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Wives in Heat

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Don Jetman


Posts: 3220
#1,621 · Edited by: Don Jetman
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Thanks Peter C, Christine & wulfenus. I'm always interested in knowing which caps "do it" for you. I do try to mix it up a bit, depending on my mood.

Office Wife
Office Wife
You're Not Him
You're Not Him
There Are Times
There Are Times
A Little Something Extra
A Little Something Extra
Don Jetman


Posts: 3220
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Set 2
Your Little Talks
Your Little Talks
Hate to See You Suffer
Hate to See You Suffer
Make It Clear
Make It Clear
Way Over Your Head
Way Over Your Head


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Peter C


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Don Jetman:
Way Over Your Head

My wife admitted having "a thing about young cock" and in her 30s and 40s was fucked by lads in their 20s. With me being 7 years older than her, she liked knowing I was okay with her having sex with guys our s0ns's ages and it was a great boost to her ego when they hit on her.

I like Office Wife and A Little Something Extra too. My wife never fucked my boss, though I expect she would have done if he'd have asked, but did open her legs for 2 guys I used to work with. One she pursued, the other had been after her pussy for years before she gave in and let him have what he wanted.
Peter C
Don Jetman


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I wouldn't say L has/had an obsession for young cock, but she's often been the target of much younger guys' advances. Years ago she constantly teased me about a young intern where she worked, a college senior in their IT department. I never met him, but she was completely taken by his good looks and athletic body.They carried on a kind of reserved office romance, longing looks, touches, and innuendos for months. Near the end of his internship he became bolder, and they kissed and fondled each other in her office during lunch one day. She confessed she had fantasies of fucking him on her desk at work. After that he asked her out - he knew she was married but apparently didn't care, or maybe the attraction was just too great. She finally accepted. He took her to dinner and a movie, and they spent the night in a downtown hotel. L loved his body and endurance, but missed some of the intellectual chemistry she likes due to the age gap. He was engaged about that time and married his fiance very soon after graduation. L mused that she had more than likely given him his first wedding present.

Peter C


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Don Jetman:
After that he asked her out - he knew she was married but apparently didn't care

That was the case with my wife's first encounter with a much younger guy. She'd told me about this customer who came into her shop every morning and always made a bee-line for her. His name came up in conversation more and more at home and it was clear she was interested and flattered by his attention. Eventually I suggested that if - but more than likely, when - he asked her out, she should accept his offer and perhaps meet him after work. Sure enough, a few days later, he asked Debbie out for a dr1nk, but she told him she'd think about it. She explained that she was quite a bit older than him, nearly 35 to his 23, and married with kids. That didn't put him off at all. "I don't mind, if you don't" was his attitude and she hadn't said no had she?

About a week later, he asked her out again and this time she agreed to meet him after work one evening. He particularly liked it when she said she'd tell her husband they had a stock-take to do so didn't know what time she'd be home. She ended up one Thursday night, having finished work at 7pm, on the last train home after a few dr1nks and being fucked in his bed 3 times.
Peter C


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Peter C
Hot hot hot. You were very lucky
Peter C


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Thank you. Yes, I do consider myself lucky to have had such a naughty wife. Unfortunately he turned out to be a one-off, partly due to my angst and insecurity and partly due to his lack of further interest once he'd got what he'd wanted so easily. I asked my wife to stop and she felt a bit used and dirty afterwards, which resulted in a couple of quiet days, but we got through that with my assuring her that I still loved her just as much, if not more, and that no harm had been done. I'd encouraged her to do it, she'd been flattered by the attention of a much younger guy and been keen to try some young cock and he'd wanted some older, married pussy. It was a win-win-win situation for all concerned.

That said, it was some years before Debbie was persuaded to give it another go, with her going from "I'm not going down that road again" to "maybe" to "are you sure you could handle this time?" We were both older and wiser by now and Debbie went on to enjoy sex with several other men with my blessing, though later she became quite secretive and we drifted apart somewhat. Maybe it was more fun doing it behind my back or perhaps she developed feelings for one of her lovers. I never have got to the bottom of it all, but I certainly don't regret us doing it. I loved knowing my wife was getting extra elsewhere and hearing all about it.
Peter C


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You're not him- the pose, the look, the panties, you could cap her with a Mac Cheese recipe it'd be my favorite
Don Jetman


Posts: 3220
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You're not him- the pose, the look, the panties, you could cap her with a Mac Cheese recipe it'd be my favorite

Thanks, wulfenus. For me it's the contrast of the innocent looks with the matter-of-fact love of cock. Showing off and teasing in the panties while dishing it out. And she looks so comfortable doing it...

Don Jetman


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A few extras today...
Completely Different
Completely Different
Men Like Him Always Know
Men Like Him Always Know
The Man of the House
The Man of the House
If Only
If Only
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Don Jetman:
Completely Different

Our sex-life was definitely improved once it was agreed that my wife could get extra cock elsewhere. She loved being allowed to fuck new men, get a bit of variety and I loved knowing and hearing about it in bed later.
Peter C


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Don Jetman


Posts: 3220
#1,634 · Edited by: Don Jetman
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Peter C:
Our sex-life was definitely improved once it was agreed that my wife could get extra cock elsewhere. She loved being allowed to fuck new men, get a bit of variety and I loved knowing and hearing about it in bed later.

For me it was exciting that she chose to have other sex partners and tell me about her adventures, but I think even more powerful was seeing the change in her, from my often inhibited wife to a woman who pursued and grew to enjoy a sex life built on her own terms and fantasies. There is nothing more attractive to me than a woman with an outward fearlessness and confidence, especially in the case where the erotic is concerned. She is a woman I wouldn't have imagined or recognized when we were first married.



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Yes, guys like that always know.

Or at least if they don't, they pretend that they do. For them, it's a numbers game, just like the guys who approach a lot of women.




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So good !


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Men Like Him Always Know. -- somehow those men do know, and what can I do, seconds again.
Don Jetman


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Some men always do know - and I'll be damned if I've been able to grok how they do it for years now. Taken from one of my posts many years ago after one of our workouts:

I watched for a while from across the gym, trying my best to seem like I hadn't noticed them. It wasn't easy. The guy dwarf's L when standing beside her. You've seen the type - lats so big they look like wings, and arms that hang away from his body like sides of beef when he walks. I went to the juice bar where L finally joined me after twenty minutes with her new friend.

I didn't have to ask. "You won't believe this," she told me quietly. "He said he could tell I'm a "hotwife". Don, he knew the word. He told me he's sure you won't mind if I go back to his place for a while. You didn't set this up, did you?" I assured her that I hadn't - in fact I didn't know him well at all, and certainly didn't have the opportunity while we were working out. "Besides," I told her, "I know he's not your type." When she didn't answer right away, I knew I was in trouble.

"Well, he is a really nice guy..." she finally muttered, careful not to let anyone overhear.

"And that means - you might want to go with him?"

She motioned toward the front of the gym, and we started for the door.

"I think I do..." she told me as we stood by the door where there was a bit more privacy.

We hung there in limbo for a while, each waiting for the awkward silence to end.

"Then, should I leave?" I asked.

"Do you mind?" she answered. "He offered to drive me home after..."


She was back home an hour later, very tired, and very happy. She described it as "the best sex I can have with a new guy I meet", quick and dirty, with no anxiety on anyone's part that she's married. She's absolutely glowing.

So - my question, and reason for the post, is - how the fuck do some guys know? L and I work out together all the time and enjoy each other's company. We look like a happy, loving couple, but work hard at the gym and pride ourselves on our intense workouts. L doesn't dress provocatively at the gym - she wears running shorts and old t-shirts. In fact, she makes fun of the women who show up in designer leotards and thongs. I'm more than just fit, and normal looking - not a pussy by actions or appearance. Tonight I'm mystified. How do some guys know???

Don Jetman


Posts: 3220
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Thanks for contributing, everyone. I think Christine's post is on the nose - for very confident guys it's probably a numbers game. But back then, it was rare to happen upon a random guy who knew about "hotwives". L's fascination with bodybuilders escalated from there.

Don Jetman


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While waiting out the pandemic...
Such a Beautiful Day
Such a Beautiful Day
You Know They Will - 1
You Know They Will - 1
You Know They Will - 2
You Know They Will - 2
Something You'd Enjoy
Something You'd Enjoy
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Don Jetman:
How do some guys know?

I don't think it's us husbands. I've always thought it is the wife that gives off some sub-conscious signal to other men that she might be available. My ex was always comfortable in male company and must have exuded enough confidence to attract guys, regardless of the wedding ring on her finger. She'd never complain or protest too loudly if a guy put his hand on her knee or her ass or even had a sly feel of her tits, which of course only encouraged the guy more. Of course, unlike you, men that knew me could just tell I'd be no threat in a fight so they'd have seen my wife as fair game.
Peter C
Don Jetman


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Peter C:
I don't think it's us husbands. I've always thought it is the wife that gives off some sub-conscious signal to other men that she might be available. My ex was always comfortable in male company and must have exuded enough confidence to attract guys, regardless of the wedding ring on her finger. She'd never complain or protest too loudly if a guy put his hand on her knee or her ass or even had a sly feel of her tits, which of course only encouraged the guy more.

L has a history of that, even back when we dated. She'd flirt with guys in front of me just to tease me - all kinds of guys that would hit on her. Plus L has always looked years younger than her actual age. Back then she came off as so young and innocent - that "little girl" thing that seems to sound an alarm to some guys that she really needs fucked if only she'd let them. Even now she's extra "accommodating" with guys, even ones she doesn't particularly like. It's maddening sometimes for me, wondering, "would she really fuck that asshole?" And she still loves setting the hook and reeling me in, watching me sweat, then grinning when I start asking questions.

Don Jetman


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L's missing her Dom today, driving my fantasies of what might be next. Role play over the phone helped, but just a little, so now these...

Whatever You Say
Whatever You Say
Something in His Eyes
Something in His Eyes
She Wants
She Wants
Make Him Wish
Make Him Wish


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I think part of it is like Peter says:

Peter C:
I've always thought it is the wife that gives off some sub-conscious signal to other men that she might be available.

Those guys are looking for a sign from the woman. The look that lasts just a little too long, that kind of thing.

They give it a shot every time they see a woman who's attractive. And if she gives that little hint of being interested, they pour it on.

So yeah:

I think it's a numbers game for them to begin with. And then if she gives any indication, they take off with it.

I mean, what if you were one of "those guys"? You take your best shot at it. Hit on any woman you'd be interested in, and go as far as she lets you go with it.

See... guys like that are hyper sensitive to the little nuances that affect their chances with a woman. Because it's the only game they have. "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."




Posts: 722
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All great follow ups to -- How do some guys know?

I feel like that pic has a variety of caps and stories from you all, extra hot.

I believe it's part a numbers game, or at least for some men, hard to separate
the two, but in the numbers, your wife increase their odds, by that look? that
action? or just something subliminal.

In the movie 'The Grifters', a hot Anette Bening sitting next to her boyfriend on a train. sees a
distinguished looking older man a few rows down. Total strangers, they exchange knowing glances. They both
know she's game, but this time, she regretfully ever so slightly shakes her head 'no'.
Don Jetman


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A few inspired by the discussion...

It Doesn't Matter
It Doesn't Matter
So Certain
So Certain
He Doesn't Care
He Doesn't Care
Guys Like You
Guys Like You


Posts: 722
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just reminds me of those early dating years when you are too afraid to ask out a pretty girl because she is well, too pretty for you, or you figure she must be already dating someone. That leaves her for the real men that will ask...


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those early dating years when you are too afraid to ask out a pretty girl

That reminds me of someone I considered asking to go to a prom when I was in high school. I chickened out and didn't go. I'm not all that sure I really wanted to go anyway.

Decades later, she mentioned on Facebook that she didn't go because no one asked her.
Don Jetman


Posts: 3220
#1,649 · Edited by: Don Jetman
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just reminds me of those early dating years when you are too afraid to ask out a pretty girl because she is well, too pretty for you, or you figure she must be already dating someone. That leaves her for the real men that will ask...

That reminds me of someone I considered asking to go to a prom when I was in high school. I chickened out and didn't go. I'm not all that sure I really wanted to go anyway.

Decades later, she mentioned on Facebook that she didn't go because no one asked her.

All of this rings so true to me. There was this girl in high school - tall, leggy, beautiful long chestnut hair, extroverted, and even a hint of sluttiness. She flirted with me off and on, but hell, she did that with lots of guys. Damn, how many times did I jerk off thinking of her? Too many to count. I was an introverted science/math geek, and was sure I'd be humiliated if I asked her out. We met by accident years later after we were both married. I felt like the total fool when she asked me why I never asked her out, that she thought I was so sweet to her. And yes, she was just as hot years later, maybe more so. Maybe "youth IS wasted on the wrong people"...

You Do Know, Don't You
You Do Know, Don't You
Stopping By Later
Stopping By Later
Absolutely Drenched
Absolutely Drenched
Far From Being Right
Far From Being Right
Don Jetman


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Set 2
But Sometimes
But Sometimes
Something You Like?
Something You Like?
Always the Moment
Always the Moment
Do It - Tell Him!
Do It - Tell Him!
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Wives in Heat
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