Posts: 102
Does anyone else find it embarrassing to have to ask your wife's boyfriends for permission to do anything of a romantic nature with her? Being a sissy maid is so much fun!
Posts: 178
Having to ask the bull for permission is very embarrassing and humiliating for me because it is never as easy as just asking. I have to first wait until after he has come home from work eaten dinner and settled down. After that is finished I can then get into position to ask a question. I am not allowed to speak to him unless I am spoken to, but if I need to say something then I can assume the position and wait for him to acknowledge me. The position is just me on my knees with my head down and hands held behind my back. When (if) he acknowledges me I can then ask him in this format, "Daddy, may I ask you a question?" - from there I am allowed to then ask for his permission. Sometimes if I am asking to have sex with my wife he will tell me that I should not worry and that he will fullfil the duty for me. When he is in a good mood he will offer me masturbatory release instead, sometimes he will give me permission to have sex with her, but that is very very very rare. Many times I don't even bother asking to have sex with her because he ussually asks me to suck his cock so that he doesn't need to use my wife's pussy. Most of the time I just ask if i can masturbate, but I have to tell him what I plan on looking at while doing it and he will have to approve it first.
Posts: 3391
I do and I love it. My wife said I needed her boyfriends permission to fuck her just the other night. I texted him and got no response until the morning. I did not get to penetrate her. But, I LOVED eating her pussy until she came and mushed my face all over her crotch. So good. Yes, I love the embarassment from having to ask for permission and getting none.
seeking: Having to ask the bull for permission is very embarrassing and humiliating for me because it is never as easy as just asking. The answer I usually give is simple...."No"
Posts: 430
My wife has made me thank her bulls for fucking her, that is pretty humiliating!
Posts: 700
that would be hot have a fantasy of wifes bull taking key to chastity belt and having to ask his permission to jerk off
Posts: 130
I don't have to ask my wife's, Black Bull for permission, my wife cut me off many years ago. No more pussy for me, because I am a pussy. The only sex I get now, is giving Men blowjobs!!! We both love, and worship, The Big, Black Cock!!!
Posts: 27
i had to do this with my gf's last bull, she said i had to ask him because if i didnt have his permission she would feel like she was cheating on him. He was incredibly strict and almost never let me fuck her, on the off chance i got lucky then i always had to wear a condom and even then i was allowed to cum in her, i had to pull out then cum in the condom then swallow my mess. For my birthday last year he was gonna let me fuck her, but when the day arrived he took her out on a date and left me at home and said i could masturbate all i wanted then said happy birthday and left. She spent the night with him that night. totally humiliating but i loved every minute of it. justin mathewson
Posts: 299
I too have been cut off from most intimate sexual interactions with my Wife. No intercourse. No blowjobs. However i do have to ask our Bulls permision on occasion for other things. I am kept caged quite often and must ask permission for it to be removed to jerk off, usually while being supervised. [email protected]
Posts: 978
#10 · Edited by: naughtywife006
I ALWAYS ask her BULL for permission. He own her and that is HIS pussy. Thou he hasn't let me touch her in 3 years he lets me suck his cock and he fucks me.
Posts: 430
I always found it humilating to thank the bulls for fucking my wife when they were finished. I don't think any of bulls asked her to cut me off, but would have loved that. She would cut me off or make me beg to use HIS pussy, that she gave to him, and that he owned.
Posts: 6938
My cunts husband know's that he's obliged to thank me for using his wife for our mutual pleasure, but then he's been carefully trained!