In reference to my next gifs. Some background information.
Semen has a very complicated chemical profile, containing over 50 different compounds (including hormones, neurotransmitters, endorphins and immunosuppressants) each with a special function and occurring in different concentrations within the seminal plasma.
Now, medical professionals have known for a very long time that the vagina is an ideal route for dr-ug delivery. The reason for this is that the vagina is surrounded by an impressive vascular network. Arteries, blo-ood vessels, and lymphatic vessels abound, and – unlike some other routes of dr-ug administration – chemicals that are absorbed through the vaginal walls have an almost direct line to the body's peripheral circulation system.
Perhaps the most striking of these compounds is the bundle of mood-enhancing chemicals in semen. Such anxiolytic chemicals include, but are by no means limited to:
Testosterone: Increase sex drive and motivation; the more intercourse, the higher the testosterone levels in women, and the stronger the sexual desire. More than half the amount of testosterone in sperm has been found to be absorbed by the vagina.
Enkephalins: These opioids contribute to orgasm intensity and cause strong addiction. They also decrease anxiety and cause drowsiness after sex.
Tyrosine: Hormone of reward and addiction, and norepinephrine, involved in attention and arousal
Oxytocin: Stimulates ovulation, increases production of other hormones, initiates bonding, facilitates orgasmic contractions; Strengthen bonding and make sexual activity more rewarding
Estrone: Boost woman's sexual motivation and mood
Melatonin: Increases effects of steroid hormones; induces slee-piness and fatigue.
Cortisol: Increase affection
Prolactin: Natural antidepressant
Thyrotropin: Another antidepressant
Serotonin: Neurotransmit enhancer
Prolactin: Oxytocin secretion; mediates bonding
 40 - His load, version A
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