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cb6000 improve comfort?

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Does anyone have any ideas to reduce chafing and pinching on balls when using a cb6000? I have found that if I use the larger ring sometimes I slip out of the cage. Do I just need to get used to it? Use lotion or different lube (have only tried water-based) am trying to get used to wearing it long term, and any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you


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Do you have a knock off CB? Because the knockoff's Uring is notched with two ridges that really cut into your balls. Bad design. On authentic CB's the Uring is smooth and much more comfortable.


Posts: 13
#3 · Edited by: launchpad
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Spent tons of money from high dallor customs to local store shelf items. Best one I've ever owned. No jingle or lock clunking (keys ugly and big). Absolutely can't tell I'm wearing it, piss standing up (very important being a carpenter and working out side in the cold layered up with carhardts on) and it works with my frenum piercing with locking jewellery. I also use real coconut oil because it stops any unwanted yeast growth.

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Best part is you can make them be keyed the same.


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Launchpad, seems to good to be true for the money.


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Are you shaved down there? You should be,do you use some sort of water resistant creme,like diaper cream at chaffing points.that may help..Thing is if you wear it long term your key holder should inspect you at the very least weekly for abrasions.. If you wear a knock off then problems will arise, launchpad may be right.Hey you cant wear it long term if its a knock off and not have problems..


Posts: 13
#6 · Edited by: launchpad
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Okay. Then be a skeptic. I honestly think people spend big money and don't want to tell themselves it was a waste cause it was uncomfortable. F0RCE themselves to like the purchase. I've learn a few things, one being that the base ring doesn't stay tight to the body. It slides down the scrotum until it rest against the testicles, which makes weight important. That simple fact makes the cage length not need to be as long. Honestly the shorter the better, way more comfortable. But that doesn't mean the cage should be tight. Space around helps it breath and keeps things dryer, but if the tip of the penis rests up against the end of the cage, especially on the style I linked to, urinating standing up works for me. I do have to check and make sure I'm lined up and it's not in there a little twisted, but 90% of the time it is. That frenum piercing lock helps keep things lined up if you keep cage length short. I'm about 2.5" flaccid and 5.5" erect. I use 45mm base ring and 2 ring cage which you can actually bend to make shorter or longer by widening or shortening the top gap between the 2 rings. I linked that particular one because if you read the descriptions it has an inner cage diameter of 35mm, most others have 32 or 33mm inner diameters. Those tend to be tight, tight enough to leave temporary indents when I remove it. If you think you want a longer cage cause you don't want to prevent erections in fear that'll it'll cause your manhood to shrink over time, don't be. At least with me, like I described the base ring sliding down the scrotum, this allows me to achieve a near complete erection with the rest of the shaft outside the cage, but the necessary parts to achieve orgasim still unreachable. All that being said, this is the first cage that didn't give me that scrotal burn with my 4 AM erections. I did have to get pierced a bit lower then a true frenum, more on the circumcised foreskin to allow for more flesh for the 8 guage lock (3mm) to help prevent migration. The first one was right underneath the gland (head) and bearly through much skin. Thats the proper place your piercer will want to place it with 14 gauge jewelry, but it started to migrate out so I abandoned it. If you let them know that you want to work your way up to 8 guage they will move back more to accommodate this. Anyways, this took me some time and money to arrive here, but for the past year this is my setup, she has total control, and I no longer spend time trying to tweak things. Plastic is a no go for me, end up with a rash and smell, stainless steel is the only way to go. Showering, cleaning, and drying isn't a big deal, honestly don't do things much differently than if it wasn't there. It's cheap enough you should give it a go, just have to wait a month for it to arrive. Tons to pick from, AliExpress is part of AliBaba, China's amazon. If you think what your wearing isn't from china, unless its custom, bet it is. Another word of advice is don't go with the ergonomic shaped base ring versions cause they tend to have a bigger gap in between the base ring and cage and there's enough room for your testicle to pop out. Not good if you don't have the key. The flat rings are actually more comfortable and slide on the scrotum easier.

Want more fun, place one of these behind the base ring

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And attach it to a shock collar your keyholder has control of. We've used this one for a long while, was $29 and Bluetooth, but can't find it that cheap anymore and it has it's issues. So damn big, hard to hide somewhere. Kept it in my pocket with wires attached to it. Wasn't ideal. So there's where I'd like advice.

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Then if I'm lucky, she'll unlock me and make me wear this

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But I can't feel much and almost impossible to orgasm, which obviously I'm not allowed to do.

Picture showing how the ring rests down the scrotum on top of the testicles leaving half of the shaft out of the cage.



Posts: 13
#7 · Edited by: launchpad 
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Picture shows urinating while standing up. Only difference is instead of using 2 fingures and my thumb on just my penis, I have to include my testicles, grabbing all, penis, testicles, and chastity device.

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cb6000 improve comfort?
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