Posts: 6921
Don Jetman 1482#2. So true. All good. Thanks D
Posts: 806
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
#1,503 · Edited by: Don Jetman
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Posts: 3043
Love these!! Just love these!!
Posts: 722
Still going strong! Hot stuff!
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Don Jetman: The Best You Can Do Yes, in the cold light of day I realized that there was no going back now and no changing what had happened. My wife had been fucked by a eager young man. I'd agreed to it, encouraged it and she'd told me how good it was. Mick, a work colleague of mine, had had his eye on my wife for years, but although tempted she'd declined his offer to take her out for a dr1nk. Years later, with him not working with me anymore, he tried again by be-friending her on Facebook and getting her talking. This time he was more successful and soon had her in his bed. Me and him had never really got on at work, he'd criticize the way I did the job and be-little me in front of others with an arrogant smirk on his face, so I'm sure finally getting to fuck my wife was particularly amusing to him and the ultimate put-down for me. Peter C
Posts: 2770
Great caps and 'Our Little Talks' is subtle but so effective !
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Peter C: I'm sure finally getting to fuck my wife was particularly amusing to him and the ultimate put-down for me. I'm reminded of a past situation where L was fucking the owner of our gym. It started as an agreed-upon power exchange between the three of us, with him "owning" L for a short while. I played along, just to know what that was like for the first time - an aggressive, dominant guy lording over our sex life. Although it appealed to L's submissive needs at the time, in the long run he sucked as a Dom and loved throwing it in my face every chance he could, even in public. As it became public knowledge to many gym members, it was clear he was equally interested in humiliating me as he was fucking L. I evolved from the day-to-day excitement of it to resenting his callous disregard for our privacy and lack of respect for both L and me. L finally ended it, making sure she let him know what a disappointment he was to us. But thinking back, the twinge of excitement from knowing he didn't care that I knew he often fucked L right there in the gym after hours while I waited for her, well, it's still lurking as a memory. On the other hand, L is often hesitant to let a new guy know what we do, which means not telling him she's married, or pretending she's cheating. A surprisingly small section of men seem to be able to cope with knowing about our hotwifing, but we're very thankful for the ones who just "don't care" and are comfortable around us as a married couple. So, the cap can have two very different interpretations - one more severe than the other. Imagine your wife or SO repeating the words, and make it your own. Don
Posts: 3899
And those lurking memories can really have a lot of intensity. 
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
subwm: Great caps and 'Our Little Talks' is subtle but so effective ! It does really seem to work for us. But the talks after are even better! Don
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
bpop: And those lurking memories can really have a lot of intensity. Oh boy, do they. Its strange sometimes - the excitement of how he completely owned her, yet the angst of having had him control us, and forbidding me to touch her while he used her every day. Limited doses was all I could take - but those selective memories...whew! Don
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
#1,513 · Edited by: Don Jetman
Posts: 604
Amazing caps, as usual
Posts: 4630
Wonderful caps David
Posts: 124
Great to have you back Don - wonderful caps that I have missed. Utter_Rotter
Writer and decadent
Posts: 4340
thank you for the newest damn hot posts Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
useful male
Posts: 3632
Great set!!! "The Things You Can't Do" - wow, I'd love to hear the list! Take it all away!
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Posts: 413
Great stuff!
I love all the boss-themed
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Some great captions there Don. I especially like But He Doesn't Care, Yes! Yes! Yes!, This One Condition and Relax Sweetheart.
But He Doesn't Care reminds me of when my wife was assistant manageress of a 24 hour convenience store in a nearby town and she told me she was being hit on by a young guy, a regular customer who always made a bee-line for her. His name kept coming up when she used to tell me about her day at work, so I suggested if he asked her out for a dr1nk she should say yes. She admitted she was really flattered by his attention and wouldn't mind going out with him. He knew how old she was and that she was married with kids at home, but that didn't bother him one little bit.
Sure enough, he did ask her out and he laughed when she said she'd tell her husband she'd be late home because she'd be "stock-taking". The day after her 35th birthday went out for dr1nks with 23 year-old Chris and ended up at his flat being vigorously fucked. I'd bought her condoms in case he didn't have any. They used all 3. Peter C
Posts: 375
Thanks for all your work Don, great captions as usual. I don't know where you source your pictures, but the girls in your captions are always ****** stunning. djacobs
Posts: 722
not easy to pick a favorite but set 25 has a good lead !
Posts: 4340
please keep posting Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
Posts: 85
Love your stuff!
There are many great captioners on this site, but yours are arousing as well as thoughtful.
Don Jetman
Posts: 3222
Back from a holiday break with a few new ones. Many thanks to everyone for your replies! bravo: more boss themes on the way - one of my favorites too. Peter C: We were a bit surprised at first how many men turned and ran when L told them she was married but I approved. Her best lovers have been the ones who don't care, even after they meet me. Hell, some hit on her when I'm there beside her. It's astonishing watching them work her... davidjacobs2: Thanks! I put a lot of extra work into the photos. It's harder and harder finding pics of sexy women without tats or piercings, but now and then... wulfenus: thanks, my friend. I try for a little of everything now and then, from softer hotwifing to harder cuck stuff. Depends on my mood. You know my story... eltipo4u: just a little break over the holidays - many more to come. kevin421000: What a great compliment, Kevin! It's what I aim for. Very glad you like them! Don  So Nervous Lately
|  He Doesn't Know
|  Harder Than You Thought
|  Whisper a Little Hint