Posts: 1285
Thanks for sharing Jmac4!
It my experience it is not unusual, especially with a new device, to develop some sore spots or rashes. I recommend cleaning regularly, talc, etc. to reduce this. (If you start seeing blue or purplish skin, you may want to come out and rethink the sizing as this indicate that the area isn't getting enough oxygen through the red. Preventing full inflation of the erectile tissue is the goal, but you don't want a situation where the glans are not getting enough red flow when you are flaccid, etc.)
If you care to share just a bit more on the board of the "examples of how i hoped our sex life would be," we all might be able to give you some advice from experience on helping your wife get more comfortable with it all. I'm not even clear if by this: "Im having the hardest time just not feeling her naked against me" you mean against your cock or if you are refraining from nude cuddling at all.
I'm not pushing, but if you feel like sharing more, I'd be happy to listen and contribute whatever little wisdom I can.
Good luck and thanks again for sharing! Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 5
Thanks for the reply MrsBBD. Sorry I wasnt a little more clear in my last post, Im not quite sure how specific i should get with the minor details, dont want to bore anyone. As far as examples of what I want from our sex life, I guess in my head I just expected her to have me please her orally a few times a week, maybe get her off with her vibe, her relax naked just o mess with my head, unlock me and edge me a few times before locking me up again. But most of the week goes by without any mention of anything at all. In reference to the feeling her naked against me, that ties in to that as well. bedtime comes and its just that. Bedtime. I was just missing the sexual contact. Even if im denied i feel like I need some form of contact just to keep me going. Its late and Im tired so i hope this all makes sense!
Posts: 5
Well my wifes sex drive has never matched mine. We dont fight about many things, but sex (or the amount) has always been the main one. I brought up a device years ago and just now got her to agree to try it. She seems to like the fact that I cant cum without it. Im trying really hard not to pester her for sexual contact, make it her call on what we do and when. But its almost as though shell forget about me if I dont.
As far as the cuck thing. Im sure that will never happen. Just not even a possibillity in her mind. Would I like her to? Hmmmm in my fantasies yeah. Id love to hear her tell me about how many times another guy made her cum, id also like to sit on the end of the bed and watch if shed be so kind. Reality. I dont know if I could handle it.
"So whats she get?" was the question. She gets me not pestering her to have sex every night. She gets to cum on her terms. I had hoped that would be enough for her to embrace it, and she may, theres times when i think shes enjoying the possibilities. Its early, time will tell.