Well, I'm a panty sissy who likes vanilla relationships that get super kinky behind the br door. I put an ad on craigslist looking for a woman who could get into strap-on play and lite CD play. We had a date Sunday night, and I cooked for her as we got to know each other. She's super hot, and we were talking about my bi-curious nature. Without me bringing it up, she said that one of the hottest things she could ever witness is a Man who think's he's a real Man's man being taken by a true Alpha male... destroying his masculine ego. I think I'm in love... not really just yet, but I could see this turning into a relationship where I'm the bitch, very easily. Then we went into the bedroom where she had me put on a pair of her panties and eat her out-- she came within 15 minutes and was talking dirty to me the whole time about how small my penis is and how the next time we meet she's going to fuck me with my dildo -- 9". We talked about the Cuckolding stuff, and how it's probably not good to do in a long-term relationship. But, she was talking about having one of her thug friends to come fuck me while I'm... Well, let's just say it was very very hot.
I'm meeting her again tomorrow night, so stay tuned for an update.
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