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feminized sissy peeing

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#1 · Edited by: sissycindylynn
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One of the most Feminizing things i've been taught is peeing in a Feminine way. This includes the fact that i only pee sitting down, i now find it difficult to impossible to stand to pee. i've been taught to squat and spread my bended knees if i have to pee in the shower.
It's also difficult when say, in a resturant or the movies, when using a men's room, as i've had to hover over a wet toilet seat with my panties down, maintaining balance and without being observed by males in there. It would have been better if i could pee in the Ladies room seated, where a sissy like me belongs.
Also, in some stores and movie houses, they have a Family restroom, i've been taken in there by Women as well, and made to use that facility. They have peed in front of me, a sissy is seen more like a girlfriend than any male threat and i've been told Women pee in front of one another all the time.
But one of the most humiliating things has been having to pee outdoors like Women do. When no restroom was available, i've been ordered to drop my jeans and lower my panties, squat down, hold my panties up and out of the way, and pee like Females do outdoors. Difficult to do, easier in the Winter months, as the cold helps. Hard to hide pink panties, pink stockings and a garter-belt.
Once back in college, in a lovers lane, while i was giving Her head, after She came, i had to pee. She ordered me out of the car, in front of the car, so She could laugh and watch, as i lowered my jeans and panties, and let go. When She heard me going, She flicked on the high beam headlights and blew the horn and yealled out an open window, "Hey everybody, look at the sissy, she's peeing!" Heads popped up and once i had started, i couldn't stop going, totally embarrassed and in deep sub-space. When done as trained, i wiped up, pulled up my clothes and ran back into the car.
i am surprized more Dominant Women don't employ this training method.
I have been told, "people who wear panties, sit or squat when we pee. real men and boys stand. Women, girls and sissies like you, sit and squat when we pee. i've also been taught when visiting a single woman's or a Lesbian coupple's home, that i am honoring the females, by acting more Feminine and that includes Feminine bathroom use.
Any thoughts?
sissy cindy lynn
george nobush


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I am not feminized (my wife's perspective is why elevate me to the status of female - I don't deserve it). However, I always sit to pee since all the other residents of the house do, too.

In the summer, I am even banned from the toilet (taking a dump is the only exception). I have to go out with the dogs and like you, squat in the yard. This I do naked in full view of everyone in the house who cares to see.

Not being permitted to stand to pee does teach me my place.
George Nobush
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george nobush


Posts: 406 Pictures: 24 
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I am not feminized (my wife's perspective is why elevate me to the status of female - I don't deserve it). However, I always sit to pee since all the other residents of the house do, too.

In the summer, I am even banned from the toilet (taking a dump is the only exception). I have to go out with the dogs and like you, squat in the yard. This I do naked in full view of everyone in the house who cares to see.

Not being permitted to stand to pee does teach me my place.
George Nobush
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For me, being Feminized is my acknowledging the fact that i and all males are inferior to Females, and like the misdirected days when Women emulated and dressed as males did, to be more powerful, for me and Women i've known, it's a way of saying i wish i was more Feminine, but even though i'll never really be good enough to have been a female, i wish i was and am better off striving to be like a Female and pleasing and serving Females.

Seems like the Women in your life rule things, GOOD for you.

i have at times been ordered to leave the bathroom door open, so a Woman could be assured i was sitting and wiping like a proper sissy.


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a pic of me peeing



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My GF is a wonderful queer-bitch. she had several reamisters for me getting a Prince Albert. All symbolic, all have to do with presentation. I'm shaven, the piercing itself is used as a submissive gesture. Because it's messier to pee standing, I'm powerd to sit & pee.
sissy tracy
sissy tracy


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My wife refuses to let me use the toilet. My only releif is to wet my paties in front of her or her bull.
letting go
letting go

sissy whore seeking humiliation and use.


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But your next post quite clearly shows you peeing in the toilet (Chastity play).
Mistress Karen


Posts: 33
#9 · Edited by: cumandpisslicker
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Thankyou Mistress for your comment. I should have written refuses to let me use the toilet whilst in their presence. I do have to use the toilet like a sissy when alone or when I need to deficate.
wiping the drips
wiping the drips
sissy pee
sissy pee

sissy whore seeking humiliation and use.


Posts: 68
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You guys need therapy! Just my opinion. But hey, if you like it then who gives a cuckolds brownie! More power to you! Piss on!


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tiny tom:
some of the things that peeing sitting or squatting reminds us of is that as feminized sissies, we're constantly reminded that there are real men out there to pleasure the women who allow us to serve them and now we're not suitable as breeding and partners and must never consider ourselves to be a real men, We are panty wearing sit to pee sissies.

As for therapy in the later post ? I feel no pain are upset made about who am and how I live my life so therefore I'm happy and well adjusted
sissy cindy lynn


Posts: 350
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At least you sisses get to pee in a toilet. My wife makes me go in diapers.


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Lucky you sissy!


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Sissy taking a tinkle


Posts: 331 Pictures: 4 
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BRAVO Mistresses and sissies!


Posts: 33
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Here is a video of me peeing like a little sissy girl. I hope you enjoy!
sissy whore seeking humiliation and use.


Posts: 331 Pictures: 4 
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Good girl!
Thanks for sharing with us sissy!
It's like you've been peeing like that your whole life!
How about peeing outdoors next time?


Posts: 331 Pictures: 4 
#19 · Edited by: sissycindylynn
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I've been made to curtsey afterwards as well.


Posts: 350 Pictures: 4 
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This sissy always has and must continue to sit to pee pee since her tiny useless chastized sissy clit is locked at all times. Thank You.

sissy analinga


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tt - very true
sissyanalinga - ur panites are a bit dirty in the gusset, i'd get spanked for that.


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well, obviously you have never been on a womenstoilet outside the house. We tend to hover over it a bit and let go. Aiming isnt something we think about
stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....


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Quoting: sissyanalinga
This sissy always has and must continue to sit to pee pee since her tiny useless chastized sissy clit is locked at all times. Thank You.


This sissy should have a shaved body and legs too! Nothing is more repulsive-risible as that what is shown on these pics!


Posts: 331 Pictures: 4 
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Saw this post years after posting - still sitting to pee lady like, have come to enjoy those sitting, seeing my panties down mid-thigh as a reminder of who I am, and using those so-called family restrooms, no male urinals in there, so much more properly like a ladies room for sissies like us!


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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I'm a little faggot. I don't get to stand. My little cocklet is shaved bare and I wipe it clean with tp every time I pee. I have to leave the tp against my useless cock head for a few minutes so I don't get my panties wet.
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feminized sissy peeing
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