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Wife and I are talking about a chastity device for me...

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We are going into more of a sub/dom type of relationship, she enjoys bossing me around, slapping me a bit, teasing me and generally bieng a bitch (although we have a good relationship). I am loving it and I do what she says, when she says it.

She doesnt like the fact the I masturbate to internet porn and she wants me to stop, I told her I can try but the only real way for me to stop is a chastity device. She was a little wierded out by it at first but is coming around to the idea.

I am looking into getting the CB-2000 or 3000 but i'm not sure which one is best for me. My dick is about 5" hard and somewhat thin around and can get pretty damn small, down to a little over an inch. I want a device that fits well and is secure (if we do this, I DO NOT want to be able to get out of it) I was also looking into those "points of intrigue" for added security.

Any advice from others who have used these? Also, what is the lifestyle like? Good idea?

Thanks for any help!


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I am the new owner of a houdini - it's fantastic, hygenic, tight, restrictive, does what it is supposed to do!!

Amazing feeling, highly recommended.


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I have a couple different one the one that is the best for me is the birdlock. A lot of other do not like it though. To me it is made of plastic and is softer material. CBs are made of hard plastic and are very easy to getout of when you get that soft.


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I recently got a CB-6000 from It is possible to get out of bu its tough to get back into without taking it apart first. makes an add on part that makes it so you cant get out.

As for the lifestyle I cant comment too much yet as my wife has not embraced the whole concept. She did have me locked up for a day and a half and we had a lot of fun. I enjoyed being locked up and she loved being in charge.


Posts: 404
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very good decision,,,i am locked in a chastity-belt for more than 5 years ..if you are serious about ,go for a real belt ,most devices are "SEXTOYS" !! a good belt must be secure and on top very comfortable .. for questions feel free to send me a p/m reg. gweny

Stay locked in a NEOSTEEL MASTERPIECE "ARCH" at all times!


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what is a houdini ? is this new . have you any pic of it on you we could see please.
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please


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am sure it is known by other descriptions!



Posts: 1782 Pictures: 16 
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thanks now i know looks cool hope you enjoying it ,i just love the feeling when im locked in my cb but cant keep it on long now as it hurts
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please


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i can easily get out of my cb6000 at just a bit over 5.5" and 5" around...usually 2" unerect. Getting back in is a bit harder but also possible. I can pull out, whack off, soften and go right back in.


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Buy a KSD-G3 from It is an addon that goes between the ring and the cage that should keep you locked up.

ANy updates? Are you locked up yet. My wife is going to lock me up in the next day or so until valentines day! Im looking forward to it and so is she!


Posts: 137
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Hello which ever device you choose, please don't waste your money on the 'birdlock' for me it was a waste of money


Posts: 1975
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Does the Houdini come with different size rings? I'd like to try te weight of a metal one.


Posts: 849
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I had a CB-2000 and was able to get out of it easily when soft. I sold it and we don't use any now that sex with my wife is nearly ended. (Her boyfriend has 11 or 12 inches)


Posts: 103
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Thanks for the replys everyone, I went ahead and ordered a CB-3000 from the (its on sale for only $82.00). I wanted to get the points of intrigue but they were sold out.

I figure from what everyone has said that I will be able to "escape" if I really want to so I figure I will give it a try, find the best fit and then order the points and maybe the KSD as well.

The CB should be here in the next couple of days, I will let you know how it goes.
chastized one


Posts: 473
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If you want real security, get a neosteel like andrea's or
<<<<< like mine.

Another option for a real belt would be a Lori's tube.
Good luck and make sure your KH reads these posts.


Posts: 103
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Sorry I didnt update this sooner, but the CB experiance has not gone well. My wife likes it and wants me to wear it but I cant wear it for any length of time without it becoming painful. Its hard to describe the type of pain but it can be nearly unbearable.

I was also able to pull out of it easily so I got the KSD rings which do seem to make it secure, but I still have the pain issue.


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I have some pain as well. The worst pain for me is that the head gets very sensitive and if it gets touched or rubbed, it can be very uncomfortable. The skin of my shaft which protrudes out of the vent holes is also very painful to the touch. I also have pain when I try to get very erect, but its a good kind of pain, if you know what I mean.

But you know what they say - no pain, no gain!

Im curious to know if your pain is different than what I described above.

Also, whats the next step for the two of you? Have you brought up cuckolding yet?


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Actually, the pain I get is from my sac, it gets extremely sensitve after a little while in the device. Hard to describe.

Actually I have it on right now, I went with a looser main ring, increased the spacer width slightly but I used the smallest KSD ring (which was TOUGH to get in and get everything together).

Its been on now for over an hour and is quite comfortable, normally I would have had pain by now. Hopefully this time it works cause my little cock needs to be locked up, too much mastubation to IR porn!

Thanks for your interest in our situation iwmwtcm, check my other post for an update about cuckolding.


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OK, I see your other post about getting your wife to go black. It sounds like she is very open to it! Cool!

If she does take a lover (black or white) how do you see the chastity device being involved. Do you want to be locked and denied while she gets all the sex she wants? WOuld you be able to handle it?


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Quoting: iwmwtcm
If she does take a lover (black or white) how do you see the chastity device being involved. Do you want to be locked and denied while she gets all the sex she wants? WOuld you be able to handle it

Yes, I have thought about it for years. Ideally I am setting myself up for a locked up cuckold situation where she controls and limits my orgasms while she has sex with other guys.

Good or bad, I am ready for it.


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Ok, ive been locked in my CB-3000 with a KSD addition for only 4 days now and I want to write a warning to other guys curious about trying this. It SUCKS!

Ok, I found a comfortable fit and told my wife about it, I also tried escaping and found I cannot. I handed over the keys and she has hidden one and the other is worn on her anklet. She is aware of my masturbation and has said she is going to be strict about keeping me locked up. She read a few various chastity stories I have favorited and she really seems to be getting into it.

She has decided on a points system for me. How it works is I have to reach 25 points to earn 2 hours free from of the CB. I can earn points by doing things that make her happy or make her life easier. Things like laundry, dinner, massages, eating her out to orgasm (yummy!) and other chores all earn 1 point each. Sounds reamisterable right? Well, she can also take points away if I piss her off or dont do something to her liking. She will no doubt add a slap to my face while taking away a point, she really likes that.

I am at 4 points since we began the points system yesterday, but she nearly took one away today because she dialed my phone twice and I didnt answer (I had left it in another room) When I answered the phone she said "you lost a point". When I found out why, I begged for her not to take it away and she agreed but if it happens again I will lose one.

I quickly realized just how much I miss being able to touch my cock! Normally I would mastubate at least once every 2 days, but only 4 days in and I have never been hornier. Its so frustrating because I really cant get out and there is virtually no pleasure sensation while locked up in a CB. Last night while giving my wife a massage, she was wearing some sexy underwear and as I rubbed her ass I wanted nothing more than to spead those cheeks, stick my little cock in her beatiful pussy and pound away until I came inside her. That thought has not left my mind since, I told her that and she laughed and said "sucks to be you".

So while reading stories she has mentioned a few things that caught her eye, she likes the idea of me having to eat my own cum after my eventual release. She also likes the thought of me getting a strap-on that I could use on her. So I would "fuck her" with a strap on that would go over or above my CB so she could get pleasure from fucking while I get nothing out of it!

So thats my update. I know I'm not an expert on chastity by any means, but the first 4 days have me going crazy. For you guys interested in trying this, it truly is a "be careful what you wish for" type of thing. It is VERY frustrating being locked up not able to touch your dick. Whats worse is now my desire for her to cuckold me is even greater.


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My wife told me order one for me. It arrived but we haven't opened the box yet...but probably will open it tonight. She had me get a black one to remind me what is in her pussy when I have to wear it. She also told her bull that she made me order one and I think she is going to make me show it to him.

She spent the night with him last Friday night and told me that was the last weekend I'd be touching my cock while she was gone. I hope I don't go crazy. When she came home last Saturday afternoon he'd fucked her again and came in her before she left. She was swollen on the inside so a lot of it stayed inside her even though there was quite a bit in her panties too. She sat on my face and I tongued her bulls cum out of her with a fury...I'm afraid next time I'll cum on myself before I finish cleaning her and she uncages my cock.


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I would be interested to hear if the cb's work for the well-endowed end of the spectrum. I am not terribly thick, but about 9.5" hard. Wondering if that would be a deal breaker? Obviously, part of the goal is to prevent erections, but seems like that could lead to some issues if you are too large. Anyone able to enlighten on this aspect?


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Sorry I havent updated this, but it hasnt gone all that well. By the 5th day I noticed a good deal of pain on the underside of my dick. I had to have her take it off and sure enough I had a raw spot that actually red a little. I had to stay out to heal.

Once healed, I told her lets try it again at least for shorter periods. I made it a day and a half without any issues but started to feel the same pain so it had to come off.

Its very frustrating to wear but also very fun when your wife is into it. Its kinda wierd, when I'm in it I want out SOOO bad. After some time out of it I want to be locked up again!
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Wife and I are talking about a chastity device for me...
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