed her car a couple of times,she always had a smile on her face"He was still gripping her hand,not hard but in no rush to release his hold on her."Still i must get on,i'll be round first thing, about 8:00 if thats ok with you?"
Sue stood watching as he turned the LandRover round and with a wave he was gone."Thats that sorted"Sue thought as she closed the door.As she put both sets of keys back on the rack she was reminded of the locked cabinet and what it contained.Returning to the lounge and picking up the keys lying by the two videos she returned to the cellar and the cabinet.This time she gave the contents a thorough search,the top two shelves held around thirty unmarked tapes,the middle one small piles of magazines one of which she picked up and began to leaf through,no words just nubile young girls servicing various studs, some with multiple partners.The centerspread featured a young blond,eyes closed ,her anus stretched around the shaft of a fat white cock the owner of which was pulling her buttocks apart to ease his entry.She picked up another"In Front of Hubby"the cover announced,,this time with illustrated copy, a series of houswives were being screwed in front of their partners by both coloured and white studs.A metal cashbox lay on the bottom shelf the key to which Sue held in her hand.
Closing and locking the cabinet Sue climbed the stairs clutching the box under her arm.Fortified by a glass of wine sue opened the grey metal box revealing two diaries,the first book contained a series of dates and times such as 22/5- 10:00am Green St whatever that meant.The second was just phone numbers,some with peoples names others with just names.Sue turned the pages until she came to G,and there it was Green St 01206 232245.
Sue's mind began to race again,not with disgust at her sisters behavior more with a sense of wanting to know more about a side of her sister she kept secret from her.A sudden idea flashed into her mind and switching on the tv began to fast forward the tape she had been watching,as the credits began to roll Sue pressed play,pausing as each name revealed itself,checking in the book to see if they were there,none were until the final credit rolled onto the screen,RADICAL PRODUCTIONS. Bingo,Radical 01206 23887.
billie poster
Posts: 355
Sue thought she had two choices,1-she could dump the contents of the cabinet and forget all about her sisters seedier side,or,2- she could find out more about it and if it was to be the latter the phone numbers in the diary were her only"in" to the world Sophia had chosen.
It took another two glasses of wine to summon up the courage to pick up the phone,hand trembling she dialled Radical's number.Three rings and an answerphone clicked in."Shit" she thought,she hadn't realised it was so late,of course they were shut it was 7:30pm. As she replaced the receiver it occured to her that if she left a message then the onus was on them to contact her,she re-dialled."Hi this is Sophie Miltons sister as you may already know she has passed away and i'm clearing up her affairs.Would it be possible for someone to talk to me?.I can be reached on 0779321654 anytime,thank you".
Sue was shaking and needed another take,Gin this time with a hint of tonic."Oh well its too late to go back now"she thought to herself relaxing into the sofa's cushions.Just then the phone rang and even though it was right next to her she let it ring half a dozen times before picking up."Hello"as she said it the thought that it couldn't be Radical as she gave them her mobile number and she was on Sophie's land line.
"Good evening,John Chertsey here, sorry to be a pain but would it be ok to collect the Jag tonight?.If its not convinient tommorow's fine but it will have to be in the late afternoon. "No, this evenings fine i've got nothing planned"Sue was suprised at the lift in her mood at the sound of his voice. Even though she had only met the bloke that afternoon,he was a bit of a dish and besides she was a healthy woman after all."I'll be about 10 minutes then"
Sue spent the ten minutes trying to make herself presentable in the mirror,the sound of the LandRover on the drive causing her to take a deep breath and open the door.No overalls this time just jeans and a "T" shirt extolling the merits of some beer or other.
As he backed the trailer up to the garage Sue opened the doors."Hi Mrs Taylor Hammond,sorry about this but one of my regulars has a problem with one of his vans and i've said i'll do it first thing" "Thats allright John and its Sue ok!"
"Sue it is then"he said with abroad smile on his face,"Good news bye the way,i've spoken to someone in the owners club and he says he can think of at least a dozen members who will bite your hand off to get hold of the car.He's comming round to take a look at it,photo's etc for their web site,I feel a bit guilty taking your money for just making a call or two".
As he went about loading the Jaguar on the trailer,Sue went and put the kettle on,coming down the front steps she called "Tea or Coffee" "Coffee sounds good,white no sugar please"
The car safely loaded they sat on the front steps they made small talk."Listen"John said"Tell me to take a hike if you like,but have you eaten yet,only there's a little pub in the village that does food,nothing fancy but edible non the less,i was going to grab a bite on the way home if you fancy it?"
"What dressed like this,i must look a right sight"Oh yeh and i'm in my best tux,you look fine to me and its only the pub after all,Come on it will be nice to have someone to talk to over dinner" The pleading look John had effected was wasted as she was going to say yes anyway."Your on,shall we go in my car as yours is hooked up so to speak?". "No need its only a few hundred yards lets walk it"
True to his word The Railway was only a short walk a sign proudly announcing "Home Cooked Food".As they entered the few locals hardly gave them a glance,"Its usually quiet weeknights but it gets a bit lively weekends and Sunday it gets mobbed as the Sunday lunch is very good"John stated as they ordered takes and settled down in an alcove to study the menu.Sue chose the Three Cheese Salad while John opted for Steak+Ale Pie.
As they talked Sue was aware of his eyes more than anything,really deep blue set in a well tanned face with a hint of a 5'o'clock shadow,his voice not deep but pleasing non the less.Eating the meal conversation came easy and Sue began to warm to the local garage owner,not to put too fine a point on it she fancied him.He had owned the garage for 12 years,was keeping it afloat by trading cars as well as doing repairs,the fuel sales were hardly worth the effort and he only kept them up out of a sense of loyalty to the village. "The nearest fuel is 12 miles away at a superstore in a neighbouring town"
He went on to explain that he rarely ate in here,but his partner had gone "Up to town" for the evening.Sue tried to mask the dissapointment on hearing the word "Partner",then all thought of a sexual tryst went out of the window."Yes he's gone to see an exhibition at Tate Modern,not my thing im afraid2.
"My god he's a nine bob note" Sue though to herself,part of her said "Good it would seem a little insensative to screw the guy in her sisters house,but part of her felt dissapointed as she hadn't been with a man for months.That was Nigel,his eagerness was not matched by his lovemaking and there had been no return match.John had show promise but it seemed out of the question now.
The meal over,they strolled home Sue still complaing that they should have gone "Dutch",but John was having none of it"Cant have it said that i dont know how to treat a lady can we,besides i asked you to join me.It cant be easy sleaping in your sisters place so soon after.......well you know what i mean"
By now they were at the front door. "Coffee"she offered."Love to but its late and i've got an early start i'm affraid,its been lovely but i'd better make a move.I'll be in touch when the Jag blokes been,ok?"
Sue watched the Land Rover turn out of the drive and went to make coffee,changing her mind before she reached the kitchen opting for wine instead.She couldn't deny it she was horny and an evening viewing her sisters porn collection was an irisistable option.
Having picked three more tapes from the cabinet,she settled back glass in hand to watch what the opening credits described as"Happy Birthday Darling"
The film opened with exterior shot of an ordinary semi-detached house,approaching the front door swung open and the camera tracked into the living room.Panning over to the mantlepiece revealed a line of birhday cards,leaving this room the camera swept down the hallway into a dining room where sat at a table set out with candles a couple were enjoying what Sue took to be a birthday meal.The man was wearing a shirt and tie,the woman a classic "Little Black Dress" both looked to be in their mid forties,the husband thinning a bit on top with a little paunchy stomach.The woman had short black hair that matched her eyebrows,the dress exposing plenty of cleavage to her husbands eyes.They were on the coffee and the conversation seemed very ordinary and Sue thought it wasn't porn and was about to change tapes when the door bell rang and the husband rose to answer it.The wife started to clear the dishes passing them through a hatchway into the kitchen.Then her husband re-entered the room followed by a coloured man in a dinner suit,box of chocolates and bunch of roses in his hands.
"I'm from the Agency"the new arrival announced,placing the gifts on the table and sweeping the woman into his arms and giving her a long smouldering kiss.Showing no sense of shock she clung to him until they both came up for air."Shall we remove to the lounge and we can get more comfortable?"Hubby asked.
The camera followed the trio into the lounge,the husband taking up position on an armchair leaving the "Lovers"the sofa.The kissing now became more intense with their hands roaming all over each other.The "Stud" was now on his knees,the womans dress had ridden above her knees exposing stocking tops to the camera.The negrobegan to run his tongue up the inside of her thighs until he reached the crotch of her black panties.Without pulling them to one side he began to run his tongue over her silk covered pussy,a clos-up showind a spreading dark stain on the material.Hooking his hands into the wasteband and the woman raising herself up a little,he removed the garment tossing them to the floor at the husbands feet.No obstruction now he began to work on her exposed sex with his long thick tongue,the first anus to clit lick causing the woman to shudder and give out a mewing sigh.Sue's fingers were now at her own sex,stroking her sensative bud as she watched the screen.Close-up now the pussy dripping wet,his face covered in the womans juice,one moment swirling around the anus,the next working her clit.The climax was slow in coming announcing its arrival with the woman clamping her lovers head between her shaking thighs and making deep groaning noises. Pushing his head away as she became to sensative for more of his attentions,she lay back gasping her face flushed crimsom.
The camera focused on the husband who had retrieved the panties and was holding them to his nose breathing in his wifes aroma,as yet he had made no attempt to join in the action.
The woman was recovering now urging her lover to his feet and working his belt and trowsers undone allowing them to fall to the floor.The "Studs" jockey shorts were showing a pronounced tent,reaching inside the woman pulled out his penis,though not fully erect the woman could place both hands on the shaft leaving the head exposed,this she began to lick making obscene slobering noises as she did so.He was hard now,her hands unnable to close around the dark shaft her head working on the swollen cockhead.Pushing off of his cock he sat on the sofa,the woman sitting asride him ,back towards hubby,she began to impale herself on the black monster slowly taking more on each downward lunge until all was safely inserted.Then she began to ride him,long slow up and down movements exposing his shaft glistening with her juice on the oh so long upstrokes. Hubby was now leaning forward to get a better look still with her panties to his nose.A change of position now on her back,legs on his shoulders they started to "Fuck" T hats the only way to describe the way he pounded into her for the next 10 minutes.With one final gigantic thrust that caused the woman to emit a loud grunt he came,his cock burried to the hilt in her pussy.
Sue was close now imagining herself under the black lover on the screen with his cock throbbing insde her spewing its hot seed.Seeing the womans pussy gaping open as he dismounted a long string of his seed stretching between them as he withdrew his softenig cock took her over the edge and she had her own quiet climax.
Sitting back on the sofa mimicking the lovers on the screen,Sue was breathing hard.They were kissing again a long lingering snog this time,before he got dressed and with a final thank you peck the husband showed him out.
The camera once again took in the cards,zooming into one with "To my darling husband have a happy birthday,love and kisses always,Kate xxxx
Posts: 11
nice, hope you share more with us.
billie poster
Posts: 355
It gives me something to do when i'm waiting for her to come home.
billie poster
Posts: 355
Sue's mobile woke her with a start,she was still on the sofa where she had fallen arelax watching her sisters video's.Sophia had appeared in two further scenes,one of which saw her servicing three young studs resulting in four powerfull orgasms."Lucky bitch" Sue had muttered under her breath,she had once managed two with her husband, but that was in the early stages of their relationship.Sex had never been her ex's forte and as the years passed became more like something to be endured rather than the expression of love it had once been.
Her mobile's ring brought her back from thoughts of her failed marriage.As she picked it up the sudden thought of her call to Radical Productions chiiled her to the core,"Hello" she said, nerves causing her to speak in a far from confident tone."Good morning,Help the Aged here just a call confirming our arrangements for today. The van will be arriving at 10'ish is that still ok?" "That will be fine,how big is your van,only there's quite a lot of good stuff,and to be frank with you some of it may be worth a few bob!My sister has kept all of her clothes from the sixties and it may pay you to have someone look at them just in case"Sue gushed, relieved she wasn't speaking to the porn company."Oh its quite a large van and besides if we have to make two trips then so be it. Dont worry about the clothes we have our own experts to call on if anything special comes our way.If anything of real value turns up we ask the doners permission to sell before we put it up for auction. If you think the clothes are valuable why dont you sell them privately?"the voice at the other end enquired."Its ok to sell them,i dont need the money and i'm sure its what my sister would have wanted" Sue stated her heart beating normally at last.
9:05,goodness she must have gone out like a light last night."Right tea first then a quick shower before the van arrives" she thought making her way to the kitchen.She didn't make the kitchen before her mobile rang again."Hello"the butterflies were doing cartwheels again. "Good morning,Ray Holmes here,Radical Productions is that Sue?" Sue's mind went into overdrive,"How does he know my name/"
"Yes, thats my name. As i explained in my message my sister has passed away and i'm sorting out her stuff and i've come across your name in respect of something i've found in her house""How the hell do you tell a complete stranger you've found obscene tapes starring your dead sister and you want to talk to someone about did she get involved,why did she do it etc" She had a good idea why she did them,images of her sisters face as she climaxed on the black cock she was riding,"Lucky bitch"Sue thought again.
"We have met only briefly,i was at the service and i did offer my condolences but i imagine your mind was elsewhere so to speak.I think i've an idea why you've given me a call,may i suggest i pop round this evening and we can have a little chat,say around 7:30?
Sue's mind went back to the funeral service,but as he had said her mind was elsewhere."7:30 sounds ok,do want the address?"
"No iv'e known Bob and Sophia for years,i'll explain all tonight,see you at 7:30 then" As she sipped her tea Sue realised her sister's relationship with Ray Holmes and Radical would make for an interesting evenings entertainment.
It took two trips with the van to clear Sue's charity donations,even as the two lads were loading the last of Sophia's stuff the woman from Help the Aged was on the phone in raptures."When you said there were a few clothes from the sixties that might be worth something you wern't joking,i've found stuff from Mary Quant,Oz Clark,Dior in fact just about all the names from that period and its just like they were bought yesterday.Some dont even look to have been worn at all,are you sure you want to donate them all, as you said theyre worth a lot of money?" Sue thanked her for her concern but assured the woman that they were welcome to sell the clothes,and if they made a fortune then so be it.
The van had barely left when once again her phone rang,"Oh god what now" she thought as she answered.The call took about a minute and as she switched the mobile off,her head in a daze,she headed for the takes cabinet,pouring herself a large glass of Gin. Her legs seemed to wobble and she sought the safety of the sofa.It had been the estate agents informing her that "Very desirable,good schools,handy for the city"She recalled still in shock at the last few sentances of the conversation. "I suggest we put it on at �1,1 and if someone offers around the million then i suggest you consider it strongly,but i have to say that someone is just as likely to offer the asking price and if two or more fancy the place and a bidding war breaks out then who knows".
Sue took a couple of seconds to confirm her wish to proceed and now she was half way through a stiff take trying to contain her emotions.Last week she had been content with her lot,she hadn't been rich and now she was,she thought she knew her sister and now she didn't it was all too much,and to top it all Ray Holmes was arriving in four hours revealing more of Sophie's shadowy life.
He was early,only five minutes but still early. Sue had been upstairs dressing after another soak in the huge bath when a grey Lexus had swung into the drive.She reached the door just as Ray Holmes had pressed the bell,they exchanged a nervous laugh.
"Hi Sue,Ray Holmes" the man said offering his hand.He was tall,maybe 6ft,slim,fair haired,dressed in shirt and chino's."As i explained we have met before,twice in fact,i was at Bob's funeral but that was quite a while ago and i doubt if you remember me" Sue was offering him a take,pouring herself another gin with tonic this time."Just a small scotch please,you calling me has saved me getting in touch with you as it happens.May i suggest you tell me what you know and we can take it from there"
"Well" Sue started,taking a mouthfull of her take"As you know i'm sorting out Sophia's affairs and in the course of clearing this place with a view to selling i found a locked cupboard in the cellar,It was full of pornography,films and books some of which my sister appears in.I also found two diaries full of phone numbers one of which was Radical who produced said films.I dont have a problem with the fact that Sophia made them i just need to know why,i had no idea and it hurts me to think she had a side to her i had no idea existed"
"Perhaps i'd better start from the beginning"Ray began"Believe it or not i met Bob and Sophia at a swinger party,you do know what swinging is i presume?" Sue nodded her head."Well,as i said we met at a party and we just hit it off,both partners liked each other and we began to meet socially and to be frank had sex together" Sue could feel her cheeks flush.Seeing this Ray added "If you want me to stop just say.OK. Once again Sue nodded for him to continue.
"During our liamister's for want of a better word we often watched blue movies and to be frank most of them were pretty badly put together and after one particular film had reduced us to tears of laughter,not the desired result i'm sure you'll agree,one of us said we could do better.Dont ask me who came up with the idea we were all takes at the time,besides thats not important,we decided to have a go amongst ourselves.I had a video camera,a great big thing like holding up a suitcase it was.
The first attempts were pretty awfull,you would think it would be easy to film someone screwing.You think you've got some great stuff until you watch it later.Anyway we were nothing if not persistent and we got better until we let another couple of swingers watch our latest effort.They were so impressed they asked us to film them in action so to speak.Word got around and pretty soon we were taking bookings believe it or not."
"Then we decided to have a go at a real movie,not just our friends screwing,but a proper job with stes,costumes etc.I'd become quite good with a camera,Sophia and Jill,my wife,did the make_up and costumes,Bob wrote the script not that there was much dialogue,but he had a great imagination and he was always comming up with new slants on the old ideas.Anyway we shot a short with a couple of hung guy's we new through our swinging activities and the women were all eager to be "Stars".
"It turned out to be a pretty good effort and people wanted copies for themselves,demand was so good we decided to take a punt and have a go at producing porn proffesionally.We both put in a few grand to get Radical as we called ourselves,off the ground and its been quite successfull,not huge but we sell quite a few dvd's through our website.Now your looking after your sisters affairs and have inherited all of her estate you may or may not be pleased to find yourself part owner of Radical Productions."
"How did my sister get to appear in some of the movies?" Sue enquired.
"Dont be offended but your sister was a very sexual woman and one day we were shooting,everything was in place the premises booked,studs up and ready and the female just didnt show.Rather than waste everybodies time Sophia took her place,she enjoyed it so much that from time to time she "Enjoyed herself"
"I've got some stuff we've been shooting today in the car if you want to see what were involved in at the moment?"With that he went out and fetched somthing from the car .When Ray returned he was carrying Laptop and a briefcase from which he produced a couple of tapes."This is what we shot today believe it or not.OK to put it on and you can see the kind of thing we do?"
Sue poured more takes and selled back fascinated."Its a bit rough at the moment,needs editing and all that"
The opening shots were inside a car,cameraman in the front,Ray driving giving a rundown on the days shoot. "She's called Laura,says she's 38,wants a threesome with two coloured studs,contacted through the website,WWW,RADICAL PRODUCTIONS.COM.Smile to the camera"Plug over folks" "Today we have Ben +Alex for the lucky lady.The camera swings round to the two blacks in the back of the car.Cuts to house exterior,shaky camera as they approach front door.Door opens to reveal Laura.Same as before this time Ray rings bell before door opens."Come in quick before neighbours spot us" the lovely Laura urges.Into lounge,Laura is quite plain,dressed like a cheap tart,seems very nervous.It takes half an hour for the pre-amble to finish,what does she want and why etc.Boyfriend cant satisfy her,is too small she needs someone to stretch her.She fluffs hr lines an breaks out in giggles a few times so she has to repeat it again in places.
"We were there for six hours today,most of it will end up on the floor,but she was good when she'd had a couple of takes"Ray stated fast forwarding the tape to the striptease.Laura removed her skirt and top to reveal braless tits with long nipples,both pierced Sue noted.Down to hold-ups she is told bend over and show her bits which she does pulling her cheeks apart revealing thick lips and an asshole that looked like it had been used a lot.Alex couldn't control himself and dived in with his tongue,a close-up of him licking her anus.Laura is breathing heavy now shifting position to both allow Alex access to her and to take the now naked Ben in her mouth.He was fully errect before she touched him, Reading her thoughts Ray told her the boys were on viagra and would "Fuck anything put in front of them"
Fast forward again,now she's sat on Alex's lap cock in her pussy,Ben in her mouth.Pan up to Bens face wicked lear and a wink and he turns round cheeks pulled apart.Laura asks if he's clean? "Of course he is"Ray interjects.Ben assumes the position again and this time Laura sets too with a will,reaching through and wanking him as she rims his hole,big smile on his face.
Ray asks them to change again,doggy style Ben fucking, Alex in her mouth.Laura calls a halt she needs to pee.Tape starts again same as before.Fast forward,she's on her back legs on Alex's shoulders his long black cock plowing into her,she cums noisily.Alex pulls out says he's close.Ben on floor,Laura squatting over him taking him deep,bouncing her tits slapping with the effort,Ben calls a halt.
"Put it in my ass" she says as Alex is in the saddle the film stops, starting again she again asks Alex to "Fuck my ass" Another comment from Ray"We had to lube her up their big boys"he said giving her a wink.Close up of Laura's anus,Alex's bell-end appears and he begins to work it into her.Despite the well used look of her hole it take a good few minutes for his cock to disappear into her bowels accompanied by Laura taking short shallow breaths like she was giving birth."Well he is a big boy"Sue said giving Ray a grin.Close-up of her face Alex fully inserted,far away look in her eyes,then he pulls out almost all the way and slowly pushes his entire length into her back passage.This causes her to grunt"Oh my god"The as she becomes accustomed to his size he begins to fuck her,not hard but full deliberate strokes.Almost delerious now she's like a rag doll as Alex fucks her.Cut to Alex on floor cock still in her ass,Ben approaches and inserts his huge cock into her pussy pounding into her.Because of the position he's inAlex can only lie still,buried to his balls as Ben fucks her.She cums again,Bens cock is awash with her juice,he pulls out but has started shooting before reaching her mouth,hitting tits and chin before finnishing in her mouth.
She's half on the floor now one knee on the sofa so she;s open for him.Alex is still in her ass,he's sweating now asking Ray where he wants him to cum?
"In her ass" Ray replies.A few more strokes and its the studs turn to moan.As he withdraws Laura's anus is gaping hugely."Push it out if you can"she's asked.Her buttocks quiver with the effort and the camera is rewarded with a long wet fart a mixture of air and semen.Ray is well pleased.The final scene is of Laura lying on the sofa,a look of pure satisfaction on her face.
billie poster
Posts: 355
"As you can see there's quite a lot of editing to get a 45 minute DVD out of todays shoot,"Ray was saying as he stooped to retrieve the tape from the player."And that in essence is what Radical are producing at the moment. Amateur women,bored housewives,women whose husband wants to see her with a "Real" man are where the money is at the moment.We shift as many as we can produce and believe it or not there's a waiting list to star in one of our movies.Anything you want to ask me go right ahead and ask?"
Sue was a little uneasy about asking Ray for answers to some of the questions in her mind,contenting herself with"Where do you get the "Stars"from?" She thought her question sounded a little tame when she was desperate to ask how the woman managed to accomodate such a cock in her ass,but embarrasment prevailed.
"Well mostly they contact us through the website,some are friends of people who have starred in one of the movies already.They send in photo's,some even a short film of themselves.Sorting out likely candidates is my wifes job,she has an eye for these sort of things.I think you will like Orla,Sophia and her were terrible together,nobody was safe.Tell you what,why not come round for dinner on Saturday? Orla has been in on Radical from the start and she can fill you in better than i can,girl to girl so to speak."
Sue agreed to dinner Saturday night and they parted with a curt handshake.As she closed the door all she could think of was the itch that needed scratching between her legs and the all pervading image of Alex's cock in Laura's ass,how did she take it all like that.
As she sat and stroked her naked pussy lounging on the sofa she wodered what it felt like not believing she had reached her age never trying,never being asked for anal sex.She knew it went on of course but her husband had never mentioned it and the intervening lovers likewise.She was close to cumming and an idea came into her head.
The handle of the hairbrush though nowhere near Alex in girth was plenty big enough for experimenting.Liberal amounts of hand cream for lube and Sue began her anal adventure.Starting with fingers it took 10 minutes to insert the brush into her virgin hole.Such was the intensity of her orgasm the makeshift dildo shot out of her anus during the first spasm as she came.Heart beating nineteen to the dozen Sue made a mental note to herself,next time she has sex ,anal was on the menu.
billie poster
Posts: 355
Saturday finally arrived,Sue had worried all day Friday worrying about what to wear eventually buying new as she had a limited wardobe with her.And so it was she was standing at the door of Ray and Orla's house on Saturday evening wearing a matching full length skirt and blouse in Russet with calf length brown boots.Ray answered the door announcing "Orla is in the kitchen,go on through,what can i get you to take?".He took the profered wine"I got red and white as i wasn't sure what were having"Sue explained as she made her way towards the smell and sounds of cooking"Gin and Tonic please"
Orla was stirring a small pan on top of the range cooker and wiping her hands on her apron said "Thats typical of Ray leave you to find your own way while he gets the ***** sorted". She was late forties,tall around 5' 8"-9" slim with Titian hair that reached halfway down her back."You must be Sue,my god thats weird forgive me if i call you Soph later on but your the spitting of your sister and after a few takes,well you know" She ignored the offered hand taking Sue in a clinch and both squeezing and kissing her at the same time."Something smells nice,anything i can do?" she asked as Orla went back to stirring."Everything seems to be under control,thanks.I could do with another take if you can find Ray"
As Sue turned for the door Ray appeared two glasses in hand."There you go girls two large G+T's" As they took their takes the doorbell rang " 'scuse me ladies"Ray swung around and was gone."Oh god,not guests"Sue was thinking"Looks like the question and answer session was out of the window"
A short women who Sue recognised from the first video she had watched came into the kitchen,once again Orla greeted her with a hug and a kiss."No need to tell me who you are, my god like peas in a pod or what! I'm Chis i worked with Sophia off and on"Just a handshake this time.Unlike the stiff formal uniform she wore in the movie,Chris had on a loose jumper and dark slacks,her hair was falling around her shoulders framing her beautifully made up face,she was barely 5'4" in her heels.
"Here you go babe"A twentysomething negro was offering Chris a take when he noticed Sue."Dont say it,spitting image isnt she"Orla got in first"Sue this is Si, short for Simon.Si "works" for us"she told Sue with a lewd smirk on her face."It's redy hard work Orla and you know it is"Simon retaliated with a smile."Pleased to meet you,your sister was my friend and i miss her so much" "Come on now no maudling"Sue said taking his hand.He stooped to give her a peck on the cheek still holding Sue's hand in his own.
Right you shower bog off and let me get on with dinner,Orla was saying as she ushered them out of the kitchen to join Ray in the lounge."Everybody Ok for takes"he said as they arranged themselves around the room.
"Sue let me start by saying all four of us are involved in Radical in one way or another so there's no need to feel embarrased in any way,Chris here has acted in some of our movies and takes care of the make-up and hair etc,Si,well go on guess what part this dipstick plays in the scheme of things?"
Sue was pretty sure she knew but still offered"Driver?" Ray roared with laughter"How did you know that" "Stop winding Sue up Raymond,as i'm sure youv'e gathered Simons one of our "actors" arn't you dearest" Orla announced as she entered the room."If you take them through to the dining room darling dindinns is ready"
billie poster
Posts: 355
Please let me know if your enjoying this as i'm sat at the keyboard full of cloudy blotchwort(flu) with only "Orphans"for company until my private nurse gets home and soothes my brow.
billie poster
Posts: 355
The evening became more relaxed as Ray told joke after joke reducing the six of them to tears.Before she knew it Sue was takes not takes takes but shall we say "relaxed",even chipping in with the odd joke.
Dinner over they retired to the lounge once again,still more takes and even more disgusting jokes."Whats on the schedule this week then Ray?" Simon asked his arm around Chris's shoulder."Well Tuesday its a home visit with Alex and Ian,and Friday its Green St with yourself and Ian" "Whats involved at Green St?" the big negro asked."Its a lady called Ruby,late forties,divorced,wants her fantasy fullfilled.Apparently she fancies screwing two G I's in a forties scenario so you'll have to practice your yank accents"Orla answered.
"That sounds great"Sue said."What being screwed by two G I's?" Orla asked."No the forties,i rather fancy dressing in the style they wore then"Sue could feel her face redden"And yes the G I's sound nice, alright i admit it it sounds great,from what i've seen in your movies Ruby was it?,is in for a treat"
"Like peas in a pod"Chris chipped in"Sophia liked 'em two at a time" "Come on Chris give the woman a break"Orla was saying when Sue butted in"Its alright Orla,Chris is right i'm just like my sister in many waysand yes two at a time sounds wonderfull,i'm 50 and i've never tried it,in fact there's lots of things i've been missing out on."Such as?"Chris asked warming to the subject.
"Well" oh well in for a penny she thought"Two men at a time sounds nice,i've never slept with a coloured man,never had it up the bum and i'd like to try is it called DP.There i've only known you five minutes and i'm baring my soul,i must sound like a right tart"
"Far from it sweetheart,youv'e just seen the light,welcome to the Perverts Society"Ray was saying as he walked over to give Sue a kiss on the forhead"Drink anybody?"
Simon had remained silent during this exchange and Sue glanced over at the large negro in the armchair to find him studying her,as their eyes met he broke into a huge smile and blew her a kiss."Yes please"Sue thought to herself noticing the itch between her legs.face flushing she went to help Ray with the takes.Ray was at the takes cabinet pouring three G+T's for the ladies and a Malt for himself."Go and get a Bud from the fridge for Si while i sort these out"he said."No problem"she replied making her way to the kitchen.opening the fridge when she got there Sue was suprised to find no beer there at all."Try the other one in the garage"it was Simon"I knew you wouldn't find the take fridge when Ray asked,its out here look." So saying he opened a door leading to the garage where a huge American style fridge stood in the corner full of beer and wine."My god they take a bit dont they" "Not really they entertain a lot"Simon said as he opened the bottle"Listen i meant what i said about Soph,she was great,we all miss her so much.Dont worry i'm not getting maudling as you say,i just though you'd like to know" "Thanks,Simon thats nice of you.Finding out about her alter-ego has rather dulled the sense of loss,i can't believe what she was into.I never had a clue you know!" "It must have been quite a shock seeing her at "work"so to speak"he said leaning back against the wall sipping his beer."You can tell me to get lost if you want but were you serious about broadening your sex life?" Thinking for a moment she told him the truth"Yes i think i was,its time i started enjoying myself"with that she grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him full on the mouth.
Before he could regain his senses she pulled him back to the lounge,entering hand in hand."Oh yes and how long does it take to open a bottle of beer"Chris said leering at them."A good minute my dear,10 seconds to open the bottle and 40 seconds making sure the beer takeers lips work"she replied sticking her tongue out and grinning at the same time.
The laughter continued long into the night,Sue open mouthed at some of the anecdotes about the porn industry.At about one in the morning Sue and Orla were making coffee when they were joined by Chris. "Si's got the hots for you my dear,dont you think so Orla?" "Dont be daft i've only just met him,and besides he came with you"she was blushing again. "Whats that got to do with the price of fish,is this the new Sexy Sue talking or has Miss Frump returned? If you want to screw him i'm sure we three can amuse ourselves and besides two lots of bedding to wash is better than three,that right Orla or what?" "Sounds good to me,you enjoy yourself dont worry about making a lot of noise,Ray's a noisy bugger in bed"she winked at Sue as she lifted the tray of coffee's.
As they returned to the lounge Chris went into town crier mode"Hear ye hear ye hear ye the relaxing arrangements will be as follows.In the blue bedroom for one night only the lushious Susan and her first dark meat.In the red bedroom,it must be his birthday,the lucky lad Raymond and two,yes two lovelly ladies at once.Bouts to be contested over as long as it takes and no swapping rooms,this means you Orla leave the lovebirds in peace"
Sue could have died,but seeing the others hurl use at Chris's little act relaxed her and the itch returned with a vengence.
billie poster
Posts: 355
billie poster
Posts: 355
Taking his cue from Orla and Chris, who were dragging Ray by his arms towards the stairs,Simon offered Sue his hand which she took, the butterflies in her stomach trying their best to outdo the feeling in her loins.Ray was pleading all the way up the stairs "Dont leave me Si, i'm an old man,if they ******* me it will all be down to you" he pleaded,but the look on his face told a different story."This is the Blue room, first one up in the morning makes the tea boys and girls"Orla announced as she swung a door open on the landing.
The room was indeed blue,a large double bed against one wall facing a huge bay window through which the moonlight was flooding turning everything silver grey.Sue stood admiring the view over the moonlit valley when Simons huge hands encircled her waist."Some place they've got hear isn't it" he said as his chin rested on the top of her head"The master bedroom faces down the valley and you can see the river for miles"
Time seemed to stand still as they looked out of the window then Simon broke the moment informing her that the en-suite was "through that door if you need to freshen up first"
As she sat on the toilet Sue was reflecting on the last time she'd made love.To say it was a dissapointment would be an understatement.Her partner had lasted less than five minutes and having satisfied himself,made his excuses and left promissing to call her.He had but she had declined to take his calls and when she did speak to him had prior engagements for all the dates he had suggested.Now here she was about to make love with a man half her age who she had met not three hours ago.On top of that he worked as a paid stud in the porn industry."At least he'll know what he's doing" she though as she removed her clothes hoping to slip into bed before he saw her aged body.
Simon was still dressed looking out of the window when she returned,turning only after she was safely under the covers giving her a broad smile as he headed for the bathroom.
Sue wasn't sure who it was but she could voices in the distance,perhaps Rays slow death had started already.The light from the bathroom went out and a very naked Simon was joining her under the covers.A long arm slid under her neck lifting her head from the pillow,his other around her waist pulling her body close to his.Lips were brushing her face seeking her mouth.The first kiss had her moist,his hand roaming to her buttock pulling her tighter to his hot body causing her juices to flood.Sue felt like she did all those years ago when sex was the most wonderfull of things.Now her hands were seeking his firm buttocks,her tongue the first to invade the others mouth.His kisses trailed towards her breasts finding each nipple in turn before seeking her sex.
"Stop Simon"She whispered causing him to imerge from under the covers."No dont stop,just get rid of the duvet,its hot enough without the cover" He was kissing her again,she could feel his hardness against her thigh as their tongues danced once again.
This time there was no hindrance as her thighs were covered in moist kisses and litte nips of teeth as she lay there open legged for the first touch of his lips on hers.When it came she could'nt help a little cry escaping her lips.
She'd had it done before but not like this,his tongue was everywhere,sometimes joined by fingers,fingers often joined by teeth.Her climax was upon her in what seemed a moment and he knew to back off just as her sex became sensative beyond belief.
A cry in the background,definately Ray this time."He's not dead yet then"Simon said as his kisses made their way back up her body,ending their journey at her mouth.The smell and taste of her sex was all over his face.Before she could decide whether she liked the aroma his cock was entering her pussy.Lfting her legs to encircle his waist allowing him easier entry,Sue ran her nails down to his buttocks pulling him in.
This wasn't like she thought it would be,he was making love to her,he knew he was big so he was gentle, allowing her to adapt too his size.She could feel her juices running between her buttocks,now she was full and he knew she was.As he paused she could feel him throbbing,the man was taking time to control himself she thought.He just held himself, the head of his cock in the far reaches of her sex for maybe thirty seconds before he started to fuck her with gentle yet powerfull thrusts. Sue's second orgasm was upon her in minutes,no pausing this time just a grunt and the tell tale pulses of his own climax signaling the end of their first coupling.
As they lay in each others arms in the moonlight Sue spoke"Believe it or not thats the first time i've ever climaxed during intercourse without being stimulated at the same time" "All part of the service,madame"Simon said giving her a squeeze. "The thing is weve just enjoyed the most intimate thing a man and woman can do and all i know is your called Simon" Sue said as footsteps passed on the landing.She reached for the duvet that lay on the floor thinking someone was about to come in.
"Dont worry nobody will disturb us,as Chris said earlier stay in your own rooms,these things have rules set down before the action starts,so we all know whats what!"
"My name is Simon Withers,i'm 26,born in Reading inside leg measures......" Sue playfully punched him on the chest "Dont take the mickey,dipstick" she laughed as she settled her head back down on him.
The footsteps returned,passing quietly"Probably phoned for an ambulance" Simon said turning once more to kiss her.Sue's turn this time working her mouth over his torso.He was hard before she reached him at navel level,his circumsized head still sticky with their juice.She felt for his balls as she bathed him with her mouth.She hadn't realised how big he was until she took his shaft in her hand,thankfull of his restraint during their lovemaking.She put all her knowledge to work as she sucked on the negro's cock.Simon just lay back snuggling his head into the pillows as Sue worked on him."Oh thats nice,just there thats it keep running your tongue over that bit,oh jesus stop stop stop"he exclaimed pulling her face to his.Straddling him holding his cock in her hand Sue once again took him in until the slight pain told her to stop.His brown hands kneeding her cheeks,mouth taking each nipple in turn he let Sue take him to his second climax slowly milking him of his juice,falling onto his chest with his big arms wrapped round her they fell arelax still joined at the groin.
billie poster
Posts: 355
Sue was the first to stir,extracting herself from the brown arms still wrapped around her, she made her way to the bathroom for a pee, Finding a bathrobe on the back of the door she left the relaxing Simon and made her way to the kitchen intending to make tea.As it was quite early she was suprised to hear the radio softly playing as she approached the door. Orla was sat at the table reading,cup in hand. "Morning,your up early"Sue said as she crossed towards the table joining her host at the table."Kettles hot if you want a take,there's tea and coffee in the tins in the top right cupboard"Orla said putting the magazine down"Did you relax well or did Si keep you up all night?" A warm feeling went through Sue as she spooned coffee into two mugs. "No not all night,but it was pretty late when we dropped off,you three were making a lot of noise,it sounded like Ray was enjoying himself" she sat at the table pulling the magazine towards her to see what Orla had been reading. "We told you last night Ray's a noisey sod in bed,but never mind us what did you think of Simon?" Sue blushed,"Well to be frank it wasn't like i thought it would be." "What do you mean,not like what you thought it would be ?"Orla was putting coffee into her own mug,standing by the kettle waiting for it to boil. "For some reamister i thought it would be a non permisteral thing,like you see in the films you make, there's little if any tenderness, a lot of the time its just like naturals rutting,but Simon was so gentle he wasn't just fucking he was making love,do you know what i mean?"she accepted the mug of coffee Orla had made."Its just a job to most of the actors in the industry,the guys have to screw complete strangers most of the time,especially in the amateur wife films.Even if they dont fancy the woman their still expected to do the business and it takes a long time with lots of breaks in the action while the director sets things up all the while the guy is supposed to be ready to go.So when they get to relax with someone off duty so to speak its like being on holiday and they relax and enjoy themselves."
Returning to the bedroom two mugs in her hand she found Simon on his back still arelax the duvet having slid onto the floor leaving him naked his large penis lying on his thigh.Even flacid it looked huge and the familiar feeling stired in Sue's groin.Putting the mugs to one side she sat on the bed taking him in hand amazed at the weight of him.Leaning over she took him in her mouth causing him to stir a little.As she sucked him deaper in her hot mouth he began to harden until he was fully erect.When he spoke it made her jump and release his cock from her mouth before continueing her ministrations. "What a lovely way to wake up"he said stretching his legs and yawning before running his hand through her hair as she bobbed up and down on him.She was holding his balls now rolling them like dice,stretching them away from his body causing him to moan as his cockhead was pulled tight.She could still taste last nights lovemaking on him as her tongue did its best to enter his pee hole before taking him throat deep once more.Even if he'd warned her she would'nt have stopped,she wanted to taste him,wanted to thank him for last night in a most permisteral way,so the last spurt of his climax was swallowed with the same relish as the first,his spent cock finally slipping from her mouth only when there was nothing left to give.The lingering kiss flavoured as it was,was intense and tender at the same time."Morning darling"Sue said as she moulded her body to his.
Later as they sat around the table she was determined not to make it obvious she wanted to see him again,though they sat next to each other she didnt seek out his hand or place hers on his thigh.There was no mention of last nights events,just talk of next weeks filming and yesterdays football (Arsenal had lost ,both men being fans).
Simon was first to leave,giving all three women a quick peck on the cheek before climbing into a taxi.Orla could see the disapointment flash across Sue's face and asked Ray to fetch the Sunday papers.He started to object them saw Orla's look and did as he was told.
"Dont take it permisterally Sue thats the way we are,its not that Simon doesn't think anything of you,it was just sex with no strings attached.i think the world of him but to get emotionally attached might cause problems doing the job he does.Would you be Ok watching him screwing some young thing in front of you if you were an item,i doubt it.I can understand you wanting to relax with him again,god knows i,ve had him many times and no doubt you will see him again,but it was just fun Ok!"
Sue smiled at her stupidity,of course it was Ok,it was just he was so nice.Not wanting to seem like a schoolgirl she assured Orla it was cool,she would like to meet him again but there were many more fish in the sea. "Besides,there are quite a few "Actors"on our books i'm sure would love to meet you"she winked and the three women started laughing together."And believe me last night was nothing,wait till you try them two at a time it will take your breath away"Chris added to more hoots of laughter.