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Castration versus penectomy

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This question is directed at those who really practice, and not to the dreamers and fantasizes that this site is full off. I tend to be extreme, serious and real. Maybe that is why I don't get a big following here. To say it, I am not advocating surgery for the lifestyle.

As I look at things done, and even stories, I see a lot of mentions of castration. I do not see more than a few mentions of penectomy.

To my way of thinking, penectomy is much more effective. It allows for the testicles to remain to pump the hormones into the body which pushes the feminized male into role, makes them more anxious to obey and builds sexual frustration which they can't quench with a quick jerk-off session. It also makes the panties fit better.

A castration, through banding, removal or crushing, stops that hormone flow and makes them, for want of a better word lethargic and to my experience lax in performance.

Yes penectomy requires more surgical skill and surgical setting than a castration. But if one can find a surgeon who will do a castration, I feel that one can find a surgeon who will do a penectomy.

Again, this question is directed to those that DO in real life, and not a quick weekend dress up session. I have my own thoughts of why a penectomy not more common, but I would like the thoughts of others.


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Penectomy really is the only correct choice for a cuckoldress, part of the whole point of being a cuckolds wife is to make him suffer sexual denial, and to torment him with the flaunting of her own sexuality. removal of the testicles leads to no place but the removal of the offending little penis leads to the chambers of sexual hell for a sissy cuckold? all the sexual urges and drives the never ending frustration hence a much more compliant and servile cuckold. not all cuckolds are feminised but for those that are Penectomy is the perfect solution. unless health requirements demand a operation a penectomy is very hard to acquire legally although some practice self ********** to achieve the required procedure. I did read in a medical article that a person with a full penectomy suffers much more heightened sexual frustration almost to the point of insanity? jut think what a loving cuckoldress could do with that power. also a pecto can still cum in a fashion either through rubbing the stub or through prostate milking and the liquid seeps out of the formed orifice that is placed behind the testicle sack. its a painful and long operation with extended recovery time but I for one would have it done tomorrow if it was possible to get one.


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I had read of one gurl (transsexual) who decided to keep her testicles, had them placed in her abdomen like ovaries.
She of course had to take antiandrogens still.

This would make for an interesting set of options, though. An off-the-books sex change, placing the head of the penis inside the body, maybe near the prostate, with the testicles inside, too. Urethral opening could be inside a neovagina or just a hole in the perianum.
Depends on how the converted cuck might get sexual release. This way, it's not totally impossible, but WOULD rely on another to help. Makes it essentially impossible to get off by one's self.
And it might be risky to try to use a dildo, as the testicles would get beaten up...

Not sure you could find a doctor who would perform such an "unethical" operation. (Considering in the US, there are people who go looking for other amputations, and get approved, I understand... WTF? :eek


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The other problem with keeping testicles inside the body is that they become cancerous over time. That is why if undescended testicles do not drop they tend to be taken out and not left in the inguinal channel.

I am personally against any form of castration - to dangerous and life changing for me
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Castration versus penectomy
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