Posts: 1285
I used to wear the cb-2000 with the plastic locks through the metal detectors at airports all the time. Then I discovered that my regular metal lock (with a pink plastic cover) didn't set them off, so I've worn standard metal locks since.
I imagine the new body imagining scan will pick them up, but then again who cares? I go through security with butt-plugs, dildos, vibrators, even my blow-up doll hubby, in my carry-on all the time. Only occasionally has it lead to any embarrassing searches or questions, and not in years. The TSA people have gotten so blase and/or professional that they don't care about that kind of thing anymore in my experience.
I suspect the idea of being pulled over and brought to the room for secondary screening based on your chastity is just wish/fear fantasy fodder. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 181
I'm sure fox news would run the story in a second if they were sent an image like that. Imagine rush limbaugh,
" fellow americans, can we let these sexual deviants, probably liberals and definately athiest individuals on our planes and sit next to our grandladys, youngren and spouses? I think not."
It will happen, try going through with your butt plug inserted in the deep south. I'm sure they will be happy to give you up to the right wing media.