useful... Don't know where to start! Yes, on Oct 1 it has been 19 months, six days... not sure of how many hours! Does it really matter?

i am released every other day to shave and shower while under my Wife's supervision, and i am also released whenever She feels like it... after my hands have been cuffed behind me. 'To prevent accidents,' She says. Usually just to amuse Her! She is well aware of how much Her tits excite me, and She uses that against me frequently. And yes, i am to the point i will trade any ***********, degradation, frustration, or pain to be allowed to touch them, even for a few seconds.
As for Her asshole... i am not required to, nor have i ever been required to, lick Her asshole after She sh**s, but i am expected to lick it at any other time She demands. It's been pretty dirty/sweaty at times... i just dive in and lick feverishly until it's clean... then it's not too bad. In the past six months She has had five orgasms from my tongue worshipping Her asshole. It is a frequent chore. And it gives me VERY intimate contact with Her. It is the only part of Her body i am allowed to touch. She tends to Her pussy 100%. It is off limits to me. She has started hinting lately that She is thinking about taking a lover... and i will lick and suck His cum out of Her after He fuc*s Her. And She also says i am going to learn to cuck c*ck. That one terrifies me.
She started training me as Her toilet a couple years ago. Again, no sh*t, just piss. At first i would lie in the bathtub, but as i got more proficient, She could use my mouth anywhere and i wouldn't miss a drop. She helps by controlling the flow as well. Now She loves to piss in Her panties, usually with me watching, them take them off and shove them in my mouth for an hour or so. Usually She sits on my face to piss... it's much more comfortable for Her that way, and i tend to spill less. It also allows Her to edge me as often as She likes...
So... am i a REAL cuckold? Probably not, according to most folk's definitions... even though there was that one time 6 years ago...
That's a whole 'nother story. Hope this satisfies your curiosity... i wish you the best in your relationship... i craved to be where i am today for years... i would drop hints, let Her catch me in embarrassing situations, whatever i could think of to encourage Her to take more control. W/we have been married over 15 years, and i literally worship the ground She walks on. i believe She feels the same way. W/we are deeply in love, and live the lifestyle W/we do because it is what feels good for U/us. Nothing, nor no one, else matters.

And here's some caps to stroke to...