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my mouth duties

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Posts: 755 Pictures: 3 
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Please don't stop!!!!
So many soooooo familiar!!!!
It is like taking pics of my dreams!!!
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Awesome caps! Thanks again!
cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
#153 · Edited by: cuckold pantyslave
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Thanks useful and suntzuson. Thanks thanks thanks!!!

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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Some more...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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And finally...



Posts: 877
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Great pics and captions, #155 third from left, I will lick it up if the squirter does not want to!
useful male


Posts: 3634
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The last 2 in 154 are awesome!!! Love the titty restriction and snorting that juicy pussy, what an awesome idea! And the last one in 155. Yup, I'd lick it as long as she wants!

Thank you!
cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
#158 · Edited by: cuckold pantyslave
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More for Wednesday...
And thanks (again!) to useful and to cuckslut!

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
#159 · Edited by: cuckold pantyslave
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Some more...

useful male


Posts: 3634
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I'm always excited to see you've been into your thread adding more. Thanks again!!!!
cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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Thursdays torments...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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And some more...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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and of course, more...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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Well everyone, I am done posting. 357 captions since July, well over 6000 views, and only 12 people have bothered to comment. I guess not very many of you like my posts, so I will stop. Many many thanks to useful, doorstopper, kenneth, timmy for your repeated comments... they are what kept me going.
I guess i am somewhat guilty myself of not posting comments... cappers like prissy, Ms Cix, subhub, wimphub, and others got me started posting. i admit my guilt as well... it's like me calling the kettle black. This doesn't seem to be a very 'friendly' board. I used to run a BBS in Florida in the 80s - 90s... I would get hundreds of comments a month, from 1500 users. Not so here. I'm sure other posters feel the same way. People need encouragement, or the interest fades. If the particular topic(s) of focus aren't your cup of tea... then don't read (or look at) them. There are a wide variety of interests here... support the ones you like! It only takes a few seconds to post a comment, and I guarantee you, they will be appreciated!
Sorry for the rant... it's just very disheartening. Thanks again to those who did support my efforts.
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Excellent caps CP.

Thank you!


Posts: 2106
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Hey, cp. my apologies. i love your caps, but i'm guilty of the same thing: i don't comment enough on the threads i really like. i don't post caps as often as i'd like, but when i do sometimes i get one or two comments, other times five or six. i just like capping for myself and if others like them, great, if not, oh well. i, for one would like to see you continue as your caps are great, but if you decide to quit, good luck and thank you. prissy


Posts: 1975
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PLEASE carry on, I really love your caps and the subject matter! My current favourite in the caps section
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Oh NO!!! I can certainly understand. I've watched other artists waiver back and forth between publishing or not publishing caps based on the level of feedback they receive.

It takes a lot of effort to find the images, dream up great caps, produce the final art, and upload it here. Much more work than what a couple comments is probably worth.

Bottom line: If you're creating caps to get comments from viewers, you should probably stop. You'll never get your ROI. If you do it because you enjoy it and a couple comments now and then is a "bonus", then keep doing it.

I hope you decide to come back and continue. Your thread is one of my favorites on this site. You'll be missed!

Either way, thanks for all the caps you've produced. I've certainly enjoyed them!


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Tell me about I've felt the same way


Posts: 13315 Pictures: 3 
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does get you down at times? but please keep going you produce some great works and they are appreciated


Posts: 4631
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Red Hot caps please don't give up


Posts: 88
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Your talent would be missed. In six pages you've built up a superb set of posts that have lit up the board.
cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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In reading all of your responses, i have come to realize something very interesting. Before I get to that, though, i want to thank each of you who took the time to write actual comments, not just three or four word quips. I do make caps mainly for my own use... what better material is there to masturbate to than something you yourself wrote... when my Wife allows i!. i know what i like better than anyone else. you know what you like. It's just that i thought more people would comment, either way, on what i posted. No expectations here, just...
And here is what i have come to realize. This is mainly a cuckold board. There are cucks, and wanna'' be cucks... there are bulls and wanna' be bulls. There are hot Wives, dominant Wives, teasers, and submissives.
Whatever your persuasion, we are a very limited group in society. i simply thought that there would be so much more communication between members than there is. If only five or six of us, out of 100, have these inclinations, i would think there would be more of a willingness to really share... to get to know some new people... to possibly make a few good friends.
i used to run a BBS in Florida in the late 80s, early 90s, with around 1500 active members. (No, not cuckold related). i used to have get togethers every three or four months. Just *****, eat wings, and party. To this day about a dozen of us still chat and Facebook. Some i still see! i realize that CP is on a HUGE scale in comparison, but that doesn't eliminate the ability to share and learn. Honestly, how many members from this board chat privately or have actually met? i would bet very few.
i have been guilty of 'lurking' for a long time. Oh, i posted here and there, made a few comments, saved a lot of caps from some talented cappers! i guess I'm looking for 'more'. Who are we? how did we get involved in the cuckold life? i know some of you have already shared that. And i thank you for that! Maybe start a thread about how it all began...
I'm willing to do that... i haven't to date because it is quite long and no real way to shorten it. Let's see how many people reply to that??!!

Thanks for listening... you all have a great day!!

Oh, and for those of you...

...climbing down off my box now...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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And more...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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And more...

cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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And finally...

useful male


Posts: 3634
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These caps are amazing CP! Love all the "titty restriction".

I understand your thoughts. Funny thing, I ran a BBS back in the 80's also (PCBoard if I recall). And yes, the "community" was much tighter then. I think there are many reasons for that. Also, my board wasn't porn related. But we did make many friends "in real life"... something that's becoming more and more rare.

I'm glad you're back and I hope you keep capping!

Thank you!


Posts: 1975
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lovely thanks


Posts: 4631
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As usual, wonderful work.

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my mouth duties
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