I've been harbouring a desire for chastity cages and have worn a couple in my time. I met my current gf on an internet dating site and we stared off a Mistress/Pussyboi phase which we both enjoyed, I ended up cleaning her kitchen floor in a see-through apron and with a metal cb cage on. It was great fun ! We progressed to her using a whip on me for whenever I didn't do as I was told, and having to count out the strokes as she did them, very humiliating and cool at the same time. She regularly shaves and expect me to do the same, so it has become second nature to shave in the shower each morning as part of my routine. Sex with her is off limits unless I wear the cb device, I have only 4" anyway so she is not impressed with that. She gets her pleasure before mine and the vibrator sees a lot of action. I have recently got the birdlocked device in black and its a great cb cage, despite taking ages to get in it....its real smooth and comfortable to wear. The kitchen floor gets cleaned quite often now, me naked on all fours bar the cage cupping my small prick
She has a sister who lives around the corner, (35, tall and blonde, a district nurse
and I have been dropping hints abouts being told to walk around there and clean her floor as well. She would die laughing to see her future brother in law naked and locked in a chastity cage cleaning her dirty floors. He bf would probably go mad if he caught us, dont fancy being on the receiving end of his fist as he is a body builder...
My finace's mum lives in the same village, she's 60 but still fit looking, 6' and blonde spiky hair.... I wonder if I can tempt my fiance to get me cleaning all the kitchen floors in the family ....?????