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Couple in heat, chapter 10, by Schooner

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OK, this is a contribution to the site as a way to repay all those folks who post regularly.

The story that follows is chapter 10 of a novel written some years ago, back in the days when Usenet was the primary posting medium. It is based on fantasies, talks, and some events. And guys, your reaction is always welcome, that is what us "authors" live for!

Regards to all Schooner

Couple in heat

Chapter 10

By The Gripper (aka Schooner) copyright 2005


Our indulgence in what Nora called "cuckoldry", a term which probably does not exist in dictionaries, at least not in the sense she meant, gradually came to a stop. It was not the result of some momentous decision, our appetite for the intensity slacked by itself. Now and again we talked of our experiences and we truly enjoyed to see that our reminiscences brought back the excitement and the open frank communication between us. That seemed enough and we did no feel the need to seek new adventures.

Also the advancing years slowed things down as we neared the magic 50. Not that Nora had lost her allure for me or for other men. She put on a few pounds, and the gray in her hair, which she refused to cover with dyes, added to her mature sexual aura. Men still turned to admire her ass and long legs which seemed to be even more sexy as they filled a little. The fullness also made her cunt take on a darker, fuller more hungry look that kept me intensely interested.

It was during this time that we decided to take a Mediterranean island holiday. I will not name the island to protect identities. We rented a small fisherman's cottage in a village, more like a ten house hamlet really, a few miles from the main island town. The cottage was on the banks of dry river bed about a hundred paces from the sea. Towards the beach there was a small boatyard where the local fishermen repaired their boats. Several old boats were on chocks in carious stages of work which was done by slow old men using hand tools. Their tools work made the only sounds we heard. It was quiet and relaxing. We spent the days reading under the trees on the banks of the river bed.

One morning I decided to explore more than just the hamlet. I took my binoculars, a bottle of water and my hat and set out. "Scout around to see if there are any other little bays for us to visit" Nora said as she got her book and towel and headed for her favorite tree. It was a twisted old pine, its bent trunk offering a generous spot of shade. She was wearing her one piece black swimsuit, I could not help but notice her cunt bulge in the pouch. She smiled and mocked pretending to be chasing me away as we walked out of the cottage door.

I climbed down into the dry river bed and up the other side. I meandered aimlessly over the hillside noticing the vegetation, lots of aromatic wild herbs that would have made a chef happy grew everywhere- rosemary, thyme, marjoram, oregano. Their aroma filled the air. When I got high enough on the hillside I started to scan the area with my binoculars. When I saw something interesting I used the zoom to increase the power and bring the object closer. I looked at the men working on a boat, I zoomed in and I could clearly see how they used the plane to shave long curly slices of wood from the boat's rail.

At some point I zoomed in on Nora. She was lying on her stomach reading, her head propped up on her elbow. Her back was turned to me. I zoomed in. I scanned her back and down to her backside. Between her thighs I could see her cunt, bulging hanging in her swimsuit. I could discern the groove between the heavy outer lips, some hairs peeking from the side of the suit gusset, the dark patches in her inner thighs, up near her cunt. I got one of those semi hard erections, damn she was sexy!

I wandered some more till the sun got to mid point between the horizon and noon. It must have been around eleven a.m.. I had no watch. I was almost directly across from our cottage on the other side of the river bed, I found a tree and sat in its shade to cool down. I got the water and as I was tilting the bottle up I noticed a lone figure walking down the river bed, on the cottage side. I brought the binoculars up and spied on the figure. It was a tall thin man, wearing his bathing suit, carrying a book and a towel. In our few days in the hamlet we had not seen anyone other than the fishermen who lived there. I guessed this was a brave soul who walked the three miles from the main town to find some peace and quiet. He walked along the bank towards our cottage and Nora's shade. He passed her looking down at her. I saw him clearly look down in between her thighs at her cunt.

I was perhaps one hundred yards away but the binoculars brought the scene close, real close. I could see his expression register the faintest appreciation. I looked at him. Mid forties, graying hair, lean to the point of being almost skinny. Tall, I guessed about six foot and tan, which meant he was on the island for some days. He headed for a tree about ten yards away from Nora, laid out his towel and relaxed to read his book. I saw Nora glance over at him momentarily and then return to her book.

For some time they read. Then things started to change subtly, almost imperceptibly, but I knew something was happening down there. I looked around. There were no houses above me, no paths. The two men who were working on the boat were far downstream. There was no other sign of life. I turned back to the scene below looking through the binoculars. Nora was still reading but her left foot was raised, moving before it came back down to the towel. In that small movement her thighs had somehow opened up a little more. Planned or accidental, the move showed more of her bulging cunt to the skinny stranger. I looked over at him. He was in a reading pose, his face to the book, but his eyes were fixed on Nora' cunt. He was lying face down but I knew he had a healthy hardon between his belly and the towel.

Nora turned and looked at him, raising her sunglasses. She fixed him with a long stare. She had a slight frown on her face, from the sun's glare. She put her sunglasses back on and turned to her book. But as she did so she drew her right thigh up. Her cunt was now more open and exposed to the stranger. It hung heavily in its fabric pouch. She was teasing him! I looked at what he was looking at. A mature woman's cunt, long and heavy under her bathing suit. The cloth clung to her cunt, clearly showing the contours of the heavy lips, the dark pubic hair was openly visible from the sides of the gusset now. The man stopped reading. He was openly and unashamedly staring at Nora's cunt. So was I and I was rock hard now. I had not had such a strong erection in months.

In the silence of the morning the scene took on the quality of a still photo. Nothing moved for some minutes. Nora remained in that position, the man stayed still his eyes riveted on her cunt. I stayed glued to the binoculars. Neither one of them, I noticed turned a page in their books. Then Nora moved. She got on all fours, her ass to the stranger, she dusted sand and seed from her towel. She then turned and fixed the man with a stare for few seconds and then laid down again. On her back this time, legs spread, her cunt to him, legs apart knees drawn up, holding her book up above her face. . He too moved, turned on his back, propping himself on one elbow, still staring at his book but taking frequent peeks at Nora.

I could see her face now. I zoomed in and I saw her eyes look at him from under her sunglasses. She still had that slight frown that I thought was from the glare, then I realized that it was not glare, she was seriously horny. Her knees were moving closer and apart rhythmically. She then let one thigh fall to the ground. She was goading him now. He looked again. As he was lying I could make out a bulge in his swimming shorts. I was not surprised that he was horny. I was surprised that he turned towards Nora and was obviously showing her that her show had the desired effect.

Nora stared at her book like that for a while. Looking at the stranger from under her glasses. She started to touch herself, a move halfway between scratching and rubbing. First her shoulder, then her neck, then she moved to her thigh and suddenly she adjusted the gusset of her suit, as if to move the bothersome elastic. For a second her cunt was visible. The long dark lips came to view for a second or two before the gusset went back to its place with a snap that I heard all the way up the hillside. The man openly touched his cock through his trunks. I was sweating with excitement.

Neither one of them had talked or seemed to be trying to make any kind of social contact. I was expecting that to happen anytime. I was waiting for him to make the move. I was surprised more than I would ever have imagine. Nora suddenly sat up. She left her book on the ground. Took off her sunglasses and fixed him with a long stare. She looked beyond him to the two boatmen. Then around as if checking the scene. Then back to the man who was looking back at her. With an imperceptible nod she stood up and turned towards the cottage. She climbed the two steps to the front gate, opened it and moved through to the tiny front yard. She left the gate open. She stood there. In that spot she could not be seen from any place except from the area in front of the cottage. The man could see her. She stood there and slowly took off the bathing suit rolling it down her body until it rested on the stone floor. She looked over he shoulder at the man. He had not moved. She moved to the door of the cottage and opened it. The bed was right there. She moved to the side of the bed, opened the bedside drawer and took something.

The man stood up now. He was approaching the house stealthily, looking around to see if anyone could see him.

I moved back to Nora. She got on the bed and took the position on all fours. Her dark cunt was a long hairy gash between her thighs. I could see how wet she was. The man moved along the yard and in two paces he was through the door. She looked back at him and handed him a something. Neither one talked as far as I could see. He took it and looked at it. He dropped his trunks and his erection sprang free, his thick dark cock was rigid, plainly visible to me in profile. Then I saw what she had given him as he ripped the sachet and pulled out a rubber. He propped a leg on the bed as her rolled the rubber on his cock. She waited in the position unmoving. He finished and moved in behind her. I saw him reaching with his hand to guide his cock into Nora's cunt. Having adjusted their coupling his hands moved to her flanks and he pushed in her. It was a slow deliberate move, sinking his cock into her. I could hear a slight moan from that distance, but nothing else.

I was rock hard to the point of almost being painful. I watched the stranger literally do my wife. He fucked with those long deep strokes, evident of his prowess and her wet receptive state. It was a long fuck. Wordless, silent and nasty. Nora did not move, did not look back.She stayed on all fours and got fucked. He never changed the pace, those long thrusts simply went on and on. Till he made an extra powerful move, holding her to him as he shoved himself all the way in with all his power. He gave her another one of those, and another and another till I saw him stiffen and stay in her. They stayed like that for a minute. Then he pulled out. Stood up, unrolled the rubber off his cock. He dropped it on the floor beside the bed. Turned around, pulled on his trunks and walked out of the house. He picked up his book and towel, looked around furtively and walked quickly up the river bed heading back to where he came from.

Nora never moved. I ran down the hillside, to the river bed, up the other side and into the house. She was still there on all fours. I closed the door behind me.

She turned around to look at me.

"I needed it" she said and looked away. I was naked in a flash. I moved in behind her and sank my cock in her wet cunt. She was hot, and slimy. I fucked her hard. As I was coming I noticed the used rubber on the floor. Proof that the whole thing was not a dream. It had happened! And I had watched it. We came together breathing raspily.

We spend the rest of the day in a sexual haze. I lavished long oral attention on her sensual cunt, a reward for my latest cuckolding. It was a kind of worship, showing her that it was ok with me to have let the stranger fuck her. She accepted it as her right. Laying back and offering me her long cunt to lick and love as she received pleasure she was entitled to. It was only after we exhausted our immediate heat that talked about it.

"When I saw him staring at my cunt I felt this need to get fucked. I mean to have a really hard cock, a strange cock to give me a nasty fuck. My cunt almost burned when I saw him respond, saw him get hard in his trunks." She explained about how the thing started between them. We were sitting outside in the back patio of the cottage sipping wine in the evening.

"Did you ever talk?" I asked.

"No, not a word. I was not in the mood for social contact. I wanted to be fucked" She said and looked at me wanting to go on but stopping. I understood she had something more to say but was a little hesitant.

"Go on, what is it?" I asked gently prodding her.

"Lately I have been feeling like I need more." She said looking at me. I nodded.

"You realized it?" She asked looking at me. I nodded yes. We looked at each other for a long time.

"In the last few months I have felt that you were not fully satisfied, you know with me going soft sometimes or not lasting long enough. I know it must have left a need." I said acknowledging that my age was catching up to me in that area too. Or that her appetite had not diminished at all. In fact after menopause it increased. I could feel her needing more fucking.

"I don't want to change things between us" she said.

"Neither do I. But like you said, you need it. And it is not something that changes things, you have cuckolded me before and I loved it, I loved it today too, and it seems to bring back a lot of power, something like a natural viagra pill" I told her and she smiled. I was relieved we had bypassed any depressing talk.

"Perhaps we should plan for regular outside help." I said looking at her. She looked at me not saying anything but in her eyes I could see that it was a possibility she liked.

"A regular lover would be a pain, I don't want that kind of relationship. It is not the thing I am after." She said. We were getting down to practicalities.

"Maybe we can find some way with new people, or perhaps several regular contacts." I counterproposed, she seemed to think about it.

"You think I can go out attracting younger men? It is a bit risky and I hate to be in that role, of the lady prowler." she said and I understood what she meant.

"I can perhaps do the looking and the vetting, sounds awfully cuckoldish but practical and safe and minimizes the risks, social and others." I felt an inner pleasure for saying that I would be her active cuckold, admitting my own inadequacy and eagerly looking for men to fuck my wife.

Later that night in bed we started to talk again about the practical side of looking for virile men to fuck her, to make up for my loss of power. It was straight talk, like we never had before. How often did she need that kind of fucking, what type of man she wanted, the setting, her fears of rejection. It was a new one for both of us. Discussing our needs and desires in such practical terms. When younger we had used cuckoldry to add unusual, kinky to be honest, fire and passion. Now it was more like talking about an organic need, and it was a need, of her hungry cunt to receive hard virile cocks on a regular basis. After we settled on a plan we were both horny. I went down on her to worship her cunt, then we fucked slowly enjoying every minute of it.

Over the next few days the wiry visitor fucked Nora several times. She kept verbal contact to a minimum. Each time I kept out of their way. I did manage to get a few views with my binoculars. One day I spied on them as she sat on the bed and sucked his cock. Her greed for his thick hard prick was so evident as she enjoyed him with abandon. He stood in front of her in ecstasy. When she had him ready she got on all fours and he mounted her like a willing mare, fucking her with those long thrusts that she needed. Seeing her take him I realized that it was that kind of man I would have to seek out for her. That was my new role as a mature cuckold. And I found it not at all bad. I was ready.


After our holidays I noticed that Nora's needs had a cyclical ebb and flow. There were those days of the month that she was insatiable. She needed fucking and lots of it for several days. Her need challenged my sexual power to the limits sometimes. I had to judge things just right and bring her off with my fingers and my tongue before fucking her, otherwise I would come and she would still be panting for more fucking. One of those nights when I misjudged things and she was left high and dry she said "I need more cock, do something, can't you get hard again?" she was panting and lifting her knees showing her pent up need. As I kissed her I asked what she needed "a big thick cock" she said, "anything to get me off". I went to the kitchen and got a large cucumber from the vegetable basket.I washed it and went back to the bedroom. In the darkness she did not see what I had but as it made contact with her cunt she opened her thighs wide and to my amazement it slid into her wet and open cunt. She let out a long sigh and accepted it and the satisfaction it gave her. I fucked her with that cucumber for some minutes and she came with a big moan.

"Thank you" she said later and kissed me gratefully. "I really needed that relief, I couldn't go one more night without it" she said. We talked more. She too noticed that her needs rose at times and it was then that she really needed more than I could provide. We were openly talking about my inadequacy! As the thought dawned on me I felt my cock harden, she too felt it and we fucked again. As we rested after this second fuck we talked some more. She too noticed how I responded to the idea that she needed more than I could give. She provided the insight.

"Seems like we both need that big cock" she said. The words were a revelation.

"Yes, seems we do, I said, when you are in one of these phases I feel I can't satisfy you, but when you came with the cucumber I got hard, like my inability in the face of that huge cock gave me new strength. I guess you are right, we need that big cock. We need to find the right man soon", I added. She nodded and kissed me again.

Where to look for a man to fuck your wife? Other cuckolds have the same problem as I have seen in internet chat rooms. After several tries on internet contact ads I tried contact mags. Looking through the badly worded ads and the low quality photos showed that most people find the placing of the ad itself enough of a thrill and leave it there. I was pondering placing an ad when I was buying the third magazine. It was then that I saw one ad by a man: "man 41, divorced, serious and sincere, fit and ok lookswise, very well endowed, seeks mature ladies or couples." There was no photo with the ad. I decided to reply and sent a short note telling him what we were about and gave him my cell phone number.

Several days later I got a call. "Hello, John, this is Ivor, from the ad, can you talk now?" I could not, I was in a meeting and without any prompting he game his number. When I was alone I called him. I wa


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seems the file was too big, here goes the second part

"Thank you" she said later and kissed me gratefully. "I really needed that relief, I couldn't go one more night without it" she said. We talked more. She too noticed that her needs rose at times and it was then that she really needed more than I could provide. We were openly talking about my inadequacy! As the thought dawned on me I felt my cock harden, she too felt it and we fucked again. As we rested after this second fuck we talked some more. She too noticed how I responded to the idea that she needed more than I could give. She provided the insight.

"Seems like we both need that big cock" she said. The words were a revelation.

"Yes, seems we do, I said, when you are in one of these phases I feel I can't satisfy you, but when you came with the cucumber I got hard, like my inability in the face of that huge cock gave me new strength. I guess you are right, we need that big cock. We need to find the right man soon", I added. She nodded and kissed me again.

Where to look for a man to fuck your wife? Other cuckolds have the same problem as I have seen in internet chat rooms. After several tries on internet contact ads I tried contact mags. Looking through the badly worded ads and the low quality photos showed that most people find the placing of the ad itself enough of a thrill and leave it there. I was pondering placing an ad when I was buying the third magazine. It was then that I saw one ad by a man: "man 41, divorced, serious and sincere, fit and ok lookswise, very well endowed, seeks mature ladies or couples." There was no photo with the ad. I decided to reply and sent a short note telling him what we were about and gave him my cell phone number.

Several days later I got a call. "Hello, John, this is Ivor, from the ad, can you talk now?" I could not, I was in a meeting and without any prompting he game his number. When I was alone I called him. I was nervous as hell but not a little excited.

He was easy to talk to and freely gave details about himself. He had been married but they did not get along. After five years they parted amicably. He had a few medium term affairs but now he found he was in a phase when he needed sex more than emotional attachments. We arranged to meet for a take and it was understood that I was vetting him. We met the next day at a quiet bar we both knew. It was between lunch but before the after work crowd would move in. He looked his age, so he had not lied about that. I guessed his looks would be attractive to women, without being the model type. He was trim and fit, flat bellied. His dark hair was graying at the temples. It was easy to talk to him and started to share more intimate confidences. I told him of our past adventures and our recent experiences. About how I had no complex about my wife's needs and my ability to satiety them. How it excited me in a way he might find strange.

"I don't find it strange. I had fantasies like yours about my ex wife. I still do!" he said and we both laughed, relieved to have that common ground. It was then that I showed him pictures of Nora. Photos I had taken on our holiday to the island. In her summer dress and her swimsuit. I looked at his face as he looked. I noticed the flash of interest and then his open interest. "She is a great looking woman. I hope she will like what I have to offer" he said. What he had to offer, basically a big cock, I thought, in a civilized package.

"I don't have my pics with me, my flat is nearby, we could go there and I can print out some copies for you" he offered and we moved off.

His apartment was orderly and well kept. Another good sign. He was no slob and had good decorating taste. He flipped on his laptop and we talked as it loaded.

"Took them myself, so don't expect any prize winning photography. Still they show me in a good light I think." He opened the image program and went to a directory of pics. He opened the album and let me at the machine.

"Have a look through and choose which ones you want to print" he said and moved over to the bar to fix more takes. I started to open each of the twelve photos in the folder. The first one showed him in shorts and shirt. The next in swimming trunks. The fourth pic showed him naked.

His cock hung down limp. Thick but not really long. The next pic stopped me in my tracks. He was sanding at the balcony door in full light. His cock was in full erection standing at an angle from his body, rigid, unbelievably thick and capped by a glorious helmet. I looked in awe.

"Like I said, very well endowed" his voice startled me. I turned to find him looking at me with a glass of vodka in his hand.I took it and took a sip.I nodded.

"The rest are similar shots, all X rated he said. He clicked the next pic and his cock filled the screen. The phallus glowed in its power in the photo, the veins visible and the head shining with vigor. It was a magnificent head and instantly I imagined it sliding in between Nora's cunt lips. Right there and then I felt the need we had talked about with her after the cucumber fuck. That cock was the thing to fill that need. I needed this cock to fuck my wife. Another pic flicked on, he was holding is cock, teasing more length into it with is hand, his fingers clasped around the base. I chose the ones that I thought would interest Nora, two in clothes and four of his cock in various poses.

"Nora likes size, I think she will like these pics."I said as we sat on opposite sides of a low table.

"I know you want to watch. Would you mind if the first time she and I are alone, to get the feel of each other?" he asked plainly. I was shaking my head even before he finished. In the negotiating phase that was a clear signal that said something more. I was so eager for that cock to enter my wife's cunt that I was willing to forego my thrill of watching. He understood, even though he did not give a sign of it right there and then. It was something he used later to full effect.

Nora was still in the midst of her monthly hot phase. I poured us two takes and handed her the photos. I looked at her face, like he had looked at mine to gauge her reaction. Her face flushed and darkened as she looked, I leaned over and saw she was stating at the same pic that had caught my attention. Ivor in profile, his great cock jutting out from his groin, standing hard and unaided, it size awesome, its power evident at the angle and fierceness of his erection.

"I am soaking wet" she said looking at me. I felt a knot of excitement in my belly. She approved, she was going to take that cock. I felt the elation of the cuckold rise in me. My wife was going to get fucked by that awesome cock! I moved next to her and kissed her. She kissed me back then broke off and started to ask me about him, his character and manner I told her all I had seen and my thoughts about the man. We moved to the bedroom and I went down on her. I knew tonight was going to hard to satisfy her. She was in a hot needy mood and it took all my tricks to get her off.

"I cant stop thinking of his cock in your cunt" I told her between sessions of cunt licking. I held her in my arms, kissing her neck and ears. "I keep seeing that head moving in between your lips, wanting to move in deeper and you opening up to take him" I teased her.

"Lord! You bastard, you are teasing me. But it really is so fucking sexual, so big and so strong looking, makes me want to suck him too, not just fuck, a kind of cock hunger, you know what I mean?" she asked.

"Want to take that big fat head in your mouth and control it" I commented as I kissed her. She kissed me back open mouthed, nodding her agreement and as our tongues played with each other I imagined her slaving orally over that cock and soon I began to feel something new, something very powerful, a need to join in that task, a thought too strong to voice aloud but our kissing took on a new lewdness and as we played tongue to tongue the meaning was clear. She pulled back and looked at me in the semi darkness. Her eyes shone with mischief and she went back our kissing. She emitted a questioning moan. I moaned my agreement back .

We both knew the meaning of those moans. "You want to suck his cock?" we were asking each other and responding "YES". She voiced it first. "Did you get hard when you saw the pic, I mean the first look?"

"Yes, it just happened. Got straight to me. I kept thinking of it fucking you. Felt this warmth in my stomach".

"But it is more than that., I think" she said in a whisper.

"Yes, it is also the cock in itself, made me hard. Now it is making me hard to think about it. " I told her openly.

We kissed again. I started to finger her soaking cunt. We both knew the meaning of this surge in our excitement. There was no need to hide any more.

"I would love to suck him knowing he is fucking you, the cock that fucks my wife and cuckolds me, that would really make me need to suck it" I confessed to her and started to finger fuck her with three fingers, she was so wet and so open. I moved down and licked her dark cunt again. Then I moved on her and my cock slipped all the way in, easily, too easily. She came twice on my cock, surely thinking of Ivor's thick rod but I loved the idea, and I came in her cunt freely and easily my sperm flowing out of me rather than shooting out.

The first meeting for the three of us was the next day. Knowing how we fucked the night before I marveled at her eagerness to meet him. We met at the same bar after dinner.

As we walked in he stood up and waived us over to the corner booth he had reserved. As we approached and I introduced them we all smiled at the incongruity if the situation. After all they had seen each other naked. The sitting arrangement was interesting. The booth had facing benches, so two would have to sit on one side and one alone. I waited for them to choose, Nora chose to sit on the side opposite him. I slipped in beside her. Ivor was facing her. I felt awkward and was happy to see he was carrying the conversation.

"You look even better in permister" he said alluding to the pics he had seen the day before. Nora smiled openly at him. Obviously happy he approved of her, an older woman. Soon we were talking about everything and anything. We ordered a second round of takes. They were more open and relaxed, I felt a little on edge not knowing which way the evening would go and if I should make an exit at some point, and if so when. I excused myself and went to the toilet. IN the cubicle I tried to piss but my erection made that impossible. I stayed there a couple of minutes and returned to the table. I saw from a distance that Ivor was touching Nora's hand on the table. The waitress saw it too and she gave me a funny look that only helped to add stiffness to my cock.

"I see you are getting to know each other" I chimed in.

"Yes we are " Nora said throatily. Her movement on the bench made me glance down to see their feet touching under the table.

"Would it be a good idea to go over to my apartment?" Ivor asked looking at her and then at me. I looked to Nora and saw her glance an imperceptible "yes". We walked, or rather they walked and I followed at a safe distance. As the held each other and kissed along the way I stopped and waited. Again, the sight of this younger man kissing a woman older than him and me waiting a few steps behind each time caused a few heads to turn my way along the way. My cock was rock hard in my pants. I held my coat over my crotch.

Once in his living room he moved on her and kissed her long and deep. She moaned loudly. I stood there not knowing what to do. Being in his apartment, his ground, made me feel awkward and I looked around. I went to an armchair and sat down. They stood and kissed a few more times. Nora was flushed, her face was a mask of lust when she looked at me. She said nothing. It was Ivor who spoke.

"You can wait here, pour yourself a take or watch TV, listen to the stereo, feel free" he said. It was another step along a new path. I knew it. And I took the step. I Sat down and barely said an OK. I looked at Nora and nodded to her, and to the bedroom. Ivor led her that way and moved his hand to her ass as she went through the door. I looked on eagerly but he closed the door behind him.

He was fucking my wife for an hour or more as I sat in the armchair in his living room. I could not see and did not try to peek. But the sounds that came from that room were primal sounds of lust. Pure fucking was going on in that room. In itself it was exciting to hear, but sitting there while my wife was making those sounds as she was getting really fucked by that huge cock, her cunt wrapped around his cock was excruciating. I heard her moan and scream as she came soon after the door closed behind them. The bed creaked and she sighed more and moaned more loudly as the minutes went by. During a lull I heard muffled talking, she spoke as much as he did, but I could not make out what they were saying.

As I sat there while Ivor used his superior cock to fuck my wife I realized that I needed this. Cuckold! That is what I became beyond all doubt that night. I felt a mixture of embarrassment, offense and lust as I sat there and became fully aware of my new status. Cuckold! My horns grew with each moan my wife emitted as she was being fucked by Ivor. I could almost feel them on my head and in my strange new situation I felt a strange pride that she was my wife and was able to take that magnificent cock the other man was sinking in her. Every time she came I tremred with excitement and heard myself whisper "that's it take him, come on that cock Nora".

I heard the water run in his shower stall off the bedroom. Louder talking now. Then the door opened and Nora came out fully dressed. Ivor followed dressed in his bathrobe. She glowed. Obviously well fucked. I knew. Ivor was smiling. I smiled back at them both. Suddenly a rising elation in me. I was glad they had hit it off first time. Nora came to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. I held her and felt her soften in my arms. A woman well fucked.

"Ready to go?" I asked her. She was.

Ivor was wise enough to stay at the door of his bedroom. As we neared his front door Nora turned back to him. "I will call you" he said with no further reference to me or us. He was going to call her. Another signal.

We walked to the car. I stopped several times to kiss her in shop doorways. She melted in my arms. We did not talk much till we got home and we fell in each others arms. "Tell me" I blurted out once we were in bed. "Tell me everything" I said and started to kiss her neck and her breasts.

"Easy, easy go slow and I will tell you everything" she patted my head.

I lay next to her and listened.

"He is a different man in the bedroom, he is not the polite guy you saw at the bar. He is direct and crude in a sexual way, demanding and dominant. Lord that was a surprise and it turned me on so much." She gently patted her pubic hair and her cunt.

"He kissed me hard when he closed the door and started to strip me. He had me naked in no time and he threw off his clothes. He made me look at his cock. Asked me if I liked the pics. He was so proud of his cock. He talked dirty to me and asked me if I had thought about fucking him. He made me sit down on the bed and fed me his cock, saying things like "suck it, take the head in your mouth" he is definitely not he shy type. He was treating me like a slut but I responded, I liked it, sort of freaked me out to be there behaving like that, while you were outside, I mean the whole thing was so strange but so incredibly sexy. So I sucked and did as I was told. He gave it to me doggy style first. Made me take the position and he just fucked me."

I was twisting and turning with excitement. "Lord I am so fucking horny hearing this. Go on" I urged her.

"You like to hear it, makes the whole thing even more delicious. As I was there on all fours and he fucked, you know how much I like being fucked that way, I felt his size, I mean really felt it, that huge cock sliding in me, I concentrated on the sensation and just let him fuck. Lord, such a delicious big stiff cock. Mmmmm she moaned, patting her cunt again."

"I feel proud you took him. It is kinky to admit that, but when I was sitting out there and heard you moan and I knew he was fucking you and you were responding I really felt so fucking proud of you. Being cuckolded agrees with me." I said and we laughed with each other.

"Did you masturbate? " she asked touching my rock hard cock.

"No, I just stayed frozen still, I did not want to miss the sounds." I said

"He was wrong then, he said you would be jerking off a storm." she said and smiled.

"He said that! What else did he say?" I asked curious about his comments on the man he was cuckolding a few yards away.

"He was teasing... you know...." Nora said

"Teasing how?" I was even more curious now

"He was talking nasty, carried away, when he turned me on my back and was on top, he was being nasty about you and how much I must have missed a real good fuck..... " she held my cock as it jerked in her hand. I felt such a sweet stab of humiliating lust. I had to ask.

"What did you say?" I moved finger in her soaking cunt. I let it slide all the way in.

"I told him I liked the way he fucked me, when he pressed me I had to admit, his cock felt good, better than I had in a while, it was fuck talk....." she was apologetic now.

"Strange as it may sound I agree with him. Would not be the same if he was less able than me. Sound like a narcissistic bastard but a like a great fuck." I said.

"Yes, he is so confident of his cock and that is the thing that makes him such a bastard and a good fuck. Are you glad we found him?" she was looking at me.

"Yes, we needed that kind of man, exactly that kind of bastard." I said and desperately wanted to lick her cunt.

"Yes, seems like you were right, we need him." she kissed me hard. "I love you my cuckold husband" she said. I moved down to lick her cunt. " I made him use rubbers" she said intimating that she was not full of sperm and I could lick her freely. I would any way. Iicked her more hungry than ever in my life. Then I fucked her.


Posts: 38
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wow.very very good---------an the way it begins,,,,,,,im very curius to read te next storie about you


Posts: 28
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Patt and MD thank you for your comments. The posted story is the final chapter of a novel put together over the years. It covers the start and progression of a couple into the cuckold way.

Judging by the response there does not seem to be much interest and that makes me hesitate to post the other 9 chapters which are long and will take up valuable space.

Anyway, I will have to think about posting the rest. Thanks again for your comments



Posts: 5
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Excellent tale and quite well-written. Thanks. Would enjoy having more stories from you!


Posts: 6
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Hi Schooner,

Great story. Would enjoy having more stories from you and at first the other 9 chapters!!!
Thanks and please post the rest.
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Couple in heat, chapter 10, by Schooner
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