Posts: 103
My wife caught me in her underwear over the weekend, she went crazy at me. At first she called me gay and said she was disgusted with me. Then she went on the web and found this site in my favorites.
She has said sheslikes he idea of me becomng a cuckold, and wants our sex life to reduce. She says the idea of me fucking her with the image of me in her underwear in her mind is not a turn on.
She is away this week on a course and says she wants a real man.
My punishment is that she waxed my chest and back and that i have to wax my legs and post a picture on this post on monday to proove thta i have done it.She will then give me more instructions.
She has told me that if i dont do as she says she will tell my friends of my crossdressing and she is sure they would like to take over my role of fucking her.
I am planning to do as she says, i love her more than anything and dont want to lose her, what do you thing??
Posts: 82
Just do as she told you - if you do love her and don't want to lose her, you should not even be asking us and you should know what to do. Get waxing and post the picture so your wife can see. Geez!!
Posts: 103
Posts: 103
new instructions for the wife.
She is pleased that i hav shaved my legs, now i must go and buy my own clothes and post pics of me tomorrow.
Hope she still loves me, this is a big sacrfice, where will it end.
Jeanne and girlfriend Jess
Posts: 550
#5 · Edited by: Jeanne and girlfriend Jess
netwerk You should consider your self lucky... Your legs look great and I know they feel so good on you dont they? sissy life is scrumptous! Wives love having a gurlfriend too. I to was caught in wifes panties about 10 years ago. I have been shaved head to toes for 10 years. Been painting my toes for about 5. Last year I was instructed to throw all male underwear and t-shirts out and they were replaced with panties, bras, and cammis, and can only use female deoderants, lotions, and perfumes exclusively. It has been 15 months since I've worn male undergarments, yes even doctors visits and work I wear panties. When instructed I am to wear female jeans, tops, bras, jewlery, and carry a purse in public. It is so nice being my wifes gurlfriend and especially nice to watch her with boyfriends wile I never get her pussy. I am allowed to rub my clitty on the outside hair she grew out after she stopped shaving for her boyfriend. Its so great you are gonna love the offense and exposure. Just a hint for your wife she should take you to a public laundry mat dressed in female clothes and make you publicly throw all your male underwear away then make you fold all your new girl panties nice and neat like my wife did and still does to me every week.... Sissy Jess I have finally decided to take control (total) and have sissy in panties daily lock sissy in her CB 6000s for good. No more feeling sorry after a few weeks and no more giving into her pleas for mercy! Welcome the NEW MISTRESS!
Posts: 668
very good encore J'adore porter des sous vetement feminin ( bas, collant, string ) et je recherhce une vraie prise en main en suivi � c�t� de versailles 78 ou en r�gion parisienne
Posts: 57
great looking legs.
Posts: 103
do these please you wife?
Posts: 103
Posts: 103
well done you wimp, i cant believe you actually did it for me. You went into a shop and brought what i asked. You have done well, but no treats for you.
You seem comfotable in the house next i want some shots outside, fully dressed, make up boots the lot.
Im having a great time on my corse making new friends etc without you. Why did you aks about other men?
Do as i say or face the consequencies,
your lovin wife
Posts: 82
are you replying to yourself netwerk? How do we know you are not impermisterating your wife??????
Posts: 668
very good J'adore porter des sous vetement feminin ( bas, collant, string ) et je recherhce une vraie prise en main en suivi � c�t� de versailles 78 ou en r�gion parisienne
Posts: 3391
I love how you can barely see any buldge in his frilly panties.