Posts: 331
A male i know had send me via email an internet BJ Video and it doesn't take much to notice the energy the Women in those videos put into getting that real man cream amazing? They seem so into it, so loving, so devoted to their goals and to pleasing Their men. As a sissy, i know i haven't seen that, have you? Most of the sex i've had when i pretended to be a real man, before my sissy enlightenment, seemed to be a sort of rush, like "let's get this over with and where's my orgasm?" on the part of the Women involved. Many of the cuck and sissy stories involve per-mature ejaculators, i on the other hand take quite a bit of time, many, many times a Woman i'm involved with will get tired and ask me to finish myself off, pretty fitting for a sissy huh? i have worked very hard at pleasing Women in bed, here are some things i've learned: Most Women love to have their backs lightly scratched as a form of foreplay with fingernails. Make sure you head is supported by a pillow when licking a Woman, you might be there for a long time. Get very light with your tongue and fingers when they are about to cum, the lighter the better. Most Women are not completely pleased until they tell you to stop. Most Women are not completely pleased unless they fall arelax. afterwards, and have often left me high and dry in terms of satisfaction, in time they become OK with that, especially if you tell THhem you are Ok with that. When a Woman is about to cum, most often they say "don't stop," as if any sissy really would. Most of them take a little coaxing, but in time will get Dominant when they know it's OK to be that way around a sub sissy like me. Most Women love getting head and if offered enough, will begin to demand it. If you tell them you don't mind them a little less than pristine, i.e., tasting their dried urine, they will leave it dirty and snicker at you for licking them. Most Women take a while to get used to my asking them if they want hand-jobs, but in time will tell you to do it. Most of them are surprised that i can get soft when licking and pleasing them for a long time, but later on don't really care as long as you are doing a good job at pleasing them. Most of them don't mind you in panties if you explain it to Them in certain terms - about how much closer you feel towards Women by wearing hem and how you think Women are better than men and how you'd like it better if Women were in charge and how They are more insightful and eventfully how much happier you would be if you could be more like them and could they help you with this. sissy cindy lynn